Authors students of. Czech Republic England Greece Italy Poland Slovakia Spain Sweden Turkey Wales

Authors students of Czech Republic – England – Greece – Italy – Poland – Slovakia Spain – Sweden – Turkey – Wales 2 HEALTHY COOKERY BOOK This is ...
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Authors students of

Czech Republic – England – Greece – Italy – Poland – Slovakia Spain – Sweden – Turkey – Wales


HEALTHY COOKERY BOOK This is the result of a joint school activity across all ten partner countries. Teachers and students worked together to plan and carry out these various recipes according to their own tradition, habits and customs, preferring healthy and local food. This collection is organized in sections: breakfast options, starter, single course, first course, second course, side dishes, fruit and dessert. The main purpose of this book is to come to know, discover and taste the great variety of healthy European cuisine. Enjoy your meal! Buon appetito! Buen provecho! Dobrou chut’! Mwynhewch eich pryd! Afiyet Olsun! Smacznego! Smaklig måltid! καλή όρεξη! Dobrú chuť!




Havregrynsgröt med äppelmos / Oatmeal Porridge with applesauce


Husmanskost Frukost / Traditional Swedish Breakfast


ml ml ml

4 persons

Rolled oats Water Salt


dl dl tsk

4 personer

Havregryn Vatten Salt

Serve with: Milk and for example: Butter, Blueberries, Applesauce, Banana, Sugar, Syrup, Jam

Servera med: Mjölk och exempelvis: Smör, Blåbär, Äppelmos, Banan Socker, Sirap,Sylt

For the Applesauce: 500 g Apples 50 ml Water 30 ml Caster sugar 10 ml Vanilla sugar

Till Äppelmos: 500 g Äpplen ½ dl Vatten 2 msk Socker 2 tsk Vaniljsocker



1. 2. 3.

Add oats and salt in cold water in a saucepan. Bring to boil and simmer over low heat for about 3 minutes. Serve with cold milk and, for example, applesauce.

Applesauce made in a microwave: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Peel the apples and cut them into cubes. Pour all ingredients in a microwave safe bowl. Set the bowl in the microwave without a lid and run on high power until the apples are soft. Stir the applesauce and set it to cool.

1. 2. 3.

Lägg havregrynen i kallt vatten i en kastrull och tillsätt saltet. Koka upp och låt sjuda på svag värme i ca 3 minuter. Servera med kall mjölk och exempelvis äppelmos.

Äpplemos i micro: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Skala äpplena och skär dem i tärningar. Häll alla ingredienser i en microsäker skål. Ställ skålen i micron utan lock och kör på hög effekt tills äpplena är mjuka. Rör äppelmoset och ställ att kallna.


Havregrynsgröt. Oatmeal Porridge.

Med äpplemos/sylt. With applesauce/jam.

Med smör. With butter.

Frukostförslag / Breakfast suggestions.

Med blåbär. With blueberries.

Havreplanta / Oat plant. Havregryn / Rolled oats.






For the complexion and for health, not only for our kids - pasteurized purée carrot-fruit juice a'la kubuś. It is fresh even up to the week. Na cerę i na zdrowie, nie tylko dla naszych pociech - pasteryzowany przecierowy sok marchwiowo-owocowy a'la kubuś. Zachowuje świeżość nawet do tygodnia. INGREDIENTS 200 g carrot 350 g apples 100 g bananas 100 ml lemon juice water

SKŁADNIKI 200 g marchwi 350 g jabłek 100 g bananów 100 ml soku z cytryny woda

STEPS TO DO IT Peeled carrot, apples, bananas throw into the food processor. Add 750 ml of boiling water and cook 7 min. Add the lemon and mix through 1 min. Fill with boiling water up to 2 litres and pasteurize through 5 min. ( temp. 100 ° C). We are pouring the hot juice into the bottles. After cooling down it is possible to refrigerate up to the week. It is possible to add seasonal fruit eg. a few strawberries or one peach or orange.

SPOSÓB WYKONANIA Obraną marchew, jabłka, banany wrzucić do malaksera. Dodać 750 ml wrzącej wody i gotować 7 min. Dodać cytrynę i miksować przez 1 min. Uzupełnić wrzątkiem do 2 litrów i pasteryzować przez 5 min. (temp. 100°C). Gorący sok przelewamy do butelek. Po wystudzeniu można przechowywać w lodówce do tygodnia. Można dodawać owoce sezonowe np: kilka truskawek lub jedną brzoskwinię, pomarańczę.




