Child Protection Policy

Maltby Lilly Hall Academy




GENERAL PRINCIPLES ..................................................................................................................................... 2


WHAT TO DO IF YOU SUSPECT OR ARE INFORMED OF ABUSE ................................................................ 3


DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 5


WHAT IS CHILD ABUSE .................................................................................................................................... 6


DISCLOSURE .................................................................................................................................................... 7


STAFF TRAINING .............................................................................................................................................. 8

APPENDIX 1 .............................................................................................................................................................. 9 APPENDIX 2 ............................................................................................................................................................ 21 APPENDIX 3 ............................................................................................................................................................ 22 APPENDIX 4 ............................................................................................................................................................ 23 APPENDIX 5 ............................................................................................................................................................ 24

CA 23.2.2015




Maltby Lilly Hall Academy fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection. Our policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the school. The five main elements to our policy are to:



Ensure we practice safer recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children

Raise awareness of child protection issues and equip children with the skills needed to keep them safe

Develop and implement procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse

Support pupils who have been abused in accordance with the agreed child protection plan

Establish a safe environment in which children can learn and develop.

We recognise that, because of their day-to-day contact with children, school staff are well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse. The school will therefore:

Establish and maintain an environment encouraged to talk, and are listened to

Ensure children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried

Include opportunities in the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum for children to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse.






We will follow the procedures set out by the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and take account of guidance issued by the DfE to:

• Ensure we have a designated senior person for child protection who has received appropriate training and support for this role

Ensure we have a nominated governor responsible for child protection

Ensure every member of staff (including temporary and supply staff and volunteers) and governing body knows the name of the designated senior person responsible for child protection and their role

Ensure all staff and volunteers understand their responsibilities in being alert to the signs of abuse and responsibility for referring any concerns to the designated senior person responsible for child protection CA 23.2.2015


Ensure that parents have an understanding of the responsibility placed on the school and staff for child protection by setting out its obligations on the school website

Notify social services if there is an unexplained absence of more than two days of a pupil who is on the child protection register

Develop effective links with relevant agencies and cooperate as required with their enquiries regarding child protection matters, including attendance at case conferences

Keep written records of concerns about children, even where there is no need to refer the matter immediately

Ensure all records are kept securely, separate from the main pupil files, and in locked locations

Develop and then follow procedures where an allegation is made against a member of staff or volunteer

Ensure safe recruitment practices are always followed.

We recognise that children who are abused or witness violence may find it difficult to develop a sense of self-worth. They may feel helplessness, humiliation and some sense of blame. The school may be the only stable, secure and predictable element in the lives of children at risk. When at school their behaviour may be challenging and defiant or they may be withdrawn. The school will endeavour to support the pupil through:

The content of the curriculum

The school ethos which promotes a positive, supportive and secure environment and gives pupils a sense of being valued

The school behaviour policy which is aimed at supporting vulnerable pupils in the school. The school will ensure that the pupil knows that some behaviour is unacceptable but they are valued and not to be blamed for any abuse which has occurred

Liaison with other agencies that support the pupil such as social services, Child and Adult Mental Health Service (CAHMS), education welfare service and educational psychology service

Ensuring that, where a pupil on the child protection register leaves, their information is transferred to the new school immediately and that the child's social worker is informed.




If you suspect or a pupil discloses information relating to neglect or abuse:

Contact one of the Designated Child Protection Officers or the Senior Child Protection Officer (Head Teacher) immediately CA 23.2.2015

Record your concerns on a cause for concern form, sign it and record the date and time.

Designated Child Protection Officers (See contact sheet for telephone numbers):




Mr D. Taylor. Designated Governor

Mrs A. Liversidge. Senior Child Protection Officer

Ms J. Denyer. Designated Child Protection Officer

Mrs C. Teasdale. Designated Child Protection Officer

Mrs A. Routledge. Designated Child Protection Officer

Mrs L. Kingham. Designated Child Protection Officer

Mrs L. Langton. Deputy Child Protection Officer.

If you cannot make contact with an officer or are not satisfied by their response:

Refer to Safeguarding Governor

You are entitled to make your own referral to Social Services or the Police

You may wish to contact Rotherham Safeguarding first for advice

See contact Sheet for telephone details.

