CANADA-MANITOBA Soi1 Survey Soils of the Rural Municipality of Hanover Report D82 l* Govemmenl 0iC8n.d. Gouvernement düC8n8d8 Govemmenl of Manito...
Author: Hector Garrett
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CANADA-MANITOBA Soi1 Survey Soils of the Rural Municipality of Hanover

Report D82


Govemmenl 0iC8n.d.

Gouvernement düC8n8d8

Govemmenl of Manitoba

Gouvemomenl du MInitobr





L. A. Hopkins, E. St. Jacques and

G . F. Mills



PREFACE This report and map of the field and laboratory study of the soils of the Rural Municipality of Hanover is one in a series of soil survey reports providing more detailed and comprehensive soil resource information to supplement and expand on information contained in the reconnaissance soil surveys for southern Manitoba. These reports reflect the need by various government agencies concerned with land use and the environment for information about the development and distribution of the soils of Manitoba. Such information is the key to understanding soil properties, behaviour and response to management . This concern requires that soils be described both in terms of their basic properties and the nature of the environmental setting in which they are found . Thus, when an area such as that in the R.M . of Hanover study requires delineation of land of high or low value for crop production or for other uses, the basic reference document is an accurate and reliable soil map . The land resource information included in this resurvey covers approximately 77 071 ha of land . It includes a portion of the area covered in the reconnaissance survey of the Morris Map Sheet Area (Report No. 5, 1953) . However, the projected more intensive use of the soils for agriculture and the growing competition for other uses of land in the area has created a need for more up-to-date, accurate and detailed soil information . The increased examination of soils in the field, the use of current aerial photography, the use of improved methods of studying soils in the laboratory and the accumulated knowledge of the properties and uses of soils over the years have all contributed to the additional information contained in this series of reports and maps . This report contains standard interpretations of soil resource information for land uses related to dryland agriculture and irrigation farming, engineering and outdoor recreation. The classification of irrigation suitability is revised from the earlier system used to rate Manitoba soils . The current system takes into account recent advances in irrigation management and technology that are applicable to both local and regional conditions . During the course of the resurvey, a significant volume of site specific soil data was generated, that for practical reasons cannot be included in this report . These data have been input into the Canada Soil Information System (CanSIS) data bank. This computerized system of data management permits automated manipulation and statistical evaluation of large volumes of data for soil characterization and interpretation . In addition, the cartographic file of CanSIS provides a capability to produce derived maps of various kinds quickly and inexpensively . The types of derived maps that can be generated from the basic soil map include the seventeen interpretations that are provided in tabular form in this report as well as a number of single feature maps for such characteristics as drainage, texture of surface deposits, slope, stoniness and distribution of salinity . For more information about the data contained in this report or about the availability of interpretive maps and single feature derivative maps contact : The Manitoba Soil Survey Unit or the Manitoba Land Resource Unit, Department of Soil Science, Rm . 362, Ellis Bldg ., University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2 . The Manitoba Soil Survey Unit and the Manitoba Land Resource Unit trust that this report and accompanying map will be of value to all individuals and agencies involved with the use of land within the map area.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The soil study of the Rural Municipality of Hanover was conducted as a joint project of the Canada Department of Agriculture, the Manitoba Department of Agriculture and the Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba . The soils were mapped by L . A . Hopkins and E. St.Jacques with assistance provided by D . Swidinsky, D. Potter and D . Schindler .

Soil correlation was provided by R. E . Smith, W . Michalyna and G . F . Mills Laboratory analysis were provided by J . Madden, R . Mirza and K. C . Yeung under the direction of P . Haluschak .

The mapping base was provided by the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Manitoba Department of Natural Resources . Map compilation and digitization in preparation for publication and addition to the CanSIS cartographic file was provided by J . Griffiths, R . DePape and M. Brown . Computer processing, programming, data analysis and formatting of the final report was provided by C . Aglugub .

HOW TO USE THIS SOIL REPORT This soils report contains considerable information about the soils, their origin and formation, their classification and their potential for various uses such as dryland agriculture, irrigation, engineering and recreation . The report is divided into four parts : Part I provides a general description of the area; Part 2 describes the methodology used in the study ; Part 3 discusses the development, scientific classification and morphological characteristics of the soils in the study area, and Part 4 provides an interpretation of soil properties and associated landscape features as they affect soil capability or suitability for various uses .

The accompanying soil maps are presented at two different scales . Soil information for the entire R. M . of Pembina is presented on a NTS base line map at a scale of 1 :50,000 . Detailed soils information is presented for the area around Manitou on a 1 :20,000 aerial photo base to assist the user in locating the soil areas in relation to physical features such as roads, field boundaries, building sites, etc . The following steps are suggested in using the report . To assist the user in retrieving soil information quickly, the following steps are suggested: If project consists of many individual maps, proceed with STEP 1 ., if only single map in pocket, proceed with STEP 2 to 6. STEP 1

Consult the index to map sheets if the report contains many maps. Locate the areas of interest and note the map-sheet number(s) which identify the township and range on each map.


Consult the soil map in pocket of report folder . Locate the area(s) of interest on the map and identify the pertinent map unit symbols . Arabic numerals placed as superscripts following map symbols indicate the approximate proportion of each soil type within the map unit.


Consult the extended legend accompanying the soil map for an alphabetical listing of soil symbols giving the soil name, classification, drainage and related information concerning landforms, nature and depth of materials, and dominant vegetation .


For interpretive information about the soils, consult the appropriate Table in Part 4 . Criteria utilized as guidelines in making these interpretations are provided in the Appendix .


Further information concerning the morphological properties and extent of the soils is presented in Part 3 where the soils are described alphabetically according to soil name.


Additional site specific information not contained in this report is available on request from the Canada-Manitoba Soil Survey, Ellis Bldg ., University of Manitoba .


Soil Map Legend (1 :50 000 scale map) Soil symbol AGZ (Agassiz Series) on printed map should be ASZ

SUMMARY The soil study of the Rural Municipality of Hanover encompasses an area of 77 071 ha in southeastern Manitoba . The soils were mapped at a scale of 1 :50 000 on a photomosaic base. The study area can be described by two main physiographic areas : the level to very gently sloping landscape of the Red River Plain in the northern portion and the gently sloping and ridged terrain of the Southeastern Plain in the southern portion . The cool, subhumid climate of the area results in dominantly grassland vegetation and Chemozemic soils in the nor-them portion and mixed grassland and hardwood forest associated with Chemozemic Dark Gray soils in the south. Mean annual temperature is about 7.8 C and mean annual precipitation is 515 mm . The average frost-free season is 114 days . These climatic conditions are suited for the production of a wide range of agricultural crops Soil parent materials in the Red River Plain consist of lacustrine clays, underlain in local areas by lacustrine silts. The Southeastern Plain is characterized by thin, sandy to clayey lacustrine veneers overlying stony, loam textured till . Areas of waterworked and wave washed, extremely calcareous, stony, loam till and local areas of gravelly sand outwash and beach deposits are also common . The study area is dominantly imperfectly drained with considerable areas of poorly drained soils in depressions. Drainage improvement including main waterways and local drains has reduced the flooding and ponding problems prevalent in the area . Seasonal high water tables and saturated soils at 1 to 2 m are common. A generalized soil map provides an overview of the soil distribution and the landscapes in the municipality and a basis for comparing the potential of large areas for general kinds of land use . The various kinds of land use in the municipality are directly related to natural limitations resulting from soil properties and landscape features . Analysis of 1986 Landsat Imagery indicates that land in annual crop is 33 856 ha, most of which is located on Class 2 and 3 soils with moderate to moderately severe limitations for agriculture. Much of the landbase remains in grassland (19 452 ha) and forest (12 011 ha) providing native grazing and hay for livestock production and habitat for wildlife . Some 7 231 ha are utilized for production of improved forage . The extent and nature of the dominant soil and landscape conditions affecting agricultural use in the RM of Hanover are summarized in Table 1 . Most of the soils (73 percent of the map area) are in Soil capability Classes 2 and 3 with moderate to moderately severe limitations for growing regional crops . Approximately 31 767 ha (41 .2 percent) are in Class 2 and 24 552 ha (31 .9 percent) are in Class 3 . An additional 9 868 ha (12.8 percent) are marginally arable and placed in Class 4. The major problem limiting the agricultural use of soils is inadequate drainage. Unfavourable workability, stoniness, droughtiness, salinity and potential degradation due to erosion by wind are other important limitations . Wetness related to lack of soil drainage affects approximately 48 629 ha with limitations ranging from Class 2 to 7 . Clay soils covering approximately 25 208 ha have slight to moderate drainage limitations and are rated in Class 2 and 3 . Approximately 19 786 ha are characterized by sandy soils that exhibit varying degrees of droughtiness ranging from Class 2 to 6 depending on their drainage, position in the landscape and depth to water table. Although there is no soil erosion mapped, extensive areas of sandy soils covering 27 032 ha have a high risk or potential for wind erosion if cultivated and the soil surface is not protected with vegetation or crop residue . Extensive areas of these soils are used for forage production or remain under native bush or grass vegetation . Loam and clay loam soils, also susceptible to wind erosion if the soil surface is not protected, cover 13 564 ha. Stones and cobbles on the soil surface affect 9 035 ha, varying in degree of limitation from Class 3 to 6. Much of this land remains under forest or grass vegetation and is used for pasture and hay production.Weak salinity affects 1 892 ha of soils, mainly in the New Bothwell area. Local areas of clay soils (736 ha) are characterized by tough, hard structure, unfavourable workability, high draft requirements and poor tilth and seedbed .


Soil conditions which present problems for non-agricultural land uses related to engineering applications and recreation development are: soils with high seasonal water tables ; soils with a high content of high shrink-swell clay ; soils with slow to very slow permeability caused by high clay content; soils with low water holding capacity and high erodibility when disturbed and soils with a high content of stones and cobbles which interfere with recreation and rural residential development. However, the native forest cover on the better drained stony till soils provide attractive building sites for rural residential development.

Table 1 .

Summary of Land Resource Characteristics - R. M . of Hanover

Area, ha

Area, 4fo








Land Use

Area, ha

Area, %

Agric. Cropland


43 .8

41 .2

Native, grassland




31 .9

Native, Forest





12 .8

Forage Crops





11 .0






1 .4







Cultural Features







100 .0


1 .4



100 .0


Area, ha

Area, °k



53,070 I

Organic Unclassified



Imperfect Poor

-I- -

Very Poor



' Land Evaluation for Sustainable Agriculture Project, L. Slevinsky, ManitobaAgriculture

Area, ha

Area, °k




69 .4




17,207 I

22 .5



52 .4

1,357 ~





76,506 I

100 .0

General Rating

Area, ha

Area, 4b




14 .3


10 .131

13 .1





3 .6






3 .6



1 .0









25 .6


63 .1

Area, ha

Area, °k



35 .8







~alis~ity -;;N Class

Area, ha

Area, %



Weakly saline


Area, ha

Area, °k











Area, ha

Area, %



5 .8



.5 .2








11 .8



TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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HOW TO USE THIS SOIL REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


PART1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 8 8

PART 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA . . . . . . 1 .1 HISTORY OF SOIL SURVEY IN THE STUDY AREA . 1 .2 SOIL SURVEY METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .3 RELIEF AND DRAINAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .4 GEOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .5 PHYSIOGRAPHIC AREAS AND SURFACE DEPOSITS 1 .6 HYDROLOGY AND SOIL DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . 1 .7 CLIMATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .8 SOIL TEMPERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .9 SOIL MOISTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .10 VEGETATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 MAPPING . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 UNITS OF MAPPING . . . 2 .3 SAMPLING . . . . . . . . . .

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PART 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3 DEVELOPMENT, CLASSIFICATION 3 .1 SOIL DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . 3 .2 THE SOIL PROFILE . . . . . . . 3 .3 SOIL CLASSIFICATION . . . . . 3 .4 GENERALIZED SOIL MAP . . 3 .5 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . Agassiz Series (ASZ) . . . . . . . Aneda Series (AND) . . . . . . . . Aneda2 Series (AND2) . . . . . . Beaverdam Series (BVR) . . . . . Berlo Series (BLO) . . . . . . . . . Berry Island Series (BYD) . . . . Caliento Series (CIO) . . . . . . . Cayer Series (CAY) . . . . . . . . Colby Series (CBY) . . . . . . . . Davidson Series (DVD) . . . . . . Dencross Series (DCS) . . . . . . Foley Series (FOY) . . . . . . . . Fyala Series (FYL) . . . . . . . . . Garrioch Series (GRH) . . . . . .

11 11 12 12 13 21 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32

AND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

SOILS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Garson Series (GSO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G1ene11aSeries (GNL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GlenfieldsSeries (GFS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Glenhope Series (GHP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glenmoor(GOO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goose Island Complex (GOI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greenwald Series (GEW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gull Lake Series (GLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gunton Series (GUO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inwood Series (IWO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kergwenan Series (KRW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kircro Series (KIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kline Series (KLI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . La Broquerie Series (LAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladywood Series (LYW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lakeland Series (LKD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lambert Series (LAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leary Series (LRY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LenswoodSeries (LSW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Libau Series (LBU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lundar Series (LUR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MalontonSeries (MNT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Marchand Series (MAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marquette Series (MRQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McCreary Series (MCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meleb Series (MEB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NivervilleSeries (NIV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nourse Series (NUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Osborne Series (OBOd) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pansy Series (PAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Partridge Creek Series (PGE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peguis Series (PGU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pelan Series (PLN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pine Ridge Series (PRG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piney Series (PIY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plum Ridge Series (PMG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Poppleton Series (PPL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prawda Series (PRAp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Red River Series (RIV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rochelle Series (RLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ScanterburySeries (SCY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selina Series (SLN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shergrove Series (SGV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Sifton Series (SFTd) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sirko Series (SIK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spearhill Series (SRL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sprague Series (SPG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Labre Series (SLB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. St. Malo Series (SMA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Norbert Series (SOR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stead Series (STD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sundown Series (SUW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Venlaw Series (VLW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warner Series (WRN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weiden Series (WDN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45

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45 45 46 46

PART 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4 USE AND MANAGEMENT INTERPRETATIONS OF SOILS 4 .1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 SOIL CAPABILITY FOR AGRICULTURE . . . . . . . . . Dryland Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soil Capability subclasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soil Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soil Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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47 47 47 47 47 47 52

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Wentland Series (WTD) . . Wintergreen Series (WGE) Woodmore Series (WOM) Woodridge Series (WOG) .

4 .3

4 .4

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IRRIGATION SUITABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irrigation Suitability Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Environmental Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOIL SUITABILITY FOR SELECTED ENGINEERING USES Definition of Soil Suitability Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soil Suitability Subclasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guides for Assessing Soil Suitability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


APPENDIX B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GUIDES FOR EVALUATING SOIL SUITABILITY FOR SELECTED USES . . . . . . . .

85 85

APPENDIX C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

101 101

APPENDIX D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOIL HORIZON DESIGNATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

112 112

APPENDIX E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DESCRIPTION OF LANDFORMS . . . GENETIC MATERIALS . . . . . . . . . Unconsolidated mineral component Qualifying Descriptors . . . . . . . . Organic component . . . . . . . . . .

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117 117 117 117 117 118

SURFACE EXPRESSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consolidated and Unconsolidated mineral surface classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organic surface classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

119 119 120

ORGANIC HORIZONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MASTER MINERAL HORIZONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOWER-CASE SUFFIXES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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GENETIC MATERIAL MODIFIERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Particle size classes for unconsolidated mineral materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fiber classes for organic materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

112 112 113

118 118 119

APPENDIX F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAP UNIT SYMBOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HANOVER SOIL LEGEND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

121 121 122

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Table 13 .

Summary of Land Resource Characteristics - R. M. of Hanover . . . . . . . . . . . Classification of Soils in the Area According to the System of Soil Classification for Canada (1978 Revised) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Generalized Soil Map - Landscape and Soil Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Key To The Soils Of The Rural Municipality Of Hanover And Their Extent In Hectares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Description of the Agricultural Capability Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agricultural Capability Subclass Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agricultural Capability of Soils in the Study Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soil Properties Affecting Irrigation Suitability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Landscape Features Affecting Irrigation Suitability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Description of Irrigation Suitability Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irrigation Suitability Rating of Soils in the Study Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Codes utilized to identify limitations in evaluating soil suitability for selected Engineering and Recreational Uses (Table 14 and 15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering Description of Soils and their Estimated Properties Significant to

Table 14. Table 15.

Suitability Ratings of Soils for Selected Engineering Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suitability Ratings of Soils for Recreational Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Table 1 . Table 2 . Table 3 . Table 4 . Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12 .

Table 16.

Table 17. Table 18. Table 19. Table 20 . Table 21 . Table 22 . Table 23 . Table 24 . Table 25 . Table 26. Table 27 . Table 28 . Table 29 . Table 30. Table 31 . Table 32.

Engineering Uses

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Correlation of Soil Series of the Rural Municipality of Hanover with Equivalent Soil

v 14 19 23 48 49 50 54 55 55 56 61 62

69 73

Association, Soil Complexes, and Soil Associates of the (1953) Winnipeg Morris 78 Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Soil Features Affecting Irrigation Suitability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Landscape Features Affecting Irrigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Guide for assessing soil suitability as source of topsoil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Guide for assessing soil suitability as source of sand and gravel . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Guide for assessing soil suitability as source of roadfill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Guide for assessing soil suitability for permanent buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Guide for assessing soil suitability for local roads and streets . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Guide for assessing soil suitability for trench-type sanitary landfills . . . . . . . . 94 Guide for assessing soil suitability for area-type sanitary landfills . . . . . . . . . . Guide for assessing soil suitability as cover material for area-type sanitary landfills 94 95 Guide for assessing soil suitability for reservoirs and sewage lagoons . . . . . . . 96 Guide for assessing soil suitability for septic tank absorption fields . . . . . . . . . 97 Guide for assessing soil suitability for playgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Guide for assessing soil suitability for picnic areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Guide for assessing soil suitability for camp areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Guide for assessing soil suitability for paths and trails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

LIST OF FIGURES Figure l . Figure 2 . Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6 . Figure 7 . Figure 8 . Figure 9 .


Location of Study Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relief and Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bedrock Formations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physiographic Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surface Deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Generalized Soil Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Explanation of irrigation suitability class symbol Family particle-size Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soil Textural Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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This report contains information of a reconaissance (1 : 50,000 scale) soil survey of the Rural Municipality of Hanover in south-eastern Manitoba (Figure 1) . The municipality covers approximately 746 square kilometers in Townships 4,5,6 and 7 and Ranges 4 to 6 east . This area was originally surveyed for soil resources in the late 1940's, and subsequently published at a scale of 1 :126,270 in a reconnaissance soil report "Report of the Reconnaissance Soil Survey of Winnipeg and Morris Map Sheet Areas" . The towns of Niverville and Steinbach were mapped in an earlier detailed report, the "Winnipeg Region Study Area" published in 1975 . Small areas around the towns of New Bothwell, Blumenort, Kleefeld, Mitchell and Grunthal were also mapped in detail as part of this study . These maps covering approximately 82 square kilometers are included in the map report folder . Soil map delineations and soil information from these 1 :20 000 scale studies have been incorporated into the current resurvey of the R .M . of Hanover . 1 .2


Field investgations for the current project were carried out in 1988-1989 . Survey data was compiled on 1 :50,000 scale aerial photographs which were subsquently published as a 1 :50,000 line map . Where road access is good and most of the land area is cultivated, soils were inspected at regular intervals along the roads (ie . every 4 tenths of a kilometer) in the reconaissance survey . This resulted in one soil inspection for approximately every 30 hectares . A detailed survey (1 :20,000) was carried out around the towns of Blumenort, Grunthal, Kleefeld, Mitchell and New Bothwell . This resulted in one soil inspection for approximately every 10 hectares .

1 .3


The relief of the map area varies from 297 m .a.s .l .(975 ft .) in the southeastern part of the project to 236 m.a.s .l. (775 ft .) in the north-western part of the project near Niverville (Figure 2). This gives a 0.7 meter drop per kilometer, going from the southeast corner to the northwest corner of the project . The overall landscape is level to gently sloping . The study area has no lakes, and a low density, parallel to dendritic network of secondary drainageways flowing in a north-westerly direction to the Red River. The area is drained mainly by the Joubert and Tourond Creeks and the Manning Drain . The south and southwest areas of the project are drained mainly by the Joubert and Tourond Creeks . The northern part of the project which is flatter, is drained by a network of ditches that flow in a northwesterly direction and empties into the Manning canal which eventually drains into the Seine River Diversion . 1 .4


The bedrock formations found in the study area are shown in Figure 3 . The greater part of the area is underlain by Paleozoic era dolomites, limestones, and cherty dolomites (Red River formation) of the Ordovician period . The extreme southwest part of the study area is underlain by Mesozoic era dolomites, gypsums, anhydrites, limestones, sandstones, shales and siltstones of the Jurassic period (Amaranth, Reston and Melita formations) . 1 .5




The study area lies within the Manitoba Plain Division of the Interior Plains Region of Canada . The two subsections of the Manitoba Plain found within the study area are Southeastern Plain and the Red River Valley (Figure 4). The subsection covering the major areal extent is the Southeastern Plain . This is a level to gently undulating lacustrine veneer and morainal



R 5E

R . 6E




Figure l .

Location of Study Area


R 4E



TP .6

TP 7



a F-

Figure 2.

Relief and Drainage

Figure 3 .

Bedrock Formations IVERVILLE



~ ~ZF

TP. 7









TP. 5





0 L

. 9ps~4



R . 3E


MESOZOIC Jurassic Amaranth Formation: red argillaceous dolomitic siltstone and sandstone J overlain by gypsum and anhydrite ; Reston Formation; limestone and dolomite, shale interbeds; Melita Formation: fine grained sandstone, varigated shale minor limestone ; Jurassic thickness up to 140m . PALEOZOIC Ordovician

TP 3

Red River Formationaower Red River Formation(Dog Head, Cat Head and Selkirk members) : mottled dolomitic limestone; Upper Red River Formation : Fort Garry member(fg) : massive to laminated dolomite and high calcium till : in part cherty .

R. 7

Figure 4 .

Physiographic Areas

DIVISION D. Manitoba Plain

SECTION Dl . Red River Plain

SUBSECTION .1 South Eastern Plain .2 Red River Valley


clayey lacustrine deposits beach and outwash gravel sandy lacustrine and beach deposits 4

loamy morainal till

loamy lacustrine deposits organic deposits deeper than 40cm (bogs, fens and swamps) -=7

clay loam lacustrine deposits

® alluvial deposits

soils underlain by lacustrine clay at 25-100cm soils underlain by lacustrine silts at 25-100cm peaty phase: soils having 15-40cm of peaty overlying mineral strata

Figure 5.

Surface Deposits

R 6E


plain, having surface deposits that are 30 to 80 meters deep over bedrock . These surface deposits are dominantly sandy to clayey lacustrine with local areas of waterworked extremely calcareous, loamy, stony tills and gravelly outwash (Figure 5) .

The other subsection found in the study area is the Red River Valley . This subsection is a level to very gently sloping, lacustrine plain . Its surface deposits are dominantly moderately calcareous, clayey lacustrine sediment . Minor very strongly calcareous loamy deltaic lacustrine sediments occur along the western margin . Depth of the surface deposits varies between 15 to 60 meters . 1 .6




Regional and local hydrological relationships in the landscape have a distinct role in the development of soil profiles . The pattern of surface drainage, depth to water table and the direction of water movement in the saturated zone affect the type and degree of profile development . Where water tables (zone of saturation) are at relatively deep levels (eg . 2 .4 to 3 meters) and water movement in the saturated zone tends to be downward, away from the water table, the hydrologic condition is described as groundwater recharge. Recharge areas are characterized by a net downward movement of water in the unsaturated soil zone via such processes as infiltration and percolation . By these means, soil water in excess of field capacity is contributed to the groundwater table. This rise occurs most dramatically in the spring after snowmelt. On the other hand, where water tables are relatively close to the ground surface (eg . .9 to 1 .5 meters) and water movement in the saturated zone tends to be upwards to the water table, the hydrologic condition is described as groundwater discharge . In groundwater discharge areas, the forces of capillarity may transmit water from the water table directly to the soil surface where upon it is lost by evaporation . At the same time, it leaves behind the dissolved minerals and salts which accumulate near and/or on the soil surface.

These are, therefore, two distinct features of hydrology whiich may be directly related to soil development. They are: recharge, which results in leaching (removal of soluble constituents) of soil profiles, and discharge which results in deposition (accumulation) of soluble constituents in soil profile. The most obvious sites of groundwater

discharge are easily recognized by the conspicuous presence of saline soils. White crystalline salt precipitates in and on the soil surface and the presence of salt tolerant vegetation are the more obvious features of saline soils . Imperfect and poorly drained carbonated soil profiles are also diagnostic of discharge areas . Most of the saline soils found in this map sheet are encompassed by a triangle formed between the towns of New Bothwell, Mitchell and Tourond . Groundwater recharge sites on the other hand, can be recognized by the absence of salinity . The vegetation on such sites usually consists of grasses, willows and trees . Most groundwater recharge sites may be cultivated and cropped. The soils in these areas are usually leached to varying degrees which reflecting the relative impact of recharge activity . 1.7


In relation to worldwide climatic conditions the study are lies within the ~ Dfb region, and is designated as dominantly subhumid, cool continental, (Koppen et al, 1936) . Due to its location in the center of the continent a great distance from the moderating effect of the oceans, the summer temperatures are lower and annual temperature range much greater than the world average for the same latitude . The mean annual precipitation for the area is 515 mm with approximately 419 mm falling as rain during the period of April to October and about 96 mm as snow during the winter . June is the wettest month with 77 mm of rainfall (AES, 1981) .

