Central Press


December 2012

  Rick  Marcotte  Central Press  Readers!   :H·YHEHHQDZD\IRUDZKLOHEXWZH·UHEDFNnow and we hope you missed XV7KLVLVVXH·V(GLWRULDO6WDIIZRUNHGKDUGWRSURGXFHPDWHULDOWKH\ hope you will enjoy. Please note that in the center of the paper is a single sheet (in color, thanks to the PTO!!) with nothing printed on the back. 7KDW·VQRWDQDFFLGHQW:HGLGLWWKDWZD\VR\RXFDQSRVWWKHVKHHWLQ your classroom or at home. You may even want to send it off to grandparents or other relatives ² especially if your picture is included! Do as you wish!

Editorial Staff

Sydney Klugo Mike North Aidin Repsher Nisha Shah

Samy Slamani Ana Stich Lisa Tchitchkan Ray Thibeault

WINTER VACATION ² WHAT DO WE DO? We all get a winter vacation, so what do we do with it? &HQWUDO3UHVV· Editorial Staff asked some questions of their schoolmates, and this is what they learned.

Staff Member Samy Slamani

He wants fifty (WOW!) presents for Christmas, including spy things with a walkie-talkie. Mike North is in Mrs. 3HQQLQJWRQ·VILIWKJUDGHFODVVDQGLV ten years old. He likes to play in the snow and do a snow fight. He also likes to drink root beer and eat turkey (at the same time?). He wants twenty-one presents for Christmas, including Lego Ninjago. He also likes to play with all the Legos he already has. Adam Slamani, eight years old DQGLQ0UV%HOLVOH·VWKLUGJUDGHFODVV likes to play in the snow with his brother and the neighbors. They make snowmen and a snow fort and drink hot chocolate afterwards. (Does that sound familiar?) His inside activity includes playing on his Wii and the computer.

Winter is my favorite season because I like to play in the snow and make giant snowballs. I also like making forts and sledding. My birthday is on winter break so I invite people and have a party. We usually have pizza and cake. Then I get to open presents. It is so much fun in the snow, when you can make a snowman and then beat it up!! I love to drink hot chocolate after I come inside from SOD\LQJLQWKHVQRZDQGWKDW·VDQRWKHU reason why I like the snow. +HUHDUHVRPHRIWKH´UHDVRQVµ I learned when I interviewed others. Pierre Heroux is five years old DQGLQ0UV0LOOHU·VNLQGHUJDUWHQFODVV He likes to make snowmen and play in the snow. He also plays snowfighting with his sisters. He goes sledding and (like me) drinks hot Pier re chocolate afterwards.

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Staff Member Aidin Repsher So what do you do during :LQWHU%UHDN":HOOWKDW·VZKat I asked some of my school mates, but first I will tell you about me. When winter comes it actually brings a lot of work for me and my family. We are


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the hosts almost every time, so that means a lot of work for us. Some of the chores that I have are: clean, cook, wrap presents, cut wood, shovel snow, make a snow fort at our bus stop, clean some more, welcome guests, have fun, and entertain! I know that sounds like a lot of work, but it is all worth it because I get a lot of presents each year along with a lot of good food;; and I get to wrestle with my uncles. I have a few traditions that I do each year. For example I open one SUHVHQWEHIRUH&KULVWPDV ,W·V always pajamas.) I also go on a walk after opening presents. 7KDW·VZKDW,GRGXUing Winter Break, and here is some of what my schoolmates shared with me. Second grader Kallie Carter is LQ0UV3HFRU·VFODVVDQGJRHVWRD special dinner each year a few days before Christmas. Before that some of her friends (such as Kadin) and family (her grandma and grandpa) come to her house. Sometimes Christmas is not at her house. It might be aWKHUJUDQGSDUHQWV·RUDW KHUPRP·V6R\RXQHYHUNQRZ Before Christmas Kellie has a ´EHVWVQRZPDQµFRPSHWLWLRQ6KH always wins! She also makes Christmas cookies with her parents. On Christmas Eve she is allowed to open two presents. On Christmas morning she and her dad check her

