\ y mm, STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1853 PAGE 0 Delegates To Attend Model UN Assembly Pbofia&ed BudpeU Fraternities . . . Delegates To...
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Delegates To Attend Model UN Assembly



Fraternities . . .

Delegates To Attend Model UN Assembly

State College News^S^

(Continued from Page l, Column V Myskanla bert Strauber and Archie WestmilThe delegates who will attend the Election Supplies $ 35 $ 35 ler. Pro- Ped 40 40Kappa Beta pledges include Rich- United Nations Model General Asposed Keys sembly to be held at Cornell Uni88 95 ard Hasman '54; George Berger, versity April 1, 2, and 3 have been 'Continued from Puye ±, vuiumn lt) 52.53 53.54 Stationery 16 16 MUD Supplies 6 6 Robert Carper, Clarence Mosher, chosen, announces Joseph Lombardi SA today for acceptance are those ^gZSUVSL Alfred Peachey, and Herbert SafTotal $185 $192 ran, Sophomores; Donald Bliss, Har- '53. They are Joyce Turner, Edna of the following organizations: laneous Sherber, • Seniors; Frank Giannone Campus Commission, Forum of Pol- victrola 30 30 Press Bureau vey Brody, Marvin Goldstein, Ern- Richard Hannis Juniors; Brad Militics, Inter-group Council, Mys- Keys 35 35 Ped $ 25 $ 25 est Tebordo, Thomas Vetraw, Mi- ler, Earl Beach, and Ruth Brown, Postage 40 40 kan.a, Press Bureau, Radio Council, Pedagogue 25 25 chael Humphrey, Ray Milnarik, Sophomores. 65 65 Arnold Newman, William Pierce, The conference will discuss the Student Board of Finance, and StuTotal $105 $105* Supplies Keys 20 20 Fred Rudisch, Harold Schwoger and problems facing the United Nations •uent Counr.11. These "r'dgets were Forum of Politics e( 25 Total $150 $150 Livingston Smith, freshmen. passed uj otuc°"t Council- with re- P * * $25 in an attempt to suggest some solu1, . , . „ „ Speakers 100 150 Radio Council New pledges of Sigma Lambda tions. Abba S. Eban, Israel's permanvisions. Eac" - - . a few _ _ 3 e t fs ^ ^ n 15 Busfares, Phone Calls $ 10 $ 10 Sigma include David Treharne, ent representative to the U.N. and will be disL..S£f: •-. assecviy. until publicity 20 20 Grad.; George Hathaway '54; Wil-ambassador to the U. S. will deliver Stationery 10 10 the entire S i budget nas p**». ap- Soapbox 90 125 1 am Pizer, Phillips Sampbell, the keynote address. Tapes 13 13 Charles Beckwith, and Henry proved. "Conferences 128 184* Ped 25 25 J 10 Booke, Sophomores. F r e s h m a n Donalu Dwyer, Nelson LaRoe, Ray Tota. $374 $519* Publicity pledges are Robert Smith, George Murphy, and Benjamin Tucker, Miscellaneous . 10 10 Student Council decided to Nevil.e, William Small, George Sophomores; Bernard Baker, Joseph choose delegates to the Exchange Inter-Group Council Total $ 78 $ 78 Staats, Morton Katz, William Rock, Clement, Gerald Cline, Barry DeliaCamp at Plattsburg State Teacher's Conferences $ 51 $ 51 Angelo Scordato, James Sheedy, flora, Carueth Enfield, John FlanCollege from activities sheets of Speaker 25 25 Student Council Thomas Bogardus, Alan Weiner, agan, Richard Gorman, Peter Guthose interested in participating. Trans. & Postage 23 23 Directory (1800 copies) $300 $300 Frank Santoro, Thomas Shuman- lak, Paul Hlavaty, William Horak, The Exchange Camp will be from Dance 36 55 Keys 75 75 ski, Nicholas Cassevoy, Maurice Erwin Horwitz, Donald Johnson, April 19 through 24, and will bring Publicity 5 10Conferences 133 130 several Piattsburg students to State Ped 25 25 Bouvier, Philip Smith, Frank Ges- Joseph Kelly, Bruce King, Sam Supplies 30 45 in exchange for several of our stu- Literature 20 15 lak, Benjamin Hammond, Robert Krchn ak, Henry Nadig, Donald NoPed 40 40 John Hughes, Robert Betscha, Har- lan, Thomas O'Loughlin, Wayne dents. Total $185 $204 SA Activities 60 60 low Cushman, Brooke Elgie, Ken- Overton, Frank Prindle, Charles Assembly 15 10 Student Council again decided on Student Board of Finance neth Kime, Henry Ostheim, James Sakman, Philip Schatzle, William the desirability of keeping the Tele- Keys $ 25 $ 25 Total $653 $660 Wrinn, and James Marriam. Shipengrover, Sigmund Smith, vision set in the activities room by Ped 25 25 Potter Club pledges include Louis James Sweet, William Wilcox, fresh* Lines in which Student Council defeating a motion to replace it in Supplies & Postage .... 15 30 Ciulla, Grad.; Walter Barbash, '54; men. the Lower Lounge. Total $ 65 $ 80 recommends changes.




Forum Delegates SA To Discuss A s s e m b l y P r o g r a m W i l l I n c l u d e Will Assemble Two Student | ^ . . ' >-^# • FN L i A t St. Lawrence Insurance Plans UlSCUSSIOIl U l " I n s u r a n c e , D e b a t e M

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be brought before the stu-


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Measles, Flu







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the senior class, each class presHPnt shall rail a class mPPtino- at , I .L» "feting at

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The Crane Department of Music Student Council several weeks ago, of the State University Teachers wh le the $18.50 plan is a result of C.:i..e at Potsdam will present the Council's request that a policy with C o l g a t e Singers an.l Woodwind more complete medicinal coverage Quintet in the Chancellor's Hall, be investigated. Arthur Kapner, loState E-lucation, Thursday cal representative of Mutual of Omat 8:30 p.m.. announces Dr. Charles aha. underwriters of both policies, Stokes, Professor of Music. will be on hand in assembly today The Collegiate Singers are a mix- to explain the policies further and • - M chorus of 48 voice. w