Bibliography (general bibliography on European law) 1

Author: Piers Harmon
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Spring Semester 2010



Bibliography (general bibliography on European law) 1

Preliminary remark Since the Treaty of Lisbon has entered into force in December 2009, most textbooks, commentaries, handbooks and other publications on European Union law are not up to date anymore. There have been extensive and far-reaching changes, in particular concerning the institutions of the Union and the protection of fundamental rights. Therefore, it is recommended to use primarily new books or new editions, which have been published in 2010.

A. Textbooks I. For introduction and repetition Adam, Roberto Tizzano, Antonio

Lineamenti di diritto dell'Unione europea, 2008

Arndt, Hans-Wolfgang Fischer, Kristian

Europarecht, 9th edition 2008 (with CD-ROM)

Cygan, Adam Szyszak, Erika

Understanding EU Law, 2nd edition 2008

Davies, Karen

Understanding European Union Law, 3rd edition 2007

Doerfert, Carsten

Europarecht. Die Grundlagen der Europäischen Union mit ihren politischen und wirtschaftlichen Bezügen, 4th edition 2010

Favret, Jean Marc

L'essentiel de l'Union européenne et du droit communautaire, 9th edition 2009

Folsom, Ralph H.

European Union Law in a Nutshell, 6th edition 2008

Folsom, Ralph H.

Principles of European Union Law, 2nd edition 2009

Foster, Nigel

Foster on EU Law, 2nd edition 2009

Gaja, Giorgio Adinolfi, Adelina

Introduzione al diritto dell'Unione europea, new edition 2010

Gatawis, Siegbert Broks, Edmunds Bule, Zane

Eiropas tiesības, 2002

Gautron, Jean-Claude

Droit européen, 13th edition 2009

Owen, Richard

Essential European Community Law, 3rd edition 2006

1 See also the special bibliography for this course. For more references to legal literature in German language see the

general bibliography at

- Bibliography (general bibliography on European law), page 2 -

Roux, Jérôme

Droit général de l'Union européenne, 2nd edition 2008

Torrent Ruiz, Armando

Fundamentos del Derecho Europeo, 2007

Wallis, Richard

Guide to European Union Law and Institutions, 2nd edition 2010

II. For comprehensive information Alehno, Ivo Buka, Arnis Butkevičs, Jānis Jarinovska, Kristīne Škoba, Laine

Ievads Eiropas Savienības tiesībās (Tiesu prakse un komentāri), 2nd edition 2004

Assumma, Giorgio, Mari, Gaia Riffero, Giovanni

Manuale di diritto dell'Unione Europea, 2009

Ballarino, Tito

Manuel breve di diritto dell'Unione europea, 2nd edition 2007

Berry, Elspeth Hargreaves, Sylvia

European Union Law, 2nd edition 2007

Bieber, Roland Epiney, Astrid Haag, Marcel

Die Europäische Union. Europarecht und Politik, 8th edition 2008

Blūzma, Valdis Buka, Arnis Deksnis, Eduards Bruno Jarinovska, Kristīne Jundze, Inese Jundzis, Tālavs Levits, Egils

Eiropas tiesības, 2nd edition 2007

Borchardt, Klaus-Dieter

Die rechtlichen Grundlagen der Europäischen Union, 3rd edition 2006

Bou Franch, Valentín Cervera Vallterra, María and others

El derecho de la Unión Europea, 2007

Clergerie, Jean-Louis Gruber, Annie Rambaud, Patrick

L´union européenne, 7th edition 2008

Fairhurst, John

Law of the European Union, 7th edition 2010

Girolamo, Strozzi

Diritto dell'Unione Europea. Parte istituzionale. Dal trattato di Roma al trattato di Lisbona, 2009

Haltern, Ulrich

Europarecht. Dogmatik im Kontext, 2nd edition 2007

Hartley, Trevor

The Foundations of European Union Law, 7th edition 2010 [coming in summer 2010]

Herdegen, Matthias

Europarecht, 12th edition 2010

Hobe, Stephan

Europarecht, 5th edition 2010

Horspool, Margot Humphreys, Matthew

European Union Law, 6th edition 2010 [coming in summer 2010]

Isaac, Guy Blanquet, Marc

Droit général de l'Union européenne, 9th edition 2006

Jacqué, Jean Paul

Droit institutionnel de l'Union européenne, 5th edition 2009

Kaczorowska, Alina

European Union Law, 2008

Kent, Penelope

Law of European Union, 2008

Laffranque, Julia

Euroopa Liidu õigussüsteem ja Eesti õiguse koht selles, 2006

Mathijsen, Petrus S.R.F.

