California Permit Test Flash Cards

California Permit Test Flash Cards Study online at A CURB PAINTED WHITE MEANS 1. : You can load and unload A solid yellow line ne...
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A CURB PAINTED WHITE MEANS 1. : You can load and unload

A solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line means that vehicles 20. : Next to the broken line may pass

passengers a driver who is under 18 must obtain a ________ permit 2. : provisional A large truck is ahead of you and is turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction. The truck May have to swing wide to complete the right turn A large truck is ahead of you and is turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction. The truck: May have to swing wide to complete the right turn. a large truck is driving in the middle of three lanes, it is best to move quickly on the left and move ahead of it





A white painted curb means 22. : Loading zone for passengers or

mail only. 5.






a new resident to CA must apply for a license within 10. : 10 days a peace officer stops you because he suspects you are due. you refuse to take a chemical test 11. : your privelage of driving may be taken away a person may legally ride in back of a pickup truck when 12. : In secured seats and using approved safety belts A Person may legally ride in the back of a pickup truck when: 13. : In secured seats and using approved safety belts a provisional permit allows you to drive with a 25 or older_________ 14. : licensed CA driver A school bus ahead of you in your lane is stopped with red lights flashing. You should 15. : Stop as long as the red lights are flashing A school bus ahead of you in your lane is stopped with red lights flashing. You should: 16. : Stop as long as the red lights are flashing. A school bus has stopped ahead on your side of the road and is flashing its red lights. What should you do? 17. : Stop as long as the red lights flash A solid red light means stop, then proceed with caution. 18. : False A solid red light means stop. 19. : True

After 10 days, a ___ year old driver with an out-of-state license must get a California license or a Nonresident Minor's Certificate from the DMV. 24. : 16-18 after passing a car, it is safe to return to your driving lane when 25. : you see the headlights of the passed car in your rear view mirror after you have parallel parked, how close to the curb must your vehicle be? 26. : no more than a foot from the curb.

A minor is a person under ___ years of age. 8. : 18 a minor who fails his or her behind the wheel test must wait ______week before being elligible to retest one

mail only A white painted curb means: 23. : Loading zone for passengers or

A large truck is driving in the middle of three lanes. You 6. : want to pass the large truck. It is best to pass: Quickly on the left and move ahead of it a law enforcement officer notices that one of your passengers is not wearing a seat belt and writes a citation. which is true? you may receive a citation if the passenger is younger than 16

A solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line means that vehicles: 21. : Next to the broken line may pass.

Air bags need ___ inches of space to inflate. 27. : 10 All of the following practices are dangerous to do while driving. Which of these is also illegal? 28. : Listening to music through headphones that cover both ears. Always stop before you cross railroad tracks when 29. : You don't have room on the other side to completely cross the tracks Always stop before you cross railroad tracks when: 30. : You don't have room on the other side to completely cross the tracks. An intersection is considered blind if there are no stop signs in any direction and you cannot see ___ feet in either direction when within ___ feet from the intersection. 31. : 100/100 An orange-colored sign which says Shoulder Work Ahead means: 32. : There is road work ahead At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always 33. : Look to the sides of your vehicle to see what is coming At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always: 34. : Look to the sides of your vehicle to see what is coming. at night, if an oncoming vehicle fails to dim its high beams 35. : look to the right edge of your lane BEFORE CHANGING LANES, YOU MUST 36. : See if it is safe before making the move before driving into an intersection from a stop, you should look 37. : left, right, and left again

business district speed limits, unless otherwise posted, are 38. : 25 MPH

how can you prevent fatique on a long trip? 60. : plan rest stops,

California residents who drive on public highways or use public parking facilities must have a valid California driver's license. 39. : True


California's "Basic Speed Law" says 40. : You should never drive faster than is safe for current conditions California's "Basic Speed Law" says: 41. : You should never drive faster than is safe for current conditions.

