Basic information regarding the workshop

Who should do what? The idea is that partners work on different sessions of the workshop and elaborate 23 different suggestions of tools (for example an easier one for people who are very new and a more complicated one for a very active group so that we could work from a tool kit, from different options.) This way a tool kit is created and partners can choose from a pool of activities for the workshop which fit their participants. Target group 10-15 participants It was agreed that the pilot workshops will be carried out with active people. However, other target groups (older people in the transition form work life to retirement, inactive people or people from ethnic minorities) will be kept in mind for later workshops. For this reason, there should be different suggestions for tools (easy tools and more complicated ones) that can be used according to the target group. Also the issue of possible age differences can be addressed with different methods. Follow-up and contact Person It is important for organisations to think about how follow-up activities of the workshop can be facilitated and how to keep on supporting participants who participated in the workshop. It was suggested that a contact person should be delegated for the workshop, who is also the person in charge for further questions or follow-up activities. Time frame The workshops should last from 10.00 – 16.00. This means 4 hours workshop time per day + 1 lunch break and 2 coffee breaks. However, it seems that the time frame is very tight and it might be necessary to extend the workshop time or to leave things out. This will have to be left to the discretion of the partners, depending on the target group and other framework conditions. Title of the workshop The title of the workshop needs to be addressed at the Helsinki meeting with the other partners. The question is whether there should be one common title or a common title and individual sub-titles or if each country chooses the title individually. From the point of view of coordinating the project, Charlotte would like one element of the title to be the same for all (like the very original “SLIC-workshop”). Evaluation BCC will get in contact with Karin in order to discuss some issues concerning the evaluation of the workshop. There should be some feedback on the process of the workshop as well as on the content of the workshop by the participants and the trainers.


There will be a 1-2 page report on the process along app. 5 questions – e.g. - What are the main lessons learned? Certificate There should be one general design for all partners. The certificate should contain a photo which shows the participant(s), the logo of the organisation and the SLIC-logo, the date, place and name of the organisation and the name of the person. The ARC will get in contact with different organisations concerning possible layouts and the costs. It should be made clear to the participants that the skills profile and the action plan are documents which need to be filled in by the participants themselves. They are self assessment tools but external assistance will be provided. The certificate will be handed over by the organisation as an acknowledgement.


Workshop design (version 2) 1st day

Time 10.00 – 10.15



15 minutes

Remark Within the introduction there should be a brief input about learning in old age (informal and formal learning, positive images of learning, barriers to learning)

Welcome + introduction of the trainer + explain the aim of the workshop and of the first day

10.15 – 10.25 10.25 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.15 11.15 – 12.15

10 minutes

Ice-breaking activity

35 minutes

+ introduction of participants + expectations of participants

15 minutes

Responsible partner Possibly all* = Send us any ideas of yours that could contribute to the content of the workshop even if you are not responsible for working out this activity! ALL Possibly all


60 minutes

Skills profile I.

Principles of working on the skills profile are given! The skills profile needs to be kept rather short and simple so people can finish it at the workshop and can continue at home, if necessary. For example it can be a list of skills from which 3


participants can choose. 12.15 – 13.45 13.45 – 15.15 15.15 – 15.30

90 minutes

15.30 – 15.45

15 minutes

15.45 – 16.00

15 minutes

16.00 – 16.10

+ 5 – 10 minutes

90 minutes


Skills profile II.

15 minutes COFFEE BREAK

Celebration of day 1 Evaluation of day 1 Summarizing and giving feedback

(Explaining the) homework

There should be some time dedicated that people can celebrate what they have done so far on the first day.

Possibly all

Reflect on skills profile

Karin + BCC

1. Summarising, completing and elaborating the skills profile

Partner responsible for skills profile ARC + BCC

2. Aim: preparation of the action plan. Plan your next 5 years! Creative homework: collage/picture 3. Optional homework: Participants of the workshop can bring an inactive person with them for the next day. If the organisation decides to choose this, one has to think about how to involve these people in the activities.



After day 1: Ensuring consultation if necessary (giving help in doing the homework and answering further questions regarding the skills profile)



2nd day Time



10.00 – 10.10

10 minutes

Welcome Summarizing day 1 and the aim of day 2

10.10 – 10.30 10.30 – 11.30

20 minutes

11.30 – 11.45 11.45 – 12.45

15 minutes

12.45 – 14.15

90 minutes

14. 15 – 15.15

15.15 – 15.30


Possibly all

Feedback on the homework

60 minutes Action plan (I.)

Responsible partner Possibly all

Principles of working on the action plan are given!


Principles of working on the action plan are given!



60 minutes Action plan (II) LUNCH BREAK

60 minutes each 60 minutes each

Motivating and involving others

60 minutes each

Discussing and looking at concrete opportunities

Competence market

OPTIONAL activities. You can choose from these and realise the most suitable(s).

