Ch 8 Practice Questions Base your answers to questions 1 through 3 on the diagram below, which shows four tubes containing 500 milliliters of sediment labeled A, B, C, and D. Each tube contains well-sorted, loosely packed particles of uniform shape and size and is open at the top. The classification of the sediment in each tube is labeled.

1. Water was poured into each tube of sediment and the time it took for the water to infiltrate to the bottom was recorded, in seconds. Which data table best represents the recorded results? A)




2. Water will be able to infiltrate each of these sediment samples if the sediment is A) saturated and impermeable C) unsaturated and impermeable

B) saturated and permeable D) unsaturated and permeable

3. Each tube is filled with water to the top of the sediments and the tube is covered with a fine screen. The tubes are then tipped upside down so the water can drain. In which tube would the sediment retain the most water? A) A

B) B

C) C

D) D

Mrs. Dixon

Ch 8 Practice Questions 4. Base your answer to the following question on on the diagram below, which shows laboratory materials used for an investigation of the effects of sediment size on permeability, porosity, and water retention. Four separate columns, labeled A through D, were filled to the same level with different sediments. The sediments within each column are of uniform size.

An equal amount of water is poured through each column. On the grid, draw a line to show the relative amount of water retained in the sediment after the water flows through each column.

Ch 8 Practice Questions 5. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below. The arrows show the direction in which sediment is being transported along the shoreline. A barrier beach has formed, creating a lagoon (a shallow body of water in which sediments are being deposited). The eroded headlands are composed of diorite bedrock. A groin has recently been constructed. Groins are wall-like structures built into the water perpendicular to the shoreline to trap beach sand.

Which event will most likely occur during a heavy rainfall? A) B) C) D)

Less sediment will be carried by the streams. An increase in sea level will cause more sediments to be deposited along the shoreline. The shoreline will experience a greater range in tides. The discharge from the streams into the lagoon will increase.

6. Which soil conditions normally result in the greatest amount of runoff? A) B) C) D)

low permeability and gentle slope low permeability and steep slope high permeability and gentle slope high permeability and steep slope

7. A soil sample with a large amount of space between the particles will have a A) B) C) D)

low permeability rate low infiltration rate high porosity high capillarity

Ch 8 Practice Questions 8. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which shows Earth's water cycle. Numbers indicate the estimated volume of water, in millions of cubic kilometers, stored at any one time in the atmosphere, the oceans, and on the continents. The yearly amount of water that moves in and out of each of these three of Earth is also indicated in millions of cubic kilometers.

Calculate the total amount of water stored in the atmosphere, the oceans, and on the continents together at any one time. 9. Base your answer to the following question on the cross section below, which shows limestone bedrock with caves.

The precipitation in this area is becoming more acidic. Explain why acid rain weathers limestone bedrock.

Ch 8 Practice Questions Base your answers to questions 10 and 11 on cross section below, which shows the general pattern of water movement in the water cycle. Letter X represents a water-cycle process.

10. Describe one surface condition that would allow runoff to occur. 11. As the lake surface freezes in the winter, how many calories of heat are released by each gram of water? 12. The diagram below shows the result of leaving an empty, dry clay flowerpot in a full container of water for a period of time. The water level in the container dropped to level A. The top of the wet area moved to level B.

Level B is higher than level A because water A) is less dense than the clay pot B) is more dense than the clay pot C) traveled upward in the clay pot by capillary action D) traveled downward in the clay pot by capillary action

Ch 8 Practice Questions 13. Base your answer to the following question on the data table below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The data table shows the average monthly discharge, in cubic feet per second, for a stream in New York State.

Explain one possible reason why this stream’s discharge in April is usually greater than this stream’s discharge in January. 14. Base your answer to the following question on the cross section below, which represents part of Earth’s water cycle. Letters A, B, C, and D represent processes that occur during the cycle. The level of the water table and the extent of the zone of saturation are shown.

Which two letters represent processes in the water cycle that usually cause a lowering of the water table? A) A and B

B) A and C

C) B and D

D) C and D

Ch 8 Practice Questions Base your answers to questions 15 and 16 on the two graphs below, which show the relationship between the amount of rainfall during a storm and the amount of discharge into a nearby stream. Letter A represents the time when approximately 50% of the precipitation from the storm has fallen. Letter B represents the time when peak runoff from the storm is flowing into the stream. The delay is the difference in time between letters A and B on the graph. Graph I shows data before urbanization in an area. Graph II shows data after urbanization in the same area.

