The Elbow Roger L. McCoy, II C. Edward Clark, III ANATOMY/BIOMECHANICS ELBOW INJURIES The bony anatomy consists o f the distal humerus, which has ...
Author: Timothy Freeman
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The Elbow Roger L. McCoy, II

C. Edward Clark, III



The bony anatomy consists o f the distal humerus, which has the trochlea medially and the capitellum laterally. The radial head articulates with the capitellum and the proximal ulna articulates with the trochlea. The humeroradial joint is a uniaxial diarthrodial joint that functions as a hinge for flexion and extension and as a pivot in the longitudinal axis to allow rotational motion. The medial humeral epicondyle serves as the origin o f the flexor-pronator muscle (FPM) group and the medial ulnar collateral ligament (l.ICL) (see Figure 26.1, Table 26.1). The lateral epicondyle serves as the origin o f the extensor-supinator muscle group and the radial and lateral UCL (see Figure 26.1, Table 26.2) (1,2). The elbow joint comprises three articulations: the ulnohumeral, the radiocapitellar, and the proximal radioulnar joint. These allow the elbow two degrees o f freedom: flexion-extension and pronation-supination. The normal elbow moves from 0 degree to 135-150 degrees o f flexion and possesses approximately 70 to 90 degrees o f prona­ tion and 80 to 90 degrees o f supination. The normal carrying angle o f the extended elbow is approximately 15 degrees o f valgus in relation to the humeral shaft (11-14 degrees in men, 13-16 degrees in women) (see Figure 26.2) (3,4). The medial and radial collateral ligaments, the closely matching bony surfaces, the joint capsule, and the surrounding muscles provide stability to the elbow. The primary structure providing valgus stability is the medial collateral ligament complex, which consists o f three portions: the anterior oblique, posterior oblique, and a transverse intervening portion. The anterior oblique portion o f the medial collateral ligament is the primary valgus stabilizer o f the elbow (see Figures 26.3 and 26.4) (1,4).

Obtaining a thorough history is essential in arriving at the correct diagnosis in the athlete who presents with elbow pain. Determining the onset o f pain, whether acute or chronic, the mechanism o f injury, the exact location, exacerbating factors, and quality, intensity, and radiation o f the patient's pain is important in establishing an accurate differential diagnosis. Associated symptoms, such as muscle weakness, numbness, clicking, catching, and locking o f the joint, as well as neck, shoulder, wrist, and hand complaints, are also important in the history acquisition. The level and magnitude o f competition o f the athlete is also important to note; because this may direct modes and aggressiveness o f treatment in the use o f diagnostic studies. Earlier injuries and treatment protocols may also help in determining diagnostic and treatment strategies (2). It may also help to organize the symptoms to coincide with a particular area o f the elbow anatomy. Certain diagnoses are unique not only in their symptomatology, but also in their location. Not all conditions listed will be specifically addressed in this chapter as they may be readily found in many other texts (see Table 26.3) (5).

GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION The physical examination o f any joint is best done in the order o f inspection, palpation, range o f motion (ROM), and then stability/provocative maneuvers. This order minimizes patient discomfort early in the exami­ nation, which can minimize guarding. Inspection should preferably start with the patient standing, and any cloth­ ing covering the shoulder and arm should be removed. The examiner should observe the carrying angle (see section "Anatomy/Biomechanics"), color, size, and note


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Figure 26.1

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any swelling, ecchymosis, or obvious signs o f trauma. General size differences could be from normal muscle hypertrophy expected in certain athletes (pitchers, racquet sports), while atrophy should be considered abnormal. Posterior swelling could represent olecranon bursitis or joint effusion (2). The examiner begins palpation away from the patient's reported point o f maximal tenderness when possible, noting any pain, crepitus, or other deformity. Palpation should begin posteriorly over the distal humerus and move towards the olecranon, while addressing any tenderness o f the supracondylar region and the triceps tendon. Olecranon palpation can be assisted by placing the joint in slight flexion to free it from the olecranon fossa. A chronically enlarged olecranon bursa is not usually tender, but may be tender if infected or acutely inflamed from an injury. Proceeding laterally from the olecranon one finds