The study area has a mean annual temperature of about 7.8°C . July is the warmest month with an average temperature of 25.8°C . January is the coldest month with an average temperature of -13 .8°C. The average frost free season above 0 degrees C is 114 days . 1 .8


Soil temperature relates to arial climate, but the relationship is affected by soil depth, texture, soil water content, surface cover (vegetation, snow), landscape position and man's manipulation . Soil temperature follows a wave pattern in response to seasonal air temperature

changes, the response being more rapid near the surface and progressively slower with depth . The soil gains heat during the period May to August, then losses heat from September to March . This cross-over of heat loss to heat gain takes place in April and heat gain to heat loss in the latter part of August . The Soil Climate Map of Canada (1972) summarizes the study area as having a cool Boreal soil temperature regime . This Class is characterized as having a growing season (soil temperature over 5°C at 50 cm) of greater than 170 days and 1,250 to 1,288 growing season degree days above 5°C. 1 .9


The moisture regime of soils depends on many factors such as precipitation, texture, organic matter, vegetation, depth of water table, etc . However, at a local scale, all soil surfaces, even those generally considered to be flat, can be thought of as sequences or patterns of convexities and concavities, more commonly referred to as highs and lows (relief) . This irregular configuration of ground surface affects the soil moisture regime in two ways. Surface water tends to move from highs to lows . where it often ponds after snowmelt of after heavy rains . The soils in these two positions, therefore, exist and develop under two distinctly different moisture conditions (see Hydrology) . In general, soils developed on highs are warmer, drier and have a shallower profile than soils developed in lows or depressions . Soil moisture also affects the chemical weathering processes in the soil such as oxidation and reduction, and the kind of vegetation, i.e. hydrophytic, mesophytic or xerophytic, that will grow in the soil . According to the soil climate map of Canada, the study area is summarized as having a subaquic subhumid moisture regime with a significant moisture deficit within growing season of 6 .4 to less than 12 .7 cm . The soil may be saturated for short periods during the growing season . 1 .10


The Municipality of Hanover falls into the Aspen-Oak Grove Section of the Boreal Forest Region and Grassland Region of Canada (Rowe, 1972) . The Aspen-Oak Section forms a broad

transition zone between the Boreal Forest Region (Manitoba Lowlands Section) to the east and the Grasslands Region (i .e.True Prairie) to the west of the Municipality of Hanover . Aspen is the most prevalent tree species ranging from small groves invading the grassland, through larger and irregular clumps, to continuous stands in association with balsam poplar approaching the forest region . A general distribution of burr oak ia also characteristic of this section within this map area, this species is found in stunted form on dry gravelly and well drained till ridges . The most common grass species encountered in the Aspen-Oak Section are big and little bluestem and wild rye . The poorly drained areas are characterized by large areas of sedges . An occasional white spruce was noticed in upland sites near the eastern boundary of the survey area. The odd black spruce and tamarack were observed in poorly drained sites in this area. Soil development is to black chernozemic profiles under grass and meadowland, and to dark gray chernozem and humic gleysol profiles under the influence of hardwood cover on welldrained and poorly drained sites, respectively .

PART 2 2 METHODOLOGY 2 .1 MAPPING Semi-detailed (1 :50,000 scale) soil mapping was conducted by examining soil profiles to at least one meter depth along road allowances and trails resulting in each soil inspection representing approximately 30 hectares. Occasional soil inspection traverses were made where soil complexity necessitated additional field observations . Detailed (1 :20,000 scale) mapping was conducted at the townsites of Niverville, New Bothwell, Blumenort, Steinbach, Mitchell, Kleefeld, and Grunthal . Detailed mapping was performed by examining soil profiles to at least one meter depth at approximately 150 meter intervals through the sections resulting in each soil inspection representing approximately 10 hectares . Boundaries delineating map units in the survey area were compiled on aerial photographs for the 1 :20,000 scale mapping and on a National Topographic Series base map for the 1 :50,000 scale mapping .

2 .2 UNITS OF MAPPING The level of taxonomic classification used in the map area is the soil series . A series is defined as a naturally occurring soil body such that any profile within the body has a similar number and arrangement of horizons, whose physical and chemical properties are within a narrowly defined range . If significant acreages of soils with properties varying slightly from the prescribed ranges occur, a soil series variant is established . A soil series variant is named after the soil it most closely resembles, as well as the feature which distinguishes it from the named soil (eg . Aneda 2, is a soil profile displaying the characteristics defined by the Aneda series but in addition having a sand and gravel substrate within a meter of the soil surface . The delineation of map units, whether described by one, two or three soil series is not exact . Map units vary with local topography, drainage, erosion and soil profile properties . The decision to outline

and label any given area is based on observed soil and landscape features and air-photo interpretation . The delineation of soil boundaries serves to separate soils having properties and conditions which are significant for potential use as field management units . Some soil changes are more obviously marked in nature and can be delineated accurately, others are gradual and boundary lines are not sharp or well defined . There are two kinds of map units used in the resurvey of soils in Manitoba. They are simple and compound map units . Simple map units usually contain one dominant soil series, the properties of which vary within narrow limits . The map unit can also contain a small proportion, usually less than 15 percent, of related but unlike soils and phases . The proportion of such undescribed inclusions tends to increase as soil inspection density decreases or where soil variability has no obvious predictable occurrence . Simple map units are normally named after the dominant soil series . Compound map units usually contain significant proportions of two or more unlike series . These soils are related geographically but cannot be delineated separately because of the intricacy of soil pattern, the cartographic limitations of map scale and survey effort. In many compound map units differences in soils and their related characteristics are strongly contrasting . Dominant and subdominant and minor (if strongly contrasting) soil series are identified, and their percentile proportions within each map delineation is specified . A user must refer to two or more named soil series in the soil legend and soil report to obtain a complete description of a compound map unit. A variation of the compound map unit, the complex map unit, contains two or more named or unnamed soils and non-soils which occur in unspecified proportions . This map unit occurs where soil variability is so complex and unpredictable that soils cannot be delineated separately, nor can their relative proportions be estimated . A user will need

the appropriate letter or number is placed below the soil series symbol in one of four designated locations in the map unit symbol . The designated order is erosion, slope class, stoniness and salinity . If a particular feature is not observed to be significant, an x is used in its appropriate designated location in the map symbol .

only to refer to one map unit name in the soil legend and soil report to obtain as complete a description as is possible of the soil complex . Very often, it is desirable to indicate by map unit symbol, minor variations in certain intrinsic properties of soils or landscape features that deviate from the normal . These variants or phases of series usually affect soil management . In the study, the effect of four such properties and features are indicated . These are erosion, slope class, degree of stoniness and salinity . The degree of magnitude of each is designated in the following manner :

For example, the compound unit coded :

Soil Series

Percentage (%) of map unit occupied by soil series


IWO' - LUR' lc3s

x - non eroded or minimal 1 - weakly eroded 2 - moderately eroded 3 - severely eroded O - overblown


Slope Class




This symbol indicates that the map unit consists of 70 percent Inwood series and 30 percent Lundar series ; that soils within the unit are slightly eroded, occupy very gently sloping terrain, are very stony, and are slightly saline .

x - 0 to 2% level to nearly level c - 2 to 5 % very gently sloping d - 5 to 9% gently sloping

e - 9 to 15% moderately sloping f - 15 to 30% strongly sloping g - 30 to 45% very strongly sloping h - 45 to 70% extremely sloping

2 .3 SAMPLING During the course of field investigations and mapping, soil samples were collected at selected locations for soil characterization . Soils suspected of being sufficiently saline to inhibit agricultural potential were sampled at 10 to 25 cm and at 50 to 60 cm. These samples were analyzed for electrical conductance and soluable salt content . Surface soil samples were collected to access erosion soil characteristics where water or wind erosion was an active or potential hazard .

Stoniness x - non-stony

1 - slightly stony

2 - moderately stony 3 - very stony

4 - exceedingly stony 5 - excessively stony

Salinity x - non saline (0-4 mS/cm) s - slightly saline (4-8 mS/cm) t - moderately saline (8-15 mS/cm) u - strongly saline (> 15 mS/cm) The convention employed to indicate these features in the map symbol is as follows : If none of the above properties are observed to be significant, the map symbol representing the normal or unaffected soil series is used alone without modifers . If one or more phase features are recognized,


PART 3 3 DEVELOPMENT, CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF SOILS This section describes the important characteristics of the soils and their relationship to the factors of soil development, and provides a description of the classification and morphology of the soils in the study area.

3.1 SOIL DEVELOPMENT The most important active factors in soil formation are the temperature and moisture conditions within the soil (i.e . the soil climate) . Under native conditions, the soil climate determines the type if biological life which in turn determines the type of, and the manner in which organic matter is added to the soil . The soil climate also determines the micro-organism activity, the rate of production and decomposition of organic matter, the rate and extent of mineral weathering, and the rate at which products of weathering are accumulated in, or removed from the soil . The soil climate may differ within relatively short distances because of differences in topography abd drainage. Knolls or sloping areas are uusually "less moist" or "locally arid" as a portion of the precipitation may run off. Depressions are often "locally humid" as they collect water and are wetter and cooler than adjacent soils . Normally the soils developed on well drained sites have a greater movement of soluble and weatered products and result in the development of A, B, C horizons, while soils in the level to depressional sites develop only A and C horizons . In the study area, the degree of development is related to the regional climate and the degree of leaching, translocation and accumulation of the soluble and colloidal fractioins of the soil . In grassland areas, the amount of water available for leaching is low, but sufficient to support grassland vegetation ; this results in accumulation of organic matter in the mineral surface and gives the soils the "black color" . The translocation of soluble and colloidal fraactions is relatively shallow . In transition areas from grassland to forest such as is the case in the study area, the soil climate is favorable for tree growth as well as grassland species . There is a 11

greater degree of leaching and translocation than in the grassland area proper, and less organic matter accumulation occurs in the surface horizon . The result is the formation of soils with a "dark gray" surface and identifiable accumulation of translocated products such as clay and organic matter lower in the soil profile . Under more favorable moisture conditions of forest regions, there is a greater degree of leaching and translocaion of soluble and colloidal soil material resulting in soils with a characteristic leaf mat, a leached "gray" A horizon and an accumulation horizon of translocated clay and organic matter . These soils are charaacterized as Gray Luvisols . Brunisolic soils also develop under cool humid conditions and forest vegetation. The soils in this area that are developed on coarse textured outwash deposits are limited for agriculture use by their low moisture and nutrient holding capacity . In a similar climatic zone, soils may differ due to the texture and mineralogical composition of the parent material . Soils developed on moderately coarse to medium texture are more permeable to water and allow for greater leaching of the soluble and colloidal fraction as compared to finer textured soils . Soils developed on moderately calcareous sediments are noticeably deeper than soils developed on strongly calcareous sediments ; soils developed on the extremely calcareous material are very shallow under grassland, parkland or forested conditions because of the defficulty of leaching the large quantity of lime carbonate present ; the maximum depth of soil development on these extremely calcareous materials is 20 to 30 cm . Normal soil development is also affected by the length of the saturation period in an area affected by surface ponding, lateral inflow, seepage or a near surface groundwater . Under these conditions, the leaching of soluble and colloidal material is minimal, and in some cases the translocation of soluble soil material is upward to the surface ; the soil environment is altered from an oxidative state to a depleted oxygen or reductive state. The characteristics commonly associated with restricted

The A and B horizons are a reflection of the genetic forces operating on the parent material and together they form what soil surveyors call the solumn of the soil . No simple definition of master there are so many horizons is possible since different kinds . In general, A horizons or surface layers are subjected to the greatest amount of weathering and leaching and/or organic mater accumulation . The B horizons, lying immediately below the A horizon contain most of the material leached from A horizons or have had other changes brought about by soil forming processes . The C horizons represent the relatively unweathered underlying geological deposits from which the solum has developed .

drainage are dull colors, the development of mottles of iron and manganese, the presence of lime carbonate near the surface of the soils, the presence of, and accumulation of soluble salts within the rooting zone, and accumulation of organic material at the surface . Time is an important variable in soil development . Soils are generally considered to be in factors equilibrium with the environmental responsible for their formation . In this study area, the soils are youthful and are not strongly weathered because development has only taken place over approximately 8,000 years, that is, the period since deglaciation . Soil development normally progresses from youth through maturity to old age during which time they come into a period of very slow change or equilibrium with the influencing factors . However, the development process can be influenced or interupted by an alteration to any of the soil forming factors . For example, the activities of man can be considered as an influence on the factors of soil development . Man has altered such factors as vegetation and drainage and although the effects of this alteration an the soil profiles or properties are not apparent, they have been very significant . Research has shown that altered conditions due to cultivation has led to the reduction of the organic matter content of grassland soils by as much as 50 percent .

3 .2 THE SOIL PROFILE A soil that has come into equilibrium with its environment develops characteristics or morphology unique to itself and is considered a mature soil . Those that have not come into equilibrium with their environment are considered immature. A mature soil when viewed in vertical cross section, consists of soil layers called soil horizons. The main or master horizons have been designated by the letters L, F, H, for organic layers and A, B, C for mineral horizons . Lower case sffixes are used to indicate the type of master horizons and arabic numerals are used when further division into subhorizons are required . If the soil profile is developed from nonconforming parent materials, Roman numeral prefixes are used to indicate lithological changes . Table 1 presents a hypothetical soil profile showing all principle horizons . Figure illustrates the use of the soil horizon nomenclature. The master horizon symbols and lower case letter suffixes are defined in more detail in Glossary .


3.3 SOIL CLASSIFICATION The Canadian System of Soil Classification is a hierarchical system in which the classes are based upon an evaluation of the properties of real bodies of soil . Classes are defined on measurable soil properties that reflect processes of soil formation and environmental factors . The system organizes soil information into various classes at five different levels of generalization as follows : Order -Classes ar the order level are defined in terms of broad generalizations the reflect the soil environment and the effects of dominant soil forming processes . Thereare nine orders of soils in the Canadian System . Great Group - Great Groups are classes formed by subdivision of each Order . Great Groups reflect differences in strength of dominant processes or a major contribution of a process in addition to the dominant one . For example, in Luvic Gleysols the dominant process is considered to gleying, but clay accumulation in the B horizon of such soils is also a major process . There are twenty eight great groups in the system . Subgroup - Subgroups are formed by subdivisions of each great group . Subgroups are differentiated on the basis of kind and arrangement of horizons that indicate: conformity to the central concept of the great groups, Orthic, intergrading toward soils in other orders, or special features such as calcium carbonate in B horizons . There are a total of 186 subgroups in the system .


Family - Classess at the family level are formed subdividing subgroups . Families within a

subgroup are differentiated on the basis of parent material characteristics such as texture and mineralogy, soil families are undetermined and grow with the progress of soil survey . Series - The basic unit in the system of soil classification in Canada is the soil series . A soil series is defined as a naturally occurring soil body such that any soil profile within the body has a similar number and arrangement of horizons, whose color, texture, structure, consistence, thickness, reaction and composition are within a narrowly defined range. Soil series are very often subdivided into phases . Phases of soils series are based on variations of ssuch featues as degree of erosion of the profile, topographic change, stoniness, or salinity. Soil series and soil phases are all three dimensional bodies that occupy a geographic location on the landscape . Since soil is a continum there are no sharp boundaries between soil series . However, we need to identify, sample and describe these bodies so their properties can be compared and predictions made about their use and management. Therefore, limits are placed on the range allowed in the characteristics that differentiate these bodies . These limits are wide enough to permit delineation of soil series over a practical sized area on a map . Usually, it is impractical to draw exact boundaries between the limits of on soil series and another because of time and mapping scale limitations . Consequently, each delineated area may contain small segments comprising less than 15 percent of other soil series . It can be seen, that the concept of a soil series as a taxonomic unit is related to, but in not strictly speaking, the same as the soil body delineated on a map . Therefore, the soil area delineated on the map is designated as a soil series mapping unit. For sampling purposes, the minimum size of a soil body representing a Soil Series has recently been defined as the pedon, This varies, but may often be one square meter in area] extent . The pedon is, however too small to be represented on a map and the Soil Series Mapping Unit can therefore, be regarded as being composed of several contiguous pedons or polypedons whose properties may be individually different but usually within the range defined for a given Soil Series . There are, thus, differences between taxonomic units, sampling units and mapping units . Each may be termed Soil Series. The taxonomic unit really is the soil profile - it is two dimensional in that the


profile can be represented as a vertical slice through all the soil layers at one point on the landscape . The pedon is the sampling unit which is the test pit used to define the in situ characteristics of that profile, to obtain samples for laboratory testing and to adequately express these characteristics as an average for a specified volume at one point in the landscape . The third unit, the mapping unit, is also three dimensional but instead of representing one point on the landscape, it actually represents a segment of the landscape . It is also implied that everywhere in that delineated landscape segment the actual sequence of soil layers is the same as those exhibited in the test pit and those described and classified in the soil profile . The whole purpose of this is to predict the behaviour or performance of these landscape units when subjected to given sets of management systems . Generally, mappable differences in any property or group of properties that have significance in soil formation or plant growth are the basis for separating soil series . Differences in soil parent material, drainage, topographic variation and textural variation have been the key characteristics employed to defferentiate soil series mapping units in the area. These mapping units form a very useful basis for evaluating and predicting behavior of soils for such purposes as growing agricultural crops, engineering projects and planning for community . A discussion of these evaluations and interpretations of the soils in the map area are found in Part 4 of this report . A summary of the classification of soils in the area is presented in Table 2 and a key relating to the soils and their hectarage to their parent materials is presented in Table 4.

3 .4 GENERALIZED SOIL MAP This section contains the generalized soil map for the R.M . of Hanover and a brief description of the soil groups . The generalized map and description provides an overview of the soil distribution and the landscapes in the map area (Figure 6). Each map unit consists of a natural landscape with a distinct pattern of soils relief and drainage features . Each map unit typically consists of one or more soils of major extent and some soils of minor extent. The map units are named according to the dominant and significant soil series identified in the area of the detailed soil map . Minor components of compound map units and soil inclusions are not recognized on the generalized soil map.

The generalized soil map provides a basis for

Table 2 . Classification of Soils in the Area According to the System of Soil Classification for Canada (1978 Revised) SERIES





Brunisolic Soils Well to Imperfectly drained soils developed under mixed vegetation with brownish colored Bm horizon . It includes soils of various colors with both Ae horizons and weakly expressed B horizons of accumulations of either clay or amorphous compounds . Soils having a Bt horizon less than 5 cm thick are part of this order .

Eutric Brunisols Soils with organic surface horizons (L-H), with a brownish Bm horizon, a weakly acid to mildly alkaline solum, but without a distinct minerai-organic (Ah) surface horizon, pH is greater than 5 .5 in the solum .

Eluviated Euttic Brunisol Profile type : LFH, Ae or Aej, Bmfti or Bfiai , Cgj or Cg .

Sandy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold moderately cold, subhumid


Pine Ridge

Gleyed Eluviated Eutric Brunisol Profile type : LFH, Ae or AeJ', Bm¢i or BtiQi , Cyj or Cg

Sandy, mixed, strongly calcarcous, cold moderately cold, subhumid



Chernozemic Soils

Black Soils

Sandy skeletal, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


more than 10 cm thick and with B or C horizons of high base saturation divalent cations, calcium usually being dominant . Well to imperfectly drained soils developed

Orthic Black Profile type : Ah, Bm, Cca or Ck

than 3 .5 . Usually associated with mesophytic vegetation of grasses and forbs .

Gleyed Black Profile type : Ah,

Sandy skeletal over loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid

Gaff ioch

Clayey, montmorillonitic, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Clayey over loamy over clayey, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Coarse loamy over clayey, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Fine loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Sandy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold moderately cold, subhumid


Soils with chernozemic Ah horizons

Soils with Ah or Ap horizon with dry color Munsell values darker

Ck¢i , (Ccagj)


under xero or mesophytic grasses and forbs under grassland forest transition .

Gleyed Rego Black Profile type: Ah, Ck¢I

Bm¢i ,


Coarse loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid

Plum Ridge

Clayey over loamy, montmorillonitic, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Fine loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid




Dark Gray Soils These soils have a leaf mat (L-H) overlying gray to dark gray (Munsell value 3 .5 to 5 .5 dry, chroma less than 1 .5), A horizons . The B horizon is moderately developed, dark brown, coarse granular to blocky and contains concentrations of clay .


Orthic Dark Gray Profile type : Ahe, Ae, Bm or J or Bt, Cca or Ck



Fine loamy .over clayey, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Clayey, montmorillonitic, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid

Red River

Sandy skeletal, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Loamy, mixed, carbonatic, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Sandy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Sandy skeletal over loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous,cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Sandy skeletal, mixed, strongly calcareous,coldto moderately cold, subhumid

Gleyed Dark Gray Profile type : Ahe, BMW, Ckgj

Clayey over loamy, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid

St . Malo -

Clayey, montmorillonitic, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid

St . Norbert

Sandy skeletal over loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Coarse loamy over clayey, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid .


Loamy, mixed, carbonatic,cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Sandy skeletal, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Coarse loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid







Loamy, mixed . strongly calcareous, cold moderately cold, subhumid

Gleyed Rego Dark Gray Profile type : Ahe, Ckfti

Gleyso6c Soils Poorly drained soils which may have an organic horizon, an Ah horizon, or both, or neither of these horizons .The sub-soils show gleying and are dull colored, but colored may have brighter prominent mottles . Soils associated with wetness . They have developed under various climatic and vegetative conditions and in the presence of a high fluctuating watertable.

Hum-dc Gleysol Soils

Soils with an Ah horizon more than cm thick under virgin 10 conditions . When cultivated to a depth of 15 cm, they have an Ap layer with more than 2 percent organic

horizons .

carbon .




Rego Humic Gleysol Profile type: LFH or O, Ah, C~



Clayey over loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, , cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Sandy over loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Sandy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold moderately cold, subhumid



Loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Sandy skeletal over loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid

Goose Island

Sandy skeletal, mixed, strongly calcareous,cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Sandy skeletal over loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic

Berry Island

Coarse loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous . cold to moderately cold, aquic


Clayey, montmorillonitic, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Fine loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Clayey over loamy over clayey, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Clayey over loamy, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Coarse loamy, mixed, moderately cold, aquic



Sandy, mixed, strongly moderately cold, aquic

calcareous, cold to





Luviso6c Soils Well and imperfectly drained soils developed under forest or heath having light colored eluviated horizons and illuvial horizons with accumulations of dominantly translocated clay that are at least 5 cm thick .


Gray Luvisol Soils

Soils with thin organic layers (LH), with light colored eluviated horizons in which clay is the main accumulation product. The solum


Orthic Gray Luvisol Profile type : LFH, Ae, AB, Bt, C or Ck

generally has a medium to high degree of base saturation . Mean soil temperature is less than 8°C.

Dark Gray Luvisol Profile type : LFH, Ah or Ahe, Ae,

BC, C or Ck



Coarse loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Loamy, mixed, carbonatic, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Clayey, montmorillonitic, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Clayey over loamy, montmorillonitic, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic

Partridge Creek

Sandy over clayey, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Sandy over loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Fine loamy over clayey, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Sandy skeletal, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Coarse loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, aquic


Loamy, mixed, carbonatic, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Sandy over loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid

St Labre

Sandy skeletal, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Sandy skeletal over loamy, mixed, calcareous, cold to moderately cold

Gull Lake


Sandy skeletal, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid







Gleyed Gray Luvisol Profile type : LFH, Ae, BtQi , Cg

Sandy over loamy, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Loamy, mixed, carbonatic, cold to moderately cold, subhumid


Sandy skeletal, mixed, strongly calcareous, cold to moderately cold, subhumid




Gleyed Dark Gray Luvisol Profile type : LFH, Ah or Ae, Btgj, Cg

Organic Soils

have developed Soils that dominantly from organic deposits that are saturated for most of the year and contain 3096 or more of organic matter to :

a) a depth of at least 60 cm if the surface layer consists dominantly of fibric moss ;or b) a depth of at least 40 cm for other kinds or mixed kinds of organic material ; or c) a lithic contact if it occurs at a depths greater than 10 cm .

Mesisol have a These organic soils dominantly mesic middle tier, or middle and surface tiers if a terric or

lithic, contact occurs middle tier .




Typic Mesisol These

soils consist dominantly mesic material throughout the middle and bottom tiers. The control section lacks any terric, hydric, cumulo, or limno layers . Common

mixed, strongly calcareous, moderately cold, subhumid



Mesic, euic, cold, aquic


Mesic, euic, cold, aquic, clayey


Mesic, euic, cold, aquic, sandy


horizon sequence : Of,

Om, or Oh, Om .

Terric Mesisol

These soils have a terric layer beneath the surface tier . Cumulo or

limno layers may be present but other layers are absent .

Common horizon sequence : Of, Om, or Oh, Om, C, Om

Table 3. Generalized Soil Map - Landscape and Soil Characteristics Map Symbol-Soil Group (area, percent)

Dominant Landscape and Soil Characteristics

Associated Soils

Clayey Lacustrine Sediments 1

Red River-Osborne RIV-OBO (17 145 ha, 22 .2 %)

Level to depressional, imperfectly drained Black Chernozem and poorly drained Humic Gleysol soils on deep, moderately to strongly calcareous clay sediments

St. Norbert(SOR), Scanterbury(SCY), Fyala(FYL), Niverville(NIV)


Marquette-Peguis MRQ-PGU (1 627 ha, 2.1 %)

Level to very gently undulating imperfectly drained Black and Dark Gray Chernozem Soils on thin clay sediments underlain by extremely calcareous stony, loam, till within 40-100 cm .

Libau(LBU, Kline(KLI), Partridge Creek(PGE), Lundar(LUR), Inwood(IWO)


Dencross-Glenmoor DCS-GOO (6 436 ha, 8.35 %)

Level to depressional areas of imperfectly drained Black Chernozem and poorly drained Humic Gleysol soils on thin clay sediments underlain by very strongly calcareous lacustrine silts at 25-100 cm .

Lakeland(LKD), Niverville(NIV) Glensfields(GFS)

Stratified Sand and Gravel Deposits 2

Leary-Kergwenan LRY-KRW (5 210 ha, 6.8%)

Level to undulating and ridged areas of well to imperfectly drained Dark Gray Chernozem soils on deep stratified, moderately to strongly calcareous sand and gravel fluvial and beach deposits

Agassiz(ASZ), Shergrove(SGV), Spearhill(SRL), Sirko(SIK), Sundown(SUW)


Gunton-Beaverdam GUO-BVR (2 400 ha, 3 .1 %)

Level to undulating, well to imperfectly drained Dark Gray Chernozem soils on thin, stratified sand and gravel deposits underlain by extremely calcareous loam till within 40-100 cm .

Garrioch(GRH), Leary(LRY), Berry Island(BYD),

Sandy Lacustrine Sediments 3

Poppleton-Lenswood PPL-LSW (13 985 ha, 18 .4%)

Level to very gently undulating, imperfectly drained Dark Gray and Black Chernozem soils on deep, moderately to strongly calcareous sandy sediments

Davidson(DVD), Berlo(BLO), Malonton(MNT)


Pelan-Caliento PLN-C10 (5 437 ha, 7.1 %)

Gently undulating imperfectly drained Dark Gray Chernozem and Gray Luvisol soils on thin, sandy sediments underlain by extremely calcareous, stony loam till within 40-100cm .

St . Labre(SLB), Selina(SLN), Sprague(SPG)

Gently undulating, imperfectly to poorly drained Black Chernozem and Humic Gleysol soils on extremely calcareous stony loam till .


Loamy Deposits 4a


Lundar-Meleb LUR-MEB (3 904 ha, 5 .1 %)

Table 3 . Generalized Soil Map - Landscape and Soil Characteristics (Cont'd) Map Symbol-Soil Group (area, percent)


Inwood-Meleb IWO-MEB (5 549 ha, 7.2.3'0)

Dominant Landscape and Soil Characteristics

Associated Soil

Gently undulating, imperfectly to poorly drained Dark Gray Chernozem and Humic Gleysol soils on extremely calcareous, stony, loam till .

