Barnabas Shares. Teacher Challenge. Bible Story Acts 4: God s Word. God s Word and Me

Barnabas Shares Lesson 32 Bible Story Acts 4:32-37 Teacher Challenge God “Share wit ’s Word hG are in need od’s people who .” Romans 12:13 Learn...
Author: Beverly Robbins
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Barnabas Shares

Lesson 32

Bible Story Acts 4:32-37

Teacher Challenge


“Share wit ’s Word hG are in need od’s people who .” Romans 12:13

Learning to share starts at a young age, and we continue to learn the lesson throughout our lives. God The new believers in the Early Church shared beI can help ’s Word and M cause of their abandon to God and their fervent others by s e haring wit h desire to follow Jesus’ teaching. They pooled what them. they had. Then when someone among them was in need, they shared freely so that everyone was taken care of.

➥ When was a time someone shared with you? ➥ What keeps you from sharing more? What can you do about it? Sharing and meeting the needs of others can sometimes be in the form of material goods, sometimes in the form of caring words expressed in a phone call or note, sometimes in the form of time freely given simply to listen to someone talk or grieve. And sometimes it is easier to share with strangers than to share with those closest to you. But remember God’s generosity toward you. Ask Him to be generous through you.

Teacher’s Planning

1. Choose which centers you will provide and the order in which children will participate in them. For tips on schedule planning, see page 9. 2. Plan who will lead each center, making sure to have one adult for approximately every six children. For staffing tips and ideas, see page 12.

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Play to Learn

Lesson 32

Active Game Center: Share with Me!



Bible; Preschool Music #1 CD and player; one or more of the following sets of items, with each set having one item for each child: crayons, blocks, small toys, snack bags, toy food items, etc.

“Share wit ’s Word hG are in need od’s people who .” Romans 12:13

God I can help ’s Word and M others by s e haring wit h them.


1. Give each child an item, using a mix of items from different sets to make the activity more fun. 2. Children walk around playing area as you play “Are You Ready?” (track 15 on CD). After 10 to 12 seconds, stop the music. When music stops, children trade items. Repeat several times. (Optional: Give children an item from a different set each round.)

Talk About ➥ In our Bible story today, Jesus’ friends shared with people who didn’t have enough food or clothes. We can help others by sharing with them. Let’s play a game by sharing with each other.

➥ It is fun to play with (blocks)! Erin, what toys do

you have at home? We can share our toys with others by letting others play with them. What toys can you share with your sister when you play together?

➥ The Bible says, “Share with God’s people who are in

need.” People in need sometimes need food or warm clothes. Briefly describe one of the charitable activities in which your church participates.

For Younger Children

Children sit in a circle. When the music stops, children pass item to the child on the left.

For Older Children

Children trade items more than once each round.

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Play to Learn

Lesson 32

Art Center: Rock Art



Bible; newspaper; smooth, flat rocks; markers; masking tape; optional—wiggle eyes, pieces of yarn, chenille wires, nature objects (sticks, shells, acorns, pinecones, etc.), glue.

“Share wit ’s Word hG are in need od’s people who .” Romans 12:13

God I can help ’s Word and M others by s e haring wit h them.


Spread newspaper over table.


1. Children use markers to decorate rocks. Suggest children draw faces, animals, flowers or other designs. (Optional: Children glue wiggle eyes, pieces of yarn, chenille wires or nature objects onto rocks.) 2. Place a strip of masking tape on each rock. Child or you writes child’s name on strip.

Talk About ➥ In our Bible story today, Jesus’ friends shared food and clothes. We help others by sharing with them. Let’s decorate some rocks. We can help people here in our class by sharing the supplies.

➥ Andrea, Conner needs some shells. How can you

help? Thank you, Andrea, for sharing the shells. We share by giving things to people who need them.

➥ Aiden, please pass Megan a wiggle eye. Thank you

for sharing with Megan. When else can you share? What can you share with your brother or sister at home?

➥ The Bible says, “Share with God’s people who are in need.” God wants us to help people who need help.

For Younger Children

Help children focus on sharing. I see Justin handing Ashley a marker. Justin is sharing. Thank you, Justin.