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stocking and she opens the rest of her presents, one at a time. Taylor Tomasi is seven (and WKUHHIRXUWKV DQGLQ0LVV*DUWKZDLW·V second grade class. I live just down the street from Taylor, and she likes to hang out with me and my brother. She really likes to ski with T aylor her dad, and she likes to ice skate as well. Her other exhilarating hobby is downhill sledding. Each year she writes a note to Santa and feeds the reindeer. Santa says that Rudolf is allergic to peanuts VRVKHGRHVQ·WIHHGWKHUHLQGHHUDQ\ more. She writes all the things she wants and hangs it on her refrigerator. Mr. Kolbenson, who likes to be FDOOHG´WKHWRSRIWKHIRRGFKDLQ celebrates Christmas with his mom and brings her from Staten Island, New York to do so. His sister comes to join them sometimes but has done so the past M r. K olbenson two years. He goes to a church service at 7 p.m. He also lays a very special train


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around the tree but puts it back on Christmas morning. They have a big party near a hill so they can sled. He says that his favorite part is the festivities and the happy feeling. On Christmas Eve he walks on Church Street hill until the lights go out. Then he has a big dinner with his friends and family.

figures to go with his video game, and some Legos to build and play with. These are the things that make 5\DQ·VZLQWHUYDFDWLRQVSHFWDFXODU Lauren McCallig is a third JUDGHULQ0UV%HOLVOH·VFODVVDQGWKH favorite thing she does during winter vacation is play in the snow with her brother Michael and her friends Emily, Anna, Payton and Daniel. They build epic forts, and sometimes they have snowball fights protecting their forts. These guys make snowmen that almost look real, and they all can make wonderful snow angels. Their favorite activity is to go sledding on some monster hills. Finally, they enjoy warm, not hot, chocolate after playing in the cold snow. Lauren celebrates Christmas, and her favorite part is spending time with her family. Every Christmas her family goes to a beautiful church service. She also has been to downtown Burlington to ride on the Polar Express train. She goes shopping with her mom and dad and enjoys the decorations. For Christmas Lauren wants a puppy and a new hockey stick. /DXUHQFDQ·WZDLWIRUYDFDWLRQ and from the sound of the fun she has I can understand why! Bella Olinger was my final interview. She is a first grader in 0UV5DQVRP·VFODVVDQGKHUIDYRULWH thing about the winter break is the excitement she has when her family FRPHVWRYLVLW%HOOD·VFRXVLQV(VWDEDQ

Staff Member Mike North I asked several of my VFKRROPDWHV´:KDWDUH\RXUIDYRULWH WKLQJVWRGRRYHUZLQWHUYDFDWLRQ"µ Here are their answers. Ryan Bombard is a second JUDGHULQ0UV'XSRQW·VFODVV+LV favorite thing to do during winter break is to enjoy activities in the snow. He plays with his friends Jack, Nicholas, Max, Baxter and Mitch, and he also really likes playing with his sister Jasmine. These guys have a blast;; having snowball fights to see who wins, and also making snowmen. Ryan celebrates Christmas with his family and loves spending time with them. He has a special tradition at Christmas time. He goes to his JUDQGPD·VKRXVHWRRSHQSUHVHQWVHDW yummy candy (and, the best part), his JUDQGPD·VFRRNLHV At home, Ryan helps his family put up Christmas decorations and the WUHH5\DQ·V&KULVWPDVOLVWFRQVLVWVRI two main wishes: some Skylander

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and GiGi visit her, and her Aunt Mary and Uncle Elvis come as well. They all go sledding down huge hills and after they are done with outdoor activities they visit their grandma and drink hot chocolate together. Bella and her family celebrate Christmas. They put up a tree with incredible decorations. Bella has only one request for Christmas and that is some American Girl dolls. The thing that makes Bella the most happy about winter break is spending time with her family. That is special, because Bella knows what is really important.

and I even get to take a present to bed with me on Christmas Eve. I decided to interview some others to see what they do for their winter vacation. I talked with Mrs. Lewis and found out she also celebrates Christmas. She first has Christmas at her house where her parents come over and she makes a Christmas breakfast. Then she goes to New Jersey to her M rs. L ewis KXVEDQG·V SDUHQW·VKRXVHDQGXVXDOO\JRHVIRUD hike. She also goes to New York City to see the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. During her winter vacation she also likes to go sledding with her daughters. Miss BenQHWW·V favorite season is winter. She celebrates Christmas DWKHUSDUHQW·VKRXVHDQGHDFh year she goes on a trip. This year the trip will be to Costa Rica. She likes to ski with her friends and she also likes to sled ² but not in Costa Rica! Rex Jewell is in the second grade and he celebrates Christmas too. His favorite season is winter, so his winter vacation involves some of his favorite winter activities: skiing, sledding, snowball fights and building snow forts. And for eating? Why apple pie, of course!

