Bioenergy and Bioenergy Tapping

Bioenergy and Bioenergy Tapping Learn More about the BIOENERGY Breakthrough Nourish Your Brain Through BIOENERGY You are choosing to receive advanced...
Author: Gertrude Marsh
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Bioenergy and Bioenergy Tapping Learn More about the BIOENERGY Breakthrough Nourish Your Brain Through BIOENERGY

You are choosing to receive advanced healthcare of the future—today! —Dr. Terry Rondberg To my delight, I’ve lived long enough to see some aspects of healthcare come full circle. My decadeslong search for ways to increase wellness, with fewer pills and invasive surgery, led me to discover the next evolution in healing. Bionergy, brain based wellness, is a healthcare breakthrough that transforms and restores lives—outwardly simple to perform, yet beautifully profound at enhancing wellness in your body and mind on a cellular level. My practice members experience remarkable results unique to each person. What your body needs is reflected in measurable outcomes, some are noticed right away, but it's important to recognize that healing takes time. The exciting part, is that the possibilities and potential of cutting-edge neuroscience has barely been revealed —and it is truly an honor to offer you Bioenergy. Decades of experience, study and research, and experts worldwide agree, Bioenergy, also known as brain based wellness care is at the core of the latest neuroscience discoveries and development—a groundbreaking neurological, body-mind wellness that takes us a step forward. Simply stated, Bioenergy Brain Based Wellness care provides the brain, especially that special "portal" found in the sub-occipital area of the brain stem, with specific, safe, and sensory percussion input— it unlocks interference to the flow of life energy caused by chronic stress. This stress is caused by many 1

factors, which we will discuss with you. Its detrimental effect on the human body is well-documented, because it is in epidemic proportions in modern society.

Neutralizing chronic stress that negatively affects your health is the founding principle and purpose of Bioenergy. It is clinically proven to enhance biochemical nourishment in your brain; it sets in motion increased mental impulse activity, electrical nutrients are released to repair and restore health where your body and mind know you need it, even when you consciously may not know it yourself. We encourage you to Google articles, clinical studies, and neuroscience research that confirms and further explains the major role that chronic stress plays in disease. There are thousands of articles written. We want you to fully understand it as you begin Bioenergy, and as you commit to other lifestyle recommendations we will make that will benefit your wellness. Ridding yourself of chronic stress is the answer to improved wellness in your body and mind, whatever your health issue or concern, diagnosed disease, emotional distress, or current goal for sustaining optimal wellness. Providing you education about chronic stress is our responsibility; we will be referring to it frequently in your Bioenergy wellness care. A few Google examples to get you started. Please put these URL's in your browser if you care to read them:

Mayo Clinic, "Chronic Stress Puts Your Health at Risk," by Mayo Clinic Staff: U.S. News and World Report, "Hidden Risks of Chronic Stress": American Psychological Association, "Understanding Chronic Stress":

STIMULATE ELECTRICAL NUTRIENTS Bioenergy Tapping (manual super-tapping), and the Bioenergy Bioregulator instrument stimulate electrical nutrients to pass upward into the somatosensory cortex of the brain, and give rise to new 2

movement patterns that make the unconscious conscious, the impossible possible, and the possible easy. (This was explained in the introduction to Bioenergy you read in the first half of this document.) We are very glad you’re here! As you embark on your new pathway to wellness, allow optimism to replace the negative, and let trust displace your doubt and fear. Expect the unexpected, look forward to better health, because your "health story" will evolve to the point where it can be told to encourage others. Ask questions and learn all that you can. The more you know builds your trust and confidence in Bioenergy. It's founded in the best of both worlds—modern neuroscience and a healer's intuition. The intuitive is an important part of life for every person—and it is a significant aspect of the medical arts; Bioenergy practitioners learn how to strongly rely upon it. Analysis, through tactile perceptions of energy fields calls on the intuitive; and intuitive professionals and people listen to, rather than ignore, the guidance of their intuitions; their gut feelings. But still, some don't understand or acknowledge it, putting it to good use as is needed. Like a blind person learning to read brail, credible trust is developed through being taught, and with practice, passage of time and experience, the intuitive takes its rightful place in learning to function as a blind person, and as importantly, in a practitioner's expertise in any course of therapy. BIOENERGY COMPLEMENTS ALL OTHER WELLNESS PRACTICES Bioenergy is remarkable to me, because it takes nothing away from other practices I'm trained in and have endorsed for decades: chiropractic, yoga, meditation, massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, mind-body medicine, acupressure, EFT, Ayurveda, nutrition, energy medicine and herbal remedies. But clearly, Bioenergy magnifies the human body’s natural ability to heal itself, safely and efficiently, with an even greater impact on improving individual health than any of the other integrative wellness practices I've made the most of during my career. Bioenergy influences the body’s natural restoring and healing properties directly and efficiently. Like the brain itself, much can be explained, but there are wellness results that we must accept with great gratitude, because we don't know how the brain does it, but it does! My research and development of Bioenergy has brought me to a point of astonishment, because proven results for those committed to adopting it as part of their wellness lifestyle will join me in 3

celebrating its value and effectiveness. It is a pivotal time in history, an evolution in healing and in tapping! Our practice member’s “health stories” reveal exceptional wellness results—and happier, healthier lives. Improved health is a profound life changer!

Brain Based Wellness Care totally makes sense! Why? All body functions are controlled by your brain and Bioenergy nourishes and enriches brain-health, and the body and mind's natural healing potential. Dr. Daniel Amen, M.D., psychiatrist, brain disorder specialist, and director of the Amen Clinics, and a New York Times bestselling author says this, "We all need a little help. Loving your brain means protecting it. That's a no-brainer." Investing in nourishing your brain through Bioenergy Brain Based Wellness Care is something you deserve. We all need the help it provides, because it stimulates Neuroplasticity* which equals body and mind wellbeing. (*Neuroplasticity: revitalization, reorganization, reconnection of neurons in the brain that are injured, severed or inactive.) Bioenergy is biologically miraculous and magnificent for your nervous system. This packet of information begins your journey with Bioenergy. Enjoy what you learn, better yet enjoy how you begin to feel. We want you to love life: Our mission is to help you live a healthier, happier and more energized life. WE ARE IN THE BUSINESS OF SAVING LIVES AND WHEN BUSINESS IS GOOD, EVERYONE WINS! If you were asked right now, what bothers, distresses or disrupts your life more than anything else, what would you say is your biggest problem? What body-mind issue(s) are troubling you most? What is it that has you stressed, discouraged, fearful, or in pain? If several things come to mind, what is the most challenging body-mind issue? Say it out loud; write it on this paper; don’t deny it; be specific. Your pathway to wellness begins with the "Four Steps to Acceptance," during our initial consultation, where we identify the problem, issues, and wellness solutions. Food for thought— for your wellness: •

Will you take time each day to pause and relax? Will you try to get in the habit of being mindful and appreciative of this very moment, because right now won't happen again. We will help you change lifestyle habits, guide and instruct you as you begin Bioenergy, but you need to recognize that you not only need, but deserve to make these healthy changes—to benefit both your body and mind wellness.


Are you ready to transform wellness in your body and mind to restore hope, establish new healthy expectations, and actively support living life in your best possible health?

Are you willing to commit to the discipline of making positive, real life changes that result in health changes for you?

What physical challenge(s) or negative feeling(s) did you note above that bother you the most?

We ask that you consider a different perspective: rather than thinking of your most challenging body-mind issue (BMI) as working against you, try asking what your body is trying to tell or reveal to you—your body is your partner not your enemy—and that is a very important concept to remember and know!

