Chapter 25 – Data Structures Outline 25.1 Introduction 25.2 Simple-Type structs, Boxing and Unboxing 25.3 Self-Referential Classes 25.4 Linked Lists 25.5 Stacks 25.6 Queues 25.7 Trees 25.7.1 Binary Search Tree of Integer Values 25.7.2 Binary Search Tree of IComparable Objects Many slides modified by Prof. L. Lilien (even many without an explicit message).

 2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Slides added by L.Lilien are © 2006 Leszek T. Lilien. Permision to use for non-commercial purposes slides added by L.Lilien’s will be gladly granted upon a written (e.g., emailed) request.


25.1 Introduction • Dynamic data structures – Grow and shrink at execution time – Linked Lists: • “Lined up in a row” • Insertions and removals can occur anywhere in the list

– Stacks: • Insertions and removals only at top – Push and pop

– Queues: • Insertions made at back, removals from front

– Trees, including binary trees: • Facilitate high-speed searching and sorting of data • Efficient elimination of duplicate items

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25.2 Simple-Type structs, Boxing and Unboxing

• Data structures can store: – Simple-type values – Reference-type values • There are mechanisms that enable manipulation of simple-type values as objects – Discussed below

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Simple-Type structs • Recall: Each simple type (int, char, …) has a corresponding struct in namespace System that declares this simple type We have structs: – Boolean, Byte, Sbyte, Char, Decimal, Double, Single, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Int16, UInt16

• Simple types are just aliases for these corresponding structs – So a variable can be declared: EITHER using the keyword for that simple type OR the struct name • E.g., int (keyword) and Int32 (struct name) are interchangeable

– Methods related to a simple type are located in the corresponding struct • E.g. method Parse –converting string to int value– is located in struct In32

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Boxing Conversions • All simple-type structs inherit from class ValueType in namespace System In turn, class ValueType inherits from class object => Any simple-type value can be assigned to an object variable • Such an assignment is named a Boxing conversions – In Boxing conversion simple-type value is copied into an object => after Boxing conversion , a simple-type value can be manipulated as an object

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Boxing Conversions • Boxing conversions can be explicit or implicit int i = 5; // create an int value object obj1 = ( object) i; // explicitly box the int value object obj2 = i; // implicitly box the int value

– Now obj1 and obj2 refer to 2 different objects! • Both objects include a copy of the integer value from the int variable i

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Unboxing Conversions


• Unboxing conversions — used for explicit conversion of an object reference to a simple value int int1 = ( int ) obj1; // explicitly unbox the int value // that was boxed within obj1

• Attempts to unbox an object reference that does not refer to a correct simple value causes InvalidCastException • We’ll see later(Ch. 27) how so called “generics” eliminate the overhead of boxing/unboxing

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25.3 Self-Referential Classes • Self-Referential Class – Contains a reference member to an object of the same class type • E.g.: class Node { private int data; private Node next; // self-reference to node … } • Reference can be used to link objects of the same type together

• Dynamic data structures require dynamic memory allocation – Ability to obtain memory when needed – Release memory when not needed any more – Uses new operator • Ex: Node nodeToAdd = new Node(10);  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

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class Node { private int data; private Node next;

// self-reference

public Node( int d ) { /* constructor body */ }

Reference to object of same type


25.3 SelfReferential Class

public int Data { get { /* get body */ } set { /* set body */ } } public Node Next { get { /* get body */ } set { /* set body */ } }

Fig. 23.1 Sample self-referential Node class definition (part 1)


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Slide merged with next by L. Lilien


25.3 Self-Referential Class







Fig. 23.2 Two self-referential class objects (nodes) linked together.

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Slide modified by L. Lilien


25.4 Linked Lists • Linked List: – Linear collection of self-referential nodes connected by links • Nodes: class objects of linked-lists • Programs access linked lists through a reference to first node – Subsequent nodes accessed by link-reference members – Last node’s link set to null to indicate end of list • Nodes can hold data of any type • Nodes created dynamically reference to first node

lastNode (with null link)


H  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.



o Slide modified by L. Lilien


25.4 Linked Lists

firstNode reference


lastNode refernce




Fig. 23.3 A graphical representation of a linked list (with an optional reference to the last node).