Aneda(AND), Piney(PIY), Lundar(LUR)

Loamy Lacustrine Sediments 5

Plum Ridge PMG (1 313 ha, 2.5%)

Level to very gently undulating, imperfectly to poorly drained Black and Dark Gray Chernozem soils on deep, stratified, very strongly to extremely calcareous, loamy lacustrine and alluvial sediments

Wentland(WTD), Ladywood(LYW) Glenhope(GHP)


Glenhope-Woodmore GHP-WOM (3 087 ha, 4.04'0)

Very gently undulating to level, imperfectly to poorly drained Black and Dark Gray Chernozem soils on thin, stratified, loamy lacustrine and alluvial sediments underlain by extremely calcareous, stony, loam till within 25-100 cm .

St . Malo(SMA), Weiden(WDN), Inwood(IWO)


Glenella-Greenwald GNL-GEW (2 526 ha, 3 .3~'0)

Level to depressional, imperfectly to poorly drained Black and Dark Gray Chernozem soils on thin, stratified, loamy lacustrine sediments underlain by clayey lacustrine sediments at 25-100 cm .

Plum Ridge(PMG), Ladywood(LYW) Niverville(NIV)

Shallow (40-160) and deep ( > 160) deposits of moderately well to well decomposed sedge peat underlain by sandy to clayey lacustrine sediments .

Malonton peaty phase(MNTp) Prawda peaty phase(PRAp)

Organic Deposits 6

Kircro-Stead KIC-STD (262 ha, 0.3%)

Fine Loamy Lacustrine Sediments 7

Lakeland-Glenfields LKD-GFS (4 422 ha, 5 .7~'0)

Level to depressional, imperfectly drained Black Chernozem and poorly drained Humic Gleysol soils on deep, very strongly to extremely calcareous, fine loamy (CL, SiCL) lacustrine sediments.

Nivetville(NIV), Sifton drained(SFTd)


McCreary MCY (867 ha, 1 .1 ~'o)

Level to very gently undulating, imperfectly drained Black Chernozem soils on thin, fine loamy sediments underlain by extremely calcareous stony, loam till within 40-100cm .



N i v e r v i l 1 e- S i ft o n drained NIV-SFT (634 ha, 0.8 ~'o)

Level to depressional, imperfectly drained Black Chernozem and poorly drained Hucnic Gleysol soils on thin, moderately to strongly calcareous, fine loamy sediments underlain by clayey lacustrine sediments within 40-100 cm .

Nourse(NUS) Glenella(GNL)

Gently undulating to depressional, imperfectly drained Cumulic Regosol and poorly drained Humic Gleysol soils on stratified, moderately to very strongly calcareous, sandy to fine loamy alluvial deposits .


Stratified Recent Alluvial Deposits 8

La B ro q u e ri e Rochelle LAB-RLL (594 ha, 0.8~'0)


comparing the potential of large ares for general kinds of land use. This information is useful for broad-scale planning, and for identifying areas suitable for certain kinds of farming or other land uses . Similarly, areas of soils with properties that are distinctly unfavourable for certain land uses can be located . The generalized soil map, because of its small scale does not show the kind of soil at specific sites . Therefore, it is not suitable for planning the management of a farm or field or for selecting a site for a road or building or other kind of infrastructure . The kinds of soils in any one map unit ordinarily differ from place to place in slope, depth, stoniness, drainage or other characteristic that affect their management. A brief description of each generalized soil group is provided in Table 3 .

3.5 SOIL DESCRIPTIONS In this section, generalized descriptions for each Soil Series mapped in the survey area are presented in alphabetic order . The approximate area in hectares and proportionate extent of each series are given in Table 4. Characteristics of the soil including genetic profile type and the material in which it formed are described . Surface texture, parent material type and texture, topography and drainage are discussed for each series . Each Soil Series description briefly summarizes the range of important characteristics of that soil in the survey area. Following this, a brief description of the features which distinguish the named soil from similar soil is included . The generalized soil descriptions are based on summaries and averages of soil data systematically documented during the course of the field survey . Information on the suitability and management requirement of each soil for various agricultural and nonagricultural uses is presented in Part 4 of this report.


Clayey Lacustrine Sediments


I la lc

2 2a

Red River-Osborne RIV-OBO Marquette-Peguis MRQ-PGU Dencross-Glenmoor DCS-GOO

Leary-Kergwenan LRY-KRW Gunton-Beaverdam GUO-BVR

Sandy Lacustrine Sediments 3 3a

Poppleton-Lenswood PPL-LSW Pelan-Caliento PLN-CIO

Loamy Morainal Deposits 4a 4b

Lundar-Meleb LUR-MEB Inwood-Meleb IWO-MEB


Loamy Lacustrine Sediments

B R5E Fine Loamy Lacustrine Sediments



5a 5b

Plum Ridge PMG Glenhope-Woodmore GHP-WOM Glenelia-Greenwald GNL-GEW

Organic Deposits 6

Kircro-Stead KIC-STD

7a 7b

Lakeland-Glenfields LKD-GFS McCreary MCY Niverville-Sifton NIV-SFT

Stratiried Recent Alluvial Deposits 0

La Broquerie-Rochelle LAB-RLL

Figure 6 . Generalized Soil Map



Table 4 . Key To The Soils Of The Rural Municipality Of Hanover And Their Extent In Hectares Map Symbol

1 . Soils developed on extremely calcareous, stony, loam to clay loam till. a) Well Drained


% of R.M.


644 .71

0 .84


3266.53 3352 .91

4 .24 4 .35


1275 .74

1 .65





317 .40



238.66 67 .24

0.31 0.08

Garrioch Series (Gleyed Orthic Black)


620 .82


Goose Island Series (Gleyed Dark Gray


222 .96


Aneda Series (Orthic Dark Gray)

Garson Series (Orthic Gray Luvisol)


b) Imperfectly Drained

Lundar Series (Gleyed Rego Black) Inwood Series (Gleyed Dark Gray) Piney Series (Gleyed Gray Luvisol)


c) Poorly Drained

Meleb Series (Rego Humic Gleysol,

carbonated phase) Meleb Series, peaty phase (Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase)

85 .74

476 .02

0 .11


2 . Soils developed on deep (> 100cm) extremely calcareous, stony, loamy till, overlying very

deep stratified sandy to gravelly outwash .

a) Well Drained Aneda2 Series (Orthic Dark Gray)

3 . Soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous sand to gravel, stratified beach

and outwash deposits overlying stony, extremely calcareous loam to clay loam till .

a) Well Drained Gunton Series (Orthic Dark Gray) Gull Lake Series (Dark Gray Luvisol) b) Imperfectly Drained

Beaverdam Series (Gleyed Dark Gray) Luvisol)

c) Poorly Drained

Berry Island Series (Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase) Berry Island Series, peaty phase (Rego

Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase)

4. Soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, sand and gravel stratified beach and outwash deposits. a) Well Drained



504 .87




0 .82




Table 4.

Key To The Soils Of The Rural Municipality Of Hanover And Their Extel In Hectares (Cont'd) Map Symbol

Agassiz Series (Orthic Black) Leary Series (Orthic Dark Gray) Woodridge Series (Orthic . Gray Luvisol) Venlaw Series (Dark Gray Luvisol) b) Imperfectly Drained Shergrove Series (Gleyed Rego Black) Kergwenan Series (Gleyed Dark Gray) Spearhill Series (Gleyed Rego Dark Gray) Sirko Series (Gleyed Gray Luvisol) c) Poorly Drained Sundown Series (Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase Sundown Series, peaty phase (Rego Humic Gleysol carbonated phase


% of R.M.


41 .76 2315 .45 163.16

0.05 3 .00 0.21


22 .08

0 .03


271 .26 298.82 1296 .64 247.84

0.35 0.38 1 .68 0.32







5. Soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous sandy lacustrine deposits . a) Well Drained

Pine Ridge Series (Eluviated Eutric


75 .16

0 .10

Davidson Series (Orthic Dark Gray)



0 .26


217 .66



3947 .20 5135 .42 120.92 1506 .64

5 .12 6 .66 0 .16 1 .95


2396 .20

3 .12


386 .84



318 .30

0 .41


63 .88 2983 .00

0.08 3 .87


b) Imperfectly Drained

Pansy Series ( Gleyed Eluviated Eutric Brunisol) Lenswood Series (Gleyed Rego Black) Poppleton Series (Gleyed Dark Gray) Wintergreen Series (Gleyed Gray Luvisol) Berlo Series (Gleyed Dark Gray Luvisol)

c) Poorly Drained

Malonton Series (Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase) Malonton Series, peaty phase (Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase)

6. Soils developed on moderately to strongly cal-

careous sandy lacustrine deposits overlying extremely calcareous loamy till.

a) Well Drained St Labre Series (Orthic Gray Luvisol) b) Imperfectly Drained

Colby Series (Gleyed Rego Black) Pelan Series (Gleyed Dark Gray) 24

Table 4.

Key To The Soils Of The Rural Municipality Of Hanover And Their Extent In Hectares (Cont'd) Map Symbol


Caliento Series (Gleyed Gray Luvisol) Selina Series (Gleyed Dark Gray Luvisol)

c) Poorly Drained Sprague Series (Rego Humic Gleysol carbonated phase) Sprague Series, peaty phase (Rego Humic Gleysol carbonated phase)


% or R.M .


644.44 552.29

0.83 0.72









0 .40





683 .03

0 .89



0 .06



0 .10



0 .04




7. Soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, sandy lacustrine deposits overlying moderately to strongly calcareous lacustrine clay.

c) Poorly Drained Prawda Series, peaty phase (Rego Humic Gleysol carbonated phase) 8. Soils developed on very strongly to extremely calcareous, coarse loamy to f ne loamy lacustrine

sediments over moderately to very strongly calcar-

eous sandy lacustrine deposits. c) Poorly Drained

Lambert Series (Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase)

9. Soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, stratified dominantly loamy, textured alluvial and lacustrine deposits .

b) Imperfectly Drained Plum Ridge Series (Gleyed Rego Black) Ladywood Series (Gleyed Dark Gray)

c) Poorly Drained

Wentland Series (Rego Humic Gleysol carbonated phase) Foley Series (Rego Humic Gleysol

carbonated phase) Foley Series, peaty phase (Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase)


476 .16


10. Soils developed on moderately to strongly cal-

careous, stratified dominantly loam textured alluvial and lacustrine deposits underlain by extremely calcareous, stony, loamy, till . a) Well Drained

St Malo Series (Orthic Dark Gray)

Table 4.

Key To The Soils Of The Rural Municipality Of Hanover And Their Extet, In Hectares (Cont'd) Map Symbol

b) Imperfectly Drained Glenhope Series (Gleyed Rego Black) Woodmore Series (Gleyed Dark Gray) c) Poorly Drained Weiden Series (Rego Humic Gleysol carbonated phase) Weiden Series, peaty phase (Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase)


% of R.M.


1542 .66 1181 .19

2.00 1 .53


205 .89



113 .68



725 .30



1641 .61 159.00

2 .13 0.20


3883 .35

5 .04






0 .07



1 .05

11. Soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, stratified dominantly loam textured alluvial and lacustrine deposits overlying strongly calcareous lacustrine clay which is thin and underlain by extremely calcareous, loamy, till.

b) Imperfectly Drained Nourse Series (Gleyed Dark Gray) 12. Soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous stratified, loamy textured alluvial

and lacustrine deposits, underlain by moderately to strongly calcareous, lacustrine clay.

b) Imperfectly Drained Glenella Series (Gleyed Rego Black) Greenwald Series (Gleyed Dark Gray) 13 . Soils developed on moderately to strongly cal-

careous loam to clay loam lacustrine sediments. b) Imperfectly Drained Lakeland Series (Gleyed Rego Black)

c) Poorly Drained Glenfields Series (Rego Humic Gleysol carbonated phase) 14. Soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous loam to clay loam lacustrine sediments

underlain by extremely calcareous, stony, loamy till. a) Well Drained Warner Series (Rego Black) b) Imperfectly Drained

McCreary Series (Gleyed Rego Black)

15. Soils developed on moderately to strongly cal-


Table 4.

Key To The Soils Of The Rural Municipality Of Hanover And Their Extent In Hectares (Cont'd) Map Symbol


% of R.M .

545 .38

0 .71

careous loam to clay loam lacustrine sediments overlying moderately to strongly calcareous lacustrine clay deposits .

b) Imperfectly Drained Niverville Series (Gleyed Rego Black)


c) Poorly Drained Sifton Series, peaty phase (Rego Humic Gleysol)


88 .76

0 .11

a) Well Drained St Norbert Series (Orthic Dark Gray)



0 .08

b) Imperfectly Drained Red River Series (Gleyed Rego Black)


5168 .96

6 .71

c) Poorly Drained Osborne Series, drained phase (Rego


8640 .86

11 .21


101 .40



33 .28



6026 .42



409 .92



231 .90



1045 .07

16. Soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous lacustrine clay .

Scanterbury Series (Gleyed Black)

Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase)

Osborne Series, peaty phase (Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase) Fyala Series (Rego Humic Gleysol)


3130 .27

4 .06

17. Soils developed on a thin strata of moderately to strongly calcareous lacustrine clay over very

strongly calcareous silty sediments of variable thickness and moderately to strongly calcareous clay within or below one meter depth . b) Imperfectly Drained

Dencross Series (Gleyed Rego Black)

c) Poorly Drained Glenmoor Series (Rego Humic Gleysol) 18. Soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous lacustrine clay underlain by extremely calcareous stony, loamy till.

a) Well Drained Libau Series (Orthic Dark Gray) b) Imperfectly Drained Marquette Series (Gleyed Rego Black) Peguis Series (Gleyed Dark Gray)




1 .35

0 .23

Table 4.

Key To The Soils Of The Rural Municipality Of Hanover And Their Extei In Hectares (Cont'd) c) Poorly Drained Kline Series (Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase) Partridge Creek Series (Rego Humic Gleysol)

Map Symbol


% of R.M.





16 .00









272 .72


19. Soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous sandy to sandy loam alluvial deposits . b) Imperfectly Drained La Broquerie Series (Gleyed Cumulic Regosol) c) Poorly Drained Marchand Series (Rego Humic Gleysol) 20. Soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous fine loamy fluvial sediments .

c) Poorly Drained Rochelle Series (Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase) 21 . Soils developed on poorly to very poorly drained organic deposits. 1 .Dominantly moderately decomposed fen peat . a) 40 to 160 cm of mesic den peat with

little or no (< 15 cm) Sphagnum surface peat deposits overlying (i) loamy to clayey lacustrine sediments . (ii) sandy lacustrine sediments . (i) Cayer Series (Terric Mesisol) (ii) Kircro Series (Terric Mesisol)




42 .72

0 .05


22 .92



1 .12


0 .02


0 .23

77071 .48

100 .00

0 .25

b) Deep (> 160 cm) mesic fen peat with little or no (< 15 cm) fibric Sphagnum peat surface. All these soils are underlain by (i) undifferentiated parent materials. (i) Stead Series (Typic Mesisol) 22 . Miscellaneous land types


(town sites)



Pit (gravel pits) TOTAL


Agassiz Series (ASZ)

Aneda2 Series (AND2)

The Agassiz series consists of well to excessively drained Orthic Black soil developed on strongly calcareous, stratified, sandy skeletal (S,GrS,GrLS) beach deposits . These soils occur in upper and middle positions of gentle to moderate slopes on ridged landscapes and have rapid permeability, rapid surface runoff, and a low water table during the growing season . Agassiz soils are slightly eroded, slightly stony, and non-saline . They have a low available water holding capacity, medium organic matter content, and low natural fertility . Native vegetation includes prairie grasses, shrubs and burr oak. The majority of these soils are currently excavated for road construction .

The Aneda series, sandy-skeletal (LCS, GrS, GrLS) substrate variant, occurs in close association with Aneda soils and differs from them in having sandy-skeletal substrate materials of glacio-fluvial origin within a meter of the till surface . In the Municipality of Hanover these soils usually have a thick sand and gravel substrate and are an excellent sources for aggregate. Beaverdam Series (BVR)

The Beaverdam series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Dark Gray soils developed on thin, moderately to strongly calcareous, sandy skeletal outwash deposits overlying extremely calcareous, stony, loamy glacial till . The surface texture ranges from loamy fine sand to loam. A gravelly layer from 10 to 50 cm thick is present above the extremely calcareous till . The topography is level to very gently sloping . The soil drainage is imperfect because of perched water table conditions above the slowly permeable till and lateral flow and seepage of water from adjacent upland areas . The vegetation consists of dominantly trembling aspen, with some dogwood and occasional burr oak .

In a representative profile of Agassiz soil the solum is approximately 40 cm thick. The profile is characterized by a very dark gray Ah horizon, 7 to 15 cm thick, with single grain to weak granular structure, a brownish gray Bm horizon, 15 to 25 cm thick which is weakly developed, and a very pale brown Ck horizon, with stratified sand and gravel . Agassiz soils are similar to Leary soils by having a well drained profile in beach sands but differ from them in having a more weakly developed profile . Agassiz soils were previously mapped as Blackearth associates of the Agassiz Association in the Winnipeg-Morris (1953) soil report. (Note that the soil symbol for Agassiz series on the map legend should be ASZ)

The soil is characterized by a dark gray Ahe horizon of 10 to 18 cm thick, and a dark grayish brown Bmgj or Btgj within the coarse gravelly layer; the Btgj if present commonly occurs at the contact of the gravelly layer and the till ; yellowish brown mottles of iron are present at this contact. The underlying, extremely calcareous loamy till is usually quite compact and often very slowly permeable .

Aneda Series (AND) The Aneda series consists of well to moderately well drained Orthic Dark Gray soils developed on very strongly to extremely calcareous, stony glacial till. The surface texture ranges from a sandy loam to loam . The topography is irregular, very gently to gently sloping . Surface runoff is moderate and permeability is medium to moderately slow . The vegetation consists mainly of aspen with occasional burr oak .

Berlo Series (BLO) The Berlo series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Dark Gray Luvisol soils developed on strongly calcareous deltaic sediments . Surface textures are fine sand to fine sandy loam. These soils occur in small scattered areas, generally bordering gravel beaches or on the margin of lacustrine plains . The topography is level to irregular, very gently sloping . Soil permeability is rapid, but internal drainage is impeded by finer textured substrate of clay or glacial till generally below one meter. A perched water table is present in wet seasons and often reaches the surface during the spring thaw or after prolonged summer rains. The native vegetation consists of aspen-black poplar woods with an undergrowth of willow, meadow-prairie grasses and herbs.

The Aneda soil is characterized by a thin neutral slightly acid partially decomposed leaf mat, and a dark gray Ahe horizon of 3 to 1 0 cm thick and underlain by a dark yellowish brown Bt horizon of 6 to 12 cm thick . The extremely calcareous C horizon is very pale brown and may have a somewhat platy, fissile structure . The Bt horizon is not as well developed as the Garson soil ; but the characteristics of the subsoil of both series are similar .


The soils are weakly to moderately degraded . The A horizon consists of a thin dark gray Ah horizon of 5 to 7 cm, and a light gray Ae horizon. The B horizon is dark grayish brown, fine granular and contains a slight accumulation of clay and humus. The lower portion of the A and B are mottled with iron . The soil may be weakly alkaline in reaction or contain lime carbonate due to periodic recharge with lime charged water in a fluctuating ground water table.

depth of sandy sediments over the till . Native vegetation consists of trembling aspen, rose, wild strawberry, and grasses. The soils are characterized by an LH, Ahe, Aegj, Btgj, 2 BC and 2 Ckgj horizon sequence . The iron stained Aeg varies in thickness depending on the depth of sandy sediments over the till . The Btgj occurs in the base of the sandy layer if the sandy sediments are deep or in the upper till if the sandy sediments are shallow.

Berry Island Series (BYD)

Cayer Series (CAY)

The Berry Island series consists of poorly drained Rego Humic Gleysol carbonated phase soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous sandy and gravelly outwash or beach deposits overlying extremely calcareous glacial till. The surface textures are variable and range from loamy fine sand to clay loam depending on the amount of inwashing from surrounding areas . The topography is depressional to level ; runoff is very slow . Vegetation consists of sedges, willow, meadow grasses and some black spruce and tamarack.

The Cayer series consists of very poorly to poorly drained Terric Mesisols developed on 40 to 160 cm of mesic fen peat overlying moderately to strongly calcareous loamy to clayey lacustrine sediments . Little or no (less than 15 cm) Sphagnum moss mantles the mesic fen peat. Cayer soils occur in high nutrient (eutrophic), very poorly to poorly drained, depressional to level areas found throughout the map sheet . Native vegetation is dominantly sedges, reed grasses and meadow grasses and aquatic mosses ; a woody herbaceous cover of willow and swamp birch occur in areas of better drainage.

The Berry Island soil is characterized by a partially decomposed organic layer of 10 to 15 cm thick and underlain by a carbonated, dark gray Ah horizon 5 to 15 cm thick. A lime enrichment layer may be present below the Ah horizon, depending on the depth of occurrence of the gravelly layers, the sandy and gravelly deposits are stratified and usually have yellowish brown mottles of iron present. The underlying loamy till deposits are usually light gray and may have fine to medium yellowish brown mottles .

The Cayer series is a Terric Mesisol, composed of mesic fen peat overlying clayey textured lacustrine sediments. Minor areas of the Volga series, a Terric Humic Mesisol, the Howell series, a Terric Mesisol, sphagnic phase, and the Wapah series, a Terric Limno Mesisol may be included in some map units represented by the Cayer series .

Berry Island, peaty phase consists of soils similar to the Berry Island but has a thicker peat layer (15 to 40 cm of mixed peats) on the surface .

The Cayer series is often associated in map units with soils of the Howell, Katimik, and Stead series . The Crane and Kircro series are similar, but are underlain by loamy till and sand respectively .

Caliento Series (CIO)

Colby Series (CBY)

The Caliento series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Gray Luvisol soils developed on a mantle of weakly to strongly calcareous sandy sediments overlying very strongly to extremely calcareous loamy glacial till . Surface textures vary from fine or medium sand to loamy fine sand. These soils occur on irregular, gently sloping terrain . Permeability is rapid in the upper sandy sediments and moderate to moderately slow in the till; runoff is slow . A perched water condition exists above the till for short periods in the spring and following heavy rains. These soils are slightly to moderately stony ; the degree of stoniness is dependent on the

The Colby series is a Gleyed Rego Black soil developed on imperfectly drained, thin (25 to 100 cm), strongly to very strongly calcareous, sandy (LFS, FS) lacustrine sediments, overlying loamy (SiCL, CL, L) to clayey (SiC, C) extremely calcareous till. A gravelly or cobbly lense usually occurs at the sand-till contact . These soils occur on gently sloping to level topography in association with Sprague soils. Surface runoff is slow. Permeability in the sandy sediments is moderately rapid, but can be restricted by a perched water table above the till sediments in spring or after intense rainfall . The tall prairie grasses and trembling aspen


native to these soils have been mostly replaced by field crops .

permeability, slow surface runoff and a medium water table during the growing season . Dencross soils are none to slightly eroded, none stony and may be saline . They have medium available water holding capacity, medium organic matter content, and medium natural fertility. Native vegetation often includes prairie grasses, aspen and willow . The majority of these soils are currently used for crop production .

The Colby soil profile has a very dark gray to black, carbonated Ah (Ap) horizon, 15 to 25 cm thick ; a carbonated, pale brown AC horizon, 20 to 40 cm thick, a very pale brown, distinctly mottled Ckg horizon, 25 to 50 cm thick, and a prominently mottled, grayish brown, 2 Ckg horizon. A layer of lime accumulation (Cca horizon), 15 to 25 cm thick, is often present when the depth to till is more than 70 cm.

In a representative profile of Dencross soil the solum is approximately 40 cm thick. The profile is characterized by a thin, very dark gray, clay Ah horizon, 15 to 25 cm thick; a moderately calcareous, dark gray, clay, AC horizon, 15 to 20 cm thick; a light gray, clay to silty clay, moderately calcareous, Ckgj horizon, 20 to 30 cm thick and a light olive brown, very strongly calcareous, SiL-SiCL, 2Ckgj horizon. The parent material is typically clayey over silty. A typical profile also contains an underlay of clay below the silty strata at or below 1 m .

This soil differs from the similar Lenswood soils in having a till substrate within a metre of the soil surface . Colby soils are subject to moderate limitations of droughtiness and if not protected are susceptible to wind erosion . Also, their very dense highly calcareous till substrate can hinder deep root penetration and reduce the availability of some nutrients .

Davidson Series (DVD)

Dencross soils occur in close association with Hodinott and Red River soils. They are similar to Hoddinott soils by having a silty subsoil but differ from Red River soils which are more uniformly clayey throughout . Dencross soils were previously mapped as, part of the Emerson (heavy) Association in the Morris Map Sheet (Report No . 5, 1953).

The Davidson series consists of well to moderately well drained Orthic Dark Gray soils developed on moderately calcareous, sandy, deltaic and beach deposits . Surface textures vary from sandy loam to medium sand . The topography is irregular very gently to gently sloping ; runoff is moderate ; permeability is rapid . The depth of sand is usually one to two meters to the underlying clay or till. The native vegetation is dominantly aspen with occasional white spruce or jack pine.

Foley Series (FOY) The Foley series consists of poorly drained Rego Humic Gleysol carbonated phase soils developed on very strongly and extremely calcareous, loamy lacustrine sediments . Surface textures are very fine sandy loam, loam and silt loam and subsurface textures generally become coarser with depth. These soils are level to depressional with very slow surface runoff. While the soils are very permeable, internal drainage is impeded by a high water table . Native vegetation consists of sedges and reed grasses with clumps of willow and alder .

The Davidson soil is characterized by a dark gray Ahe horizon 16 to 24 cm thick and a very dark grayish brown Bm horizon . A lime carbonate layer may be present at 30 to 50 cm depth. The majority of these soils within the Municipality of Hanover, have a thin (20 to 25 cm) pebbly to gravelly lense that usually occurs at a depth of 50 to 70 cm . Internal drainage is satisfactory as indicated by the absence of iron mottling within the meter depth or at the sand-clay or sand-till contact .

Foley peaty phase soils have a thin (15 to 40 cm) organic surface layer comprised mainly of moderately well decomposed fen peat.