Bioenergy Neutralizes Stress Interference—Counteracts it to Unlock Energy Pathways (energy fields) that are Intended to Flow Profusely Within Your Body Dr. Barbara Brennan, Ph.D., defines the human energy field as: a matrix structure upon which the cells of the physical body grow. It is the template of the physical body. It is also the vehicle for psychosomatic reactions, or the "mind-body" connection. It's of vital importance since it is a foundation for the physical body. It is directly connected with health and illness. Based upon my experience as a healer conducting private sessions with clients spanning a fifteen year period, and as a teacher for as many, I can tell you that anything that happens in the physical body will happen in the pattern of the energy fields first. So the energy field precedes the physical body. It sets the foundation for the physical body, and anything that goes wrong in the energy field will eventually make its way into the physical body. The origins of the ancient forms of highly effective meridian tapping go back thousands of years, when the Chinese discovered this complex system of energy circuits that run throughout the human 5

body. These energy pathways (called meridians) are the foundation and focus of Eastern health practices, such as acupuncture, acupressure and a variety of other healing methods and techniques. Like blood flows through veins, this energy courses through the body; though it is not seen, it is there, and fundamental in supporting human life. Invisible to the eye, but measurable by its effects experienced over thousands of years through a variety of well-proven modalities. HOW "TAPPING" MERIDIAN POINTS EVOLVED IN CONTEMPORARY CULTURE The development of "emotional acupuncture" which is what meridian tapping is sometimes called, has been built upon by a series of innovative doctors over the past fifty or sixty years. I will share more of this fascinating history in my Bioenergy book being released in early 2015, but I'd like to give credit to a few of the modern-day doctors who introduced manual pressure, rather than the use of acupuncture needles, to heal both physical and emotional health issues: (Ref. Dr. Patricia Carrington, Ph.D., article: History of Meridian Tapping and EFT,

• 1962, Dr. George Goodheart, a well known chiropractor in the United States, studied acupuncture and began to substitute manual pressure to meridian points, rather than needles, he used manual "tapping" or "percussing" to achieve beneficial results. • 1970's an Australian psychiatrist, John Diamond, M.D., took this discovery a step further. He built on Goodheart's work by creating a variation of it which he called “Behavioral Kinesiology.* This derivative of Goodheart’s method added an interesting component. Diamond used affirmations (positive self-statements or thoughts) when the person was contacting selected acupuncture points, and did this specifically to treat emotional problems. (*Behavioral Kinesiology: the integrated system for assessing and evaluating the effects of all stimuli, internal and external.)

• But before meridian tapping could be invented, another step was necessary. The concept of using tapping of acupoints* to treat psychological problems needed a structure to become widely applicable. In the 1980's this structure was supplied by an American psychologist, Dr. Roger Callahan, who had specialized in anxiety disorders. In the early 1980’s, Dr. Callahan learned Applied Kinesiology and studied the meridian system of acupuncture in an effort to 6

find better answers to some of the problems his patients faced, particularly those of anxiety and phobias. He then took the step that was necessary to bring the tapping procedures into a full-fledged form of psychological treatment. He combined the use of “tapping” for emotional problems with simultaneous focusing on the problem at hand. Callahan had discovered that if a person is focusing on a specific fear of their own at the time they tap; this fear can be removed, often permanently. Dr. Callahan’s new treatment came into being after he studied the meridian system, but it was an unexpected occurrence which led to the precise clinical discovery that foreshadowed the later development of EFT. *Acupoints: the particular locations in the body that allow practitioners to balance client's qi to affect therapeutic changes with acupuncture or acupressure. Qi, a variant of chi in Oriental medicine, is the vital energy that circulates round the body in currents

Callahan had been working for over two years with “Mary” a patient of his who had such an overwhelming fear of water that she could not even get into a bathtub without this precipitating an anxiety attack. Although he had tried many anxiety reduction techniques with her, the progress had been slow and discouraging... (Mary's story is told in greater detail and fully explains Mary's condition and her years of unsuccessful treatment with mainstream psychological methods ...). The crux of her story is, at Dr. Callahan's direction, that she agreed to try a method of tapping meridian points under her eyes and when she did, a totally unexpected thing happened. The process of tapping under her eyes while she was talking about her fear of water had eliminated her fear on a permanent basis. Dr. Callahan called his tapping Thought Field Therapy (TFT). Gary Craig, who later developed Callahan’s surprising discovery into the tapping method known as EFT, has called this type of dramatic instance, a “one minute wonder.” • By 1987, Dr. Patricia Carrington, Ph.D., (whose article referenced above recounts this history). She developed and began to use for her patients and in workshops, a “single algorithm”* tapping method based on Roger Callahan's TFT, which she called “Acutap.” This method intentionally did not use any diagnostic procedure such as muscle testing. I simply asked people to tap on all of the acupuncture end-points each time they did a round of 7

tapping. Using this method, I was able to help my clients in ways that had never been possible before. (*Algorithm: step-by-step protocol, as for management of health care problems, solving a problem or making a diagnosis.)

• In the same manner, Gary Craig, who had studied TFT intensively with Dr. Roger Callahan and was originally one of Callahan’s gifted pupils, decided to separate his work from that of Callahan in order to be able to use his own single-algorithm approach. • Accordingly, Gary Craig developed his own individual single algorithm method which he called “Emotional Freedom Techniques” (EFT) to distinguish it from “The Callahan Techniques,” and taught this method beginning in the early 1990’s until he retired in 2010 and released EFT into the public domain. To quote Dr. Patricia Carrington, Ph.D., "at present, meridian tapping plays a leading role in a revolution in psychology that is only just beginning. The current journey of over 50 years from acupuncture to meridian tapping has resulted in meridian-based approaches now being known around the world." As of this writing, Gary Craig's EFT has evolved to be the most influential and widely known Energy Psychology method in the world. My development of Bioenergy "super-tapping" follows in the footsteps of many excellent doctors and innovative, effective approaches and methods. Some of my predecessors methods are more complicated to perform, and time-consuming, but still highly respected and effective. However, I am convinced, as are many other respected colleagues, that Bioenergy Tapping "supertapping" and Bioenergy brain based wellness care for the body and mind is the next bullet point to be added in the evolution of meridian point "tapping" or "percussing." Neuroscience is proving it to be true, further confirmed through my clinical experience with practice members just like you. It is not only exciting to have developed Bioenergy care, and the Bioregulator instrument, and be able to offer it to you, efficiently and economically, but it brings exceptional health results that are proven to be one level above my predecessors, due to the focus on the sub-occipital triangle, the three master endpoints at the brain stem (seen in red dots), underlying mechanoreceptors, eight 8

muscles; four pairs: the obliquus capitus superior and obliquus capitus inferior; rectus capitus posterior major, rectus capitus posterior minor seen below:


And most importantly, with laser accuracy, through training in specific tactile analysis and use of the Bioregulator, tapping of any kind will be much more effective. We now have the knowledge and ability to accomplish Bioenergy Tapping, applied manually on the three master endpoints at the brainstem. This is discussed at length on pages 20 – 40 of this document. The option of the Bioregulator being used as a finishing method to any other integrative practice, brings a profound wellness advantage. Due to Bioenergy, life force energy channels are unlocked and cleared of interference. Bioenergy supports the likelihood that you will experience a greater degree of improvement if you simultaneously have Bioenergy care along with your healthy lifestyle choices and health practices.

Healthcare for body and mind is the ultimate expression of wellness for your whole being—both body and mind. On the following pages, you will experience how the emotional roots of disease are discovered and dissuaded through Bioenergy Tapping


Any kind of emotional stress or distress, will hinder the natural healing potential of the human body, so let's look at how you go about the Bioenergy Tapping verbal process. If you are familiar with EFT—Emotional Freedom Technique, scripting for Bioenergy Tapping is built upon it.

BEGIN: Define the most difficult or upsetting “BMI”—the “BodyMind Issue” that is causing your greatest physical challenge or negative emotion—create a setup phrase (Examples: I have… back pain, fatigue, consuming fear, work and life stress, weight issue, sadness over teenager troubles, money worries, explosive anger, etc.)

IDENTIFY: Score your “BMI” by asking the degree of distress: from 0–10, Subjective Units of Distress, "SUDS."