Action by Child Protection Officers:

Liaise with Head Teacher as soon as possible

If you cannot contact the above consult with the other CP Officers and take action

Do not ignore or delay

Consult with parents where this would not put the child at risk – If in doubt telephone Rotherham Safeguarding or Children’s Access & Referral Team

If further advise is needed or you are unsure of appropriate steps, telephone Rotherham Safeguarding or Children’s Access & Referral Team.

The Head Teacher/Deputy Head Teacher should initiate the following either through themselves or an appropriate Child Protection Officer:

Take any further steps needed to protect any pupil involved from risk of immediate harm

Form a judgement as to the degree of action required depending upon the level of concern, neglect or abuse

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Initiate school action through a Child Protection Officer. This may involve further questioning of the pupil and contacting the parent/carer – it is not our role to investigate the allegation

If necessary consult or seek advice of Rotherham Safeguarding

If required, contact Children and Family Services

Agree with the class teacher/phase leader/senior leader any necessary steps in relation to; parents, other staff, police, doctor or alleged perpetrator or witnesses

Make arrangements where feasible for any pupil who has been the subject of abuse to receive any necessary continuing counselling and support by agreement with his or her parent/carers where appropriate

Ensure necessary notes are completed and kept securely

Be prepared to follow up telephone calls with full referral to Social Services within 24 hours

Be prepared to attend safeguarding strategy meetings, contribute towards the completion of a FCAF, attend child protection conferences and contribute towards Child Protection Plans and Reviews

Consider suspending a member of staff with a view to taking disciplinary action against any member of staff or agent of the school, where it believes pupils are at risk of abuse from that member of staff, even in cases where there is to be no criminal prosecution

In the case that the school, or individual staff member is concerned that social services have not responded and a child is in imminent risk, the police should be called.




What is a Child?


Anyone under the age of 18, although this is sometimes lowered to 16

Sometimes for the purposes of child protection, young people are classified as children, due to certain conditions laid out by law

Vulnerable adults are those over the age of 18 who are unable to safeguard their own welfare, property or financial affairs and fit certain other criteria for care

‘Youth Matters’, part of the ‘Every Child Matters’ framework recognises that some young people will have support needs to the age of 19, especially in education.

What is Child Protection?

A moral and legal responsibility for children and young people under the age of 18, under the Children Act 1989 and 2004 CA 23.2.2015




Recognition that abuse may occur

Recognition that non-action is not an option

Understanding that all children are entitled to be protected from harm and abuse (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 19)

A framework and procedure setting out the action that must be taken where there are any concerns to the protection of children or abuse.

What is Child Abuse?

Four main types: physical, emotional, sexual and neglect

Also, organised abuse

Abuse actually refers to action or inaction by parents or carers. Assault refers to the action or inaction by anyone else. Generally the term ‘abuse’ is used to cover all areas

It often comes to people’s notice through: Disclosure by the child

Information from a third party

Observation of unexplained injury or changes in behaviour.

What does ‘Safeguarding Children Mean’?

Protecting children from maltreatment

Preventing the impairment of children’s health or development

Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances with the provision of safe and effective care

Undertaking that role so as to enable those children to have optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully.

What is significant Harm?


The Children Act in 1989 introduced the concept of significant harm as the threshold that justifies compulsory intervention in family life in the best interests of children and that gives the LA a duty to make enquiries to decide whether they should take action to safeguard or promote the welfare of a child who is suffering, or likely to suffer ‘significant harm’.


From the Department of Education and Skills document ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’, 2006 CA 23.2.2015


PHYSICAL: May involve poking, pushing, hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating. It can also include Fabricated or Induced Illness where a parent simulates the symptoms of, or deliberately causes ill health in a child, and other related issues.


EMOTIONAL: Persistent emotional ill treatment that is likely to cause serious harm to the child’s emotional development. This may involve name calling, conveying to children that they are worthless, unloved, inadequate, and cause children to feel frightened, in danger, be exploited or corrupted.


SEXUAL: Forcing or enticing a child or adolescent to take part in sexual activities, whether or not they are aware of what is happening. May include physical contact, penetrative or nonpenetrative acts, also including children watching pornographic material or watching sexual acts.


NEGLECT: The persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and / or psychological needs;, which is likely to result in serious impairment to their health and development. This may present itself as the parent or carer failing to provide food, shelter, clothing, or a failure to protect the child from physical harm and danger, or allow access to medical care and treatment. It may also include neglect of a child’s basic emotional needs.


