Trav. Mus. Hist. nat. u Grigore Antipa, I Vol. XXXII I pp. 239-249 1 1 1992 CATALOGUE OF THE ASILIDAE (DIPTERA) OF THE CANARY ISLANDS MEDEEA WEI...
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Trav. Mus. Hist. nat. u Grigore Antipa,




pp. 239-249

1 1 1992

CATALOGUE OF THE ASILIDAE (DIPTERA) OF THE CANARY ISLANDS MEDEEA WEINBERG, MARCOS BAEZ Ce catalogue a kt6 conqu B la suite de la rkvision critique de la littkrature, ainsi que de 1'6tude effectuk par les auteurs sur de nouveaux specimbns des fles Canaries. Jusqu'l prksent, on a ktabli la prk~encedans les lles Canaries de 26 espbcee, dont 19 sont end6miques.

This catalogue is the result of the critical revision of the literature data, as well as the study of new specimens captured in the Canary Islands and published by us. In the following papers B a e z , W e i n b e r g , 1981 and W e i n b e r g , B a e z , 1989, 1991, 1992 besides the faunistic data, we illustrated the genitalia of most species and we also described new species and the unknown sex, whenever it was possible. Up t o now, 26 species have been recorded from the archipelago, 19 of which are endemic ones. All the data included in the catalogue, referring t o the occurrence and distribution of these species in the area, represent a starting point for future researches. This area is a very interesting one, its fauna including many endemits. Geographical data. The Canarian archipelago consists of seven volcanic main islands situated 90-130 Km off the coast of southern Morocco. The climate is warm - temperate, and, as a result of the strong oceanic influence, the average temperatures are much lower than on the adiacent African continent. The warmest and driest climate is found on Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, closest to the continent (Fig. 1). Rainfall is here about 140 mmlyear, but increases westwards to 585 mmlyear on the most remote island, La Palma. The Canaries were built up by lava shields during the Miocene-Pliocene. Leaf impressions and dolomitized trees on Gran Canaria date back t o the Lower Pliocene, and very likely the archipelago was extensively colonized by plants and animals in the Miocene. History. The first publication concerning the occurrence of Asilidae Diptera in the area was that of M a c q u a r t (1839), followed by that of B e c k e r in 1908 and in 1936 and 1958 by those of F r e y We analysed the content of these papers in 1991. Up t o the publication of our results, we must also mention E n g e 1 (1930), who, in his synthesis of the palearctic Asilidae, also mentions the







Canary Islands when dealing with some species' distribution. T s a c a s (1968) referes t o this area, too. I n 1981 (B a e z , W e i n b e r g ) we published a new species from Tenerife Island. B a e z (1987) adds new data about the occurrence of a Leptogaster species, described from the Tenerife Jsland. The author records this species again from some localities on this Island and mentions its presence for the first time in two other islands. From 1989 ( W e i n b e r g , B a e z 1 we published 3 taxonomical contributions on the asilides from the Canary Islands. One of these papers refers to the genus Neomochtherl~sand the other two concern the species . of 5 subfamilies out of the 6 ones in the archipelago.

METHOD The classification of the species by subfamilics is the one adopted in

L e h r ' s palearctic catalogue (1988). In order to emphasize the number of genera and species recorded from the area, we give a numerical situation for each subfamily (Tab. 1.). By the genus' name, we indicate the author and the year; the species of each genus are alphabetically listed. For each species, the author and the year are mentioned, as well as the bibliographicill data and the locality it was found from. The first rubric contains reference data: the authors that recorded a species from the Canary Islands (in the sequence of the paper's publication year), their name being preceded by a number. Within each species, the se-





1 4 ~ 6


00 LA PALMA ( 7 2 9 Km21

C O R A 078 ~ m ' )


TENERIFE (2058 Km')

UH.RR0 (278 Kmy)

Fig. 1 -The

map of the Canary Islands.