open windows, stop for coffee, don't drive for at least 15 minutes after waking. 10 to 15 seconds how far before a turn must you signal? 62. : 100 feet if a pedestrian is in a crosswalk in the middle of a block 63. : the pedestrian has the right away If an oncoming vehicle has started to turn left in front of you: 64. : Slow or stop your car to prevent a collision

can you stop or unload passengers at a NO STANDING or NO PARKING sign? 42. : yes.

if an oncoming vehicle has started to turn left in front of you: 65. : slow or stop to prevent a collision

cargo extending more than four feet from your rear bumper should 43. : be marked with a red flag or red lights

if the roadway is wet and your car starts to skid 66. : you should

Children under ___ years old and/or weigh under ___lbs. must be put in a child seat. 44. : 6/60 dim your lights for oncoming vehicles or when you are within 300 feet of a vehicle 45. : you are approaching from behind do not cross a double yellow line in the center of the roadway 46. : to pass other vehicles Do not cross a solid double yellow line in the center of the roadway to: 47. : Pass other vehicles do not cross double solid yellow lines in the center of the roadway to 48. : make a left turn Driver's licenses expire after ___ years. 49. : 5 Driving slower than the traffic flow tends 50. to:: Make a collision more likely to happen driving without a valid license is 51.a: misdemeanor Driving without your license is a felony. 52. : False Driving without your license is a misdemeanor. 53. : True during the 12 months after you are licensed, you must be accompanied by your parent or guardian if you 54. : transport minors between 11p.m. and 5 a.m. during the behind the wheel test, seat belts if not worn will ______ the test 55. : postpone During the first 12 months after you are licensed, you may: 56. : Drive at any time for the first year, the provisional driver must not drive between 57. : 11pm and 5am for the provisional driver, the law allows 58. : exceptions HANDICAP 59. : HANDICAP

ease your foot off the gas pedal IF THERE ARE VEHICLES STILL IN THE INTERSECTION WHEN YOUR RED LIGHT TURNS GREEN, YOU SHOULD: 67. : Wait until the vehicles clear the intersection before entering If there is a deep puddle in the road ahead, you should 68. : steer your vehicle around the water, if possible if there is a single set of solid yellow lines in the center of the roadway 69. : you may cross left into a private driveway If there is a solid double yellow line in the center of the roadway, you 70. : Are in a center left-turn lane If you are a minor and your cellphone rings while you are driving, you should: 71. : Let the call go to voice mail If you are caught driving with a blood alcohol concentration at or above the legal limit: 72. : You may be fined by the court if you are caught with a blood alcohol limit BAC above the legal limit 73. : you may be fined by the court If you are involved in a collision, you must exchange with the other person(s) involved, your driver license information and: 74. : proof of insurance, vehicle registration, and current address If you are involved in a traffic collision, you are required to complete and submit a written report (SR1) to the DMV 75. : If there is property damage in excess of $750 or if there are any injuries If you are involved in a traffic collision, you are required to complete and submit a written report (SR1) to the DMV: 76. : If there is property damage in excess of $750 or if there are any injuries. if you are taking a non-prescription drug, what should you do before driving? 77. : check the label and ask your doctor.

if you are under 18 the chances of a fatal collision are ____ times greater 78. : 2.5 If you drive faster than other vehicles on a road with one lane in each direction and continually pass the other cars, you will 79. : Increase your chances of an accident

It is a very windy day. You are driving and a dust storm blows across the freeway reducing your visibility. You should drive slower and turn on your: 94. : Headlights. It is illegal for a person 21 or OLDER to drive with a blood alcohol level (BAC) of 95. : .08% or higher

If you drive faster than other vehicles on a road with one lane in each direction and continually pass the other cars, you will: 80. : Increase your chances of an accident.

