Cell Structure and Function Directions: Insert and install your Interactions: Foundations CD. a. Click the "Contents" button. b. Open the Cellular Level of Organization file. c. Click on Anatomy Overviews. d. Work through Cell Structure and Function.

1. Define cells’ role in the body. The cell is the basic living structural and functional unit in the body. All living thing are either single cells or composed of a collection of cells. The cell holds DNA information and a bunch of molecules that carry out specific functions 2. Identify each of the following:

3. Click the cilium to learn more about their structure (and flagella). a. Describe the function of ciliated and flagellated cells in the body. The flagellum functions to move the entire cell; cilia function to move fluid and cell components along the cells surface. a.


Identify the following cilia and flagella anatomy. The flagella move the entire cell. Where the Cilia move fluid along the cells surface.

Return to the Generalized Cell homepage and click Microvilli. a. Describe microvilli function. These structures increase surface area for absorption, especially in the small intestine and proximal convoluted tubules of the kidneys

5. Return to the Generalized Cell homepage and click secretory vesicle or Golgi complex.. a. Describe secretory vesicle functions. These vesicles deliver proteins to the plasma membrane where they are discharged by exocytosis into the extracellular fluid. b. Identify each of the following:

Transfer vesicles

6. Return again to the Generalized Cell homepage and click on cytoskeleton. a. Name the three types of cytoskeletal structures. microfilaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules

b. Return again to the Generalized Cell homepage and click on cytoskeleton. Describe three primary cytoskeletal functions. 1) It provides a structural frame work for a cell 2) Responsible for cell movement 3) Aids movement of chromosomes with in the cell during division 7. Click on the Centrosome from the Generalized Cell homepage. a. What are the functions of the pericentriolar area and the centrioles? The pericentriolar area serves as a center for organizing microtubules in non-dividing cells and for forming the mitotic spindle during division. The centrioles play and role n the formation and regeneration of cilia and flagella.

8. Back to the Generalized Cell homepage. This time investigate lysosomes or peroxisomes. a. Explain lysosome functions. Digest substances that enter the cell via endocytosis; digests worn out organelles; can digest entire cell; and extracellular digestion

b. How are peroxisomes similar and how are they different? Peroxisomes are similar in structure in lysosomes, but are smaller and contains enzymes that can oxidize various organic substances 9. From the Generalized Cell homepage, click either Smooth or Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum. a.

Describe the function of:

smooth ER – synthesizes phospholipids, fats and sterols

rough ER – synthesizes proteins for secretion, synthesizes phospholipids and forms new membranes for cellular 10. Return again to the Generalized Cell homepage. Click the nucleus. a.

Describe nucleus function. Contains the genetic material (DNA) and the RNA needed for coding proteins;

b. Identify each of the following.


11. Return to the Generalized Cell homepage and investigate the cytosol. a. What is the importance of the cytosol? Cytosol is the fluid responsible for the transport of dissolved substances. It is also the site for most enzymatic reactions 12. Back from the Generalized Cell homepage, click the plasma membrane. a. Explain the various functions of the plasma membrane. Explain the various functions of the plasma membrane. 1) conducts enzymatic reactions. 2) provides transport of molecules. 3) provides communication between cells 4) Provides cell identification 5) Forms cell junctions for tissues b. Identify each of the following:

13. Click the from the Cell homepage. a.

Explain mitochondria function. Production of ATP; site of cellular respiration and metabolism

b. Identify each of the following:

mitochondria Generalized

14. With one last trip back to the Generalized Cell homepage, investigate ribosomes. Describe ribosome function. Free ribosomes synthesize proteins used with in the cell. Membrane-bound ribosomes: synthesize proteins destined for insertion in plasma membrane or export from the cell.