ONENESS: Acknowledge your BMI “”—with a personal setup phrase. “Even though I ___________ I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

DISCOVERY – TRUTH ROUND: Tap on your master end points while repeating your “setup phrase,” aka "stating your problem" three times. (The verbal scripts that follow on pages 20 – 47 guide, validate and affirm, as you create your original script that suits your issue.)

RECOVERY – NEUTRALIZING HEALING PROCESS: Begin "Bioenergy Tapping" by using your index finger, two, three or four fingers. Lightly tap (it's not the force of your tapping, but the vibration that the brain records. You don't need to tap any harder than you would on the end of watermelon; or whatever feels most comfortable for you). Tap consecutively through the three master end points while repeating your personal setup phrase out loud. Tap each point five to seven seconds before moving horizontally across to the next point. When you complete all three master endpoints, work backwards on the same three points. Do as many rounds as needed to bring greater awareness, discovery of your Body-Mind Issue (BMI) … and recovery!

ESSENTIAL: After you have finished tapping the master end points breathe in deeply, exhale – repeat.

RELAX: RATE the intensity of your issue using the 0–10 Subjective Units of Distress Scale, "SUDS" to check your progress.

GOOD RESULTS: Repeat these Bioenergy Tapping steps as often as necessary until you have the results you desire, and feel a sense of relief, knowing you will overcome.


THE PURPOSE OF THE BIOENERGY TAPPING SCRIPTS 1) Identify your Body Mind Issue (BMI). 2) Face the intensity of your issue; this provides a benchmark measure; a point of reference is important to note; using (SUDS); as you proceed, measure your improvement as you progress using (SUDS). 3) Your two goals: to discover and acknowledge your issue(s) and to learn to deeply and completely love and accept yourself in spite of it. This is your "Personal Setup Phrase," stating your problem. There is deliberate purpose in speaking the negative issue/problem out loud, because it is this issue that is distressing you, and it creates chronic stress that is impacting your health and life, body and mind. It must be openly acknowledged, whether it is a current issue or something that surfaces from years past; it may be an emotional issue that rises up unexpectedly, but don't deny it; say it to yourself or speak it out loud in a safe environment. This will happen: the scripting process triggers your amygdala to secrete stress hormones; however, you will be interrupting this pattern causing your amygdala to relax in spite of the negative pattern. While you can’t eliminate the thoughts, you can change the reaction to the stress pattern so it no longer has the same negative impact on you. Your mind will create a new healthy pattern when you state and begin to tap through to your positive affirmation. 4) "Truth Round," aka stating the solution: to intentionally state your distressing issue, and then shift to state a positive affirmation, to yourself or out loud, has profound and positive effect—to offer a solution. This is a clinically proven method, clearly shown effective during the evolution of tapping over the past five or six decades. Keep this goal in mind: Bioenergy Tapping will enable you to genuinely learn to deeply and completely love and accept yourself in spite of the issue you face, or the difficult circumstance you are in. Right now, did you respond to reading that previous sentence with a negative thought? That's okay, we want you to acknowledge that you may have that habit of allowing negativity to loop around-and-around in your mind. But we want you to know this: you deserve to accept yourself, and to realize that you have self-worth. Healthy love for yourself, acceptance of yourself just as you are, should be reflected in your feelings when you look in the mirror. That is our goal, and we want it to be yours! After the Bioenergy Tapping session, manually, measure 12

the intensity of your issue again; what is the number and how does it compare to your (SUDS) number prior to tapping? To become comfortable with Bioenergy Tapping, and to be at ease to state your issue and affirmation openly may take time. No two people are the same, so please don't compare, only commit to follow your individual pathway to wellness. You will become more comfortable, and soon it will feel natural. Results in how you feel will be your motivator—and WCA Certified Bioenergy doctors and practitioners are here to help you. Remember, too, that you can expect the master endpoints in Bioenergy Tapping to be significantly more effective than meridian tapping points used in EFT, acupressure or acupuncture, or other integrative practices you may have previously practiced or currently use. I deeply respect these methods, I've trained, taught, and practiced them. They offer significant help, but Bioenergy Tapping and the practice of Bioenergy using the Bioregulator offer much greater potential due to the focus on unlocking energy flow in the sub-occipital area of the brain stem—through tapping on the three master endpoints. There is a broad range of activity generated on a cellular level that takes place from percussion with the Bioregulator instrument. This is brain based wellness care at its best. We encourage you to gain knowledge in the "why" and "how" potential of Bioenergy.

Bioenergy nourishes the brain by unlocking interference to the flow of life energy. To quote Dr. David Feinstein, Ph.D.: "In almost all acupoint stimulation protocols, the physical procedure is done simultaneously with the mental activation of a psychological problem or desired state. In this sense, energy psychology with PTSD and other anxiety disorders is an exposure technique. Bringing to mind an emotional trigger, problematic scene, or unresolved traumatic memory activates the amygdala, arousing a threat response. Stimulating selected acupoints, according to the Harvard studies, simultaneously sends deactivating signals to the amygdala. Repetition of the physical intervention resolves these opposing signals by reducing 13

the arousal while the trigger is still mentally active. The hippocampus records that the memory or trigger is being safely engaged without a stress response, and the neural pathways that initiate the associated stress response are permanently altered. Being able to encounter the memory or trigger without limbic arousal becomes the new normal."


PROCESS and DEACTIVATE STRESS and the "FIGHT OR FLIGHT" SIGNALS it sends to the AMYGDALA in your brain.









Together, we will help you develop a wellness plan, and discover what may be preventing you from living your healthiest life. TO SELF-HEAL AND SELF-REGULATE IS WHAT THE BODY IS DESIGNED TO DO—AND WHAT IT DOES BEST! Bioenergy has tremendous influence on the body's ability to do what it does best—self-heal and selfregulate. We have explained how the body responds naturally, on a purely physiological* level, calming the amygdala and reducing the outpouring of stress hormones brought on by the innate "fight or flight" response to real or perceived threats and challenges. Chronic stress is the culprit. What it is and how it is health enemy #1 will be referred to often in regards to your wellness. (More is 14

written throughout these materials and in my videos that explain it in great detail; and of course we are happy to discuss chronic stress with you to increase your understanding of its negative effect on wellness— your body and mind.) *Physiological: the science which treats the functions of the living organism and its parts; and the physical and chemical factors and processes involved.

You likely read everywhere that wellness for the body and mind intertwine; your emotions are not separate from your physical body, and that is why Bioenergy Tapping and Bioenergy using the Bioregulator instrument has such strong positive influences on your beliefs, symptoms, patterns of behavior, response and reaction to past and future events—your emotions. Wellness is a whole body and mind experience, with each reliant upon the other. Wellness in mind influences greater wellness in the body, and vice-versa. You will learn how to "let go" as you grow.

BIOENERGY IS ALL ABOUT CREATING HEALTHY CONNECTIONS Reference from Scientists not so long ago thought that the brain stopped developing after the first few years of life. They thought that connections formed between the brain’s nerve cells during an early “critical period” were fixed in place as we age. If connections between neurons developed only during the first few years of life, then only young brains would be “plastic” and thus able to form new connections. Because of this belief, scientists also thought that if a particular area of the adult brain was damaged, the nerve cells could not form new connections or regenerate, and the functions controlled by that area of the brain would be permanently lost. However, new research on animals and humans has overturned this mistaken old view: today we recognize that the brain continues to reorganize itself by forming new neural







neuroplasticity, allows the neurons in the brain to compensate for injury 15

and adjust their activity in response to new situations or changes in their environment. How does neuroplasticity work? A large amount of research focuses on this question. Scientists are certain that the brain continually adjusts and reorganizes. In fact, while studying monkeys, they found that the neuronal connections in many brain regions appear to be organized differently each time they are examined! Existing neural pathways that are inactive or used for other purposes show the ability to take over and carry out functions lost to degeneration, and there is evidence that reorganization in the adult brain can even involve the formation of new neural connections. Understanding the brain’s ability to dynamically reorganize itself helps scientists understand how patients sometimes recover brain functions damaged by injury or disease.