the lateral epicondyle, and 1 to 2 cm more distally is the radial head. The radial head articulation can be easily found by pronating and supinating the forearm while palpating just distal to the lateral epicondyle. An effusion can be palpated in an imaginary triangle defined by the olecranon tip, lateral epicondyle, and radial head while the elbow is flexed to 90 degrees. Next palpate the medial epicondyle. The ulnar nerve sits posterior to the medial epicondyle, between it and the olecranon in the groove for the ulnar nerve (2,6,7). ROM should fie first evaluated passively then actively, including flexion, extension, pronation and supination (see section "Anatomy/Biomechanics" for normal ranges). While checking the ROM one should note any ulnar nerve subluxation by flexing the elbow to 50 to 60 degrees, while placing the shoulder in slight external rotation and palpating over the ulnar nerve. During subluxation the nerve may "roll up" onto the epicondyle (2).

TABLE 26.1 FLEXOR-PRONATOR MUSCLE GROUP ' ;? ' ;? Source:1 sports medicine: principles and practice,23"3445



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Chapter 26: The Elbow

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Stability o f the medial or UCL is assessed by placing a valgus stress to the elbow and is explained in detail later in this chapter (see Figure 26.5). Radial collateral ligament stability is assessed in a similar manner with varus stressing. These and other specific maneuvers is discussed later in the chapter (5).


Figure 26.8). If the line does not transect the m iddle third o f the mid capitellum, then a supracondylar fracture should be suspected. The radiocapitellar line can also be helpful in detecting pathology. It is drawn through the center o f the radial head and neck and extended proximally (see Figure 26.8). Normally it extends in all views through the midcapitellum. D islocation o f the radial head is suspected if the line does not transect this region, or if there is relative m ovement o f the capitellum from a supracondylar fracture (7,8).

A standard elbow series includes an anteroposterior (AP)

The presence o f two fat pads in the elbow are also helpful in detecting pathology. The anterior fat pad is

view in full extension (see Figure 26.6) and lateral view at

located just anterior to the distal humeral diaphysis and

90 degrees (see Figure 26.7) o f flexion. Two lines should be

can be seen in a normal elbow series as a small line or

drawn in cases o f trauma or when fracture is suspected. The

triangular radiolucency. The posterior fat pad is usually

anterior humeral line is drawn on the lateral view, parallel

not visible because it lies in the olecranon fossa. Effusion

and along the anterior surface o f the humeral cortex (see

from intra-articular bleedin g or inflam mation can elevate

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Figure 26.4 Ligamentous support of the elbow. (Source: Adapted from Chumbley E, O'Connor FG, Nirschl RP. Evaluation of overuse elbow injuries. Am Fam Physician 2000;61:691 -700.)



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Possible Disorders

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and radial nerves and pulses is essential. Sensoiy testing o f peripheral nerves should include the first web space on the dorsum o f the hand (radial nerve), volar tip o f the index finger (median nerve), and volar tip o f the small finger (ulnar nerve). Any deficiencies need to be noted and charted, as chronic sequelae may arise that may be directly related to the trauma as opposed to the physicians treatment (6,9,10). Motor examination includes testing the extensor pollicis longus for interphalangeal joint extension o f the thumb (radial nerve), the index flexor digitorum profundus for flexion at the distal interphalangeal joint (median nerve), and the dorsal interossei and abductor digiti quinti muscles

these fat pads away from the cortex and either make them larger or visible. The anterior fat pad makes a "sail sign" when elevated (see Figure 26.9). Any presence o f a posterior fat pad is abnormal and suggests fracture (see Figure 26.9) (7-9).

ACUTE TRAUMA Any athlete presenting with significant pain around the elbow resulting from an acute event should be carefully evaluated to rule out a fracture or dislocation. The athlete should be removed from competition, and all equipment, tape, and padding from the shoulder to the hand should be removed so that an adequate examination can be performed. This is, o f course, if it is safe and timely to do so. Tenderness, swelling, and ecchymosis should be noted. Any findings o f bony crepitus or deformity warrants high suspicion o f a fracture. The shoulder, forearm, wrist, and hand should be carefully and expediently examined. A thorough neurovascular examination o f the median, ulnar.

