Avaya Scopia Management Installation Guide

Avaya Scopia® Management Installation Guide Release 8.3.3 For Solution 8.3 FP3 September 2016 © 2016, Avaya, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Notice Whil...
Author: Neal Pitts
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Avaya Scopia® Management Installation Guide

Release 8.3.3 For Solution 8.3 FP3 September 2016

© 2016, Avaya, Inc.

All Rights Reserved. Notice While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete and accurate at the time of printing, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reserves the right to make changes and corrections to the information in this document without the obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes. Documentation disclaimer “Documentation” means information published by Avaya in varying mediums which may include product information, operating instructions and performance specifications that Avaya may generally make available to users of its products and Hosted Services. Documentation does not include marketing materials. Avaya shall not be responsible for any modifications, additions, or deletions to the original published version of documentation unless such modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by Avaya. End User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents, servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation, to the extent made by End User. Link disclaimer Avaya is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked websites referenced within this site or documentation provided by Avaya. Avaya is not responsible for the accuracy of any information, statement or content provided on these sites and does not necessarily endorse the products, services, or information described or offered within them. Avaya does not guarantee that these links will work all the time and has no control over the availability of the linked pages. Warranty Avaya provides a limited warranty on Avaya hardware and software. Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. In addition, Avaya’s standard warranty language, as well as information regarding support for this product while under warranty is available to Avaya customers and other parties through the Avaya Support website: http://support.avaya.com or such successor site as designated by Avaya. Please note that if You acquired the product(s) from an authorized Avaya Channel Partner outside of the United States and Canada, the warranty is provided to You by said Avaya Channel Partner and not by Avaya. “Hosted Service” means a hosted service subscription that You acquire from either Avaya or an authorized Avaya Channel Partner (as applicable) and which is described further in Hosted SAS or other service description documentation regarding the applicable hosted service. If You purchase a Hosted Service subscription, the foregoing limited warranty may not apply but You may be entitled to support services in connection with the Hosted Service as described further in your service description documents for the applicable Hosted Service. Contact Avaya or Avaya Channel Partner (as applicable) for more information. Hosted Service THE FOLLOWING APPLIES IF YOU PURCHASE A HOSTED SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION FROM AVAYA OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER (AS APPLICABLE), THE TERMS OF USE FOR HOSTED SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA WEBSITE, HTTP://SUPPORT.AVAYA.COM/LICENSEINFO UNDER THE LINK “Avaya Terms of Use for Hosted Services” OR SUCH SUCCESSOR SITE AS DESIGNATED BY AVAYA, AND ARE APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO ACCESSES OR USES THE HOSTED SERVICE. BY ACCESSING OR USING THE HOSTED SERVICE, OR AUTHORIZING OTHERS TO DO SO, YOU, ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND THE ENTITY FOR WHOM YOU ARE DOING SO (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO INTERCHANGEABLY AS “YOU” AND “END USER”), AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. IF YOU ARE ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF USE ON BEHALF A COMPANY OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY, YOU REPRESENT THAT YOU HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BIND SUCH ENTITY TO THESE TERMS OF USE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SUCH AUTHORITY, OR IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO ACCEPT THESE TERMS OF USE, YOU

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with the Software. Units may be linked to a specific, identified Server or an Instance of the Software. Database License (DL). End User may install and use each copy or an Instance of the Software on one Server or on multiple Servers provided that each of the Servers on which the Software is installed communicates with no more than one Instance of the same database. CPU License (CP). End User may install and use each copy or Instance of the Software on a number of Servers up to the number indicated in the order provided that the performance capacity of the Server(s) does not exceed the performance capacity specified for the Software. End User may not re-install or operate the Software on Server(s) with a larger performance capacity without Avaya’s prior consent and payment of an upgrade fee. Named User License (NU). You may: (i) install and use the Software on a single Designated Processor or Server per authorized Named User (defined below); or (ii) install and use the Software on a Server so long as only authorized Named Users access and use the Software. “Named User”, means a user or device that has been expressly authorized by Avaya to access and use the Software. At Avaya’s sole discretion, a “Named User” may be, without limitation, designated by name, corporate function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk), an e-mail or voice mail account in the name of a person or corporate function, or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized by the Software that permits one user to interface with the Software. Shrinkwrap License (SR). You may install and use the Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreements, such as “shrinkwrap” or “clickthrough” license accompanying or applicable to the Software (“Shrinkwrap License”). Copyright Except where expressly stated otherwise, no use should be made of materials on this site, the Documentation, Software, Hosted Service, or hardware provided by Avaya. All content on this site, the documentation, Hosted Service, and the product provided by Avaya including the selection, arrangement and design of the content is owned either by Avaya or its licensors and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws including the sui generis rights relating to the protection of databases. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way any content, in whole or in part, including any code and software unless expressly authorized by Avaya. Unauthorized reproduction, transmission, dissemination, storage, and or use without the express written consent of Avaya can be a criminal, as well as a civil offense under the applicable law. Virtualization Each product has its own ordering code and license types. Note that each Instance of a product must be separately licensed and ordered. For example, if the end user customer or Avaya Channel Partner would like to install two Instances of the same type of products, then two products of that type must be ordered. Third Party Components “Third Party Components” mean certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Software or Hosted Service may contain software (including open source software) distributed under third party agreements (“Third Party Components”), which contain terms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software (“Third Party Terms”). As required, information regarding distributed Linux OS source code (for those products that have distributed Linux OS source code) and identifying the copyright holders of the Third Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply is available in the products, Documentation or on Avaya’s website at: http:// support.avaya.com/Copyright or such successor site as designated by Avaya. You agree to the Third Party Terms for any such Third Party Components. THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED UNDER THE AVC PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF A CONSUMER OR OTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOT RECEIVE REMUNERATION TO (i) ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AVC STANDARD (“AVC VIDEO”) AND/OR (ii) DECODE AVC VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODED BY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A PERSONAL ACTIVITY AND/OR WAS OBTAINED FROM A VIDEO PROVIDER LICENSED TO PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. NO LICENSE IS

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Contents Chapter 1: About Avaya Scopia® Management ....................................................................  5 Chapter 2: Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment..................................  8 Implementing Port Security for Avaya Scopia® Management......................................................  8 Ports to Open on Avaya Scopia® Management.......................................................................... 9 Minimum Requirements for Scopia® Management...................................................................  14 Planning User Access to Videoconferences............................................................................. 20 Installing the Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange......................................................... 22 Chapter 3: Installing Scopia® Management.........................................................................  27 How to Install Scopia® Management.......................................................................................  27 About Deploying a Database for Avaya Scopia® Management............................................ 28 Preparing for Scopia® Management Installation.................................................................  29 Installing Scopia® Management with an Internal Gatekeeper..............................................  29 Installing Scopia® Management without an Internal Gatekeeper.......................................... 34 Installing Scopia® Management for Service Providers........................................................  39 Confirming the Avaya Scopia® Management Installation........................................................... 44 Verifying Avaya Scopia® Management Services Are Running...................................................  45 Activating your Scopia® Management License......................................................................... 46 Chapter 4: Upgrading, Backing up and Restoring Scopia® Management Data................ 49 Backing Up Scopia® Management Manually............................................................................ 49 Backing up Avaya Scopia® Management Automatically............................................................ 51 Restoring a Scopia® Management Backup File........................................................................ 52 Upgrading Scopia® Management............................................................................................ 54 Glossary................................................................................................................................... 55

September 2016

Avaya Scopia® Management Installation Guide Comments on this document? [email protected]


Chapter 1: About Avaya Scopia® Management

System administrators use Avaya Scopia® Management to control video network devices, such as gateways, MCUs and endpoints. In addition, users can use Scopia® Management to schedule videoconferences. You can access Scopia® Management either from the administrator portal or the user portal (Figure 1: Scopia® Management portals on page 5). Service providers and organization administrators access the administrator portal to perform network-wide management, while customers of service providers access the administrator portal to perform similar tasks that are relevant only for their organization. Meeting operators, organizers, and regular users access the user portal to perform scheduling and management relevant to them. The system administrator defines different user profiles with varying permissions to determine the management tasks available for a specific user.

Figure 1: Scopia® Management portals

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About Avaya Scopia® Management

Scopia® Management sits at the core of your Scopia® Solution deployment and offers the following capabilities: • Video network device management Remotely configure, upgrade and monitor many of your video network devices via the administrator portal. These devices include Scopia® Elite MCU, Avaya Scopia® Web Collaboration server, Avaya Scopia® Streaming and Recording, Avaya Scopia® ECS Gatekeeper, and many gateways (Figure 2: Managing all components of the Scopia® Solution on page 6).

Figure 2: Managing all components of the Scopia® Solution

• Endpoint management Remotely configure, upgrade and monitor both Scopia® Solution and third-party endpoints via the administrator portal. • Resources and bandwidth management Configure your network devices and endpoints for effective bandwidth control. For example, you can determine when meetings are cascaded between multiple MCUs (for more

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information, see the Administrator Guide for Scopia® Management). You can also monitor in real-time from the administrator portal's dashboard, or generate reports to see network statistics for a given time period. • User management You can manage user access by creating profiles with a set of capabilities. You can also create virtual rooms and assign endpoints. Scopia® Management also integrates with existing directory servers such as Microsoft Active Directory and IBM Lotus Domino for easy user provisioning. • Meeting management Schedule, moderate, and reserve resources for your videoconferences via the user portal. Scopia® Management can also work with Microsoft Outlook or IBM Lotus Notes for easy and intuitive calendar application scheduling. Using one of the Scopia® Management plug-ins for Microsoft Outlook, you can easily schedule meetings with resources directly from Microsoft Outlook (2010 or later) or a calendar application on your mobile device (see Planning User Access to Videoconferences on page 20). • Interface to unified communication solutions Scopia® Management provides the interface to market leading unified communication solutions such as Avaya Aura Collaboration Suite, Microsoft Lync Server, Microsoft Office Communications Server and IBM Lotus Sametime. • SIP server integration The smooth integration with third-party SIP servers leverages existing network call control for the videoconferencing system. The SIP server manages the call control and network usage, while Scopia® Solution supplies the videoconferencing capabilities. • Built-in gatekeeper Scopia® Management is shipped with a built-in gatekeeper, which is called Avaya Scopia® Gatekeeper. It supplies the correct destination IP and authorizes the appropriate bandwidth for the call. In this way, Scopia® Management can manage endpoint-initiated calls and point-topoint calls. • Call authorization Scopia® Management integrates with the gatekeeper to authorize calls based on the settings you define for your network, such as user capabilities and allowed bandwidth.