It is illegal for a person under 21 years of age to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is ______ or more. 96. : 0.01%- One Hundredth of one percent

if you have a collision, the law requires you to exchange your driver license information with 81. : others involved in the collision

It is illegal to leave a child ___ years old or younger unattended in a motor vehicle, unless the child is under supervision of a someone ___ years or older. 97. : 6/12

If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should 82. : Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should: 83. : Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears. If you plan to pass another vehicle, you should 84. : Not assume the other driver will make space for you to return to your lane If you plan to pass another vehicle, you should: 85. : Not assume the other driver will make space for you to return to your lane

It is illegal to park your vehicle 98. : In an unmarked crosswalk It is illegal to park your vehicle: 99. : In an unmarked crosswalk. 100.

: True

Listening to music through headphones that cover both ears while driving is illegal. True or false? 101. : daylight M1 or M2 permit carriers may only drive during _________hours 102. : yes, if it will not interfere with traffic.

if you reach an uncontrolled intersection at the same time as a driver on you right, and both of you are going to go straight, who has the right of way? 86. : the other driver as he is on your right.

may you open a door on the road side of your vehicle if no traffic is coming? may you park on a cross walk, in the middle of the block? 103. :

if you refuse permission to be tested for alcohol or drugs, the DMV will not issue 87. : a permit or license


if you want to pass a bicyclists in a narrow traffic lane when an oncoming car is approaching 88. : you should slow down and let the car pass, then lass the bicyclist IF YOUR VEHICLE STARTS TO HYDROPLANE, YOU SHOULD 89. : Slow down gradually by easing the gas, and not applying the brakes if your vehicle starts to hydroplane, you should 90. : slow down gradually and not apply the brakes If your vehicle starts to hydroplane, you should: 91. : Slow down gradually and not apply the brakes in what situations may you pass a vehicle on the right? 92. : when another driver is making a left turn, or a one way road where its not restricted. It is a very windy day. You are driving and a dust storm blows across the freeway reducing your visibility. You should drive slower and turn on your 93. : Headlights

no : 4,000/6,000

no motor vehicle under ______lbs. may tow a vehicle weighing _______lbs or more. 105. : 2 On a 4-lane highway, large trucks and buses must keep to the ___ lanes furthest to the right. 106. : True On a mountain road, when two vehicles meet and cannot pass, the vehicle facing downhill must yield and back up until the other vehicle can pass. 107. : False On a mountain road, when two vehicles meet and cannot pass, the vehicle facing uphill must yield and back up until the other vehicle can pass. 108. : Before you enter the curve On a sharp curve, you should use your brakes to slow your vehicle: 109. : False Only California residents who drive regularly must have a valid driver's license. orange and red sign triangle inside 3 red lines 110. : slow moving vehicle Roadways are the most slippery 111. : The first rain after a dry spell Roadways are the most slippery: 112. : The first rain after a dry spell.

Should you always drive slower than other traffic? 113. : No, you can block traffic when you drive too slowly Should you always drive slower than other traffic? 114. : No, you can block traffic when you drive too slowly. 115.

: Illegal at all times

Smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is: smoking inside when a person you get than 18 is present 116. : is illegal at all times 117.


teenages are more inexperienced then adults thus the average injury collision rate is ___ times greater The Implied Consent Law requires you 118. to: : Submit to a chemical test when asked by a peace officer the main cause of death of teen drivers ages 15-19119. is : traffic collisions the most common law violation for teenagers120. is : speeding 121.

: Use hands-free devices so you can keep both hands on the

The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellphones and driving is: steering wheel. 122.

: Use hands-free devices so you can keep both hands on the

The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellular phones and driving is steering wheel The speed limit for a blind intersection is ___ mph. 123. : 15 THE SPEED LIMIT IN AN ALLEY124. IS : 15 mph The speed limit in any alley is ___ mph. 125. : 15 126.

: 25

The speed limit in business or residential districts is ___ mph, unless otherwise posted. 127. : 100/400 The speed limit is 15 mph when you are within ___ feet of a railroad crossing and you cannot see ___ feet in either direction. the speed limit of an alley128. is : 15 MPH 129.