Figure 26.6

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o f the index and small fingers for abduction strength (ulnar nerve). The vascular examination is also essential in any trauma. Brachial, radial, and ulnar pulses need be checked immediately and any question o f compromise considered an emergency situation. ROM at the elbow, including pronation and supination, should be carefully checked and recorded (6,7). With an elbow trauma that is accompanied by any abnormal findings on physical examination, plain ra­ diographs are warranted. Good quality AP and lateral radiographs are necessary to rule out occult fractures, espe­ cially those involving the radial head. A positive "fat pad" sign or "sail" sign (see Figure 26.9) on the posterior aspect o f the humerus indicates an effusion within the joint and

Figure 26.9


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may be associated with a fracture. Any fracture should be appropriately immobilized with a well-padded posterior splint (6,7,11).

FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS OF THE ELBOW Fractures or dislocations o f the elbow do occur during athletic competition, especially in contact sports, and knowledge o f the initial evaluation and management o f these injuries is essential for the team physician. Elbow trauma includes fractures o f the distal humerus, radial head and neck fractures, olecranon fractures, simple elbow dislocations, and fracture-dislocations o f the elbow. Generally, most fracture patients can start rehabilitation at 6 to 8 weeks postinjury if good callous formation is present, and can expea return to play at 12 weeks. Simple elbow dislocations need physical therapy early in the healing process to prevent loss o f extension, and these patients can usually return to play in 1 to 3 months depending upon stability and ROM.

Distal Humeral Fractures

Figure 26.8



These fraaures include supracondylar, transcondylar, inter­ condylar, T-condylar and medial/lateral condylar fractures. Supracondylar fractures o f the distal humerus com ­ monly ocair between 5 and 10 years o f age, and they usually occur from a severe fall on an outstretched hand (see Figure 26.10). If displaced, supracondylar fractures need to be treated operatively, whereas nondisplaced fractures can be treated with a long-arm cast for 3 to 4 weeks (90 degrees


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• is necessary to preserve the attachment site for the anterior capsule and the brachialis muscle. Type 1or small avulsion fractures will heal with conservative treatment. If most o f the coronoid is involved (>50%), reconstruction must be performed to preserve the stabilizing effects brought about by the anterior oblique ligament. This would indicate a type 111 coronoid fracture and can occur in 80% o f dislocations. Return to full function forthe athlete is usually not obtained (6).

Olecranon Fractures

Figure 26.10

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Dislocations of the Elbow



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fractures can also be treated this way unless the fragment occupies more than 30% o f the head or is displaced more than 2 mm (see Figure 26.11). These type 11 fractures, as well as all type III fractures are best treated surgically, with excision being the choice for most type 111fractures (6,9).

Monteggia's Fracture/Dislocation This is a fracture o f the proximal third o f the ulna with an accompanying dislocation o f the radial head. The most com m on mechanism is forced hyperpronation during a fall on an outstretched hand. On occasion either the fracture o f the ulna or the dislocation o f the radial head may be slight and, therefore, sometimes missed. This is more com m on in children in whom most Monteggia's fractures are often treated with closed reduction. Adults often require open reduction and internal fixation (6,9).

Figure 26.11

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Practical orthopedics.

Most elbow dislocations occur posteriorly and are usually due to a fall on an outstretched hand/arm. By far, the most common posterior dislocation is the posterolateral position. Associated injuries are always a concern with the most com m on being a radial head fracture, occurring approximately 10% o f the time. Associated fractures in general can occur as high as 25% to 50% in elbow dis­ locations. Collateral ligament stability is always a concern and functional testing needs to be accomplished at the appropriate time. Dislocations must be handled quickly and calmly to achieve a favorable outcome. Proper p o ­ sitioning o f one's hands along with proper leverage and rotation should allow a safe reduction o f the dislocated elbow. For the laterally dislocated olecranon, placement o f one's hands at the distal forearm and posterolateral portion o f the elbow are key. The distal forearm is then supinated as both hands direct a traction force allowing the elbow to glide back into place while also being guided by the proximally placed hand. Pulses, sensations, and in­ spections should appropriately be performed before and after the relocation. Medially dislocated elbows require a similar procedure with the exception o f having the forearm pronated rather than supinated, and several techniques currently exist (Figure 26.12). After the neurovascular ex­ amination is completed, the elbow should be splinted at 90 degrees and the athlete transported to the medical center o f choice for follow-up radiographs and further exami­ nation. If the neurovascular examination is normal upon evaluation on the field, and transport to the nearest med­ ical center is readily available, the clinician should opt to immobilize the dislocated elbow until prereduction films can be obtained. Individual clinician experiences with the reduction o f dislocations will direct the most appropri­ ate choice. Any neurovascular compromise undoubtedly constitutes an emergency and on-field reduction becomes

Figure 26.12 L $ F % Source / , ' ; >; ! > % : thopedics. 06/%$ ()))J8.&8= &3*

Practical or­


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a riskier option for the physician. Minimal repositioning may facilitate som e return o f the neurovascular compro­ mise. Splinting in this position is then followed by rapid transport to the nearest medical facility (6,9,13).

