Broad spectrum of thermal analysis capabilities in research and industry

Rys. 10. Badanie termicznego rozkładu wodorowęglanu sodu metodą TG/DTG Rys. 11. Badanie termicznego rozkładu wodorowęglanu sodu metodą DSC Podsumowa...
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Rys. 10. Badanie termicznego rozkładu wodorowęglanu sodu metodą TG/DTG

Rys. 11. Badanie termicznego rozkładu wodorowęglanu sodu metodą DSC

Podsumowanie i wnioski Ze względu na swoje możliwości i stosunkowo proste wykonanie pomiarów analiza termiczna zyskuje coraz większe znaczenie w szeroko rozumianej analityce chemicznej umożliwiającej określenie fizykochemicznych właściwości wielu produktów o różnym stopniu złożoności. Metoda ta znalazły zastosowanie do identyfikacji składu fazowego substancji, do pomiarów entalpii różnych przemian, do badań kinetyki i mechanizmu reakcji. Umożliwia również analizę reaktywności ciał stałych i cieczy, a także badanie przebiegu ważnych procesów, jakim mogą one podlegać podczas zmiany temperatury.

1. Analiza Termiczna Excellence, Oprogramowanie Star Excellence, Materiały informacyjne firmy Mettler-Toledo. 2. Cichy B., Łuczkowska D., Nowak M., Władyka-Przybylak M.: Polyphosphate Flame Retardants with Increased Heat Resistance. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.; 2003; 42 (13), 2897–2905. 3. Cichy B., Kużdżał E.: Kinetic Model of Melamine Phosphate Precipitation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2012, 51 (51) 16531–16536. 4. Cichy B.: Fosforany melaminy jako przyjazne ekologicznie, bezhalogenowe retardanty palenia materiałów polimerowych. Chemik 2013, 67 (3), 214–219. 5. Kajda-Szcześniak M., Nowak M.: Wpływ dodatku spoiw na rozkład termiczny płyt drewnopochodnych, Przem. Chem. 2014, 93 (1) 120–122. 6. Kissinger H. E.: Reaction kinetics in differential thermal analysis, Anal . Chem. 1957, 11, 1702–1706. 7. Vyazovkin S., Burnham A. K., Criado J. M., Perez-Maqueda L. A., Popescu C., Sbirrazzuoli N.: ICTAC Kinetics Committee recommendations for performing kinetic computations on thermal analysis data. Thermochim. Acta 2011, 520, 1–19. 8. Gibas E., Rymarz G., Cichy B., Kużdzał E., Turkowska M.: Badania wpływu karboksylanów metali przejściowych na przebieg procesu oksydegradacji folii polietylenowej PE-LD. Przem. Chem. 2012, 91 (8), 1536–1540. 9. Cichy B., Kwiecień J., Piątkowska M., Kużdzał E., Gibas E., Rymarz G.: Polyolefin oxo-degradation accelerators – a new trend to promote environmental protection. Polish Journal of Chemical Technology 2010, 12 (4), 44–52. 10. Nowak M., Gluzińska J., Paszek A., Walawska B., Szymanek A.: Wpływ sposobu przygotowania sodowego sorbentu węglanowego na jego reaktywność. Przem. Chem. 2014, 93 (1), 85–89. 11. Walawska B., Szymanek A., Pajdak A., Szymanek P.: Wpływ temperatury rozkładu na powierzchnię właściwą wodorowęglanu sodu. Przem. Chem. 2012, 91 (5), 1049–1052.

* Mgr inż. Mariusz NOWAK w roku 1984 ukończył studia na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Śląskiej. Jest zatrudniony w Instytucie Nawozów Sztucznych – Oddział Chemii Nieorganicznej „IChN” w Gliwicach. Specjalność – analiza termiczna, procesy membranowe. e-mail: [email protected]

Dr inż. Barbara CICHY pracuje w Instytucie Nawozów Sztucznych – Oddział Chemii Nieorganicznej „IChN” w Gliwicach na stanowisku adiunkta – kierownika zakładu badawczego. Przedmiotem zainteresowań jest technologia nieorganiczna, w tym szczególnie technologie fosforanów i polifosforanów oraz odpady przemysłowe i ochrona środowiska.