15. The delay time between points A and B on both graphs is due mainly to the time needed for A) B) C) D)

groundwater to evaporate precipitation water to move into the streams green plants to absorb precipitation rainfall rate to decrease

16. How did urbanization affect delay time between points A and B and the maximum stream discharge? A) B) C) D)

The delay time decreased, and the maximum discharge decreased. The delay time decreased, and the maximum discharge increased. The delay time increased, and the maximum discharge decreased. The delay time increased, and the maximum discharge increased.

17. Which sediment size would allow water to flow through at the fastest rate? A) clay C) sand

B) silt D) pebbles

Ch 8 Practice Questions 18. The diagram below shows a model of the water cycle. The arrows show the movement of water molecules through the water cycle. The circled numbers represent the processes that occur as the water molecules reach the different stages of the water cycle.

Complete the table by identifying the name of the water cycle process occurring at each number.

Ch 8 Practice Questions 19. The diagram below shows tubes A and B partly filled with equal volumes of round plastic beads of uniform size. The beads in tube A are smaller than the beads in tube B. Water was placed in tube A until the pore spaces were filled. The drain valve was then opened, and the amount of time for the water to drain from the tube was recorded. The amount of water that remained around the beads was then calculated and recorded. Data table 1 shows the measurements recorded using tube A.

If the same procedure was followed with tube B, which data table shows the measurements most likely recorded? A)




Ch 8 Practice Questions 20. The photograph below shows a sign near the Esopus Creek in Kingston, New York.

The main purpose of the word “watershed” on this sign is to communicate that the Esopus Creek A) B) C) D)

is a tributary of the Hudson River is a flood hazard where it flows into the Hudson River forms a delta in the Hudson River contains ancient fish fossils

21. Base your answer to the following question on the water cycle diagram shown below. Some arrows are numbered 1 through 4 and represent various processes.

For infiltration to occur, the ground must be A) permeable and saturated C) impermeable and saturated

B) permeable and not saturated D) impermeable and not saturated

Ch 8 Practice Questions 22. The columns A, B, C, and D shown below contain equal volumes of sediment.

When an equal volume of water is added to each column, the greatest rate of infiltration will occur in which column? A) A

B) B

C) C

23. During a dry summer, the flow of most large New York State streams generally A) continues because some groundwater seeps into the streams B) increases due to greater surface runoff C) remains unchanged due to transpiration from grasses, shrubs, and trees D) stops completely because no water runs off into the streams 24. Soil composed of which particle size usually has the greatest capillarity? A) silt C) coarse sand

B) fine sand D) pebbles

D) D

Ch 8 Practice Questions 25. A student performed a laboratory activity in which water was poured slowly into four cups containing equal volumes of loosely packed sediment samples, as shown in the diagram below. All particles were spherical in shape and uniform in size within a container. After the water level reached the surface of each sample, the student determined the amount of water that had been added.

The results of the activity should have indicated that approximately equal amounts of water were added to the cups of A) silt and pebbles, only C) pebbles and the mixture, only

B) sand, silt, and pebbles, only D) sand, pebbles, and the mixture, only

26. The diagrams below show the relative sizes of particles from soil samples A, B, and C. Equal volumes of each soil sample were placed in separate containers. Each container has a screen at the bottom. Water was poured through each sample to determine the infiltration rate.

Which graph best shows how the infiltration rates of the three soil samples would compare? A)




Ch 8 Practice Questions 27. Which graph best represents the general relationship between soil particle size and the permeability rate of infiltrating rainwater? A)




28. Through which of the following loose soil materials does water infiltrate fastest? A) clay C) sand

B) silt D) pebbles

29. Sand sediments are usually more permeable than silt sediments because sand grains are A) larger C) rounder

B) smoother D) more soluble

Ch 8 Practice Questions 30. Base your answer to the following question on the water budget data and climate classification below. Table 1 shows water budget data for a location in New Jersey, and table 2 describes climate types. All data are expressed in millimeters of water.

According to the information provided in table 2, the area represented by the water budget data would have a climate classified as A) humid

B) subhumid

C) semiarid

D) arid

Ch 8 Practice Questions 31. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram, data and information below. The diagram below represents part of the laboratory setup for an activity to investigate the effects of particle size on permeability, porosity, and water retention. Three separate tubes were used, each containing 300 milliliters of beads of uniform size. Bead sizes were 4 millimeters, 7 millimeters, and 12 millimeters in diameter, respectively.