OVERUSE AND CHRONIC ELBOW CONDITIONS Overuse conditions can easily and quickly turn into chronic problems, as many athletes will tend to ignore early minor symptoms and only report to the team physician when their symptoms finally inhibit their play (see Table 26.5) (1).

Lateral Elbow Conditions Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) One o f the more com m on injuries, that until recently was misunderstood as an inflammation problem, is



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lateral epicondylitis, also known as tennis elbow (see Figure 26.1). The condition in its early stages will have inflammatory responses to the tension overloads placed on the tendon-bone junction, yet, most lasting longer than a few weeks become more o f a chronic change, called tendinosis (angiofibroblastic degeneration) and epicondylosis. The athlete will present with pain and tenderness over the lateral epicondyle as well as the extensor tendon and will have pain with resistance to wrist and third digit extension. Occasionally grip strength testing will also elicit pain (14). Therapies are presently being researched with none taking a substantial lead as the single best treatment. Be­ sides addressing the athlete's biomechanics and equipment (tennis racquet grip size, golf/tennis swing paths, etc.), the mainstay for recovery is physical therapy. NSAIDs, and modalities such as cryotherapy, phonophoresis, ion­ tophoresis, and steroid injections have all shown to allevi­ ate symptoms, yet do not resolve the underlying condition. There must be an awakening o f the body's healing processes through som e form o f prescribed trauma to the tissue, fol­ lowed by flexibility and functional eccentric exercises in physical therapy. Other newer modalities such as extra­ corporeal shock-wave therapy and nitrous oxide therapy, although showing som e initial success, have not statisti­ cally been shown to be better than vigorous deep tissue massage (vigorous enough to cause bruising) followed by a functional rehabilitation program. One such system is called Augmented Soft Tissue Manipulation or ASTYM (see Figure 26.13) (14,15).

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Figure 26.13

D em onstration o f A u gm en ted Soft T issue Manip­ ulation (ASTYM) tech n iqu e for treatm ent o f lateral ep icon d y losis and ex te n sor ten d on osis.

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Posterior Interosseous Nerve Compression Syndrome (Radial Tunnel Syndrome) Radial tunnel syndrome is a relatively uncommon disorder seen in golfers, batters, racquet sports, and, occasionally, throwers. This syndrome involves the compression o f the posterior interosseous nerve, a deep branch o f the radial nerve, most commonly compressed under the fibrous arch o f the supinator (arcade o f Frosche) or more distally in the body o f the supinator. Pain is in the dorsal forearm and may also occur at night but is usually associated with and after activities involving repetitive pronation and supination. Transient weakness o f dorsiflexion can occur especially just after activities (16). Physical examination elicits palpable pain over the posterior interosseous nerve as it crosses over the radial head (see Figure 26.14). Tinel's sign may or may not be positive locally and/or distally. Pain may also be elicited with resisted supination, especially with the wrist in a flexed


position. Electromyogram (EMG) studies are rarely helpful but may be positive if performed right after activity. A lidocaine block can aid in diagnosis. In cases o f refractory tennis elbow, radial tunnel syndrome could be another possibility, as symptoms are similar. Time, relative rest, and rehabilitation are usually successful in treating this condition (16).

Other Lateral Conditions Osteochondritis dissecans o f the capitellum and radial head fractures also cause lateral symptoms and are covered elsewhere in this chapter.

Lateral Radial Collateral Ligament Injury (Posterolateral Rotatory Instability) The radial collateral ligament is usually injured from a fall on an outstretched hand with the elbow slightly flexed


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Figure 26.14

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• involved) will elicit pain in the area. Relative rest and rehabilitation with attention paid to overall upper extremity and kinetic chain strength as well as biomechanics should suffice in resolving this condition (4,20,21).