CRAN CANARIA (1532 K m y l




Table 1 Asilidae from the Canary Islands - number of taxa by subfamily ~ubfalhil~





Laphriinae Stenopogoninae Dnsypogoninae I~ptogastrinae Apocleinne lleinilac total

quence begins with nr. 1 and is followed by the year of the paper's publication, the page that contains the reference t o the respective species, and in paranthesis the name the author used when publishing it, if this name differs from t h e valid one. The paper's title and the periodical that published it are mentioned in the references. I n a second rubric. we mention. usine literature data. all the localities where each species was recorded from. The number, in paranthesis, following each locality indicates the bibliographical source given in the first rubric. The species may be recorded by several authors from the same place. I n this case, the respective locality is followed by more numbers in paranthesis, corresponding t o the authors who mentioned it. The localities from the same island are grouped together. The geographical distribution of the species in the area is given in tnble 2. 0

:The sequence of the 7 islands, according to the distance from the continent (see also map. fig. 1) is respected in the table: table 2 also indicates the island where each species was recorded from. Besides distribution of the Asilidae species in the Canary Islands tnble 2 indicates the endemits living in the Archipelago. FAM. ASILIDAE Leach, 1819 SUBFAM. LAPHRIINAE Macquart, 1838

CHOERADES Walker, 1851 Choerades fortunatus Baez, Weinberg, 1981 : 1. Baez, Weinberg, 1981 : 171-175. Localities - TENERIFE: Barranco de Tahodio (1); Monte de Las Mercedes (1). Distribution - enclemic.



Table 2 Dietribution o f the Aeilidae species i n the Canary Islanda




Choerades fortunatus Andrenosoma atrum Stichopogon c a n a r i e ~ i s Stichopogon septcmcinetus



Habropogon pertusus


Promachus consanguinneus Promachw g o w a e Promachus mineensis Promachus latitarsatus Promcrchw ~almensis Promachua vexator Cerdistus dimidiatus E ~ i t r i ~ t uinconstans s Epitriptus mictus Machimus antennutus Machimus aberrans Machimw nigrifemorarw Neomochrherus f u s c i f e m ratus Neomchtkrus gomeroe Neomochtherus lanaorotae Neomochtherus schis#aceus Tolmerus awicapilus Tolmerus atripes Tolmerus fwcus







I- I-




ANDRENOSOMA Rondani, 1856 Andrenosoma atrum (Linnaeus, 1758) 1. Macquart, 1839: 102 (as Laphria atra); 2. Becker, 1908: 29; 3. Engel, 1930: 240; 4. Frey, 1936: 59; 5. Lehr, 1988: 206; 6. Weinberg, Baez, 1992: Localities - HIERO: El Pinar (6). CANARY ISLANDS (1-5). Distribution- Common in Europe and North of Africa. SUBFAM. STENOPOGONINAE Lehr, 1988 STICHOPOGON Loew, 1847 Stichopogon canariensis Becker, 1908 1. Becker, 1908: 27-28; 2. Engel, 1930: 401-402; 3. Frey, 1936: 59 (as St. (Dichropogon) canariensis); 4. Lehr, 1988: 229; 5. Weinberg, Baez, 1992: Localities - TENERIFE: (1, 2, 3); Las Canadas (4, 5). CANARY ISLANDS (2, 4). Distribution - endemic. Stichopogon septemcinctus Becker, 1908 1. Becker, 1908: 28-29; 2. Engel, 1930: 408; 3. Frey, 1936: 59; 4. Lehr, 1988: 231. Localities - GRAN CANARIA (1,2,3). CANARY ISLANDS (2,4). Distribution - endemic. HABROPOWN Loew, 1847 Habropogon pertusus Becker, 1908 1. Becker, 1908: 26-27; 2. Engel, 1930: 391-392; 3. Frey, 1936: 59; 4. Lehr, 1988: 241; 5. Weinberg and Baez, 1991: 307-316; 6. Weinberg and Baez, 1992: Localities - F U E R T E VENTURA r Tetir (5) ;La Oliva (5,6). TENERIFE: Guimar (1, 2, 3); Las Canadas (6). CANARY ISLANDS (4). Distribution - endemic. SUBFAM. DASYPOGONINAE Macquart, 1838 SAROPOGON Loew, 1847 Saropogon punctipennis Frey, 1958 1. Fryy, 1958: 13 (and as f. nigriventris); 2. Lehr, 1988: 264 (as punctipennis nzgriventris); 3. Weinberg and Baez, 1991: 307-316. Localities - LA NZA RO TE: Atalaya (1) ; Haria (3). F UER T E VENTURA: Graciosa (1) ; Corras (1) ; La Oliva (1, 3) ; La Matilla (3) ; Barranco (3); Esquinzo (3); Tetir (3). CANARY ISLANDS (2). Distribution - endemic.