: Drive 5 to 10 mph under the limit

The speed limit posted on a road is 55 mph. When this road is wet: the three second rule applies to the space... 130. : ahead of your vehicle 131.

: To begin or end left turns or start a permitted U-turn

The two-way road you are driving on has a lane marked as shown in the picture. This lane is used: |: :| |: :| 132. : to begin or end left turns or start a permitted U-turn


: Move over into the right lane when it is safe

There are two traffic lanes in your direction. You are driving in the left lane and many cars are passing you on the right. If the driver behind you wishes to drive faster you should: 135. : Stop and let him/her finish crossing the street There is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane ahead. You should 136. : Stop and let him/her finish crossing the street. There is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane ahead. You should: 137. : increase the following distance between you and the other there is one lane in your direction and the vehicle ahead of your often slows down for no apparent reason. what should you do? vehicle 138.

: Increase the following distance between you and the other

There is one lane in your direction. The vehicle ahead of you often slows down for no apparent reason. You Should: driver 139.

: One way street - traffic travels to the right

This black and white sign which says ONE WAY with a arrow pointing right means: This yellow sign means: 140. : Divided highway ahead 141.

: 10 to 15 seconds

To avoid last minute moves, you should be looking down the road to where your vehicle will be in about _______________. 142. : 10 to 15 seconds To avoid last minute moves, you should be looking down the road to where your vehicle will be in about ______________. 143. : Over your right shoulder as you back up To back out of a parking space, always back slowly and look: 144. : look over your shoulder into the lane you want to enter to be sure a lane is clear before you change lanes, you should 145. : The lane closest to the left curb To turn left from a multilane one-way street onto a one-way street, you should start your turn from 146. : The lane closest to the left curb. To turn left from a multilane one-way street onto a one-way street, you should turn from: 147. : True True or False: Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles? 148. : Facing downhill

the two-way road you are driving on has a lane with two dashed lines on its side. the lane is used 133. : move over to the right lane when safe

Turn your front wheels toward the curb when you are parked: 149. : May not be crossed for any reason

there are two lanes in your direction. you are on the left and many cars are passing you on the right. if the driver behind wishes to drive faster, you should

Two sets of solid, double, yellow lines that are two or more feet apart


: May not be crossed for any reason.

Two sets of solid, double, yellow lines that are two or more feet apart: 151. : 25 mph Unless otherwise posted the speed limit in a residential area is ____. 152. : 25 mph Unless otherwise posted the speed limit in a residential district is ____. 153. : 25 mph Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a business district is: Use your high-beam headlights at night: 154. : Whenever it is legal and safe uturns in residential districts are legal 155. : when there are no vehicles are approaching 156.

: 10

Visitors 16-18 yrs with an out of state license may drive in California ___ days. 157. : 18 Visitors over ____ years old with a valid driver license from their home state or country may drive in California without getting a California driver license as long as their home state license is valid. what color and shape is a railroad crossing sign? 158. : yellow with black letters and "X" symbol what color and shape is a regulation sign? 159. : white rectangles with block lettering or symbols 160.

: the effect could be multiplied.

what is a likely effect of taking another drug while drinking alcoholic beverages? WHAT IS A SAFETY ZONE? 161. : A space set aside for pedestrians 162.

: try not to drive until conditions improve

what is the best advice for driving when heavy fog and dust occurs? 163. : Try not to drive until the conditions improve What is the best advice for driving when heavy fog or dust occurs what is the usual color and shape of a warning sign? 164. : yellow and diamond shaped with black letters and symbols. 165.

: stop and yield the right of way to pedestrians and traffic.

what must you do when you're entering a road from a driveway? 166. : nearly half what percentage of new drivers, ages 15-19, get tickets in their first year of driving 167. : Stop before entering. Wait for the green light before proceeding What should you do at an intersection with a flashing red signal light? 168. : the same as a stop sign what should you do when facing a FLASHING RED traffic light?