Dencross Series (DCS) The Dencross series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Rego Black soils developed on (< 1 m) of moderately to strongly calcareous, shallow clayey, lacustrine, deposits over very strongly to extremely calcareous, silty, lacustrine deposits. These soils occur in mid to upper positions of level to very gentle slopes on level to undulating landscapes and have slow to modera te

Fyala Series (FYL)

The Fyala series consists of poorly drained Peaty Rego Humic Gleysol soils developed on weakly to moderately calcareous lacustrine clay deposits . Surface texture of cultivated soils is clay, but usually contains a high percentage of peaty 31

material that has been incorporated with the mineral , material . Fyala series are clay textured throughout the profile. Internal drainage in these soils is impeded by fine textures and a high ground water table. The soils are stone free.

calcareous C horizon is very pale brown and may have somewhat platy or fissile structure. Glenella Series (GNL) The Glenella seies consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Rego Black carbonated phase soils developed on dominantly coarse loamy sediments overlying clayey lacustine sediments. The solumn is similar to the Plum Ridge series, but have clay sediments within a meter of the surface. The surface texture is dominantly very fine sandy loam, but may vary from loamy very fine sand to sandy clay loam. The topography is level to very gently sloping; runoff is moderately slow to slow ; permeability is moderate in upper coarse loamy sediments and slow in the underlying clay . In some areas lateral flow of water may occur through the very fine sand strata above the clay . Where the water contains appreciable soluble salts saline soils may result . The native vegetation consists of tall prairie grasses with some aspen or willow .

The Fyala soils have a surface layer of fibrous, medium acid to neutral peat and muck that is 0 to 15 cm thick, underlain by a thin, very dark gray Ah horizon high in organic matter and neutral to mildly alkaline in reaction . The Ah horizon is from 5 to 15 cm thick, but frequently tongues into the Cg horizon to depths of 20 to 30 cm . The Cg horizon is grayish brown to olive gray, contains numerous, large concretions of lime carbonate and is iron stained. Garrioch Series (GRM The Garrioch series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Rego Black soils developed on sandy skeletal outwash or beach deposits overlying extremely calcareous loamy glacial till . The surface texture varies from loamy fine sand to sandy clay loam and is underlain by a gravelly layer which varies from 0.5 to one meter thick. The topography is level to very gently sloping These soils are imperfectly drained because of the perched water conditions above the slowly permeable till and also lateral flow and seepage from afjacent upland areas. The native vegetation consists dominantly of tall prairie grasses with some aspen and willow .

The soil is characterized by a very dark gray strongly to very strongly carbonated Ah horizon 10 to 20 cm thick, a thin transitional AC horizon 7~ to 10 cm thick. The underlying stratified sediments often contain less carbonates than the near surface horizons and are mottled; they may have strata which are slightly coarser with loamy very fine to fine sand . The soil description is similar to Plum Ridge series except that moderately calcareous clay occurs within a depth of one meter.

The soil is characterized by very dark gray Ah horizons 15 to 20 cm thick and a carbonated AC horizon . The solumn has variable thickness depending on the depth of the sandy surface sediments to the coarser gravelly strata. These soils are similar in physical characteristics to the associated Beaverdam series .

Glenfields Series (GFS) The Glenfields series consists of poorly drained carbonated Rego Humic Gleysol soils developedon strongly to very strongly calcareous, dominantly fine loamy lacustrine and alluvial sediments . These deposits are stratified and may be underlain by clay or glacial till at depth below one meter. Surface textures range from loam to clay loam. Movement of water through the profile is impeded by a high water table and by alternating sandy to fine loamy strata.

Garson Series (GSO) The Garson series consists of moderately well to well drained Orthic Gray Luvisol soils developed on very strongly to extremely calcareous, stony, glacial till. The surface texture varies from loamy fine sand to loam. The topography is irregular, very gently to gently sloping . Surface runoff is moderate and permeability is medium to moderately slow. The vegetation consists mainly of aspen with occasional burr oak .

In some areas, these soils may contain sufficient soluble salts within the profile to affect crop growth . Where the salt content is sufficiently high to affect growth they haave been mapped as the saline phase . The cultivated Glenfields series is characterized by a black organic layer or mixed organic and mineral material that is friable when moist and moderately calcareous, and a black (moist) Ah horizon of 8 to 15 cm thick with variable carbonate

The Garson soil is characterized by a thin neutral to slightly acid leaf mat, a distinct gray Ae horizon 4 to 11 cm thick, and a dark yellowish brown Bt horizon 6 to 10 cm thick. The extremely


content. Within the Glenfields areas, dry surface color varies from black to grays; the gray colors are due to high carbonate content in the Ah horizon.

matter content, and medium natural fertility . Native vegetation often includes sedges, grasses and willow . The majority of these soils are currently used for cultivation with adequate drainage .

Glenhope Series (GHP)

In a representative profile of the Glenmoor soil the solum is approximately 10 to 25 cm thick. The profile is characterized by a thin, very dark gray, clay Ah (Ap) horizon, 0 to 22 cm, with a moderately calcareous, olive gray, clay Ckg horizon, 22 to 45 cm and a pale olive to olive, very strongly to extremely calcareous, SiL-SiCL, mottled, 2Ckg horizon . The parent material is typically clayey over silty . A typical profile also contains a clayey substrate below the silty sediments at or below 1 m .

The Glenhope series consists of imperfectly drained carbonated Gleyed Rego Black soils developed on strongly calcareous coarse loamy lacustrine sediments, overlying extremely calcareous loamy glacial till . The surface texture ranges from loamy very fine sand to sandy clay loam. The topography is levvel to very gently sloping . Runoff is slow, and permeability in the upper strata is moderate when moist . Permeability may be restricted due to a perched water table above the slowly permeable till during trhe spring runoff of following heavy rains . In some areas where lateral flow of saline water occurs, the soils may be sufficiently saline to affect crop growth . The native vegetation is meadow-prairie grasses and herbs with scattered groves of aspen, black poplar and willow .

Glenmoor soils occur in close association with Dencross soils. They are similar to Dencross soils by having similar materials but differ because of poorer drainage . Glenmoor soils were previously mapped as part of the Fort Garry association in the Winnipeg Map Sheet (Report No. 5, 1953).

The Glenhope soil is characterized by very dark gray to black, carbonated, granular Ah horizon 10 to 20 cm thick and a thin transitional AC horizon 5 to 10 cm thick . A white lime accumulation horizon may be present . The underlying sediments are stratified, pale brown to white in color, and generally become slightly coarser with depth. The extremely calcareous loamy till usually occurs at 60 to 80 c, depth, but ranges from 40 to 100 cm.

Goose Island Complex (GOI) The Goose Island complex consests of imperfectly drained Goose Island series (Gleyed Rego Dark Gray), Louis Island series (Gleyed Dark Gray) and Matheson Island series (Gleyed Dark Gray Luvisol) soils, developed on 15 to 30 cm of stratified sand and gravel outwash and beach deposits over extremely calcareous till. The topography is vey gently sloping . The vegetation is dominantly aspen, black and white spruce, some jack pine and sedges . Goose Island soils correlate with Spearhill till substrate phase soils reported in previously published soil survey reports .

The solum is similar to the Plum Ridge series or Glenella series, but differs in the underlying substrate . The Plum Ridge series consists of coarse loamy stratified sediments to a depth of one meter or more; the Glenella soils are similar to the Glenhope, but are underlain by clayey sediments within the one meter depth .

The Goose Island soils are leached but the degree of degradation varies . The Gleyed Dark Gray member has a dark colored surface horizon blotched with lighter colored areas and underlai n by a weakly developed Bt horizon. The Gleyed Dark Gray Luvisol member also has a dark surface horizon and a thin, grayish brown Ae horizon underlain by a moderately developed Bt horizon . Iron stains and mottles are common to all soils in this complex .

Glenmoor (GOO) The Glenmoor series consists of poorly drained Rego Humic Gleysol soil developed on a thin mantle (< 1 m) of moderately to strongly calcareous, clayey lacustrine deposits over very strongly to extremely calcareous, silty, lacustrine deposits. An underlay of lacustrine clay generally occurs at or below lm . These soils occur in low to depressional positions of level to very gentle slopes on nearly level landscapes and have slow to moderate permeability, very slow surface runoff and a high water table during the growing season. Glenmoor soils are noneroded, nonstony and may be saline. They have medium available water holding capacity, medium organic

Greenwald Series (GEW) The Greenwald series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Dark Gray soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous coarse loamy sediments over moderately to strongly calcareous


lacustrine clay . These soils are similar to Ladywood series except they have a clay strata occurring within one meter of the surface . The surface textures are variable ranging from very fine sand to clay loam. Topography is level to iregular, very gently sloping; runoff is moderately slow and permeability is moderately rapid in the upper strata and slow in the underlying clay strata . A temporary saturated condition occurs above the clay strata during the spring and following intense rains . Native vegetation consists of aspen, hazel, rose, forbs and grasses; within the landscape some willow or occasional burr oak may be noted.

deposits overlying extremely calcareous stony glacial till . The solumn is similar to the Leary series with a surface texture ranging from loamy fine sand to fine sandy loam; the thickness of the sandy to coarse loamy upper layer is 15 to 40 cm and changes abruptly to stratified gravelly and sandy deposits which vary in thickness from 10 to 60 cm. The topography is irregular, very gently to gently sloping; surface runoff is moderate to moderately slow in underlying sediments . Vegetation consists of bur oak, grasses, herbs, hazel, and some aspen. The Gunton series is characterized by a thin partially decomposed leaf mat derived from deciduous and grass vegetation, a dark gray Ah or Ahe horizon of variable thickness depending on the uniformity of the sandy to coarse loamy layer, and a brown to dark yellowish brown Bin or Bt horizon which usually terminates at a layer which contains coarser fragments . The underlying loamy glacial till is pale brown and varies in structure from weak fine granular to somewhat platy or fissile .

The soil is characterized by a thin leaf and forb layer overlying a dark gray A horizon 10 to 15 cm thick which contains light gray blotches. The dark grayish brown B horizon is fine to medium granular and may contain some translocated clay. The B horizon may also contain some carbonates, mainly as small carbonate sand grains . Weak iron mottles may be present in the solum, but are more distinct in the lower portions of the profile .

Inwood Series (IWO)

Gull Lake Series (GLK)

The Inwood series consists of Gleyed Dark Gray soils developed on extremely calcareous, loamy textured till . The dominant surface texture is loam but may have loamy fine sand to fine sandy loam in water-worked areas . They occur on the intermediate and lower landscape position on very gently to irregular very gently undulating topography . Runoff is slow; permeability is moderately slow. Near surface water table may be high during the spring of the year. The areas are generally stony; the frequency of stones increases in areas of more severe water working . The native vegetation is dominantly aspen; with some rose, willow, meadow-prairie grasses and herbs.

The Gull Lake series consists of well drained Dark Gray Luvisol soils developed on, thin (approximately 25-100 cm) sandy and gravelly outwash or waterworked, moderately to strongly calcareous deposits overlying extremely calcareous, stony, compact loamy glacial till . The surface textures vary from loamy sand to gravel . The topography is irregular, very gently to gently sloping ; surface runoff is moderate and permeability is rapid in the upper deposits and moderate to moderately slow in the underlying sediments . Vegetation consists of bur oak, grasses, herbs, hazelnut, and some aspen. The Gull Lake series is characterized by a 7 to 12 cm dark gray Ap horizon, with a 5 to 15 cm pale brown Ae horizon, and a 8 to 15 cm light brown Bt horizon which usually terminates at a layer which contains coarser fragments . A transitional BC horizon may be present above the pale brown glacial till 2Ck horizon. The structure of the till varies from weak fine granular-like to somewhat platy-like or angular blocky-like .

The Inwood soils are characterized by a shallow solum with a thin LH horizon, a thin Ahe horizon 3 to 7 .5 cm thick, a weakly developed Bt horizon 4 to 15 cm thick which grades sharply into the extremely calcareous till . The Inwood soils have loamy glacial till to a considerable depth, but in some locales the till is quite variable ranging from a meter thick to greater than 15 meters . Kergwenan Series (KRW)

Gunton Series (GUO)

The Kergwenan series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Dark Gray soils developed on strongly calcareous, sandy and gravelly outwash or beach deposits . The surface texture is usually finer ranging from a fine sandy loam to loam. The

The Gunton series consists of well to moderately well drained Orthic Dark Gray soils developed on thin sandy and gravelly outwash or waterworked, moderately to strongly calcareous


partially decomposed organic layer 5 to 15 cm thick, a very dark gray to dark gray Ah horizon 10 to 15 cm thick and a dark gray to olive gray calcareous C horizon; a thin pebble line may be present at the contact of the high lime glacial till in some areas . The solum is similar in properties to the Osborne clay, and the subsoil is similar to the Ckg horizon of the Meleb and Inwood series .

topography is very gently sloping to level . Surface runoff is slow ; permeability is rapid . Drainage is imperfect because of a fluctuating water table that rises within 50 cm of the surface during the spring or due to lateral seepage. Vegetation consists dominantly of aspen and grasses with some dogwood, balsam poplar and few willows. The Kergwenan soil is characterized by a thin layer of decomposing leaf litter and grasses, a dark gray Ah to Ahe horizon, 10 to 24 cm thick, and a dark grayish brown to very dark grayish brown Bin or Bt horizon which contains dark yellowish brown mottles . Below the B horizon mottles are common, and a lime carbonate enrichment may occur .

La Broquerie Series (LAB) The La Broquerie series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Cumulic Regosol soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, stratified sandy to coarse loamy alluvial sediments. These youthful soils occur on the plain and levees of the Seine and Rat Rivers . The surface textures vary from loamy sands to sandy loams . The topography is very gently to gently sloping. Native vegetation consists of aspen, black poplar, willow with some ash, elm and maple.

Kircro Series (KIC) The Kircro series consists of very poorly to poorly drained Terric Mesisol soils developed on shallow (40 to 160 cm) deposits of moderately decomposed fen peat . Little or no (less than 15 cm) fibric Sphagnum moss occurs on the surface . The Kircro soils are underlain by strongly calcareous sandy or gravelly sediments within 160 cm of the surface . The Kircro soils occur in high nutrient (eutrophic), very poorly to poorly drained depressional to level areas . Native vegetation is dominantly sedges, brown mosses, and reeds, with willow and swamp birch occuring on local sites having better drainage .

The soil profile is characterized by a thin weakly expressed Ah horizon of 8 to 12 cm that grades sharply into the stratified alluvial sediments. Under cultivation, the surface colors range from light gray to dark gray . The C horizon is moderately to strongly calcareous, stratified, and may contain darker materials representing former surface which have been covered by more recent deposition of sediments. Ladywood Series (LYW)

Minor areas of Waldersee series, a Terric Humic Mesisol, and Sturgeon Gill series a Terric Mesisol, sphagnic phase may be included in some map units mapped as the Kircro series . The Kircro series is often associated in map units with soils of the Sand River and the Whithorn complexes . The Cayer and Crane series are similar, but are underlain by clay and loamy till respectively.

The Ladywood series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Dark Gray soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, stratified dominantly coarse loamy alluvial and lacustrine deposits . These soils are similar to the soils described as Greenwald or Woodmore series, but do not have the clay or till within a meter of the surface . Surface textures are variable ranging from very fine sand to clay loam. Topography is level to irregular very gently sloping . Surface runoff is moderate slow; and permeability is moderate, but often restricted due to a high water table.

Kline Series (KLI) The Kline series consists of poorly drained Rego Humic Gleysol soils developed on thin, clayey moderately to strongly calcareous textured, lacustrine deposits overlying stony, extremely calcareous loamy glacial and water-modified till deposits . They occupy the level to depressional sites in the transition belt between the lacustrine and high lime glacial till soils . Runoff is very slow, and permeability is very slow. The natural vegetation is dominantly meadow grasses, sedge with some willow and balsam poplar .

The Ladywood soils are characterized by a thin leaf and forb layer overlying a thin dark gray Ah horizon which contains patches of light gray material. The very dark gray to dark gray B horizon usually contains some translocated clay. For an example of the properties of the solum, refer to the Greenwald or Woodmore series ; the parent materials to a depth of 120 cm are similar to the Ladywood series .

The Kline soils are characterized by a thin 35

Lakeland Series (LKD)

iron mottles are found in the profile.

The Lakeland series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Rego Black carbonated soils developed on moderately to extremely calcareous, dominantly fine loamy sediments . Surface textures range from loam to clay loam and occasionally silty clay . The topography is level to very gently sloping; runoff is slow ; and permeability is moderate to moderately slow . The native vegetation consists of meadow grasses with clumps of willow . In some areas, there is an upward flow of groundwater containing soluble salts . Where the salt content in the rooting zone is sufficient to affect crop growth, the Lakeland slightly saline phase is mapped .

Lambert peaty phase soils occur and are similar to the Lambert soils except they have a thicker (15 to 40 cm) peaty surface. Leary Series (LRY) The Leary series consists of well to excessively drained Orthic Gray soils developed on coarse, gravel beach and outwash deposits . Most often there is a thin sandy surface mantle over the coarser material, and surface textures range from loamy fine sand to sand. The topography is very gently sloping usually in the form of long, low, narrow ridges . Surface runoff is moderate; permeability is rapid to very rapid,low organic matter content, natural fertility is low, and water holding capacity is low. Vegetation consists of burr oak, grasses, choke cherries and saskatoons .

Lakeland soils like most soils developed on extremely calcareous parent material have shallow soil profiles. The thin 15-25 cm very dark gray Ah horizon is granular, and usually moderately to strongly calcareous . This horizon is usually separated from the pale yellow, extremely calcareous Ckgj horizon by a thin (15-20 cm) transitional, AC or Cca layer that is usually very strongly calcareous .

The Leary soil is characterized by dark gray Ah or Ahe that is variable in thickness depending on the uniformity of the sandy surface mantle . The brown to dark yellowish brown Bin commences at the contact of a coarser gravelly layer and may have a horizon with slight clay accumulation and clay coating around the pebbles and sand grains . The parent material consists of pale brown, stratified layers of coarse sand and gravel . The majority of these soils are currently excavated for road construction and the aggregate industry .

Lakeland, slightly saline phase consists of soils with similar profile characteristics as the Lakeland series, except they have a appreciable quantity of soluble salts within the rooting zone of plants in sufficient quantity to affect crop growth .The salts are dominantly magnesium sulfate and gypsum .

These soils were formerly mapped as the imperfectly drained Blackearth-Meadow associates of the Emerson (silty clay loam) Association in the Winnipeg-Morris (1953) report .

Lenswood Series (LSW) The Lenswood series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Rego Black carbonated phase soils developed on moderately calcareous, dominantly sandy textured deltaic sediments . The surface textures range from loamy fine sand to fine sandy loam. The topography is level to very gently sloping ; runoff is moderate to moderately slow ; and permeability is moderately rapid, but may be impeded due to a high water table during part of the year. Clay or till deposits occurring below the one meter depth is partially responsible for the impediment of downward water movement, but some lateral movement from better drained soils also occurs . Native vegetation is mainly aspen, balsam poplar, grasses and willow.

Lambert Series (LAM) The Lambert series consists of poorly drained Rego Humic Gleysol carbonated phase soils developed on strongly to very strongly calcareous, medium loamy lacustrine sediments, underlain by moderately to strongly calcareous sandy textured lacustrine deposits. The surface texture ranges from sandy loam to loam. Topography is depressional, level or very gently sloping . The soil drainage is poor because of a lack of runoff, or high water table. Vegetation consists of sedges, reed grasses, with areas of balsam poplar, willow, and dogwood .

The soil is characterized by a very dark gray carbonated Ah horizon 15 to 40 cm thick, and a transitional AC horizon 6 to 10 cm thick . A lime accumulation zone (Cca) often occurs below the solum . The majority of these soils within the

The soil is characterized by a very dark gray carbonated Ah horizon 12 to 18 cm thick and a gray carbonated AC horizon . Prominent yellowish brown


The Malonton series consists of poorly drained Rego Humic Gleysol carbonated phase soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous deltaic and lacustrine sandy sediments . Finer textured sediments may be present near the meter depth .

Municipality of Hanover, have a thin (20-25 cm) pebbly to gravelly lense that usually occurs at a depth of 50 to 70 cm . Libau Series (LBU) The Libau series consists of well to moderately well drained Orthic Dark Gray soils developed on a thin mantle of lacustrine clay over extremely calcareous loamy textured till within 75 cm of the surface . The underlying till is usually very stony and ranges in texture from loam to clay loam . The terrain on which they occur is irregular, gently sloping . Surface runoff is moderate and internal drainage is moderately slow to slow. Native vegetation is dominantly trembling aspen with burr oak, hazel and native grasses .

The surface texture ranges from loamy fine sand to loam. The topography is depressional, level or very gently sloping. The soil drainage is poor because of a lack of runoff, high water table or lateral seepage above the finer textured sediments below the central section . Vegetation consists of sedges, reed grasses, with areas of balsam poplar, willow, dogwood. The soil is characterized by a very dark gray carbonated Ah horizon 15 to 20 cm thick and a gray carbonated AC horizon. Prominent yellowish brown iron mottles are present . In virgin sites, up to 15 cm of fibric to humic peat may be present . The majority of these soils within the Municipality of Hanover, have a thin (20-25 cm) pebbly to gravelly lense that usually occurs at a depth of 50 to 70 cm .

The Libau soil is characterized by a dark gray to gray Ahe Horizon 6 to 9 cm thick and a very dark grayish brown Bt 20 to 30 cm thick with subangular blocky to coarse granular structure . The Bt horizon usually occurs within the clay deposits but where the till is within 40 cm of the surface, the underlying light gray Bt may extend into the loamy till. In some cases the extremely calcareous mixture of strongly calcareous, till may consist of a extremely calcareous loamy (silt loam to clayey and . The properties of this till silty clay loam) material are variable depending on the proportion of fine to medium material .

Malonton peaty phase soils were also mapped in this area . They have a 15 to 40 cm fibric to humic peat surface. Marchand Series (MAR) The Marchand series consists of poorly drained Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, stratified sandy to coarse loamy alluvial sediments . They occur in the lower slope position of the stream channels. The upper 25 to 50 cm usually contain strata high in organic matter ; textures may range from loamy sand to sandy loams . Shell fragments of aquatic organisms are usually present in these soils. The soils are subject to seasonal inundation, and subsequent water table near the surface . Native vegetation consist of willow, sedge, reeds and aquatic grasses .

Lundar Series (LUR) The Lundar series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Rego Black carbonated soils developed on extremely calcareous loamy and water modified till . In some areas these soils may have a very thin mantle of lacustrine sediments over the till . The surface texture ranges from silty clay loam to loam. The soil occupies the intermediate position between the ridge and swale sequence in the Isafold Association . The topography is level to very gently sloping ; runoff is moderately slow, and permeability is moderately slow. The native vegetation consists of native grasses, aspen, black poplar and some willow . These soils usually are very stony . The Lundar soil is characterized by a thin very dark gray Ah horizon grading directly into the gleyed, extremely calcareous parent material . The A horizon is moderately alkaline and contains considerable lime carbonate .

The soils are characterized by a partially decomposed leaf and fen peat layer 8 to 15 cm thick, a thin dark gray, strongly calcareous Ah horizon 10 to 20 cm thick and a light brownish gray to light olive gray C horizon with prominent mottles . Thin very dark gray to dark gray strata may be found in the subsequent stratified layers indicating former surfaces .

Malonton Series (MNT)

Marquette Series (MRQ)


The Marquette series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Rego Black soils developed on thin, clayey, moderately to strongly calcareous lacustrine deposits overlying extremely calcareous, loamy stony glacial till. They occupy the very gently sloping sites in the transition belt between the lacustrine and high lime glacial till soils. Runoff is moderately slow ; and permeability is slow. Natural vegetation consists of tall prairie grasses, herbs and some aspen.

differ from the somewhat similar Lakeland soils in having a loamy till substrate within a metre of the soil surface.

The Marquette soils are characterized by a very dark gray Ah horizon 20 to 40 cm thick, a dark gray to gray AC horizon 8 to 20 cm thick, and an olive gray C horizon in which gypsum crystals may be present . Where the clay mantle is shallow the AC horizon may be partly in the extremely calcareous till. A thin pebbly horizon may be present at the contact of the lacustrine and till deposits. The solum is similar to the Red River clay soil where the clay is deeper, and the subsoil is similar to the Ck horizon of the Inwood, Aneda or Garson soils. In some areas, the subsoil consists of a clay till (a mixture of clay and extremely calcareous loamy sediments transported by ice).

The Meleb series consists of poorly Iirained Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase soils developed on very strongly to extremely calcareous, loamy, stony glacial till . A thin peat covering of 0 to 15 cm may be present and underlain by textures ranging from sandy loam to clay due to some inwash or sorting in the level to depressional landscape . They occur in association with the Garson, Aneda and Inwood soils. The native vegetation is dominantly meadow grasses, sedges and herbs with inclusions of willow, black poplar and some aspen .

McCreary soils have surface and internal drainage problems which cause moderate agricultural limitations to the choice of crops or require moderate conservation practises. Meleb Series (MEB)

The Meleb soil consists of a thin layer of fen peat overlying a alkaline and calcareous thin dark gray Ah horizon 6 to 10 cm thick, and underlain by a light gray to white very strongly to extremely calcareous till. In soils that have had some inwash or sorting, the Ah horizon terminates at the contact of the modified sediments and the till. If the surface mantle is thicker, a thin gravelly or cobble lense may occur at the contact .

McCreary Series (MCR) The McCreary series is a carbonated Gleyed Rego Black soil developed on imperfectly drained, moderately to strongly calcareous, thin 25 to 100 cm, fine loamy (CL, SiCL, SCL) deltaic and lacustrine sediments overlying extremely calcareous, loamy (SiL, L, CL) till. These soils occur in association with Magnet soils on level to very gently sloping topography . Surface runoff is slow, and permeability is moderate to moderately slow. In areas where groundwater contains high salt concentrations, salt sensitive crops can be adversely affected . Native vegetation on undisturbed sites consists of prairie grasses, aspen and willows .

The Meleb peaty phase is similar to the Meleb carbonated phase except for the 15 to 40 cm of mesic fen peat on the surface. Niverville Series (NIV) The Niverville series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Rego Black carbonated phase, soils developed on strongly calcareous, loamy alluvial and lacustrine deposits overlying lacustrine clay within a meter of the surface . The surface texture is variable ranging from loam, silt loam, silty clay loam. The topography is level, runoff is slow, and permeability is moderately slow. Some areas are prone to flooding following the spring snow melt. These soils are similar to the Lakeland series, but differ due to the underlying clay strata.