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Slide modified by L. Lilien


25.4 Linked Lists • Linked lists - similar to arrays However: • Arrays are a fixed size • Linked lists have no limit to size – More nodes can be added as program executes

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Slide modified by L. Lilien


25.4 Linked Lists - InsertAtFront firstNode




new ListNode






new ListNode

12 Changed links

Unchanged links

Fig. 23.6 A graphical representation of the InsertAtFront operation.  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Slide modified by L. Lilien


25.4 Linked Lists - InsertAtBack



12 (b)








Changed links

New ListNode



New ListNode


Unchanged links

Fig. 23.7 A graphical representation of the InsertAtBack operation.  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Slide modified by L. Lilien


25.4 Linked Lists - RemoveFromFront (a)


12 (b)












Changed links

Unchanged links

Fig. 23.8 A graphical representation of the RemoveFromFront operation.  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Slide modified by L. Lilien


25.4 Linked Lists - RemoveFromBack (a)


12 (b)












Changed links

Unchanged links

Fig. 23.9 A graphical representation of the RemoveFromBack operation.

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Slide modified by L. Lilien

18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


// Fig. 23.4: LinkedListLibrary.cs // Class ListNode and class List definitions. using System; namespace LinkedListLibrary // create library { // class to represent one node in a list class ListNode { Reference to next private object data; // any object can be within a list node private ListNode next; // self-referential memberlist variable ListNode in linked

LinkedListLibrar y.cs

// constructor to create ListNode that refers to dataValue // and is last node in list (added to the end of the list) public ListNode( object dataValue ) Constructor for first item in list : this( dataValue, null ) // calls constructor below { Invoke normal constructor, }

which will set data to // constructor to create ListNode that refers to dataValue dataValue and next to null // and refers to next ListNode in List (added to any list // position other than the last one) public ListNode( object dataValue, ListNode nextNode ) { Constructor to set data = dataValue; data and next values next = nextNode; } to parameter values // property Next public ListNode Next { get { return next; }

Accessor method so a List can access next member variable  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

19 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67


set { next = value;

LinkedListLibrar y.cs

} } // property Data public object Data { get { return data; } }

Accessor method so a List can access data member variable

} // end class ListNode

Reference to first // class List definition public class List node in list { private ListNode firstNode; private ListNode lastNode; Reference to last private string name; // string like "list" node in listto display // construct empty List with specified name public List( string listName ) { name = listName; Set reference to first firstNode = lastNode = null; and last nodes to null }

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20 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

// construct empty List with "list" as its name public List() : this( "list" ) // uses previous constructor { }

Outline LinkedListLibrar y.cs

// Insert object at front of List. If List is empty, // firstNode and lastNode will refer to same object. // Otherwise, firstNode refers to new node. public void InsertAtFront( object insertItem ) { Method to insert an lock ( this ) // ignore-needed in multithreaded environment object at the front of { Get list lock if ( IsEmpty() ) // defined in Line 163 belowthe list firstNode = lastNode = Test if list is empty new ListNode( insertItem ); else If list is empty, create new firstNode = new ListNode( insertItem, firstNode );node and set firstNode } and lastNode to refer to it }

If list is not empty, insert // Insert object at end of List. If List is empty, // firstNode and lastNode will refer to same object. object by setting its next // Otherwise, lastNode's Next property refers to new node. reference to the first node public void InsertAtBack( object insertItem ) { Method to insert object lock ( this ) // ignore-needed in multithreaded environment into back of list { Get163 list below lock if ( IsEmpty() ) // defined in Line firstNode = lastNode = Test if list is empty new ListNode( insertItem ); If list is empty create a new node and set firstNode and lastNode to reference it 2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

21 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134


else lastNode = lastNode.Next = new ListNode( insertItem );

If list is not empty, create a new node and set the last node’s next LinkedListLibrar reference to the new node y.cs

} }

// remove first node from List public object RemoveFromFront() { Method to remove an lock ( this ) // ignore-needed in multithreaded environ. from the front of list { object removeItem = null;


Get lock

if ( IsEmpty() ) // defined in Line 163 below Throw throw new EmptyListException( name );

exception if list is empy

removeItem = firstNode.Data;

// retrieve data

// reset firstNode and lastNode references if ( firstNode == lastNode ) firstNode = lastNode = null; else firstNode = firstNode.Next; return removeItem; } }

