CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION. In explaining the findings I do some steps. Firstly I presents the types of code switching used

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION In this chapter, I focus on finding and discussion of code switching used by the English teachers. This ch...
Author: Clyde Bryan
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CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION In this chapter, I focus on finding and discussion of code switching used by the English teachers. This chapter discusses the types, and the reason of code switching is used by the English teachers. 1.1 Research findings In explaining the findings I do some steps. Firstly I presents the types of code switching used by the English teachers, secondly I presents the reason of code switching used by the English teachers and the data are analyzed based on clasification related to the type and reason of code switching found in the record and interview. 1.1.1 Types of Code Switching Used by the English Teacher There are two types of code switching according to Hymes and Gumperz situational code switching and metaphorical code switching but in my research I only found one type that is situational code switching. Situational Code Switching Context 1: This situation occurred in class XI for science program the teacher 1 taught about report text to her students. What is general classification? General classification atau klasifikasi secara umum yaitu memberikan gambaran bentuk- bentuk dari apa yang di laporkan misalnya tingkah laku, cara dia berkembang biak, dan cara dia melangsungkan hidup. ( See Appendix II. On P.53. Data No 1)

The Data can be categorized as situational code switching because a change language that occur because of a change situation. The teacher felt that change the language to Indonesian language the students can understand what the teacher want. Context 2: This situation occurred in class XI for social program. The teacher 1 explained about report text and she gave text about orchid to their students. Report is to describe something such as animal and plant, report yaitu menggambarkan sesuatu seperi hewan dan tumbuhan. ( See Appendix II . On P.54 Data No 3) The Data can be categorized as situational code switching because a change language that occur because of a change situation. The teacher felt that change the language to Indonesian language the students can understand what the teacher want. Context 3: This situation occurred in class XI language program. The teacher 1 explains about the generic structure of text. There are two main part of report text, classification and identification, jadi ada dua the generic structure of report text, ( See Appendix II. on P.55 Data No 6) The Data can be categorized as situational code switching because a change language that occur because of a change situation. The teacher felt that change the language to Indonesian language the students can understand what the teacher want. Context 4: This situation occurred in class XII for science program. The teacher 2 explained about the text organization of narrative.

I think talk about conflict maybe you have learned in Indonesian language , mungkin sudah pernah kalian pelajari di bahasa Indonesia, bentuknya seperti piramid. ( See Appendix II. On P.56 Data No 8) The Data can be categorized as situational code switching because a change language that occur because of a change situation. The teacher felt that change the language to Indonesian language the students can understand what the teacher want. Context 5: This situation occurred in class XII for social program. The utterances happen when closing the class. So far the next week we will meet on Saturday ya? Jadi kita ketemu pada hari sabtu dengan midtest. ( See Appendix II . On P.58 Data No 13) The Data can be categorized as situational code switching because a change language that occur because of a change situation.

The teacher felt that change the language to

Indonesian language the students can understand what the teacher want.

Context 6: This situation occurred in class XII for language program. The teacher 2 explained about narrative text. The next structure of narrative adalah title, orientation, complication, resolution. Jadi, apa yang akan kalian lakukan silahkan baca text nya.Yang pertama sebelum kalian jawab pertanyaannya kalian cari dulu judulnya apa? ( See Appendix II on P.59 Data No 15)

The Data can be categorized as situational code switching because a change language that occur because of a change situation. The teacher felt that change the language to Indonesian language the students can understand what the teacher want. 1.1.2

The Reason Why the English Teacher Used Code Switching Something is done by someone of course there are some reason or purpose. So in

relation with this research there are some reason why the English teachers used code switching when they teach in class. There are seventh reasons for code switching according to Hoffman (in cakrawati 2011: 15) those are: Talking about a particular topic , Quoting somebody else, Being emphatic about something (express solidarity), Interjection (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors), Repetition used for clarification, Intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor, and the last is Expressing group identity but in my research I only found two reasons those are; Quoting somebody else and repetition used for clarification. Quoting somebody else A speaker switches code to quote a famous expression, proverb, or saying of some well-known figures. The switch involves just the words that the speaker is claiming the quoted person said. The switch like a set of quotation marks. Context: This situation occurred in class XII for social program , the class was taught about narrative text. And the situation in this class is less formal because the teacher still gives them advice before they explain the material. When she gave them advice suddenly the teacher is quoting the someone’s statement if your age more than 40 years old. I remember