ORGANISED ABUSE: Sexual abuse where there is more than a single abuser and the adults concerned appear to act in agreement to abuse children and/or where an adult uses an institutional framework or position of authority to recruit children for sexual abuse.




If a child discloses:

Do not put the moment off

You may need to find a place of privacy – not always appropriate

Be clear that you cannot keep information confidential

Keep calm


Guard against negative body language CA 23.2.2015


Don’t judge

Find someone to assist in communication if necessary

Respond briefly, slowly and gently

Do not ask leading questions

Do not assume that there is only one child involved.

Ensure that you:

Record what you have heard/observed

Make notes as soon as possible

Use child’s words wherever possible

Include what you have said to the child

Keep information factual

Include what lead up to the disclosure

Date, time, place, who was present

Complete the Cause for Concern form ( on board in staff room)

At this point do not discuss with anyone other than designated person





The school will ensure that appropriate Child Protection training is provided for all staff:

Senior Child Protection Officer, Designated Child Protection Officer and Deputy Child Protection Officer - sufficient training up to Level Three, renewed every two years.

Other Child Protection Officers - at least up to Level Two, renewed every two years.

All Child Protection Officers will attend relevant Local Authority training opportunities and Forum activities.

All members of staff (teaching and associate professionals) - at least up to Level One equivalent. (For current levels of staff training see section 8)

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Home Address:



Telephone: e mail:

Status of file and dates: OPEN CLOSED TRANSFER

Any other child protection records held in school relating to this child/child closely connected to him/her? YES/NO WHO? Members of household Name


Relationship to child


Contact No

CA 23.2.2015

Significant Others (relatives, friends, childminders, etc) Name

Relationship to child


Tel No

Other Agency Involvement

Name of officer/person

Role and Agency

Status of Child ie CAF/CPP/LAC/CiN

Tel No


CA 23.2.2015



Sheet Number: Complete for all incidents of concern including where a ‘logging the concern’ sheet has not been completed. If one has been completed then add a note to this chronology to cross reference (significant information may also be added). Name:




Information/Details of concerns or contact

Print Name and Signature

CA 23.2.2015

Logging a concern about a child’s safety and welfare Part 1 (for use by any staff) Pupil’s Name:

Date of Birth:

Date and Time of Incident:

Date and Time (of writing):

Name: Job Title:


Note the reason(s) for recording the incident.

Record the following factually: Who? What (if recording a verbal disclosure by a child use their words)? Where? When (date and time of incident)? Any witnesses?

Note any actions taken, including names of anyone with whom this information was discussed.

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Any other relevant information (distinguish between fact and opinion).

Check to make sure your report is clear to someone else reading it.

Please pass this form to your Designated Person for Child Protection.

Logging a concern about a child’s safety and welfare Part 2 (for use by Designated Person) Time and date information received by DP, and from whom. Any advice sought by DP (date, time, name, role, organisation and advice given). Action taken (referral to children’s social care/monitoring advice given to appropriate staff/CAF etc) with reasons. Note time, date, names, who information shared with and when etc. Parent’s informed Y/N and reasons.

Outcome Record names of individuals/agencies who have given you CA 23.2.2015

information regarding outcome of any referral (if made). Where can additional information regarding child/incident be found (eg pupil file, serious incident book)? Should a concern file be commenced if not already one? Why? Signed

Print Name

Logging concerns / information shared by others external to the school Pupil’s Name:

Date of Birth:

Date and Time of Incident:

Date and Time of receipt of information: Via letter / telephone etc?

Recipient (and role) of information: Name of caller/provider of information: Organisation/agency/role: Contact details (telephone number/address/e-mail) Relationship to the child/family: Information received:

Actions /Recommendations for the school:


CA 23.2.2015

Name: Signature: Job Title: Date and time completed: Counter Signed by Designated Person: Name: Date and time:

Please pass this form to your Designated Person for Child Protection.