BIOENERGY STIMULATES NEUROPLASTICITY _________________________ SCRIPTS FOR VERBAL ACCEPTANCE AND AFFIRMATION BIOENERGY TAPPING and BIOENERGY using the BIOREGULATOR INSTRUMENT These samples of Bioenergy Tapping scripts can be used as is, or edited to suit your specific issue and need. It is important to begin fresh as you start your wellness plan. Try not to let old loops of negative thinking patterns remain; you know the ones; those that make you afraid to even hope in your ability to feel better. Don't allow them to dominate your mind-set when you begin. Yesterday is gone, today is a fresh start with me, an experienced doctor, along with Ruth and other professionals who are knowledgeable and forthright. Examples of negative thought patterns to get rid of: I've tried everything; nothing ever works; it works for them, but it won't for me; I don't deserve it anyway; this pain will never go away; I'll never 16

be able to think straight; I'm so stupid, so I won't get it; I'm as well as I can be, the other doctors said so... To thoughts like these, JUST SAY "NO!" Rephrase saying, "Even though I've thought this (specifically state what "this" is), I deeply and completely love and accept myself. This is my story; I go with myself wherever I am, so right now, today, this is where I will start; to deeply and completely love and accept myself just as I am, is what I will learn to do." This affirmation will help you change your pattern of thinking to provide you peace of mind, and enable you to begin your healing journey. Soon you will see life as beautiful! The breaking news that will benefit your health? Based in neuroscience, Bioenergy is the purest form of self-healing and preventative medicine known today for the body and mind. Negative emotions from unconstructive habits of thinking, or unhealthy reactions to challenging circumstances disrupt healthy flow of energy within your nervous system; issues such as anger, anxiety, depression, grief, fear guilt, trauma, etc., obstruct optimal physical health and rob your enthusiasm for life. These create a physiological cause and effect, for feeling down or out-if-it; the mind's conscious thinking has compelling power and influence over your physical condition. Through Bioenergy, you are well on your way to receiving trusted help, and reason for hope and optimal health . These scripted phrases, that are just examples for you to draw from as you create your own, are essential part of beginning the Bioenergy Tapping wellness process; what you think and say to yourself establishes new, healthier patterns. Feelings of positive self-worth bring back control and confidence; these are positive steps that feel especially good. Once your body-mind issue, (BMI) is identified and openly faced, Bioenergy stimulates free-flow of life force energy. As mentioned, the master endpoints used in Bioenergy are the powerful three that cover the brain stem. In comparison, there are over 300 meridian points used in acupuncture; and EFT Tapping uses a sequence of eight points that are performed manually. As mentioned, I'm trained in these, have used them, taught them, and I respect them—but the discovery of Bioenergy advances your health potential well beyond what either of these methods can produce.


Bioenergy Tapping: Bioenergy Tapping is done with one index finger, two, three, or more fingertips. Whatever is most comfortable for you. Tap consecutively through the three master end points while repeating your personal setup phrase out loud. Tap each point five to seven seconds before moving horizontally across to the next point. When you complete all three master endpoints, work backwards on the same three points. Do as many rounds as needed to bring greater awareness to your Body-Mind Issue (BMI) . You can do this until you feel you have expressed your problem at the root cause describing how hopeless or helpless you may feel. Then, continue tapping while verbally stating your solution out loud until you feel better. This might take a few rounds or several minutes. For the most effectiveness, it is ideal to correct your blocked energy channels first with Bioenergy using the Bioregulator instrument. This will make Bioenergy Tapping or any method of tapping much more effective and more efficient, dramatically improving the probability for even greater health results. Regularity is the key. Like exercise, just because you walked and your heart rate was up yesterday, doesn't mean you get to sit on the couch all day today. You have to repeatedly get your heart rate up for optimal health. Bioenergy is the same, a discipline like any other wellness lifestyle habit. When you begin to feel better and have more energy, the time and investment in Bioenergy will become a welcome healthy habit you will want to make a priority in your day on your wellness journey.

Tips to help you be effective with Bioenergy: •

Be very specific with the emotion that is your (BMI) issue or focus.

Think of a specific instance that you felt this emotion; the people, the place, the outcome; tell it as if we are having relaxing over coffee; take all the time needed, say it, look me straight in the eye. I'm hearing all the details for the first time. Don't leave anything out.

Rate the emotion, the resulting sensation from this emotional encounter (even if it was with yourself only), on the SUDS Scale. This should become a heightened emotion when facing it, especially while restating the details surrounding this problematic issue.

What physical sensations did you experience when you were feeling this emotion? Think about it in detail: Describe the physical sensation(s) and where in the body you felt this way? 18

Examples: sweaty, tense, shaky, itchy, racing heart, clenched teeth, flushed face and rush of adrenalin; other? As you think of where you felt these sensations in your body, think of the sensation in each part of the body separately. What's going through your mind as you think how this emotion made you feel physically? What are you saying to yourself... the internal voice? •

Note three things that happened, or went wrong in this experience. How did this impact make you feel? Did this change you in any way? These three things happened in your past; but they may have made a huge difference for you and be affecting your life today; they may also be influencing how you view your future. Allow yourself to be very detailed as you think of these three things—your past—your today—your future.

Note three things you wish would have happened. It went wrong, but imagine that you get a "redo" of that experience ; what do you wish had happened to make things better? What are three hopes or wishes that could change your expectation in the future? Maybe it's a relationship that needs forgiveness and healing; maybe it is something you wish could be different; or someone else you wish would be different, or do something different. How can you be different and improved, or become your better self because this event happened? What lesson did you learn? This is all valuable information to think through to improve the quality of your life right now, today.

Rate the emotion again on the SUDS Scale. It's good for you to rate your level of emotion after thinking this through in greater detail. One of three things will happen: 1. The SUDS number may go up; don't let that surprise you, because it sometimes does after thinking about the issue you identified in greater detail. Temporarily, it might feel distressing and overwhelming again. 2. The SUDS number may go down; rethinking about this in detail, with a purpose in mind, can keep it from tormenting you. It allows you to let go, and brings a huge sense of relief. It suddenly doesn't feel as big or insurmountable. Brought out of the darkness and faced openly in the light of today's reality, this issue will lose its power over you.


3. The SUDS number may stay the same. This simply means that the emotion needs to surface, you may need to dig deeper into what happened, which requires more rounds of tapping. Remember, only you have lived your life, and whatever the issue, it warrants your full attention.

Bioenergy Tapping is a Wise Choice It will change your brain, your negative emotions and how you think—and change your life in positive, healthy ways. The limbic response, a very powerful innate reaction to real or imagined threat, more commonly known as "fight or flight" (discussed throughout this information) is neutralized and processed by the repetitive messages Bioenergy Tapping sends to the hippocampus (the area deep in the forebrain that helps regulate emotion, learning, and memory). Human beings are continuous processors of information. As external information is taken in, it induces individually distinct thoughts and emotions, positive responses or negative reactions. The output is determined by how you are wired. Similarly, a computer takes in information when we correctly tap it in on the keyboard, which is then input into a program, like Word or Excel, to produce a perfect output. If our input is messed up, so is the output. Human beings process information and receive countless types of input; in an ideal world the input could be termed correct or incorrect. Each person lives out life accordingly; no two life experiences are completely identical, so neither is the output, or the reaction and response to it. You could say, the limbic response function, or "program," needs correction through systematic and correct input given to it through Bioenergy Tapping to help rid itself of any dysfunction, allowing function to go on as intended (by default) and provide the user, you, output that is needed and helpful in life. For example, when your laptop computer isn't performing as expected, you know there are computer techs to clear up the problem; a problem that once had you frantic and stressed out beyond belief, once fixed, brings you great relief! Bioenergy Tapping also brings much-needed relief, and a healthy fix your issue (e.g. like a computer screen that's frozen in place and locked up—until at last the tech restores its default and normal processes so it is free to do what it does by its original intent). 20