someones’s statement she said that “penurunan daya ingat tergantung penglihatan” jadi kalian belum ada yang seperti itu ya? Kecuali jika usia kalian di atas 40-50 tahun ke atas. (See Appendix II . On P.58 Data No 12) From this situation we can see that the teacher do code switching “Quoting somebody else” Repetition used for clarification When a bilingual or multilingual person wants to clarify his speech so that it will be understood better by listener, he can sometimes use both of the languages (codes) that he masters to say the same message. Frequently, a message in one code is repeated in the other code literally. A repetition is not only served to clarify what is said, but also to amplify or emphasize a message. Context 1 : This situation is occurred in XI for science program , the teacher explained about report text exactly about the generic structure of report text. “ what is general clasification? General clasification atau klasifikasi secara umum yaitu memberikan gambaran bentuk – bentuk dari apa yang di laporkan misalnya, tingkah laku, cara dia berkembang biak, dan cara dia melangsungkan hidup. From this situation there is found one reason for code switch. The reason for code switch is the use of repetition for clarification . when a bilingual or multilingual person wants to clarify his speech she or he can repeat a message in one code to another code. A repetition is not only served to clarify what is said but also to amplify or emphasize a message . utterance “ What is general clasification? General clasification atau klasifikasi secara umum” this subject repeats the utterance using Indonesian to explain and emphasize the message that

wants to share with her students. Like in utterance general clasification switch into Indonesian klasifikasi secara umum. (See Appendix II .On P.53 Data No 1) From this situation we can see that the reason do code switching is “repetition used for clarification” . Context 2 : This situation occurred in class XI for science program their material is about report text. The teacher 1 explained all of the material about it included the generic structure of report text. While the teacher was taught the material suddenly the teacher give the question for her students “ what is the function of the text, apa fungsi dari text.” The reason for code switch is the use of repetition for clarification . when a bilingual or multilingual person wants to clarify his speech she or he can repeat a message in one code to another code. A repetition is not only served to clarify what is said but also to amplify or emphasize a message . utterance “ what is the function of the text, apa fungsi dari text.” this subject repeats the utterance using Indonesian to explain and emphasize the message that wants to share with her students. Like in utterance “ what is the function of the text switch into Indonesia apa fungsi dari text.”. ( See Appendix II . On P.53 Data No 1) There is code switching that occur in this situation. The reason for code switching includes “ Repetition used for clarification”. Context 3 : This situation occurred in class XI for social program. Their material still about report text and the teacher 1 give text about orchid to her students. and then the teacher read all of the

story about orchid after that teacher explained it to her students” so orchid can live in all of place, jadi dia bisa hidup di semua tempat ya? When you find information about something, jika kalian menyampaikan atau menggambarkan informasi tentang sesuatu, itu biasanya kalian menggunakan text apa? ( See Appendix II On P.54 . Data No 3) ” The reason for code switching still includes “repetition used for clarification” . The bilingual repeats the other code in somewhat modified form. The utterance ” so orchid can live in all of place, jadi dia bisa hidup di semua tempat ya?” ” the teacher translate into Indonesian to clarify the message that give explanation to her students. Context 4 : This situation occurred in class XI for language program. To open the class the teacher ask the students about their material that ever taught to them about report text “ who still memorize our lesson last week? Siapa yang masih ingat pelajaran kita di minggu lalu? Report text to describe what? Menggambar tentang apa? Coba amna? What is report text? (See Appendix II .On P.55 Data No 5) The reason for code switching still include “ Repetition used for clarification” . The bilingual repeats the other code in somewhat modified form. The utterance “ who still memorize our lesson last week? Siapa yang masih ingat pelajaran kita di minggu lalu? ” The teacher translate into Indonesian to clarify the message that give explanation to her students. Context 5 : This situation occurred in class XII for social program and this utterance found when the teacher will close the class “ so far the next we will meet on Saturday ya? Jadi kita ketemu pada hari sabtu dengan midtest”