Set removeItem equal to data in first node

If there is only one node in the list, set firstNode and lastNode references to null

// return removed data

If there is more then one node, set firstNode to reference the second node

Return data // remove last node from List public object RemoveFromBack() stored in node { lock ( this ) // ignore-needed in multithreaded environ. Method to remove an object { from the back of the list object removeItem = null;

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22 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169


if ( IsEmpty() ) throw new EmptyListException( name ); removeItem = lastNode.Data;

LinkedListLibrar Set removeItemy.cs equal to the data in the last node

// retrieve data

// reset firstNode and lastNode references if ( firstNode == lastNode ) // only one node in list firstNode = lastNode = null; If there is only one

node, set firstNode and lastNode to refer to null

else { // walk the list until current precedes lastNode ListNode current = firstNode;

// loop while current node is not lastNode Loop until next to while ( current.Next != lastNode ) current = current.Next; // move to next node last node is reached // current is now node next to the last // make current new lastNode Set lastNode to refer lastNode = current; current.Next = null; to the next to last node } return removeItem; } }

// return

Set reference of new lastdata node to null removed Return data of old last node

// return true if List is empty public bool IsEmpty() { Method to test if list is empty lock ( this ) // ignore-needed in multithreaded environment { return firstNode == null; // checks if firstNode == null } }

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23 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198

// output List contents virtual public void Print() Method to output the list { lock ( this ) // ignore-needed in multithreaded environ. { if ( IsEmpty() ) // defined in Line 163 above { Console.WriteLine( "Empty " + name ); Tell user return; }

Outline LinkedListLibrar y.cs

if list is empty

Console.Write( "The " + name + " is: " ); ListNode current = firstNode; // output current node data while not at end of list while ( current != null ) { Console.Write( current.Data + " " ); current = current.Next; Output }

data in list

Console.WriteLine( "\n" ); } } } // end class List

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24 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209


// class EmptyListException definition public class EmptyListException : ApplicationException { public EmptyListException( string name ) LinkedListLibrar Handles illegal operations : base( "The " + name + " is empty" ) { on an empty list y.cs } } // end class EmptyListException } // end namespace LinkedListLibrary

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25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34


// Fig 23.5: ListTest.cs // Testing class List. using System; using LinkedListLibrary;


// library we created

namespace ListTest { // class to test List class functionality class ListTest { static void Main( string[] args ) { List list = new List(); // create List container // create data to store in List bool aBoolean = true; char aCharacter = '$'; int anInteger = 34567; string aString = "hello"; // use List insert methods list.InsertAtFront( aBoolean ); list.Print(); list.InsertAtFront( aCharacter ); list.Print(); list.InsertAtBack( anInteger ); list.Print(); list.InsertAtBack( aString ); list.Print(); // use List remove methods object removedObject;

Create list of objects Create data to put in list

Insert objects at beginning of listinto list using InsertAtFront method Insert objects at end of listinto list using InsertAtBack method Print the list  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

26 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

// remove data from list and print after each removal try { removedObject = list.RemoveFromFront(); Console.WriteLine( removedObject + " removed" ); list.Print(); removedObject = list.RemoveFromFront(); Console.WriteLine( removedObject + " removed" ); list.Print(); removedObject = list.RemoveFromBack(); Console.WriteLine( removedObject + " removed" ); list.Print(); removedObject = list.RemoveFromBack(); Console.WriteLine( removedObject + " removed" ); list.Print();

Outline ListTest.cs Remove objects from front of list using method RemoveFromFront Print the list after each remove Remove objects from back of list using method RemoveFromBack

} // process exception if list empty when attempt is // made to remove item catch ( EmptyListException emptyListException ) { Console.Error.WriteLine( "\n" + emptyListException ); }

If remove is called on an empty list tell user

} // end method Main } // end class ListTest }

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27 The list is: True


The list is: $ True The list is: $ True 34567

ListTest.cs Program Output

The list is: $ True 34567 hello $ removed The list is: True 34567 hello True removed The list is: 34567 hello hello removed The list is: 34567 34567 removed Empty list