The McCreary soil profile has a carbonated, very dark gray Ah or Ap horizon, 15 to 25 cm thick; a calcareous, gray AC horizon, 15 to 25 cm thick; a calcareous C horizon with many prominent mottles 25 to 40 cm thick, and an extremely calcareous, light gray to white 2C horizon . A layer of lime accumulation (Cca horizon), 10 to 15 thick, often occurs below the AC horizon . The solum is usually developed in the fine loamy sediments which normally range from 55 to 90 cm thick with a thin (5 cm thick), water modified pebble lense at the till surface . These soils have a finer textured surface mantle than the similar Colby soils, and a coarser textured mantle than Marquette soils . They also

The soil is characterized by a carbonated, very dark gray Ah horizon 15 to 22 cm thick and a carbonated AC horizon 6 to 15 cm thick which may tongue into the C horizon. Occasionally, former surface horizons may be present within the control 38

section. The silty strata usually contains a greater proportion of carbonates than do the layers with less silt .

olive gray, moderately to strongly calcareous, clayey, mottled Ckg horizon. The parent material is typically a uniform clayey lacustrine deposit .

Nourse Series (NUS)

Osborne soils occur in close association with Red River, Morris and Scanterbury soils . They are similar to these soils by having developed on the same parent material but differ because of poorer drainage. Osborne soils were previously mapped as Osborne clay in the Winnipeg-Morris Map Sheet (Report No. 5, 1953).

The Nourse series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Dark Gray soils developed on thin moderately to strongly calcareous, coarse loamy lacustrine sediments overlying a significant lacustrine clay strata over extremely calcareous loamy glacial till . These soils are similar to the Greenwald series which has a thicker lacustrine clay strata and absence of the loamy till at or below the meter depth . The surface texture varies from loamy very fine sand to loam. The topography is very gently to gently sloping ; runoff is moderate ; and permeability is moderately rapid in the surface strata and moderately slow to slow in the clay and till substrata . The native vegetation consists of trembling aspen, balsam poplar, hazel, dogwood, and native grasses .

Osborne peaty phase soils were also mapped in this area. They differ from the Osborne drained phase by having a thin (15 to 40 cm) organic surface comprised mainly of moderately well decomposed fen peat . Minor areas of Osborne drained phase are affected by moderate to strong salinity. Pansy Series (PAN) The Pansy series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Eluviated Eutric Brunisol soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, sandy deltaic and lacustrine deposits. The texture tends to be dominantly fine sand throughout the profile . Topography is generally level to gently sloping . Surface drainage is slow and internal drainage is impeded by a high water table . The native vegetation consists dominantly of aspen with some balsam poplar, dogwood or willow .

The soil is characterized by a dark gray A horizon 15 to 25 cm thick, and a brown to dark brown prismatic to granular Bt horizon 10 to 18 cm thick . The solum is usually developed within the coarse loamy lacustrine sediments, but in some cases the Bt may extend into the clayey textured sediments . Some pebbles are commonly encountered at the contact below the coarse loamy sediments and below the clayey sediments .

Osborne Series (OBOd)

The Pansy soil is characterized by a very thin (0 to 2 cm) decomposed leaf mat, a light gray iron stained acidic Aeg horizon, and a friable brownish yellow, acidic B horizon with iron mottling .The iron mottles in the B horizon tend to increase in size and abundance with depth . The C horizon is carbonated and is mottled . The majority of these soils within the Municipality of Hanover, have a thin (20 to 25 cm) pebbly to gravelly lense that usually occurs at a depth of 50 to 70 cm.

The Osborne series consists of poorly drained Rego Humic Gleysol soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, deep uniform, clayey, lacustrine deposits. These soils occur in lower to depressional positions of level to nearly level slopes on level landscapes and have very slow permeability, slow to very slow surface runoff and a high water table during the growing season . Osborne soils are none eroded, none stony and may be saline . They have high available water holding capacity, medium organic matter content, and medium natural fertility . Native vegetation often includes meadow grasses, reeds, sedges and willow . The majority of these soils are currently used for crop production and have improved drainage .

Partridge Creek Series (PGE) The Partridge Creek series consists of poorly drained Rego Humic Gleysol soils developed on thin (15 to 90 cm), moderately to strongly calcareous lacustrine clay overlying stony, water-modified, extremely calcareous till. They occur in the level to depressional sites in the transitional areas between the lacustrine and high lime glacial till soils . Native vegetation is dominantly sedges, with willow, alder and some balsam poplar .

In a representative profile of Osborne soil the solum is approximately 30 cm thick. The profile is characterized by a very dark gray, noncalcareous, clay, Ap horizon, 15 to 20 cm thick, with a thin transitional, dark gray to olive gray weakly calcareous AC horizon, 8 to 10 cm thick and an

The Partridge Creek soils have a thin (0-15 cm)


surface layer of very dark brown, slightly acid, moderately decomposed fen peat derived from sedges, hydrophytic herbaceous plants and mosses . This thin organic layer is usually underlain by a thin, neutral to mildly alkaline, very dark gray Ah horizon. The Cg horizon is grayish brown, contains numerous large concretions of lime carbonate, is iron stained, and is moderately alkaline . Peguis Series p?GU) The Peguis series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Dark Gray soils developed on a moderately to strongly calcareous lacustrine clay strata underlain by extremely calcareous loamy glacial till within a meter of the surface . The topography is level to very gently sloping ; runoff is moderately slow ; permeability is moderately slow in the upper clay strata and moderate to moderately slow in the loamy substrata . The native vegetation consists mainly of aspen, white spruce, hazel, and native grasses .

The soil is characterized by a thin leaf mat 2 to 4 cm, and a dark gray, granular A horizon 3 to 10 cm, and a medium granular dark gray Bt horizon 12 to 25 cm thick, and a gray C horizon. An increase in pebble and stone content may be noticeable at the contact of the clay and loamy till strata . Pelan Series (PLN) The Pelan series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Dark Gray soils developed on thin moderately to strongly calcareous, coarse textured (sandy) deltaic or lacustrine deposits overlying stony, extremely calcareous glacial till . The surface texture ranges from loamy fine sand to fine sand. A thin stone line or pebble layer may be present at the contact of the overlay and the high lime till . The topography is level to very gently sloping ; permeability is moderate in the surface layers and moderately slow in the subsoil ; this results in impeded internal drainage and temporary saturation conditions, following the snow melt period or above normal precipitation . Runoff is slow . Native vegetation consists of dominantly aspen with some balsam poplar, dogwood or willow . The Pelan soils are characterized by a thin partially decomposed leaf mat and a dark gray Ah or Ahe horizon 8 to 15 cm thick and a brown to pale brown B horizon of variable thickness from 15 to 40 cm thick that may have slight accumulation or coatings of clay on the sand grains . The solum usually is developed within the overlay, but where

the overlay is shallow, part of the B horizon occurs at the contact of the extremely calcareous till . A thin pebble layer or stone line is common at this contact; mottles of iron are common at or above this contact zone . These soils have a similar solum as the Poppleton series . The Poppleton soils have sandy sediments beyond the meter depth while the Pelan soils have extremely calcareous loamy till within the meter depth. The Pelan soils have a coarser overlay than the Woodmore series ; the textures of the Pelan are loamy fine sand to fine sand while the Woodmore are dominantly fine sandy loam to loam textured . Pine Ridge Series (PRG)

The Pine Ridge series consists of well drained Eluviated Eutric Brunisol soils developed on moderately calcareous, sandy, deltaic and lacustrine deposits . Surface textures are loamy fine sand to sand . The topography is very gently sloping to irregular gently sloping. Permeability is rapid. Native vegetation consists dominantly of jack pine. The Pine Ridge soils are developed on sandy deposits with a very low clay content and consequently, the accumulation in the B horizon is usually very low . The majority of these soils, within the Municipality of Hanover, have a thin (20-25 cm) pebbly to gravelly lense that usually occurs at a depth of 50 to 70 cm . Very often, the B horizon is not continuous and the horizon appears as an Aej and Btj or Bm horizon . If a Bt or Btj is present as a minor inclusion in the map area, the Aej is thick often extending 50 cm or more below the surface . Piney Series (PIY) The Piney Series consists of imperfectly drained, Gleyed Gray Luvisol soils developed on strongly calcareous glacial till and waterworked till. Surface texture varies from fine sandy loam to clay because of the inclusion of soils with a very thin lacustrine mantle less than 15 cm thick . They occur on low, broad ridges with a smooth, level surface where run-off is slow and internal drainage is moderate to slow. The native vegetation is dominantly aspen with an association of some balsam poplar ; shrubs such as dogwood, rose, raspberry and brush-honeysuckle; and a ground cover of northern bedstraw, wild pea, coltsfoot, aster, poison ivy, strawberry, bunchberry, and several species of grass.

dogwood or willow .

In the virgin condition Piney soils are characterized by a thin Aeg horizon overlying a thin, moderately developed textural B horizon that grades abruptly into stony, strongly calcareous till . These soils, with a solum generally less than 20 cm thick, when cultivated have a plow layer consisting of a mixture of A and B horizons ; and in some sites the layer may include some calcareous material from the C horizon.

The Poppleton soil is characterized by a partially decomposed leaf mat 5 to 12 cm thick, a dark gray to gray Ahe horizon 7 to 12 cm thick ; a pale brown B horizon that may have slight accumulation or coating of clay on the sand grains . Iron mottles are common in the lower B horizon, generally increasing in size and abundance with depth. The majority of these soils within the Municipality of Hanover have a thin (20-25 cm) pebbly to gravelly lense that usually occurs at a depth of 50 to 70 cm. Extremely calcareous, loamy glacial till may occurs immediately below the meter depth; some small areas of Pelan soils may be present in areas mapped as Poppleton .

Plum Ridge Series (PMG) The Plum Ridge series is a carbonated, Gleyed Rego Black soil developed on imperfectly drained, very strongly to extremely calcareous, dominantly coarse loamy (SiL, L, VFSL) lacustrine sediments . These soils occur on level to very gently sloping topography, in the Red River Valley physiographic region associated with Wentland soils . Surface runoff is slow, and soil permeability is moderate but may be impeded by a high water table . In areas where the groundwater contains high salt concentrations, sufficient soluble salt can be present in the profile to interfere with plant growth . Tall-prairie grasses with scattered groves of aspen, black poplar and willow once indigenous to Plum Ridge soils have been mostly replaced by cultivated fields .

Prawda Series (PRAp) The Prawda peaty phase series consists of poorly drained Rego Humic Gleysol peaty and carbonated phase soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, sandy, deltaic and lacustrine sediments, which is underlain by weakly calcareous clayey lacustrine deposits .

The topography is depressional, level to very gently sloping . The drainage is very poor due to lack of runoff, perched water table and or lateral seepage. The clay substrate in these soils makes them moister than the Malonton series . Vegetation consists of sedges, reed grasses, balsam poplar, trembling aspen, willow and dogwood.

The Plum Ridge soil profile has a very dark gray to black, Apk or Ahk horizon, 10 to 15 cm thick, separated by a transitional AC horizon, 20 to 30 cm thick, from an extremely calcareous, very pale brown to white Ck horizon . Iron mottling begins in the AC horizon and becomes prominent in the C horizon .

This soil has a 15 to 40 cm peat surface, made up of moderately decomposed fen peat. The rest of the profile is made up of a very dark gray carbonated Ah horizon (15 to 20 cm thick), and a gray carbonated AC horizon . Prominent yellowish brown iron mottles are present .

These soils have a moderate agricultural limitation that reduces the choice of crops which can be grown due to moderate surface and internal drainage problems.

Red River Series (RIV) The Red River series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Rego Black soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, deep, uniform, clayey, lacustrine deposits . These soils occur in level to upper positions of level to very gentle slopes on level landscapes and have slow permeability, slow to moderate surface runoff and a medium water table during the growing season . Red River soils are noneroded, nonstony and may be saline . They have medium to high available water holding capacity, medium organic matter content, and medium natural fertility . The majority of these soils are currently used for crop production .

Poppleton Series (PPL) The Poppleton series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Dark Gray soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, coarse textured (sandy) deltaic, lacustrine deposits. The surface texture is fine sand to loamy fine sand . The topography is level to very gently sloping ; runoff is moderately slow and permeability is moderately rapid in the surface, but decreases with depth because of the influence of a capillary fringe above The native vegetation consists a water table. dominantly of aspen with some balsam poplar, 41

mostly replaced by cultivated fields .

In a representative profile of Red River soil the solum is approximately 30 cm thick . The profile is characterized by a black, to very dark gray clayey Ap horizon, 15 to 20 cm thick, a very dark gray, clayey Ah horizon, 8 to 10 cm thick which frequently tongues well into the C horizon, a thin, dark gray, calcareous, clay, AC horizon, 6 to 10 cm thick and a dark grayish brown, calcareous, clay Ckgj horizon with faint mottles . The parent material is typically a uniform clay. A typical profile contains frequent tonguing of the A horizon into the C horizon .

The Scanterbury soil profile has a very dark gray Ah horizon, 15 to 30 cm thick that frequently tongues through the B horizon; a very dark gray to dark grayish brown Bmgj horizon, 12 to 40 cm thick; a very dark grayish brown BC, 10 to 15 cm thick, and an olive gray calcareous Ckgj horizon with many, fine, faint mottles . It differs from Red River soils in having a prominent Bmgj horizon. Scanterbury, Red River and Morris soils are usually found together in such close and intricate association with each other that it is difficult to not find all three together in the same field in areas where they normally occur.

Red River soils occur in very close association with Scanterbury, Morris and Osborne soils. They are similar to the above soils by having developed on the same parent material but differ because of drainage and profile development. Red River soils were previously mapped as the Red River Association in the Winnipeg-Morris Map Sheet, Report No. 5, 1953 .

Scanterbury soils were part of the Red River Association in the Winnipeg-Morris (1953) soil report .

Selina Series (SLN)

Rochelle Series (RLL)

The Selina series consists of Gleyed Dark Gray Luvisol soils developed on thin (25 to 100 cm), moderately to strongly calcareous, sandy sediments overlying stony, extremely calcareous, loamy till. The texture of the surface horizon can range from fine sand to fine sandy loam, but fine sand is dominant . Scattered surface stones occur on the Selina soils, becoming more numerous where the lacustrine mantle is thin. The Selina soils occupy level to very gently sloping areas, often adjacent to better drained sand and gravel ridges. Runoff is moderate and permeability, although rapid in the upper soil materials, is impeded by the underlying till substrate . The till is moderately permeable and helps to maintain a water table and imperfectly drained soil conditions. Native vegetation is dominantly aspen, balsam poplar and willows with a ground cover of meadow grasses and sedges .

The Rochelle series consists of poorly drained carbonated Rego Humic Gleysol soils developed on moderately to very strongly calcareous, stratified dominantly fine loamy fluvial sediments . They occur in the lower slope position of the stream channels. The upper 25 to 50 cm usually contain strata high in organic matter; textures may range from fine sandy loam to clay loam. Carbonated shell segments of aquatic organisms are usually present . These soils are subject to seasonal inundation, and subsequent high water table. Native vegetation consists of willow, sedge, reeds, and aquatic grasses . The soils are characterized by a partially decomposed leaf and fen layer 8 to 15 cm thick ; a thin dark gray, strongly calcareous Ah horizon 10 to 20 cm thick and a light brownish gray to light olive gray C horizon with prominent mottles . This, very dark gray to dark gray strata may be found in stratified layers indicating former surfaces .

The Selina soils are characterized by a thin, leaf and sod mat underlain by a dark gray Ah horizon and a light gray coloured Ae horizon . The A horizons are in turn underlain by weakly developed brownish gray Btjgj or Bmgj horizons. The lower portion of the B horizon and the light yellowish brown C horizon is gleyed and mottled with iron staining. The Cg,j~ horizon is moderately calcareous and is underlain by extremely calcareous, stony loam till. The contact of the two materials is often marked by a water-worked cobbly and gravelly lense .

Scanterbury Series (SCY) The Scanterbury series is a Gleyed Black soil developed on imperfectly drained, moderately to strongly calcareous, clayey (SiC, C, HC), lacustrine deposits . These soils occur on level to very gently sloping topography on the Red River Plain in association with Red River, Morris and Osborne soils. Surface runoff is slow and permeability is very slow. The tall prairie and prairie-meadow grasses once found associated with these soils have been

Shergrove Series (SGV)


to strongly calcareous coarse sandy to gravelly outwash, beach and stratified drift deposits . There is commonly a thin sandy surface mantle over the gravelly material and surface textures range from loamy coarse sand to clay loam . These soils occur throughout the map area but are most common on the beach ridges bordering the lowlands . The topography is level to irregular gently sloping. There is little or no surface runoff as these soils are very permeable, but internal drainage is impeded by a high groundwater table. Native forest consists mainly of aspen, balsam poplar with odd jack pine. Shrubs are mainly dogwood, rose, some alder, willow and raspberry.

The Shergrove series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Carbonated Rego Black soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, stratified, sand and gravel outwash and beach deposits . The surface soil is usually finer textured, ranging from loamy sand to sandy loam and loam . They occupy level to very gently sloping areas downslope from beach ridges or areas of water worked till . Natural drainage of the Shergrove soils is affected by both lateral seepage from adjacent beaches at higher elevations and by groundwater discharge . Surface runoff is slow to moderate but lateral soil permeability is rapid . Vegetation consists of aspen and balsam poplar with dense ground cover of meadow grasses, sedges and scattered shrubs such as dogwood, willow and swamp birch .

In their natural condition Sirko soils are characterized by a thin light brownish gray, acid, Aeg horizon and a textural Btg horizon. These surface horizons are commonly developed partly in the surface sandy mantle and partly in the underlying coarse sand and gravel .

The Shergrove soil is characterized by a thin leaf and sod litter underlain by a very dark gray to black loamy sand to sand textured A horizon which is usually calcareous to the surface . A dark gray to gray transitional AC horizon separates the dark surface from the underlying very pale brown to light gray, stratified sand and gravel parent material . Many of the Shergrove soils are underlain by extremely calcareous stony loam textured till at depths between 1 .5 and 3 m from the surface .

Spearhill Series (SRL) The Spearhill series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Rego Dark Gray soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous sandy and gravelly outwash or beach deposits . The surface texture is usually ranging from a fine sandy loam to loam. The topography is very gently sloping to level . Surface runoff is slow; permeability is rapid. Drainage is imperfect because of a fluctuating water table that rises to within 50 cm of the surface during the spring or due to lateral seepage . Vegetation consists dominantly of aspen and grasses with some dogwood, balsam poplar and few willows .

Sifton Series (SFTd)

The Sifton series consists of Carbonated Rego Humic Gleysol soils developed on thin, very fine loamy strongly to extremely calcareous, sediments underlain by clayey lacustrine deposits . The upper deposits may be stratified and surface textures range from clay loam to silty clay . The topography is smooth and level and the soils are dominantly poorly drained as surface runoff and internal percolation are slow . The native vegetation consists of willow, sedge, aster and native grasses .

The Spearhill soil is characterized by a thin layer of decomposing leaf litter and grasses, a dark gray Ah to Ahe horizon 10 to 24 cm thick, and a grayish brown carbonated transitional AC horizon 15 to 25 cm thick .

The soil is characterized by a dark gray granular, carbonated A horizon 10 to 15 cm thick, a transitional AC horizon, and a very strongly carbonated Cca or C horizon; with depth to clay being 40 to 80 cm. In some areas where there is lateral inflow of saline water, salt content can be high enough to affect growth of crops . Profile development in the Sifton soils is similar to that described for the Glenfields series .

Sprague Series (SPG) The Sprague series consists of Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous sandy lacustrine and outwash deposits overlying extremely calcareous, loamy glacial till within one meter of the surface . The texture of the surface horizon varies from sand to fine sandy loam. Surface drainage is slow ; water table is at or near the surface for the greater part of the growing season . Some scattered surface stones may be present within the map unit . Native vegetation consists of sedge, reeds, and

Sirko Series (SIK) The Sirko series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Gray Luvisol soils developed on moderately 43

willow .

St. Norbert Series (SOR)

The Sprague soils have a fibrous to mucky organic surface layer of 6 to 15 cm and a thin very dark gray, moderately alkaline Ahg horizon 7 to 12 cm thick which overlies the iron stained calcareous parent material . The extremely calcareous loamy till occurs at depths ranging from 30 to 100 cm. The solum is similar to the Malonton series . The underlying loamy till substrates is similar to that described for the related Colby, Pelan and Caliento series .

The St. Norbert series consists of moderately well to well drained Orthic Dark Gray soils developed on moderately calcareous, clayey lacustrine and alluvial deposits . They occur on the well drained upper slope of the floodplain . They have moderate runoff, and moderately slow to slow permeability . The native vegetation is dominantly burr oak, with some maple, elm, aspen, herbs, and grasses.

With a greater depth of peat surface (15 to 40 cm), the peaty phase of the Sprague soil is encountered.

The soils are characterized by a thin leaf mat 2 to 3 cm thick, a granular, gray Ahe 5 to 8 cm thick and a coarse prismatic dark gray Btj 30 to 60 cm thick, and an olive gray clay C horizon.

St. Labre Series (SLB)

Stead Series (STD)

The St. Labre series consists of moderately well to well drained Orthic Gray Luvisol soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, sandy deltaic and lacustrine deposits overlying strongly to extremely calcareous loam textured till deposits . The surface layers range from a fine sand to loamy sand and averages about 30 to 60 cm in thickness. The topography is irregular, very gently sloping. Runoff is moderately rapid and permeability is moderately rapid. The native vegetation consists of burr oak, grasses, some aspen, choke cherry, and saskatoon.

The Stead series consists of very deep organic soils developed on greater than 160 cm of mesic herbaceous peat with little (less than 15 cm) or no fibric Sphagnum peat on the surface. These very poorly drained soils are generally underlain by moderately to strongly calcareous loamy to clayey lacustrine sediments at depths below 160 cm. Stead soils, located in depressional to level areas, support a native vegetation which is dominantly sedges, reeds, brown mosses and meadow grasses with scattered clumps of swamp birch and willow .

The St. Labre soil is characterized by a thin partially decomposed leaf mat, a thick light gray to gray Ae horizon within the sandy overlay and a thin moderately developed textural B horizon either within the sandy layer or in the finer textured substrate . A pebble line may be encountered at the contact of the extremely calcareous loam to clay loam till.

St. Malo Series (SMA) The St. Malo series consists of well to moderately well drained Orthic Dark Gray soils developed on a thin, moderately to strongly calcareous, coarse loamy deltaic and lacustrine sediments overlying extremely calcareous stony glacial till . The surface texture varies from a fine sandy loam to loam and occasionally clay loam. The topography is very gently sloping ; runoff is moderate ; and permeability decreases from moderate in the near surface to very slow in the underlying compacted fissile lodgement till. A thin gravelly layer may be present at the contact of the two deposits .

The Stead series is a Typic Mesisol. Minor areas of the Overflowing series, a Hydric Mesisol, may occur within some map units represented by the Stead series . The Overflowing series usually occurs in areas occurring adjacent to open water. Sundown Series (SIJW) The Sundown series consists of poorly drained Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase soils developed on thick, stratified, strongly calcareous sand and gravel deposits which are greater than a meter thick and usually underlain by loamy glacial till. Usually a thin (< 15 cm) strata of coarse loamy to clayey sediments occurs at the surface. They occur in level to depressional areas bordering gravelly beach ridges or in narrow swales . Runoff is very slow, but lateral movement of water through the gravelly layers is common . The vegetation is mainly sedges, meadow grasses and reeds, with scattered clumps of willow, tamarack and black spruce . The soil is characterized by a moderately decomposed black fen peat layer of 6 to 15 cm

thick, and thin (10 to 15 cm) granular, black A horizon and abruptly into the light gray sand and gravel C horizon . The sand and gravel deposits may extend for a considerable depth below the surface.

The Weiden series consists of poorly drained Rego Humic Gleysol, carbonated phase soils developed on thin strongly calcareous, coarse loamy lacustrine deposits overlying extremely calcareous, stony loamy till . The topography is level to depressional, runoff is slow and permeability is moderate in the coarse loamy deposits and moderately slow in the underlying till . The surface textures range from loamy fine sand to loam. The native vegetation consists of meadow grasses, reeds, sedges, clumps of willow and black poplar may occur. The Weiden series is very similar to the Foley series except for the till substrate .

Sundown peaty phase have been mapped in the area . A 15 to 40 cm layer of mesic fen peat covers the mineral soil surface. Venlaw Series (VLW) The Venlaw series consists of well drained Dark Gray Luvisol soils developed on sandy to gravelly outwash, which is moderately to strongly calcareous . The surface textures vary from loamy sand to gravel . The topography is irregular, very gently to gently sloping, surface runoff is moderate and permeability is rapid to very rapid. Vegetation consists of burr oak, grasses, herbs, hazelnut, and some aspen.

The Weiden peaty phase was mapped in this area and has a 15 to 40 cm layer of mesic peat on the surface. Wentland Series (WTD) The Wentland series is a carbonated, Rego Humic Gleysol soil developed on poorly drained, very strongly to extremely calcareous, dominantly coarse loamy (SiL, L, VFSL) lacustrine sediments . These soils occur on level to depressional topography associated with Plum Ridge soils . Surface runoff is slow, and soil permeability is impeded by a high water table . In areas where the groundwater contains high salt concentrations, sufficient soluble salt can be present in the soil profile to inhibit plant growth . Native vegetation consists of sedges, meadow grasses and willows.

The Venlaw series is characterized by a 8 to 12 cm dark gray Ap horizon, with a 5 to 15 cm pale brown Ae horizon, and a 8 to 15 cm light brown Bt horizon which usually terminates at a layer which contains coarser fragments. A transitional BC horizon may be present. Warner Series (WRN) The Warner series consists of moderately well to well drained, Rego Black soils developed on thin strongly calcareous, dominantly fine loamy lacustrine deposits over extremely calcareous loamy till or clay till of mixed clay and loam materials . The surface textures range from loam to light clay. The topography is irregular, very gently to gently sloping ; runoff is moderate ; and permeability is moderate to moderately slow in the moderately fine sediments and variable from moderate to slow in underlying till The native vegetation consists of tall prairie grasses, trembling aspen and bur oak .

The Wentland soil profile has a gray to dark gray Ap horizon, 15 to 20 cm thick; a light gray, calcareous transition AC horizon with prominent mottles, 10 to 20 cm thick and a very pale brown, calcareous C horizon with many prominent mottles . Wentland soils are nonarable unless surface drainage is improved . With adequate surface drainage, the soils have moderately severe seasonal wetness limitations that reduce the choice of crops or require special management considerations .

The Warner soil is characterized by a very dark gray, granular A horizon 15 to 25 cm thick and a grayish brown to brown, granular AC horizon 8 to 12 cm thick and pale brown C horizon . The depth of moderately fine textured overlay is normally 40 to 80 cm . Some stones may be present at the surface . Associated with the Rego Black are the Calcareous Blacks and some Orthic Black soils depending on the depth of overlay . Soils with thin underlying layer of clay till, a mixture of loam and clay textured till deposits, are referred to as the Warren Variant .