(See Appendix II . On P.58 Data No 13) The reason for code switching still includes “ Repetition used for clarification”. The bilingual repeats the other code in somewhat modified form. The utterance class “ so far the next we will meet on Saturday ya? Jadi kita ketemu pada hari sabtu dengan midtest”. The teacher translate into Indonesian to clarify the message that give explanation to her students. Context 6: This situation occurred in class XI for science program the teacher 1 explained about their material. When she explained about report text suddenly the teacher ask the students” now making group and than masing-masing kelompok jadi berapa orang dan tim ahlinya yang mana? “ ( See Appendix II On P. 53 . Data No 2) From this situation we can see that the teacher

used “ repetition used for

clarification”. The bilingual repeats the other code in somewhat modified form. The utterance “now making group and then masing- masing kelompok jadi berapa orang dan tim ahlinya yang mana? ” The teacher translate into Indonesian to clarify the message that give explanation to her students. Context 7: This situation occurred in class XI for language program the tecaher 2 explained the two main part of report text, clasificaton and identification or she explained about the generic structure of report text “ sekarang saya akan bagi kalian dalam beberapa kelompok and every group for people ya?” The reason for used code switching still includes “repetition

used for clarification”. The teacher translate into Indonesian to clarify the message that give explanation to her students. (See Appendix II. On P.55 Data No 6) Context 8 : This situation occurred in class XII for social program. To open the class the teacher ask the students” before starting our activity you should praying first. We make a group and then we discussed about the text organization of narrative, you know what I mean? Kalian mengerti? We will make a group but before it I want you to count, kita akan membentuk kelompok dulu ya? Dan kita buat enam kelompok saja. ( See Appendix II . on P.57 Data No 10) From this situation, we can see that the teacher used “repetition used for clarification”. The bilingual repeats the other code in somewhat modified form. The utterance ” before starting our activity you should praying first. We make a group and then we discussed about the text organization of narrative, you know what I mean? Kalian mengerti? We will make a group but before it I want you to count, kita akan membentuk kelompok dulu ya? Dan kita buat enam kelompok saja” The teacher translate into Indonesian to clarify the message that give explanation to her students. Context 9 : This situation occurred in class XII for social program. The teacher 2 still explained about narrative text. She alternated her language while she expalined the structure of narrative text. “ in orientation yang kita bicarakan adalah mengenai tokoh, kejadian apa, tempat kejadiannya di mana, dan kapan terjadinya. Kemudian sekarang

kita move to complication, and then resolution or solution is problem solving jadi dalam bagian ini adalah mencari pemecahan masalahnya ya?” (See Appendix II. On P.57 Data No 11) From this situation, we can see that the teacher used “Repetition used for clarification”. The bilingual repeats the other code in somewhat modified form. The utterance “ in orientation yang kita bicarakan adalah mengenai tokoh, kejadian apa, tempat kejadiannya di mana, dan kapan terjadinya. Kemudian sekarang kita move to complication, and then resolution or solution is problem solving jadi dalam bagian ini adalah mencari pemecahan masalahnya ya?” The teacher translate into Indonesian to clarify the message that give explanation to her students. Context 10 : This situation occurred in class XII for language program. Same with the class before in this class the tecaher still used the reason” Repetition used for clarification The bilingual repeats the other code in somewhat modified form.“ the next structure of narrative adalah title, oreintation, complication, resolution. Jadi apa yang akan kalian lakukan adalah silahkan baca textnya. Dan yang pertama sebelum kalian jawab pertanyaanya kalian cari dulu judulnya apa? Write the title and orientation . apa yang kita bicarakan dalam orientation? And then complication, what we talk in complication ? Jadi konflik yang di hadapi oleh tokoh. The teacher translate into Indonesian to clarify the message that give explanation to her students. (See Appendix II on P.59. Data No 15) From the all of situation we can see that the teacher often used this reason because this is support with their statement on interview result that” They often used code switching in the

class because they want to explain clearly about their material and to clarify what they said to their students so the students easy to understand what the teacher mean” This reason support with the data interview with the teacher “To clarify what I

