Book Reviews OXFORD PAPERBACKS. Malise Ruthven. The Religious Roots of Rebellion: Christians in Central American Revolutions

Book Reviews The Religious Roots of Rebellion: Christians in Central American Revolutions. By Phillip Berryman . Maryknoll, N. Y.: Orbis Books, 1984....
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Book Reviews

The Religious Roots of Rebellion: Christians in Central American Revolutions. By Phillip Berryman . Maryknoll, N. Y.: Orbis Books, 1984. Pp. xxi, 452. Paperback $19.95 . As Uni ted States involve me n t in Cen­ tral Ame rica has esc ala ted over th e last four yea rs, so has sc holarly a tte n tio n to th e region . Sta rting from a near zero base of almost tot al neglect by policy an d aca demic specialists, Central Am eric a and its crise s ha ve lat ely come to be di ssected , d escribed, a nalyzed, and even exp laine d . N ot all a tte m p ts are succ essfu l, of co urse, a nd for most writers th e rock i­ es t shoal seems to be th at elus ive but inesca pable eleme n t, th e religious fac­ tor. Most jou rna lists and so cial scien ­ tists seem not to know w ha t to d o wi th such issu es as popular religiou s expressio n, liberatio n th eology, the cha nges in the Catholic Church , th e role of basic co mm unities, a nd more . Th ey tou ch o n religio n as back gr ound , local color, a so urce of a ne cd ota l illu s­ tra tio n; or th ey in d u lge in th e broad ge neralization th at th e ch urch, for­ merly one of th e pillars of th e es tablish­ ment, has some how reversed field and ado p ted a preferential op tio n for th e poor. But w ha t d oes all thi s mean? Before me a re six rece nt books o n Central America, collection s of essays by diff erent a u thors in th e main, a nd all contain a t lea st ritual cita tio ns to th e effect that th e church (or religion) is a crucial fact or in th e Central American problematic. Only o ne, Martin Dis­ kin' s Tro uble ill Our Backyard, ev en a t­ temp ts to exa mi ne religion as suc h . Tommie Sue Montgome ry 's essay on " Liberatio n and Revolution" is a good, if unnuanced , in tro d uc tio n to th e full er treatment that has lon g been needed . Now co mes Phillip Be rryman , who, mor e th an Montgome ry , more even th an Pe n ny Lernou x w hose Cry of the People has becom e a stan da rd tex t on th e new Lat in American church , an d certa inly more th an almost all of th e academic observers, kn ows what it all mean s. Berryman is a n observer-pa rtici­ pant w ho d aily experienced th e reli­ gious a nd social reality of Central

Thomas E. Quigley is the Latin Americall ad­ viserat the U.S. Catholic Conferenceoffice of in­ ternational justiceand peace. January 1985

America for much of the past two dec­ ad es. His is a painstakingly ca re fu l chro nicle of that reality as he ob served and experienced it . Still m ore, as a th e­ ologically trained " n ative speake r" of the principal Christian dialect of th e re­ gion, Roman Catholicism, he brings to his work that sure touch, the correct tone, that is sometimes lacking in oth­ ers with similar viewpoints and sy m­ pathies but different ex p erie nces of church . Berryman set out to d escribe th e effects of a renewed Christian co n ­ sciou sness on the lives of th e po or in Central Ameri ca . He e n ded up writin g three books in one: an ex p la nation a nd description of that process of renewal

and reform within the Christian com­ munity; a chronicle of the interplay be­ tween Christian renewal and social revolution in the last se ve ral turbulent years in Central America; and, his most important contribution, some in­ formed musings on what this all means to the church at large . By " som e informed musings" I am merely pickin g up on Berryman's own style, modest, tentative but-I be­ lieve-profound . He cites, by way of analogy, a modest and tentative work of the 1950s by the Fre n ch Dominican theologian, Yves Congar, entitled la­ Ions pour Lln e Theologie du Laical. Con­ gar's " n ote s towards a theology of the laity" (p ublish ed in English as Lay Peo-

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