Pagáče – Salt cake


Snack suitable to serve with tea



1000 g fine flour 200 g medium flour 750 g butter 500 g sour cream 2 whole eggs 42 g yeast yeast 2 teaspoons salt For the glaze another egg

1000 g hladkej múky 200 g polohrubej múky 750 g masla 500 g kyslej smotany 2 celé vajíčka 42 g kvasnice 2 malé lyžičky soli Vajce na potretie



Mix the dough: Mix flour, brumble the yeast into it, add butter. Add the sour cream and eggs and salt. Leave the dought for at least 1 hour in the fridge. Knead the dough, roll it, move 2 times. Rolled out, cut out small wheels, brush with egg, springle with sesame seeds.Bake in a pre-heated owen at 200°C for 30 – 35 min

Do múky namrvíme droždie a pridávame maslo. Potom pridáme kyslú smotanu, vajcia a soľ. Cesto necháme stáť v chladničke dlhšiu dobu. Zamiesime cesto, rozvaľkáme, preložíme 2 krát. Vyvaľkáme, vykrajujeme kolieska, potrieme vajíčkom, posypeme sezamom. Pečieme pri teplote 200°C 30 až 35 min








On lettuce leaves it will find clever and interesting mice that will taste to small poor eaters. Sprytne myszki na liściach sałaty zaciekawią i posmakują małym niejadkom. SKŁADNIKI jajka rzodkiewka szczypiorek

INGREDIENTS eggs radish chives STEPS TO DO IT First boil hard eggs , slice radish. On the top of eggs make the small cuts for ears and the tail. On the ears insert radishes and on the back a small chive .Cut radish on a small pieces for nose, eyes and mouth.

SPOSÓB PRZYGOTOWANIA Najpierw ugotuj jajka na twardo. Następnie pokrój rzodkiewkę w plasterki. Potem na wierzchu jajka zrób nacięcia na uszy i włóż rzodkiewkę, a szczypiorek z tyłu jako ogonek. Na samym końcu ukrój mały kawałek rzodkiewki na nos, oczy i buzię. Enjoy your meal!!! Smacznego!!!




Fitness müsli s jogurtem

Müsli with yogurth


Zdravá snídaně

Healthy breakfast



100g fitness müsli 1glass of fruit yoghurt

100g fitnes müsli 1 ovocný jogurt



Pour müsli into a bowl, add the fruit, mix it with yoghurt. In summer add fruit.

Müsli vsypeme do misky, přidáme ovocný jogurt, zamícháme. V létě nazdobíme ovocem.




Knäckebröd / Crispbread


Typiskt svenskt bröd / Typical Swedish Bread for breakfast and meals

INGREDIENTS 200 15 5 25 300 250-300

ml ml ml g ml ml

8 pc Lukewarm water Oil Salt Yeast Rye flour Plain white flour

INGREDIENSER 2 1 1 ½ 3 2½-3


dl msk tsk pkt dl dl

8 st

Fingervarmt vatten Olja Salt Jäst Rågmjöl Vetemjöl


1. Pour lukewarm water, 37°C, in a bowl, add oil and salt. Stir. 2. Crumble the yeast into the water-/oilmixture and stir. 3. Add rye flour and plain white flour and knead the dough until it releases the bowl. Use a mixer with dough hooks. 4. Let rise for at least 20 minutes. 5. Preheat the oven to 250°C. Grease a baking plate or use baking paper. 6. Place the dough on floured surface. Knead the dough and divide it into 8 pieces. 7. Shape each piece into a bun. 8. Turn each bun in rye flour and roll it into a round shape. Flour and turn, so the dough does not stick. 9. Finally, roll the dough with a peg roll pin or prick with a fork. 10. If you want to hang them up, make a hole in the middle. 11. Put directly on baking sheets and bake them in the middle of the oven, about 5 minutes or until the surface is golden brown. 12. Let the crispbreads to cool on a rack without a tea towel.

1. Häll fingervarmt vatten, 37°C , olja och salt i en skål. Rör om. 2. Smula ner jästen och rör om. 3. Tillsätt rågmjöl och vetemjöl, arbeta degen tills den släpper skålen. Använd gärna elvisp med degkrokar. 4. Låt jäsa i minst 20 minuter. 5. Sätt ugnen på 250°C. Lägg bakplåtsduk på en plåt eller smörj en plåt. 6. Ta upp degen på mjölat bakbord. Knåda och dela den i 8 bitar. 7. Forma varje bit till en bulle. 8. Vänd bullarna i rågmjöl och kavla varje bulle till en tunn kaka. Mjöla och vänd, så att degen inte fastnar. 9. Kavla till sist med en kruskavel eller nagga med en gaffel. 10. Gör eventuellt ett hål i mitten. 11. Lägg direkt på plåtar och grädda efterhand mitt i ugnen ca 5 minuter eller tills de fått färg. 12. Låt svalna på ett galler utan bakduk.