Staff Member Ray Thibeault What do you like to do for your winter vacation? Some people celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or other holidays, some go on trips, some go skiing or sledding, and some stay at home and do things inside, For my winter vacation I celebrate Christmas at my house and then go to my grDQGSDUHQWV·KRXVH ZKLFKLVQ·WWRRIDUDZD\DVWKH\OLYHLQ South Burlington too. Sometimes we have a party where my family and friends come over. I like to play outside. I usually have a snowball fight with my brother and go sledding. I also love to drink hot cocoa and eggnog when sitting by the fireplace. Like most kids I love to open presents

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Staff Member Nisha Shah

When I asked Jesse what she wanted most for Christmas she replied µJHDUIRUP\ VQRZERDUGµ Everybody has Jesse VRPHWKLQJWKH\FDQ·W wait to do over December vacation. Whether it is family, friends, or sports, everybody loves to do something with somebody. ,KRSH\RXHQMR\HGZKDW·VVSHFLDOWR VWXGHQWVLQ\RXUVFKRRO:KDW·V special to you?

December vacation. What comes to mind when you hear those words? For me, I start thinking about my cousins and mostly about secret Santa. I interviewed some students to get their opinion. Let me tell you my story and some of theirs. 0\QDPHLV1LVKD6KDK,·P HOHYHQ\HDUVROGDQGLQ0UV7KLHUHW·V fifth grade class. I love December vacation because I get to see my FRXVLQV,VHHWKHPDWP\IDPLO\·V annual Christmas party. We always play around until my favorite thing about Christmas, Secret Santa! Secret Santa is when an adult couple is paired up with a child. When the couple arrives at the house, they secretly put a gift for that child under a Christmas tree. Then when the time comes, a parent hands out the presents. We open them in order from oldest to youngest. But before we can open our present(s), we have to guess who our secret Santa is. I love this part because of all the suspense (and I guess because I get presents too). I always get really cool presents (most of the time what I wanted for Christmas that year), but I always guess the wrRQJFRXSOH,FDQ·WZDLW for December vacation. But enough DERXWPH/HW·VWDONDERXWJesse Buck.

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Staff Member Sydney Klugo What do I do for winter vacation? Well I like to do a bunch of things. I will make cookies with my dad, and we usually make at least five different kinds. My favorite type of cookie we make is either the black and white cookies or the sugar cookies. Then sometimes we will go and cut down a tree together as a family, or if ZHGRQ·WKDYHWLPHWRGRWKDWZHXVH our fake one. :HGRQ·WKDYHDQ\IDPLO\ DURXQGKHUHEHFDXVHWKH\·UHDOO spread out. My mom and my dad both have big families. My mom has 13 siblings and my dad has five so we have Christmas with our friends.


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I go to the mall with my dad and then my mom to buy presents for family. I absolutely love going shopping at Christmas time because everything is covered with lights and the air has Christmas smells from the candle shops. I like to help my mom with our Christmas cards, and then I love getting Christmas cards from people, EHFDXVHWKH\·UHVRLQWHUHVWLQJ My birthday is two weeks before Christmas. My presents come on my birthday, in between those two weeks, or when my Aunts, Uncles or cousins mail our Christmas presents. That is why I love having my birthday in December. When we have time, we will decorate our tree together. Zach, my brother, and I will put on the ornaments. Dad puts on the lights and everything that goes around and around the tree like tinsel, but I will help him when he needs me. Mom and dad puts on the ornaments near the top and mom hands us all the ornaments. On Christmas morning I will get up really early and go downstairs to see if Santa has come. When everybody is up, Zach and I get to dump out our stockings before we open our presents and eat breakfast.

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