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Chapter 2: Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment

When planning your Scopia® Management deployment, it is important to understand the minimum system requirements described in this section. You can deploy Scopia® Management differently, depending on the needs of your organization. There are several solutions defined in the Scopia® Solution Guide, each with its own deployment scenario and network topology. Decide on the type of deployment you need based on your video requirements and your existing network topology. The Scopia® Solution Guide details the considerations for choosing each of the deployments, and the locations to place each of the solution components within the network topology. When planning your deployment, it is also important to consider port security (see Implementing Port Security for Avaya Scopia® Management on page 8) and whether to install redundant Scopia® Management servers for high availability (Administrator Guide for Avaya Scopia® Management). For installation procedures for each of the components of the Scopia® Solution, see the product’s Installation Guide. For installation procedures for the Scopia® Management, see Installing Scopia® Management on page 27. Related links Implementing Port Security for Avaya Scopia® Management on page 8 Ports to Open on Avaya Scopia® Management on page 9 Minimum Requirements for Scopia® Management on page 14 Planning User Access to Videoconferences on page 20

Implementing Port Security for Avaya Scopia® Management Avaya Scopia® Management is located in the enterprise (internal) network and is connected to the DMZ and public network via firewalls. Avaya Scopia® Management can connect to H.323 endpoints in public and partner networks via Avaya Scopia® PathFinder, and to H.323 and SIP endpoints located in the enterprise network. For a

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Ports to Open on Avaya Scopia® Management

list of TCP/IP/UDP ports supported by Avaya Scopia® Management, see Ports to Open on Avaya Scopia® Management on page 9. For a list of TCP/IP/UDP ports supported by other Scopia® Solution products, see the Port Security Reference Guide or the product’s Installation Guide. Related links Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment on page 8

Ports to Open on Avaya Scopia® Management Avaya Scopia® Management is typically deployed in the enterprise network or the DMZ. When opening ports to and from Scopia® Management, use the following as a reference: • For ports both to and from Scopia® Management, see Table 1: Bidirectional Ports to Open on Scopia® Management on page 9. • For outbound ports from Scopia® Management, see Table 2: Outbound Ports to Open from Scopia® Management on page 11. • For inbound ports into Scopia® Management, see Table 3: Inbound Ports to Open on Scopia® Management on page 14. Important: Choose the specific firewalls to open ports, depending on where your Avaya Scopia® Management and other Scopia® Solution products are deployed. Table 1: Bidirectional Ports to Open on Scopia® Management Port Range


Source/ Destination


Result of Blocking Port



Telnet (TCP)

Sony PCS address book, MCM, Endpoints

Enables you to use Sony PCS address book, retrieve element logs, and control MCM and endpoints.

Cannot use Sony Recommended PCS address book feature or retrieve logs from various devices (such as MCM).



Web client

In: Provides access to the Scopia® Management web user interface. When installed with the gatekeeper, this port defaults to 8080.

Cannot manage TANDBERG MXP and Scopia® Elite MCU from the Scopia® Management

Mandatory You can configure this port during installation (see How to Install Scopia® Table continues…

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Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment

Port Range


Source/ Destination

Functionality Out: Provides access to the Scopia® Management web user interface, TANDBERG MXP management (XML API via HTTP) and Scopia® Elite MCU.

Result of Blocking Port administrator portal.

Required Management on page 27).



Any managed element

Enables SNMP configuration

Cannot operate the SNMP service with devices, and forward trap events do not function.




Any third-party SNMP manager

Enables sending SNMP trap events from any managed element

Cannot operate the SNMP service with devices, and forward trap events do not function.




LDAP servers

Enables connection to LDAP servers

Cannot work with Mandatory for LDAP Servers LDAP authentication



Scopia® Management/ Scopia® Video Gateway / TIP Gateway/ SIP Gateway / MCU

Enables communication between Scopia® Management and the Scopia® Video Gateway/ TIP Gateway / SIP Gateway/ MCU via the moderator’s XML API (used for managing meetings via Scopia® Management)

Scopia® Management cannot connect to the Scopia® Video Gateway/ TIP Gateway / SIP Gateway/ MCU via the XML API



Scopia® Management

Enables synchronization Cannot operate between multiple redundancy redundant Scopia® Management installations

Mandatory in deployments with a redundant Scopia® Management server.



Scopia® Management

Enable secure XML Connection to Scopia® Management

Mandatory for any XML secure clients

Cannot open secure XML connection to Scopia® Management

Mandatory if deployed with Scopia® Video Gateway/ TIP Gateway / SIP Gateway/ MCU

Table continues…

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Ports to Open on Avaya Scopia® Management

Port Range


Source/ Destination


Result of Blocking Port




B2B/ Other SIP components

Enables SIP signaling

Cannot connect SIP calls




B2B/ Other SIP components

Enables secure SIP signaling

No TLS connection available




Scopia® Management

Enables master/slave data synchronization (used for Scopia® Management redundant deployments with an internal database)

Cannot synchronize data between the master and slave servers

Mandatory for redundancy deployments with an internal database



Avaya Scopia® Web Collaboration server

Enables Scopia® Management to receive alarms from Scopia® Web Collaboration server.

Scopia® Web Collaboration server cannot send alarms to Scopia® Management.

Mandatory when Scopia® Web Collaboration server is in your deployment.



Scopia® Management

Enables data synchronization between redundant Scopia® Management servers

Redundancy functionality is not available

Mandatory for redundancy deployments



Web client

Provides access to the internal ECS web user interface

Scopia® Management client cannot access internal ECS web user interface

Mandatory for accessing the ECS web user interface

Table 2: Outbound Ports to Open from Scopia® Management Port Range




Result of Blocking Port



Echo (TCP)

Video Network Devices

Detects online status of video network devices

Cannot detect online status of video network devices




Scopia® Management

Enables downloading logs from ECS or other devices that allow logs to be downloaded via FTP. Enables importing and exporting TANDBERG Local Address Book.

Cannot download Mandatory logs from ECS or from other devices via FTP, import or export TANDBERG Local Address Table continues…

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Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment

Port Range



Functionality Enables software upgrade.

Result of Blocking Port Book, or perform software upgrades.




Scopia® Management

Detects LifeSize endpoints. Enables downloading Avaya Scopia® PathFinder server logs. Detects and manages Scopia® VC240.

Cannot detect LifeSize endpoints, download Avaya Scopia® PathFinder server logs, or detect/ manage Scopia® VC240



Telnet (TCP)

Polycom endpoints

Enables you to control Polycom endpoints

Cannot control Polycom endpoints




SMTP server

Enables connection to SMTP server for sending email notifications

Cannot send email notifications




DNS server

Enables DNS queries

Cannot parse domain names



NTLM (TCP/ Active Directory UDP) Server

Enables connection to the Active Directory Server

NTLM SSO does not function




Directory Server

Enables connection to the Directory Server

Cannot connect to the Directory Server




Avaya Scopia® PathFinder

Detects endpoints via Avaya Scopia® PathFinder

Cannot detect endpoints via Avaya Scopia® PathFinder




MCU/ Scopia® Video Gateway / TIP Gateway/ SIP Gateway

Enables connection to MCU/ Scopia® Video Gateway / TIP Gateway/ SIP Gateway via the administrator’s XML API (used for configuring devices via Scopia® Management)

Cannot perform configuration for MCU/ Scopia® Video Gateway / TIP Gateway/ SIP Gateway via the XML API

Mandatory if deployed with MCU/ Scopia® Video Gateway / TIP Gateway/ SIP Gateway




Enables you to use the Scopia® Management XML API

Cannot communicate with the B2BUA component via Scopia® Management XML API


Table continues…

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Ports to Open on Avaya Scopia® Management

Port Range




Result of Blocking Port




Scopia® Desktop

Enables connection to Scopia® Desktop

Scopia® Desktop cannot use Scopia® Management to place or manage calls

Mandatory if deployed with Scopia® Desktop



Scopia® Video Gateway/ TIP Gateway / SIP Gateway/ MCU

Enables secure connection to the Scopia® Video Gateway/ TIP Gateway / SIP Gateway/ MCU via the moderator’s XML API (used for managing meetings via Scopia® Management)

Cannot securely connect to the Scopia® Video Gateway/ TIP Gateway / SIP Gateway/ MCU via the XML API

Mandatory for a secure XML API connection with Scopia® Video Gateway/ TIP Gateway / SIP Gateway/ MCU



Scopia® Video Gateway/ TIP Gateway / SIP Gateway/ MCU

Enables secure connection to Scopia® Video Gateway/ TIP Gateway / SIP Gateway/ MCU via the administrator’s XML API (used for configuring devices via Scopia® Management)

Cannot securely connect to the Scopia® Video Gateway/ TIP Gateway / SIP Gateway/ MCU via the administrator’s XML API

Mandatory for a secure XML API connection with Scopia® Video Gateway/ TIP Gateway / SIP Gateway/ MCU



Avaya Scopia® PathFinder server

Enables connection to Avaya Scopia® PathFinder server (v7.0 and later) via Avaya Scopia® PathFinder server XML API

Cannot connect to Avaya Scopia® PathFinder server via Avaya Scopia® PathFinder server XML API



Telnet (TCP)

Sony endpoints

Enables you to control Sony endpoints

Cannot control Sony endpoints




XT Series

Enables connection to the XT Series

Cannot connect to the XT Series

Mandatory if deployed with XT Series


DIIOP (TCP) Domino server

Enables connection with the Domino server

Cannot connect to the Domino Server

Mandatory if Scopia® Management works with Domino Server

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Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment

Table 3: Inbound Ports to Open on Scopia® Management Port Range




Result of Blocking Port




Web client

Enables Tomcat to run over SSL

Cannot access Scopia® Management web user interface via HTTPS

Mandatory if using HTTPS



IBM Sametime

Enables connection to IBM Sametime application

Cannot work with Mandatory if Scopia® IBM Sametime Management works with IBM Sametime



Web client

Provides access to the Avaya Scopia® PathFinder and Scopia® Management web user interface

Cannot access the Avaya Scopia® PathFinder web user interface

Enables Tomcat to run over SSL

Cannot access Scopia® Management web user interface via HTTPS



Web client

Mandatory if deployed with Avaya Scopia® PathFinder or Scopia® Management internal Gatekeeper. You can configure this port during installation (see How to Install Scopia® Management on page 27). Mandatory if using HTTPS. You can configure this port as part of setting up HTTPS (see Administrator Guide for Avaya Scopia® Management).

Related links Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment on page 8

Minimum Requirements for Scopia® Management Minimum Server Hardware Requirements This section describes the minimum hardware requirements of the Avaya Scopia® Management server. The hardware specifications use the CPU passmark as a measure of computers across different models and companies. For more information, and to find out the CPU mark of your system, go to http://www.cpubenchmark.net. The RAM and hard disk sizes must be dedicated solely to Scopia® Management. Important: Make sure the duplex settings of your NIC is correct.

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Minimum Requirements for Scopia® Management

Table 4: Matching hardware server specifications with your product Product

Max capacity (ports)

Minimum hardware requirements

Minimum CPU passmark

Can support virtual machine? (VMWare or Microsoft HyperV)

Complete Centralized Videoconferencing Solution


CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1270v2 Quad Core @ 3.5 GHz



Server runs Scopia® Management and Scopia® Desktop.

RAM: 8Gb NIC: 1000 Mb Disk: 80 GB If using Application Server P/N 55876-00003: 40 GB is sufficient, but clean up log files and upgrade packages on a regular basis to ensure that there is enough disk space.

Large Centralized Videoconferencing Solution (medium)


Scopia® Management and Scopia® Desktop run on different servers.

CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E6850 at 3GHz


RAM: 4G NIC: 1000Mb Disk space: 80Gb

Large Centralized Videoconferencing Solution (medium-large)


Scopia® Management and Scopia® Desktop run on different servers.

CPU: Intel Xeon X3430 at 2.40GHz (4 virtual cores)


RAM: 4Gb NIC: 1000Mb Disk space: 80Gb

Large Centralized Videoconferencing Solution (large) Server runs Scopia® Management and optional Avaya Scopia® Gatekeeper.


CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1220 at 3.10GHz (4 virtual cores)


RAM: 8Gb NIC: 1000Mb Disk space: 80Gb

Operating Systems Avaya Scopia® Management standalone and Avaya Scopia® Management with an internal gatekeeper support the following server operating systems: • Microsoft Windows 2008 Standard/Enterprise Edition, SP1 & SP2 (32 and 64 Bit)

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Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment

• Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Standard/Enterprise Edition, SP1 (64 Bit) • Microsoft Windows 2012 Standard/Enterprise Edition (64 Bit) • Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Standard/Enterprise Edition (64 Bit) • Ubuntu (64 Bit) version 12 (standalone only, no internal gatekeeper support) Important: Scopia® Management relies on the Windows operating system to send and receive SNMP messages to enable the internal gatekeeper to function properly. Be sure to install or enable the Windows SNMP Service as one of the services running on the server. Scopia® Management also supports VMware vSphere versions 4,5, and 5.1, 5.5, and Microsoft Hyper-V Server. The virtual server operating system specifications include: • Windows 2008 Server SP2 - Enterprise (32 bit and 64 bit) • Windows 2008 Server R2 - Enterprise (64 bit) • Windows 2012 Server - Microsoft Hyper-V Server only

Redundancy Requirements High availability and service preservation for Scopia® Management is based on either two or three redundant servers. You can deploy two Avaya Scopia® Management servers in the same location, one as the primary server and the other as a secondary server (local redundancy). If the primary server fails, the secondary server automatically takes over. For increased reliability, deploy a third server as an offsite backup (geographic redundancy). For details, see Administrator Guide for Avaya Scopia® Management. For existing redundant deployments, install Scopia® Management on an additional server. For new redundant deployments, install Scopia® Management on two or three separate servers, depending on the redundancy method. For servers running Windows Server 2008, install WinPcap version 4.1.2 to enable the network switch update its cache with the new MAC address of the active server, if a failover occurs.

Supported User Directories (LDAP) Scopia® Management interoperates with a number of LDAP servers: • Microsoft Active Directory Server for Windows 2003 Server • Microsoft Active Directory Server for Windows 2003 R2 Server • Microsoft Active Directory Server for Windows 2008 Server • Microsoft Active Directory Server for Windows 2008 R2 Server • Microsoft Active Directory Server for Windows 2012 Server • Lotus Domino Server version 8.0 • Lotus Domino Server version 8.5, 8.5.1, 8.5.2, 8.5.3, 9.0

Databases Avaya Scopia® Management can work with external databases as well as with its own internal database. If you are deploying geographic redundancy or if Scopia® Management is running on Linux, only the internal database is supported.

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Minimum Requirements for Scopia® Management

Scopia® Management supports the following external databases: • MySQL External Server version 5.5,5.6 • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard/Enterprise Edition SP1 • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Important: Install your external database server on a separate machine before installing Scopia® Management. Make sure that no database server is installed on the Scopia® Management host server. When creating a new external database for Scopia® Management, the following requirements must be met: • The database name should be no more than 32 characters. • The username of the database should be a maximum of 16 characters. • The password of the username to access the database should be a maximum of 12 characters.

Supported Web Browsers The following browsers are supported by Scopia® Management: • Internet Explorer 9, 10 and 11 • Firefox 12 and higher • Safari 6 on Mac OS • Google Chrome 20 and higher

Supported Mail Programs Scopia® Management Outlook Add-on supports these versions of Microsoft Outlook: • Microsoft Outlook 2007 on Windows XP • Microsoft Outlook 2007 on Windows 7 • Microsoft Outlook 2007 on Windows 7 x64 • Microsoft Outlook 2010 on Windows 7 • Microsoft Outlook 2010 on Windows 7 x64 • Microsoft Outlook 2013 on Windows 8/8.1 • Microsoft Outlook 2013 on Windows 8/8.1 x64 Important: The Scopia® Add-in for Microsoft Outlook does not support Outlook 2003. Scopia® Management supports these versions of Microsoft Exchange: • Microsoft Exchange 2007 • Microsoft Exchange 2010 • Microsoft Exchange 2013

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Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment

Scopia® Management supports these versions of Lotus Notes: • Lotus Notes 8 • Lotus Notes 8.5 • Lotus Notes 8.5.1 • Lotus Notes 8.5.2 • Lotus Notes 8.5.3 • Lotus Notes 9.0

Supported Endpoints and Video Network Devices Scopia® Management supports these video network infrastructure devices: • Avaya Aura Session Manager • Avaya Aura Communication Manager • Scopia® Elite MCU • Scopia® MCU • Scopia® Desktop • Scopia® Video Gateway • AvayaScopia® Gateway • Avaya Scopia® ECS Gatekeeper • Tandberg VCS gatekeeper: calling and presence support. • Cisco IOS H.323 Gatekeeper • Cisco Unified Communications Manager • Cisco TelePresence Video Communications Server (VCS) • Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Microsoft Office Communicator Server (OCS) 2007 and 2007 R2 • IBM Lotus Sametime 8.5.1/8.5.2 • Broadsoft IP Centrix Scopia® Management can also manage a broad range of endpoints, including: • Scopia® Streaming and Recording • Scopia® Web Collaboration server • Scopia® Solution endpoints - Avaya Scopia® XT Series - Scopia® VC240 • Polycom endpoints - VSX 3000/ 3000A/5000/6000/6000A/7000/ 7000A/7000E/7000S/8000 - HDX 4000/6000/7000/ 7000HD/8000/ 8000HD/9001/9002/9004 - Group Series

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Minimum Requirements for Scopia® Management

• Tandberg endpoints - MXP 990/880/770/550/1500 - MXP EDGE 75/85/95 - MXP CENTRIC 1700/1000 - MXP PROFILE 6000 • LifeSize endpoints - Passport - Express, Express 220 - Team 220 - Room, Room 200 - LGExecutive • Cisco endpoints - Cisco C20 - Cisco C40 - Cisco C60 - Cisco C90 - Cisco SX20 - Cisco EX90 Each endpoint model series supports Scopia® Management features to different extents (see Table 6: Supported features with various endpoint models on page 19). Table 6: Supported features with various endpoint models Feature

Avaya XT Series

VC 240



Tandber g MXP Series

Cisco C/SX/EX Series

Polycom VSX and HDX

Polycom Group Series

LifeSize endpoint s

Monitoring License Update


Remote Configuration



Remote Reboot Upgrade Software





Alarm/Events Retrieve CS Package




Table continues…

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Avaya XT Series

VC 240

Tandber g MXP Series

Cisco C/SX/EX Series

Polycom VSX and HDX

Polycom Group Series

LifeSize endpoint s

Retrieve Configuration File




Update Configuration File




Retrieve Address Book File






Update Address Book File
















Directory Integration Calendar Integration


Related links Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment on page 8

Planning User Access to Videoconferences As part of deploying Scopia® Solution, you need to plan how users in your organization start videoconferences. Users can either schedule a meeting in advance, and reserve the required video network resources, or they can start an instant meeting. Scheduling meetings with resources ensures a high quality user experience. If there are not enough resources during the videoconference, the system may either downgrade the video quality or block additional participants from joining. Users can schedule meetings with resources in one of two ways: • From Microsoft Outlook (2010 or later), using a Scopia® Management plug-in for Microsoft Outlook. • From the Scopia® Management User Portal. When scheduling from either one of these plug-ins for Microsoft Outlook, Scopia® Management reserves both the endpoint resources and their required MCU connections. Users can start instant meetings in one of two ways: • Dialing an endpoint directly from another endpoint. To dial more than one endpoint, users dial the MCU dial prefix and a virtual room number (personal or public). • Dialing an endpoint from their virtual room in Scopia® Desktop Client, using the MCU dial prefix. You set up the MCU prefix and virtual room numbers according to your organization's dial plan.

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Planning User Access to Videoconferences

Figure 3: Planning User Access to Scheduling Meetings

The most common way for users to schedule videoconferences is from Microsoft Outlook, since they are already familiar with its interface and are using it to schedule all other (non-video) meetings. This requires deploying one of the Scopia® Management plug-ins for Microsoft Outlook. Decide which plug-in is right for your organization by using Table 7: Comparing features of the different Microsoft Outlook Plug-ins on page 21 as a guide. For example, if users in your organization have Mac computers or schedule meetings on-the-go from their mobile devices, deploy Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange (see Installing the Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange on page 22). The Scopia® Add-in for Microsoft Outlook (64-bit), allows more settings to be configured from Outlook, but requires installation on each client (see User Guide for Scopia® Add-in for Microsoft Outlook). Table 7: Comparing features of the different Microsoft Outlook Plug-ins Features

Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange

Scopia® Add-in for Microsoft Outlook

Supported clients

Microsoft Outlook clients on PC

Microsoft Outlook clients on Windowsbased PC only (64-bit)

Microsoft Outlook clients on Mac Microsoft Outlook Web Application Other calendar applications (such as iOS and Windows-based mobile devices connected to Exchange) Installation

Installed on Microsoft Exchange server only (not on each client)

Requires installation on each user's computer Table continues…

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Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange

Scopia® Add-in for Microsoft Outlook

User access

All users with a virtual room (even if connecting from a public network)

Only internal users with a virtual room (cannot connect from a public network)

Advanced Meeting Settings (such as reserving extra resources)

Configured from the Scopia® Management user portal

Configured directly from Outlook

There is an additional plug-in available that does not require a user account in Scopia® Management (see Administrator Guide for Avaya Scopia® Desktop server). Users cannot reserve video network resources with this plug-in. Related links Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment on page 8 Installing the Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange on page 22

Installing the Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange About this task With the Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange, users with a virtual room can easily schedule videoconferences without installing a plugin on their computer or device, since administrators install it on the Exchange server. Since it works on the Exchange server, users can schedule directly from their Outlook client or other calendar application configured with the Microsoft Exchange server, such as: Microsoft Outlook for Mac, Outlook Web App, and both Android and iOS-based mobile devices. Install the Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange as described below. As part of the installation, you need to define a keyword that users enter when they schedule meetings, to mark the meeting as a videoconference and reserve video network resources. For example, if you defined video as your keyword for the Location field, users must enter video when scheduling videoconferences in Outlook:

Figure 4: Scheduling a videoconference

For other scheduling options, see Planning User Access to Videoconferences on page 20. Important: This procedure is for certified Microsoft Exchange integrators who can access the command shell, are familiar with Exchange's account impersonation and how to restart Exchange's transport service.

Before you begin • The installation of Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange typically takes a few minutes and temporarily disconnects the Microsoft Exchange server from the Internet.

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Planning User Access to Videoconferences

Consider sending a maintenance notice to all users, alerting them that the Exchange server is disconnected and cannot send and receive emails during this time. • In Microsoft Active Directory, create a user account (such as scopia_admin) for Exchange impersonation, to allow Scopia® Management to access Microsoft Outlook to schedule meetings on behalf of the user by impersonating that login. You configure the account in this procedure to have access to user information and calendars by impersonating users when scheduling meetings and updating calendar information. You need the account username and password to install Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange. For example, when a user ([email protected]) schedules a videoconference from her mobile device, the message goes through the Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange, where the scopia_admin account intercepts and processes the message as a videoconference invitation, and then forwards it to Exchange Web Service as if the sender is [email protected]. • To schedule videoconferences, each person must have a user account in Scopia® Management (see Administrator Guide for Avaya Scopia® Management). • We recommend creating a Scopia® Management user account specifically for the Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange (see Administrator Guide for Avaya Scopia® Management). You use the credentials of this account as part of installing Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange. Alternatively, you can use any Scopia® Management user account, such as the administrator's. • Verify that Exchange Web Services is installed on the Exchange server: - Browse to the Exchange Web Services website, https://hostname/EWS/ ExchangeService.asmx, where hostname is the host name of the Exchange server. - If Exchange Web Services is installed, an XML file (WSDL) automatically appears. If you need to install Exchange Web Services, browse to http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ download/details.aspx?id=35371, and follow the installation instructions.

