Asso~;atio:1 Connectmg Electrontcs Industries

Jorge Bojórquez is hereby designated

Certified IPC Trainer Serial No. RR-T 54000735

and is authorized by ¡pe to


IPC-77111IPC-7721 Rework and Repair Application Specialist TrainiIlg December 19,2014

December 2016

Dale of Ccrtification

Certificaúon Expiralion

Authorizcd TOOning Cerner

M3Ster InsllUC

~ Signature

This certificate ü your nfficial notificatiO/I of meetúl8 all l/U! neces.fary requi~menLs lO be a eertificd ¡pe Traincr (eIT) in tire indusl'Y tkveloped and a¡lproved lPC·7711llPC-7i21 Rework al/d Repair TraininK and eenificarion Program. You nlOy now use Ihe eIT Jeslgnalion (m letterhead. busÚless caros. and 01/ fonns af add~ss. AUlhorizatio/1 10 cOlll'ey :\pp/icalioll Lc¡:el certification is grante({. and co¡t.limting certificalloll $falllS o/ lhe inslructor is conditWned on pro\·idÚlg Ihe Iraining and skills assessment ltsing rhe induslry approo;ed lPC Training Materials in accoroance wilh and to rhe ~quiremenrs uf Ihe lPe Tra!nillK and Ccnifo:alion Policy.


Assoc;ation Connect;ng EJectronics Industries

GABRIELA VERDUGO is hereby designated


IPC Trainer

Serial No. 610-T 34003218

and is autholized by [pe lo conduct

IPC-A-610 Application Specialist Training ENERO 23 2015

ENERO 2017

Date of Cenification

~~~~~ Authorized Training Center

77lÍs certificare is your official notification of meeting 0/1 Ihe necessary reqllirements lO be a Cenified IPC Trainer (en) in Ihe indusl1)' del'eloped and approved /PC-/t.-6/0 Trailling and Certijicotioll Programo YOll may IlOW use the C/T desigl/otion on letterhead, business cards, al/d all fon"s of address. AlIIllOrizalion lo convey Application Lel'el cenification ;s grallted. and continuing certi.fica~ion status of/he inslructor;s conditiolled on prol'iding rhe trainillg and skiUs assessmelllllsillg lile indllstry approl'ed ¡PC Troining Malerials ü, accordance wi,Il and 10 tlle requiremellls of 'he ¡PC Train;ng and Certifica/ion Policy.


cting Etectronics Industries



is hereby designated


1 CTrainer I

Serial No. 610-T 34003194

and is aulhorizef! by [pe lo conducl

C~1A- 10 Application Sk eciaJist Training


ENERO 23 2015 Date of Certification

~~~~ii! Autboñzed Training Cemer

This certificate is your official notificaríon of meeting all the necessary requiremenls 10 be a Certified ¡PC Trainer (CfT) in the ineJuslr)' di!Veloped and approved ¡PC-A-6IO Training and Certifica/ion Pragralll. YOlt may nol\' use ¡he CfT designation on lellerlu:ad. business cards, and all fonns of address. Allllwriwtion to convt!)' Applical;on Level certificaríon is granted, and cOluillUÜlg Cel1iflCatfon slalus (if lile inslructor is cOllditioned on providing Ihe training and skills assessmenl ltsing lile induslry approved ¡PC TrainÍJlg accordance witll and to the reqlliremellts of Ihe ¡PC Train;ng and Certifica/ion Palic),.



Association Connecting flectronics Industries




is hereby designated



IPCTr mer

Serial No. 6:10-T 34003193

and is authorized by ¡pe lo conduct

1 C-A-610 Application Specialist Training ENERO 23 2015

ENERO 2017

Date of Certification

~~~~g~ Authorized Training Center

Tlzis certificaze ;s yaur official nOlification 01 meeting all the necessary reqllirements 10 be a Certified ¡PC Trainer (C/T) in Ihe illdllstr)' de\'eloped olld opproved IPC-A-6JO Training olld Certification Programo YOII may now use rhe crr designation on lellerhead, busin~'s cards, and {lll forms of addrcss. Authorizalioll /0 COIIVt:y Applicotion Level certificarion is granted, and cOnlinuing certificatjon stotus of rhe ins/metor is conditioned on providing lIJe Irailling and slciJls assessnuml u.tillg ,he induslry approved ¡PC Trainillg Matel·ials ill accordance with OIId 10 lIJe requ;remenlS 01 lile ¡PC Trailli'lg ond Certijication Policy.


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is hereby designated

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Certified IPC Trainer

' 11


Serial No. RR-T 54000764

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