A Guide to European Union Law, 10th edition 2010

- Bibliography (general bibliography on European law), page 3 -

Natale, Elpidio Verrilli Antonio

Compendio di diritto dell'Unione europea (diritto comunitario), 2nd edition 2010

Reich, Norbert

Understanding EU Law. Objectives, Principles and Methods of Community Law, 2nd edition 2005

Steiner, Josephine Woods, Lorna Twigg-Flesner, Christian

EU Law, 10th edition 2009

Streinz, Rudolf

Europarecht, 8th edition 2008

Tillotson, John Cygan, Adam

Text, Cases and Materials on European Union Law, 5th edition 2007

III. For scientific studies Arnull, Anthony Dashwood, Alan Ross, Malcolm Wyatt, Derrick Spaventa, Eleanor Dougan, Michael

Wyatt & Dashwood's European Union Law, 5th edition 2006

Chalmers, Damian Davies, Gareth Monti, Giorgio

European Union Law. Text and Materials, 2nd edition 2010

Craig, Paul Búrca, Gráinne de

EU Law. Text, Cases and Materials, 4th edition 2007

Díez Moreno, Fernando

Manual de derecho de la Unión europea, 5th edition 2009

Kapteyn, P. J. G. McDonnell, A. M. Mortelmans, K. J. M. Timmermans, C. W. A. (editors)

The Law of the European Union and the European Communities, 4th edition 2009

Lenaerts, Koen Nuffel, Piet van

Constitutional law of the European Union, 3rd edition 2010 [coming in summer 2010]

Mangas Martín, Araceli Liñán Nogueras, Diego J.

Instituciones y derecho de la Unión Europea, 6 th edition 2010

Oppermann, Thomas Classen, Claus Dieter Nettesheim, Martin

Europarecht, 4th edition 2009 [see also the 2nd edition in Estonian translation, Euroopa õigus, 2002]

Rideau, Joël

Droit institutionnel de l'Union et des communautés européennes, 5th edition 2006

Schweizer, Michael Hummer, Waldemar Obwexer, Walter

Europarecht. Das Recht der Europäischen Union, 2007

Vincenzo, Guizzi

Manuale di diritto e politica dell'Unione Europea, 3rd edition 2003

Verrilli, Antonio (editor)

Diritto dell' Unione europea: aspetti istituzionali e politiche comuni, 15th edition 2007

IV. On EU Internal Market Law Barnard, Catherine

The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedoms, 3rd edition 2010 [coming in summer 2010]

Davies, Gareth

European Union internal market law, 3rd edition 2006

Dubois, Louis Blumann, Claude

Droit matériel de l'Union européenne, 5th edition 2009

- Bibliography (general bibliography on European law), page 4 -

Dutheil de la Rochère, Jacqueline

Droit matériel de l'Union européenne, 3rd edition 2006

Ehlers, Dirk (editor)

Europäische Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten, 3rd edition 2009 = European Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, 2007

Epiney, Astrid Meyer, Annekathrin Mosters, Robert

Europarecht, Teil 2: Die Grundfreiheiten des EG-Vertrages, 2nd edition 2007

Gormley, Laurence

EU Law of Free Movement of Goods and Customs Union, 2009

Hailbronner, Kay Jochum, Gerhard

Europarecht II. Binnenmarkt und Grundfreiheiten, 2006

Kilian, Wolfgang

Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht, 3rd edition 2008

Korah, Valentine

An Introductory Guide to EC Competition Law and Practice, 2007

Lyons, Timothy

EC Customs Law, 2nd edition 2008

Maubernard, Christophe

Droit matériel de l'Union européenne, 2007

Pache, Eckhardt

Fallhandbuch Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht. Lehr- und Studienbuch anhand der EuGH-Rechtsprechung unter Berücksichtigung des Vertrags von Lissabon, 2nd edition 2010 [textbook strongly based on jurisprudence]