You will consciously feel the healing begin from yesterday's input that was previously processed and stored in your mind, consciously or unconsciously. You are now free to tap away future system disruptions and make more conscious and deliberate choices about what input is allowed to be put into your life program. Life-change is evident in the output! Read more about "Understanding our "Fight or Flight Response of our Limbic System" Dr. Michael Murrell, Psy.D. Or read more about the "Limbic System" at

HOW TO DO BIOENERGY TAPPING Not all issues will fit neatly into the blank “Even though I have this "_____________.” Use language that totally makes sense to you, especially as you word your setup phrase. For example, instead of “this painful back” you could say, “Even though my back hurts me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” Or instead of “this humiliation as a middle school teen” you could say “Even though my peers taunted me in middle school and I hated it, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

By using “Even though I have this _______________,” you will automatically choose something that represents your experience, your reaction; it is your issue; it is something that belongs to you due to your individual life experience. You have to own this issue, and the feelings and emotions that go with it. The really good part—it is yours to feel and yours to heal!

BIOENERGY SETUP PHRASE STATES THE PROBLEM Your Bioenergy Tapping setup phrase needs to focus on what you control, not someone else’s problem that you cannot control. You might want to read that sentence again. For example, rather than, “Even though I have a son with a major drug problem, I deeply and completely love and accept myself,” it’s better to focus on your own authentic reaction, what you emotionally feel, which might be, “Even though I’m angry and scared about my son's drug problem, I deeply and completely love 21

and accept myself.” Or instead of, “Even though my husband works constantly…,” focus on how this problem makes you feel because that is your real issue, like, “Even though I feel so totally alone when my husband puts work ahead of time with me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." The focus is on your (BMI) body-mind issue, rather than the problem you perceive is created by the other person, because your issue it is what you are negatively feeling. Bioenergy Tapping transformation and healing is about your emotions; what you can choose and what you can control. It's not about the other person whom you can't control. Using language that specifically identifies your negative issue, both the BMI/problem and your feelings identified in the setup phrase, are what provides what is needed for Bioenergy Tapping to resolve it—helping you arrive at a solution.

Why is this phrasing so important? Please make a note of this: It is the negative issue that creates the disruption to you consciously, and inwardly causes stress interference to the flow of your life energy. This is the result of the threat alert to the Amygdala, and negative memory and emotion that is stored in your hippocampus. When performed simultaneously—the phrase used to state the negative issue you feel, along with personal affirmation despite the issue, disrupts the old pattern and creates a sense of physiological recognition, or like a computer, you could say you are rebooting your thinking patterns! Progressively, through Bioenergy Tapping, calm and balance returns to the body and the mind, to reset, reboot and retrain thinking patterns in your brain—influencing biology within your body and psychology within your mind. Studies have proven that positive thinking alone will not resolve negative issues, body or mind; those deep within us that we are usually in denial about. We need to acknowledge them, and bring them out and expose them to the light of day. You already know that, because you're here; but perhaps now you can more readily put the psychological and emotional influence of Bioenergy Tapping into words to explain it to someone else. Of course traditional psychotherapy's purpose is to do just that, rid you of issues that are disrupting your life, but what can take years in talk therapy, has been clinically proven to take much less time to correct through tapping methods.


Below, are scripts for the "Top Ten Reasons for Stress" listed on pages 9-11. These top ten "stressors" umbrella a multitude of reasons for stress, to numerable to mention here, that are specific to each person's life. As you develop your personal setup phrase, be very specific with the emotion that is your personal body or mind issue. This body-mind issue, (BMI) is your focus for Bioenergy Tapping.

Any problem you can think of … know there is discovery and recovery! Years of pain dissolve, as you tap forward in calming resolve. ________________________________________________________________________

SAMPLE SCRIPTS Please remember, these scripts are only a guide to help you see how to develop your own tapping round that states your very own, and very personal emotional feelings. Again, Bioenergy Tapping is done with one index finger, two, three, or more fingertips. Whatever is most comfortable for you. Tap consecutively through the three master end points while repeating your personal setup phrase out loud. Tap each point five to seven seconds before moving horizontally across to the next point. When you complete all three master endpoints, work backwards on the same three points. Do as many rounds as needed to bring greater awareness to your Body-Mind Issue (BMI) . Also consider this: The Movie Technique was developed by EFT founder, Gary Craig, as a way to get very specific about what I have termed your Body-Mind Issue(BMI). His technique is intended to help you successfully tap your way through your issue. Imagine you are the narrator of "the movie" about your own, very personal and specific event. As Nick Ortner says in his bestselling book on EFT tapping, The Tapping Solution, "A movie has a beginning and an end. There are central characters who do and say specific things, and there is usually a crescendo, or peak moment that still holds an energetic charge." As you tell, or narrate your distressing and troubling event, you do not have to tell the details of it out loud; you can do it all in your head as you tap along. As you tell your story, as Nick Ortner also says in his book, "engage all five senses. Focus on the sights, sounds, emotions, and physical feelings. Make it short—three minutes or less." Now that you have identified a specific distressing event, create a title—go ahead and run this short movie in your mind. Evaluate the intensity on the SUDS Scale, from 0 to 10. If it feels overwhelming, or too unsafe to feel the event, you can well-imagine the intensity is a 10. Again, run the movie to yourself in your head, being sure to start where you feel less intense feelings, where you feel reasonably comfortable; and continue to narrate the details of the movie of your event. 23

IMPORTANT: As you move into intense feelings of distress or trauma, begin Bioenergy Tapping as described above. Tapping offers you the opportunity to discover the truth of your feelings, and permission to feel the emotion of your painful or distressing event—you are no longer burying it, or in denial refusing to think about it; instead you are facing it. This is when re-runs in your head bring out new and good things, discovery that leads healing and recovery. Continue tapping, just as described in the previous paragraph, waiting to begin tapping when your intense feelings surface. Lastly, run your movie once more, trying to feel that same intensity or pain—try to get as upset, just as you did when you first narrated your distressing event. Really try to get upset! If you begin to feel it strongly again, tap through your movie/event again. At this point, you might find it helpful to narrate your movie/event out loud, or continue doing it in your mind—again, always stopping to tap through any feelings of distress, doing so until your pain and distress is at zero (SUDS Scale). Continue tapping rather than ignoring your intense feelings and going on. Your feelings about your most distressing issue should take taking only seconds to tell. "If there are several peaks or traumatic moments, or more than one BMI stands out, break each one down into as many three-minute movies as necessary. What will the title be?" (ref. Nick Ortner, The Tapping Solution) Use the movie technique to work through a specific memory or event from your past that has you stuck.



Bioenergy Tapping: Script for Childhood Trauma

Begin to discover your truth. Identify your most distressing Body-Mind Issue (BMI) by thinking of and creating your Setup Phrase.

Example Setup Phrase: Even though I am an adult with a lot of scars from childhood abuse, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

DISCOVERY in the TRUTH ROUND: While repeating your Setup Phrase—at least three times, tap on your master end points, in the same way Bioenergy Tapping is described in the box above.

NEXT: The example of the verbal tapping script below, guides you to get in touch with the problem; this is the issue identified in your Setup Phrase." You need to feel the emotion in your pain. What is the painful emotion you feel? • I just don't want to think about my stepfather because … • It makes me feel helpless … • I couldn't protect myself… • I resent my mother because she didn't protect me… • All this … • I'm holding on to so much … • It's too hard to uncover this pain ... • I don't know how to feel better …

PROCESS OF RECOVERY AND HEALING: Solutions for the distressed feelings you have described just felt and described above: 25

• Releasing all this ___________ in my ___________ ... • Letting go will … • It's really time to let go of what happened … • And it's time to let go of this ___________ … • I am letting it go … • Letting all this ___________ go now … • All this ___________ … • I'm releasing all this ___________ in my ___________ • I can recover from ___________ • I choose to do this because___________, and healing is possible for me since …

ESSENTIAL: After you have finished tapping the three master end points breathe in deeply, exhale – repeat. Let it go… "I choose to live in today, not in the past. I choose to allow love to bring light where there is darkness to overcome…, etc."