want to the

students”. (See Appendix III on P.61. Data interview) 4.2 Discussion After presenting and analyzing the data of code switching used by the English teachers in SMA Negeri I Marisa. I discussed the whole data to answer data problem, those are what types of code switching used by the English teacher in SMA Negeri I Marisa and what the reason English teacher used code switching in the class. In my research I only found one type of code switching that is situational code switching and two reasons for used code switching by the English Teacher in SMA Negeri I marisa. Those are; quoting somebody else and repetition used for clarification 4.2.1 The Process of Code Switching Based on transcribe the data ( see appendix I ) we can see that the process of code switching by two English teacher is different it seems when they taught in the class. The first teacher is used code switching only to explain the material. She wants to explain clearly about the material to her students and the second teacher is different with the first teacher because the second teacher do code switching from opening the class until the end of class and sometimes when she make a joke in the class she always do code switching. The two English teachers do code switching is different when they taught in different class. for example when they taught in sciences program is just little for them to do code switching. It is depend from the stuation and level of their students. The teacher always do code switching when teaching learning process is because of their student cannot

respond what they mean. They ever tried to use full English in the class but the students just silent. It means that the students did not understand what they want. 4.2.1

Types of Code Switching Used by the English Teachers There are two types of code switching according to Hymes and Gumperz those

are, situational code switching and metaphorical code switching but in my research I only found one type of code switching that is situational code switching. Situational code switching occur when the language used change according to the situation in which the speaker find themselves, they speak one language and another in different one. One variety is used in a certain set of situation and another in an entirely different set. . Wardaugh (1986: 103) states, “situational code switching no topic change is involved”. The first situation occurred in class XI for science program the teacher felt that the change language to Indonesian language the students can understand what the teacher want. So in this situation a change language that occur because of a change situation . For instance the teacher utterance is include in situational code switching” What is general classification? General classification atau klasifikasi secara umum yaitu memberikan gambaran bentuk- bentuk dari apa yang di laporkan misalnya tingkah laku, cara dia berkembang biak, dan cara dia melangsungkan hidup” This utterance can be found (Data No 1). Situational code switching itself occurred in class XI for social program. The teacher felt that the change language to Indonesian language the students can understand what the teacher wants. So in this situation a change language that occur because of a change situation . For instance, the teacher utterance is include in

situational code switching “Report is to describe something such as animal and plant, report yaitu menggambarkan sesuatu seperi hewan dan tumbuhan. This utterance can be found ( Data. No 3) Situational code switching itself occurred in class XI for language program. The teacher felt that the change language to Indonesian language the students can understand what the teacher wants. So in this situation was a change language that occur because of a change situation. For instance the teacher utterance is include in situational code switching” There are two main part of report text, classification and identification, jadi ada dua the generic structure of report text”. This utterance can be found ( Data. No 6) Situational code switching itself occurred in class XII for science program. The teacher felt that the change language to Indonesian language the students can understand what the teacher wants. So in this situation was a change language that occur because of a change topic. For instance, the teacher utterance is include in situational code switching. “I think talk about conflict maybe you have learned in Indonesian language , mungkin sudah pernah kalian pelajari di bahasa Indonesia, bentuknya seperti piramid”. These utterances can be found (Data. No 8). The other utterance is including in situational code switching occurred in class XII for social program. In this class is different teacher with three classes before but in this class I found the utterance that include in situational code switching.” So far the next week we will meet on Saturday ya? Jadi kita ketemu pada hari sabtu dengan midtest. This utterance can be found (Data. No 13) from this utterance we can see

clearly that it is include in situational code switching because a change of topic requires a change in the language used. Still about situational code, switching it is occurred in class XII for language program. In this class, I still found the utterances that include in situational code switching it is “The next structure of narrative adalah title, orientation, complication, resolution. Jadi, apa yang akan kalian lakukan silahkan baca text nya.Yang pertama sebelum kalian jawab pertanyaannya kalian cari dulu judulnya apa?”. This utterance can be found (Data. No 15) From the discussion about the types of code switching we can see clearly that all of the class in eleventh and twelve grades found on the utterances that include in situational code switching and this utterances happen in the different teacher. 4.2.2

The reason of Code Switching During analysis I only found there are two reasons of code switching used by the

English teachers related of Hoffman theory.