Kruskavel / Peg (Ripples) rolling pin








-1natural or lemon yoghourt -1 glass of yoghourt of oil -3 glasses of yoghourt with flour -2 glasses of yoghourt with sugar -3 eggs -1 packet of baking powder

-1 yogurt natural -1 vaso de yogurt con aceite -3 vasos de yogurt con harina -2 vasos de yogurt con azúcar -3 huevos -1 sobre de levadura en polvo



1º Mix the eggs , yoghourt ,sugar and oil with the mixer.

1º Mezclar los huevos, yogurt, azúcar y aceite con la batidora.

2º Mix the flour with the baking powder.

2º mezclar la harina y la levadura.

3º Add the flour and the baking to the first mixture, mix it with the mixer.

3º Añadir la harina y la levadura a la primera mezcla y mezclar con la batidora.

4º grease the cake tin with butter.

4º untar el molde con mantequilla.

5º Pour the mixture in the cake tin and cook it in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 180º

5º Verter la mezcla en el molde y cocerlo en el horno durante 20 -25 minutos a 180º




Zemiakové placky also called haruľa – Potato pancakes


They are usually eaten as a snack, but you can serve them as a side with soups and some meals

made out of raw potatoes and are fried in oil INGREDIENTS 3 large potatoes, one egg, salt, marjoram, black pepper, half a small onion, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 1 spoon of flour, oil

INGREDIENCIE 3 veľké zemiaky, vajce, soľ, majorán, čierny peper, cibuľa, 1-2 strúčky cesnaku, 1 lyžica múky, olej

STEPS TO DO IT Using a fine food grater, shred 2 or 3 large peeled potatoes. Then take a strainer and press it down on the potato shreddings. Turn the pot over and drain out as much water as possible. You can also take a wooden spoon and press out more water. Then repeat with the strainer. Next shred half of a small onion and 1 or 2 cloves of garlic. Add one egg, salt, marjoram, ground black pepper, onion and garlic. Heat up oil. Then add about two tablespoons of potato mixture per pancake. Be careful here, because if water is left in the mixture, the oil will splatter out. Use the back side of the spoon to flatten out the pancake. Fry each side for about 4 minutes, until the pancakes get nicely dark brown. It helps to use two spatulas when flipping the pancakes. I like to place my finished pancakes on a paper towel and then fold the ends over to soak up the oil. Serve warm. The pancakes should be crunchy on the outside and nice and juicy inside. Serve with milk.

POSTUP Nastrúhame 3 veľké zemiaky a scedíme vodu zo zemiakov. Pridáme nastrúhanú cibuľu a pretlačený cesnak. Pridáme vajce, soľ, majorán, čierne korenie. Zohrejeme olej. Vložíme asi 2 polievkové lyžice zmesi a vyformujeme placku. Opatrne, lebo olej je horúci. Placky pražíme z každej strany asi 4 minúty, až kým nie sú do hneda. Potom ich vložíme do papierového obrúska, aby sme vysali zbytočný tuk. Podávame teplé. Placky môžem podávať samostatne s mliekom, alebo ako prílohu k jedlu.






Served as a DESSERT or for breakfast

Suitable for breakfast and delicious with milk or tea INGREDIENTS        

500 g white flour 00 200 g of sugar 200 g of butter 2 eggs 125 g of plain yogurt 1 teaspoon of baking powder pinch of salt granulated sugar, chocolate chips for the final decoration (to taste).

STEPS TO DO IT 1. Place the flour in a bowl with a hole in the center 2. Place: sugar, salt, eggs, butter, yogurt and baking powder 3. Mix quickly until the dough is smooth and homogeneous 4. Form little balls, flatten them and give shape as you wish 5. Decorate as desired 6. Bake in preheated oven at 190 degrees for about 15 minutes.

INGREDIENTI        

500 g di farina bianca 00 200 g di zucchero 200 g di burro 2 uova intere 125 g di yogurt bianco 1 bustina di lievito per dolci “pane degli angeli” pizzico di sale fino zucchero in granella, gocce di cioccolato per la decorazione finale (a piacere).