For Older Children

Each child decorates two rocks, giving second rock to a friend or family member.

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Play to Learn

Lesson 32

Block Center: Road Block



Bible, blocks, toy cars.


1. Children help each other line up blocks to build roads.

“Share wit ’s Word hG are in need od’s people who .” Romans 12:13

God I can help ’s Word and M others by s e haring wit h them.

2. Children play with cars on the roads they build. Encourage children to take turns playing with favorite cars.

Talk About ➥ In today’s Bible story, Jesus’ friends shared food and clothes with people who needed those things. Let’s share our blocks to help each other build a long road.

➥ Skylar, it looks like Jesse needs one more short block. How can you help him? Yes, you

can help him by giving him that short block. Thank you for sharing with Jesse! We can help people by sharing with them.

➥ Kevin and Shana are rolling a car back and forth

to each other. They are sharing the car. The Bible says, “Share with God’s people who are in need.”

➥ Jessica, does your sister sometimes let you play

with her toys at home? She knows about sharing. Which of your toys do you share with her? We can help people by sharing with them!

➥ Pray with children, Thank You, God, for all the good things You give us. Please help us to share them with others.

For Younger Children

It is important for young children to see an abstract concept such as sharing being modeled. Talk about sharing as you play with children. Bring attention to times you or children share with others.

For Older Children

Bring several magazine pictures of different kinds of buildings (houses, office buildings, schools, etc.). Children help each other build pictured place.

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Play to Learn

Lesson 32

Science Center: Bubble Fun



Bible, measuring cups, dishwashing liquid, water, spoon, shallow bowls or trays, bubble wands in a variety of sizes.


“Share wit ’s Word hG are in need od’s people who .” Romans 12:13

God I can help ’s Word and M others by s e haring wit h them.

Make arrangements for children to blow bubbles outdoors if possible.


1. To make bubble solution, children measure and pour one cup of dishwashing liquid and one cup of water into shallow bowls or trays. Children use spoon to mix solution together. 2. Children dip wands into bubble solution and experiment with blowing bubbles through a variety of wand shapes.

Talk About ➥ The Bible tells us that Jesus’ friends shared food and clothes with people who did not have them. Let’s share these bubble wands and make beautiful bubbles together.

➥ Monique, look at that big bubble you blew! What colors do you see in the bubble? Maybe you’ll be ready to share the big wand with Austin next time.

➥ The Bible says, “Share with God’s people who

are in need.” We are sharing our bubble wands. What can you share with your sister or brother at home? What can you share with your friends when you are playing together?

For Younger Children

Blow bubbles for children to chase and catch.

For Older Children

Give each child a chenille wire. Model how to form a bubble wand. Children make wands in a variety of shapes and sizes and then share wands with one another to blow bubbles.

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Listen to Learn

Lesson 32

Acts 4:32-37


Bible, Bible Story 45 pictures from God’s Story for Me Poster Pack #1, Preschool Music #1 CD and player, strips of paper, marker, paper bag, stapler, basket or box, classroom toys or books.

Greet Each Other


“Share wit ’s Word hG are in need od’s people who .” Romans 12:13

God I can help ’s Word and M others by s e haring wit h them.

Print each child’s name on a strip of paper and place in a paper bag. One at a time, draw a strip of paper out the bag and show children the name. Give clues to help children identify the name. This boy’s name begins with the letter T. When children have identified name, named child comes up and staples his or her strip to form a circle. Add each child’s strip to others to form a paper chain. We can share with our friends in class.