Broad spectrum of thermal analysis capabilities in research and industry Mariusz Nowak*, Barbara Cichy – Fertilizers Research Institute, Inorganic Chemistry Division „IChN” in Gliwice, Poland Please cite as: CHEMIK 2014, 68, 3, 216–223

Introduction Thermal analysis includes number of measurement techniques that allow to record changes of analyzed material properties as a function of temperature. The measurements might be performed isothermally (maintaining given temperature of sample for selected time) or according to chosen heating or cooling program. Basic techniques of thermal analysis involve: • Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) – measurement of heat flux • Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) – measurement of mass change • Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) – measurement of length change • Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) – measurement of elastic modulus. Corresponding author: Mariusz NOWAK – M.Sc., e-mail: [email protected]

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Thermal analysis is used to characterize physical and chemical properties of materials in many different scientific fields and industry sectors. In comparison to other analytic methods, it has following advantages: • easy sample preparation • possibility of measurement of materials in various forms: liquids, gels, powder, solids • very small samples • easy measurement • short measurement time. The thermal analysis allows both to determine purely physical matter properties (melting, boiling and phase transition points and enthalpies, specific heat, etc.) and kinetic parameters of processes • 219

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X Conference Chances and possibilities of chemical industry in EU

induced by temperature change. The measurements give valuable information that might be used in research, in development works and as a part of quality control in many different fields such as plastics, construction materials, mineral resources, pharmaceutics and foodstuffs. Detailed summary of possible application fields of thermal analysis is presented in Table 1 [1]. Table 1 Overview of possible application fields of thermal analysis Measurement technique Application





Physical properties Melting / crystallization


Crystallization enthalpy


Solid fat index (SFI)


Purity determination


Vaporization, drying


Sorption and desorption





× ×

Glass transition temperature


Specific heat


Coefficient of thermal expansion, contractility ×

Liquid crystal transition

× ×


Chemical transformations Decomposition, degradation, pyrolysis




Oxygenation, stability




Curing (cross-linking), vulcanisation, gelation







The thermal analysis allows to study mechanism of occurring reactions and determine degree of product polycondensation (Figs. 2, 3). It allows to define process parameters and optimize technology.


× ×


The article presents brief description of selected derivatographic studies performed as a part of research projects carried out in Fertilizers Research Institute – Inorganic Chemistry Division „IChN” in Gliwice.

Studies The thermal analysis based on differential scanning calorimetry allows not only to characterize heat and mass properties of transitions in tested materials, but also allows to determine specific heat of studied substances. Measurements require assumption of thermal stability of material in considered temperature range. The measurements are carried out according to DIN 51007 by comparison of heat capacity of studied material with reference material (crystalline form of aluminium oxide – sapphire) while taking into accounting heat capacity of vesell. An example of typical derivatogram for measurement of specific heat as a function of temperature is presented in Figure 1. 220 •



Swelling and foaming Reaction mechanism, enthalpy, kinetics

250–300°C 2 C3N6H6· H3PO4 ———‒→ (C3N6H6)2· H4P2O7 + H2O

300–330°C (C3N6H6)2· H4P2O7 + (n-2)C3N6H6· H3PO4 ———‒→ (C3N6H6HPO3)n + (n-2)H2O


Elastic modulus

FRI, Division of Inorganic Chemistry carries out laboratory and industrial scale studies on development of production technology of halogenless flame retardants [2÷4]. The agents that are used more and more widely as additives to reduce flammability in various polymers are formulations based on melamine phosphates of various degrees of polycondensation. In this case, the starting material is melamine orthophosphate. In the range of 250–300oC dehydration and condensation of two molecules of melamine orthophosphate (MP) to melamine pyrophosphate (MDP) occur.