RELAX: RATE the intensity of your issue using the 0–10 Subjective Units of Distress Scale, "SUDS" to check your progress. What has changed? Did the emotional pain you are feeling increase or lessen? If it is less, feel grateful. (Is there something else that you feel now that you didn't before? If it is distressing, tap on it separately, starting with a Setup Phrase, just as you did above.)

GOOD: Repeat these steps as often as necessary until you have the results you desire, and feel released, and feel real relief and recovery from the issue identified in your Setup Phrase.


YOU: Reminder to yourself, "I deserve good health—body and mind—and a good life…" (Think or State—a word or words that are meaningful to you that reflect a positive solution to your issue—BMI). Say this and feel it: I deeply and completely love and accept myself.


Bioenergy Tapping: Script for the Death of a Loved One

Begin to discover your truth. Identify your most distressing Body-Mind Issue (BMI) by thinking of and creating your Setup Phrase.

Example Setup Phrase: Even though I am I am overwhelmed with grief that won't let up, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

DISCOVERY in the TRUTH ROUND: While repeating your Setup Phrase—at least three times, tap on your master end points, in the same way Bioenergy Tapping is described in the box on page 23.

NEXT: The example of the verbal tapping script below, guides you to get in touch with the problem; this is the issue identified in your Setup Phrase." You need to feel the emotion in your pain. What is the painful emotion you feel? • I am overwhelmed … • I am so sad… • I am confused and out-of-it … • I'm scared about what to do next… 27

• I feel guilty because of our last argument… • All this is too much … • I'm frustrated with things people say to try to help me… • It's too hard to get rid of this pain ... • I don't know how to feel better …

PROCESS OF RECOVERY AND HEALING: Solutions for the sad, overwhelmed and distressed feelings you have felt and expressed above: • The process of grief takes time, so I will ___________ and ___________ ... • I can face one day at a time. That will help me … • It's really time to see friends and ___________ … • And it's time to let go of my resentment ___________ … • I am letting it go … • I choose to try and ___________ … • All this is ___________ … • I'm releasing all this ___________ and ___________ • I can recover from ___________ • I choose to do this because___________; and a good life is possible for me since…

ESSENTIAL: After you have finished tapping the three master end points breathe in deeply, exhale – repeat. Let it go… "I choose to live in today, not in the past, or in fear about tomorrow. I choose to laugh more when there are hard things to overcome…, etc."


RELAX: RATE the intensity of your issue using the 0–10 Subjective Units of Distress Scale, "SUDS" to check your progress. What has changed? Did the emotional pain you are feeling increase or lessen? If it is less, feel grateful. (Is there something else that you feel now that you didn't before? If it is distressing, tap on it separately, starting with a Setup Phrase, just as you did above.)

GOOD: Repeat these steps as often as necessary until you have the results you desire, and feel released, and feel real relief and recovery from the issue identified in your Setup Phrase.

YOU: Reminder to yourself, "I deserve good health—body and mind—and a good life…" (Think or State—a word or words that are meaningful to you that reflect a positive solution to your issue—BMI). Say this and feel it: I deeply and completely love and accept myself.


Bioenergy Tapping: Script for Divorce

Begin to discover your truth. Identify your most distressing Body-Mind Issue (BMI) by thinking of and creating your Setup Phrase.

Example Setup Phrase: Even though I am I am shocked and heartbroken over the reality that I am getting a divorce, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

DISCOVERY in the TRUTH ROUND: While repeating your Setup Phrase—at least three times, tap on your master end points, in the same way Bioenergy Tapping is described in the box on page 23. 29

NEXT: The example of the verbal tapping script below, guides you to get in touch with the problem; this is the issue identified in your Setup Phrase." You need to feel the emotion in your pain. What is the painful emotion you feel? • I am stunned … • I am so hurt… • I am confused about how I didn't see this coming … • I'm scared about what to do next… • I am over-run with self-criticism… • All this is too much … • I'm frustrated when everybody around me has "normal" lives… • It's too hard to get rid of this pain ... • I don't know how to feel better … I just want to cry…

PROCESS OF RECOVERY AND HEALING: Solutions for the hurt, confused and distressed feelings you have felt and expressed above: • I know I wasn't perfect; I will try to accept that and __________ ... • I can face one day at a time. That will help me … • It's really time to forgive the ___________ … • And it's time to let go of my cynical feelings and ___________ … • I am letting it go … • I choose to try to ___________ … • All this is ___________ … • I'm releasing all this ___________ and ___________ … 30

• I can recover from ___________ … • I choose to do this because___________; and a good life is possible for me since…

ESSENTIAL: After you have finished tapping the three master end points breathe in deeply, exhale – repeat. Let it go… "I choose to live in today, not in the past, or in fear about tomorrow. I choose to laugh more when there are hard things to overcome…, etc."

RELAX: RATE the intensity of your issue using the 0–10 Subjective Units of Distress Scale, "SUDS" to check your progress. What has changed? Did the emotional pain you are feeling increase or lessen? If it is less, feel grateful. (Is there something else that you feel now that you didn't before? If it is distressing, tap on it separately, starting with a Setup Phrase, just as you did above.)

GOOD: Repeat these steps as often as necessary until you have the results you desire, and feel released, and feel real relief and recovery from the issue identified in your Setup Phrase.

YOU: Reminder to yourself, "I deserve good health—body and mind—and a good life…" (Think or State—a word or words that are meaningful to you that reflect a positive solution to your issue—BMI). Say this and feel it: I deeply and completely love and accept myself.


Bioenergy Tapping: Script for Finances or Lost Job

Begin to discover your truth. Identify your most distressing Body-Mind Issue (BMI) by thinking of and creating your Setup Phrase. 31

Example Setup Phrase: Even though I am I lost my job and feel embarrassed and inadequate, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

DISCOVERY in the TRUTH ROUND: While repeating your Setup Phrase—at least three times, tap on your master end points, in the same way Bioenergy Tapping is described in the box on page 23.

NEXT: The example of the verbal tapping script below, guides you to get in touch with the problem; this is the issue identified in your Setup Phrase." You need to feel the emotion in your pain. What is the painful emotion you feel? • I feel like a loser … • I am so nervous about finding a new job… • I can already see the bills piling up … • I'm scared about what to do next… • I'm consumed with self-doubt… • All this is just too much right now … • I'm frustrated when I see everybody else's success… • It's too hard to feel confident again ... • I don't know how to feel better … I just want to hide away and…

PROCESS OF RECOVERY AND HEALING: Solutions for the hurt, confused and distressed feelings you have felt and expressed above: • I know there has to be another job out there, I just need to __________ … • I will do one thing every day, like __________ ... • I can take it one day at a time. That will help me … 32

• It's really time to get on with it and ___________ … • And it's time to let go of my embarrassment and pride and ___________ … • I am letting it go … • I choose to try to ___________ … • All this can bring the best out in me if I ___________ … • I'm releasing all this ___________ and ___________ … • I choose to think there is something better out there if I just ___________ … • I choose to do this because___________; and a good life is possible for me since…

ESSENTIAL: After you have finished tapping the three master end points breathe in deeply, exhale – repeat. Let it go… "I choose to make the most of today, make positive choices, and trust tomorrow a door will open. I will take action to…, etc."

RELAX: RATE the intensity of your issue using the 0–10 Subjective Units of Distress Scale, "SUDS" to check your progress. What has changed? Did the emotional pain you are feeling increase or lessen? If it is less, feel grateful. (Is there something else that you feel now that you didn't before? If it is distressing, tap on it separately, starting with a Setup Phrase, just as you did above.)