Possibly all

Possibly all

Aims of the activities: - First step to implement a bit of the action plan - start to build small communities according to Possibly all the fields of interest

15 minutes COFFEE BREAK


15.30 – 16.00 16.00 – 16.30

30 minutes

Karin + BCC Evaluation Closure

Possibly all



30 minutes

After day 2: Ensuring consultation. Each organisation should prepare information on different courses and opportunities for learning in the community and volunteering.



Tasks which has to be outlined by a partner

Dear Colleagues, Please choose one from the 3 task packages and send your proposed activities back not later than 15 October. We would like to create a real tool kit therefore please write at least 2 or 3 different options / versions for each activity. The idea is that partners work on different sessions of the workshop and elaborate 23 different suggestions of tools (for example an easier one for people who are very new and a more complicated one for a very active group so that we could work from a tool kit, from different options.) Task package 3 contains OPTIONAL activities. When you realise the training you can choose from these and realise the most suitable(s). Apart from choosing one task package all partners should contribute to the following activities: Please write as many ice-breakers and creative homework as you know / as you can! * Send us any ideas of yours that could contribute to the content of the workshop! The more ideas you send us, the richer the workshop will be! Task package 1 A) Welcome on day 1 + introduction of the trainers + explanation of the aim of the workshop and day 1 Please write 2-3 guidelines to the introduction what is necessary or compulsory to say, what can be optional. Within the introduction there should be a brief input about learning in old age including the following topics: informal and formal learning, positive images of learning, barriers to learning. Please write drafts for introducing the above mentioned topics. B) Welcome on day 2 Summarizing day 1 and the aim of day 2 Please write guidelines how to introduce the second day, what is necessary to say, what can be optional. Here can be a very short input about the advantages of active ageing and voluntary work. C)


Closure Please write a scenario. D) Celebration of day 1 Aim of the activity: to summarise and celebrate the skills that participants find during the first day. Please outline 2-3 creative activities how the participants can celebrate the results of the first day. Task package 2 A) Ice-breaking activity Please write as many as you can. B) introduction of participants expectations of participants Task A and B can be put into one activity. Please write 2-3 different activities for introducing the participants and collect their expectations. C) Feedback on the homework Please outline 2-3 activities for collecting feedback from participants. This activity can prepare the action plan.

Task package 3 A) Motivating and involving others Aim of the activity: to get ideas out of the participants so that we should better understand how to make people active. It should help institutions to contribute to the involvement of new people in the learning process. Please describe 2 – 3 activities. B) Competence market Aim of the activity: to start to implement a bit of the action plan and to build small communities according to the fields of interest. Please outline 2 – 3 activities.


C) Discussing and looking at concrete opportunities Existing material on the topics which are mentioned in the European report on p. 20 should be collected so people can be well informed about learning opportunities. Each partner will have to search national, regional and local information. Aim of the activity: • to start to implement a bit of the action plan • to offer learning opportunities for the participants Please write 2 – 3 activities how to realise this.

Proposed guideline for describing activities

Name of the activity Objectives Time Materials Method How to run the activity Issues to consider

WHO AM I? WHO ARE YOU? • E.g.: getting to know each other • 60 minutes • handout • pen Working in pairs • Please describe the activity as detailed as it is necessary. • • E.g.: not everybody likes acting plenary •


Principles for working on the skill profile(s) (version 2)

1. pools of choices – giving options + individual work is needed to ensure 2. range of competences: skill profile should summarize the competences of working life + other fields (volunteering, home, family life etc.) 3. the skill profile can be expanded by the individual later, they can complete it and add new information 4. skill profile should be developed for individuals and not for a group 5. Consultation after the 1st workshop day – Who will ensure it? – possibility of involving older volunteers later on who were former participants of the workshop 6. suggested methods for activities: • brainstorming • working in small groups • individual work to explore himself / herself • group discussions 7. skill profile + certificate (cover) together – personalised with a photo 8. homework: summarize the skills you have + plan your next 5 years 9. structure of activities a. introduction - names of skills / groups of skills b. introduction of method and complete the questionnaire c. assessing the skills


Principles of the action plan (version 2)

1. describing desires - homework 2. 3 steps: describe your present situation (skills + barriers) e.g.: what a pity I can’t… / I have never done this…… describe your dreams e.g.: I hope one day….. how to achieve your dreams e.g.: to make my dreams come true I will have to…. 3. comparison of skill profile and action plan 4. demonstration: inviting and interviewing an active older learner if inactive people are targeted 5. suggested methods for activities: − brainstorming + creative activities (describe your dreams) − working in small groups − individual work to explore himself / herself − story telling − demonstration + interview