Procedure 1. Copy all the setup files for Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange to a temporary local folder on the Exchange server (such as c:/temp/scopia_exchange_installation). These files come with Scopia® Management. 2. Configure the following values in the settings.properties file for Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange, in the For Administrator area. Whenever you modify these values, restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service on the Microsoft Exchange server. //For Administrator ScopiaManagement.url= ScopiaManagement.loginID=admin ScopiaManagement.password=1111 [email protected] ExchangeServer.user.password=2222 [email protected] ExchangeServer.PickupDirectoryPath=C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server \V14\TransportRoles\Pickup ExchangeServer.ewsurl=https://localhost/EWS/ExchangeService.asmx ScopiaMeeting.symbol.location=@scopia;video ScopiaMeeting.symbol.subject=@scopia;video [email protected]

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Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment

Table 8: Modifying the settings.properties file Field




Enter the FQDN or management IP address of Scopia® Management.


ScopiaManagement.login Enter the username and password to ID access the dedicated Scopia® ® ScopiaManagement.pass Management account for Scopia Plugin for Microsoft Exchange word (recommended). Alternatively, you can use any Scopia® Management user account, such as the administrator's. ExchangeServer.user.ac count ExchangeServer.user.pa ssword ExchangeServer.user.em ail


Enter the Exchange user account and Yes password you created for impersonation in Exchange, for example scopia_admin's account might be [email protected]. Enter the email associated with the username of the account you created for impersonation in Exchange. For example, scopia_admin's email might be [email protected].


For example, an error notification email is sent from this address if there is a scheduling failure. For further details, see Microsoft Exchange documentation. ExchangeServer.PickupD Enter the pickup directory path you irectoryPath created. For example:


C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\Pickup ExchangeServer.ewsurl

Enter the Exchange Web Services URL. Optional https://localhost/EWS/ ExchangeService.asmx

ScopiaMeeting.symbol.lo Enter a keyword in one of these three cation fields to define the keyword users must ScopiaMeeting.symbol.s enter when scheduling, to mark this as a videoconference and reserve video ubject network device resources. ScopiaMeeting.symbol.re You can enter multiple keywords, cipient separated by a semi-colon (;) and without a space, for example: video;scopia. This is useful, for


Table continues…

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Planning User Access to Videoconferences


Description example, if you want to have keywords in multiple languages.


• ScopiaMeeting.symbol.location: Enter a keyword that users must enter in the Location field. The default values are @scopia and video. • ScopiaMeeting.symbol.subject: Enter a keyword that users must enter in either the Subject field. The default values are @scopia and video. • ScopiaMeeting.symbol.recipient: Enter a keyword containing the @ symbol, which users must enter in either the Recipient field. The default value is [email protected]. Keywords are not case-sensitive.

3. Configure the username you created earlier to impersonate or act on behalf of meeting organizers (scopia_admin). From the Exchange Management Shell, enter the following command: New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name: -Role:ApplicationImpersonation User:scopia_admin

Where: Table 9: Configuring impersonation Field



Enter a handle for viewing impersonation roles on this server. You can use any name (for example, scopia_role).


Enter the username you defined in the ExchangeServer.email.account(in the settings.properties file), which alters invitations on behalf of users by impersonating their account. For example, if the email defined is [email protected], the username is scopia_admin.

For more information, see Microsoft Exchange documentation. 4. From the Exchange Management Shell, install the Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange by running the install.ps1 file (copied to the temporary directory on the server). 5. Restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service from the list of services running on the server, to refresh it after the installation. 6. Configure the Pickup Directory for Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange, which temporarily stores failed meeting invitations to send back to the meeting organizer. From the Exchange Management Shell, enter the following command: Set-TransportService -PickupDirectoryPath "\pickup"


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Planning your Avaya Scopia® Management Deployment

Table 10: Configuring the Pickup Directory Field



(for Microsoft Exchange 2013): Enter the FQDN or name of the Microsoft Exchange server.

For Microsoft Exchange 2010, use SetTransportServer. PickupDirectoryPath

Enter "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\Agents\Pickup" or another local file path to store the temporary emails.

7. For full functionality of the Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange, ensure it has administrator privileges: a. From the task manager, right-click on EdgeTransport.exe process and select Properties > Compability tab. b. In the Privilege Level area, select Run this program as an administrator. c. In Windows Services, double-click the Microsoft Exchange Transport service and select Log on. d. In the Log on As area, select Local System Account. 8. Make sure that the Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange is working properly: a. Send out a test invitation using the keyword you defined, and invite multiple participants and dedicated endpoints. b. Access the Scopia® Management user or administrator portal to check that the meeting appears. c. In Microsoft Outlook, check that the meeting invitation has Scopia® Management's template text, which contains information for how to join meetings from various clients (see Administrator Guide for Avaya Scopia® Management). To uninstall the Scopia® Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange, run the uninstall.ps1 file and restart the Microsoft Exchange Transport service. Related links Planning User Access to Videoconferences on page 20

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Chapter 3: Installing Scopia® Management

Depending on your deployment type and the preferred Scopia® Management mode, the installation procedure may be different, as described in How to Install Scopia® Management on page 27. This section explains how to install your Avaya Scopia® Management. In addition to the installation itself, there are various procedures required to complete a successful installation of Scopia® Management, also described in this section. Although you can install Scopia® Management on Linux-based servers (Ubuntu), this section is relevant only when installing on Windows-based servers. Perform the procedures in the order they appear in this chapter: Related links How to Install Scopia® Management on page 27 Confirming the Avaya Scopia® Management Installation on page 44 Verifying Avaya Scopia® Management Services Are Running on page 45 Activating your Scopia® Management License on page 46

How to Install Scopia® Management This section provides general information about Scopia® Management installation and procedures for installing Scopia® Management in different modes. The installation procedure may slightly vary depending on your deployment type and on the preferred mode. Although you can install Scopia® Management on Linux-based servers (Ubuntu), this section is relevant only when installing on Windows-based servers. For most deployments you need to install Scopia® Management with an internal gatekeeper. For large organizations with multiple branches offering service preservation for up to 10,000 users, install Scopia® Management in the standalone mode. If you are a service provider, you need to install a standalone Scopia® Management with multi-tenant support, since your large centralized videoconferencing deployment will serve many customers (tenants). If you are deploying Scopia® Management redundancy, install each redundant Scopia® Management server as described in this section (the procedure is the same for each). Set up

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Installing Scopia® Management

redundancy after configuring the primary Scopia® Management server, as described in Administrator Guide for Avaya Scopia® Management. For more information about deployment types and about redundancy, refer to the Scopia® Solution Guide. Related links Installing Scopia® Management on page 27 About Deploying a Database for Avaya Scopia® Management on page 28 Preparing for Scopia® Management Installation on page 29 Installing Scopia® Management with an Internal Gatekeeper on page 29 Installing Scopia® Management without an Internal Gatekeeper on page 34 Installing Scopia® Management for Service Providers on page 39

About Deploying a Database for Avaya Scopia® Management Scopia® Management uses a database to keep track of users, devices, addresses, and so on. The database can be Scopia® Management's internal database, or an external database installed on a different server. If you are planning to use an external database, you can either use the MySQL or Microsoft SQL database already deployed by your organization, or you can create a new database during this installation. To enable Scopia® Management to work with the external database, you must download and install the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver on the server on which you are installing Scopia® Management.

Figure 5: An external database requires the JDBC driver

Related links How to Install Scopia® Management on page 27

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How to Install Scopia® Management

Preparing for Scopia® Management Installation This section describes generic tasks you need to perform before you begin the installation process of Scopia® Management. • Decide which Scopia® Solution deployment best suits your organization's needs and at what network location to install Avaya Scopia® Management. For more information, see Scopia® Solution Guide. • Decide on the hostname or verify the IP address for the Avaya Scopia® Management. This hostname or IP address should be resolvable for all devices which access the Avaya Scopia® Management. • Decide the port of the Scopia® Management web server. Verify this port is not in use by another application. • Decide what database you are deploying (see About Deploying a Database for Avaya Scopia® Management on page 28). - If you are deploying either MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server, find and download the relevant Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver onto the Scopia® Management server. The JDBC allows the Scopia® Management to connect and work with the external database. Note the pathname of the installed the JDBC driver. You need to specify this location during the Scopia® Management installation. - Note the name and IP address of the server to be used for the external database. - Note the username and password of the administrator account of the server you plan to use for installing the external database. You use the administrator account of this server only once, during installation. After you create the external database, it is managed using the database user account for Scopia® Management, created during installation. Related links How to Install Scopia® Management on page 27

Installing Scopia® Management with an Internal Gatekeeper About this task This section provides the Scopia® Management installation procedure for a typical organization's deployment. Scopia® Management can work with several types of databases: its own internal database, MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server. The choice of database is performed during planning your deployment and depends on the needs of your organization as well as on the existing network topology. Although you can install Scopia® Management on Linux-based servers (Ubuntu), this section is relevant only when installing on Windows-based servers. Read Preparing for Scopia® Management Installation on page 29 before you perform the procedure in this section.

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Installing Scopia® Management

Procedure 1. To start the installation wizard, run the Avaya Scopia® Management .exe file from the Scopia® Management CD-ROM. 2. Select Next in the Introduction window. 3. Read and accept the license agreement in the License Agreement window, and then select Next. 4. Select Custom, and then select Next. If you are installing both the internal database and the internal gatekeeper, you can select Typical and continue with step 6 on page 30. 5. In the Installation Type Selection window, perform the following: a. Select Standalone or Standalone with Multi-tenant Support. b. Select Install Avaya Scopia® Gatekeeper on this server. c. Select Next.

Figure 6: Selecting installation type

6. In the Select Installation Directory window, select the directory which you want to use for installation, and then select Next. 7. In the Server Information window, enter the host name URL or IP address and Web server port number used by the application, and then select Next.

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How to Install Scopia® Management

Figure 7: Configuring the host name or IP address and the port number for Scopia® Management

The host name or the IP address should be resolvable for all devices which access Scopia® Management. 8. In the Database Server Selection window, select the database type, either the Internal Database, External MYSQL or External Microsoft SQL Server. This is not relevant if you selected Typical as the installation mode.

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Installing Scopia® Management

Figure 8: Selecting the database server

9. If you selected an external database: a. In the Create or Connect window, select Create a new database or Connect to an existing database, and then select Next. b. In the Choose JDBC Driver window, navigate to the JDBC driver you installed earlier, and then select Next. c. In the Database Server Administration Information window, enter the following information for the database server, and then select Next. Table 11: Entering database server administration information

September 2016



Server Name

Enter the database server name.

Server Port

Enter the number of the port used for the database server to connect to Scopia® Management.

Login ID

Enter the administrator login ID for the database server.


Enter the administrator password for the database server.

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How to Install Scopia® Management

d. In the Database Information window, enter the following information to create a Scopia® Management account for the external database, and then select Next. Table 12: Creating a Scopia® Management account for the database Field


Database Name

Enter the name for the database.

Login ID

Enter the login credentials for Scopia® Management's user account in the external database.


Scopia® Management connects to the external database and creates a Scopia® Management user account with these credentials.

10. In the Account Login Information window, define the system administrator as described below, and then select Next.

Figure 9: Defining the system administrator

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Installing Scopia® Management

Table 13: Defining the system administrator Field


Login ID

Define the username and password for the system administrator account used to access Scopia® Management.

Password Confirm Password

Enter the same password again.

11. Select OK in the warning message about not logging off the server if you install Scopia® Management remotely. 12. In the Confirming Installation Information window, review the summary of the installation information and if everything is correct, select Install. If there is an error, select Previous to navigate to the relevant window and fix it. Do not interrupt the installation. After starting the AvayaScopia® Management service allow several minutes for server initialization before logging into the user interface. Related links How to Install Scopia® Management on page 27

Installing Scopia® Management without an Internal Gatekeeper About this task Use this installation procedure for large distributed deployments. Although you can install Scopia® Management on Linux-based servers (Ubuntu), this section is relevant only when installing on Windows-based servers. Read Preparing for Scopia® Management Installation on page 29 before you perform the procedure in this section.