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We have already seen this and next 3 slides - Review yourself if needed 25.4 Linked Lists - InsertAtFront






new ListNode






new ListNode

12 Changed links

Unchanged links

Fig. 23.6 A graphical representation of the InsertAtFront operation.  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Slide modified by L. Lilien


25.4 Linked Lists - InsertAtBack



12 (b)








Changed links

New ListNode



New ListNode


Unchanged links

Fig. 23.7 A graphical representation of the InsertAtBack operation.  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Slide modified by L. Lilien


25.4 Linked Lists - RemoveFromFront (a)


12 (b)












Changed links

Unchanged links

Fig. 23.8 A graphical representation of the RemoveFromFront operation.  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

Slide modified by L. Lilien


25.4 Linked Lists - RemoveFromBack (a)


12 (b)












Changed links

Unchanged links

Fig. 23.9 A graphical representation of the RemoveFromBack operation.

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Slide modified by L. Lilien


25.5 Stacks • Stack – a special version of a linked list: – Last-in, first-out (LIFO) data structure: • Takes and releases new nodes only at top

• Operations: – Push: adds new entry (node) to top of stack – Pop: removes top entry (node) from stack

• Can be used for: – Storing return addresses – Storing local variables – …

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33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32


// Fig. 23.10: StackInheritanceLibrary.cs // Implementing a stack by inheriting from class List. using System; using LinkedListLibrary;

StackInheritance Library.cs

namespace StackInheritanceLibrary { // class StackInheritance inherits class List's capabilities public class StackInheritance : List StackInheritance class is { // pass name "stack" to List constructor derived from List class public StackInheritance() : base( "stack" ) { } // place dataValue at top of stack by inserting // dataValue at front of linked list public void Push( object dataValue ) { Call InsertAtFront method InsertAtFront( dataValue ); of List class to push objects } // remove item from top of stack by removing // item at front of linked list public object Pop() { return RemoveFromFront(); }

Call RemoveFromFront method of List class to pop objects

} // end class StackInheritance }

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34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


// Fig. 23.11: StackInheritanceTest.cs // Testing class StackInheritance. using System; using StackInheritanceLibrary; using LinkedListLibrary;

StackInheritance Test.cs

namespace StackInheritanceTest { // demonstrate functionality of class StackInheritance class StackInheritanceTest { static void Main( string[] args ) { StackInheritance stack = new StackInheritance(); // create objects to store in the stack bool aBoolean = true; char aCharacter = '$'; Create objects int anInteger = 34567; store in stack string aString = "hello"; // use method Push to add items to stack stack.Push( aBoolean ); stack.Print(); stack.Push( aCharacter ); stack.Print(); stack.Push( anInteger ); stack.Print(); stack.Push( aString ); stack.Print();

Create stack


Push objects onto the stack Print stack after each push

// use method Pop to remove items from stack object removedObject = null;

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35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57

// remove items from stack try { while ( true ) { removedObject = stack.Pop(); Console.WriteLine( removedObject + " popped" ); stack.Print(); } } // if exception occurs, print stack trace catch ( EmptyListException emptyListException ) { Console.Error.WriteLine( emptyListException.StackTrace ); }

Outline StackInheritance Test.cs Remove objects from stack

Empty stack exception

} // end method Main } // end class StackInheritanceTest }

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36 The stack is: True


The stack is: $ True The stack is: 34567 $ True The stack is: hello 34567 $ True

StackInheritance Test.cs Program Output

hello popped The stack is: 34567 $ True 34567 popped The stack is: $ True $ popped The stack is: True True popped Empty stack at LinkedListLibrary.List.RemoveFromFront() in z:\ch24\linkedlistlibrary\linkedlistlibrary.cs:line 114 at StackInheritanceLibrary.StackInheritance.Pop() in z:\ch24\stackinheritancelibrary\ stackinheritancelibrary.cs:line 28 at StackInheritanceTest.StackInheritanceTest.Main(String[] args in z:\ch24\fig24_11\stackinheritancetest.cs:line 41

Line 144 - Slide 16

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37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

// Fig. 23.12: StackCompositionLibrary.cs // StackComposition definition with composed List object. // (no inheritance here!) using System; using LinkedListLibrary;