What was the total amount of water retained on the 7-millimeter beads after the tubing was unclamped and the water flowed out? A) 8 mL

B) 12 mL

C) 22 mL

32. An area with a high potential for evapotranspiration has little actual evapotranspiration and precipitation. The climate of this area is best described as A) hot and arid C) cold and arid

B) hot and humid D) cold and humid

33. Which soil-property measurement usually is greater when particles are fine than when particles are coarse? A) infiltration C) porosity

B) capillarity D) permeability rate

D) 36 mL

Ch 8 Practice Questions 34. The maps show changes occurring around a small Louisiana lake over a 30-year period.

Which graph best shows the probable changes in the quality of ground water and lake water in this region as the changes indicated in the maps took place from 1967 to 1997? (Use the key above.) A)




35. Which conditions produce the most surface water runoff? A) B) C) D)

steep slope, heavy rain, and frozen ground steep slope, gentle rain, and unfrozen ground gentle slope, heavy rain, and frozen ground gentle slope, gentle rain, and unfrozen ground

Ch 8 Practice Questions 36. Which graph best represents the relationship between soil permeability rate and infiltration when all other conditions are the same? A)




37. Which earth material covering the surface of a landfill would permit the least amount of rainwater to infiltrate the surface? A) silt C) sand

B) clay D) pebbles

Ch 8 Practice Questions Base your answers to questions 38 through 40 on the diagram below, which represents samples of soil and bedrock at Earth's surface. The arrows represent possible infiltration of rainwater.

40. Zones within soil and rock are classified by the water movement occurring in the zones. Which diagram best represents the most common arrangement of these zones? A)




41. Why would a stream in South Carolina have a lower stream discharge in late summer than in spring? 38. The pebble-and-sand soil has greater capillarity than the pebble soil because the pebble and sand soil A) B) C) D)

is weathering more rapidly is more loosely packed has smaller pore spaces has less surface area

39. The least amount of rainwater will infiltrate the surface of the A) B) C) D)

pebble soil pebble-and-sand soil conglomerate bedrock granite bedrock

A) Potential evapotranspiration is less in late summer than in spring. B) Plants carry on more transpiration in spring than in late summer. C) The local water budget shows a surplus in late summer. D) The local water budget shows a deficit in late summer.

Ch 8 Practice Questions 42. Base your answer to the following question on the diagrams below, which show two soil cross sections from adjacent fields in Nebraska. Both soils are the same except that human activities have removed the vegetation from the surface of field B. Each field has been receiving rain for several hours.

44. Which graph best represents the relationship between the particle size and the capillarity of a sample of soil? A)


The soils in field B would have a higher rate of permeability if the soils A) B) C) D)

had lower porosity had a steeper surface slope were composed of larger rock particles were compacted by machinery traveling over the field

43. Samples of air collected from the region surrounding a large city were tested for pollutants. Which graph below best shows the probable relationship between air pollution and distance from the city? A)






Ch 8 Practice Questions 45. The data table below shows the stream discharge in April for a creek in the southern United States for a period of 8 days.

Which graph most accurately shows stream discharge for the 8-day period? A)


46. If wastewater from a nuclear power plant raises the temperature of a nearby body of water, the concentration of biologic pollutants in the water will most likely A) decrease C) remain the same



48. According to the diagram below, at which location would the water probably be most polluted?

B) increase

47. The direct cause of ground water supplies becoming unfit for human use is usually A) B) C) D)

an uncontrollable moisture deficit contamination of the saturated zone excessive surface runoff very heavy precipitation

A) A

B) B

C) C

D) D

Ch 8 Practice Questions 49. During a 3-week period without rain in June, water continued to flow in a small Maryland stream. The water in the stream most likely came from A) the roots of trees along the stream bank B) evapotranspiration in a region far away and unaffected by the dry period C) ground water flowing into the streambed D) condensation on the surface of rocks in the stream

50. Why do many streams continue to flow during long periods when there is no precipitation? A) Soil moisture storage is recharged by vegetation along the streams. B) Ground water continues to move into the stream channels. C) An increase in potential evapotranspiration increases the stream runoff. D) The porosity beneath the stream channels becomes higher than normal.

Answer Key Ch 8 Practice Questions 1.






























– any value from 1408 27. to 1409 millions of 28. cubic kilometers. 29. – The acid rain


dissolves the limestone.





Examples: — The soil is saturated. — Rate of rainfall exceeds the rate of infiltration. — The ground is frozen. — The land has a steep slope.













80 calories/gram




















11. 12. 13.

C Examples: — Snowmelt in April results in a greater discharge. — greater rainfall in April — Saturated ground would cause more runoff in April.

