Further heating of this product leads to progress of condensation reaction:


Polymorphism, crystal state transformation

Fig. 1. Determination of specific heat using comparative method

Fig. 2. Comparative TG/DTG analysis of melamine ortho- and polyphosphate

Fig. 3. Comparative DSC analysis of melamine ortho- and polyphosphate

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(3) One can observe that with increasing heating rate temperature corresponding to maximum intensity of DTG signal also increases. The determination of activation energy using Kissinger method involves plotting dependence in system ln(β•Tm-2)~Tm-1. The slope of obtained curve corresponds to the value –Ea/R and allows to calculate value of activation energy of studied reaction..

Fig. 4. Dependence of temperature corresponding to maximum intensity of pyrolysis on heating rate

Metallic glasses combine properties typical for crystals with properties that are characteristic for liquids. This combination gives a number of mechanic and magnetic properties that make these materials usable in new fields of technology. One of the basic methods for study of metallic glasses is thermal analysis. It allows to determine heat of crystallization DH and glass transition temperature – Tg (onset of endothermic peak preceding crystallization effect) and crystallization temperature – Tx (onset of sharp exothermic peak related to alloy transition to crystalline state). These values allow to determine area of supercooled liquid existence (DTx=Tx-Tg).

Fig. 6. Determination of glass transition and crystallization temperature using DSC method for sample of metallic glasses

Global environmental hazards related to the production and use of polymeric materials leads to looking for new possibilities, both in manufacturing technology of polymers that undergo biodegradation after defined lifetime and their potential applications in packaging industry. This drives the development of methods for productions of plastic additives that enable faster degradation. Such solutions usually are based on complexes or salts of metals with variable valency (Fe,  Mn,  Co) that increase ability of synthetic polymers to decompose while subjected to sunlight and oxygen as well as under composting conditions by catalysing degradation of polymer chain and subsequently biodegradation caused by natural biological agents. Usually, iron(III) stearate, manganese(II) and mixture of these compounds are used [8, 9]. Iron and manganese stearates are obtained in double replacement reaction between sodium stearate and salt containing ions of given metal following the reaction (4): 3 (C17H35COO)Na + FeCl3 —→3 (C17H35COO)3Fe + 3 NaCl


Double replacement reaction is preceded by saponification of stearic acid with sodium hydroxide according to the reaction (5): C17H35COOH + NaOH —→C17H35COONa + H2O


The degree of stearic acid conversion might be determined using DSC based on the size of peak corresponding to acid melting heat. Enthalpy of analysed peak is proportional to content of unconverted acid (Fig.7).

Fig. 5. Graphical representation of Kissinger equation

Amorphous metal alloys (so called metallic glasses) are relatively new group of materials that might have very promising applications.

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Fig. 7. Determination of content of unconverted material using DSC method

• 221

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Recent years have brought dynamic growth of civil engineering based on use of wood-based panels for construction and renovation. This fact contributes to generation of increasing amounts of woodbased material waste that has negative environmental impact. This waste might have very different properties due to the variety of materials used for production of wood-based materials. Thermal analysis allows to determine thermal stability of used products and define individual stages of pyrolysis [5]. The studies were performed to check whether addition of binding agent used in wood-based panels has effect on the nature of thermal decomposition process. Wood material was used as reference. Observed differences might be a result of added binding agents in form of resins. Moreover, the studies involved determination of activation energy of first step of pyrolysis. In this case, to determine activation energy (Ea) one can use Kissinger method that allows to determine averaged activation energy without need to know exact reaction mechanism [6, 7]. The Kissinger method is based on the dependence of temperature Tm that corresponds to the maximum (extremum) of DTG signal vs heating rate β.

X Conference Chances and possibilities of chemical industry in EU

Thermal analysis allows also to determine physico-chemical properties of plastics including temperature of onset, endset and maximum intensity of melting and and crystallization. These parameters allow to identify substance, determine its purity and content of additives. Figure 8 presents DSC curves for heating and cooling of polyethylene and polypropylene. Based on derivatographic studies number of properties characterizing given material can be determined.

where commonly used calcium sorbents are nonreactive. NaHCO3 undergoes decomposition in the temperature of flue gas releasing CO2 and H2O according to reaction (5). 2 NaHCO3 —→ Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O


As a result of this reaction, the sorbent particles structure becomes more porous. The increase of sorbent surface area improves its sorption capacity, what allows better elimination of SO2 from exhaust gases. Thermal analysis allows to examine degree of sodium bicarbonate conversion into sodium carbonate under process conditions. Using thermogravimetric methods TGA and DSC it was possible to determine dependence of modified sorbent reactivity on its fineness and used micronization technique. This allowed to determine characteristic temperatures of onset, maximum intensity and endset of bicarbonate decomposition and activation energy and enthalpy of studied reaction. Examples of TG/ DTG and DSC derivatograms of sodium bicarbonate decomposition are presented in Figure 10 and Figure 11, respectively.