B. Commentaries (article-by-article presentation) Calliess, Christian Ruffert, Matthias (editors)

Kommentar des Vertrages über die Europäische Union und des Vertrages zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft - EUV/EGV -, 2nd edition 2002 [see also the 3rd edition: EUV/EGV. Das Verfassungsrecht der Europäischen Union mit Europäischer Grundrechtecharta, 2007; note, however, that these Treaties do not represent a Constitution of the European Union and that the Charter of Fundamental Rights has not become legally binding before December 2009]

Calliess, Christian Ruffert, Matthias (editors)

Verfassung der Europäischen Union. Kommentar der Grundlagenbestimmungen, 2006

Dabbah, Maher M.

EC and UK Competition Law. Commentary, Cases and Materials, 2004

Geiger, Rudolf Khan, Daniel-Erasmus Kotzur, Markus

EUV/AEUV. Vertrag über die Europäische Union. Vertrag über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union, 5th edition 2010 [coming in summer 2010]

Grabitz, Eberhard Hilf, Meinhard (editors)

Das Recht der Europäischen Union (loose-leaf edition), volume 1 - 5, 40th edition 2010

Groeben, Hans von der Schwarze, Jürgen (editors)

Kommentar zum Vertrag über die Europäische Union und zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, 6th edition, volume 1 - 4, 2003 - 2004

Hailbronner, Kay Wilms, Heinrich

Recht der Europäischen Union (loose-leaf edition), 2008

Lenz, Carl Otto Borchardt, Klaus-Dieter (editors)

EU-Verträge. Kommentar, 5. Auflage 2010

Meyer, Jürgen (editor)

Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union, 3rd edition 2010 [coming soon]

Pingel, Isabelle (editor)

De Rome à Lisbonne: Commentaire article par article des traités UE et CE, 2nd edition 2010

Pocar, Fausto (editor)

Commentario breve ai trattati della Comunità e dell'Unione Europea, 2001

Priollaud, François Siritzky, David

Le traité de Lisbonne. Commentaire, article par article, des nouveaux traités européens (TUE et TFUE), 2008

Sauron, Jean-Luc

Comprendre le Traité de Lisbonne: Texte consolidé intégrale des traités, explications et commentaires, 2007

- Bibliography (general bibliography on European law), page 5 -

Schwarze, Jürgen (editor)

EU-Kommentar, 2nd edition 2009

Smit, Hans Herzog, Peter Campbell, Christian Zagel, Gudrun (editors)

The Law of the European Union (loose-leaf edition), volume 1 and 2, 2005

Streinz, Rudolf (editor)

EUV/EGV. Vertrag über die Europäische Union und Vertrag zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, 2003

Tettinger, Peter Stern, Klaus (editors)

Kölner Gemeinschaftskommentar zur Europäischen Grundrechte-Charta, 2006

Vedder, Christoph Heintschel von Heinegg, Wolff (editors)

Europäisches Unionsrecht. EUV, AEUV, Grundrechte-Charta, Handkommentar, 2010 [coming in summer 2010]

C. Works of reference, encyclopaedias and handbooks (for legal practitioners and for scientific research) European Commission [EiropasKomisija] (editor)

Glossary, (explanation of numerous legal and political terms)

Schmitz, Thomas (editor)

Eiropas tiesību pamattermini / Grundwortschatz Europarecht / Basic Vocabulary of European Union Law, 2009, Grundwortschatz/Eiropas_tiesibu_pamattermini.htm (legal dictionary German, English, Latvian)

Dauses, Manfred A. (editor)

Handbuch des EU-Wirtschaftsrechts (loose-leaf edition), 1998 ff.