Anterior Elbow Conditions Elbow Dislocations and Fractures Discussion on this was covered earlier in the section "Fractures and Dislocations o f the Elbow"

Biceps Injuries

Figure 26.15



and the arm in a rotating forced supination. Whether the elbow subluxes or dislocates, the athlete will present with a chronically sore elbow and/or symptoms o f subluxation and lateral elbow pain. The diagnosis can be difficult without a more specific test called the Lateral Pivot-Shift test (see Figure 26.15). The supine patient's arm is extended back over the patient's head with the shoulder externally rotated. The examiner then supinates the forearm and applies a valgus stress followed by axillary compression and flexion at the elbow. Apprehension from the patient and/or a shifting or clunk sensation constitutes a positive test. Surgical consult is usually necessary and radiographic findings are usually negative (17,18).

Medial Elbow Conditions Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer's Elbow) Medial epicondylitis can occur in many sports (golf, tennis, racquetball, archers, volleyball, etc.) and can have symptoms similar to a FPM strain (see Figure 26.1). On examination, however, palpable tenderness is over the epicondyle and pain can be elicited with resisted pronation, wrist flexion, and grip strength testing. Chronically, the same epicondylosis and tendinosis can occur here as well. Physical therapy is usually sufficient to resolve this condition, and radiographs are rarely needed and may only show som e extra-articular calcifications (14,19).

Flexor-Pronator Muscle Strains and Ulnar Collateral Ligament Sprains Although UCL sprains will be covered in the section, 'The Elbow in the Throwing Athlete", FPM strains will usually precede them or be a forewarning for subtle UCL damage. Larger tears o f the FPM will inevitably weaken the medial support o f the elbow in a throwing athlete and if not already present, lead to UCL damage. Resisted wrist flexion, grip strength testing, and resisted pronation (if pronator

Biceps tendonitis/tendinosis is an overuse injury due to repetitive elbow flexion with supination. Examination is straightforward with palpable tenderness to the bicipital tendon and pain with resisted flexion and supination. Weeks o f symptoms lead to more o f a tendinosis condition. Conservative therapy is almost always successful for the acute biceps tendonitis (16,19). Bicipital ruptures at the distal end o f the elbow are less common and occur only in 3% o f all biceps ruptures. Most will occur in athletes older than 30 years o f age and may be accompanied by an avulsion fragment from the radial tuberosity. Treatment is almost always surgical, as opposed to the more com m on proximal ruptures which are generally treated conservatively (7,16).

Anterior Capsule Strains The anterior capsule is most commonly strained (micro­ tears) during a hyperextension-type injury mechanism. Usually the elbow experiences a force not great enough to cause dislocation. Pain is poorly localized with deep palpation resulting with pain across the antecubital area. Radiographic findings are usually normal but could show heterotopic ossifications in chronic situations. Limited im­ mobilization followed by aggressive rehabilitation should return the athlete to full function, although flexion con­ tractures may arise from chronic fibrosis formation (7,16).

Median Nerve Compression Syndrome (Pronator Syndrome) This entrapment neuropathy is relatively uncommon in most sports but may be seen occasionally in rowers, kayakers, fast-pitch softball and overhead throwers, racquet sports players, and racecar drivers. Presenting symptom is a dull to occasionally sharp anterior elbow pain and sometimes a proximal forearm pain that is consistently relieved with rest from the athletes' activities. On occasion the distal volar forearm and/or radial 3 j digits may experience numbness and tingling (22). The entrapment/impingement o f the median nerve occurs due to either a hypertrophied muscle or an aponeurotic fascia. Four areas are commonly attributed to being the site o f entrapment with the pronator teres being the most common. Each area has a unique physical examination finding that may help elicit the exact location o f the problem (see Table 26.6). Other

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S o u r c e : Adapted from data from Conway J. Clinical evaluation of elbow injuries in the athlete. J M u s c u lo sk e l M e d 1998;15(10):43-52.

physical examination findings include Tinel's sign positive proximally, with Tinel's and Phalen's signs negative at the wrist (22). Confirmation may be made by an EMG or nerve conduction velocity (NCV) test but these are not always re­ liable. Treatment consists o f relative rest with rehabilitation progressing gradually with strength and flexibility. Decom­ pression is only necessary in rare recalcitrant cases (16,22).