Fig. 8. DSC analysis of sample of granulated polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP)

The indirect methods are used commonly for determining usefulness of studied materials for specific applications. Those are for example methods used for testing quality of power cables. Scanning differential calorimetry method (DSC) is used in this case for confirmation of degree of degassing of XLPE insulation. Test in accordance with standard BS 7912:2012 involves analysis of endothermic melting peaks of raw material and samples preceded by mild cooling allowing complete recrystallization of product. For quality testing, it is also possible to use method for studying cross-linking on the basis of products concentration in accordance with standard BS 7912:2001. The measurement is performed in thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). The sample must be initially stabilized at 30°C and then temperature is increased to test temperature with rate at least 50°C/min. The analysis should be performed in 30 min in temperature (175 ± 3)°C. Three parameters are evaluated: total change of sample mass after 30 min, mass change rate averaged for first 5 minutes of the test and average sample mass change rate in time from 15 min to 30 min. The material is standardcompilant if it meets all requirements stated by the standard. The example of TG/DTG derivatogram is presented in Figure 9.

Fig. 10. Study of thermal decomposition of sodium bicarbonate using TG/DTG

Fig. 11. Study of thermal decomposition of sodium bicarbonate using DSC

Fig. 9. Cross-linking study based on product concentration using TG/DTG method

Fertilizers Research Institute, Division of Inorganic Chemistry “IChN” in Gliwice conducted studies on application of sodium bicarbonate for flue-gas desulphurization [10, 11]. The main advantage of proposed sorbent is its high reactivity in temperatures 222 •

Summary and conclusions The thermal analysis, due to its capabilities and relative ease of measurements, is becoming increasingly important in broadly understood chemical analysis that allows determination of physical and chemical properties of many various products of different degree of complexity. This method is used for i.a. identification of material phase composition, for measuring enthalpy of various transitions and for studies of reaction mechanism and kinetics. It also allows to analyse reactivity of solids and liquids, as well as to study course of important processes that they might undergo during temperature change. Literature 1. Thermal Analysis Excellence, Software Star Excellence, Mettler-Toledo information materials. 2. Cichy B., Łuczkowska D., Nowak M., Władyka-Przybylak M.: Polyphosphate Flame Retardants with Increased Heat Resistance. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.; 2003; 42 (13), 2897 – 2905.

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10. Nowak M., Gluzińska J., Paszek A., Walawska B., Szymanek A.: Wpływ sposobu przygotowania sodowego sorbentu węglanowego na jego reaktywność. Przem. Chem. 2014, 93 (1), 85–89. 11. Walawska B., Szymanek A., Pajdak A., Szymanek P.: Wpływ temperatury rozkładu na powierzchnię właściwą wodorowęglanu sodu. Przem. Chem. 2012, 91 (5), 1049–1052.

Mariusz NOWAK* – M.Sc., graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry, Silesian University of Technology (1984). He works for the Fertilizers Research Institute Inorganic Chemistry Division „IChN” in Gliwice. Specialty: thermal analysis, membrane process. e-mail: [email protected] Barbara CICHY – Ph.D., (Eng), she works for the Fertilizers Research Institute Inorganic Chemistry Division „IChN” in Gliwice. Area of ​interest: inorganic technology, especially polyphosphate technology, industrial waste management and environmental protection.