SUBFAM. LEPTOGASTRINAE Sclliner, 1862 LEPTOGAS T E R Meigen, 1803 Leptogaster fragilissima Frey, 1936

1. Frey, 1936: 58; 2. Baez, 1987: 259-261; 3. Lehr, 1988: 268. Localities - T E N E R I F E : Agun Garcia ( 1 ) ; Agua Mansa ( 1 ) ; Lorbeerwald ( 1 ) ;Orotava ( 1 ) ; Monte de Los Silos ( 2 ) ; Monte del Realejo Bajo ( 2 ) ; Monte Aguirre (2). L A P A L M A : Barranco del Rio (2). G O M E R A : ~ l ~ e d (r2 o); Gora clc? ~ a s ~ ( a2 )r; Los Infantcs ( 2 ); ~ ~ n n i l o ' ( 2 )C. A N A R Y I S L A N D S (3). ., Distribution - endemic. SUBFAM. APOCLEINAE Lehr, 1988 PROMACHUS Loex, 1848

Promachus consanguinneus hhcquart, 1839 1. Macquart, 1839: 103 (as Asilus) ; 2. Becker, 1908: 31-32: 3. Engel, 1930: 24-25 ; 4. Frey, 1936: 57 ; 5. Frey, 1958: 13; 6. Lehr, 1988: 276. Localities - L A N Z A R O TE (Lobes. Graciosa) (2, 4). F U E R T E V E N 'I'URA: Jable (5). C A N A R Y I S L A N D S ( 1 , 3, 6). Distribution - cndenlic. Promachus gomerae Frey, 1936 1. Frey, 1936: 5 6 ; 2. Lehr, 1988: 276. Localities - GOMERA : San Sebastian (1). C A N A R Y I S L A N D S (2). Distrihution - endemic. Promachzls guineensis (Wiedemann, 1824) 1. nlacquart, 1839: 103 (as Asilus); 2. Becker, 1908: 3 2 ; 3. Lchr, 1988: 276. Localities - C A N A R Y I S L A N D S ( 1-3). Distribution - Europe and Aftrotropical re,'won. Promachus latitarsatus (Macquart, 1839) 1. Macquart, 1839: 102 (as Asilus); 2. Beekcr, 1908: 29-30; 3. Engcl, 1930: 26-27; 4. Frey, 1936: 5 6 ; 5. Frey, 1958: 1 3 ; 6. Lehr, 1988: 276. Localities - G R A N C A N A R I A : Las Palmas ( 4 , 5); Puerto de la Lua ( 4 ) ; Tafira (4); Los Lagunetas (4). C A N A R Y I S L A N D S (1, 2, 3, 6 ) . Distrihution - endemic. Promachus palmensis Frey, 1936 1. F r y , 1936: 5 7 ; 2. Lehr, 1988: 276. Locallt~es- L A P A L M A : La Caldera ( 1 ) ; Los Llanos ( 1 ) ; El Paso ( 1 ) . C A A r A R Y I S L A N D S (2). Distribution - endemic