Posterior and Posteromedial Conditions Posterior conditions include triceps tendonitis, olecranon bursitis, and stress fractures. More rarely a triceps rupture may occur. All are found in athletes involved in heavy weight training or vigorous repetitive extension motions (e.g., canoeists). Most athletes are treated conservatively and the athlete returns to full function. Olecranon osteophytes may also contribute to symptoms and can be elicited utilizing the reverse axial projection method radiographically (see Figure 26.16). Olecranon stress fractures in young athletes usually affects the apophysis while in the adult a hairline stress fracture can be missed on plain films and require a bone scan/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmation (16,23). Posteromedial pain can be specifically described and differentiated from the other posterior and ulnar nerve symptoms and conditions. When evaluating an overhead­ throwing athlete with pain in this area, the examiner usually finds etiology due to valgus extension overload that can result in olecranon hypertrophy, olecranon fossa impinge­ ment, olecranon osteophyte formation, or posteromedial trochlear chondromalacia. The pitcher involved will notice pain during the acceleration phase o f throwing and after a few innings, will lose control by releasing the ball early causing the pitch to be continuously high (21). Physical examination will elicit palpable tenderness on the olecranon tip or medial portion o f the olecranon fossa. A flexion contracture may also be found. Radiographs are used to identify any bone spurs or fractures. Care in distinguishing normal anatomy is essential as a spur

Figure 26.16

R everse axial p rojection for a ssessin g olecran on

osteop h ytes.

located on the radial side o f the olecranon tip can be mistaken for pathology. Computed tomography (CT) or MRI may also be used when appropriate or if the diagnosis is in question. Conservative therapy is often unsuccessful and surgical referral is necessary to remove any osteophytes, loose bodies, or impingements (4,21).

THE ELBOW IN THE THROWING ATHLETE Elbow pain is a com m on entity at som e point in many a throwing athlete's career. Younger throwers tend to see more injuries related to the epiphysis while older adolescents and adults tend to have more overuse and degenerative ligament and tendon injuries. Some studies have shown that although the incidence o f elbow pain in Little League baseball was high as 45% to 78% only 1% to 5% ever had pain severe enough to stop pitching (4,20). There are six stages o f throwing and different injuries can be associated with the different stages. The six stages o f throwing are the windup, early cocking, late cocking, acceleration, deceleration, and the follow-through (see Figure 26.17). More injuries occur during the late cocking and acceleration phases as high valgus forces are placed on the elbow causing the popularly phrased medial tension injuries. During these phases, lateral compression forces are also placed on the elbow inciting other possible injuries. Deceleration and follow-through require the proper firing o f the biceps, brachialis, and brachioradialis or hyperextension can occur leading to posterior impaction injuries (17,20).


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ULNAR COLLATERAL LIGAMENT INJURY IN THROWERS A history o f pain medially during late cocking and acceleration phases o f throwing are commonly seen in UCL injuries. The valgus torque experienced from repetitive throwing can create gradual or abrupt tearing o f the UCL and hinders the throwers' ability either insidiously or acutely. Acute injuries are usually accompanied by a "pop" while chronic conditions progress through a series o f changes characterized by edema, scarring, calcification, and ossification (24). Physical examination elicits palpable tenderness dif­ fusely over the medial elbow with more specific point tenderness over the ulnar attachment o f the anterior band and the tubercle o f the coronoid process. Neurological examination should also be performed, as ulnar nerve pathology can be present as well. The examiner then places a valgus stress on the elbow to test the stability o f the UCL. The elbow is positioned at 30 degrees o f flexion with the shoulder abducted and externally rotated (see Figure 26.5). The examiner tucks the wrist under his axilla and places one hand laterally with the medially placed hand under the ulna and the thumb or index finger over the UCL to palpate the medial joint line. This test is repeated on the contralateral side. Differences in pain and opening o f die joint line can lead to the diagnosis o f an UCL injury (4,24). Two more recent examination techniques were added to this initial test; the milking maneuver (see Figure 26.18) and the O'Driscoll moving valgus stress test. The milking maneuver involves placing the affected elbow at 90 degrees o f flexion with the shoulder at the side and 90 degrees o f abduction. The examiner grabs the thumb and externally rotates the arm and supinates the forearm while applying a

valgus force on the elbow. The thumb is pulled downward towards the floor as if "milking" the udder o f a cow. The examiner places his other hand over the medial joint line to monitor pain and/or instability. The moving valgus stress test is performed by placing the elbow in maximum flexion, and applying a valgus force until maximum external rota­ tion is reached. The elbow is extended rapidly to 30 degrees flexion while constantly under the valgus force. A posi­ tive examination recreates the patients medial elbow pain, and should be maximal between 120 and 70 degrees o f

Figure 26.18

P ositioning for p erform ing th e milking maneuver.