Outline StackComposition Library.cs

namespace StackCompositionLibrary { // class StackComposition encapsulates List's capabilities public class StackComposition { Create List object private List stack; // construct empty stack public StackComposition() { stack = new List( "stack" ); } // add object to stack public void Push( object dataValue ) { stack.InsertAtFront( dataValue ); } // remove object from stack public object Pop() { return stack.RemoveFromFront(); }

Call method InsertAtFront to push

Use method RemoveFromFront to pop  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

38 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

// determine whether stack is empty public bool IsEmpty() { return stack.IsEmpty(); Call }

is empty to see if list has nodes

// output stack contents public void Print() { stack.Print(); }

Outline StackComposition Library.cs

Call method Print for output

} // end class StackComposition }

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25.6 Queues • Queue: First-in, first-out (FIFO) data structure – Nodes added to tail, removed from head

• Operations: – Enqueue: insert node at the end – Dequeue: remove node from the front

• Many computer applications: – Printer spooling – Information packets on networks – …

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40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32


// Fig. 23.13: QueueInheritanceLibrary.cs // Implementing a queue by inheriting from class List. using System; using LinkedListLibrary;

QueueInheritance Library.cs

namespace QueueInheritanceLibrary { // class QueueInheritance inherits List's capabilities public class QueueInheritance : List { Class QueueInheritance // pass name "queue" to List constructor public QueueInheritance() : base( "queue" ) derives from class List { } // place dataValue at end of queue by inserting // dataValue at end of linked list public void Enqueue( object dataValue ) Call InsertAtBack { InsertAtBack( dataValue ); to enqueue } // remove item from front of queue by removing // item at front of linked list public object Dequeue( ) { return RemoveFromFront(); Call RemoveFromFront }

to dequeue

} // end of QueueInheritance }

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41 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


// Fig. 23.14: QueueTest.cs // Testing class QueueInheritance. using System; using QueueInheritanceLibrary; using LinkedListLibrary;


namespace QueueTest { // demonstrate functionality of class QueueInheritance class QueueTest { static void Main( string[] args ) { QueueInheritance queue = new QueueInheritance(); // create objects to store in the stack bool aBoolean = true; char aCharacter = '$'; int anInteger = 34567; string aString = "hello";

Create queue

Create objects to be inserted into queue

// use method Enqueue to add items to queue queue.Enqueue( aBoolean ); queue.Print(); Enqueue objects queue.Enqueue( aCharacter ); queue.Print(); queue.Enqueue( anInteger ); Print queue after queue.Print(); each enqueue queue.Enqueue( aString ); queue.Print(); // use method Dequeue to remove items from queue object removedObject = null;

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42 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57

// remove items from queue try { while ( true ) { removedObject = queue.Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine( removedObject + " dequeue" ); queue.Print(); } Print queue after }

Outline QueueTest.cs Dequeue objects

each enqueue

// if exception occurs, print stack trace catch ( EmptyListException emptyListException ) { Console.Error.WriteLine( emptyListException.StackTrace ); } } // end method Main } // end class QueueTest }

 2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

43 The queue is: True


The queue is: True $ The queue is: True $ 34567

QueueTest.cs Program Output

The queue is: True $ 34567 hello True dequeue The queue is: $ 34567 hello $ dequeue The queue is: 34567 hello 34567 dequeue The queue is: hello hello dequeue Empty queue at LinkedListLibrary.List.RemoveFromFront() in z:\ch24\linkedlistlibrary\linkedlistlibrary.cs:line 114 at QueueInheritanceLibrary.QueueInheritance.Dequeue() in z:\ch24\queueinheritancelibrary\ queueinheritancelibrary.cs:line 28 at QueueTest.QueueTest.Main(String[] args) in z:\ch24\fig24_13\queuetest.cs:line 41

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25.7 Trees • Tree: non-linear, two-dimensional data structure • Binary tree: – Each node contains data & two links (hence “binary in the name): left link and right link B – Root node: “top” node in a tree • Links refer to child nodes

– Leaf node: node with no children




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25.7 Trees • Binary search tree: – Values in left subtree are less than the value of the subtree’s parent – Values in right subtree are greater than the value of the subtree’s parent 47

J 25 A


P 11 M

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25.7.1 Binary Search Tree of Integer Values • Traversal: method of retrieving data from a tree – In these methods if there is a subtree, recursively the traversal is called recursively

• Kinds of traversals: – Inorder traversal: • Get data from left subtree/child of node • Get data from node • Get data from right subtree/child of node




• Example (figure) Inorder traversal: 11 25 43 47 65 77 93  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.