Promachus vexator Becker, 1908 1. Recker, 1908: 31 ; 2. Engel, 1930: 31; 3. Frey, 1936: 56-57; 4. Lehr, 1988: 277. Localities - TENERIFE: Guimar (1,3); San Andres (3); Santa Cruz (3); La Esperanza (3); Puerto Cruz (3); Icod de 10s Vinos (3); Orotava (3) ; Agua Mansa (3); Canadas cca 2500 m (3). CANARY ISLANDS (2, 4). Distribution - endemic. SUBFAM. ASILINAE Schiner, 1862 CERDISTUS Loew, 1848 Cerdistus dimidiacus (Macquart, 1839) 1. l\lzcquarr, 1839: 104 (as Asilus); 2. Becker, 1908: 34-35 (as Epitriptus); 3. Engel, 1930: 96; 4. Frey, 1936: 57; 5. Frey, 1958: 14; 6. Lehr, 1988: 285. Localities - F U E R TI3 VEN T U R A : Betencuria (5). T E N E R I F E : Laguna (2) ; Tacoronte (4) ; Las Nerccdes (4); Agua Mansa (4). LA PALMA : El Paso (5). CANARY ISLANDS (3, 6). Distribution. - endemic. E P I T R I P T U S Loew, 1849 Epitriptus inconstans Meigen, 1820 1. Macquart, 1839: 104 (as A~ilus);2. Lehr, 1988: 293. Localities - CANARY ISLANDS (1, 2). Distribution - Europe and Nord ~lfrica. Epitriptus rnixtus Becker, 1908 1. Becker, 1908: 36-37; 2. Engel, 1930: 186; 3. Frey, 1936: 5758; 4. Lehr, 1988: 293; 5. Weinhere;, Baez, 1992: Localities - FUERTEVENTURA : La Oliva (5) ; Beo Ajui (5) ; Beo Los Molinos (5). GRAN CANARIA: Tejeda (5); Baudame (5). T E N E R I F E : (1, 2); Pico de Teyde (3); Las Canadas (3, 5); El Portillo (3); Las L a p n e tas (5); Los Rodeos (5); El Poris (5); Altos Arafo (5). GOMERA: Laguna Grande (5). CANARY ISLANDS (4). Distribution - endemic. MACHIMUS Loew, 1849 Machimus aberrans (Schiner, 1868) 1. Frey, 1958: 14. Locality. - F U E R TEVENTURA: Corralejo (1). Distribution - Europe. Machimus antennatus (Becker, 1908) 1. Becker, 1908: 37 (as Epitriptus); 2. Engel, 1930: 160-161 ; 3. Frey, 1936: 58; 4. Frey, 1958: 14; 5. Lehr, 1988: 301; 6. Weinberg and Baez, 1992:





Benijo (Anaga) (6); Tamaimo (6). W M E -

R4: Hermigua (6); Argumame (6). HIERRO: (1, 2, 3); Guarasoca (4); El Pinar (6). CANARY ISLANDS (2, 5). Distribution - endemic. Machimus nigrifemoratus (Macquart, 1839) 1. Rlacquart, 1839: 103-104 (as Asilus); 2. Becker, 1908: 32-33 (as Epitriptus); 3. Engel, 1930: 188; 4. Frey, 1936: 57: 5. Frey, 1958, 14; 6. Lehr, 1988: 304; 7. Weinberg and Baez, 1992: Localities - GRA N CANARIA : Atalaya (4) : Tirajana S. Bartholome (5) ; Valle de Tejeda (5). TENERIFE: St. Cruz (2) ; Guimar (2, 3) ; Laguna (2); Granadilla, Teneriffa (3); Vilaflor (7); Ortigal (7); Les Galletas (7); Las Canadas (7); El Poris (7); Altos Arafo (7); Beo S.Andres (7). CANARY ISLANDS (6). Distribution - endemic. NEOlWCHTHERUS Osten-Sacken, 1878 Neomochtherus fuscifemoratus (Macquart, 1839)

1. Macquart, 1839: 104 (as Asilus); 2. Becker, 1908: 39 (as Heligmoneura); 3. Tsacas, 1968: 210-212; 4. Lehr, 1988: 311; 5. Weinberg and Baez, 1989: 112. Localities - GRAN CANARIA : (3) ;Tejecla (5). CANARY ISLANDS (1, 2, 4). Distribution - endemic. Neomochtherus gomerae Weinberg, Baez, 1989 1. Weinberg and Baez, 1989: 112. Locality. - GOMERA: Argumame (1). Distribution - endemic. Neomochtherus lanzarotae Weinberg, Baez, 1989 1. Weinberg and Bacz, 1989: 114. Locality. - LANZARO TE: Guarimeta (1). Distribution - endemic.