Body Map Guidance Body Maps should be used to document and illustrate visible signs of harm and physical injuries. Always use a black pen (never a pencil) and do not use correction fluid or any other eraser. Do not remove clothing for the purpose of the examination unless the injury site is freely available because of treatment. When you notice an injury to a child, try to record the following information in respect of each mark identified eg red areas, swelling, bruising, cuts, lacerations and wounds, scalds and burns:  Exact site of injury on the body, eg upper outer arm/left cheek  Size of injury - in appropriate centimetres or inches.  Approximate shape of injury, eg round/square or straight line  Colour of injury - if more than one colour, say so.  Is the skin broken?  Is there any swelling at the site of the injury, or elsewhere?  Is there a scab? / any blistering? / any bleeding?  Is the injury clean? or is there grit/fluff etc? CA 23.2.2015

 Is mobility restricted as a result of the injury?  Does the site of the injury feel hot?  Does the child feel hot?  Does the child feel pain? Importantly the date and time of the recording must be stated as well as the name and designation of the person making the record.

Add any further comments as required.

A copy of the body map should be kept on the child’s concern file.

BODYMAP - To be completed at time of observation

Names for Child:

Date of Birth:

Name of Worker:


Date and time of observation:

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Name of Child:

Date of observation:

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Name of Child:





Date of observation: CA 23.2.2015






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Date of observation:

Name of Child:











CA 23.2.2015




Mrs A. Liversidge

Senior Safeguarding Officer

Ms J Denyer

Safeguarding Officer

Mrs L. Langton

Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Mrs A. Routledge

Safeguarding Officer

Mrs C. Teasdale

Safeguarding Officer

Mrs L. Kingham

Safeguarding Officer

Mrs J. Maxted

Safeguarding SENCO

Mr D Taylor

Safeguarding Governor

Child Protection Certificate



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APPENDIX 3 Contact

School Position


Receptionists Secretaries Principal

Mrs A. Liversidge Ms. J. Denyer

Assistant Principal

Mrs L. Langton

Pastoral Support

Mrs C. Teasdale Mrs A. Routledge Mrs L. Kingham Mr J. Maxted

Phase Leader

Mr D. Taylor


Gill Brooks



Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub Police

Sergeant Suzanne Snowden Duty Officer

Duty Officer

Out of Hours Concerns

Phase Leader Phase Leader Senco

Rotherham Safeguarding Children Board NSPCC incorporating Childline Social Care

CP Role

Communicate to all staff Senior Safeguarding Officer Senior Safeguarding Officer Deputy Safeguarding Officer Safeguarding Officer Safeguarding Officer Safeguarding Officer Safeguarding Senco Safeguarding Officer Governor LADO Safeguarding Officer Front Desk Referrals


Statutory Safeguarding Body in Rotherham Advice and Guidance

Out of Hours Duty Officer

School telephone or School Mobile 01709


01709 812148

[email protected]

01709 812148

[email protected]

01709 812148

[email protected]

01709 812148

[email protected]

01709 812148

[email protected]

01709 812148

[email protected]

01790 812148

jmaxted@maltbyacademy .org

1709 812148

[email protected]

01709 823 914

[email protected]

01709 823 987

0782 725 8223

01709 823 987 (Access & Assessment Team) 0800 1111 (Childline) 0808 800 5000 (Adults) 01709 336 080

CA 23.2.2015


Children Act


Working together Under the Children Act Department of Health


Safe from harm home Office


Protecting Children from Abuse; the role of the Education service


Nursery Education and Grant-maintained Schools Act


The Police Act


The Use of Force to control or Restrain pupils


The Protection of Children Act


Caring for the Young and Vulnerable Department of Health


Working Together to safeguard Children Department of Health


Care Standards Act


Criminal Justice and Court Services Act


Children and Young People’s Unit launched


Victoria Climbie Public Enquiry


Preventing Unsuitable People from Working with Children and Young Persons in the Education Service


Education Act


Sexual Offences Act


Barring People from Working with Children in Education


What to do if a child is being Abused


Children Act


‘Every Child Matters’


Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act


Childcare Act

CA 23.2.2015


CHILD PROTECTION OFFICERS 2014 - 15 Mrs A. Liversidge Safeguarding Officer

Mrs L. Langton Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Mrs C. Teasdale

Mrs A. Routledge

Mrs L. Kingham

Safeguarding Officer

Safeguarding Officer

Safeguarding Officer

Mrs J. Maxted Safeguarding Senco

Mr D. Taylor

Ms J. Denyer

Safeguarding Governor

Safeguarding Officer

CA 23.2.2015