: the bumper of the care you are passing.

what should you see in your rearview mirror before attempting to return to the right lane after passing a vehicle on the left? 170. : arrows what type of pavement marking is used to show you which lane you must use for a turn? What type of signs control traffic speed? 171. : Regulatory 172.

: Look toward the right edge of your lane

WHEN A CAR WITH BRIGHT HEADLIGHTS COMES TOWARD YOU AT NIGHT, YOU SHOULD: 173. : stop until the lights stop flashing when a school bus with its red lights flashing is stopped ahead on your side of the road, you must 174. : At the crosswalk and wait for the pedestrian to cross the street. When approaching a crosswalk where a blind pedestrian is waiting to cross, you must stop: When can you drive in a bike lane? 175. : When you are within 200 feet of a cross street where you plan to turn right When can you drive in a bike lane? 176. : When you are within 200 feet of a cross street where you plan to turn right. When can you drive using only your parking lights? 177. : Under no circumstances When driving in fog you should use your: 178. : Low beams. When driving in fog, you should use your 179. : Low beams 180.

: check traffic approaching from behind

when getting out of your parked car on the traffic side of your street, you should 181. : Scan your surroundings When looking ahead of your vehicle while driving, you should: When merging onto the freeway you should be driving: 182. : At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway. 183.

: Turned to the right (away from the street)

When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curb, your front wheels should be 184. : Turned to the right (away from the street). When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curbs, your front wheels should be: 185. : Your wheels must be within 18 inches of the curb When parking your vehicle parallel to the curb on a level street 186. : Your wheels must be within 18 inches of the curb. When parking your vehicle parallel to the curb on a level street: 187. : as close to the center of the lane as possible. when preparing for a right turn, where should you position your vehicle? 188. : Centripetal force When rounding a curve, a car is usually drawn toward the inside of the curve. What is the cause of this? 189. : only when it is safe to do so when stopped at railroad tracks with multiple tracks, cross


: only when it is safe to do so

When stopped at railroad tracks with multiple tracks, cross: 191. : Only when you can see clearly in both directions WHEN STOPPED AT RAILROAD TRACKS WITH NO CROSSING GATES, YOU MAY CROSS: 192. : wait until you can completely cross the tracks before you when traffic is slow and heavy and you must cross railroad tracks before reaching the incoming intersection, you should proceed 193.

: 25

When within 500 to 1,000 feet of a school and children are present, the speed limit is ___ mph. 194. : birth document when you apply for an original driver license/ID, you must present an acceptable 195. : all oncoming vehicles and pedestrians are stopped by red lights When you are in a dedicated turn lane controlled by a green arrow which of the following is true? 196. : At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway When you are merging onto the freeway, you should be driving When you back up in a passenger vehicle: 197. : Look over your right shoulder through your rear window 198.

: 10

When you become a California resident and you want to drive in California, you must apply for a California driver license within ___ days. when you change lanes or merge with another lane, you 199. : need atleast a four second gap in traffic when you enter traffic from a full spot 200. : you need a large enough gap to get up to the speed of traffic when you entering a freeway, you should check traffic201. by : checking all mirrors and turning your head 202.

: 10

When you move, you must give the DMV your new adress within ___ days. 203. : You can frustrate the other drivers and make them angry When you tailgate other drivers (drive close to their rear bumper) 204. : You can frustrate the other drivers and make them angry. When you tailgate other drivers (drive close to their rear bumper): 205. : At the corner Where should you be prepared to stop your vehicle when there is no limit line? 206. : at the corner where should you stop your vehicle if there is no crosswalk or limit line? which is true about other drivers 207. : never assume other drivers give you the right of way Which of the following is true about large trucks 208. : trucks often appear to travel slower because of their large side


: Police Officer

which of the following must you obey over a Stop Sign, Flashing Red Light, Steady Red Light, and a Steady Green Light? 210. : Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger Which of the following statements about blind spots is true? vehicles. 211.

