Biodiversity and Evolution

CHAPTER 4 Biodiversity and Evolution Core Case Study: Why Should We Care about the American Alligator? What has happened to the American Alligator p...
Author: Jody Heath
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Biodiversity and Evolution

Core Case Study: Why Should We Care about the American Alligator? What has happened to the American Alligator population since 1930? Why should we care?

4-1: What Is Biodiversity and Why Is It Important? BiodiversitySpecies DiversityEcosystem DiversityFunctional DiversityGenetic Diversity4-2: Where Do Species Come From? How do we have so much biodiversity? Use the term natural selection in your answer.

How does the fossil record prove organisms have changed over time? How does the genetic makeup of a population change over time? Explain how individuals that have a beneficial trait are able to survive to reproduce.

Give 3 reasons why humans are such a powerful species. 4-3: How Do Geological Processes and Climate Change Affect Evolution? _____________ plates have drifted apart over time, which has 2 major effects on evolution: 1. 2. How have earthquakes and volcanoes affected evolution? How has climate change affected natural selection?

4-4: How Do Speciation, Extinction, and Human Activities Affect Biodiversity? SpeciationCommon Mechanisms for Speciation: 1. Geographic Isolation2. Reproductive IsolationExtinctionEndemic SpeciesBackground ExtinctionMass Extinction-

4-5: What Is Species Diversity and Why Is It Important? Species Diversity (aka species ________________)Science Focus: Species Richness on Islands Why do large islands tend to have more species than small islands? Why are species-rich ecosystems sustainable?

4-6: What Roles Do Species Play in an Ecosystem? What happens if two species try to occupy the same niche?

Generalist Species


Specialist Species

Cockroaches are ___________________. How has this helped them to survive forever? Native Species


Invasive Species

What are indicator species and why are they important? Give an example.

Describe 3 reasons why amphibians are vanishing: 1. 2. 3. What are keystone species and why are they important? Give an example.

What are foundation species and why are they important? Give an example.


Biodiversity, Species Interactions, & Population Control

Core Case Study: Southern Sea Otters: Are they back from the brink of extinction? Why did the sea otters become nearly extinct by the early 1900s? How has their population been able to recover since the 1930s?

Why should we care about sea otters? 1. 2. 3. 5-1: How Do Species Interact? Species Interact in 5 Major Ways: Interaction Definition 1. Interspecific Competition


2. Predation

3. Parasitism

4. Mutualism

5. Commensalism

The most common interaction between species is ______________________ for ____________________ ________________________. Explain the Competitive Exclusion Principle. Predators may capture prey by: 1. Walking 2. Swimming 3. Flying 4. Pursuit and ______________5. Camouflage6. _______________ WarfarePrey may avoid capture by: 1. Camouflage2. Chemical Warfare3. Warning Coloration2 rules for evaluating possible danger of unknown organisms: 1. 2. 4. Mimicry5. Deceptive Looks6. Deceptive BehaviorWhy are predators so important? Describe an example of coevolution.

5-2: How Can Natural Selection Reduce Competition between Species? Explain how the different types of warblers represent resource partitioning.

Why is it important that species 1 and 2 evolved, as shown in the graph below?

5-3: What Limits the Growth of Populations? Population dynamics is the study of ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________. Populations are distributed usually in 3 general patterns: 1. Why would populations want to clump together?

2. 3. Four variables that govern changes in population size 1. 2. 3. 4. Population change= Age Structure1. Pre-reproductive stage2. Reproductive stage3. Post-reproductive stageThe size of a population will increase if is made of individuals that are mostly in their __________________________________________________. Growth pattern terms to know: 1. Biotic Potential2. Intrinsic Rate of Increase (r)3. Environmental Resistance4. Carrying Capacity5. Logistic Growthr-selected species


K-selected species

Label the following on the graph: 1. Carrying Capacity 2. K-selected species 3. R-selected species Explain why the cockroach is ___ selected. Explain why the hippo is ___ selected.

Factors that play a role in the loss of genetic diversity and the survival of small, isolated populations: 1. Founder Effect2. Demographic Bottleneck3. Genetic Drift4. InbreedingPopulation DensityDensity-dependent population controls: Density-independent population controls: Four Patterns of Variation in Population Size: 1. Stable2. Irruptive3. Cyclic (Boom and Bust Cycles)4. Irregular-

Explain the population cycles for the snowshoe hare and Canada lynx using the graph below.

Describe 2 examples from history that have controlled human populations. 1. 2. 5-4: How Do Communities and Ecosystems Respond to Changing Environmental Conditions?

Ecological SuccessionPrimary Succession-

Secondary Succession-

Label the following diagrams of succession as primary or secondary AND explain why.

What is a climax community?