Debard, Thierry Dictionnaire du droit de l'Union européenne, 2nd edition 2007 Le Baut-Ferrarèse, Bernadette Nourissat, Cyril Eberts, Dōnats Freija, Ieva Jarve, Kristīne Jerņeva, Jūlija Lutere-Timmele, Dace Pāvila, Debora Rone, Dana Rūķe, Ilona Vasariņš, Normunds

Eiropas Savienības tiesību piemērošana. Rokasgrāmata praktizējošiem juristiem, 2nd edition 2008

Frenz, Walter

Handbuch Europarecht, volume 1: Europäische Grundfreiheiten, 2004; volume 2: Europäisches Kartellrecht, 2005; volume 3: Beihilfe- und Vergaberecht, 2006; volume 4: Europäische Grundrechte, 2008; volume 5: Wirkungen und Rechtsschutz, 2010

Jones, Christopher Woude, Marc van der

EC Competition Law Handbook 2010, 2009

Lachmayer, Konrad Bauer, Lukas (editors)

Praxiswörterbuch Europarecht, 2008

Phinnemore, David McGowan, Lee

The Dictionary of the European Union, 4th edition 2008

Ritter, Lennart Braun, David W.

European Competition Law. A Practitioner's Guide, 3rd edition 2005

Toth, A.G.

The Oxford Encyclopaedia of European Community Law, volume II: The Law of the Internal Market, 2005; volume III: Competition Law and Policy, 2008

Weidenfeld, Werner (editor)

Europa-Handbuch, volume 1: Die Europäische Union - Politisches System und Politikbereiche, 4th edition 2006

- Bibliography (general bibliography on European law), page 6 -

D. Exercises in legal case-solving and learning materials (especially for students) Arndt, Hans-Wolfgang Fischer, Kristian

Europarecht. 20 Fälle mit Lösungen, 6th edition 2008

Cuthbert, Michael

European Union Law Q&A [Questions & Answers], 7th edition 2009

Epping, Volker Lenz, Sebastian

Fallrepetitorium Europarecht. Fälle und Lösungen, 2005

Foster, Nigel

EU Law 2009 - 2010 [Blackstone's Law Questions & Answers], 7th edition 2009

Hesselhaus, Sebastian

Europarecht. Examinatorium, 2010 [coming soon]

Hoffmann, Michael Odendahl, Guido

Europarecht - Fälle mit Lösungen, 2nd edition 2008

Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija (Herausgeber)

Rokasgrāmata praktiskam darbam ar Eiropas Savienības jautājumiem, 2. Auflage 2007,

Lorz, Ralph Alexander

Fallrepetitorium Europarecht, 2006

Rebord, Annette

L'essentiel du droit européen, 2008

Salinas Alcega, Sergio Tirado Robles, Carmen

Casos prácticos de derecho de la Unión Europea, 2005

Schäfer, Peter

Studienbuch Europarecht. Das Wirtschaftsrecht der EG. Übersichten, Prüfungsschemata, Fallmethodik, 3rd edition 2006

E. Law reports and casebooks Court of Justice of the European Communities/Union [Eiropas Kopienu/Savienības Tiesa] (editor)

Reports of Cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance, Part I: Court of Justice, Part II: Court of First Instance (official reports of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice and of the General Court [formerly the Court of First Instance]), 1954 ff.

Court of Justice of the European Communities/Union Eiropas Kopienu/Savienības Tiesa] (editor)

Case-law, (database of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice, the General Court [formerly the Court of First Instance] and the Civil Service Tribunal and also of the opinions of the Advocates General in the different official languages; see in particular the subsite "Important preaccession case-law" with its translations of important judgements in the languages of the new member states; see also the subsite "Digest of the caselaw", a comprehensive database of headnotes and summaries [in French only].

Publications Office [Publikāciju birojs] (editor)

EuR-Lex. Case-law, (database of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice, the General Court [formerly the Court of First Instance] and the Civil Service Tribunal and also of the opinions of the Advocates General in in the different official languages)

Barents, René (editor)

Directory on EC Case Law on Competition, 2007

Barents, René (editor)

Directory of EC Case Law on State Aids, 2008

Barents, René

Directory of EU Case Law on the Preliminary Ruling Procedure, 2009

Hummer, Waldemar Vedder, Christoph (editors)

Europarecht in Fällen, 5th edition 2010 [coming in summer 2010]

Kaczorowska, Alina (editor)

