Chapter 10 Quiz. Name: Date:

Chapter 10 Quiz Name: __________________________ Date: _____________ 1. In psychology, the term personality refers to: A) a person's skill in making...
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Chapter 10 Quiz

Name: __________________________ Date: _____________

1. In psychology, the term personality refers to: A) a person's skill in making others feel good about himself or herself. B) the socially desirable characteristics that a person typically displays. C) the way people perceive a particular person. D) an individual's unique and relatively consistent patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

2. Which definition reflects Freud's view of the id? A) the irrational component of personality that seeks immediate gratification B) the rational, organized component of personality that is sensitive to the demands of the external world C) the moralistic component of personality that evaluates the acceptability of behavior and thoughts D) the inherited mental images of universal human themes and preoccupations

3. Although Karen's divorce was finalized several months ago, she still refers to Jonathan as her “husband” rather than her “ex-husband” when talking with friends. Which ego defense mechanism best explains Karen's behavior? A) displacement B) undoing C) rationalization D) denial

4. In Freud's theory, if a parent overindulges or frustrates the child's expression of pleasurable feelings at a particular psychosexual stage of development: A) the ego may not develop. B) the child may experience fixation and continue to seek pleasure through behaviors associated with the particular psychosexual stage. C) the parent will experience the psychological influence of the superego, which will promote strong feelings of guilt and inferiority. D) the child will experience reaction formation and behave in a way that is directly opposite to the frustrated desires.

5. Which of the following statements best describes Jung's notion of archetypes? A) Each person is motivated to overcome the weaknesses in his or her particular archetype. B) Each person inherits mental images that reflect universal human themes. C) Each person develops a strong sense of competence in a particular skill or area of knowledge, which becomes that person's archetype. D) A person's personality or archetype is shaped by his or her upbringing.

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6. According to Carl Rogers's theory of personality, a person is highly motivated to act in a way that is consistent with: A) his or her sense of self-efficacy in a particular situation. B) the behavior of others. C) his or her source traits. D) his or her self-concept.

7. According to Carl Rogers, when a child senses that he is loved and valued only when he behaves in a way that is acceptable to his parents, the parents are displaying _____ toward the child. A) congruence B) self-efficacy C) conditional positive regard D) unconditional positive regard

8. Carl Rogers's theory of personality and humanistic psychology has been criticized for: A) being naively optimistic about human nature. B) being based solely on experimental evidence. C) having no practical application. D) overemphasizing the role of genetics in personality development.

9. The _____ perspective on personality emphasizes conscious thought processes, self-regulation, and the importance of situational influences. A) humanistic B) psychoanalytic C) trait D) social cognitive

10. According to Bandura's theory, which of the following factors is likely to contribute to the self-regulation of behavior? A) the strength of the person's superego B) effective ego defense mechanisms C) observing other people's behavior and the consequences of their actions D) experiencing unconditional positive regard from parents, teachers, and other authority figures

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11. Which of the following represents a key STRENGTH of the social cognitive perspective? A) The social cognitive perspective provides a good explanation of irrational human behavior. B) The social cognitive perspective has provided a way to test psychoanalytic concepts, such as the Oedipus complex and superego. C) Social cognitive concepts, such as self-efficacy, can be operationally defined and empirically tested. D) The social cognitive perspective has had a major impact on areas outside of personality theory and psychology, such as art, literature, and philosophy.

12. Dr. O'Higgins believes that the study of personality should focus on identifying, describing, and measuring individual differences. Dr. O'Higgins probably would identify with the _____ perspective on personality. A) psychoanalytic B) trait C) humanistic D) social cognitive

13. Margaret has been classified as high in extraversion. According to Eysenck's theory, she is most likely to seek out a(n) _____ environment in order to _____. A) stimulating; raise her level of arousal B) unstimulating; lower her level of arousal C) stimulating; lower her level of arousal D) unstimulating; raise her level of arousal

14. Regarding the relative consistency of personality traits across different situations, most researchers today believe that: A) external situational influences have a greater effect on behavior than internal personality traits. B) external situational influences have virtually no impact on behavior. C) personality traits are likely to influence behavior only in situations that involve rigid social rules or expectations. D) external situational influences may limit the expression of personality traits, but personality traits are generally consistent across a wide variety of situations.

15. Kelley and Madison are identical twins who were separated at birth and raised in different families. In a twin study, similarities in their personality traits would be judged to be due to _____, and differences in their personality traits would be considered to be due to _____. A) genetic influences; environmental influences B) environmental influences; genetic influences C) emergenic influences; heritability of traits D) heritability of traits; emergenic influences

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16. A self-report inventory that determines a person's personality type by measuring his or her preferred way of dealing with information, making decisions, and interacting with others, is called A) the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) B) the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionaire (16PF) C) the California Personality Inventory (CPI). D) the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).

17. Dr. Wilkerson has given her new patient several psychological tests. What approach should Dr. Wilkerson take in interpreting the test results? A) She should assume that the tests tell her everything she needs to know about her new patient. B) She should assume that the test results are likely to contradict her patient's self-concept. C) She should combine her knowledge of the test results with behavioral observations and information from other sources, including the patient himself. D) She should assume that the Rorschach and TAT tests will provide the most reliable insights into her patient's personality traits.

18. Even before she enrolled in college, Diana's dream was to become a veterinarian. She is taking several college classes required to apply to a veterinary school. Diana's possible selves are likely to have a positive effect on: A) her surface traits, but not her source traits. B) her psychosexual stage of personality development. C) the archetypes she experiences in her dreams and fantasies. D) her level of motivation and beliefs of self-efficacy in college.

19. Your textbook describes a research study that was designed to test the ability of graphologists to use handwriting samples to distinguish among occupational groups. What were the results of this study? A) The graphologists were the best able to distinguish among occupational groups. B) Psychologists were more accurate than graphologists when they evaluated handwriting samples, but less accurate than graphologists when they evaluated typewritten transcripts of the handwriting samples. C) The graphologists predicted that they would be 100 percent accurate in distinguishing among occupational groups, but their overall performance was only slightly better than that of untrained evaluators. D) Successful secretaries, but not unsuccessful secretaries, showed the greatest proficiency in distinguishing among different occupational groups based on handwriting samples.

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20. The Focus on Neuroscience box, “Personality Traits and Patterns of Brain Activity,” described an fMRI study that investigated how people with different personality traits responded to positive and negative images. What was the chief finding of the study? A) High extraversion scores were associated with higher levels of brain activation in response to both positive and negative images, while high introversion scores were associated with lower levels of brain activation to both negative and positive images. B) High extraversion scores were associated with lower brain activation in response to positive images, and high neuroticism scores were associated with lower brain activation in response to negative images. C) High extraversion scores were associated with greater brain activation in response to positive images, and high neuroticism scores were associated with greater brain activation in response to negative images. D) Low extraversion scores were associated with greater brain activation in response to positive images, and low neuroticism scores were associated with greater brain activation in response to negative images.

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