PASSI PER LA PREPARAZIONE 1. Disporre la farina a fontana con un buco al centro 2. Mettere: zucchero, sale, uova, burro, yogurt e lievito 3. Impastare rapidamente fino ad ottenere un impasto liscio e omogeneo 4. Formare tante palline, appiattirle e dare una forma a piacere 5. Decorarli a piacere 6. Cuocere in forno preriscaldato a 190° per circa 15 minuti.







Strawberry and banana milkshakes are very good for breakfast. They are valuable and nutritious. Koktajle truskawkowe i bananowe bardzo dobre na śniadanie. Są wartościowe i odżywcze. INGREDIENTS


300 ml natural yoghurt or kefir 0,5 kg strawberries (banana) 3 spoonful of sugar

300 ml jogurtu i kefiru 0,5 kg truskawek lub bananów 3 łyżeczki cukru



Rinse the strawberries (banana) in cold water, Najpierw wrzucić truskawki do pojemnika. Potem dodać emove stalks. Mix kefir with strawberies and sugar. In jogurt i kefir. Następnie wsypać 3 łyżeczki cukru. Na samym hot summer day you can 2 spoonful of crushed ice. końcu wszystko zmiksować i chłodny koktajl wlać do szklanek. Enjoy your meal!!! Smacznego!!! PHOTOGRAPHS



Risgrynsgröt / Rice pudding


Högtidsmat Julen / Christmas Traditional Speciality



15 300 2 150 700 15 1

1 3 2 1½ 7 1 1

ml ml ml ml ml ml pc

Margarine Water Salt Round grain rice Milk Caster sugar Cinnamon stick


4 persons

1. Boil shortening/margarine, water and salt. 2. Add the rice. Let simmer on low heat, with the lid, until the water has boiled in, about 10 minutes. 3. Add the milk and stir. Add the cinnamon stick. 4. Cook over very low heat until the rice is soft and the milk boiled in, about 40 minutes. Stir occasionally. Dilute with more milk if needed. 5. Season with caster sugar. Remove the cinnamon stick.

msk dl krm dl dl msk bit


Matfett Vatten Salt Rundkornigt ris Mjölk Socker Hel kanel 4 personer

1. Koka upp matfett, vatten och salt. 2. Lägg i riset. Låt sjuda på svag värme under lock tills vattnet kokat in, ca 10 minuter. 3. Tillsätt mjölken och rör om. Lägg i kanelstången. 4. Låt koka på mycket svag värme tills riset är mjukt och mjölken kokat in, ca 40 minuter. Rör om då och då. Späd med mer mjölk om det behövs. 5. Smaksätt med socker. Ta bort kanelstången.


Servera med mjölk, socker och kanel eller med saftsås. Vissa tycker om att äta sin risgrynsgröt med mjölk och en klick smör.

Serve with milk, caster sugar and cinnamon or with a special fruit sauce. Some people prefer to eat their rice pudding with milk and a knob of butter.






Cheerful sandwiches for a good start of the day. Let children decorate faces for themselves - certainly they will be more tasting for them. Wesołe kanapeczki na dobre rozpoczęcie dnia. Pozwólmy dzieciom, aby same udekorowały buźki - na pewno będą im wtedy smakować. INGREDIENTS a few slice of toast bread radish, salad, a cucumber, red peppers, chives narrow sausage butter other ingredients as you like

SKŁADNIKI kilka kromek chleba rzodkiewka, sałata, ogórek zielony, papryka, szczypiorek kiełbaska ( wąska ) masło inne produkty wg uznania.



Decorate sandwiches to make a smiley at the top of Kanapki dekorujemy dostępnymi składnikami tak, aby them. powstały ,, Buźki” Enjoy your meal!!! Smacznego!!! PHOTOGRAPHS






Polish curd cheese served with bread for breakfast , rich in vitamins , specially recommended for children. Polski twarożek podawany z chlebem na śniadanie, bogaty w witaminy ,polecany dla dzieci. INGREDIENTS white cheese radish small fresh cucumber dill natural yogurt parsley leaves

SKŁADNIKI biały ser rzodkiewki mały swieży ogórek koperek jogurt naturalny natka pietruszki

STEPS TO DO IT Peel the cucumber and to cut into cubes, cut radishes up into thin slices, finely chop the dill and parsley leaves up. Pound cheese with the yoghurt and add vegetables , mix everything together. Don’t salt it. Bon appétit!