Neomochtherus schistaceus (Becker, 1980) 1. Becker, 1908: 38 (as Epitriptus); 2. Engel, 1930: 83-84; 3. Frey, 1936 57; 4. Frey, 1958: 14; 5. Tsacas, 1968: 297-300; 6. Lehr, 1988: 314; 7. Wcinberg and Baez, 1989: 112. Localities - GRAN CANARIA: Los Lagunetas (3); Las Palmas (5). TENERIFE: La Esperanza (3, 5); Pico di Teyde (3); Port Orotava (1); Las Canaclas (3, 7); Pico de Guimar (5); Santa-Cruz (5). LA PALMA: Branco del Rio (3) ;El Paso (3,4) ;La Caldera (3, 7) ; Las Lanos (4); Los Ti10s (7); Bea del Carmen (7). HIERRO: Frontera (7); Sabinar (7). CANARY ISLANDS (2, 5, 6). Distribution - endemic.



TOLMERUS Loew, 1849 Tolmerus atricapilus (Fallen, 1814)

1. Macquart 1839: 104 (as Asilus rufimanus and as Asilus opacus); 2. Becker, 1908 (as Machimus): 38; 3. Engel, 1930: 162 - 163; 4. Lehr, 1988: 321. Locality - CANARY ISLANDS (1-4). Distribution - Europe. Tolmerus atripes Loew, 1854 1. Weinberg and Baez, 1992: Locality - TENERIFE: Las Mercedes (1). Distribution - Europe.

Tolmerus fuscus (Macquart, 1839)

1. Macquart, 1839: 104 (as Asilus); 2. Becker, 1908: 33-34 (as Tolmems) ; 3. Engel, 1930: 176-177 ; 4. Frey, 1936: 57 (as Machimus (Conosiphon); 5. Frey, 1958: 14 (as Machimus); 6. Weinberg and Baez, 1992: Localities- TENERIFE: Las Mercedes (4, 5, 6);La Sardina (4); Teyde Canadas (5) ; La Esperanza (5) ; Fuente Fria (5) ; Laguna (3); Mte Los Silos (6); Las Lagunetas (6). LA PALMA: Paso 1300 m (5); El Pinar (5). W M E R A : Hermigna (4); Lanos Crispin (6); Raso Bruno (6); Acebinos (6) ; Canada Jorge (6) ; El Jardin (6) ; Apartacaminos (6) ; Agando (6) ; Meriga (6); Fuensanta (6); Barranquillos (6); El Cedro (6). HIERRO: El Pinar (6). CANARY ISLANDS (1, 2, 3). Distribution - palaearctic. CONCLUSIONS For the last decade, three new species have been described from the Canary Islands : Choerades fortunatus Baez, Weinberg, 1981, Neomochtherus gomerae and Neomochthorus lanzaretae both decribed by W e i n b e r g and B a e z in 1989. The analysis of the specimens enabled us t o enrich the data regarding the distribution and phenology of 15 species out of the 26 mentioned from the area, as well as to complete the diagnosis, by deseribing the genitalia. Among the specimens we studied, we found no one belonging t o the 6 Promachus species, already recorded from the area, nor t o the species: Stichopogon septemcinctus and Cerdistus dimidiatus. These 8 species are endemits, and it is surprising that they weren't found :n the samplings - that have been done in the Canary Islands for more than 10 years. We can't make the same statement regarding the other 3 species: Epitriptus inconstans, Machimus aberrans and Tolmerus atricapillus, known as having a palearctic distribution, that weren't found eithcr. The record of these species from the area was questioned by F r e y (1936) and L e h r (op. cit.).

