Class 14: Introduction to the Swing Toolkit

Introduction to Computation and Problem Solving Class 14: Introduction to the Swing Toolkit Prof. Steven R. Lerman and Dr. V. Judson Harward 1 Class...
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Introduction to Computation and Problem Solving

Class 14: Introduction to the Swing Toolkit Prof. Steven R. Lerman and Dr. V. Judson Harward 1

Class Preview Over the next 5 lectures, we will introduce you to the techniques necessary to build graphic user interfaces for your applications. Class 14: Introduction to Swing Basic Concepts: Components and containers, fonts, colors, borders, layout. Class 15: Constructing Swing interfaces. Class 16: Lab: The Swing Event Model. Class 17: Lab: How to do Custom Drawing in Swing, the Graphics 2D API. Class 18: 2D Transformations in Swing and a Graphing Case Study.




• Package of user interface classes for windows, menus, scroll bars, buttons, etc. • Independent of hardware and operating system (as long as they can paint a window). – Swing gains independence but loses performance by not relying on native toolkit components. – Has Windows, Motif, Mac look and feel options.

• Supersedes Java® Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) though it still uses many non-drawing classes from that library. import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*;

• See 3

A Simple GUI Application Let’s build a simple application with a GUI, a date desk accessory that displays today’s date:



Getting the Date If we are going to display the date, we first have to figure out what it is: Converts Date�Text

import java.text.*; Millisecond ticks since since import java.util.*; January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT public class Today0 { public static void main (String args[]) { DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL); Date now = new Date(); String dateStr = formatter.format( now ); System.out.println( dateStr ); } } A readable date 5

Displaying the Date, Try 1 So, we’ve got the date. Let’s display it. We create an instance of a GUI class containing the String date and we make it visible: public static void main (String args[]) { DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL); Date now = new Date(); String dateStr = formatter.format( now ); Today1 today = new Today1( dateStr ); today.setVisible( true ); Our GUI class //; } 6


The 3 Flavors of GUI Classes • JComponents: present information or interact with the user – Examples: labels (JLabel), buttons (JButton), text fields (JTextField) • Containers: some JComponents are designed to hold other components, not present or interact – Examples: JPanel , JScrollPane • Top Level Windows: are containers that are not contained by any other containers; they can be iconified or dragged and interact with the native windowing system – Example: JFrame, JDialog (not JComponents at all)


Anatomy of a JFrame Look and Feel and platform dependent

Interacts with the window system

The contentPane is an inner container that holds your content 8


Displaying the Date, Try 1, Part 2 import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.BorderLayout; public class Today1 extends JFrame { private JLabel dateLabel; public Today1( String dStr ) { setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); dateLabel = new JLabel( "Today is " + dStr ); getContentPane().add( dateLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER ); pack(); }


Displaying the Date, Try 1, Part 3 • The simplest way to display a String is a JLabel • We need a JFrame to hold our JLabel public class Today1 extends JFrame { private JLabel dateLabel;



Displaying the Date, Try 1, Part 4 Use the ctor argument to build the JLabel public Today1( String dStr ) { dateLabel = new JLabel( "Today is " + dStr ); getContentPane().add( dateLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER );

Add the JLabel to the JFrame’s contentPane

Where to add it; more on this layout manager in the next lecture


Displaying the Date, Try 1, Part 5 So closing the window will end the application

setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); pack(); //setSize( 300, 100 );

So the JFrame will fit its contents and not shrivel up like a raisin



Swing Application Termination Any program that makes a Swing component visible, including a dialog created via JOptionPane, must explicitly exit by 1. 2.

calling System.exit( int code ) or using setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); to tell Swing what to do when the window system attempts to close the window, (e.g. by clicking the window close box.)

the window close box Why? Because as soon as you put up a GUI window, you start a separate GUI thread that won't end when you run off the end of the main() method. 13

Displaying the Date, Try 1, Critique

• It’s too small and the colors don’t stand out. • We need to choose a custom Font and text (foreground) Color. import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Color;



Fonts • Standard constructor: Font myFont = new Font( String name, int style, int size );

• Font name: safe approach is to use a logical font name, one of – "SansSerif", "Serif", "Monospaced", "Dialog", "DialogInput", "Symbol"

• Four font styles are present: Font.y where y is – PLAIN, BOLD, ITALIC – Font.BOLD + Font.ITALIC

• Size is point size; 12 corresponds to standard printed text 15

Colors • 13 predefined colors: Color.x where x is – orange, pink, cyan, magenta, yellow, black, blue, white, gray, lightGray, darkGray, red, green

• You can define your own colors // RGB or (red-green-blue) Color ugly= new Color(30, 90, 120);



Displaying the Date, Try 2 dateFont = new Font( "Serif", Font.BOLD, 24 ); dateLabel.setFont( dateFont ); dateLabel.setForeground( ); dateLabel.setBackground( Color.white );

• Why doesn't the background change? Not all JComponents are opaque by default.

• The JFrame crowds the label. 17

Borders • In Swing, borders are objects. • The best way to get some space around our label is to give it an empty border. • The best way to create a border is to use the factory methods in class BorderFactory: import javax.swing.border.*;

. . .

Border empty =

BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( top,left, bottom,right);



Displaying the Date, Try 3

JLabel background is transparent in some look & feels by default

dateLabel.setOpaque( true );

Border empty = createEmptyBorder(10,20,10,20);

dateLabel.setBorder( empty );

dateLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( SwingConstants.CENTER );

Add our empty border to the label and center it


Building with Components • As simple as our first application is, we can build some very interesting variations with little additional code. • JLabels can hold images as well as or instead of text. • A contentPane has 5 zones where you can add a component. North West






A Simple Image Viewer, 1 import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import*; public class ImageView1 extends JFrame { public static void main( String [] args ) { String url = ""; String title = "The New Stata Center"; ImageView1 theView = new ImageView1( url, title ); theView.setVisible( true ); }


A Simple Image Viewer, 2 private private private private

URL source; String title; JLabel imageLabel; JLabel titleLabel;

An incantation explained in a later lecture

public ImageView1( String u, String t ) { setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); try { source = new URL( u ); } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) { System.out.println( "Bad URL " + source ); System.exit( 1 ); } title = t; 22


A Simple Image Viewer, 3 // make a label of an image

ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon( source );

imageLabel =

new JLabel( image, SwingConstants.CENTER ); getContentPane().add( imageLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER ); // make a 2 nd label of the title titleLabel = new JLabel( title, SwingConstants.CENTER ); // set it below getContentPane().add( titleLabel, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); pack(); }


Complex Components • A JLabel is just about as simple as a component gets. But using a more complicated component is identical. • Components encapsulate their functionality spatially and conceptually. • Consider the following example that uses a JColorChooser, a very complicated component. 24


JColorChooser Example, 1 public class FavoriteColor extends JFrame { private ColorLabel colorLabel; private JColorChooser chooser; public static void main(String args[]) { FavoriteColor favor = new FavoriteColor( "Jud", new Color( 255, 200, 100 )); favor.setVisible( true ); } 25

JColorChooser Example, 2 public FavoriteColor( String person, Color c ) { setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); chooser = new JColorChooser( c ); colorLabel = new ColorLabel( "This is " + person + "'s favorite color.", chooser ); chooser.setPreviewPanel( colorLabel ); chooser.getSelectionModel().addChangeListener( colorLabel ); getContentPane().add( chooser, BorderLayout.CENTER ); pack(); }


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