Child Abuse Workshop



Alberto Orellana, Mental Health Specialist

Reporting Laws and How to Report Child Abuse • • • • •

Introduction Mission and History Definition of Child Abuse Mandated Reporting Types of Abuse

Mission & History The mission of the Child Abuse Prevention Council is to prevent Child Abuse in Contra Costa County through coordination of services; information sharing; public education; and advocacy.

Founded as an umbrella organization in 1976 and incorporated in 1984

Definition of Child Abuse

Child abuse is an injury which is inflicted by non-accidental means, upon a child by another person

Child Abuse... Child abuse does not discriminate. It crosses every race, gender, economic and social status.

Types of Abuse

• • • •

Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse Emotional Abuse Neglect (General and Severe)

Physical Abuse Includes, but not limited to

• • • • •

Bruises Burns Welts Cuts Bone and skull fractures; these are cause by kicking, punching, beating, knifing, strapping, paddling, shaking, etc.

Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse means the victimization of a child by sexual activities, but is not limited to sex acts with children or child molestation, and does not require force or lack of consent.

Sexual Abuse... •

Includes sexual assault and sexual exploitation, both in and out of the family.

Sexual exploitation refers to conduct or activities related to the use of children in pornography or prostitution.

Emotional Abuse •

Means willfully or permitting any child to suffer, or inflicting mental suffering and endangering a child’s emotional well being.

Emotional Abuse It is identified by a pattern of destructive interaction between child and parent, illustrated by either an attitude of rejection, isolation, terrorizing or corruption. Includes verbal abuse that may cause the child’s self esteem to diminish


Means the negligent failure of the person having the care or custody of a child to provide adequate food,clothing, shelter, good hygiene, protection or supervision

Severe Neglect

Is the negligent failure of the parent or caretaker to protect the child from severe malnutrition or willfully causes or permits the health of the child to be endangered.

Child abuse in USA ...

Child abuse and neglect is a serious problem, resulting in the death of many children in the U.S. each year.

Child abuse... Even those children who survive abuse and neglect are likely to suffer permanent damage. According to conservative estimates, over 50% of maltreated children have serious developmental, psychological, and medical problems.

Mandated Reporting What is a mandated reporter? • Those persons who are required by law to report suspected child abuse are mandated reporters. •

Any other persons who may develop concerns for a child’s welfare are discretionary reporters.

Who Reports • • • • •

Child care custodian Health practitioner Employees of a child protective agencies Firefighters Animal control officers or Humane society officers Commercial film and photographic print processors Members of the clergy

Mandated Reporting When do you report child abuse? When you have: • Knowledge of abuse • You have observed it • “Reasonable suspicion”

What is reasonable suspicion?

“Reasonable suspicion” means that, after examining all the facts in a particular situation, most people with similar training and experience would suspects abuse [Penal code Sec. 11166(a)]

Mandated Reporting If a child come to you for help…

Do not panic or express shock.

If a child come to you for help… •Be patient •Try to get some information about the situation •Use simple words •Reassure the child that she/he has done the right thing by telling you. •Tell the child how you plan to protect her or him. •Report it to the proper authorities. •Be prepared to talk about it with the child. •Encourage child to continue routine activities •Get professional counseling for child. •Find a place to vent your own feelings

Time Limits For Reporting •

You must report suspected child abuse immediately. You must file a written report within 36 hours after reporting suspected child abuse. It is your responsibility to report even if someone else says they will report it for you.

Child Abuse referrals o

West County

(510) 374-3324


Central County

(925) 646-1680


East County

(925) 427-8811

What happens When I report?

„ “Anyone who report known or suspected child

abuse is protected by the law from civil or criminal liability, unless it can be proven the report was false and the person who made the report knew it was false.” P.C 11172 (a)

Immunity and Safeguards Those persons legally required to report suspected child abuse have immunity from criminal and civil liability for reporting as required.

No supervisor or administrator may impede or inhibit a report or subject the reporting person to any sanction (P.C. 11166[f]).