25.7.1 Binary Search Tree of Integer Values – Preorder traversal: • • • •

25 11

Get data from node Get data from left subtree/child of node Get data from right subtree/child of node Example: 47 25 11 43 77 65 93

77 43

– Postorder traversal • • • •

Get data from left subtree/child of node Get data from right subtree/child of node Get data from node Example: 11 43 25 65 93 77 47

– Level-order traversal • Visit nodes of tree row by row, from left to right • Example: 47 25 77 11 43 65 93

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25.7 Trees Reference to the tree





Fig. 23.15 A graphical representation of a binary tree.

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25.7 Trees 47












Fig. 23.16 A binary search tree containing 12 values.

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50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


// Fig. 23.17: BinaryTreeLibrary.cs // Definition of class TreeNode and class Tree. using System; namespace BinaryTreeLibrary { // class TreeNode definition class TreeNode { private TreeNode leftNode; private int data; private TreeNode rightNode;

BinaryTreeLibrar y.cs

Left and right subtree references Data stored in node

// initialize data and make this a leaf node public TreeNode( int nodeData ) { data = nodeData; leftNode = rightNode = null; // node has no children } // LeftNode property public TreeNode LeftNode { get { return leftNode; }

Since new nodes are leaf, set subtree references to null Accessor methods for left subtree

set { leftNode = value; } }

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51 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

// Data property public int Data { get { return data; }

Outline Accessor methods for nodes data

BinaryTreeLibrar y.cs

set { data = value; } } // RightNode property public TreeNode RightNode { get { return rightNode; }

Accessor methods for right subtree

set { rightNode = value; } }

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52 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96


// insert TreeNode into Binary Search Tree containing nodes; // ignore duplicate values public void Insert( int insertValue ) Method to determine { location of new BinaryTreeLibrar node // insert in left subtree y.cs if ( insertValue < data ) { // insert new TreeNode If value of new node is less than if ( leftNode == null ) root, and the left subtree is empty, leftNode = new TreeNode( insertValue );

insert node as left child of root

// continue traversing left subtree else leftNode.Insert( insertValue ); } // insert in right subtree else if ( insertValue > data ) { // insert new TreeNode if ( rightNode == null ) rightNode = new TreeNode( insertValue );

If left subtree is not empty, recursively call Insert to determine location of new node in subtree

// continue traversing right subtree else rightNode.Insert( insertValue );

} }

} // ignore if insertValue == data (duplicate value) // end method Insert

// end class TreeNode

If value of new node is greater than root, and the right subtree is empty, insert node as right child of root If right subtree is not empty, recursively call Insert to determine location of new node in subtree  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

53 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131

// class Tree definition public class Tree { private TreeNode root;

Outline Reference to root of tree BinaryTreeLibrar y.cs

// construct an empty Tree of integers public Tree() { Set root to null when root = null; } tree first created

// Insert a new node in the binary search tree. // If the root node is null, create the root node here. // Otherwise, call the insert method of class TreeNode. public void InsertNode( int insertValue ) Method to insert a { lock ( this ) // ignore locks new node into tree { if ( root == null ) root = new TreeNode( insertValue ); If tree is empty insert

new node as root

else root.Insert( insertValue ); // see l.67 } } // begin preorder traversal public void PreorderTraversal() { lock ( this ) { PreorderHelper( root ); } }

If tree is not empty call Insert to determine location of new node

Perform preorder traversal Call PreorderHelper to help perform traversal

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// recursive method to perform preorder traversal private void PreorderHelper( TreeNode node ) { if ( node == null ) return; // output data from this node Console.Write( node.Data + " " ); // traverse left subtree PreorderHelper( node.LeftNode ); // traverse right subtree PreorderHelper( node.RightNode ); } // begin inorder traversal public void InorderTraversal() { lock ( this ) { InorderHelper( root ); } }

Method to help with BinaryTreeLibrar preorder traversal y.cs

Display node data Call PreorderHelper recursively on left subtree Call PreorderHelper recursively on right subtree Perform inorder traversal Call InorderHelper to help with traversal