Procedure 1. To start the installation wizard, run the Avaya Scopia® Management .exe file from the Scopia® Management CD-ROM. 2. Select Next in the Introduction window. 3. Read and accept the license agreement in the License Agreement window, and then select Next. 4. Select Custom, and then select Next. 5. In the Installation Type Selection window, select Standalone or Standalone with Multtenant Support, and then select Next.

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How to Install Scopia® Management

Figure 10: Selecting installation type

6. In the Directory Selection window, select the directory which you want to use for installation, and then select Next. 7. In the Server Information window, enter the host name URL or IP address and Web server port number used by the application, and then select Next.

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Installing Scopia® Management

Figure 11: Configuring the host name or IP address and the port number for the Scopia® Management

The host name or the IP address should be resolvable for all devices that access Scopia® Management. 8. In the Database Server Selection window, select the database type, either the Internal Database, External MYSQL or External Microsoft SQL Server.

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How to Install Scopia® Management

Figure 12: Selecting the database server

9. If you selected an external database: a. In the Create or Connect window, select Create a new database or Connect to an existing database, and then select Next. b. In the Choose JDBC Driver window, navigate to the JDBC driver you installed earlier, and then select Next. c. In the Database Server Administration Information window, enter the following information for the database server, and then select Next. Table 14: Entering database server administration information

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Server Name

Enter the database server name.

Server Port

Enter the number of the port used for the database server to connect to Scopia® Management.

Login ID

Enter the administrator login ID for the database server.


Enter the administrator password for the database server.

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Installing Scopia® Management

d. In the Database Information window, enter the following information to create a Scopia® Management account for the external database, and then select Next. Table 15: Creating a Scopia® Management account for the database Field


Database Name

Enter the name for the database.

Login ID

Enter the login credentials for Scopia® Management's user account in the external database.


Scopia® Management connects to the external database and creates a Scopia® Management user account with these credentials.

10. In the Account Login Information window, define the system administrator as described below, and then select Next.

Figure 13: Defining the system administrator

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How to Install Scopia® Management

Table 16: Defining the system administrator Field


Login ID

Define the username and password for the system administrator account used to access Scopia® Management.

Password Confirm Password

Enter the same password again.

11. In the Confirming Installation Information window, review the summary of the installation information and if everything is correct, select Install. If there is an error, select Previous to navigate to the relevant window and fix it. Do not interrupt the installation. After starting the AvayaScopia® Management service allow several minutes for server initialization before logging into the user interface. Related links How to Install Scopia® Management on page 27

Installing Scopia® Management for Service Providers About this task Perform this procedure for service provider’s deployments. Although you can install Scopia® Management on Linux-based servers (Ubuntu), this section is relevant only when installing on Windows-based servers. Read Preparing for Scopia® Management Installation on page 29 before you perform the procedure in this section.

Procedure 1. To start the installation wizard, run the Avaya Scopia® Management .exe file from the Scopia® Management CD-ROM. 2. Select Next in the Introduction window. 3. Read and accept the license agreement in the License Agreement window, and then select Next. 4. Select Custom, and then select Next. 5. In the Installation Type Selection window, select Standalone with Multi-tenant Support, and then select Next.

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Installing Scopia® Management

Figure 14: The Installation Type Selection Window

6. In the Directory Selection window, select the directory which you want to use for installation, and then select Next. 7. In the Server Information window, enter the host name URL or IP address and Web server port number used by the application, and then select Next.

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How to Install Scopia® Management

Figure 15: Configuring the host name or IP address and the port number for the Scopia® Management

The host name or the IP address should be resolvable for all devices that access Scopia® Management. 8. In the Database Server Selection window, select the database type, either the Internal Database, External MYSQL or External Microsoft SQL Server.

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Installing Scopia® Management

Figure 16: Selecting the database server

9. If you selected an external database: a. In the Create or Connect window, select Create a new database or Connect to an existing database, and then select Next. b. In the Choose JDBC Driver window, navigate to the JDBC driver you installed earlier, and then select Next. c. In the Database Server Administration Information window, enter the following information for the database server, and then select Next. Table 17: Entering database server administration information

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Server Name

Enter the database server name.

Server Port

Enter the number of the port used for the database server to connect to Scopia® Management.

Login ID

Enter the administrator login ID for the database server.


Enter the administrator password for the database server.

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How to Install Scopia® Management

d. In the Database Information window, enter the following information to create a Scopia® Management account for the external database, and then select Next. Table 18: Creating a Scopia® Management account for the database Field


Database Name

Enter the name for the database.

Login ID

Enter the login credentials for Scopia® Management's user account in the external database.


Scopia® Management connects to the external database and creates a Scopia® Management user account with these credentials.

10. In the Account Login Information window, define the system administrator as described below, and then select Next. Table 19: Defining the system administrator Field


Login ID

Define the username and password for the system administrator account used to access Scopia® Management.

Password Confirm Password

Enter the same password again.

11. In the Confirming Installation Information window, review the summary of the installation information and if everything is correct, select Install. If there is an error, select Previous to navigate to the relevant window and fix it. Do not interrupt the installation. After starting the Scopia® Management service allow several minutes for server initialization before logging into the user interface. 12. If you configured an MS-SQL database and you require a language other than English, match the language setting for the computer on which the SQL Server database is installed with the language setting for Scopia® Management. For example, to view the Scopia® Management user interface in Chinese, you must also set the SQL server database host computer to use Chinese. Important: Failure to match these language settings can result in the incorrect display of Chinese characters as well as incorrect user or terminal information being stored in the database. 13. If your deployment uses the Microsoft Lync Server Multitenant Hosting pack, navigate to C: \Program Files\RADVISION\Scopia® Management\iCM\tomcat\config and follow this procedure: a. Open the vcs-core.properties file in a text editor.

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Installing Scopia® Management

b. Set these parameters as described: • vnex.vcms.core.presence.enable.hostpack=true • com.visionnex.vcms.core.ucgw.withoutpt.adv=SIP • vnex.vcms.core.ucgw.check.recordroute=false c. Save and close the file. d. Restart Scopia® Management and SCOPIA SIP Server services. Related links How to Install Scopia® Management on page 27

Confirming the Avaya Scopia® Management Installation About this task Before configuring administrative and user settings within Avaya Scopia® Management, verify that the installation is complete.

Procedure 1. Wait 2-3 minutes for the server to complete initialization. 2. Access the Scopia® Management administrator portal. 3. Verify the Scopia® Management login window appears. Important: If you have a multi-tenant deployment, verify that the Organization field appears as well as the Username and Password fields. 4. Verify you can log in to the web interface using the administrator account specified during the installation process.

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Verifying Avaya Scopia® Management Services Are Running

Figure 17: Scopia® Management dashboard

Related links Installing Scopia® Management on page 27

Verifying Avaya Scopia® Management Services Are Running About this task Scopia® Management is installed as a Windows Service on your server. Scopia® Management services automatically start when the server is started. To verify:

Procedure 1. Navigate to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services and find the list of Scopia® Management related services. 2. Verify that the following services are installed: • AVAYA Scopia® Management—The service that Avaya Scopia® Management and Avaya Scopia® Management run on. • AVAYA Scopia® Management (Watchdog)— The service that monitors the status of both servers in a redundant Scopia® Management configuration. This service is available only in redundant Scopia® Management. • AVAYA SipServer—The service for the SIP User agent included with Avaya Scopia® Management for SIP call control.

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Installing Scopia® Management

You can turn off this service in H.323-only deployments. Access the vcs-core.properties file located by default under C:\Program Files\RADVISION\SCOPIA Management\iCM \tomcat\config, and make the following change: vnex.vcms.core.sip.serverAddress=. • Avaya Enhanced Communication Server —Internal gatekeeper service. This service is available only available if Scopia® Management is installed with internal gatekeeper. • Avaya Enhanced Communication Server Watchdog—Internal gatekeeper service. Only available in Scopia® Management with internal gatekeeper for SCOPIA bundle. • Avaya Enhanced Communication Server Web Server—The web interface service for the internal gatekeeper. Only available in Scopia® Management with internal gatekeeper for SCOPIA bundle. To access the web interface of the internal gatekeeper, enable this service. The URL of the internal gatekeeper web interface is http://host_server:8011/. The default login ID is “admin”, and there is no password. You can modify the login ID and password via the web interface of the internal gatekeeper. Related links Installing Scopia® Management on page 27

Activating your Scopia® Management License About this task At the end of the installation process, the system installs a temporary activation license, which is valid for 30 days. To enable the license, you need to first register Avaya Scopia® Management. After you register, use the license keys to enable your Scopia® Management activation license. Important: You must activate your Scopia® Management within 30 days, otherwise the product is deactivated. You can view information about your activation license, such as the remaining number of days and the number of ports, by navigating to > Licensing and Registration in the Scopia® Management web interface.

Procedure 1. Access the Scopia® Management administrator portal. 2. Select

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> Licensing and Registration.

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Activating your Scopia® Management License

Figure 18: The License window

The License window appears, displaying product information and details about the currently installed license. For service provider VaaS (Video as a Service) deployments, since there is no license-based limit to port numbers, several fields are not displayed in this window. 3. Select Register your product. 4. Select Product Licensing and Software Downloads. 5. Log in using either your Avaya ID, or, if you do not have an Avaya ID, select Quick Access. 6. Follow the instructions that appear. Upon completion, the system sends you the license by email. 7. After you receive the license, access the Scopia® Management web interface again. 8. Select

> Licensing and Registration.

The License window appears, displaying product information (see Figure 18: The License window on page 47). 9. Enter your license key in the Update field. 10. Select Apply. The Scopia® Management activation status changes from temporary to permanent.

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Installing Scopia® Management

Related links Installing Scopia® Management on page 27

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Chapter 4: Upgrading, Backing up and Restoring Scopia® Management Data

You can restore the Avaya Scopia® Management database and configuration files from a backup copy. You should back up your database and configuration files on a regular basis. There are many reasons for performing system backups on a regular basis, such as: • Hardware failure • Software failure • Data corruption • User errors • Before a software upgrade The upgrade procedure may vary depending on the release number and the size of the jump from the current installation to the new release. For more information, see Upgrading Scopia® Management on page 54. Related links Backing Up Scopia® Management Manually on page 49 Backing up Avaya Scopia® Management Automatically on page 51 Restoring a Scopia® Management Backup File on page 52 Upgrading Scopia® Management on page 54

Backing Up Scopia® Management Manually About this task The backup procedure saves Scopia® Management's internal database and settings, which contains configuration and meeting scheduling information stored in local text files (known as property files). Scopia® Management backs up all configuration files. We recommend that you back up Avaya Scopia® Management manually before you perform maintenance procedures such as upgrade to save the latest configuration.

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Upgrading, Backing up and Restoring Scopia® Management Data

In redundant deployments, back up the primary Scopia® Management server only. Important: If you are using an external database such as Microsoft SQL, you need to back up its information separately. It is not included in the Scopia® Management backup file.

Procedure 1. Access the Scopia® Management administrator portal (on the primary server, for redundant deployments). 2. Select

> Backup.

The Backup Database window appears.