Wintergreen Series (WGE) The Wintergreen series consists of imperfectly drained, Gleyed Gray Luvisol soils developed on moderately to strongly calcareous, sandy lacustrine and outwash deposits . Surface textures are fine sand to fine sandy loam. The topography is level to irregular, very gently sloping . Soil permeability is rapid, but internal drainage is impeded by a high ground water table . Native vegetation is comprised of pure stands of jack pine; mixed jack pine, aspen,

Weiden Series (WDN) 45

balsam poplar, birch; a dense understory of tall and short shrubs like dogwood, rose, alder, raspberry, currant, saskatoon; a profusion of herbs; and some grasses. The soils are stone-free. The soil is characterized by a thin 2 to 5 cm leaf litter, and a 8-12 cm dark yellowish brown Btg with clay coating on the peds and grades through a thin transition area to the C horizon and then to the 2C. The majority of these soils within the Municipality of Hanover have a thin (20 to 25 cm) pebbly to gravelly lense that usually occurs at a depth of 50 to 70 cm. Woodmore Series (WOM) The Woodmore series consists of imperfectly drained Gleyed Dark Gray soils developed on thin, strongly calcareous, coarse loamy lacustrine deposits over extremely calcareous loamy till. - The topography is level to irregular, very gently sloping ; runoff is moderate ; and permeability is moderate in the coarse loamy deposits and variably moderate to moderately slow in the underlying till. The surface texture ranges from loamy fine sand to loam. The native vegetation consists of trembling aspen, balsam poplar, hazel, native grasses, and occasional willow . The soil is characterized by a dark gray granular Ap or Ahe horizon 10 to 18 cm thick and a moderately developed dark grayish brown B horizon 7 to 10 cm thick with some thin discontinuous organic and clay coatings on the peds, and grades through a thin transition area to the C horizon or 2C.

Woodridge Series (WOG) The Woodridge series consists of rapidly drained Orthic Gray Luvisol soils developed on sandy and gravelly beach, and outwash deposits . A thin sand to loamy mantle which ranges from 15 to 25 cm in thickness frequently overlies the coarser sediments . The areas are usually in the form of narrow elongate, gently sloping beach ridges. Native vegetation on Woodridge soils consists of a semi-open stand of jack pine and sparse ground cover of shrubs, herbs and mosses . These soils are characterized by a very thin, patchy, partially to moderately decomposed organic layer; a pale brown, weakly but usually deeply leached strongly acid, Ae horizon ; a dark yellowish brown, weakly developed, slightly acid textural B horizon which usually occurs partly in the sandy surface mantle and partly in the underlying stratified

coarse sand and gravel . Where a large percentage of coarse gravel and cobbles prevail the horizons are thinner and the textural B horizon appears to be prominent.


by the subclass limitation. The subclass limitation becomes progressively greater from Class 1 to Class 7 . The class indicates the general suitability of the soils for agriculture. The first three classes are considered capable of sustained production of common field crops, the fourth is marginal for sustained arable agriculture, the fifth is suitable only for improved permanent pasture, the sixth is capable of use only for native pasture while the seventh class is for soils and land types considered incapable of use for arable agriculture or permanent pasture. A description of the capability classes is provided in Table 5 .


This section provides predictions of performance or soil suitability ratings for various land uses based on field observations of soil and landscape characteristics, laboratory data and on observations of soil behaviour under specified conditions of land use and management . Suitability ratings or interpretations are intended to serve as guides for planners and managers . Caution should be exercised when applying suitability ratings to soil map units ; the user must understand the limitations of the soil map. The value of any rating or interpretation depends upon the nature and composition of an individual map unit delineation which in turn depends on the scale of mapping and intensity of ground truthing employed in the survey .

Soil Capability subclasses identify the soil properties or landscape conditions that may limit use or be a hazard and to which soils these properties or conditions are assigned. The various kinds of limitations recognized at the subclass level are defined in Table 6.

In this section, interpretive soil information is provided for the following land use evaluations : I

Soil Capability



Within the R.M. of Hanover, the soils are considered to have a wide range of soil capability for agricultural production . Major problems limiting the agricultural use of the soils are inadequate drainage (excess wetness), unfavourable workability (stoniness, topographic pattern), droughtiness (low water holding capacity), salinity and potential degradation (susceptibility to erosion by wind).

The classification of soil capability for dryland agriculture is based on an evaluation of both soil characteristics and landscape conditions that influence soil suitability and limitations for agricultural use . In this classification, mineral soils are grouped into classes for capability or general suitability; subclasses describe the type of limitation or properties that affect dryland farming. These ratings imply a risk to regional production capacity when the soils are used and the way they respond to management (Anon, 1965) . There are seven capability classes, each of which groups soils together that have the same relative degree of potential for agricultural use or risk or hazard for use as indicated

Class 1 soils are of very minor extent consisting mainly of well drained clayey soils . Soils in Class 2 occupy about 41 percent of the municipality ; they are dominantly imperfectly drained clays and loams with a slight drainage limitation (excess wetness) and well drained clays with unfavourable tilth and workability (surface structure and low permeability) . Class 3 soils comprise about 32 percent of the municipality and consist of imperfectly drained sands, loams and gravelly sands and soils which were originally poorly drained but for which the surface drainage has been improved resulting in a continuing moderate limitation due to periodic wetness . The poorly drained soils, without improved drainage are typically in Class 5 or 6 depending on the severity of the wetness condition . Imperfectly drained sands and

a) dryland farming capability b) irrigation suitability







Drvland Aericulture


Soils in this class have no important limitations for crop use . The soils have level or gently sloping topography; they are deep, well to imperfectly drained and have moderate water holding capacity. The soils are naturally well supplied with plant nutrients, easily maintained in good tilth and fertility ; soils are moderately high to high in productivity for a wide range of cereal and special crops . Soils in this class have moderate limitations that reduce the choice of crops or require moderate conservation practices . The soils have good water holding capacity and are either naturally well supplied with plant nutrients or-are highly responsive to inputs of fertilizer . They are moderate to high in productivity for a fairly wide range of crops . The limitations are not severe and good soil management and cropping practices can be applied without serious difficulty. , Soils in this class have moderate limitations that restrict the range of crops or require moderate conservation practices . The limitations in Class 3 are more severe than those in Class 2 and conservation practices are more difficult to apply and maintain . The limitations affect the timing and ease of tillage, planting and harvesting, the choice of crops and maintenance of conservation practices . The limitations include one or more of the following : moderate climatic limitation, erosion, structure or permeability, low fertility, topography, overflow, wetness, low water holding capacity or slowness in release of water to plants, stoniness and depth of soil to consolidated bedrock . Under good management, these soils are fair to moderately high in productivity for a fairly wide range of field crops . Soils in this class have severe limitations that restrict the choice of crops or require special conservation practices or both. These soils have such limitations that they are only suited for a few crops, or the yield for a range of crops may be low, or the risk of crop failure is high. The limitations may seriously affect such farm practices as the timing and ease of tillage, planting and harvesting, and the application and maintenance of conservation practices . These soils are low to medium in productivity for a narrow range of crops but may have higher productivity for a specially adapted crop . The limitations include the adverse effects of one or more of the following : climate, accumulative undesirable soil characteristics, low fertility, deficiencies in the storage capacity or release of soil moisture to plants, structure or permeability, salinity, erosion, topography, overflow, wetness, stoniness, and depth of soil to consolidated bedrock . Soils in this class have very severe limitations that restrict their capability to producing perennial forage crops, and improvement practices are feasible . These soils have such serious soil, climatic or other limitations that they are not capable of use for sustained production of annual field crops. However, they may be improved by the use of farm machinery for the production of native or tame species of perennial forage plants . Feasible improvement practices include clearing of bush, cultivation, seeding, fertilizing and water control.

Some soils in Class 5 can be used for cultivated field crops provided unusually intensive management is used. Some of these soils are also adapted to special crops requiring soil conditions unlike those needed by the common crops . Soils in this class are capable only of producing perennial forage crops and improvement practices are not feasible . Class 6 soils have some natural sustained grazing capacity for farm animals, but have such serious soil, climatic or other limitations as to make impractical the application of

improvement practices that can be carried out on Class 5 soils. Soils may be placed in this class because their physical nature prevents the use of farm machinery, or because the soils are not responsive to improvement practices, or because stock watering facilities are inadequate.

Soils in this class have no capability for arable culture or permanent pasture because of extremely severe limitations . Bodies of water too small to delineate on the map are included in this class . These soils may or may not have a high capability for forestry, wildlife and recreation .


Adverse climate : This subclass denotes a significant adverse climate for crop production as compared to the "median" climate which is defined as one with sufficiently high growing season temperatures to bring field crops to maturity, and with sufficient precipitation to permit crops to be grown each year on the same land without a serious risk of partial or total crop failures .


Undesirable soil structure and/or low permeability : This subclass is used for soils difficult to till, or which absorb water very slowly or in which the depth of rooting zone is restricted by conditions other than a high water table or consolidated bedrock .

by droughtiness owing to inherent soil characteristics . They are usually soils with low water-holding capacity . N-

Salinity: Designates soils which are adversely affected by the presence of soluble salts.


Stoniness: This subclass is made up of soils sufficiently stony to significantly hinder tillage, planting, and harvesting operations . Stony soils are usually less productive than comparable non-stony soils .


Consolidated bedrock: This subclass includes soils where the presence of bedrock near the surface restricts their agricultural use. Consolidated bedrock at depths greater than 1 meter from the surface is not considered as a limitation, except on irrigated lands where a greater depth of soil is desirable.


Erosion : Subclass E includes soils where damage from erosion is a limitation to agricultural use. Damage is assessed on the loss of productivity and on the difficulties in farming land with gullies .


Low fertility: This subclass is made up of soils having low fertility that either is correctable with careful management in the use of fertilizers and soil amendments or is difficult to correct in a feasible way . The limitation may be due to lack of available plant nutrients, high acidity or alkalinity, low exchange capacity, high levels of carbonates or presence of toxic compounds.


Topography: This subclass is made up of soils where topography is a limitation. Both the percent of slope and the pattern or frequency of slopes in different directions are important factors in increasing the cost of farming over that of smooth land, in decreasing the uniformity of growth and maturity of crops, and in increasing the hazard of water erosion .


Inundation by streams or lakes: This subclass includes soils subjected to inundation causing crop damage or restricting agricultural use .



Coarse wood fragments : In the rating of organic soils, woody inclusions in the form of trunks, stumps and branches (> 10 cm diameter) in sufficient quantity to significantly hinder tillage, planting and harvesting operations.

Excess water: Subclass W is made up of soils where excess water other than that brought about by inundation is a limitation to their use for agriculture . Excess water may result from inadequate soil drainage, a high water table, seepage or runoff from surrounding areas .


Cumulative minor adverse characteristics : This subclass is made up of soils having a moderate limitation caused by the cumulative effect of two or more adverse characteristics which singly are not serious enough to affect the class rating .


Moisture limitation: This subclass consists of soils where crops are adversely affected

Table 7.

Agricultural Capability of Soils in the Study Area

Map Symbol and Phase

Soil Name






AND2 /xx2x AND2 /xx4x AND /xx3x

Aneda Aneda Aneda

























/xxlx /xx2x /xc2x /xx3x

Aneda Agassiz Agassiz Berlo Berlo Berlo Berlo Berlo

/xxlx /xx2x

Beaverdam Beaverdam



/xxlx /xx3x /xx2x


Beaverdam Beaverdam

Berry Berry Berry Berry

Island Island Island Island

Berry Island


Berry Island Cayer Cayer

/xx2x /xb2x /xx3x /xxxs

Caliento Caliento Caliento Dencross


/xcxx /xx3x







Dencross Davidson Davidson Foley Foley Foley



/xxxs /xxlx

/xx2x /xx3x


/xxxs /xx2x


Glenfields Glenfields Glenhope Glenhope

Glenhope Glenhope

Gull Lake Glenella


Glenmoor Goose Island Goose Island

Garrioch Garrioch

Agricultural Capability Class



Map Symbol and Phase GRH


5P 5M SM 3M 3M 3M 3M 4P 3M



Garson Garson Gunton

3D 4P 5M







5W 5W 5W 6W









/xxlx /xx2x /xb2x /xx3x /xb3x /xx4x /xb4x

/xxlx /xblx /xx2x /xx4x


6W 03W 03W

LAMp LBU LBU /xxlx



3MW 3MW 4P 3N



2W 3M 3M 3W 4P 5W


2W 2W

3P 4P





/xx3x /xx5x



Inwood Inwood Inwood Inwood Inwood Inwood Inwood Kircro Kircro

Kline Kline


Kergwenan Kergwenan Kergwenan La Broquerie Lambert

Lambert Libau Libau Libau

Libau Lakeland Lakeland Leary Leary

Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary




Lenswood Lundar


/xxlx /xx2x



Ladywood Ladywood

/xxlx /xx3x

McCreary McCreary McCreary



/xx4x /xxlx


3M 3M

/xxlx /xclx /xx2x /xc2x /xx3x



3W 4MW 4MW



3W 3WN








II Agricultural I Soil Name Capability Class


Lundar Lundar

Lundar Lundar


Meleb Meleb



2W 2W 2W 3P 3P 5D 5D 03W


3W 3W 4M

4M 4MW SP 41 4W

5W 2D 2D 2D

3P 2W 3N 5M SM




2M 3D

2W 2W


2W 3P

61W 2W 2W 4P

5W 5W

Table 7.

Agricultural Capability of Soils in the Study Area (Cont'd)

Map Symbol and Phase

Soil Name



Ply Ply





/xx2x /xx3x /xb3x /xx4x /xx5x /xcxx /xxlx /xx2x /xx3x

/xx4x /xxlx /xxxs /xxxs /xxxt /xx2x /xxlx

/xb3x /xx4x


/xxlx /xx2x /xx3x /xxlx












/xx2x /xx3x

Agricultural Capability Class

Map Symbol and Phase

Meleb Meleb Meleb Meleb Meleb Meleb Malonton Malonton Malonton Malonton Malonton

5W 5W 5W 5W 5WP 5W 4W 4W 4W 4W 4W






Marquette Marquette Niverville Niverville Nourse Osborne Osborne Osborne Osborne Pansy Partridge Creek Peguis

Piney Piney

Piney Pelan

Pelan Pelan Pelan Plum Ridge Poppleton Poppleton Poppleton Prawda

Pine Ridge

Pine Ridge Red River Red River Rochelle Scanterbury Sifton Shergrove Shergrove

Shergrove Sirko Sirko St . Labre

St. Labre St. Labre

St . Labre Selina


4PW 2W 2W 2W 3N 2W 3W 3" 4N 6W 4MW 3P 2W


3P 5P


6P 3MW


3MW 3MP 4P 2W 3M 3M

/xx3x /xx3x /xx2x /xx3x /xx2x /xblx /xx2x /xx3x /xc3x

/xx2x /xx3x /xx4x /xxlx /xx2x /xx4x /oxxx

/xx4x /xxlx

WOM /xx2x WOM /xx3x WOM /xb3x WRN WTD WTDp

4P 5W


5M ZW 3N 6IW 2W 3W 4M W 4MW

4MW 4M 4M 4M

4M 4MP

4MP 3M


Soil Name

Agricultural Capability Class

Selina St Malo St Norbert Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Spearhill Spearhill Spearhill Spearhill

3M 4P 2D 4W 4W 4PW 5W 4MW 4MW 4MW 4MW




Sundown Sundown Sundown Sundown Sundown Venlaw Weiden Weiden Weiden Weiden Wintergreen Wintergreen

Woodridge Woodridge Woodmore Woodmore

Woodmore Woodmore Woodmore Warner Wentland Wentland

4MW 5W 5W 5W 5W 5W 5M 3W 3W 3WP 6W 4MW 4MW

6M 6M

2W 2W

3P 4P 4P 1 3W 3W

wind erosion include shelter belts, crop rotations and strip cropping .

gravelly sands are also rated as Class 3 due to seasonal droughtiness and/or excess moisture . Soils in Class 4 comprise 12 .8 percent of the municipality and include very stony loam textured soils, imperfectly drained sandy and gravelly soils and poorly drained sandy soils. Class 5 capability soils cover some 11 percent of the municipality and include well drained sand and gravel soils with low water holding capacity, exceedingly stony and bouldery soils and poorly drained sandy, gravelly soils and excessively stony loamy till soils . Poorly drained soils with a peaty surface and no drainage improvement and excessively drained gravelly soils are rated in Capability Class 6 (about 1 .4 percent of the study area) . Organic soils cover a very limited area in the municipality (about 0.3 percent) . In their native state organic soils are generally not suited for arable culture, but with adequate drainage control these soils may be improved to Capability Class 03 or 04.

The stony condition of many soils throughout the municipality presents management problems and increased costs for forage and cultivated crop production. Very stony and exceedingly stony land requires routine stone clearing in order to permit annual cultivation.

Organic soils in the study area require drainage control measures to allow annual cultivation or to optimize their use for production of forage and pasture. 4 .3


The irrigation suitability classification is an interpretive assessment of land suitability for irrigated agriculture and is made from soil survey data. The irrigation rating provided in this section is an initial rating based on general information about specific soils indicated on the soil map. The decision to irrigate a parcel of land will require additional field investigation that utilizes the same criteria but will include on site examination of water tables, salinity and stratigraphy to a depth of 3 m.

A summary of the soils in the study area showing their major phase characteristics, areal extent and their interpretive classification for dryland agriculture is presented in Table 7 . Estimates of areal extent are included in Table 11 . Soil Management

The rating guidelines in this section are from "An Irrigation Suitability Classification derived for System the Canadian Prairies" (ISC, 1987) . This classification system was developed following review of previous methods of assessing the suitability of land for irrigated agriculture on the Canadian Prairies . It takes into account recent advances in irrigation management and technology and provides general guidelines for irrrigatiion suitability classification that are applicable to both local and regional conditions. The irrigation suitability rating of the soils is based on soil and landscape characteristics . These characteristics are ranked in terms of their sustained quality under long-term management under irrigation . It does not consider factors such as method of water application, water availability, water quality or economics of this type of land use .

The northern portion of the municipality (approximately 33 percent of the study area) is characterized by clayey soils with level to very gently sloping land, surface ponding, slow runoff and low internal permeability . Surface drainage and maintenance of adequate drainage outlets is required to sustain crop production . Provision of drainage infrastructure that is adequate for wet cycles is costly and excess moisture continues to affect many of the clay soils in wetter years . Soil structure and tilth on the clay soils may also be improved through residue management which includes incorporation of stubble or green manure crops. If cultivated when the soils are too moist or dry, large massive sticky lumps or very hard clods will result, forming a poor seedbed usually resulting in poor germination . Therefore, timing and ease of tillage on some of the very heavy clays, e.g. Red River, Dencross and Osborne series becomes a significant management factor .

Soil properties considered important for evaluating irrigation suitability are : texture, soil drainage, depth to water table, salinity and geological uniformity . Landscape features considered important for rating irrigation suitability relate mainly to the influence of topography and stoniness .

All cultivated soils are subject to erosion if the soil surface is not covered by vegetation or crop residues. Sandy and loamy soils with low residues are most susceptible to wind erosion . Practices to minimize the risk of erosion include continuous cropping and minimum or zero tillage to .maximize residue cover. Other practices to reduce the risk of

The irrigation suitability class based on soil 52

and landscape characteristics rated in this report will aid the landowner in making initial irrigation plans . However at this map scale, it is impossible to show smaller soil areas and minor topographic features that may have a higher or lower irrigation suitability than that rated for the map symbol . Recognition of such features may be critical for irrigation of a land area .

has a general rating of Fair (Table 10). The landscape characteristics of the area are not limiting the irrigation suitability so do not affect the general rating .

If a land area is indicated to be suitable for irrigation based on the information presented in this report, then a field investigation should be made. The investigation should also include those soil and landscape features that are not used in making the initial ratings . These factors include geological uniformity to 3 m, drainability and provision of a drainage outlet, organic matter content and potential for surface crusting . This assessment should also consider potential impact of irrigation on "Nontarget" non-irrigated areas as well as on the irrigated area .

-uniform texture both vertically and horizontally -uniformly well drained

An ideal soil area to be used for irrigation will have the following characteristics : -loam texture

-non saline -permeable -nearly level -non stony

Any departure from these characteristics, ie sandy and clayey soils, presence of contrasting textural layers vertically in the soil, horizontal variation in soil texture within the landscape, imperfect and poor drainage, salinity, reduced soil permeabilty, undulating and hummocky topography and surface stoniness will lower the irrigation suitability. These factors may not only influence the sustainability of irrigation but can also affect the type of irrigation system that can be used and the type of management needed .

Irrigation Suitability Rating Relevant soil properties (Table 8) and landscape features (Table 9) have been evaluated for long-term irrigation. The most limiting soil property or landscape feature were combined to determine the placement of a land area in one of 16 classes of irrigation suitability (Table 10) . These classes are grouped and described by 4 ratings of general suitability as Excellent, Good, Fair and Poor. The guidelines utilized for evaluating the effect of soil properties and landscape features on irrigation suitability are included in Appendix B (Tables 17 and 18) .

Areas with no or slight soil and/or landscape limitation are rated Excellent to Good and can usually be considered irrigable. Areas with moderate soil and/or landscape limitation are rated as Fair and considered marginal for irrigation providing adequate management exists so that the soil and adjacent areas are not adversely affected by water application. Soil and landscape areas rated as Poor have severe limitations for irrigation .

An example of an irrigation suitability class rating is shown in Figure 7 .

Figure 7.

The ratings are based on soil characteristics in the upper 1 .2 m and the main landscape features in the area (Table 11) . Limited investigation to the 3 m depth provides an indication of the geological uniformity of major soil types. It is desirable to investigate in greater detail depending on the type and severity of the limitation . Portions of the total area may be significantly better or poorer than the general rating indicated . For example, areas with an overall Poor rating (due to low water holding capacity), may contain more favourable soils that could be utilized for small-scale irrigation .

Explanation of irrigation suitability class symbol ~Class ~


~~ 3 g x A~


S oil


Environmental Impact

A maximum of 3 codes is used to identify the subclass rating . The soil rating of Class 3 is limiting the irrigation suitability of this land area so that it

The interpretation of potential environmental impact from irrigation is provided as a relative guide 53

using 4 general ratings of "none, low, medium and high", Table 11 . This rating recognizes soil and/or landscape conditions which under irrigation could impact on the irrigated area as well as a "non-target" non-irrigated area. Examples of adverse environmental impact are higher water tables, increased extent of saturated soil, increase in soil salinity and contamination of groundwater or surface water. Use of this rating is intended to serve as a warning of possible environmental impact but it is not part of the initial irrigation suitability

Table 8.

classification . The evaluation of potential environmental impact has been separated from the initial irrigation suitability rating provided in the ISC system (1987) since it may be possible to design and manage the irrigation system to overcome these limitations. It is recommended that a field investigation be undertaken for all soil areas identified as being subject to a potential environmental impact before proceeding with the design and implementation of an irrigation system .

Soil Properties Affecting Irrigation Suitability


.:: .... .


Structure - soil structural properties that restrict root penetration and air and water movement . Soils having a dense or compact layers and / or surface conditions subject to crusting .


Geological Uniformity - the uniformity of soil texture with depth. Textural differences between surface and subsoils influence the rate of water movement, water storage and drainability .


Depth to Water Table - the depth to the continuously saturated soil zone.


Hydraulic Conductivity - the rate at which water moves through a saturated soil . Available Water-Holding Capacity - the amount of water retained by a well drained soil that can. be used by plants .


Sodicity - or Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) - the relative concentration of sodium to calcium plus magnesium in soil water extracts . High SAR values adversely affect soil structure and water movement.


Intake Rate - the rate of movement of water from the surface into the soil . Fine-textured soils have lower intake rates than coarse-textured soils. Depth to Bedrock - the depth to consolidated or weakly weathered "impermeable" bedrock. Salinity - the presence of soluble salts that may affect the growth of crops. Drainage - the relative duration of saturated conditions in a soil . Drainability - the ability of subsoil materials to transmit water to subsurface drains . Drainability is influenced to a large degree by hydraulic conductivity and the presence of impermeable layers .

Landscape Features Affecting Irrigation Suitability

Table 9.


Average Local Relief - the average vertical distance between the crest of knolls and the bottom of immediately adjacent depressions .


Inundation - the frequency of annual or seasonal flooding which may adversely affect the growth of crops or the management of irrigation equipment.


Stoniness - the percent of soil surface covered by rock fragments which range from 25 to 120 cm in diameter . The class limits are defined in terms of approximate amount, size and spacing of stones at the surface .


Topography - The frequency, steepness and length of slopes in the landscape .

Description of Irrigation Suitability Classes

Table 10 .



No soil or landscape limitations

These soils are medium textured, well drained and hold adequate available moisture . Topography is level to nearly level . Gravity irrigation methods may be feasible .


2A 2B 1B

Slight soil and/or landscape limitations

The range of crops that can be grown may be limited. as well, higher development inputs and management skills are required . Sprinkler irrigation is usually the only feasible method of water application .


3A 3B 3C

Moderate soil and/ or landscape limitations

Limitations reduce the range of crops that may be grown and increase development and improvement costs . Management may include special conservation techniques to minimize soil erosion, limit salt movement, limit water table build-up or flooding of depressional areas. Sprinkler irrigation is usually the only feasible method of water application .

Severe soil and/ or landscape limitations

Limitations generally result in a soil that is unsuitable for sustained irrigation . Some lands may have limited potential when special crops, irrigation systems, and soil and water conservation techniques are used .