24 8


We think that the possibility of these 3 species' occurence must not be excluded, hut that it can be established only after genitalia studies will be done on ncwly caputred or collection specimens from the Canary Islands. We wish to specify t h a t in the present identification keys, the, morphological description is lacking in precision, the same features applying to several species of the samr genus; an exact delimitation can be done only on the basis of revision studies. We point out that 19 species, out of the 26 ones mentioned up to new from the archipelago are endemits (sec also table 2).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our colleagur hnca Bgniirescu from the Grigore Antipa )) Museum of Natural History deserves thanks for the revision of the English version of this paper. ((

CATALOGUL ASILIDELOR (DIPTERA) DIN INSULELE CANARE REZUMAT Catalogul a fost realizat pe baza revizuirii critice a datelor din literaturii ca ~i a rezultatelor obfinute de autori, Pn urnla materialelor colectate En ultimul deceniu in Insulele Canare gi publieare de ei. Catalogul cuprinde o introducere in care se prezintii pe scurt stadiul cercetiirilor f n arhipelag, un istoric, citeva date gcografice ce vin sii completeze harta zonei. f n lucrare se dau 2 tabele: unul cu subfamiliile semnalate din zonii, la care se indicii numeric, genurile gi speciile; a1 doilea, cuprinde speciile cu menfiunea din ce insule au fost semnalate ?i dacli sfnt endemice. Catalogul propriu-zis cuprinde enumerarea speciilor care este fiicutg i n ordinea alfabeticii pe subfamilii. Se indicg genul ?i anul. Speciile d~ipii autor si a n sint urmate de mai multe ruhrici. i n 2 din ac'este rubrici sint grupate datele referitoare la prczenta speciilor Pn arhipelag gi ultima cuprinde date nrivind distributia ~alearcticg. 1 , Prima rubric5 este cea bibliograficii Pn care se indicg tofi autorii care i anului de a ~ a r i a u semnalat snecia. Autorii sint ordonati d u ~ i succesiunea tie a lucrkii prececlafi de un numiir. ~a bihliografie se dii autorul, a n i l de aparitic a lucriirii f i numlirul paginii in care el se refer5 la specia respectivli gi in parantezii numele sub care a fost citatli specia i n lucrare dacii acesta n u corespunde cu cel actual. A doua rubrick cuprinde repartitia speciei. f n aceastii rubric5 se indicii localitiitile grupate pe insule. Dupii fiecare localitate, In parantezli se dau numercle care indicii sursa bibliograficli. Din concluzii rezultii cg fauna de Asilide din zonli este foarte slab cercetatii ?i datele adunate Pn catalog constituie o bazli de plecare pentru noi cercetliri. I'vIeritg precizat cii din cele 26 de specii dc Asilidac semnalate in Insulele Canare 19 sint endemice. I





BAEZ ( 1.) 1987 . Notes sobre Leptogaster fragilissima Frey, 1936 (Dip. Asilidae). Boln Asoc. esp. Entom., 11: 259-261. BAEZ (M.), WEINBERG (MEDEEA), 1981 - Choerades fortunatus sp.n. from Canary Islands (Diptera, Asilidae). Trav. M I L S .Hist. nut. u Grigore Antipam. 23: 171-175. BECKER (TI-I.), 1908 - Dipteren des Kanarischen Inseln. Mitt. wol. Mus. Berlin,4:1-180. ENGEL (E.O.), 1930 - Asilidae. I n : LINDNER (E.), 1938 - Die Fliegen der paliiarktischen Region, 412: 1-491. Stuttgart. FREY (R.), 1936 - Dipterrnfauna der Kanarischen Inseln und Ihre Probleme. Comm. Biol., 6, 1 : 1-237. FREY (R.), 1958 - Kanarische Diptera brachycera p.p., von Hakan Lindberg gesammelt. Comm. Biol., 17, 4 : 1-63. LEHR (P.A.), 1988 Asilidae. I n : Catalogue of palearctic Diptera, 5: 197-326. Budapesfa. MACQUART ( J . ) , 1839 Dipteres. I n :WEBB & BERTIIELOT: Histoire Naturelle des Iles Canaries, 2, 2: 114--121. BBhune. TSACAS (L.), 1968 RCvision des espbces du genre Neomochtherus Osten Sacken Diptera: Asilidae I. Region Palearctique. M i m . M u s . naf. Hist. nat., Paris, Sw. A., Zool., 4 7 , 3 : 1-328. WEINBERG (MEDEEA), BAEZ (M.), 1989- Genus Neomochthrus Osten-Sacken 1878 (Diptera, Asilidae) in the Canary Islands. Trav. M u s . Hist. nat.

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