Tell the Story

Open your Bible to Acts 4. Tell the story using the pictured motions (keywords in bold) or show Bible Story 45 pictures. Who has shared a toy with you? Our story tells about a man who shared. Listen to find out what he shared. One of the ways Jesus’ friends showed their love was by sharing everything they had. Nobody had to ask them to share. They wanted to share! Some people had lots of food and clothing. But they didn’t keep it all for themselves. They shared their food and clothes with Jesus’ friends who had no food and clothing. If a family had more food than they needed, they didn’t throw it away. They gave it to Jesus’ friends who did not have enough food. One of Jesus’ friends helped other people so much that his friends gave him a nickname. The man’s friends called him Barnabas. Barnabas meant something like “Mr. Helper.” He was a cheerful, happy man. Barnabas was always helping people and trying to cheer them up! Barnabas owned a field. He could have kept it for himself. Instead, Barnabas sold his field. Someone bought the land and gave Barnabas money for it. Barnabas could have spent that money on something he wanted for himself, but he didn’t. Barnabas gave the money to the men who loved Jesus. He said, “Here, share this money with people who need it.” Barnabas had learned about Jesus and what Jesus said to do. He knew Jesus wanted him to help other people. Barnabas didn’t keep his field or his money for himself. He showed he loved Jesus by sharing with other people.

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Lesson 32

Talk About the Story

What was the name of the man who shared? (Barnabas.) What did Jesus’ friends share? (Food and clothes.) We can help others by sharing with them! Sharing means giving things to people who need them. Sharing can also mean letting others use our things. What can you share with someone who is hungry? (Food.) What can you share when we are playing with blocks? (Blocks. Toy people.)

Sing to God

Let’s sing a song about doing good. Lead children in singing “Are You Ready?” (track 15 on CD). We can do good to our family and friends. We can do good by sharing with them!

ble verse activOption: To make the Bi er children, old ity more challenging for d replace an ask them to repeat verse in need” with the words “God’s people e named child another child’s name. Th g a different then repeats verse, usin til each child child’s name. Continue un has a turn.

Option: Ask children to tell ways they can share with others. Print children’s responses on large sheet of paper. Display paper so that parents can read it when children are dismissed.

Hear and Say God’s Word

Holding your Bible open to Romans 12:13, say verse aloud. I saw Jared share blocks with Grace today. Jared knows how to share! When we share with others, we help them! Lead children in repeating the verse two or three times. Then add the word “at” and a time of day. Share with God’s people in need at (lunchtime). Children echo the phrase after you. Repeat several times, using different times of the day or days of the week.

Pray to God

Let’s thank God that He helps us share with others. To complete the following prayer, volunteers take turns naming people with whom they can share: Thank You, God, that You help us share. Please help me share with __________.

Praise to God

Place basket or box on the floor. Each child chooses one toy or book from the room and puts it in the container. Children sit in circle around the container. One at a time, hold up each object. Child who put that object in the container raises his or her hand. Comment on each child’s contribution. We have so many great toys. We can obey God by sharing these toys with others in our class.

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Talk to Learn

Lesson 32

Bible Story Activity Pages Center Collect

A copy of Activity 45 from The Big Book of Bible Story Activity Pages #1 for yourself and each child, scissors, crayons or markers; optional—small fabric pieces, glue.

Name ________





Story Activity 45 “Share wit people who h God’s are in need.” Rom

ans 12:13


Lead children to complete pages following the instructions. (Optional: Children glue fabric pieces to clothing on page.) Use the conversation suggestions as children complete their pages and retell the story.

• What did Jesus

’ friends share

with each other


• What can you

share with other


Puzzle 63

path through


Preschool Puzzle Center

Follow the


Barnabas the field to

© 2009 Gospe l Light. Permission to photocopy grante d to the origin al purchaser only. The Big Book of Bible Story Activity Pages #1


Copies of Puzzles 63 and 64 (p. 133 and p. 135 from The Big Book of Kindergarten Puzzles) for each child; pencils, crayons or markers.


Children complete the puzzles and color pages. Use the conversation suggestions on the pages.

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A copy of Story Picture 32 from The Big Book of ReadAloud Stories #1 for yourself and each child, crayons or markers.

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to photocopy

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Big Book of

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133 n Puzzles

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Color the Romans picture. Unfold 12:13 flap to Fo show wh ld flap forwa rd at happ ened to on dotted line. Natalie’ s ice cre


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reminder boo

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then color this


Read-Aloud Story Center

Cut out and


Book of Rea d-A

Read the story and distribute pictures. Use the conversation suggestions as children complete their pages.

loud Stor ies #1


Story Pic ture



288 • © 2011 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Discovering God’s Love Leader’s Guide