Automatic Number Plate Recognition

Automatic Number Plate Recognition The management and license number plate By incorporating advanced video processing and recognition softwar...
Author: Brendan Hardy
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Automatic Number Plate Recognition







By incorporating advanced video processing and

recognition software UltraIP ANPR uses videos from


any camera, making it possible to automatically

enhances verification and classification. It draws

detect number plates resorting to video security

correlations between car types, license plate

system infrastructure. UltraIP ANPR central server

numbers and data stored on different databases; the

receives information from detection devices and

system triggers immediate alerts when parameters

administers it in a centralized way.

are detected. In addition, it is able to capture license

UltraIP ANPR stores the images captured by the cameras as well as additional information from the license plate. In addition, it supports images with varied degrees of lightning.





plates even in high speed scenarios. This system increases the efficiency in any kind of traffic control operations.

Automatic Number Plate Recognition







By incorporating advanced video processing and

recognition software UltraIP ANPR uses videos from


any camera, making it possible to automatically

enhances verification and classification. It draws

detect number plates resorting to video security

correlations between car types, license plate

system infrastructure. UltraIP ANPR central server

numbers and data stored on different databases; the

receives information from detection devices and

system triggers immediate alerts when parameters

administers it in a centralized way.

are detected. In addition, it is able to capture license





plates even in high speed scenarios. This system

UltraIP ANPR stores the images captured by the

increases the efficiency in any kind of traffic control

cameras as well as additional information from the


license plate. In addition, it supports images with varied degrees of lightning.

Video Management System



03 02


ANPR + SERVER The server manages all the information from

automatic and it is regulable depending on the

recognition devices and administers OCR engines.

amount of data stored on the database. The user


has the option of choosing to balance it by himself







or, if preferred, resorting to an automatic updating process. The system maintains a unified database with the captures per devices and this way, avoids


dispersed data.

UltraIP ANPR is a unified interface. It centralizes the different devices without resorting to many

Generate its own lists

different devices.

Although the system allows to search using lists previously configured, the user can also generate


lists and specify the characteristics to be searched.

UltraIP ANPR has an integrated global positioning sytem. This tool allows to

This option entails the advantage of resorting to a

georeference every

customized software.

capture and this way have the possibility to search what the operator needs. The system

Unified license plate lists

carries out historical georeferenced enquiries and consults about specific license plates in different

Unified license plate lists can be maintained as the

areas in the map.

system is constantly

updating the information

related to the license plates captured – it renews

Partial enquiries

data regarding time, place, and whether the

UltraIP ANPR searches for any license plate only

the black list (wanted cars).

vehicle is still on the white list (allowed cars) or on

by pointing out a part of the number plate. For instance,

when inserting a part of the license

Multiple lists

plate, the system will give immediate access to a varied list of options. In addition, it is possible to

Multiple and varied lists can be administered and the

make enquiries on license plates by pointing out

operator can search on them according to specific

the characteristics of captures by the different

purposes. That is, one can filter according to different

devices operating in the installation.

parameters and have faster accurate results.

Combined searching options The system has the advantage of consulting varied options at the same time by mixing parameters- such as georeference, time and date, captures per devicesto reach the objectives the client is looking for.

Coordinated and automatic updating system The system is constantly updating the information from remote capture devices. This is completely


External Database Connectors


UltraIP ANPR can be connected to external





down the screen and list boxes help you see and

databases and improve its database with tools to

filter data.

generate lists and with ODBC. Search tools can be added to the system and the database upgraded; the application may also be ported


Scrollable text boxes allow the user to go up and

Health status

to other

platforms, both on the client and server side, with

This function allows the operator to know the

few changes on the data access code.

clients health status and installed version of databases as well as the last time clients were

Audit actions

connected and which ones are online or offline, as the interface highlights them.

The user can monitor every action taken by operators using the module, and this way, have precise control on which user was the last one to

Alarm per events

resort to a specific remote device or why some


event was not detected.





different and



when events

delimited by parameters previously set by the

Live follow up

user. Then, actions are taken.

The captures from all the devices can be displayed and the user can filter, from the central monitoring

Third party modules

station, by captures per devices, according to

UltraIP ANPR has the advantage of adding third

specific needs.

party modules which combine optical character recognition and may add many other modules to

User-friendly GUI

improve the use of the software.

the server presents information and controls it in a fashion that suits the task at hand, and it makes the system more pleasing to operate. The use of the system makes it easier for users to find the functions they want. One can also use visual clues



ANPR + VEHICLES Manual inquiries

UltraIP ANPR System in mobile devices has different characteristics and maintains its wide range of uses


Apart form automatic searching methods, the

no matter the vehicle in which it is assembled.

system also allows operators to search manually

UltraIP ANPR uses wireless networks. This system

what they want to look for. The operator, be it a

increases the rate of information transfer known as

police officer in the patrol or not, is able to insert the

spectral efficiency. The system supports mobile

license plate wanted either by filtering it according to

phones to communicate with the central operator

time range, associated alarms, white or black lists,

station. Among its features, we find:

degree of urgency. This searching method does not require inserting the complete license plate as with

No need of operator intervention

only a part of it (numbers or letters) you have

The system is completely automatic, it does not

successful results. This kind of enquiries can be

need opertaor intervention at a every moment as it

supported even if problems with 3G appear.

has the aid from the automatic mode.