Related Hoffman the reason of code

switching used by the English teachers are quoting somebody else and repetition used for clarification and I did not found another reason proposed by Hoffman like talking about a particular topic, being emphatic something, intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor, interjection, and expressing group identity used by the English teacher. One of reason proposed by Hoffman is quoting somebody else. The English teacher used quoting somebody else in her utterances “ if your age more than 40 years old. I remember someones’s statement she sid that “penurunan daya ingat tergantung penglihatan” jadi kalian belum ada yang seperti itu ya? Kecuali jika usia kalian di atas 40-50 tahun ke atas”. This utterance can be found (Data. No 12)

The other reason is repetition used for clarification. When a bilingual or multilingual person wants to clarify his speech so that it will be understood better by listener. The two English teachers often switch the language to repeat a word or sentences. The repetition can be found ( Data. No 1). The teacher repeat into Indonesian language like “What is general clasification? General clasification atau klasifikasi secara umum” indicates that the teacher repeat her utterances to clarify what she said. The other reason is repetition used for clarification. When a bilingual or multilingual person wants to clarify his speech so that it will be understood better by listener. The two English teachers often switch the language to repeat a word or sentences. The repetition can be found ( Data. No 1). The teacher repeat into Indonesian language like “ what is the function of the text?” indicates that the teacher repeat her utterances to clarify what she said and Indicates the teacher want to give clarification to her students a question about the text. The other example concern to this reason can be found (Data. No 3)” so orchid can live in all of place, jadi dia bisa hidup di semua tempat ya? When you find information about something, jika kalian menyampaikan atau menggambarkan informasi tentang sesuatu, itu biasanya kalian menggunakan text apa?. Indicates that the teacher want to clarify what she explain to the students about orchid include in report text and to clarify the question to the students. The other example concern to this reason can be found (Data. No 5) “who still memorize our lesson last week? Siapa yang masih ingat pelajaran kita di minggu lalu? Report text to describe what? Menggambar tentang apa? Coba amna? What is report

text? Indicates that he teacher try to ask the student who still memorize about their material about report text. The other example concern to this reason can be found (Data. No 13) class “so far the next we will meet on Saturday ya? Jadi kita ketemu pada hari sabtu dengan midtest”. This utterance indicates that the teacher want to clarify that in next meeting is midterm test. The other example concern to this reason”now making group and than masingmasing kelompok jadi berapa orang dan tim ahlinya yang mana?” This utterance can be found (Data. No 2). The other example concern to this reason can be found (Data. No 6)” sekarang saya Akan bagi kalian dalam beberapa kelompok and every group four pepeole ya? This utterance indicates that the teacher asked the student to doing something but with smoothly. The other example concern to this reason can be found (Data. No 10)” before starting our activity you should praying first. We make a group and then we discussed about the text organization of narrative, you know what I mean? Kalian mengerti? We will make a group but before it I want you to count, kita akan membentuk kelompok dulu ya? Dan kita buat enam kelompok saja. This utterance indicates that the teacher asked the students to praying first before starting their lesson and after that the teacher ask the students to make group. The other example concern to this reason can be found (Data. No 11) “in orientation yang kita bicarakan adalah mengenai tokoh, kejadian apa, tempat kejadiannya di mana, dan kapan terjadinya. Kemudian sekarang kita move to complication, and then resolution or solution is problem solving jadi dalam bagian ini adalah mencari pemecahan masalahnya

ya?” This utterances indicates that the teacher prefer to switch her English to Indonesian to save much time and then to make the students understand the material. The other example concern to this reason can be found (Data. No 15) “the next structure of narrative adalah title, oreintation, complication, resolution. Jadi apa yang akan kalian lakukan adalah silahkan baca textnya. Dan yang pertama sebelum kalian jawab pertanyaanya kalian cari dulu judulnya apa? Write the title and orientation . apa yang kita bicarakan dalam orientation? And then complication, what we talk in complication ? Jadi konflik yang di hadapi oleh tokoh. This utterances indicates that the teacher prefer to switch her English to Indonesian it is to make the students understand about their material.

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