// recursive method to perform inorder traversal private void InorderHelper( TreeNode node ) { if ( node == null ) return; // traverse left subtree InorderHelper( node.LeftNode );


Method to help with inorder traversal

Call InorderHelper recursively on left subtree

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55 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199

// output node data Console.Write( node.Data + " " ); // traverse right subtree InorderHelper( node.RightNode ); } // begin postorder traversal public void PostorderTraversal() { lock ( this ) { PostorderHelper( root ); } }

Call InorderHelper BinaryTreeLibrar recursively on righty.cs subtree Perform postorder traversal Call PostorderHelper to help with traversal

// recursive method to perform postorder traversal private void PostorderHelper( TreeNode node ) { if ( node == null ) return; // traverse left subtree PostorderHelper( node.LeftNode ); // traverse right subtree PostorderHelper( node.RightNode ); // output node data Console.Write( node.Data + " " ); } } }


Display node data

Method to help with postorder traversal

Call PostorderHelper recursively on left subtree Call PostorderHelper recursively on right subtree Display node data

// end class Tree

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// Fig. 23.18: TreeTest.cs // This program tests class Tree. using System; using BinaryTreeLibrary; namespace TreeTest { // class TreeTest definition public class TreeTest { // test class Tree static void Main( string[] args ) { Tree tree = new Tree(); int insertValue;


Create a tree

Console.WriteLine( "Inserting values: " ); Random random = new Random(); // insert 10 random integers from 0-99 in tree for ( int i = 1; i 0 if insertValue > data  2002 Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.

60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

// Fig. 23.20: BinaryTreeLibrary2.cs // Definition of class TreeNode and class Tree for IComparable // objects. using System;

Outline BinaryTreeLibrar y2.cs

namespace BinaryTreeLibrary2 { // class TreeNode definition class TreeNode { private TreeNode leftNode; private IComparable data; // polymorphic data stored in node private TreeNode rightNode; // initialize data and make this a leaf node public TreeNode( IComparable nodeData ) { data = nodeData; leftNode = rightNode = null; // node has no children } // LeftNode property public TreeNode LeftNode { get { return leftNode; } set { leftNode = value; } }

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// Data property public IComparable Data { get { return data; }

Outline BinaryTreeLibrar y2.cs

set { data = value; } } // RightNode property public TreeNode RightNode { get { return rightNode; } set { rightNode = value; } }

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62 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96


// insert TreeNode into Tree that contains nodes; // ignore duplicate values public void Insert( IComparable insertValue ) { // insertValue of polymorphic-enabling type IComparable BinaryTreeLibrar // insert in left subtree y2.cs if ( insertValue.CompareTo( data ) < 0 ) // Use needIcomparable’s method { // ‘insertValue < data’ not sufficient – cf. sl.47 l.70) CompareTo to determine if new // insert new TreeNode if ( leftNode == null ) node is less than its parent leftNode = new TreeNode( insertValue ); // continue traversing left subtree else leftNode.Insert( insertValue ); // recursive } // insert in right subtree Use Icomparable’s method else if ( insertValue.CompareTo( data ) > 0 ) CompareTo to determine if new {// ‘insertValue > data’ not sufficient – cf. sl.47 l.82 // insert new TreeNode node is greater than its parent if ( rightNode == null ) rightNode = new TreeNode( insertValue ); // continue traversing right subtree else rightNode.Insert( insertValue ); // recursive } // ignore if insertValue.CompareTo( data ) == 0 (duplicate value) } // end method Insert }

// end class TreeNode

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63 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131

// class Tree definition public class Tree // differences w.r.t. Fig. 23.17 { private TreeNode root;

in red

// construct an empty Tree of integers public Tree() { root = null; }

Outline BinaryTreeLibrar y2.cs

// Insert a new node in the binary search tree. // If the root node is null, create the root node here. // Otherwise, call the insert method of class TreeNode. public void InsertNode( IComparable insertValue ) { lock ( this ) { if ( root == null ) root = new TreeNode( insertValue );

} }

else root.Insert( insertValue ); // use Insert from // previous slide to insert new node into tree // rooted at ‘root’

// begin preorder traversal public void PreorderTraversal() { lock ( this ) { PreorderHelper( root ); } }