Support of white lists and black lists Auditing every action

UltraIP ANPR supports multiple lists of cars wanted

The user can record and analyse every action taken

and looked for by the police (cars on the black lists)

by the system or by operators.

or of allowed and expected cars in a specific area.



Standard assembly

User friendly interface

The system is completely easy to set up and adapt-

The system was thought and created to be able for

able to be mounted on any kind of vehicle. You can

use in vehicles; you can easily handle the interface

assemble UltraIP ANPR adaptable devices to cars,

with the aid of precise information and an easy use of

trucks and dispose of all the characteristics proper

commands. The system makes it easier for users to

to UltraIP ANPR in every one of them.

find the functions they want with the aid of visual clues and efficient widgets for displaying data.

Information Exchange Autonomous lightning system

It supports information exchange from different databases through wireless networks. The mobile

Nothing escapes from UltraIP ANPR as it has the

devices allow you to get on-the- spot information

advantage of resorting to an infrared lightning

related to vehicles and license plates. This way,

system to capture every license plate at night as well

every action can be verified and licence plates

as during the day in places where there is not enough

captured by any camera on a real time basis.

light such as parking lots or tunnels.


Expand information

Every capture is stored by taking into account

UltraIP ANPR entails the possibility to expand the

GPS data.

information about captured license plates as well as the information related to the detected vehicle from the central monitoring station.

Local system and processed data sending The system processes locally. It maximizes response speed and it is independent and autonomous in case there is desconection from the monitoring station and the client is offline. It has the advantage of processing data and

sending it




ANPR ENGINE + VMS Operate over varied fixed cameras

UltraIP VMS is a software platform which delivers control surveillance easy to manage offering reliable

The system has multiple integrations and uses varied

and efficient security. It generates integration and

kinds of cameras such as PTZ (Pant, Till, Zoom), MP

management among a wide number of security

(megapixel), HD (High Definition), etc.

systems and provides best-in-class solutions to video enabled organizations –controlling risks, protecting reducing costs. Using different kinds of devices and

Capture cameras associated to reference cameras

operating methods, it facilitates the monitoring and

Apart form using capture cameras, you have the







the management of complex security systems. ANPR

possibility of expanding the information you get by

used in VMS adds the function of license plate

associating these ones to reference cameras. You

recognition to any camera in UltraIP VMS.

can use reference cameras to expand the information

The combination of UltraIP ANPR and UltraIP VMS

related to capture cameras and license plates as

permits to:

soon as the image of the licence plate is shown on screen. That is, capture cameras can work together with reference cameras.

Select capture cameras UltraIP ANPR enables to change cameras from the

Access videos

VMS to ANPR in a flexible way. This module helps the operator to dynamically choose among a wide


option of cameras to look at and plan presets for

access to videos associated to captured events from

places such as banks or for nightime.

the VMS.

Balance Multiple Engines

Use OSD of ANPR data

The system finds load balance between engines.

with the image superimposed by the over screen

Thanks to its user friendly option to balance the

display function, you have access to on-the-spot

tasks done by search engines. That is, the user can

information of each license captured and its status-

participate by searching for the things wanted but

whether it is on the whitelist or in the blacklist.

this can also be done automatically by the server.


gives the chance of having


Inform ANPR server

you can inform the web server of any licence

you can inform the web server of any licence

plates found as well as where and when they were

plates found as well as where and when they

captured and by which device.

were captured and by which device.

Integrate UltraIP VMS Event Systems

Integrate UltraIP VMS Event Systems

Ultra ANPR allows to ingrate event systems and,

Ultra ANPR allows to ingrate event systems and,

this way, give users the possibility to receive

this way, give users the possibility to receive

alarms per events. Therefore, after an alarm is

alarms per events. Therefore, after an alarm is

triggered, the operator can take actions based on

triggered, the operator can take actions based


on events.


Inform ANPR server

UltraIP VMS is a software platform which




easy to manage offering reliable and efficient security. It generates integration and management among a wide number provides






and to

video enabled organizations –controlling









reducing costs. Using different kinds of devices and operating methods, it facilitates the monitoring and the management of complex security systems. Nothing or nobody will be far enough so as not to be adequately monitored in real time by UltraIP VMS. The data management software for video monitoring, UltraIP VMS, is considered a flagship in the field due to its power, its working capacity and for being user friendly in corporative solutions. UltraIP VMS robust server-client architecture has the following outstanding characteristics: Scalability, High availability, Accessibility, Usability, All in one video management and recording solution, Compatibility with multiple vendors, Reliable and stable solutions, Control over all security devices, Virtual matrix functions: video wall and maps, Full NVR capabilities over remote recording servers, Control and surveillance using mobile devices, Highly cost-efficient, Easy management, Homogeneous administration of heterogeneous devices.


APPLICATIONS This technology has many important uses in current society - UltraIP ANPR applications include:


> > > > > > > > > >

Car park management Automated warnings of unwanted or unauthorized vehicles Conducting traffic and parking flow surveys Site access control Enhancing site security Reducing staffing costs Creating revenue Traffic surveys Stolen Vehicle Search Border Surveillance

BENEFITS When using UltraIP ANPR system, you enter into a world of benefits. You enjoy of: > Unsurpassed accuracy > User-friendly > IP Connectivity > Easy to install and configure Benefits:



Automate the verification of vehicle license plates against a database

> > >

Increase safety and control Cross check every vehicle whether or not it is suspicious Strengthen security by automatically detecting vehicles Copyright © 2012 UltraIP P7.2-04

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