Chapter 26: The Elbow



Figure 26.19



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flexion as the elbow moves through the arc. These represent the flexion angles o f the elbow during the throwing p o ­ sitions o f late cocking and early acceleration, respectively. O'Driscoll reports a sensitivity o f 100% and a specificity o f 75% for diagnosing UCL injury when compared with surgical exploration or arthroscopic stressing (4,25,26). Diagnostic studies are still being normalized for the throwing athlete with UCL pathology. In addition to the usual plain radiographs, most sports physicians will obtain amagnetic resonance (MR) arthrogram (see Figure 26.19). However, since a negative MR arthrogram does not eliminate the possibility for chronic laxity, most will augment a normal MR arthrogram with a valgus stress radiograph, if one was not obtained earlier. The amount o f force applied, the angle o f flexion, and the landmarks for measurement all determine the measured laxity. More studies are helping distinguish these numbers as compared to controls. Despite all the above imaging modalities, equivocal findings can still occur and the decision toward surgical reconstruction is still on a clinical basis (26-28). Return to throwing competitively is determined by the severity and type o f injury and whether surgical intervention was required. UCL sprains usually require relative rest and rehabilitation that includes a graduated throwing program. The entire process requires a minimum o f 12 to 14 weeks before the athlete returns to competitive throwing. UCL reconstruction however, usually has most pitchers returning to competitive throwing in 12 months on average. It is this author's experience at the major league level that most pitchers postreconstruction do not "feel" as crisp and sharp as they felt until 18 months, preinjury (29).

The act o f throwing causes a great deal o f traction force on the medial aspect o f the elbow and can lead to many conditions. Symptoms o f tingling and numbness o f the fourth and fifthdigits and/or forearm can indicate that those traction forces are causing damage to the ulnar nerve. The late cocking phase o f throwing has the arm in abduction, the elbow flexed and the wrist extended, causing traction force medially and can cause a traction neuropathy. Dynamic compression forces can also add to the traction as the flexor carpi ulnaris(FCU) is activated and the FCU arcade impinges the ulnar nerve with active wrist flexion. Associated symptoms include subjective feelings o f weakness at the elbow and possibly a popping sensation over the medial epicondyle (4,12,21). Structural changes that may reduce the antecubital tunnel area and cause ulnar neuropathy include medial col­ lateral ligament insufficiency, medial epicondylitis, medial compartment spurring, and synovitis. Physical examination may elicit a positive Tinel's sign over the antecubital tunnel and decreased two point tactile discrimination/sensory o f the fifth digit. Atrophy o f the intrinsic muscles o f the hand is rare in athletes. Electromyographic and neurodiagnostic studies may be negative in the resting athlete. Therefore, all testing, including physical examination, should be per­ formed after throwing (4,21). Treatment consists o f the restriction o f activities and a review o f the biomechanics o f the throwing athlete. Conservative therapy consists o f NSAIDs, night splinting, and cortisone injections. Conservative therapy should be employed for 3 to 6 months before surgery is consid­ ered. Surgical decompression has shown poor outcomes; so more surgeons opt for a transposition (either submuscular, intramuscular, or subcutaneous). Return to throwing is usually 6 to 9 months in the best circum­ stances (4,12,21).

ELBOW INJURIES/CONDITIONS IN THE YOUNG THROWING ATHLETE Little Leaguer's Elbow "Little Leaguer's Elbow" has been a broad term en­ compassing different diagnoses to differing professionals. Little league elbow (LLE) now includes a series o f diag­ noses including (a) medial epicondylar fragmentation and apophysitis (see Figure 26.20); (b) delayed or accelerated apophyseal growth o f the medial epicondyle; (c) delayed closure o f the medial epicondylar growth plate; (d) osteo­ chondrosis and osteochondritis dissecans o f the humeral capitellum; (e) deformation and osteochondritis o f the radial head; (f) hypertrophy o f the ulna, and (g) olecra­ non apophysitis. Two distinct entities, Panner's disease and Osteochondritis Dissecans, need to be differentiated while