GOOD: Repeat these steps as often as necessary until you have the results you desire, and feel released, and feel real relief and recovery from the issue identified in your Setup Phrase.

YOU: Reminder to yourself, "I deserve good health—body and mind—and a good life…" (Think or State—a word or words that are meaningful to you that reflect a positive solution to your issue—BMI). Say this and try to feel it: I deeply and completely love and accept myself.


Bioenergy Tapping: Script for Personal Relationships

Begin to discover your truth. Identify your most distressing Body-Mind Issue (BMI) by thinking of and creating your Setup Phrase.

Example Setup Phrase: Even though I am confused and getting bitter about what's happening in our relationship, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

DISCOVERY in the TRUTH ROUND: While repeating your Setup Phrase—at least three times, tap on your master end points, in the same way Bioenergy Tapping is described in the box on page 23.

NEXT: The example of the verbal tapping script below, guides you to get in touch with the problem; this is the issue identified in your Setup Phrase." You need to feel the emotion in your pain. What is the painful emotion you feel? • I feel like screaming in frustration … • I am resenting the times… • I can see us spiraling down further … • I'm scared about what to do next… • I'm consumed with self-doubt… • All this is just too much right now … • I'm frustrated when I see everybody else's happiness… • It's too hard to trust my feelings about ... • I don't know how to feel better … I just want to pull the covers up over my head …


PROCESS OF RECOVERY AND HEALING: Solutions for the hurt, confused and distressed feelings you have felt and expressed above: • I know there has to be an answer to __________ … • I will start to see what is __________ ... • I can take it one day at a time. That will help me … • It's really time to quit blaming and ___________ … • And it's time to let go of my embarrassment and pride and ___________ … • I am letting it go … • I choose to try to ___________ … • All this can bring some new maturity out in me if I ___________ … • I'm releasing all this ___________ and ___________ … • I choose to think I can be a better person if I will ___________ … • I can do this because I___________; and a good life is possible for me since…

ESSENTIAL: After you have finished tapping the three master end points breathe in deeply, exhale – repeat. Let it go… "I choose to live in today, make positive choices, and trust tomorrow will show me something I need to know. I will try to remember to…, etc."

RELAX: RATE the intensity of your issue using the 0–10 Subjective Units of Distress Scale, "SUDS" to check your progress. What has changed? Did the emotional pain you are feeling increase or lessen? If it is less, feel grateful. (Is there something else that you feel now that you didn't before? If it is distressing, tap on it separately, starting with a Setup Phrase, just as you did above.)


GOOD: Repeat these steps as often as necessary until you have the results you desire, and feel released, and feel real relief and recovery from the issue identified in your Setup Phrase.

YOU: Reminder to yourself, "I deserve good health—body and mind—and a good life…" (Think or State—a word or words that are meaningful to you that reflect a positive solution to your issue—BMI). Say this and try to feel it: I deeply and completely love and accept myself.


Bioenergy Tapping: Script for Health

Begin to discover your truth. Identify your most distressing Body-Mind Issue (BMI) by thinking of and creating your Setup Phrase.

Example Setup Phrase: Even though I have been unable to sleep for months, and feel awful, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

DISCOVERY in the TRUTH ROUND: While repeating your Setup Phrase—at least three times, tap on your master end points, in the same way Bioenergy Tapping is described in the box on page 23.

NEXT: The example of the verbal tapping script below, guides you to get in touch with the problem; this is the issue identified in your Setup Phrase." You need to feel the emotion in your pain. What is the painful emotion you feel? • I feel like I can't get through the day … • I am so tired of being tired, and tired of nothing works to help me sleep… 36

• I can really see that I have a short fuse … • I'm feeling like a zombie… • I'm consumed with anxiety that is adding to the problem… • All this is just too much right now … • I'm really not feeling well… • It's too hard to fake enthusiasm that I don't have the energy for ... • I don't know how to feel better … I just want to sleep forever or…

PROCESS OF RECOVERY AND HEALING: Solutions for the hurt, confused and distressed feelings you have felt and expressed above: • I know there has to be a way to __________ … • I will do one healthy sleep thing every day, and __________ ... • I can take it one day at a time. That will help me … • It's really time to get over this anxiousness, and ___________ … • And it's time to make time for myself, so I can wind down and ___________ … • I am letting it go of concern over it … • I choose to try to ___________ … • All this can bring good changes in me if I ___________ … • I'm releasing all this ___________ and ___________ … • I choose to think there is good nights of sleep ahead if I just ___________ … • I choose to do this because___________; and a good life is possible for me since…


ESSENTIAL: After you have finished tapping the three master end points breathe in deeply, exhale – repeat. Let it go… "I choose to live in today, make positive lifestyle choices, and relax. Before bed, I will…, etc."

RELAX: RATE the intensity of your issue using the 0–10 Subjective Units of Distress Scale, "SUDS" to check your progress. What has changed? Did the emotional pain you are feeling increase or lessen? If it is less, feel grateful. (Is there something else that you feel now that you didn't before? If it is distressing, tap on it separately, starting with a Setup Phrase, just as you did above.)

GOOD: Repeat these steps as often as necessary until you have the results you desire, and feel released, and feel real relief and recovery from the issue identified in your Setup Phrase.

YOU: Reminder to yourself, "I deserve good health—body and mind—and a good life…" (Think or State—a word or words that are meaningful to you that reflect a positive solution to your issue—BMI). Say this and try to feel it: I deeply and completely love and accept myself.


Bioenergy Tapping: Script for Pain

Begin to discover your truth. Identify your most distressing Body-Mind Issue (BMI) by thinking of and creating your Setup Phrase.

Example Setup Phrase: Even though I've had this constant pain in my back for months now, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.


DISCOVERY in the TRUTH ROUND: While repeating your Setup Phrase—at least three times, tap on your master end points, in the same way Bioenergy Tapping is described in the box on page 23.

NEXT: The example of the verbal tapping script below, guides you to get in touch with the problem; this is the issue identified in your Setup Phrase." You need to feel the emotion in your pain. What is the painful emotion you feel? • I am so tired of hurting … • I am so hopeless about… • I can already see the weight gain … • I'm baffled about where to find help for… • I'm unable to live any kind of normal life… • All this is just too much right now … • I'm frustrated when I see everybody else walking and biking… • It's hard to feel confident I will get over this ... • I don't know how to feel better … I just want the pain to stop …

PROCESS OF RECOVERY AND HEALING: Solutions for the hurt, confused and distressed feelings you have felt and expressed above: • I know there has to be a reason for this pain __________ … • I will seek out other medical options, like __________ ... • I can take it one hour, one day at a time. That will help me … • It's really time to get over my doom and gloom and ___________ … • And it's time to let go of feeling like ___________ … and ___________… 39

• I am letting it go of this … • I will choose to try and ___________ … • All this can bring the best out in me if I ___________ … • I'm releasing all this ___________ and ___________ … • I choose to think there is some help for me out there; I will ___________ … • I choose to do this because___________; and a good life is possible for me since…

ESSENTIAL: After you have finished tapping the three master end points breathe in deeply, exhale – repeat. Let it go… "I choose to live in this moment, remain hopeful, and trust one day soon my back will be healed. I will be sure to…, etc."

RELAX: RATE the intensity of your issue using the 0–10 Subjective Units of Distress Scale, "SUDS" to check your progress. What has changed? Did the emotional pain you are feeling increase or lessen? If it is less, feel grateful. (Is there something else that you feel now that you didn't before? If it is distressing, tap on it separately, starting with a Setup Phrase, just as you did above.)

GOOD: Repeat these steps as often as necessary until you have the results you desire, and feel released, and feel real relief and recovery from the issue identified in your Setup Phrase.

