Heart: general comments •  Pumps blood through 60K miles of vessels •  C.O. = 5 liters/minute at rest


Cardiovascular System •  •  •  • 

double pump systemic circuit pulmonary circuit Both circuits –  arteries –  capillaries –  veins

•  red? •  blue?

Section 20-1: lab topics •  pp. 670-678


Pericardium: 3 layers •  fibrous pericardium –  fibrous CT –  prevents overstretch –  anchors heart in the mediastinum •  pericardium –  lines pericardial cavity –  secretes pericardial fluid –  2 layers •  parietal pericardium •  visceral pericardium (epicardium)

Heart wall •  epicardium •  myocardium –  Cardiac muscle tissue

•  endocardium –  smooth endothelial lining –  confluent with lining of vessels


Chambers, Valves •  •  •  • 

In lab handout Atria Ventricles Atrioventricular (AV) valves, L and R •  Semilunar valves –  Aortic valve –  Pulmonary valve

cardiac skeleton (fibrous skeleton) •  stabilizes heart valves •  isolates ventricular cells from atrial cells –  Nature of the isolation is…


Valves at work (1st of 2 slides)

Valves at work (2nd of 2 slides)


coronary circulation •  coronary arteries •  cardiac veins –  coronary sinus –  thebesian veins

•  many anastomoses

Overview of Cardiac Physiology


Cardiac Physiology •  Two types of heart cells •  1. conducting cells –  control & coordinate heartbeat

•  2. contractile cells –  generate pressure to propel blood

Bundle branches

Purkinje fibers


Cardiac Conduction system •  specialized cells that –  Initiate/distribute impulses

•  components: –  SA node –  internodal pathways •  To atrial muscle cells

–  AV node –  AV bundle –  bundle branches –  Purkinje fibers •  To ventricular muscle cells

conducting cells •  exhibit prepotentials …cation leak… •  SA node (natural pacemaker) –  located in wall of R atrium –  spontaneously depolarizes

•  AV node •  Purkinje fibers


40-60X/minute 20-40X/minute


AV node •  Conducts impulses from ___________ to ___________

•  maximal conductance rate of AV node –  230 impulses per minute –  determines maximal heart rate –  230 beats per min




ECG/EKG •  P wave •  QRS complex

•  T wave •  Useful for –  assessing heart –  detection of arrhythmias

•  Where is the wave for atrial repolarization?


Cardiac Arrhythmias •  Abnormal patterns of electrical activity •  Reduce pumping efficiency •  Indicate damage to –  myocardium –  pacemakers or conduction system

•  Some causes –  exposure to drugs –  electrolyte imbalances in ECF

Contractile cells •  bulk of heart: myocardium •  action potentials are due to –  increased [Ca++] sarcoplasm

•  calcium-troponin interactions result in contraction- just like skeletal muscle •  gap junctions –  allow cytoplasm to be confluent in adjacent cells –  ions flow through –  depolarize neighboring cell


action potential in contractile cells •  voltage-gated fast Na+ channels –  open at threshold due to cation flow from adjacent cell –  rapidly depolarize the membrane •  plateau, voltage-gated slow Ca++ channels open –  allow depolarization to persist •  voltage gated slow K+ channels –  allow repolarization

long refractory period •  lack of membrane response •  absolute refractory period –  Na channels closed and inactivated –  contraction cannot reoccur

•  relative refractory period –  channels can open –  requires stronger than usual stimulus


Calcium ions & Cardiac Contraction •  sources of calcium: ECF and SR •  roles of ECF Ca+2 ions –  bind to troponin for contraction: accounts for 20% of calcium used during contraction –  stimulate release of Ca+2 from SR (this is the other 80% of Ca+2 ions binding to troponin for contraction)

•  FYI –  heart is highly sensitive to [Ca+2]pla –  hypercalcemia – cardiac arrhythmias –  hypocalcemia – weak heartbeat, arrhythmias

Action Potentials and contraction •  Skeletal muscle –  Refractory period brief, precedes contraction…so multiple rapid stimuli cause tetany.

•  Cardiac muscle –  Refractory period extends into relaxation phase…so no tetany is possible


Cardiac cycle •  Pattern of activity of the heart –  Contraction –  Relaxation –  Contraction –  Relaxation –  etc.