ACSM's Primary Care Sports Medicine

• diagnoses. The American Academy o f Pediatrics has set som e guidelines regarding how often a young pitcher should be allowed to throw. Their recommendations include a maximum o f 6 innings per week for ages 8 to 12 and definitely not more than 200 pitches per week or 90 pitches per outing. Many people have created guidelines, but one o f the easiest recommendations is to limit pitches to 10 pitches times their age, per each 7-day period. More recent independent research suggests for all adolescents: (a) avoid pitching with arm pain and/or fatigue; (b) avoid pitching more than 80 pitches per game; (c) avoid pitching competitively more than 8 months per year and (d) avoid pitching more than 2500 pitches per year (4,17,32,33).

Olecranon Stress Fracture

diagnosing a young throwing athlete with elbow pain (see Table 26.7) (17,20,30). Studies suggest that 20% o f pitchers aged 10 to 14 years old suffer from elbow pain. Secondary ossification centers at the elbow appear at the capitellum at age 2, radial head at 5, medial epicondyle at 7, trochlea at 9, olecranon at 10, and lateral epicondyle at 11. Most fuse between 14 and 17 years o f age (31). LLE is usually defined as a set o f conditions that lead to elbow pain from the act o f throwing a baseball. Mechanisms o f injur)' include both medial traction and lateral compression forces (see Figure 26.21). Common mistakes in the athlete's biomechanics or being allowed to overuse the pitching arm can lead to any o f the above

Any widening o f or persistence o f the growth plate should be considered a stress lesion. Repeated extension loads or forceful traumatic displacement can lead to an acutely displaced fracture. Persistent lucency on radiographs af­ ter age 15 usually indicates an incomplete or nonhealing stress fracture. MRI confirms suspicions o f a stress fracture. Physical examination often reveals 10 to 15 degrees o f flex­ ion contracture, pain with forced extension, and pain with resisted triceps extension. Treatment consists o f rest with a temporary orthoplast posterior splint. This is followed by gradual rehabilitation up to 6 months before return to unrestricted activities. Radiographic findings need to be normal before complete clearance. Surgical fixation with a screw and/or wiring is indicated for failed conservative treatment or a completely displaced fragment (12,23). With postoperative rehabilitation for surgical fixation, the athlete is allowed all the flexion/extension that the soft dressings allow. One week postoperatively, begins wrist and finger resistant exercises. The throwing program can usually begin at 6 weeks. Overall plan is to return to competition in 3 to 4 months. Open or closed procedures do not change the 10 to 12 weeks that a pitcher will be out. Re­ evaluate the pitching mechanics along with any restrictions


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Osteochondritis Dissecans

Panner's Disease

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0 $ S o u r c e : From Bennett J, Mehlhoff T. Immature skeletal lesions of the elbow. In: Drez D, DeLee J, eds. O p e r a t iv e t e c h n iq u e s in s p o r t s m e d ic in e , Vol. 9. No. 4. WB Saunders, 2001:234—240.

Chapter 26: The Elbow


Figure 26.21 %



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or weaknesses in the entire kinetic chain. Preoperative care consists o f several weeks o f not throwing and conservative measures. Return to competition cannot be anticipated until complete healing o f the fracture occurs, and only after the athlete regains his or her strength and ROM (17).

importantly in the transverse plane. It is recommended that one looks further down the kinetic chain as well as at the usual areas when dealing with injuries in a throwing athlete.


REHABILITATION OF THE THROWING ATHLETE Rehabilitation o f the throwing athlete after any elbow con­ dition needs to focus not only on specific elbow ROM and strength issues, but also on the thrower's entire ki­ netic chain. Unpublished data at the major league level has demonstrated that lower body biomechanics and weak­ nesses can transpose themselves into upper extremity con­ ditions in the throwing athlete. No longer can we just focus on the elbow, rotator cuff, and scapula when diagnosing the etiology o f a thrower's injury. Although rehabilitation will be covered elsewhere in this book, the newer rehabilitation methods not published in general texts o f yet, have demonstrated a superior success in dealing with athletic sports injuries. The rehabilitation needs to focus on func­ tional strengthening in all three planes o f motion, and most

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