What happens if I don’t report? •

You could be sent to jail or pay a fine, or both

Your conscience will bother you if anything serious happens to the child you did not report

If you do not report, you are not doing your job!

Children who have been abused are likely to become abusers if the cycle of violence isn’t broken

I’m afraid to report... •

• • •

Think of it this way; you may be helping a family who is in great need for services For many abusers, it’s a cry for help Your responsibility is to protect the child Please report suspected child abuse. If you’re wrong, you still did the right thing

Please complete the following test ‰


After you have completed the test make sure you sign it. Send it to the Disabilities/Mental Health Manager.

C o n tra C o s ta C o u n ty C o m m u n ity S e rvic e s D e p artm en t M e n ta l H e a lth U n it C h ild A b u s e T e s t N a m e :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ D a te :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T ru e o r F a ls e 1 ._ _ _ _ C h ild A b u se is a n in ju ry, w h ich is in flicte d b y n o n -a ccid e n ta l m e a n s, u p o n a ch ild b y a n o th e r p e rso n . 2 ._ _ _ _ C h ild a b u se d o e s n o t d iscrim in a te . It cro sse s e ve ry ra ce , g e n d e r, e co n o m ic a n d so cia l sta tu s. 3 ._ _ _ _ C h ild a b u se a n d n e g le ct is n o t a se rio u s p ro b le m in th e U n ite d S ta te s e a ch ye a r. 4 ._ _ _ _ A cco rd in g to co n se rva tive e stim a te s, ove r 5 0 % of m a ltre a te d ch ild re n h a ve se rio u s d e ve lo p m e n ta l, p sych o lo g ica l, a n d m e d ica l p ro b le m s. 5 ._ _ _ _ P h ysica l a b u se in clu d e s, b u t n o t lim ite d to b ru ise s, b u rn s, w e lts, cu ts, th e se a re ca u se b y kickin g, p u n ch in g , b itin g , b e a tin g , e tc. 6 ._ _ _ _ S e xu a l a b u se in clu d e s b u t n o t lim ited to se x a ssa u lt a n d se xu a l e xp lo ita tio n b o th in a n d o u t o f th e fa m ily. 7 ._ _ _ _ E m o tio na l a b u se in clu d e s ve rb a l a b u se th a t m a y ca u se th e ch ild ’s se lf e ste e m to d im in ish . 8 ._ _ _ _ N e g le ct m e a n s th e n e glige n t fa ilu re o f th e p e rso n h a vin g th e ca re o r cu sto d y o f a ch ild to p ro vid e a d e q u a te fo o d , clo th in g . S h e lte r, g o o d h ygie n e , p ro te ctio n s, etc 9 ._ _ _ _ N o t a ll C S D sta ff is re q u ire d to re p o rt ch ild a b u se .

P le a s e m a rk th e rig h t a n s w e r I re p o rt ch ild a b u se w h e n a) b) c) d)

H a ve H a ve H a ve A ll o f

kn o w le d g e o f a b u se o b se rve d it “re a so n a b le su sp icio n ” th e a b o ve

Mandated reporters are only a)

Child Care custodian


Health practitioner


Child care protective agency


Commercial film


Photographic print processors


All of the above

I must file a written report after reporting suspected child abuse within a) 36 hours b) 24 hours c) 12 hours d) 16 hours

When I report child abuse I am a) b) c)

Protected by the law My name is confidential All of the above

If I do not report child abuse a) b) c) d)

I could be sent to jail, pay a fine or both My conscience will bother if anything serious happens to the child I did not report I am not doing my job All of the above

Types of child abuse are

a) Physical Abuse b) Sexual Abuse c) Emotional Abuse d) Neglect e) All of the above

o report child abuse in CSD I do the following:

a) Report to CPS by phone immediately b) Inform my supervisor and/or Children’s Services Manager c) Send a written report within 36 hours d) Send a copy of the report to Disabilities/Mental Health Managers e) All of the above