Phases of the cycle: systole and diastole •  Used to refer to chamber activity… •  Systole -- contraction –  Blood ejected

•  Diastole -- relaxation –  Chamber fills with blood

•  Blood flows due to differences in pressure


Fig. 20-16, p. 682


Atrial systole •  Atria contract –  blood forced into ventricles

•  Atrial contribution to ventricular volume –  Only 30% of ventricular volume

•  End-diastolic volume (EDV) –  At this point each ventricle holds the maximal amount of blood for this cycle…

Ventricular systole 2 phases •  First phase: isovolumetric contraction –  Pressure rises –  AV Valves are pushed closed –  no blood moves


Ventricular systole 2 phases •  Second phase: ventricular ejection •  Ventricular pressure is enough to open aortic and pulmonary valves –  L ventricular pressure exceeds aortic pressure of ~ 80 mmHg –  FYI: R ventricular pressure exceeds pulmonary trunk pressure of ~ 10 mm Hg

Ventricular systole •  Blood is ejected –  70-80 ml blood –  stroke volume

•  Stroke volume at rest: ~60% of end diastolic volume (EDV) –  (called ejection fraction) •  End-systolic volume at rest: –  Amount of blood remaining 50 ml


ventricular diastole •  isovolumetric relaxation •  All valves are closed until……. ventricular pressure drops below atrial pressure •  then AV valves open, blood flows in….

cardiodynamics •  Movements and forces generated by the heart •  Cardiac output (CO) –  CO = HR X SV –  Given: HR is 80 beats/min and SV is 70 ml/beat –  CO = 80 beats/min X 70 ml/beat –  = 5600 ml/min –  = 5.6 L/min


Factors affecting Cardiac Output

Factors affecting HR •  autonomic innervation –  reflexes

•  hormones •  others


Factors affecting Heart Rate •  Autonomic innervation –  vagus nerves –  sympathetic cardiac nerves –  Control emanates from cardiac centers in the medulla oblongata –  cardioacceleratory center –  cardioinhibitory center

Autonomic innervation •  Both ANS divisions innervate –  SA node –  AV node –  Atria

•  Sympathetic division – ventricles


Autonomic reflexes •  cardiac reflexes: baro- and chemoreceptor monitoring –  Monitor BP and blood gases –  Aorta and carotid arteries

•  Autonomic tone determines heart rate –  Finely adjusted up or down depending on stimuli –  Parasympathetic effects dominate

Autorhythmic cells & HR

•  How can we change heart rate?


Autonomic Innervation •  Effects on SA node ANS alters permeability of SA node •  parasympathetic division Ach opens K+ channels…

•  sympathetic division NE opens Na-Ca channels

Factors affecting HR: the atrial reflex •  Atrial reflex –  Responds to increased venous return –  Stretch of right atrial walls causes an increase in HR –  Receptors •  stretch receptors in the right atrium


Factors affecting Heart Rate •  Hormones that increase the HR –  EPI –  NE –  Thyroid hormone

•  Venous Return –  Increased venous return initiates atrial reflex –  Also stretched SA nodal cells depolarize more rapidly

Factors affecting Cardiac Output


Factors affecting Stroke Volume •  Recall SV = EDV - ESV •  SV is effected by changes in –  EDV or –  ESV

EDV depends on •  1. Filling time •  2. Venous return –  Affected by many factors –  Changes in CO, BP, circulation patterns –  Skeletal muscle activity


Preload determines ESV •  Preload: Degree of stretch of heart prior to contraction •  If EDV is large, so is preload...implications: –  Striated muscle when slightly stretched can form more cross bridges, and contract more forcefully •  “More blood in = more blood out” •  Frank-Starling principle or Starling’s law of the heart •  As EDV increases, so does SV

ESV determined by •  1 preload: determines ESV •  2 contractility: forcefulness of contraction –  determined by •  Humoral agents (+ or - inotropic agents) –  Hormones, ECF [ion]’s

•  ANS

•  3 afterload: pressure that must be exceeded for blood to be ejected from heart –  Increased afterload = increased ESV = decreased CO


Factors affecting Stroke Volume

Summary: Factors affecting Cardiac Output


Congestive Heart Failure •  Heart fails as a pump •  various causes: –  myocardial infarcts, chronic high blood pressure, congenital defects, coronary artery disease, etc.

•  Left heart failure = pulmonary edema Pulmonary congestion

•  Right heart failure = peripheral edema especially noticeable in feet & ankles