CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL MEMORANDUM FROM.: Registrar TO: Local Registrars CC: PrmRegistrar. WZO Principals and Heads of Centres REF: 17/1...
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Local Registrars


PrmRegistrar. WZO Principals and Heads of Centres




7 August 2013

SUBJECT: Examinations for the January 2014 sitting will he conducted during the period 0247 January 2014. ration

The Online Registration System (ORS) will he used in the registration of candidates for Die January 2013 examinations. eaeottheOlication I he sIRS aoplicdtion wh he a’aoanle on (X( s neusde 2013 for the registration of candidates.

r 19 Tugust

Manual and Video for ORS The ORS is currently undergoing a major redevelopment and when completed over the next year, is expected to contain new features beneficial to users. l.n light of the proposed changes to the ORS, it has been decided against making significant changes to the manual snd video currently on the website until the developmental work is complete. 1 e ’ Features A few changes have been made to the ORS which will be used for the 2013 registration session:

1. alerts will be sent to the email addresses of centres that made registration amendments but have not forvarded them to the ministry. In order to benefit from this feature, centres must submit valid email addresses in the OR.S. Two fields, one for the school and the other for the Principal, will be created so that users may input their email addresses, Both field should he populated, even if with the same email address;

2 2. three reports relating to the registration amendments made by centres have been created in the ORS mr nse hy e:entres and the minIstry. The reports are, kmendment Hicto Detailed inendnent fUsion Rem rt bs School and Amendment History Report by Terrltor; 3. a cheekhox has heen created to show when a candidate is being registered at a new centre having been transferred from another centre. The transfer cheekhox must be selec.ted by the new centre. In order to c.omplete the transfer, the candidate ntnst be withdrawn from the centre of original registration. For the January examinations, all transfers must he completed by 30 November in the year prior to the examinations. After that date, transfers will not he permitted although candidates wlH he allowed to register at one centre and write examinations at another centre on the payment of a fee eqnivalent to the Transfer Fee, BDS$27.00. eesstoORSAlication Principals and Heads of Centres should he advised that the usernames and passwords used in the 2013 regIstration phase will be the same for the 2014 registrat.ion. However, they: should ensnre that the passwords issned to persons who are no longer in their employ are deleted and user acco-unt disabled so as to prevent unaothorised a-ccess. Personal Data. Care must be taken by Principals, Heads of Centres and Local Registrars to e.nsure that indivduai candidate details are completed correctly and checked before submission to the Council. Source documents such as bIrth certificates, national identification cards and passports must be used to verify the correct names, datesottbirth and gender of candidates, especially those registering for the first time.

Previous registration data MUST be provided for ALL candidates who have completed CSFC examinations at the January 2004 sitting and/or at any subsequent CSEC sitting. If data from more than one sitting are available, the data from the most recent Mav June sitting are preferred. If the user is registering a candidate who has written CSEC examinations before, the tick in the “New” check box must be removed in order to access the search function (engine). The search engine allows users to query on a candidate’s personal details to obtain his/her previous registration records once the candidate has written CSEC examinations at the January 2004 sitting and/or at a subsequent sitting, The use of the search engine should ensure the presentation of accurate and standardised personal details and y2idthhihcostsassociatednith than es to the ercon at details of candid ates who have written CSFC examinations_before. Although the “search englne” in the ORS searches the database on the candidate’s personal details (name, dateoLbirth and gender), the availability of the previous candidate number would assist the user in identifying the particular candidate’s records should more than one candidate have matching personal details in the database.