Law of the European Union. 150 Leading Cases, 3rd edition 2004

Levasseur, Alain A. Scott, Richard F. Raynouard, Arnaud Wathelet, Melchior

The Law of the European Union, volume 2: Economic Law and Common Policies: Cases and Materials, 2006, supplement 2007

Masclet, Jean-Claude

Les grands arrêts de droit communautaire, 3rd edition 2007

- Bibliography (general bibliography on European law), page 7 -

Pechstein, Matthias

Entscheidungen des Europäischen Gerichtshofs. Kommentierte Studienauswahl, 5th edition 2009

Rambaud, Patrick

Les grandes décisions de la jurisprudence communautaire, 2007

Sudre, Frédéric Tinière, Romain

Droit communautaire des droits fondamentaux. Recueil de décisions de la Cour de Justice des Communautés européennes, 2008

Turner, Chris

EU Law. Key Cases, 2006

Weatherill, Stephen

Cases and materials on EU law, 9th edition 2010 [coming soon]

F. Compendiums of laws (easy access to treaties and legislation) Publications Office [Publikāciju birojs] (editor)

EUR-Lex. The access to European Union law [Piekļluve Eiropas Savienības tiesību aktiem], (Online compendium in the different official languages of the EU. Here you can find almost all regulations and directives and the Official Journal of the EU. Look for the founding treaties at

European Commission (editor)

Summaries of EU legislation, en.htm (specialised online compendium of legislation concerning the individual fields of activities)

Busby, Nicole Smith, Rhona (editors)

Core EU Legislation 2009-2010, 2009

Davies, Karen (editor)

EU Legislation and Treaties (Key Statutes), 2008-2009 edition

Foster, Nigel (editor)

EU Treaties and Legislation 2009-2010, 20th edition 2009

Simmonds, K. R. (editor)

Encyclopedia of European Community Law, volume 1 - 12 (loose-leaf edition), updated 2009

G. Journals in the field of European law CDE

Cahiers de droit européen, since 1965


Columbia Journal of European Law, since 1994


Common Market Law Review, since 1964


European Human Rights Law Review, since 1979


European Integration Online Papers,, since 1997 (internet journal)


European Law Journal, since 1995


European Law Review, since 1975


Europäische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift, since 1974


Europarecht, since 1965


Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, since 1990


Forum Constitutionis Europae,, since 1998 (internet journal)


Jean Monnet Working Papers,, since 1995 (internet journal)


Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, since 1997


Revista de Estudios Europeos, since 1992


Rivista di diritto europeo, since 1961


Revue du Marché commun et de l'Union européenne, since 1958


Revue du Marché Unique européen, since 1951 (since 2000: Revue du droit de l'Union européenne)

- Bibliography (general bibliography on European law), page 8 -


Revue trimestrielle du droit européen, since 1965

WHI-Papers, since 1997


Zeitschrift für europarechtliche Studien, since 1998

For detailed references to articles in journals see the bibliographical data base Rave of the University of Düsseldorf (, 1998 - 2005) and the project European Integration Current Contents of the NYU School of Law (

H. Internet sources in the field of European law There are many internet sources which allow an easy orientation and a quick access to the Law of the European Union. For example, you can find all the founding treaties, all EU legislation and all the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice in the internet. As well, some introductions to case-solving in the field of European law have been published in the internet. See the links on the special websites for my courses (, at "Lehre/Courses"). Those who understand a little bit German will find detailed references at (see "Links", "A. Europarecht" and "F. Fälle und Lernmaterialien"). I especially recommend those internet sources which provide the same informations in different European languages (see, for example, the website of EuR-Lex, It is useful to have a look on different language versions and to learn the most important legal terms in various languages. Most times, it is easy to switch between the different language versions ("lv" stands for Latvian, "en" for English and "de" for German). If possible, the founding treaties should be read in French, Italian or German because the English version has been added later and contains many unprecise and problematic passages which may cause misunderstandings. Be careful with the Latvian translations because they show a lot of mistakes. - Unfortunately, not all documents are available in all official languages of the European Union. More informations on this course at For any questions, suggestions and criticism please contact me via e-mail at [email protected]. ( D a t e i : G e n e r a l B i b l i o g r a p h y ( C a s e s - E U L a w) )