Figure 19: Backup Data Base window

3. Select the type of files you want to back up by selecting Database and Configuration Files. 4. Enter a filename for your backup file. By default the file name format is Backup_Database_Props. After the backup process is completed, the current date (YYYYMMDD) and time (1421) stamps are automatically added to the file name. For example, Backup_Database_Props_20091215_1421.zip. 5. Select Start. The backup process begins. Upon completion a result message is displayed and the backup file is downloaded. Related links Upgrading, Backing up and Restoring Scopia® Management Data on page 49

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Backing up Avaya Scopia® Management Automatically

Backing up Avaya Scopia® Management Automatically About this task To ensure that the files are backed up regularly, we recommend that you configure your Avaya Scopia® Management to perform the backup procedure automatically. If necessary, you can also perform the backup procedure manually as described in Backing Up Scopia® Management Manually on page 49. In redundant deployments, back up the primary Scopia® Management server only. Important: If you are using an external database such as Microsoft SQL, you need to back up its information separately. It is not included in the Scopia® Management backup file.

Procedure 1. Access the Scopia® Management administrator portal (on the primary server, for redundant deployments). 2. Select Settings > Maintenance > Backup. The Backup window opens.

Figure 20: Defining settings for the automatic backup

3. Select Enable Auto Backup. 4. Define the backing up settings as described in Table 20: Configuring Avaya Scopia® Management to perform automatic backup on page 52.

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Upgrading, Backing up and Restoring Scopia® Management Data

Table 20: Configuring Avaya Scopia® Management to perform automatic backup Field Name



Set the days on which Avaya Scopia® Management performs automatic backup.


Set the time when Avaya Scopia® Management performs automatic backup.


Select the location where Avaya Scopia® Management stores the backup file: Select Default to use the predefined location: / RADVISION/SCOPIA Management/iCM/Backup. Or Select Other and enter the path to the location on the network where you want to save the backup file (cannot be a local path).

Maximum storage size allocated to the backup data disk

Enter the value for the maximum storage space on the Avaya Scopia® Management server. When backup files reach this size, Avaya Scopia® Management starts overwriting the oldest backup files with the new ones.

5. Select OK. Related links Upgrading, Backing up and Restoring Scopia® Management Data on page 49

Restoring a Scopia® Management Backup File About this task You can restore a previously backed up Scopia® Management server, including its internal database, configuration files and branding, using the Scopia® Management Backup and Restore tool. After the backup file is successfully restored, the Scopia® Management server automatically restarts. In redundant deployments, restore the backup file only on the primary Scopia® Management server. The restored backup file is later transferred to the other Scopia® Management servers during synchronization. Important: If you are using an external database such as Microsoft SQL, you need to back up and restore its information separately. It is not included in the Scopia® Management backup file.

Before you begin Verify the following before restoring: • The backup file you are restoring is from the same Scopia® Management edition (either standalone or with multi-tenant support), the same version, and the same database type (either

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Restoring a Scopia® Management Backup File

Scopia® Management's internal database, or an external database) as your current implementation. • If you deployed Scopia® Management redundancy, you restore the backup file on the primary server only. Therefore, you must stop the following Scopia® Management services: first on the off-site backup server (only for geographic redundancy), and then on the secondary server. Otherwise, it can damage the internal database.

Procedure 1. Access the Scopia® Management administrator portal (on the primary server, for redundant deployments). 2. Select

> Restore.

The Restore window appears with the list of backup files.

Figure 21: Restore window

3. Select Browse to locate and upload the backup file to restore. Important: The backup file must be from the same edition, version, and database type as your current Scopia® Management. 4. Select Start. The restore process begins. The system confirms when the restore is completed, and the Scopia® Management server restarts.

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Upgrading, Backing up and Restoring Scopia® Management Data

5. If restoring the backup file in a redundant deployment, complete the procedure as follows: a. Disable redundancy settings on all servers. b. Reconfigure server settings. c. Verify that the primary Scopia® Management service restarted correctly. d. Start the Scopia® Management services on both the secondary server and the off-site backup Scopia® Management server (for geographic redundancy only), to automatically synchronize restored settings to that server. Related links Upgrading, Backing up and Restoring Scopia® Management Data on page 49

Upgrading Scopia® Management About this task The upgrade procedure may vary depending on the release number and the size of the jump from the current installation to the new release. The upgrade procedure may take up to ten minutes. For more information on the upgrade procedure, see the Release Notes for Avaya Scopia® Management for the relevant version. Important: Do not attempt to restore the database and configuration files from an old Scopia® Management version. You can only back up and restore database and configuration files within the same Scopia® Management release number.

Before you begin • Back up your Scopia® Management configuration files before performing the upgrade, as described in Backing Up Scopia® Management Manually on page 49. For redundant deployments, back up on the primary server only. • If you are upgrading Scopia® Management from a version below, you must first perform that upgrade first, and then upgrade to a later version. • For redundant deployments with the internal database, you must upgrade the servers in the following order: first the off-site backup server (if deployed), followed by the secondary server, and then the primary server. This ensures a successful upgrade. Related links Upgrading, Backing up and Restoring Scopia® Management Data on page 49

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See Full HD on page 59.


2CIF describes a video resolution of 704 x 288 pixels (PAL) or 704 x 240 (NTSC). It is double the width of CIF, and is often found in CCTV products.


2SIF describes a video resolution of 704 x 240 pixels (NTSC) or 704 x 288 (PAL). This is often adopted in IP security cameras.


4CIF describes a video resolution of 704 x 576 pixels (PAL) or 704 x 480 (NTSC). It is four times the resolution of CIF and is most widespread as the standard analog TV resolution.


4SIF describes a video resolution of 704 x 480 pixels (NTSC) or 704 x 576 (PAL). This is often adopted in IP security cameras.


See HD on page 61.


AAC is an audio codec which compresses sound but with better results than MP3.

AGC (Automatic Gain Control)

Automatic Gain Control (AGC) smooths audio signals through normalization, by lowering sounds which are too strong and strengthening sounds which are too weak. This is relevant with microphones situated at some distance from the speaker, like room systems. The result is a more consistent audio signal within the required range of volume.


An alias in H.323 represents the unique name of an endpoint. Instead of dialing an IP address to reach an endpoint, you can dial an alias, and the gatekeeper resolves it to an IP address.


Auto-Attendant, also known as video IVR, offers quick access to meetings hosted on MCUs, via a set of visual menus. Participants can select menu options using standard DTMF tones (numeric keypad). Auto-Attendant works with both H.323 and SIP endpoints.

Avaya Scopia® Streaming and Recording Manager

The Avaya Scopia® Streaming and Recording Manager provides a webbased interface to configure and manage Scopia® Streaming and Recording server software, devices, services, and users. The Scopia® Streaming and Recording server Manager application resides on a single

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hardware platform and provides access to all content in the Scopia® Streaming and Recording server environment. Avaya Scopia® Streaming and Recording Manager Portals

The Scopia® Streaming and Recording server Manager provides a portal for administering content. When you log in to the web interface, you can access the Administrator portal.

Balanced Microphone

A balanced microphone uses a cable that is built to reduce noise and interference even when the cable is long. This reduces audio disruptions resulting from surrounding electromagnetic interference.

BFCP (Binary Floor Control Protocol)

BFCP is a protocol which coordinates shared videoconference features in SIP calls, often used by one participant at a time. For example, when sharing content to others in the meeting, one participant is designated as the presenter, and is granted the floor for presenting. All endpoints must be aware that the floor was granted to that participant and react appropriately.


Bitrate is the speed of data flow. Higher video resolutions require higher bitrates to ensure the video is constantly updated, thereby maintaining smooth motion. If you lower the bitrate, you lower the quality of the video. In some cases, you can select a lower bitrate without noticing a significant drop in video quality; for example during a presentation or when a lecturer is speaking and there is very little motion. In video recordings, the bitrate determines the file size for each minute of recording. Bitrate is often measured in kilobits per second (kbps).

Call Control

See Signaling on page 66.

Cascaded Videoconference

A cascaded videoconference is a meeting distributed over more than one physical Scopia® Elite MCU, where a master MCU connects to one or more slave MCUs to create a single videoconference. It increases the meeting capacity by combining the resources of several MCUs. This can be especially useful for distributed deployments across several locations, reducing bandwidth usage.


Scopia® SR enables you to publish content to the cloud, using a virtual delivery node (VDN) and a content delivery network (CDN). The VDN and the network of the CDN act as one delivery mechanism. When a user creates a recording (program), they can choose to distribute it to the CDN, as well as to the regular delivery node (DN).


CIF, or Common Intermediate Format, describes a video resolution of 352 × 288 pixels (PAL) or 352 x 240 (NTSC). This is sometimes referred to as Standard Definition (SD).

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The Manager also provides the Viewer portal. This portal is embedded within the Avaya Scopia® Desktop User portal. Use the User portal to schedule Scopia® Streaming and Recording server broadcasts.

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Conference Point

Conference Point

The Avaya Scopia® Streaming and Recording Conference Point is a video conferencing gateway appliance that captures standard or high definition video conferences. It transcodes, creates, and records the video conferences in a streaming media format. You can use it to capture H.323 video for instant video webcasting or on-demand publishing.

Content Slider

The Scopia® Content Slider stores the data already presented in the videoconference and makes it available for participants to view during the meeting.

Continuous Presence

Continuous presence enables viewing multiple participants of a videoconference at the same time, including the active speaker. This graphics-intensive work requires scaling and mixing the images together into one of the predefined video layouts. The range of video layouts depends on the type of media processing supported, typically located in the MCU.


Control, or media control, sets up and manages the media of a call (its audio, video and data). Control messages include checking compatibility between endpoints, negotiating video and audio codecs, and other parameters like resolution, bitrate and frame rate. Control is communicated via H.245 in H.323 endpoints, or by SDP in SIP endpoints. Control occurs within the framework of an established call, after signaling.


See Continuous Presence on page 57.

Dedicated Endpoint

A dedicated endpoint is a hardware endpoint for videoconferencing assigned to a single user. It is often referred to as a personal or executive endpoint, and serves as the main means of video communications for this user. For example, Scopia® XT Executive. It is listed in the organization's LDAP directory as associated exclusively with this user.

Delivery Node

The Avaya Scopia® Streaming and Recording Delivery Node provides ondemand and broadcast video delivery. You can use it alone or in a hierarchy of devices. It supports thousands of concurrent streams. The Delivery Node uses intelligent routing, content caching, and inherent redundancy to ensure transparent delivery of high-quality video.

Dial Plan

A dial plan defines a way to route a call and to determine its characteristics. In traditional telephone networks, prefixes often denote geographic locations. In videoconferencing deployments, prefixes are also used to define the type and quality of a call. For example, dial 8 before a number for a lower bandwidth call, or 6 for an audio-only call, or 5 to route the call to a different branch.

Dial Prefix

A dial prefix is a number added at the beginning of a dial string to route it to the correct destination, or to determine the type of call. Dial prefixes are

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defined in the organization's dial plan. For example, dial 9 for an outside line, or dial 6 for an audio only call. Distributed Deployment

A distributed deployment describes a deployment where the solution components are geographically distributed in more than one network location.

DNS Server

A DNS server is responsible for resolving domain names in your network by translating them into IP addresses.


DTMF, or touch-tone, is the method of dialing on touch-tone phones, where each number is translated and transmitted as an audio tone.

Dual Video

Dual video is the transmitting of two video streams during a videoconference, one with the live video while the other is a shared data stream, like a presentation.

Dynamic Video Layout

The dynamic video layout is a meeting layout that switches dynamically to include the maximum number of participants it can display on the screen (up to 9 on the XT Series, or up to 28 on Scopia® Elite MCU). The largest image always shows the active speaker.


E.164 is an address format for dialing an endpoint with a standard telephone numeric keypad, which only has numbers 0 - 9 and the symbols: * and #.


An endpoint is a tool through which people can participate in a videoconference. Its display enables you to see and hear others in the meeting, while its microphone and camera enable you to be seen and heard by others. Endpoints include dedicated endpoints, like Scopia® XT Executive, software endpoints like Scopia® Desktop Client, mobile device endpoints like Scopia® Mobile, room systems like XT Series, and telepresence systems like Scopia® XT Telepresence.