Candidates who are registering far the first time or who have written CSEC• evammatons BEFORE the January 2004 sitting, NIUST register as t&New candid ates. The name of the candidate snpplied at regIstration wli he the name that will appear on the candidate’s certificate Candidates who have written CSEC examinations at a previons sitting most rmnse the same name format (first name, and/or middle name or initial and last namei prtsenteo at the pres tons sitting time stratioii for the an oar 2014 examin ations rovidesaname datmoisbirth or that otifers trom that osed at an earlier si ttin ill be treateuadiITerent to old and new çcordgpnvegçd. The format of the dateoChirth nsed by the Council is Day/Month/Year. Resit Candidates For sobjeets with a School Based Assessment CSBA) components a candidate will be elgihle to register as a Rest if the candidate attained a moderated mark which was at ieast 50% of the SBA marks in the MayJone 2013 examinations. in order to provid e gnidance to candidates abont their eligibility statns to register as Resit for the Jannary 2014 examinations, a notation was placed on the prewlips that were issned for the Ma Jane 2013 CSEC examinations indicating the snbjeet(s) in which candidates wonld not he eligible to “resit” becanse they did not achieve 50% of the moderated SBA marks. Candidates who did not receive any notification will he etigible to register as Rest for the sntjeet(s), Principals, Heads of Centres and Local Registrars wonld have also received similar notification on the electronic broadsheets that were issned for the May Jnne 2013 CSEC sitting. ternativePrtts Candidates who are registering at Private Centres (edneational institntions that are not recognised by the Conncil as fnlhtime edncational institntions) will be eligible to write the Alternative Paper (Paper 3/2). Candidates registering at fnlhtime institntions will not be eligible to write the Alternative Paper. Private candidates who opt to write the Alternative Paper (Paper 3/2) MUST select the “Alter” in the check box. Candidates will not he supplied with question papers for the Alternative examinations if they do not select the “Alter” at the time of registr atIon and will be reported as “Absent” for the examination.

1 n didates

I When the registration data have been entered in the ORS, a copy of the registr ation detaiis (available in the Snjeets RegIstered Report in the ORS) shonld he printed and given to candidates to check and confirm the details prior to the data being forwarded to the Local Registrar’s Office,


erin.s SUBJECT







Biology General mi!try 5 General, English A General Bneral Human and Social General Biology Information General Technology Mathematics General Office Admlnistration General Physics General f!!pI le!sf Accounts Genera PrmnpksolBu%Ins Gencril Social Studies General General

Yes Yes



Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Xe’ Yes

Yes Yes Yes Xes Yes

Scale of F The various registration fees currently charged by the Council are given below CSFC Subject Entry CSEC Candidate Entry CSEC Subject Entry (External Territory) CSEC Candidate Entry (External Territory) Late Entry (see Table below) Amendment (see Table below) Jransfer

BDS$3&50 BDS$36.00 Bt)S$73M0 BDS$72M0 BDS$45M045M BDS$45.004500 BDS$27M0

Late and Amendment Fees: January CSEC Examinations Fee

Received I November Late Entry BDS$35.00 Amendment (subjects I BDS$45M0 a Amendment BDS$45M0 (personal details)


Received 16 —30 N.ovember BDS$75M0 BDS$7500

Received After 30 November BDS$20000 BDS$200.00 -



Submission of Late Entries and_Amendments All late entries and amendments should be keyed and submitted through the ORS



Requests for speclal arrangements for candidates with known disabilitle.s should be made when the entries are submitted. Requests for Braille and enlarged question papers snould be contirmea not later than Jgn1bg 2013 We should be grateful 6 you would fax or email such requests for the attention of Mrs Dianne Medford, Mrs Medford’s fax number is (246) 429 6491 and her emaIl address is djnedt Arcxc:org

The Spanish oral examination must be taken by ALL 0 candidates Local Registrars must ensure that private candIdates are infOrmed of the dates and times wh.en the oral exannnations will he held. &ess.oOttline&ciskat!oeecrdshvanthdaks All candidates should be given their centre code and candIdate number so that they may access the student portal. By 15 November 2013., candidates should be in a position to ‘isit the isensite, to oht’nr deta Is about their registration records. Candidates should be advised that they must bring any querIes about the accuracy of their records to the attention of the Principal or Head of Centre. Candidates Debarred from CSEC Examinations In accordance with the Regulations for the Conduct of the Council’s Examinations nos. S.L1 (Page 22) and 9.1.2 (Page 32), candidates found guilty of any irregularity, mIsconduct or dishonest practice m.ay be debarred for a specIfied tIme from registering for examinations administered by the Council. We are seeking your assistance In ensuring that candIdates who have been debarred from writing the Council’s examinations are not permitted to register for examinations until the period of the disbarment has been completed. tration Deadline Completed electronic entries must be submitted by examination centres to the Office of the Local Registrar not later than the deadline given to examination centres by the Local RegIstrar, EntrIes received after that date will be classIfied as late and the appropriate penalties will he im posed. We look forward to your cmoperation in ensuring that candidates are registered early and their personal and sub lect particulars are accnratel recorded in the ORS

Ah4kdRv Alleie For l)Idacns Jules DJ: AA:aa

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