: drive slowly enough to stop within the area lighted by your

which of these is recommended when driving at night on a dimly lit street headlights Which of these is the proper way to change lanes 212. : Signal, check your mirrors, and look over your shoulder Which of these is true about other drivers? 213. : Never assume other drivers will give you the right-of-way 214.

: Tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placards

Which of these vehicles must always stop before crossing railroad tracks 215. : Tank trucks marked with hazardous materials placards. Which of these vehicles must always stop before crossing railroad tracks? Who has the right-of-way at an "unmarked" crosswalk? 216. : The pedestrian who must wear seat belts? 217. : everyone in the vehicle With a Class C drivers license a person may drive 218. : A 3-axle vehicle if the Gross Vehicle Weight is less than 6,000 pounds With a Class C drivers license a person may drive: 219. : A 3-axle vehicle if the Gross Vehicle Weight is less than 6,000 pounds. 220.

: 10,000

with a class C license you may tow a vehicle of _______ lbs or less 221. : 25 With a permit, you may practice driving with a licensed individual ____ years or older. 222. : 100 You are about to make a left turn. You must signal continuously during the last ____ feet before the turn. 223. : Signal for 100 feet before turning. You are about to make a left turn. You must signal continuously during the last ____ feet before the turn. 224. : 15 mph You are approaching a railroad crossing with no warning devices and are unable to see 400 feet down the tracks in one direction. The speed limit is 225. : 15 mph You are approaching a railroad crossing with no warning devices and are unable to see 400 feet down the tracks in one direction. The speed limit is: 226. : should make room for the merging vehicles, if possible you are driving in the far right lane of a multilane freeway. a line of five cars is merging into your lane ahead from an on-ramp. you


: in an exit lane

you are driving in the far right lane on a four lane freeway and notice thick broken lines on the left side of your lane. you are driving in 228. : In the left lane You are driving on a divided street with multiple lanes in your direction. If you need to make a U-turn, where should you start 229. : you should change lanes one at a until you are in the proper You are driving on a five-lane freeway in the lane closest to the center divider. to exit on the right... lane 230.

You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 mph. Most of the other vehicles are driving 70 mph or faster. You may legally drive 232. : No faster than 65 mph You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 MPH. The traffic is traveling at 70 MPH. You may legally drive 233. : No faster than 65 mph. You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 MPH. The traffic is traveling at 70 MPH. You may legally drive: 234. : Traffic on the street moves to the left You are driving on a one-way street. You may turn left onto another one-way street only if 235. : Traffic on the street moves to the left. You are driving on a one-way street. You may turn left onto another one-way street only if: 236. : Farther behind the truck than you would for a passenger You are driving on the freeway. The vehicle in front of you is a large truck. You should drive vehicle : Farther behind the truck than you would for a passenger

You are driving on the freeway. The vehicle in front of you is a large truck. You should drive: vehicle. 238.

: Change lanes to the right when safe to do so

You are driving slowly in the fast lane of a freeway and there is traffic behind you in your lane. The driver behind you wishes to drive faster. You should: You are getting ready to make a right turn. You should 239. : Stop first and then proceed when it is safe You are getting ready to make a right turn. You should: 240. : Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the turn. 241.

: be prepared to obey the next signal that appears

: Dumping or abandoning an animal on a highway

You can be fined up to $1,000 and jailed for six months if you are cited for 244. : dumping or abandoning an animal on a highway you can be fined up to $1,000 and jailed for six months if you are cited for 245. : True You can turn right on a solid red after yielding to pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vehicles. You drive defensively when you 246. : Keep your eyes moving to look for possible hazards You drive defensively when you: 247. : Keep your eyes moving to

: Change lanes one at a time until you are in the proper lane

You are driving on a five-lane freeway in the lane closest to the center divider. To exit the freeway on the right you should: 231. : No faster than 65 mph



look for possible hazards you exit a freeway on a ramp that curves downhill 248. : you should slow to a safe speed before the curve. 249.