Endpoint Alias

See Alias on page 55.


Forward Error Correction (FEC) is a proactive method of sending redundant information in the video stream to preempt quality degradation. FEC identifies the key frames in the video stream that should be protected by FEC. There are several variants of the FEC algorithm. The Reed-Solomon algorithm (FEC-RS) sends redundant packets per block of information, enabling the sender (like the Scopia® Elite MCU) to manage up to ten percent packet loss in the video stream with minimal impact on the smoothness and quality of the video.


Far End Camera Control (FECC) is a feature of endpoint cameras, where the camera can be controlled remotely by another endpoint in the call.

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Forward Error Correction

Forward Error Correction

See FEC on page 58.


See Frames Per Second on page 59.

Frame Rate

See Frames Per Second on page 59.

Frames Per Second

Frames Per Second (fps), also known as the frame rate, is a key measure in video quality, describing the number of image updates per second. The average human eye can register up to 50 frames per second. The higher the frame rate, the smoother the video.


The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. FTP is built on a client-server architecture and uses separate control and data connections between the client and the server. FTP users may authenticate themselves using a clear-text sign-in protocol, normally in the form of a username and password, but can connect anonymously if the server is configured to allow it.

Full HD

Full HD, or Full High Definition, also known as 1080p, describes a video resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

Full screen Video Layout

The full screen view shows one video image. Typically, it displays the remote presentation, or, if there is no presentation, it displays the other meeting participant(s).


A gatekeeper routes audio and video H.323 calls by resolving dial strings (H.323 alias or URI) into the IP address of an endpoint, and handles the initial connection of calls. Gatekeepers also implement the dial plan of an organization by routing H.323 calls depending on their dial prefixes. Scopia® Management includes a built-in Avaya Scopia® Gatekeeper, while ECS is a standalone gatekeeper.


A gateway is a component in a video solution which routes information between two subnets or acts as a translator between different protocols. For example, a gateway can route data between the headquarters and a partner site, or between two protocols like the TIP Gateway, or the Scopia® 100 Gateway.


GLAN, or gigabit LAN, is the name of the network port on the XT Series. It is used on the XT Series to identify a 10/100/1000MBit ethernet port.


H.225 is part of the set of H.323 protocols. It defines the messages and procedures used by gatekeepers to set up calls.


H.235 is the protocol used to authenticate trusted H.323 endpoints and encrypt the media stream during meetings.

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H.239 is a widespread protocol used with H.323 endpoints, to define the additional media channel for data sharing (like presentations) alongside the videoconference, and ensures only one presenter at a time.


H.243 is the protocol used with H.323 endpoints enabling them to remotely manage a videoconference.


H.245 is the protocol used to negotiate call parameters between endpoints, and can control a remote endpoint from your local endpoint. It is part of the H.323 set of protocols.


H.261 is an older protocol used to compress CIF and QCIF video resolutions. This protocol is not supported by the XT Series.


H.263 is an older a protocol used to compress video. It is an enhancement to the H.261 protocol.


H.264 is a widespread protocol used with SIP and H.323 endpoints, which defines video compression. Compression algorithms include 4x4 transforms and a basic motion comparison algorithm called P-slices. There are several profiles within H.264. The default profile is the H.264 Baseline Profile, but H.264 High Profile uses more sophisticated compression techniques.

H.264 Baseline Profile

See H.264 on page 60.

H.264 High Profile

H.264 High Profile is a standard for compressing video by up to 25% over the H.264 Baseline Profile, enabling high definition calls to be held over lower call speeds. It requires both sides of the transmission (sending and receiving endpoints) to support this protocol. H.264 High Profile uses compression algorithms like: • CABAC compression (Context-Based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding) • 8x8 transforms which more effectively compress images containing areas of high correlation These compression algorithms demand higher computation requirements, which are offered with the dedicated hardware available in Scopia® Solution components. Using H.264 High Profile in videoconferencing requires that both the sender and receiver's endpoints support it. This is different from SVC which is an adaptive technology working to improve quality even when only one side supports the standard.


H.320 is a protocol for defining videoconferencing over ISDN networks.


H.323 is a widespread set of protocols governing the communication between endpoints in videoconferences and point-to-point calls. It defines the call signaling, control, media flow, and bandwidth regulation.

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H.323 Alias

H.323 Alias

See Alias on page 55.


H.350 is the protocol used to enhance LDAP user databases to add video endpoint information for users and groups.


H.460 enhances the standard H.323 protocol to manage firewall/NAT traversal, employing ITU-T standards. Endpoints which are already H.460 compliant can communicate directly with the PathFinder server, where the endpoint acts as an H.460 client to the PathFinder server which acts as an H.460 server.


A HD ready device describes its high definition resolution capabilities of 720p, a video resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels.

High Availability

High availability is a state where you ensure better service and less downtime by deploying additional servers. There are several strategies for achieving high availability, including deployment of redundant servers managed by load balancing systems.

High Definition

See HD on page 61.

High Profile

See H.264 High Profile on page 60.


The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. Hypertext is structured text that uses logical links (hyperlinks) between nodes containing text. HTTP is the protocol to exchange or transfer hypertext.


HTTPS is the secured version of the standard web browser protocol HTTP. It secures communication between a web browser and a web server through authentication of the web site and encrypting communication between them. For example, you can use HTTPS to secure web browser access to the web interface of many Scopia® Solution products.

Image Resolution

See Resolution on page 65.


Kilobytes per second (KBps) measures the bitrate in kilobytes per second, not kilobits, by dividing the number of kilobits by eight. Bitrate is normally quoted as kilobits per second (kbps) and then converted to kilobytes per second (KBps). Bitrate measures the throughput of data communication between two devices.


Kilobits per second (kbps) is the standard unit to measure bitrate, measuring the throughput of data communication between two devices. Since this counts the number of individual bits (ones or zeros), you must divide by eight to calculate the number of kilobytes per second (KBps).

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LDAP is a widespread standard database format which stores network users. The format is hierarchical, where nodes are often represented asbranch location > department > sub-department, orexecutives > managers > staff members. The database standard is employed by most user directories including Microsoft Active Directory, IBM Sametime and others. H.350 is an extension to the LDAP standard for the videoconferencing industry.

Lecture Mode

Scopia® Desktop's lecture mode allows the participant defined as the lecturer to see all the participants, while they see only the lecturer. All participants are muted except the lecturer, unless a participant asks permission to speak and is unmuted by the lecturer. This mode is tailored for distance learning, but you can also use it for other purposes like when an executive addresses employees during company-wide gatherings.

Load balancer

A load balancer groups together a set (or cluster) of servers to give them a single IP address, known as a virtual IP address. It distributes client service requests amongst a group of servers. It distributes loads according to different criteria such as bandwidth, CPU usage, or cyclic (round robin). Load balancers are also known as application delivery controllers (ADC).


A location is a physical space (building) or a network (subnet) where video devices can share a single set of addresses. A distributed deployment places these components in different locations, often connected via a VPN.


Management refers to the administration messages sent between components of the Scopia® Solution as they manage and synchronize data between them. Management also includes front-end browser interfaces configuring server settings on the server. Management messages are usually transmitted via protocols like HTTP, SNMP, FTP or XML. For example, Scopia® Management uses management messages to monitor the activities of an MCU, or when it authorizes the MCU to allow a call to proceed.


Megabytes per second (MBps) is a unit of measure for the bitrate. The bitrate is normally quoted as kilobits per second (kbps) and then converted by dividing it by eight to reach the number of kilobytes per second (KBps) and then by a further 1000 to calculate the MBps.


An MCU, or Multipoint Control Unit, connects several endpoints to a single videoconference. It manages the audio mixing and creates the video layouts, adjusting the output to suit each endpoint's capabilities.

MCU service

See Meeting Type on page 63.


Media refers to the live audio, video and shared data streams sent during a call. Presentation and Far end camera control (FECC) are examples of information carried on the data stream. Media is transmitted via the RTP

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Media Control

and RTCP protocols in both SIP and H.323 calls. The parallel data stream of both live video and presentation, is known as dual video. Media Control

See Control on page 57.

Meeting Type

Meeting types (also known as MCU services) are meeting templates which determine the core characteristics of a meeting. For example, they determine if the meeting is audio only or audio and video, they determine the default video layout, the type of encryption, PIN protection and many other features. You can invoke a meeting type by dialing its prefix in front of the meeting ID. Meeting types are created and stored in the MCU, with additional properties in Scopia® Management.


A moderator has special rights in a videoconference, including blocking the sound and video of other participants, inviting new participants, disconnecting others, determining video layouts, and closing meetings. In Scopia® Desktop Client, an owner of a virtual room is the moderator when the room is protected by a PIN. Without this protection, any participant can assume moderator rights.


The MTU, or Maximum Transmission Unit, is the maximum size of data packets sent around your network. This value must remain consistent for all network components, including servers like the MCU and Scopia® Desktop server, endpoints like XT Series and other network devices like LDAP servers and network routers.


A multi-point conference has more than two participants.


Service provider, or multi-tenant, deployments enable one installation to manage multiple organizations. All the organizations can reside as tenants within a single service provider deployment. For example, Scopia® Management can manage a separate set of users for each organization, separate local administrators, separate bandwidth policies etc. all within a single multi-tenant installation.

Multicast Streaming

Multicast streaming sends a videoconference to multiple viewers across a range of addresses, reducing network traffic significantly. Scopia® Desktop server multicasts to a single IP address, and streaming clients must tune in to this IP address to view the meeting. Multicasts require that routers, switches and other equipment know how to forward multicast traffic.


A NAT, or Network Address Translation device, translates external IP addresses to internal addresses housed in a private network. This enables a collection of devices like endpoints in a private network, each with their own internal IP address, can be represented publicly by a single, unique IP address. The NAT translates between public and private addresses, enabling users toplace calls between public network users and private network users.

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NetSense is a proprietary Scopia® Solution technology which optimizes the video quality according to the available bandwidth to minimize packet loss. As the available bandwidth of a connection varies depending on data traffic, NetSense's sophisticated algorithm dynamically scans the video stream, and then reduces or improves the video resolution to maximize quality with the available bandwidth.

Packet Loss

Packet loss occurs when some of the data transmitted from one endpoint is not received by the other endpoint. This can be caused by narrow bandwidth connections or unreliable signal reception on wireless networks.

PaP Video Layout

The PaP (Picture and Picture) view shows up to three images of the same size.

Phantom Power

Microphones which use phantom power draw their electrical power from the same cable as the audio signal. For example, if your microphone is powered by a single cable, it serves both to power the microphone and transmit the audio data. Microphones which have two cables, one for sound and a separate power cable, do not use phantom power.

PiP Video Layout

The PiP (Picture In Picture) view shows a video image in the main screen, with an additional smaller image overlapping in the corner. Typically, a remote presentation is displayed in the main part of the screen, and the remote video is in the small image. If the remote endpoint does not show any content, the display shows the remote video in the main part of the screen, and the local presentation in the small image.


Point-to-point is a feature where only two endpoints communicate with each other without using MCU resources.

PoP Video Layout

The PoP (Picture out Picture) view shows up to three images of different size, presented side by side, where the image on the left is larger than the two smaller images on the right.


See Dial Prefix on page 57.

PTZ Camera

A PTZ camera can pan to swivel horizontally, tilt to move vertically, and optically zoom to devote all the camera's pixels to one area of the image. For example, the XT Standard Camera is a PTZ camera with its own power supply and remote control, and uses powerful lenses to achieve superb visual quality. In contrast, fixed cameras like webcams only offer digital PTZ, where the zoom crops the camera image, displaying only a portion of the original, resulting in fewer pixels of the zoomed image, which effectively lowers the resolution. Fixed cameras also offer digital pan and tilt only after zooming, where you can pan up to the width or length of the original camera image.