1C 2C


4A 4B 4C

4D 1D 21) 3D

Table 11. Map Symbol and Phase


xxlx xx2x xx2x xx4x xx3x xb3x xx4x xc3x xxlx xx2x xc2x xx3x xxlx xx2x xx3x xxlx xx3x xx2x xx4x xx2x xx2x xb2x xx3x xxxs xxxt xcxx xx3x xx2x

xxxs xxlx xx2x xx3x xx3x xxxs

Irrigation Suitability Rating of Soils in the Study Area Soil Name

Aneda Aneda Aneda Aneda Aneda Aneda Aneda , Agassiz Agassiz Berlo Berlo Berlo Berlo Berlo Beaverdam Beaverdam Beaverdam Beaverdam Berry Island Berry Island Berry Island Berry Island Berry Island Berry Island Cayer Cayer Colby Caliento Caliento Caliento Dencross Dencross Dencross Davidson Davidson Foley Foley Foley Fyala Greenwald Glenfields Glenfields Glenhope Glenhope Glenhope Glenhope Gull Lake Glenella Glenmoor Glenmoor

Areal Extent Ha

27.264 96.762 62.100 225.352 455.324 65 .460 0.000 17.640 24.120 676.720 349.280 377.160 21 .680 81 .800 302.440 47.920 39.600 114 .912 26.160 118 .420 485 .468 54.480 11 .936 48.720 12.680 30.040 63 .880 377.160 114.480 152.800 6026.424 0 .000 0 .000 161 .412 37.840 38 .600 39.960 30.040 33 .280 159.000 28 .560 510 .720 1276.960 0.000 223 .088 42.612 67.240 1641 .616 87.240 322.680


0.035 0.125 0.081 0.294 0.591 0.849 0.000 0.023 0.031 0.878 0.453 0.489 0.028 0.106 0.392 0.062 0.051 0.149 0.034 0.154 0.630 0.070 0.016 0.063 0.016 0.039 0.082 0.489 0.149 0.198 7.819 0.000 0.000 0.209 0.049 0.050 0.052 0.039 0.043 0.206 0.037 0.663 1 .657 0.000 0.290 0.055 0.087 2 .130 0 .113 0 .419


Irrigation Suitability Class

MA MA MA 3dCp 3dBp 3dBp 3dCp 4mA 4mBp 2wA 2wA 2wA 2wBt2 2wBp 3gmA 3gmA 3gmA 3gmBp 4wA 4wA 4wBp 4wA 4wA 4wCp 4wA 4wA 2wA 2wA 2wA 2wBp 4kxA 4kxA 4ksA 2mA 2mBt2 4wA 4wBp 4wA 4wkA 3gxA 4wA 4wA 2wA 2wA 2wA 2wBp 4mBp 3gxA 4wxA 4wxA

General Rating

Potential Environmental Impact

Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor Good Good Good Good Good Fair Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Good Good Good Good Poor Poor Poor Good Good Poor Poor Poor Poor Fair Poor Poor Good Good Good Good Poor Fair Poor Poor

Low Low High High Low Low Low High High High High High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium None None Low Low Low Low None Low Medium High High Medium Medium Medium None None None Low Low Low Low Low Low None Low None

Table 11 . Map Symbol and Phase



xx2x xxlx xx2x xx3x xb3x xb3x xxlx xx2x xb2x xx3x xb3x xx4x xb4x xx2x xxlx xb 1x xx2x xx4x

xxlx xx2x xc2x xxxs

xcxx xxlx xclx xx2x xc2x xx3x xc3x xx4x xxlx xx 1x xx2x xx3x

Irrigation Suitability Rating of Soils in the Study Area (Cont'd) Soil Name

Goose Island Goose Island Garrioch Garrioch Garrioch Garrioch Garson

Garson Gunton


Inwood Inwood Inwood

Inwood Inwood Inwood Inwood

Kircro Kircro Kline

Kline Kergwenan Kergwenan Kergwenan Kergwenan

La Broquerie

Lambert Lambert Libau Libau Libau


Lakeland Lakeland

Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary Leary

Leary Lenswood

Lenswood Lundar Lundar Lundar Lundar

" Areal Extent Ha

116 .940 106 .020 312 .196 198 .632 44.220 65.776 20.280 65.460 163.100 75.560 167 .720 353 .496 135 .480 1152 .768 53.960 1019 .820 469 .672 196 .540 0.000 156 .880 0.000 129 .580 85.960 59.520 23.760 160 .500 107 .840 506 .740 20.240 73.280 81 .184 57.200 3674 .272 209 .076 645 .092 555 .948 56.800 306 .040 129 .000 107 .840 486 .128 28 .600 0.000 3534 .024 413 .180 478 .732 1213 .720 207 .080 1367 .004

Irrigation Suitability %

0.152 0.138 0.405 0.256 0.057 0.085 0.026 0.085 0.211 0.098 0.218 0.459 0.176 1 .496 0.070 1 .323 0.609 0.255 0.000 0.203 0 .000 0.168 0.112 0.077 0.031 0.208 0.140 0.675 0.026 0.095 0.105 0.074 4.767 0.271 0.837 0.721 0.074 0 .397 0 .167 0 .140 0 .631 0 .071 0 .000 4 .585 0 .536 0 .621 1 .575 0 .268 1 .774



3gmA 3gmA 3gmA 3gmA 3gmA 3gmBp MA 3dBp 4mA 4mBp MA MA MA 3dBp 3dBp 3dCp 3dCp 4wA 4wA 4wA 4wA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mCp 3wBi 4wA 4wA RA RA RA 3kBt2 3wA 3wsA 4mA 4mBt2 4mA 4mBt2 4mA 4mBt2 4mBp 4mBt2p 4mCp 2wA 2wA MA MA MA 3dBp

General Rating

Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Fair Poor Poor Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Good Good Fair Fair Fair Fair

Potential Environmental act

Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Low Low Medium Medium Low Low Low

Low Low Low


High High Low

None High High High High High Medium Medium Low Low Low Low None Low

High High High High High High High High High High High Low Low Low


Table 11. Map Symbol and Phase


xx5x xx2x xxlx xx3x xxlx xx2x xx3x xb3x xx4x xx5x xcxx xxlx xx2x xx3x xx4x xxlx








xxxt xx2x xxlx xb3x xx4x xx5x xxlx xx2x xx3x xxlx xx3x xx3x

Irrigation Suitability Rating of Soils in the Study Area (Cont'd) Soil Name

Lundar Ladywood Ladywood Marchand McCreary McCreary McCreary Meleb Meleb Meleb Meleb Meleb Meleb Meleb Meleb Malonton Malonton Malonton Malonton Malonton Malonton Malonton Marquette Marquette Niverville Niverville Nourse Osbome Osbome Osborne Osbome Pansy Partridge Creek Peguis Piney Piney Piney


Pelan Pelan

Pelan Plum Ridge Poppleton Poppleton Poppleton Prawda

Pine Ridge

Pine Ridge Red River

Areal Extent



0.000 412.560 63.600 160 .500 661 .600 0.000 147 .400 124 .940 0.000 163 .480 683.400 201 .288 102 .636 0.000 34.080 1787.520 38.520 288.024 131 .968 68.360 81 .800 386.844 787.808 257.260 502 .420 42.960 725.300 7824.928 0.000 815.932 101 .400 217.664 16.000 177 .136 143 .160 208 .220 124 .640 370 .632 20.100 1131 .784 1460 .484 683 .028 4496 .324 526 .316 112 .784 310 .680 59.320 15 .840 4941 .664

Irrigation Suitability 4b

0 .000 0 .535 0 .083 0 .208 0 .858 0 .000 0 .190 0 .162 0 .000 0 .212 0 .887 0 .261 0 .133 0 .000 0 .044 2 .319 0 .050 0 .376 0 .171 0 .089 0 .106 0 .501 1 .022 0 .334 0 .652 0 .056 0 .941 10.153 0 .000 1 .059 0 .131 0 .282 0 .021 0 .229 0 .186 0.270 0.617 0.410 0.026 1 .485 1 .895 0.886 5 .834 0.682 0.146 0.403 0.077 0.020 6.412



3dDp 2wA 2wA 4wDi 3wA 3wA 3wBp 4wA 4wA 4wA 4wBp 4wBp 4wCp 4wDp 4wA 4wA 4wBt2 4wA 4wA 4wBp 4wCp 4wA 4kA 4kA 3wxA 3wxA 3gxA 4wxA 4wxA 4wsA 4wxA 2wA 4wkA 4kA 3dBp 3dCp 3dDp 2wA 2wA 2wA 2wBp 2wA 2wA 2wA 2wBp 4wgA 3mA 3mBp 4kxA

General Rating


Environmental impact

Poor Good Good Poor Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor

Low Medium Medium High Low Low Low

Poor Poor

High High High High High High High Low Low

Poor Poor

Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Fair Fair Fair Poor Poor

Poor Poor Good Poor Poor Fair Fair

Poor Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Poor Fair Fair Poor


Low Low


Low Low Low



Low None None Low

Medium None High Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low

Low Medium High High High Low High High None

Table 11 . Map Symbol and Phase



xxlx xx2x xblx xx2x xx3x xc3x xx3x xx3x xx2x xx3x xx2x xblx xx2x xx3x xc3x xx2x xx3x xx4x xxlx xx2x xx4x oxxx xx4x xxlx xx2x xx3x xb3x

Irrigation Suitability Rating of Soils in the Study Area (Cont'd) Soil Name

Red River Rochelle Scanterbury Sifton Shergrove Shergrove Shergrove Sirko Sirko St. Labre St. Labre St. Labre St. Labre Selina Selina St Malo St Norbert Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Spearhill Spearhill Spearhill Spearhill Spearhill Stead Sundown Sundown Sundown Sundown Sundown Venlaw Weiden Weiden Weiden Weiden Wintergreen Wintergreen Woodridge Woodridge Woodmore Woodmore Woodmore Woodmore Woodmore Warner Wentland Wentland

_Areal Extent Ha

227 .300 272 .720 3130.276 88 .764 203 .512 48 .408 19.340 67.840 180.000 22 .060 59.360 128 .040 108.840 177.900 374.388 43.640 62.920 227.220 69.568 252 .760 15.240 913 .420 44.320 107 .820 188 .960 42.120 22.920 288 .860 14 .880 40 .040 163 .160 23 .220 22.080 62.936 107.652 35 .304 113 .680 65 .080 55.840 127.000 36.160 406 .840 13.632 105 .720 317.960 337 .040 57.708 46.120 0.000


0 .295 0.354 4 .062 0.115 0.264 0.063 0.025 0.088 0.233 0.029 0.077 0.166 0.141 0.231 0.486 0.057 0.082 0.295 0.090 0.328 0.019 1 .185 0.058 0 .139 0.245 0.055 0.030 0.375 0.019 0.052 0.212 0.030 0.029 0.082 0.140 0.046 0.148 0.084 0.073 0.165 0.047 0.528 0.018 0.137 0.413 0.437 0.075 0.060 0.000 59

Irrigation Suitability Class

4kxA 4wDi 4kxA 4wxA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mA 3gmA 3gmA 3gmBp 3gmBt2p 2wA 2wBp 2xBp 4kxA 4wA 4wA 4wBp 4wA 4mA 4mA 4mA 4mBp 4mBt2p 4whDi 4wA 4wA 4wA 4wA 4wCp 4mA 4wA 4wA 4wA 4wCp 2wA 2wA 4mA 4mCp 2wA 2wA 2wA 2wBp 2wBp 2xA 4wA 4wA

General Rating

Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Fair Fair Fair Fair Good Good Good Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Good Good Poor Poor Good Good Good Good Good Good Poor Poor

Potential Environmental Impact

Low None None None High High High High High Low Low Low Low Low Low Low None Low Low Low Low High High High High High None High High High High High High Low Low Low Low High High High High Low Low Low Low Low Low Medium Medium



This section provides information which can be used by engineers and land use planners concerned with engineering and related geotechnical aspects of soil. It is intended to supplement the information on the soil map with additional data on engineering properties of soils.

The criteria used to evaluate soil suitability for selected engineering and related recreational uses are adopted from guides found in Coen et al (1977), and from guidelines developed by the Soil Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA, 1971), and the Canada Soil Survey Committee (CSSC, 1973). Definition of Soil Suitability Classes

Evaluation of soil suitability for engineering and recreation uses is based on both internal and external soil characteristics . Four soil suitability classes are used to evaluate both mineral and organic soils and hence, mapping units for selected uses . These ratings express relative degrees of suitability or limitation for potential uses of natural or essentially undisturbed soils . The long term effects of the potential. use on the behaviour of the soil are considered in the rating . The four suitability class ratings are defined as follows : (G) Good - Soils in their present state have few or minor limitations that would affect the proposed use. The limitations would easily be overcome with minimal cost . (F) Fair -

Soils in their present state have one or more moderate limitations that would affect the proposed use. These moderate limitations would be overcome with special construction, design, planning or maintenance.

(P) Poor -

Soils in their present state have one or more severe limitations that would severely affect the proposed use. To overcome these severe limitations would require the removal of the limitation or difficult and costly alteration of the soil or of special design or intensive maintenance.

(V) Very Poor - Soil have one or more features so unfavourable for the proposed use that the limitation is very difficult and expensive to overcome or the soil would require such extreme alteration that the proposed use is economically impractical. Soil Suitability Subclasses

The basic soil properties that singly or in combination with others commonly affect soil suitability for selected engineering properties and recreation uses are provided in Table 12 These subclass designations serve to identify the kind of limitation or hazard for a particular use. Guides for AssessingSoil Suitability Guides for assessing soil suitability for ten engineering related uses are given in Appendix B. Tables 19 to 2$. These tables provide asspecifically as possible, definitions of the soil properties which result in the specific suitability or degree of limitation. In assessing soil suitability for various engineering uses, the degree of suitability is determined by the most restrictive or severe rating assigned to any one of the listed soil properties. For example, if the suitability is "Good" for all but one soil property and it is estimated to be "Very Poor", then the overall rating of the soil for that selected use is "Very Poor" . Suitability of individual soil properties, if estimated to be "Fair" or "Poor", can be accumulative in their effect for a particular use. Judgement is required to determine whether the severity of the combined effects of several soil properties on suitability for a particular use will result in downgrading an evaluation. This is left to the discretion of the interpreter . It is incorrect to assume that each of the major soil properties influencing a particular use has an equal effect. Class limits established for rating the suitability of individual soil properties take this into account . For a selected use, therefore, only those soil properties which most severely limit that use are specified . Engineering description of the soils and their estimated properties significant to engineering are provided in Table 13 . These data, in addition to information contained in other sections of the report have been used to rate the soils according to their suitability for ten selected engineering uses in Table 14. When using these interpretations, consideration must be given to the following assumptions : 1 . Interpretations are based on predictions of soil

behaviour under defined conditions of use and management as specified in the preamble to each of Guide Tables (Appendix B) . 2 . Soil ratings do not include site factors such as nearness to towns and highways, water supply, aesthetic values, etc. 3 . Soil ratings are based on natural, undisturbed soil . 4. Soil suitability ratings are usually given for the entire soil, but for some uses, they may be based on the limitations of an individual soil horizon or other earthy layer, because of its overriding importance. Ratings rarely apply to soil depths greater than 1 to 2 meters, but in some kinds of soils, reasonable estimates can be given for soil material at greater depths . It should be noted here that the term "soil" has been used throughout the report in the pedologic sense and differs in concept from that commonly used by engineers . 5 . Poor and very poor soil ratings do not imply that a site cannot be changed to remove, correct or modify the soil limitations . The use of soils rated as poor depends on the nature of the limitations, whether or not the soil limitation can be altered successfully and economically, and on the scarcity of good sites .

lems where intensive use is contemplated . It is difficult to maintain grass cover for playing fields and golf courses on droughty soils . The feasibility of many kinds of outdoor activities are determined by other basic soil properties such as depth to bedrock, stoniness, topography or land pattern, and the ability of the soil to support vegetation of different kinds as related to its natural fertility. The suitability of the various soil series and phases for selected recreation uses is shown in Table 15 according to four classes, Good, Fair, Poor and Very poor defined previously in the section on Engineering Uses . Subclasses are employed to identify the kind of limitation or hazard for a particular use. An explanation of subclass symbols is provided in Table 12 . The guidelines for various recreation uses are presented in Appendix B .

Table 12. Codes utilized to identify limitations in evaluating soil suitability for selected and Engineering Recreational Uses (Table 14 and 15) subgrade properties thickness of topsoil coarse fragments on surface depth to bedrock erosion or erodibility susceptibility to frost hazard contamination hazard of groundwater depth to seasonal water table flooding or inundation thickness of slowly permeable material k permeability or hydraulic conductivity 1 shrink-swell properties m moisture limitations or deficit n salinity or sulphate hazard o organic matter p stoniness q depth to sand or gravel rockiness r s surface texture topographic slope class t u moist consistence w wetness or soil drainage class z permafrost

a b c d e f g h i j

6. Interpretations of map units do not eliminate the need for on-site evaluation by qualified professionals . Due to the variable nature of soils, and the scale of mapping, small, unmappable inclusions of soils with different properties may be present in an area where a development is planned. The need for or importance of on-site studies depends on the use to be made of the soil and the kinds of soil and soil problems involved.



This section provides interpretations of the soil suitability for recreational development. All types of soil can be used for recreational activities of some kind . Soils and their properties determine to a large degree, the type and location of recreational facilities . Wet soils are not suitable for campsites, roads, playgrounds or picnic areas. Soils that pond and dry out slowly after heavy rains present prob-


Table 13 . Engineering DescrIption of Soils and Him Eshmated Properties Significant to Engineering Uses Map S ymbol Soil Series Name

Dep th (cm)

Textural Classification USDA



96 Passing Sieve No . 10 2 .0 mm

I N0 .40 0 .42 mm

Disturbed Hydraulic C on d uotivity

No . 200 0 .074 mm (cm/hr) 1

Reaction (pH)

Electrical Conduc tivity (mS/cm)-

S ulph ate Hazard

ShrinkSwell Potential

Depth to Seasonal Water Table (m)



0-25 25-75



A-5 A-4

70-90 70-85

65-80 60-80

45-65 40-60

1 .5-5 .0 1 .5-5 .0

6 .5-7 .0 7 .8-8 .2


none low

moderate moderate

more than 1 .5 m



0-25 25-75 75+



A-5 A-4 A-1

70-90 70-85 30-50

65-80 60-80 30-40

45-65 40-60 0-15

1 .5-5 .0 1 .5-5 .0 >25 .0

6 .5-7 .0 7 .8-8 .2 7 .5-8 .0


none low none

moderate moderate none




0-25 25-100


SP to GP GW to GP

A-1 A-1

50-70 30-50

20-30 30-40

0-15 0-15

>25 .0 >25 .0

7 .0-7 .5 7 .5-8 .0


none none

none none




0-10 10-25 25-100



A-3 A-3 A-3

100 100 100

90-100 90-100 90-100

10-25 15-30 10-25

15 .2-25 .4 5 .1-15 .2 15 .2-25 .4

6 .5-7 .0 6 .5-7 .0 7 .6-8 .0


none none slight

none none none

seasonal within 50-75 cm



0-25 25-60 60+



A-2-4 A-1 A-4,A-6

80-90 50-80 70-85

70-85 15-30 40-60

20-30 5-10 40-60

12 .7-35 .4 >25 .0 .2-1 .3

6 .6-7 .2 7 .8-8 .0 7 .8-8 .2


none none low

none none moderate

seasonal at .5 m


Berry Island

0-25 25-60 60+


SM Gp to GW CL to ML

A-2-4 A-1 A-4,A-6

90-100 40-70 70-85

65-90 15-30 60-80

30-65 2-5 40-60

6 .0-12 .5 > 25 .0 .10- .50

7 .6-8 .0 7 .8-8 .0 7 .8-8 .2


low low low

low low low

seasonal at surface



0-40 40+

Mesic Peat L-CL Till

Pt ML to CH





0 .1-5 .0

6 .0-7 .0 7 .5-8 .0



mod .-

at surface




0-75 75+



A-2-4 A-4,A-6

80-90 70-85

70-85 60-80

15-30 40-60

5 .0-15 .0 .25-1 .5

7 .8-8 .2 7 .8-8 .2


low low

low moderate

seasonal .75 m



0-20 20-80 80+


SM SM to SP ML to CL

A-2-4 A-2-4 A-6

100 100 75-90

85-95 85-95 60-80

5-35 5-35 50-70

10 .0-25 .0 10 .0-25 .0 25 .0

6 .5-7 .4 7 .6-8 .2


none none

none none

seasonal 1 rn

Mesic Peat













ML to CL

A-2-4 A-2-4 A-4,A-6



90-100 90-100 70-85 -

50-85 -





2 .0 m

>2 .0 m


Table 13 .

Engineering Description of Soils and their Estimated Properties Significant to Engineering Uses (Cont'd)


Symbol Soil Series Name


Textural Classification

Depth (cm)




9b Passing Sieve No . 10 2 .0 mm



ML to CH



I No .40 0 .42 mm

Disturbed Hydraulic


No . 200 tivity 0 .074 mm (cm/hr)

Reaction (pH)




tivity (ms/cm)-



Depth to Seasonal


Table (m)




0 .03

7 .6-8 .0












75-95 20-75




12 .7-25+

7.2-7 .4



none none

at surface



0-25 25-100


SM GW to Gp

A-2 A-1

75-95 20-75


10-20 0-2

15 .0-30.0 > 25 .5

6 .5-7 .4 7 .6-8 .2


none none

none none




0-20 20-80 80+



A-4 A-4 A-6

100 100 70-85

90-l00 90-100 65-80

75-90 75-90 45-70

1 .5-5 .0 < 1 .5 0 .13-5 .0

7 .5-8 .0 7 .5-8 .0 7 .5-8 .0



0-25 25-100



A-3 A-3

100 100

90-100 90-100

10-25 5-15

5 .1-15 .0 15 .0-25 .0

6 .5-7 .0 7 .6-8 .0



0-30 30-100

CS-Gr Gravel


A-1 A-1

30-70 30-70

20-30 20-30

0-10 0-10

>25 .0 >25 .0



0-30 30-80 80+



A-6 A-4,A-6 A-4,A-6

100 100 80-95

100 90-100 78-80

75-95 60-95 35-70



0-15 15-50 50-100


OL to OH ML to CL ML-to-CL

A-4,A-7 A-4,A-6 A-4,A-6

95-100 95-100 80-95

80-95 80-95 70-85










25-60 60+



GW to Gp



A-4 A-4

100 100

90-100 90-100


> 25 .0

7 .8-8 .2



low moderate moderate moderate moderate moderate

seasonal at surface


none slight

none none

seasonal 0 .7 m

7 .0-7 .5 7 .0-8 .0


none none

low low

1 .5 m

1 .3-5 .0 50

50- 15

15-1 .5

< 1 .5


Drainability (1 .2 - 3m) (mm/hr)

> 15

5 -15

0 .5-5

120 ( > 10) > 150 (>12)

120 - 100 (8 - 10) 120- 150 (12-10)

100 - 75 (6 - 8) 100-120 (10-8)



Sodicity (SAR)

(m) 0- 1 .2 1 .2-3



Geological 0 - 1 .2m Uniformity

1 Textural Group

2 Textural Groups, Coarser Below

2 Textural Groups Finer Below 3 Textural Groups Coarser Below

3 Textural Groups Finer Below

2 Textural Groups

3 Textural Groups Coarser Below

3 Textural Groups Finer Below


1 .2 - 3m r

Depth to Bedrock (m)



2- 1


2 - 1 .2 (if salinity is a problem)

2 - 1 .2 (if salinity is a problem)

< 1 .2


Drainage Class

Well, Moderately Well, Rapid, Excessive



Poor, Very Poor

*Texture (Classes) 0 - 1 .2m



C, SC, sic VFS, LS, CoSL

HvC GR, CoS, LCoS, S

*Organic Matter %



1 -2



Stoniness Classes

0, 1 & 2





Inundation (Freq.) Flooding

1:10 (yr)

1 :5 (yr)

1:1 (annual-spring)

1: < 1 (seasonal)

( 4b Cover)

Potential Environmental Impact Under Irrigation Soil properties and/or landscape features may combine to adversely impact on the irrigated area or on an adjacent non-irrigated (non-target) area. This impact may be in terms of a buildup in watertable, more saturated soil, increase in soil salinity or contamination of groundwater or surface waters . Utilization of this rating is intended to highlight the need for special consideration of soil-water-crop management practices that will ameliorate the possibility for environmental impact . The quality of irrigation water, the system of application and the tolerance of crops grown must be compatible with the characteristics of the land to be irrigated .

There are no specific guides for making this impact rating, but four relative degrees of risk of degradation are recognized: None, Low, Medium and High . This rating is not part of the irrigation suitability classification, but rather is intended to serve as a warning of possible adverse impact on the soil, adjacent crops or the environment .

Table 19.

Guide for assessing soil suitability as source of topsoil.

The term "topsoil" includes soil materials used to cover barren surfaces exposed during construction, and materials used to improve soil conditions on lawns, gardens, flower beds, etc . The factors to be considered include not only the characteristic of the soil itself, but also the ease or difficulty of excavation, and where removal of topsoil is involved, accessibility to the site.


Degree of Soil Suitability

Items Affecting Use

Good - G

Fair - F

Poor - P

Very Poor - V


Moist Consistmcez

Very friable, friable

Loose, firm

Very firm





May flood occasionally

Frequent flooding

Constantly flooding



Wetness is not determining if better than very poorly drained .

for short periods

Very poorly drained

and permanently wet soils









Stones 10 m apart (Class 0 and 1)

Stones 2 - 10 m apart (Class 2)

Stones 0.1-2 m apart (Class 3 and 4)

Stones 0.1 m apart (Class 5)


Coarse fragments' : pemerit, by volume




FSL, VFSL, L, SiL, SL, SC if 1 :1 clay is

CL, SCL, SiCL, SC if 2 :1 clay is dominant;

S, LS, C and SiC if 2 :1 clay is dominant .

Marl, diatomaceous earth


i z

C and SiC if 1 :1 clay is


organic soils'


Depth of TopsoW

>40 cm

15 - 40 cm

8 - 15 cm

< 8 cm


Salinity of Topsoil°

E.C . 0 - 1

E .C . 1 - 4

E .C . 4 - 8

E .C . > 8

RW ev .-M

The symbols are used to indicate the nature of the limitations . For an explanation of texture, consistence, stoniness, coarse fragments and soil drainage classes, see the Manual fa describing Soils in the Field (Canada Soil Survey Committee, 1978).

Non-woody organic materials are assessed as good sources for topsoil if mixed with or incorporated into mineral soil. The remaining soil material (at least 8 cm) must be reclaimable after the uppermost soil is removed.

E.C . = Electrical Conductivity (millisiemens/cm) .

Table 20 .

Guide for assessing soil suitability as source of sand and gravel.

The purpose of this table is to provide guidance for assessing the probable supply as well as quality of the sand or gravel

for use as road base material and in concrete. The interpretation pertains mainly to the characteristics of substratum to a depth of 150 cm, augmented by observations made in deep cuts as well as geological knowledge where available.


Unified Soil Group


Degree of Soil Suitability

Item Affecting Use

Good - G

Fair - F







Depth to Seasonal Water

Not class determining if deeper than 50 cm

50 cm


Depth to Sand and Gravel

75 cm2



Not class determining if stones > .5 m apart (Class 0, 1, 2 and 3)

Stones 0 .1-0 .5 m apart (Class 4)


Deptb to Bedrock

> 100 cm

< 50 cm


25-75 cmz

50-100 cm

Very Poor - V All other groups and bedrock

Stones 100 cm). For an explanation of stoniness and rockiness, see the Manual for Describing Soils in the Field (Canada Soil Survey Committee, 1978) .

Table 21 .

Guide for assessing soil suitability as source of roadfill .

Fill material for building or roads are included in this use. The performance of the material when removed from its original location and placed under load at the building site or road bed are to be considered . Since surface materials are generally removed dining road or building construction their properties are disregarded . Aside from this layer, the whole soil to a depth of 150-200 cm should be evaluated. Soil materials which are suitable for fill can be considered equally suited for road subgrade construction.