YOU: Reminder to yourself, "I deserve good health—body and mind—and a good life…" (Think or State—a word or words that are meaningful to you that reflect a positive solution to your issue—BMI). Say this and try to feel it: I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Bioenergy Tapping: Script for Pregnancy

Begin to discover your truth. 40

Identify your most distressing Body-Mind Issue (BMI) by thinking of and creating your Setup Phrase.

Example Setup Phrase: Even though I am consumed in this weird fear about me being sick or dying during my pregnancy, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

DISCOVERY in the TRUTH ROUND: While repeating your Setup Phrase—at least three times, tap on your master end points, in the same way Bioenergy Tapping is described in the box on page 23.

NEXT: The example of the verbal tapping script below, guides you to get in touch with the problem; this is the issue identified in your Setup Phrase." You need to feel the emotion in your pain. What is the painful emotion you feel? • I feel like a crazy person … • I am so nervous about it, that's all I think about … • I can already see how awful life will be … • I'm scared about telling anybody because it's… • I'm consumed with fear all the time and I… • All this is just too much right now with … • I'm frustrated, I can't even enjoy my pregnancy… • It's too hard to feel my confident self again, I ... • I don't know how to feel better … I don't know what's wrong; it's scary…

PROCESS OF RECOVERY AND HEALING: Solutions for the hurt, confused and distressed feelings you have felt and expressed above: • I know there has to be a reason why I'm thinking this way, so I will __________ … 41

• I will do one thing every day that brightens my spirits, like __________ ... • I can take it one day at a time. That will help me … • It's really time to quit worrying about tomorrow and ___________ … • And it's time to let go of my embarrassment and tell how ___________ … • I am letting it go so I can enjoy today and … • I choose to try to ___________ … • All this will ___________ … • I'm releasing all this ___________ and ___________ … • I choose to think find someone who can help me ___________ … • I choose to do this because___________; and a good life is possible for me since…

ESSENTIAL: After you have finished tapping the three master end points breathe in deeply, exhale – repeat. Let it go… "I choose to live in today, control things I can, and trust something I learn tomorrow will explain why I feel so weird. I cannot be the only one who …, etc."

RELAX: RATE the intensity of your issue using the 0–10 Subjective Units of Distress Scale, "SUDS" to check your progress. What has changed? Did the emotional pain you are feeling increase or lessen? If it is less, feel grateful. (Is there something else that you feel now that you didn't before? If it is distressing, tap on it separately, starting with a Setup Phrase, just as you did above.)

GOOD: Repeat these steps as often as necessary until you have the results you desire, and feel released, and feel real relief and recovery from the issue identified in your Setup Phrase.


YOU: Reminder to yourself, "I deserve good health—body and mind—and a good life…" (Think or State—a word or words that are meaningful to you that reflect a positive solution to your issue—BMI). Say this and try to feel it: I deeply and completely love and accept myself.


Bioenergy Tapping: Script for Chronically Ill Child

Begin to discover your truth. Identify your most distressing Body-Mind Issue (BMI) by thinking of and creating your Setup Phrase.

Example Setup Phrase: Even though I admit that I am jealous of mother's who don't have a chronically ill child, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

DISCOVERY in the TRUTH ROUND: While repeating your Setup Phrase—at least three times, tap on your master end points, in the same way Bioenergy Tapping is described in the box on page 23.

NEXT: The example of the verbal tapping script below, guides you to get in touch with the problem; this is the issue identified in your Setup Phrase." You need to feel the emotion in your pain. What is the painful emotion you feel? • I feel like I'm not a good person or mother since I feel this way … • I am so caught up in self-pity, I can't … • I am scared how we can pay all these medical bills, and … • I'm scared about what to do next for him/her… 43

• I'm shallow and weak… • All this is just too much right now … • I'm frustrated when I can't feel like I can do enough… • It's too hard to feel authentically happy again ... • I don't know how to feel better … I'm not strong enough to do this… and…

PROCESS OF RECOVERY AND HEALING: Solutions for the hurt, confused and distressed feelings you have felt and expressed above: • Even though I feel these ways, I just need to __________ … • I will do one thing every day, like __________ ... • I can take it one day at a time. That will help me … • It's really time to get on with it and ___________ … • And it's time to let go of my feelings of weakness and accept ___________ … • I am letting it go … • I choose to try to ___________ … • All this can bring the best out in me if I ___________ … • I'm releasing all this ___________ and ___________ … • I choose to think my child will help me grow due to this challenging ___________ … • I want to do this because___________; and a good life is possible for my child since…

ESSENTIAL: After you have finished tapping the three master end points breathe in deeply, exhale – repeat. Let it go… "I choose to live in today, think about what is, not isn't, and trust tomorrow will bring good things to my child and me. I will try to…, etc." 44

RELAX: RATE the intensity of your issue using the 0–10 Subjective Units of Distress Scale, "SUDS" to check your progress. What has changed? Did the emotional pain you are feeling increase or lessen? If it is less, feel grateful. (Is there something else that you feel now that you didn't before? If it is distressing, tap on it separately, starting with a Setup Phrase, just as you did above.)

GOOD: Repeat these steps as often as necessary until you have the results you desire, and feel released, and feel real relief and recovery from the issue identified in your Setup Phrase.

YOU: Reminder to yourself, "I deserve good health—body and mind—and a good life…" (Think or State—a word or words that are meaningful to you that reflect a positive solution to your issue—BMI). Say this and try to feel it: I deeply and completely love and accept myself.


Bioenergy Tapping: Script for Danger (Real or Imagined)

Begin to discover your truth. Identify your most distressing Body-Mind Issue (BMI) by thinking of and creating your Setup Phrase.

Example Setup Phrase: Even though I feel scared to death whenever I'm in the dark, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

DISCOVERY in the TRUTH ROUND: While repeating your Setup Phrase—at least three times, tap on your master end points, in the same way Bioenergy Tapping is described in the box on page 23.


NEXT: The example of the verbal tapping script below, guides you to get in touch with the problem; this is the issue identified in your Setup Phrase." You need to feel the emotion in your pain. What is the painful emotion you feel? • I feel like a child … • I am so humiliated to admit that I … • I can already see people's reaction if I … • I'm scared about what to do about it, even if … • I'm consumed with imagining all kinds of things; they… • All this is just too much right now … • I'm truly fearful to go out at night, so I can't … • It's too hard to feel confident or myself again, so ... • I don't know how to feel better … I just want to avoid darkness; crazy …

PROCESS OF RECOVERY AND HEALING: Solutions for the hurt, confused and distressed feelings you have felt and expressed above: • I know there has to be a reason for this, I need to find __________ … • I will accept that I'm feeling this way and __________ ... • I can take it one day at a time. That will help me … • It's really can overcome this if I will just ___________ … • And it's time to let go of my embarrassment and tell ___________ … • I am letting it go … • I choose to try to ___________ … • All this can make me stronger if I ___________ … 46

• I'm releasing all this ___________ and ___________ … • I choose to think this is temporary, it's going to ___________ … • I choose to feel this way because___________; and a good life is possible for me since…

ESSENTIAL: After you have finished tapping the three master end points breathe in deeply, exhale – repeat. Let it go… "I choose to live in today, accept I am fearful, and trust I can get help to understand it, so I can get over it. I will even try to…, etc."

RELAX: RATE the intensity of your issue using the 0–10 Subjective Units of Distress Scale, "SUDS" to check your progress. What has changed? Did the emotional pain you are feeling increase or lessen? If it is less, feel grateful. (Is there something else that you feel now that you didn't before? If it is distressing, tap on it separately, starting with a Setup Phrase, just as you did above.)

GOOD: Repeat these steps as often as necessary until you have the results you desire, and feel released, and feel real relief and recovery from the issue identified in your Setup Phrase.

YOU: Reminder to yourself, "I deserve good health—body and mind—and a good life…" (Think or State—a word or words that are meaningful to you that reflect a positive solution to your issue—BMI). Say this and try to feel it: I deeply and completely love and accept myself.