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Q.931 is a telephony protocol used to start and end the connection in H.323 calls.


QCIF, or Quarter CIF, defines a video resolution of 176 × 144 pixels (PAL) or 176 x 120 (NTSC). It is often used in older mobile handsets (3G-324M) limited by screen resolution and processing power.

Quality of Service (QoS)

Quality of Service (QoS) determines the priorities of different types of network traffic (audio, video and control/signaling), so in poor network conditions, prioritized traffic is still fully transmitted.


A recording of a videoconference can be played back at any time. Recordings include audio, video and shared data (if presented). Users can access recordings from the Scopia® Desktop web portal or using a web link to the recording on the portal.


Redundancy is a way to deploy a network component, in which you deploy extra units as 'spares', to be used as backups in case one of the components fails.


A SIP Registrar manages the SIP domain by requiring that all SIP devices register their IP addresses with it. For example, once a SIP endpoint registers its IP address with the Registrar, it can place or receive calls with other registered endpoints.


Resolution, or image/video resolution, is the number of pixels which make up an image frame in the video, measured as the number of horizontal pixels x the number of vertical pixels. Increasing resolution improves video quality but typically requires higher bandwidth and more computing power. Techniques like SVC, H.264 High Profile and FEC reduce bandwidth usage by compressing the data to a smaller footprint and compensating for packet loss.

Restricted Mode

Restricted mode is used for ISDN endpoints only, when the PBX and line uses a restricted form of communication, reserving the top 8k of each packet for control data only. If enabled, the bandwidth values on these lines are in multiples of 56kbps, instead of multiples of 64kbps.

Room System

A room system is a hardware videoconferencing endpoint installed in a physical conference room. Essential features include its camera's ability to PTZ (pan, tilt, zoom) to allow maximum flexibility of camera angles enabling participants to see all those in the meeting room or just one part of the room.


Real-time Control Transport Protocol, used alongside RTP for sending statistical information about the media sent over RTP.


RTP or Real-time Transport Protocol is a network protocol which supports video and voice transmission over IP. It underpins most videoconferencing

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protocols today, including H.323, SIP and the streaming control protocol known as RTSP. The secured version of RTP is SRTP. RTSP

RTSP or Real-Time Streaming Protocol controls the delivery of streamed live or playback video over IP, with functions like pause, fast forward and reverse. While the media itself is sent via RTP, these control functions are managed by RTSP

Sampling Rate

The sampling rate is a measure of the accuracy of the audio when it is digitized. To convert analog audio to digital, it must collect or sample the audio at specific intervals. As the rate of sampling increases, it raises audio quality.


A Session Border Controller (SBC) is a relay device between two different networks. It can be used in firewall/NAT traversal, protocol translations and load balancing.


Scalability describes the ability to increase the capacity of a network device by adding another identical device (one or more) to your existing deployment. In contrast, a non-scalable solution would require replacing existing components to increase capacity.

Scopia® Content Slider

See Content Slider on page 57.


Standard Definition (SD), is a term used to refer to video resolutions which are lower than HD. There is no consensus defining one video resolution for SD.


Also known as MCU service. See Meeting Type on page 63.


SIF defines a video resolution of 352 x 240 pixels (NTSC) or 352 x 288 (PAL). This is often used in security cameras.


Signaling, also known as call control, sets up, manages and ends a connection or call. These messages include the authorization to make the call, checking bandwidth, resolving endpoint addresses, and routing the call through different servers. Signaling is transmitted via the H.225.0/Q.931 and H.225.0/RAS protocols in H.323 calls, or by the SIP headers in SIP calls. Signaling occurs before the control aspect of call setup.

Single Sign On

Single Sign On (SSO) automatically uses your network login and password to access different enterprise systems. Using SSO, you do not need to separately login to each system or service in your organization.


Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a signaling protocol for starting, managing and ending voice and video sessions over TCP, TLS or UDP. Videoconferencing endpoints typically are compatible with SIP or H.323, and in some cases (like Avaya Scopia® XT Series), an endpoint can be

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SIP Registrar

compatible with both protocols. As a protocol, it uses fewer resources than H.323. SIP Registrar

See Registrar on page 65.

SIP Server

A SIP server is a network device communicating via the SIP protocol.


See URI on page 69.


See Content Slider on page 57.


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a protocol used to monitor network devices by sending messages and alerts to their registered SNMP server.

Software endpoint

A software endpoint turns a computer or portable device into a videoconferencing endpoint via a software application only. It uses the system's camera and microphone to send image and sound to the other participants, and displays their images on the screen. For example, Scopia® Desktop Client or Scopia® Mobile.


SQCIF defines a video resolution of 128 x 96 pixels.


Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) adds security to the standard RTP protocol, which is used to send media (video and audio) between devices in SIP calls. It offers security with encryption, authentication and message integrity. The encryption uses a symmetric key generated at the start of the call, and being symmetric, the same key locks and unlocks the data. So to secure transmission of the symmetric key, it is sent safely during call setup using TLS.


See Single Sign On on page 66.

Standard Definition

See SD on page 66.


Streaming is a method to send live or recorded videoconferences in one direction to viewers. Recipients can only view the content; they cannot participate with a microphone or camera to communicate back to the meeting. There are two types of streaming supported in Scopia® Solution: unicast which sends a separate stream to each viewer, and multicast which sends one stream to a range of viewers.


A STUN server enables you to directly dial an endpoint behind a NAT or firewall by giving that computer’s public internet address.


SVC extends the H.264 codec standard to dramatically increase error resiliency and video quality without the need for higher bandwidth. It is especially effective over networks with high packet loss (like wireless networks) which deliver low quality video. It splits the video stream into layers, comprising a small base layer and then additional layers on top

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which enhance resolution, frame rate and quality. Each additional layer is only transmitted when bandwidth permits. This allows for a steady video transmission when available bandwidth varies, providing better quality when the bandwidth is high, and adequate quality when available bandwidth is poor. SVGA

SVGA defines a video resolution of 800 x 600 pixels.

Switched video

Switching is the process of redirecting video as-is without transcoding, so you see only one endpoint's image at a time, usually the active speaker, without any video layouts or continuous presence (CP). Using video switching increases the port capacity of the Scopia® Elite MCU only by four times. Important: Use switched video only when all endpoints participating in the videoconference support the same resolution. If a network experiences high packet loss, switched video might not be displayed properly for all endpoints in the videoconference.


SXGA defines a video resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels.


A telepresence system combines two or more endpoints together to create a wider image, simulating the experience of participants being present in the same room. Telepresence systems always designate one of the endpoints as the primary monitor/camera/codec unit, while the remainder are defined as auxiliary or secondary endpoints. This ensures that you can issue commands via a remote control to a single codec base which leads and controls the others to work together as a single telepresence endpoint.

Telepresence - Dual row telepresence room

Dual row telepresence rooms are large telepresence rooms with two rows of tables that can host up to 18 participants.


TLS enables network devices to communicate securely using certificates, to provide authentication of the devices and encryption of the communication between them.


Transcoding is the process of converting video into different sizes, resolutions or formats. This enables multiple video streams to be combined into one view, enabling continuous presence, as in a typical videoconferencing window.

UC (Unified Communications)

UC, or unified communications deployments offer solutions covering a wide range of communication channels. These include audio (voice), video, text (IM or chat), data sharing (presentations), whiteboard sharing (interactive annotations on shared data).

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Unbalanced Microphone

Unbalanced Microphone

An unbalanced microphone uses a cable that is not especially built to reduce interference when the cable is long. As a result, these unbalanced line devices must have shorter cables to avoid audio disruptions.

Unicast Streaming

Unicast streaming sends a separate stream of a videoconference to each viewer. This is the default method of streaming in Scopia® Desktop server. To save bandwidth, consider multicast streaming.


URI is an address format used to locate a device on a network, where the address consists of the endpoint's name or number, followed by the domain name of the server to which the endpoint is registered. For example,@. When dialing URI between organizations, the server might often be the Avaya Scopia® PathFinder server of the organization.

URI Dialing

Accessing a device via its URI on page 69.

User profile

A user profile is a set of capabilities or parameter values which can be assigned to a user. This includes available meeting types (services), access to Scopia® Desktop and Scopia® Mobile functionality, and allowed bandwidth for calls.


See Video Fast Update (VFU) on page 69.


VGA defines a video resolution of 640 x 480 pixels.

Video Fast Update (VFU)

Video Fast Update (VFU) is a request for a refreshed video frame, sent when the received video is corrupted by packet loss. In response to a VFU request, the broadcasting endpoint sends a new intra-frame to serve as the baseline for the ongoing video stream.

Video Layout

A video layout is the arrangement of participant images as they appear on the monitor in a videoconference. If the meeting includes a presentation, a layout can also refer to the arrangement of the presentation image together with the meeting participants.

Video Resolution

See Resolution on page 65.

Video Switching

See Switched video on page 68.


A videoconference is a meeting of more than two participants with audio and video using endpoints. Professional videoconferencing systems can handle many participants in single meetings, and multiple simultaneous meetings, with a wide interoperability score to enable a wide variety of endpoints to join the same videoconference. Typically you can also share PC content, like presentations, to other participants.

Viewer Portal

The Avaya Scopia® Streaming and Recording Viewer Portal is embedded in the Avaya Scopia® Desktopuser portal. To access the Viewer Portal, you can select Recordings and Events on the main Scopia® Desktop page.

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From the Viewer Portal, you can watch recordings and navigate through the categories. Virtual Delivery Node

The Avaya Scopia® Streaming and Recording Virtual Delivery Node (VDN) is a device to push content to an external Content Delivery Network (CDN). The method for publishing content to a CDN is tightly coupled to the Avaya Scopia® Streaming and Recording platform which allows a company's video assets to be managed from a central location. If you want to use a VDN and a CDN, you must buy cloud storage and services from Highwinds™, with the appropriate bandwidth and capacity for your needs. You apply the credentials you receive from Highwinds in the Avaya Scopia® Streaming and Recording Manager to securely access the CDN.

Virtual Room

A virtual room in Scopia® Desktop and Scopia® Mobile offers a virtual meeting place for instant or scheduled videoconferences. An administrator can assign a virtual room to each member of the organization. Users can send invitations to each other via a web link which brings you directly into their virtual room. Virtual meeting rooms are also dialed like phone extension numbers, where a user’s virtual room number is often based on that person’s phone extension number. You can personalize your virtual room with PIN numbers, custom welcome slides and so on. External participants can download Scopia® Desktop or Scopia® Mobile free to access a registered user's virtual room and participate in a videoconference.


A crossed VISCA cable connects two PTZ cameras to enable you to use the same remote control on both.

Waiting Room

A waiting room is a holding place for participants waiting for the host or moderator to join the meeting. While waiting, participants see a static image with the name of the owner's virtual room, with an optional audio message periodically saying the meeting will start when the host arrives.


A webcast is a streamed live broadcast of a videoconference over the internet. Enable Scopia® Desktop webcasts by enabling the streaming feature. To invite users to the webcast, send an email or instant message containing the webcast link or a link to the Scopia® Desktop portal and the meeting ID.


WUXGA defines a video resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels.


XGA defines a Video resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.


Gatekeepers like Avaya Scopia® ECS Gatekeeper split endpoints into zones, where a group of endpoints in a zone are registered to a

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gatekeeper. Often a zone is assigned a dial prefix, and usually corresponds to a physical location like an organization's department or branch.

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