: Have to pay a fine

You have been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol. The judge sentenced you to 48 hours in jail. In addition, you may: 250. : you may have to pay a fine you have been convicted of driving under the influence. you are sentenced to 48 hours in jail, in addition 251. : Leave a note on the vehicle and report the accident without You have been involved in a minor traffic collision with a parked vehicle and you can't find the owner. You must delay to the city police or, in unincorporated areas, to the CHP. 252.

: Leave a note on the vehicle. AND Report the Accident without

You have been involved in a minor traffic collision with a parked vehicle and you can't find the owner. You must: delay to city police or in unincorporated areas to the CHP 253.

: whenever you drive in california

you have consented to take a test for your blood, breath, or urine 254. : 5 You just sold your vehicle. You must notify the DMV within ___ days. 255. : 5 You just sold your vehicle. You must notify the DMV within _____ days. 256. : Your side of the road is a broken line You may cross a double, yellow line to pass another vehicle, if the yellow line next to 257. : Your side of the road is a broken line. You may cross a double, yellow line to pass another vehicle, if the yellow line next to: 258. : Under no circumstances You may drive off of the paved roadway to pass another vehicle 259. : Under no circumstances.

you are going to make a left turn from a dedicated left turn lane when a yellow arrow appears for your lane. you should 242. : And failure to do so may result in a traffic ticket

You may drive off of the paved roadway to pass another vehicle You may legally block an intersection 260. : Under no

You are required to wear your safety belt in a moving vehicle:

You may legally block an intersection: 261. : Under no

circumstances circumstances.

you may legally drive in any freeway carpool lane 262. : if you are carrying the minimum number persons shown on the sign You may not park your vehicle 263. : Next to a red painted curb You may not park your vehicle: 264. : Next to a red painted curb. you may not stop a passenger vehicle at any time 265. : next to a curb painted red You may not stop a passenger vehicle at any time: 266. : Next to a curb painted red You may only drive for ___ feet in a center left turn lane. 267. : 200 268.

: 18

You must be at least ___ years old to drive for pay, or drive a school bus containing students. 269. : 50 you must have _____ hours of driving to obtain a provisional license You must notify DMV within 5 days if you: 270. : Sell of transfer your vehicle You must notify the DMV within 5 days if you 271. : Sell or transfer your vehicle You must notify the DMV within 5 days if you 272. : sell or transfer your vehicle You must notify the DMV within 5 days if you: 273. : Sell or transfer your vehicle. You must obey instructions from school crossing guards 274. : At all times You must obey instructions from school crossing guards 275. : At all times. 276.

: 30; 30

YOU MUST TURN ON YOUR HEADLIGHTS _____ MINUTES AFTER SUNSET AND LEAVE THEM ON UNTIL _____ MINUTES BEFORE SUNRISE. 277. : Slow down and cross the intersection carefully You see a flashing yellow traffic signal at an upcoming intersection. The flashing yellow light means 278. : Slow down and cross the intersection carefully. You see a flashing yellow traffic signal at an upcoming intersection. The flashing yellow light means: 279. : At all times You see a signal person at a road construction site ahead. You should obey his or her instructions 280. : At all times. You see a signal person at a road construction site ahead. You should obey his or her instructions: you should usually drive your vehicle slower when 281. : you see brake lights on several vehicles ahead of you You should usually drive your vehicle slower when: 282. : You see brake lights coming on several vehicles ahead of you 283.

: Signal for 100 feet before turning

You want to make a right turn at an upcoming intersection. You should slow down and


: Signal for 100 feet before turning.

You want to make a right turn at an upcoming intersection. You should: 285. : 12 your application fee allows you up to ____ months to obtain your license your application fee will not286. be : returned to you your driver license exams include a test287. of : traffic laws and road signs your license is not valid if it has been 288. : suspended canceled or revoked 289.

: True

Your permit is not valid until it is signed by your instructor.