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64 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165

// recursive method to perform preorder traversal private void PreorderHelper( TreeNode node ) { if ( node == null ) return;

Outline BinaryTreeLibrar y2.cs

// output node data Console.Write( node.Data + " " ); // traverse left subtree PreorderHelper( node.LeftNode ); // traverse right subtree PreorderHelper( node.RightNode ); } // begin inorder traversal public void InorderTraversal() { lock ( this ) { InorderHelper( root ); } } // recursive method to perform inorder traversal private void InorderHelper( TreeNode node ) { if ( node == null ) return; // traverse left subtree InorderHelper( node.LeftNode );

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65 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199

// output node data Console.Write( node.Data + " " ); // traverse right subtree InorderHelper( node.RightNode ); }

Outline BinaryTreeLibrar y2.cs

// begin postorder traversal public void PostorderTraversal() { lock ( this ) { PostorderHelper( root ); } } // recursive method to perform postorder traversal private void PostorderHelper( TreeNode node ) { if ( node == null ) return; // traverse left subtree PostorderHelper( node.LeftNode ); // traverse right subtree PostorderHelper( node.RightNode ); // output node data Console.Write( node.Data + " " ); } } }

// end class Tree

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// Fig. 23.21: TreeTest.cs // This program tests class Tree. using System; using BinaryTreeLibrary2; namespace TreeTest { // class TreeTest definition public class TreeTest { // test class Tree static void Main( string[] args ) { int[] intArray = { 8, 2, 4, 3, 1, 7, 5, 6 }; double[] doubleArray = { 8.8, 2.2, 4.4, 3.3, 1.1, 7.7, 5.5, 6.6 }; string[] stringArray = { "eight", "two", "four", "three", "one", "seven", "five", "six" };


Populate trees with int, double and string values

// create int Tree // - using: public public class Tree Tree intTree = new Tree(); // empty tree populateTree( intArray, intTree, "intTree" ); // next sl. traverseTree( intTree, "intTree" ); // next sl. // create double Tree Tree doubleTree = new Tree(); populateTree( doubleArray, doubleTree, "doubleTree" ); traverseTree( doubleTree, "doubleTree" ); // create string Tree Tree stringTree = new Tree(); populateTree( stringArray, stringTree, "stringTree" ); traverseTree( stringTree, "stringTree" ); }

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// populate Tree with array elements static void populateTree( Method to add data Array array, Tree tree, string name ) from arrays to trees TreeTest.cs { Console.WriteLine( "\nInserting into " + name + ":" ); foreach ( IComparable data in array ) { Console.Write( data + " " ); tree.InsertNode( data ); }

Insert nodes into tree

} // insert perform traversals static void traverseTree( Tree tree, string treeType ) { // perform preorder traveral of tree Console.WriteLine( "\n\nPreorder traversal of " + treeType ); tree.PreorderTraversal(); // perform inorder traveral of tree Console.WriteLine( "\n\nInorder traversal of " + treeType ); tree.InorderTraversal();

Method to traverse tree Perform preorder traversal

Perform inorder traversal

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// perform postorder traveral of tree Console.WriteLine( "\n\nPostorder traversal of " + treeType ); tree.PostorderTraversal(); Console.WriteLine( "\n" ); } }

Outline TreeTest.cs Perform postorder traversal

// end class TreeTest


Inserting into intTree: 8 2 4 3 1 7 5 6

Program Output

Preorder traversal of intTree 8 2 1 4 3 7 5 6 Inorder traversal of intTree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Postorder traversal of intTree 1 3 6 5 7 4 2 8

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69 Inserting into doubleTree:


8.8 2.2 4.4 3.3 1.1 7.7 5.5 6.6 Preorder traversal of doubleTree 8.8 2.2 1.1 4.4 3.3 7.7 5.5 6.6

TreeTest.cs Program Output

Inorder traversal of doubleTree 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 Postorder traversal of doubleTree 1.1 3.3 6.6 5.5 7.7 4.4 2.2 8.8

Inserting into stringTree: eight two four three one seven five six Preorder traversal of stringTree eight two four five three one seven six Inorder traversal of stringTree eight five four one seven six three two Postorder traversal of stringTree five six seven one three four two eight

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The End

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