Chapter 16 Files and Streams. Streams. Announcements. Chapter Goals Reading and Writing Text Files. Only responsible for 16.1,16

Announcements Chapter 16 – Files and Streams  Only responsible for 16.1,16.3   Other sections “encouraged” encouraged” Responsible for online...
Author: Bertina Hubbard
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Chapter 16 – Files and Streams

Only responsible for 16.1,16.3 

Other sections “encouraged” encouraged”

Responsible for online supplements for Exceptions and File I/O (see syllabus)

keyboard standard input stream

Chapter Goals



To be able to read and write text files To become familiar with the concepts of text and binary formats To learn about encryption To understand when to use sequential and random file access

standard output stream

monitor terminal console



What does information travel across? Streams

keyboard standard input stream

16.1 Reading and Writing Text Files CPU

monitor terminal console

standard output stream

file input stream LOAD What does information READ


Created with editors such as notepad, etc.

Simplest way to learn it so extend our use of Scanner


travel across?


Text files – files containing plain text


file output stream SAVE WRITE

Associate with files instead of

All input classes, except Scanner, are in 



Review: Numerical Input

Review: Scanner  

Two ways to use scanner  two constructors First constructors takes an object of type – stores information about the connection between an input device and the computer or program 

First way:  Use nextInt() nextInt() int number = scanner.nextInt(); scanner.nextInt();

Second way:  Use nextLine(), nextLine(), Integer.parseInt() Integer.parseInt() String input = scanner.nextLine(); scanner.nextLine(); int number = Integer.parseInt(input); Integer.parseInt(input);


Recall – only associate one instance of Scanner with in your program

What’ What’s the difference? 



nextInt() nextInt() throws InputMismatchException

parseInt() parseInt() throws NumberFormatException


Optimal use 

nextInt() nextInt() when multiple information on one line

nextLine() nextLine() + parseInt() parseInt() when one number

To read from a disk file, construct a

Then, use the FileReader to construct a Scanner object

FileReader reader = new FileReader("input.txt"); FileReader("input.txt"); Scanner in = new Scanner(reader); Scanner(reader);

per line


Use File instead of FileReader 

What does this do? 

Has an exists( ) method we can call to avoid FileNotFoundException

File file = new File ("input.txt "); ("input.txt"); Scanner in; if(file.exists()){ if(file.exists()){ in = new Scanner(file); Scanner(file); } else { //ask for another file }

Allows us to use methods we already know 

next, nextLine, nextLine, nextInt, etc.

Reads the information from the file instead of console


File Class  associated with actual file on hard drive  used to check file's status

What if file already exists?  Empty file (delete whatever is there)  Doesn’ Doesn’t exist?  Create empty file with that name

File(), path>), File(, )

Predicate Methods   

exists() canRead() canRead(),, canWrite() canWrite() isFile() isFile(),, isDirectory() isDirectory()

Have we already seen one? Almost.

Closing File

The out field of System is a PrintStream object associated with the console. PrintWriter is a similar class optimized for writing characters. 

How do we use a PrintWriter object? 


We will use a PrintWriter object to write to a file 


Writing To File

We will associate our PrintWriter with a file now Can use either a filename or File object

PrintWriter fileOut = new PrintWriter("output.txt"); PrintWriter("output.txt"); fileOut.println(29.95); fileOut.println(new Rectangle(5, 10, 15, 25));

Only difference is that we have to close the file stream when we are done writing

If we do not, some output may not get written

At the end of output, call close()

fileOut.println("Hello, fileOut.println("Hello, World!"); 

This will print the exact same information as with System.out (except to a file “output.txt” output.txt”)!

fileOut.close(); fileOut.close();


Short answer When you call print( ) and/or println( println( ), the output is actually written to buffer. When you close or flush the output, the buffer is written to the file  The slowest part of the computer is hard drive operations – much more efficient to write once instead of writing repeated times

File name 

When determining a file name, default is to place in the same directory as your .class files

If we want to define other place, use absolute path (e.g. C:\ C:\My Documents)


= new FileReader(“ FileReader(“C:\ C:\\homework\ homework\\input.dat” input.dat”);


Getting it all to work 

Java Input Review CONSOLE:


Have to import from I/O requires us to catch checked exceptions

Scanner stdin = new Scanner( );


How long do we read from the file?  

Until the end. (duh) Use the hasNext( ), hasNextLine( ) and hasNextInt( ) predicate methods from Scanner.  Otherwise

import import import import

Scanner inFile = new Scanner( new File ( srcFileName ) );

you risk creating a NoSuchElementException

try{ File reader = new File(inFile); File(inFile); Scanner in = new Scanner(reader); Scanner(reader); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outputFileName); PrintWriter(outputFileName); int lineNumber = 1; while (in.hasNextLine ()){ (in.hasNextLine()){ String line = in.nextLine(); in.nextLine(); out.println("/* out.println("/* " + lineNumber + " */ " + line); lineNumber++; lineNumber++; } out.close(); out.close(); } catch (IOException (IOException exception){ System.out.println("Error processing file: " + exception.getMessage()); exception.getMessage()); } };;;;;; java.util.Scanner; java.util.Scanner;

public class LineNumberer { public static void main(String[] main(String[] args){ args){ Scanner console = new Scanner(; Scanner(; System.out.print(“ System.out.print(“Enter input file: "); String inFile =;; System.out.print(“ System.out.print(“Enter output file: "); String outFile =;;


Common Error 

Buffering gone bad

You can run into problems using nextLine( nextLine( ) in conjunction with nextInt( nextInt( ) from the Scanner class. 77 hello In order to read this file  You typed this code, but got this output

int I = input.nextInt(); input.nextInt(); String s = input.nextLine(); input.nextLine(); System.out.println(i+” System.out.println(i+”,”+s); +s);


To Java, the file is a long buffer of characters nextInt removes the characters corresponding to a number, and that’ that’s all. nextLine looks for the next newline character (‘ (‘\n’), and returns everything before the first one it finds, even if that String is empty!

7 7 \n h e l \n h e l



o \n …

i = 77

h e



o \n

s = “”

What went wrong?


What to do? 

Avoid using nextInt( nextInt( ) and nextLine( nextLine( ) in combination Always use nextLine( nextLine( ) and convert to integers using Integer.parseInt( Integer.parseInt( )  Use nextInt( nextInt( ) in conjunction with next( ), which will skip over newlines to find the next nonnon-whitespace string

16.3 An Encryption Program 

Demonstration: Use encryption to show file techniques

File encryption

To scramble a file so that it is readable only to those who know the encryption method and secret keyword  (Big area of CS in terms of commercial applications – biometrics, ee-commerce, etc.) 

Check to see if Strings from nextLine( nextLine( ) have length 0, and if so, call it again.

Caesar Cipher 

Encryption key – the function to change the value Simple key – shift each letter over by 1 to 25 characters

Decrypt = reverse the encryption

If key = 3, A  D B  E etc. Here we just subtract the key value

Caesar Cipher for alphabetic characters public void encrypt (Scanner in, PrintWriter out, int key) { while (in.hasNextLine ()) { (in.hasNextLine()) String line = in.nextLine(); in.nextLine(); String outLine = “”; “”; for (int ; i++) { (int i=0; i