Symbol' a

Degree of Soil Suitability

Items Affecting Use Subgrade a. AASHO group index' b . Unified soil classes

Good - G


3 4


Poor - P




CL (with P.I 6 < 15) and ML

or more), CH and

SM, GC' and SC'

Very Poor - V

>8 CL (with P.I6 of 15

OL, OH and Pt



Shrink-swelt potential





Susceptibility to frost action'












Stones >2 m apart (class 0, 1 and 2)

Stones 0.5-2 m apart (class 3)

Stones 0.1-0 .5 m apart (Class 4)

Stones 100 cm

50-100 cm

20-50 cm

150 .m

75-150 cm

50-75 cm



CL (with P .I .' < 15)

CL (with P .I.' of 15

SM and GC and



With Basements: Permanently wet soils. Without Basements : Permanently wet

With Basements:

>75 cm


Poorly and very poorly

drained .

well drained. h

With Basements: Imperfectly, poorly, and very poorly drained. Without Basements:

and ML

or more), CH and MH

10 m apart

Stones 2-10 m apart

Stones 0 .1-2 m apart

Stones < 0 .1 m apart



Rock exposure . 100 m apart and cover 10% of the surface

Rock exposure too frequent to allow location of permanent buildings


Depth to Bedrock"

With Basements:

With Basements :

With Basements :

With Basements:

(Class 0 to 1)

.150 cm Without Basements : > 100 cm

(Class 2'°)

100-150 cm Without Basements : 50-100 cm

(Class 3'° to 4)

50-100 cm Without Basements : 100 cm

50-100 cm


b . Unified soil classes

GW, GP, SW, SP, SM, GC and SC

CL (with P.I.` < 15) and ML

CL (with P .1 .` of 15 or more), CH and MH


Susceptibility to Frost Heave

Low (Fl, 172)

Moderate (F3)

High (F4)



Stones >2 m apart (Class 0 to 2)

Stones 0 .5-2 m apart (Class 3)

Stones 0 .1-0 .5 m apart (Class 4)

Stones 100 m apart and cover 100 cm

50-100 cm

< 50 cm


Useful Moisture'

Water storage capacity' > 15 .0 cm and/or adequate rainfall and/or low evapotranspiration

Water storage capacity' 7 .5-15 cm and/or moderate rainfall and/or moderate evapotranspiration

Water storage capacity' 9%

subject to blowing

Rev . 99

The symbols are used to indicate the nature of the limitation . See also definitions for coarse fragments, rockiness, stoniness, textural and soil drainage classes in the Manual for Describing Soils in the Field (Canada Soil Survey Committee, 1978) . Downgrade to a very poor suitability rating if the slope is greater than 5 40 . Surface soil texture influences soil ratings as it affects foot trafficability, surface wetness, dust, and maintenance. Adverse soil textures may be partially or completely overcome with the addition of topsoil . Moderately well and well drained SC, SiC and C soils may be rated fair . _ Depth to sand or gravel is considered a limitation in the levelling operations may expose sand or gravel, thereby bringing about adverse surface textures and undesirable amounts of coarse fragments. The addition of topsoil after the levelling process would overcome this limitation . This item attempts to evaluate the adequacy of moisture for vegetative growth . It incorporates the concept of supply through rainfall, loss through evapotranspiration, and storage within the rooting zone . In soils where the water table is within rooting depth for a significant portion of the year, water storage capacity may not significantly influence vegetation growth . Consult glossary for definitions of terms used .


Table 30.

Guide for assessing soil suitability for picnic areas.

This guide applies to soils considered for intensive use as park-type picnic areas. It is assumed that most vehicular traffic will confined to the access roads . Soil suitability for growing and maintaining vegetation is not a part of this guide, except as influenced by moisture, but is an important item to consider in the final evaluation of site.

Symbols ' W

Degree of Soil Suitability

Property affecting use Wetnese

Good - G

Fair - F

Poor - P

Very rapidly, rapidly, well and moderately well drained soils not subject to seepage or ponding. Water table below 50 cm during season of use .

Moderately well drained soils subject to occasional seepage or ponding and imperfectly drained soils not subject to ponding or seepage . Water Table above 50

Imperfectly drained soils subject to seepage or ponding . Poorly drained soil . Water table above 50 cm and often near surface for a month or mom during

Very poorly drained and permanently wet soils .



season of use.



None during season of use .

May flood 1 or 2 times per year for short periods during season of use .

Floods more than 2 times during season of use .

Prolonged flooding during season of use .








Surface Soil Texture,'



SC, SiC,C', Si

Peaty soils ; loose sand


Coarse Fragments on






Stones > 2 m apart

Stones 1-2 m apart

Stones 0 .1-1 m apart

Stones < 0 .1 m apart



Rock exposure roughly 30-100 m or more apart and cover < 10% of the surface .

Rock exposure roughly 10-30 m apart and cover 10-25 % of the surface .

Rock exposure < 10 m apart and cover >25 % of the surface .

Rock exposure too frequent to permit location of picnic areac


Useful Moisture

Water storage capacity' > 15 cm and/or

Water storage capacity' 7.5-15 cm and/or

Water storage capacity' 10 m apart and cover 25%

Rock exposures too frequent to permit

loose sand .

of the area .

of the area .

campground location . Rev. 1

The symbol are used to indicate the nature of the limitations. See also definitions for coarse fragments, rockiness, stoniness, textural and soil drainage classes in the Manual for Describing Soils in the Field (Canada Soil Survey Committee, 1978). Surface soil texture influences soil rating as it affects foot trafficability, dust, and soil permeability . Moderately well and well drained SC, SiC and C soils may be rated fair . Coarse fragments for the purpose of this table include gravels and cobbles. Some gravelly soils may be rated as having slight limitations if the content of gravel exceeds 2096 by only a small margin, providing (a) the gravel is embedded in the soil matrix, or (b) the fragments are less than 2 cm in size . Very shallow soils are rated as having a limitation for rockiness and/or stoniness.

Table 32 .

Guide for assessing soil suitability for paths and trails.

It is assumed that the trails will be built at least 45 cm wide and that obstructions such as cobbles and stones will be removed during construction . It is also assumed that a dry, stable tread is desirable and that muddy, dusty, worn or eroded trail treads are undesirable . Hiking and riding trails are not treated separately, but as the design requirements for riding trails are more stringent, a given limitation will be more difficult to overcome . Poor or very poor suitability does not indicate that a trail cannot or should not be built. It does, however, suggest higher design requirements and maintenance to overcome the limitations .


Degree of Soil Suitability

Items' Affecting Use

Good - G


5 6


Very Poor - V





SC, sic, Cs; Sand, Si


Coarse Frogment






Stones >2 m apart (Class 0 to 2)

Stones 1-2 m apart (Class 3)

Stones 0.1-1 m apart (Class 4)

Stones 150 150-200 > 200 200-300 > 300

Water-holding capacitX - The ability of a soil to hold water against the force of gravity in a freely drained soil . Weathering - The physical and chemical disintegration, alteration and decomposition of rocks and minerals at or near the earth's surface by atmospheric agents . Xerophvte - Plants capable of surviving extended periods of soil drought.

Figure 8 .

Family Classes


Figure 9 .

Soil Textural Classes

Fine ~ Si I t'y

(and gravel where applicable)






sand loamy, sand

Moderately Coarse


sandy loam loamy very, fine sand very fine sand




loam very fine sandy loam



Moderately Fine




silt loam


sandy clay loam


silty clay loam


clay loam


SC C sic

sandv clav clay ~ silty clay

Very Fine


heavy clay


SOIL HORIZON DESIGNATIONS ORGANIC HORIZONS Organic horizons are found in Organic soils, and commonly at the surface of mineral soils. They may occur at any depth beneath the surface in buried soils, or overlying geologic deposits . They contain more than 17% organic carbon (approximately 30% organic matter) by weight . Two groups of these horizons are recognized, O horizons and the L, F, and H horizons . O

This is an organic horizon developed mainly from mosses, rushes, and woody materials.

The mesic horizon is the intermediate stage of decomposition with intermediate amounts of fiber, bulk density and water-holding capacity. The material is partly altered both physically and biochemically . A mesic horizon is one that fails to meet the requirements of fibric or humic .

Oh The humic horizon is the most highly decomposed of the organic soil materials. It has the least amount of fiber, the highest bulk density, and the lowest saturated water-holding capacity . It is very stable and changes very little physically or chemically with time unless it is drained. The humic horizon has less than 10% rubbed fiber by volume and a pyrophosphate index of 3 or less. LFH

These organic horizons developed primarily from leaves, twigs, woody materials and a minor component of mosses under imperfectly to well drained forest conditions . 112

This is an organic horizon characterized by an accumulation of organic matter in which the original structures are easily discernible.


This is an organic horizon characterized by an accumulation of partly decomposed organic matter . The original structures in part are difficult to recognize . The horizon may be partly comminuted by soil fauna as in moder, or it may be a partly decomposed mat permeated by fungal hyphae as in mor.

H This is an organic horizon characterized by an accumulation of decomposed organic matter in which the original This structures are indiscernible . differs from the F horizon by material humification chiefly through its greater the action of organisms . It is frequently intermixed with mineral grains, especially near the junction with the mineral horizon.

Of The fibric horizon is the least decomposed of all the organic soil materials. It has large amounts of well- preserved fiber that are readily identifiable as to botanical origin . A fibric horizon has 40% or more of rubbed fiber by volume and a pyrophosphate index of 5 or more . If the rubbed fiber volume is 75% or more, the pyrophosphate criterion does not apply. OM


MASTER MINERAL HORIZONS Mineral horizons are those that contain less than 30% organic matter by weight as specified for organic horizon. A This is a mineral horizon or horizons formed at or near the surface in the zone of leaching or removal of materials in solution and suspension or of maximum in situ accumulation of organic matter, or both . Included are: 1.

horizons in which organic matter has accumulated as a result of biological activity (Ali)

2 . horizons that have been eluviated of clay, iron, aluminum, or organic matter, or all of them (Ae) ; 3.

horizons having characteristics of 1) and 2) above but transitional to underlying B or C (AB or A and B);



the parent material (IC) . If it has more than 15 percent CaC03 equivalent it should have 1/3 more CaC03 equivalent than the IC. If no IC is present, this horizon is more than 10 cm thick and contains more than 5 percent by volume of secondary carbonates in concretions or soft, powdery forms .

horizons markedly disturbed by cultivation or pasture (Ap).

This is a mineral horizon or horizons characterized by one or more of the following: 1 . an enrichment in silicate clay, iron, aluminum, or humus, alone or in combination (Bt,Bf,Bth,Bhf, and Bh); 2 . a prismatic or columnar structure that exhibits pronounced coatings or stainings and significant amount of exchangeable Na (Bn) ; 3.

an alteration by hydrolysis, reduction, or oxidation to give a change in color or structure from horizons above or below, or both, and does not meet the requirements of 1) and 2) above (Bm,Bg).


This is a mineral horizon or horizons comparatively unaffected by the pedogenic processes operative in A and B, excepting (i) the process of gleying, and (ii) the accumulation of calcium and magnesium carbonates and more soluble Marl and salts (Cca,Csa,Cg, and C). diatomaceous earth are considered to be C horizons .


This is consolidated bedrock that is too hard to break with the hands or to dig with a spade when moist and that does not meet he requirement of a C horizon. The boundary between the R layer and overlying unconsolidated material is called a lithic contact.

W This is a layer of water in Gleysolic, Organic, or Cryosolic soils. It is called a hydric layer in Organic soils . LOWER-CASE SUFFIXES


Buried soil horizon.


A cemented (irreversible) pedogenic horizon. The ortstein of a Podzol, and a layer cemented by calcium carbonate and a duripan are examples .


A horizon with secondary carbonate enrichment where the concentration of lime exceeds that present in the unenriched parent material . It is more than 10 cm thick, and if it has a CaC03 equivalent of less than 15 percent it should have at least 5 percent more CaC03 equivalent than


cc Cemented (irreversible) pedogenic concretions. e

A horizon characterized by the eluviation of clay, iron, aluminum, or organic matter alone or in combination. When dry, it is usually higher in color value by 1 or more units than an underlying B horizon. It is used with A (Ae) .


A horizon enriched with amorphous material, principally A1 and Fe combined with organic matter . It usually has a hue of 7 .5YR or redder or its hue is l0YR near the upper boundary and becomes yellower with depth. When moist, the chroma is higher than 3 or the value is 3 or less . It contains 0 .6% or more pyrophosphate-extractable A1 +Fe in textures finer than sand and 0.4% or more in sands (coarse sand, sand, fine The ratio of sand, and very fine sand) . pyrophosphate-extractable AI+Fe to clay (less than 0 .002mm) is more than 0.05 and organic C exceeds 0.5% . Pyrophosphate-extractable Fe is at least 0 .3%, or the ratio of organic C to pyrophosphate-extractable Fe is less than 20, or both are true . It is used with B alone (Bf), with B and h (Bhf), with B and g (Bfg), and with other suffixes . The criteria for "f do not apply to Bgf horizons . The following horizons are differentiated on the basis of organic carbon content : Bf - 0.5% to 5 90 organic carbon . Bhf-more than 5 % organic carbon .


A horizon characterized by gray colors, or prominent mottling, or both, indicative of permanent or periodic intense reduction . Chromas of the matrix are generally 1 or less. It is used with A and e (Aeg); with B alone (Bg); with B and f (Bfg); with B, h, and f (Bhfg) ; with B and t (Btg) ; with C alone (Cg); with C and k (Ckg); and several others. In some reddish parent materials, matrix colors of reddish hues and high chromas- may persist despite long periods of reduction . In these soils, horizons are designated as g if there is gray mottling or if there is marked bleaching on ped faces or along cracks .


This horizon must meet the definitions of A,e, and g .

Bg These horizons are analogous to Bm horizons but they have colors indicative of poor They drainage and periodic reduction . include horizons occurring between A and C horizons in which the main features are (i) colors of low chroma, that is : chromas of 1 or less, without mottles on ped surfaces or in the matrix if peds are lacking ; or chromas of 2 or less in hues of lOYR or redder, on ped surfaces or in the matrix if peds are lacking, accompanied by more prominent mottles than those in the C horizon; or hues bluer than 10Y, with or without mottles on ped surfaces or in the matrix if peds are lacking . (ii) colors indicated in (i) and a change in structure from that of the C horizons . (iii) color indicated in (i) and illuviation of clay too slight to meet the requirements of Bt; or accumulation or iron oxide too slight to meet the limits of Bgf . (iv) colors indicated in (i) and removal of carbonates . Bg horizons occur in some Orthic Humic Gleysols and some Orthic Gleysols.


Bhfg, Btg, and others . When used in any of these combinations the limits set for f, hf, t, and others must be met.


The dithionite-extractable Fe of this horizon exceeds that of the IC by 1 % or more. Pyrophosphate-extractable Al + Fe is less than the minimum limit specified for 'f horizons . This horizon occurs in Fera Gleysols and Fera Humic Gleysols, and possibly below the Bfg of gleyed Podzols. It is distinguished from the Bfg of gleyed Podzols on the basis of the extractability of the Fe and Al . The Fe in the Bgf horizon is thought to have accumulated as a result of the oxidation of ferrous iron. The iron oxide formed is not associated intimately with organic matter or with Al, and it is sometimes crystalline. The Bgf horizons are usually prominently mottled, with more than half of the soil material occurring as mottles of high chroma .


Ckg, Ccag, Csg, Csag. When g is used with C alone, or with C and one of the lower-case suffixes k, ca, s, or sa, it must meet the definition for C and for the particular suffix .



A horizon enriched with organic matter . It is used with A alone (Ah); or with A and e (Ahe); or with B alone (Bh); or with B and f (Bhf). Ah A horizon enriched with organic matter that either has a color value at least one unit lower than the underlying horizon or contains 0 .5% more organic carbon than the IC, or both. It contains less than 17% organic carbon by weight . Ahe

An Ah horizon that has undergone eluviation as evidenced, under natural conditions, by streaks and splotches of differing shades of gray and often by platy structure. It may be overlain by a darker-colored Ah and underlain by a lighter colored Ae.

Bh This horizon contains more than 1 % organic carbon, less than 0.3% pyrophosphateextractable Fe, and has a ratio of organic carbon to pyrophosphate-extractable of 20 or more. Generally the color value and chroma are less than 3 when moist.

Bhf j

Defined under 'f.

Used as a modifier of the suffixes e, f, g, n, and t to denote an expression of, but failure to meet, the specified limits of the suffix it modifies . It must be placed to the right and adjacent to the suffix it modifies. For example Bfgj means a Bf horizon with weak expression of gleying; Bfjgj means a B horizon with weak expression of both 'f and 'g' features . Aej

It denotes an eluvial horizon that is thin, discontinuous or slightly discernible.

Btj It is a horizon with some illuviation of clay, but not enough to meet the limits of Bt. Btgj,

Bmgj . Horizons that are mottled but do not meet the criteria of Bg.

Bfj It is a horizon with some accumulation of pyrophosphate-extractable Al and Fe but not enough to meet the limits of BE Bntj

or Bnj . Horizons in which development of solonetzic B properties is evident but insufficient to meet the limits for Bn or Bnt .


Denotes the presence of carbonate, as indicated by visible effervescence when dilute HCl is added. Most often it is used with B and m (Bmk) or C (Ck), and occasionally with Ah or Ap (Ahk, Apk), or organic horizons (Ofk, Omk) .

m A horizon slightly altered by hydrolysis, oxidation, or solution, or all three, to give a change in color or structure, or both . It has: 1 . Evidence of alteration in one of the following forms : a) Higher chromas and redder hues than the underlying horizons . b)

Removal of carbonates, either partially (Bmk) or completely (Bm).

2 . Illuviation, if evident, too slight to meet the requirements of a Bt or a podzolic B. 3.

Some weatherable minerals.


No cementation or induration and lacks a brittle consistence when moist . This suffix can be used as Bm, Bmgj, Bmk, and Bms .


A horizon in which the ratio of exchangeable Ca to exchangeable Na is 10 or less . It must also have the following distinctive morphological characteristics : prismatic or columnar structure, dark coatings on ped surfaces, and hard to very hard consistence when dry . It is used with B, as Bn or Bnt.


A horizon disturbed by man's activities, such as cultivation, logging, habitation, etc. It is used with A and O .


A horizon with salts, including gypsum, which may be detected as crystals or veins, as surface crusts of salt crystals, by depressed crop growth, or by the presence of salt-tolerant plants . It is commonly used with C and k (Csk), but can be used with any horizon or combination of horizon and lower-case suffix .

sa --

A horizon with secondary enrichment of salts more soluble than calcium and magnesium carbonates, in which the concentration of salts exceeds that present in the unenriched parent material . The horizon is 10 cm or more thick . The conductivity of the saturation extract must be at least 4 ms/cm and must exceed that of the


C horizon by at least one-third. t

An illuvial horizon enriched with silicate clay . It is used with B alone (Bt), with B and g (Btg), with B and n (Bnt), etc. Bt A Bt horizon is one that contains illuvial layer lattice clays. It forms below an eluvial horizon, but may occur at the surface of a soil that has been partially truncated. It usually-has a higher ratio of fine clay to total clay than IC . It has the following properties : 1.

If any part of an eluvial horizon remains and there is no lithologic discontinuity between it and the Bt horizon, the Bt horizon contains more total and fine clay than the eluvial horizons, as follows : a)

If any part of the eluvial horizon has less than 15% total clay in the fine earth fraction (2mm) the Bt horizon must contain at least 3 % more clay, e.g ., Ae 10% clay Bt minimum 13% clay .


If the eluvial horizon has more than 15% and less than 40% total clay in the fine earth fraction, the ratio of the clay in the Bt horizon to that in the eluvial horizon must be 1 .2 or more, e.g., 20% clay increase in the Bt over Ae.


If the eluvial horizon has more than 40% total clay in the fine earth fraction, the Bt horizon must contain at least 8 % more clay than the eluvial horizon, e.g. Ae 50% clay; Bt at least 58% clay.

2 . A Bt horizon must be at least 5 cm thick. In some sandy soils where clay accumulation occurs in the lamellae, the total thickness of the lamellae should be more than 10 cm in the upper 150 cm of the profile. 3 . In massive soils the Bt horizon should have oriented clays in some pores and also as bridges between the sand grains . 4. If peds are present, a Bt horizon shows clay skins on some of the vertical and

horizontal ped surfaces and in the fine pores, or shows oriented clays in 1% or more of the cross section, as viewed in thin section .

5 . If a soil shows a lithologic discontinuity between the eluvial horizon and the Bt horizon, or if only a plow layer overlies the Bt horizon, the Bt horizon need show only clay skins in some part, either in some fine pores or on some vertical and horizontal pal surfaces . Thin sections should show that some part of the horizon has about 1% or more of oriented clay bodies . Btj,

Btj, and Btg are defined under j and g.


A horizon that is markedly disrupted by physical or faunal processes other than cryoturbation . Evidence of marked disruption such as the inclusion of material from other horizons, absence of the horizon, etc . must be evident in at least half of the cross section of the pedon. Such turbation can result from blowdown of trees, mass movement of soil on slopes, and burrowing animals . It can be used with any horizon or subhorizon with the exception of A or B alone; e.g. Aeu, Bfu, BCu .


A horizon of fragipan character . A fragipan is a loamy subsurface horizon of high bulk density and very low organic matter content . When dry, it has a hard consistence and seems to be cemented. When moist, it has moderate to weak brittleness . It frequently has bleached fracture planes and is overlain by a friable B horizon . Air dry clods of fragic horizons slake in water .


A horizon affected by cryoturbation as manifested by disrupted and broken horizons, incorporation of materials from other horizons and mechanical sorting in at least half of the cross section of the pedon. It is used with A, B, and C alone or in combination with other subscripts, e.g. Ahy, Ahgy, Bmy, Cy, Cgy, Cygj, etc .


A frozen layer . It may be used with any horizon or layer, e.g . Ohz, Bmz, Cz, Wz.

APPENDIX E DESCRIPTION OF LANDFORMS GENETIC MATERIALS Unconsolidated mineral component The unconsolidated mineral component consists of clastic sediments that may or may not be stratified, but whose particles are not cemented together . They are essentially of glacial or post-glacial origin but include poorly consolidated and weathered bedrock. AnthropoQenic - Man-made or man-modified materials, including those associated with mineral exploitation and waste disposal . Colluvial - Massive to moderately well stratified, nonsorted to poorly sorted sediments with any range of particle sizes from clay to boulders and blocks that have reached their present position by direct, gravity-induced movement . They are restricted to products of mass-wasting whereby the debris is not carried by wind, water, or ice (excepting snow avalanches). Eolian - Sediment, generally consisting of medium to fine sand and coarse silt particle sizes, that is well sorted, poorly compacted,and may show internal structures such as cross bedding or ripple laminae, or may be massive. Individual grains may be rounded and show signs of frosting .

These materials have been transported and deposited by wind action . Fluvial - Sediment generally consisting of gravel and sand with a minor fraction of silt and clay . The gravels are typically rounded and contain interstitial sand. Fluvial sediments are commonly moderately to well sorted and display stratification, but massive, nonsorted fluvial gravels do occur . These materials have been transported and deposited by streams and rivers . Finer textured Fluvial deposits of modern rivers are termed Alluvium. Lacustrine - Sediment generally consisting of either

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stratified fine sand, silt, and clay deposited on the lake bed; or moderately well sorted and stratified sand and coarser materials that are beach and other nearshore sediments transported and deposited by wave action . These are materials that either have settled from suspension in bodies of standing fresh water or have accumulated at their margins through wave action . Marine - Unconsolidated deposits of clay, silt, sand, or gravel that are well to moderately well sorted and well stratified to moderately stratified (in some places containing shells) . They have settled from suspension in salt or brackish water bodies or have accumulated at their margins through shoreline processes such as wave action and longshore drift.

Morainal - Sediment generally consisting of well compacted material that is nonstratified and contains a heterogeneous mixture of particle sizes, often in a mixture of sand, silt, and clay that has been transported beneath, beside, on, within and in front of a glacier and not modified by any intermediate agent. Sa rolite - Rock containing a high proportion of residual silts and clays formed by alteration, chiefly by chemical weathering. The rock remains in a coherent state, interstitial grain relationships are undisturbed and no downhill movement due to gravity has occurred .

Undifferentiated - A layered sequence of more than three types of genetic material outcropping on a steep erosional escarpment . Volcanic - Unconsolidated pyroclastic sediments . These include volcanic dust, ash, cinders, and pumice . Qualifying Descriptors

These have been introduced to qualify the

genetic materials and to supply additional information about the mode of formation or depositional environment .

Glacial - Used to qualify nonglacial genetic materials or process modifiers where there is direct evidence that glacier ice exerted a strong but secondary or indirect control upon the mode of origin of the materials or mode of operation of the process . 'The use of this qualifying descriptor implies that glacier ice was close to the site of the deposition of a material or the site of operation of a process. Glaciofluvial - Fluvial materials showing clear evidence of having been deposited either directly in front of or in contact with glacier ice. Glaciolacustrine - Lacustrine materials deposited in contact with glacial ice. Glaciomarine - Materials of glacial origin laid down in a marine environment, as a result of settling from melting, floating ice and ice shelves . Organic component The organic component consists of peat deposits containing > 303'0 organic matter by weight that may be as thin as 10 cm if they overlie bedrock but are otherwise greater than 40 cm and generally greater than 60 cm thick. The classes and their definitions follow . B N S

Bog Fen Swamp

Rog - A bog is a peat-covered or peat-filled area, generally with a high water table . Since the surface of the peatland is slightly elevated, bogs are either unaffected or partly affected by nutrient-rich groundwaters from the surrounding mineral soils. The groundwater is generally acidic and low in nutrients (ombrotrophic) . The

both nutrients and pH than the peats associated with bogs . Swamp - A swamp is a peat-covered or peat-filled area. The peat surface is level or slightly concave in cross section . The water table is frequently at or above the peat surface . There is strong water movement from margins or other mineral sources . The microrelief is hummocky, with many pools present . The waters are neutral or slightly acid. The dominant peat materials are shallow to deep mesic to humic forest and fen peat.

GENETIC MATERIAL MODIFIERS Material modifiers are used to qualify unconsolidated mineral and organic deposits . Particle-size classes serve to indicate the size, roundness, and sorting of unconsolidated mineral deposits . Fiber classes indicate the degree of decomposition and fiber size of organic materials. Particle size classes for unconsolidated mineral materials

Blocky :

Bouldery: An accumulation of rounded particles greater than 256 mm in size. Clayey:

An accumulation of particles where the fine earth fraction contains 35% or more clay (< 0.002 mm) by weight and particles greater than 2 mm are less than 35% by volume.

Cobbly :

An accumulation of rounded particles having a diameter of 64-256 mm.

Gravelly : An accumulation of rounded particles ranging in size from pebbles to boulders . Loamy :

An accumulation of particles of which fine earth fraction contains 35% or less clay (