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Naukowcy IChP nagrodzeni Podczas XXI Giełdy Polskich Wynalazków Nagrodzonych na Światowych Targach Wynalazczości w 2013 roku (11–12 lutego 2014), która po raz drugi odbyła się w Centrum Nauki Kopernik w Warszawie, wręczono 58 statuetek Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego Grand Prix oraz złote medale z wyróżnieniem, zdobyte na ubiegłorocznych międzynarodowych targach wynalazczości. Wśród nagrodzonych znalazł się zespół Instytutu Chemii Przemysłowej w składzie: dr Zbigniew Rogulski oraz prof. dr hab. Andrzej Czerwiński (złoty medal z wyróżnieniem na 62. Światowej Wystawie Wynalazków, Badań i Nowych Technologii Brussels INNOVA 2013 za „Recykling hydrometalurgiczny zużytych ogniw cynkowo-węglowych i alkalicznych”). (kk) (, 25.02.2014)

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z całej Polski. Prezentacje ustne i posterowe odbywać się będą w 4 panelach tematycznych: Nauki chemiczne, Nauki biologiczne, Nauki medyczne, Nauki fizyczne i techniczne. (kk) (, 25.02.2014)

Konferencja Młodych Naukowców VI edycja konferencji Wpływ Młodych Naukowców na Osiągnięcia Polskiej Nauki odbędzie się w Gdańsku w dniach 25–27 kwietnia 2014 r. Motywem przewodnim spotkania jest określenie, jaki wpływ mają młodzi naukowcy na rozwój polskiej nauki oraz określenie barier, jakie stawia rzeczywistość. (kk) (, 25.02.2014)

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Urodziny Pana Profesora Józefa Szarawary 26 lutego br. na otwartym posiedzeniu Rady Wydziału Chemicznego Politechniki Śląskiej w Gliwicach odczytano listy gratulacyjne i składano życzenia urodzinowe prof. J. Szarawarze, który obchodził tego dnia 90-tą Rocznice Urodzin. (em) KONKURSY, STYPENDIA, STAŻE Nagrody Ministra Szkolnictwa Wyższego dla wybitnych naukowców Nagrody za wybitne osiągnięcia naukowe oraz za osiągnięcia w opiece naukowej i dydaktycznej są przyznawanych na podstawie rozporządzenia Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 15 stycznia 2013 r. – za osiągnięcia naukowe mające światowe znaczenie, które doprowadziły do nadania tytułu naukowego profesora lub tytułu profesora sztuki. Nagrody za osiągnięcia w opiece naukowej i dydaktycznej przyznaje się za aktywność w dziedzinie kształcenia kadr naukowych, związaną z pełnieniem funkcji promotora przełomowych prac doktorskich, a także za wkład w rozwój i poprawę jakości kształcenia. (kk) (, 28.01.2014)

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3. Cichy B., Kużdżał E.: Kinetic Model of Melamine Phosphate Precipitation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. , 2012; 51 (51), 16531 – -16536. 4. Cichy B.: Fosforany melaminy jako przyjazne ekologicznie, bezhalogenowe retardanty palenia materiałów polimerowych. Chemik 2013, 67 (3), 214–219. 5. Kajda-Szcześniak M., Nowak M.: Wpływ dodatku spoiw na rozkład termiczny płyt drewnopochodnych, Przem. Chem. , 2014; 93 (1), 120 –122. 6. Kissinger H. E.: Reaction kinetics in differential thermal analysis, Anal . Chem. 1957, 11, 1702–1706. 7. Vyazovkin S., Burnham A. K., Criado J. M., Perez-Maqueda L. A., Popescu C., Sbirrazzuoli N.: ICTAC Kinetics Committee recommendations for performing kinetic computations on thermal analysis data. Thermochim. Acta 2011, 520, 1–19. 8. Gibas E., Rymarz G., Cichy B., Kużdzał E., Turkowska M.: Badania wpływu karboksylanów metali przejściowych na przebieg procesu oksydegradacji folii polietylenowej PE-LD. Przem. Chem. 2012, 91 (8), 1536–1540. 9. Cichy B., Kwiecień J., Piątkowska M., Kużdzał E., Gibas E., Rymarz G.: Polyolefin oxo-degradation accelerators – a new trend to promote environmental protection. Polish Journal of Chemical Technology 2010, 12 (4), 44–52.