SPOSÓB WYKONANIA Ogórek obrać i pokroić w kostkę, rzodkiewki pokroić w cienkie plasterki, koperek i natkę pietruszki drobno posiekać. Ser rozetrzeć z jogurtem i dodać pokrojone warzywa, wymieszać. Nie solić. Smacznego!



NAME STUFFED DRIED EGGPLANTS - DOLMA CLASSIFICATION SIDE COURSE ‘’Kuru Patlıcan Dolması’’ Gaziantep yöresinin lezzetli yemeklerinden biridir.Bu yemek genellikle kebab restoranlarında başlangıç yemeği olarak sunulur. ‘’Stuffed Dried Eggplants’’is one of the delicious dish of Gaziantep.This dish is usually served as starter in the kebab restaurants. INGREDIENTS MALZEMELER 35-40 dried eggplants 3 glasses of rice,washed 4 or 5 medium size onions,in small cubes, Olive oil, Lemon juice from 2 lemons, 3 tablespoons of tomato paste 2 tablespoons of red pepper paste 3- 4 cloves of garlic,chopped fine 2-3 glasses of warm water Black pepper,salt,cumin and pimento to your liking

35-40 adet kurutulmuş patlıcan 3 bardak yıkanmış pirinç 4 veya 5 adet orta boy ince kıyılmış kuru soğan Zeytinyağı 2 limonun suyu 3 kaşık domates salçası 2 kaşık kırmızı biber salçası 3- 4 diş ince kıyılmış sarımsak 2- 3 bardak sıcak su Tercihinize göre kara biber,tuz,kimyon ve yenibahar



1. Boil the dried eggplants for about 15 to 20 minutes. 2. Rinse the eggplants in cold water for multiple times. 3. For preparing the filling,heat the olive oil,saute with the garlic and the onions together for 5 minutes. 4. Add the tomato and the pepper paste and continue sauteing some more. 5. Add the rice and saute for one minute and then add the hot water and close the lid.Let it simmer. 6- Once the filling is ready,spice it.Then close the lid and let the filling cool down a bit. 7. Add the lemon juice and mix it softly. 8. Stuff the eggplants with the filling. 9. In a wide pot,place the stuffed eggplants side by side. Add a bit of warm water and cook it on low fire.

1. Kuru patlıcanları 15-20 dakika boyunca kaynatın. 2. Soğuk suda birkaç kere yıkayın. 3. İçini hazırlamak için,zeytin yağında soğanları ve sarımsakları 5 dakika boyunca kavurun. 4. Domates salçası ve biber salçasın ekleyerek kavurma işlemine devam edin. 5.Pirinci ilave ederek kavurmaya devam edin.Sonra sıcak su ilave edin ve kapağı kapatın.Kısık ateşe bırakın. 6. İç hazır olduğunda,baharatını koyun.Sonra kapağını kapatın ve yumuşamaya bırakın. 7. Limon suyu ilave edin ve yavaşça karıştırın. 8. Patlıcanları iç ile doldurun. 9. Doldurulmuş patlıcanları geniş bir tencere içine yan yana dizin .Biraz sıcak su ekleyip,kısık ateşte pişirin. FOTOĞRAFLAR







Super przystawka na każdy kinderbal. Dzieci będą zachwycone jadalnymi muchomorkami! Super appetizer to every children's party. Children will be delighted with edible small fly agarics! INGREDIENTS 2 eggs 1 tomato 0.5 small jar of the horseradish 5 stalks of chives

SKŁADNIKI 2 jajka 1 pomidor 0.5 słoiczka chrzanu 5 łodyg szczypiorku



Peel boiled hard eggs ,cut the top and the bottom away. Cut the tomatoes in half and cut means out. Spread horse radish on half of tomatoes and next put on the egg. The mushrooms are ready, so put the cutted top and bottom of eggs on the mushrooms. Sprinkle chives around mushrooms.

Gotowane jajka obrać ze skórki. Następnie obciąć czubek i dół jajka. Potem przeciąć pomidory na pół i wyciąć środki. Później połówki pomidora posmarować w środku chrzanem a następnie położyć na jajko. Na samym końcu na gotowe grzybki położyć odcięte części jajka a dookoła położyć szczypiorek.

Enjoy your meal!!! Smacznego!!!







The vegetable salad is very popular in Poland. It is served on the special occasion or family parties. It is an excellent appetizer. Sałatka jarzynowa jest bardzo popularna w Polsce. Jest serwowana podczas wielu uroczystość oraz imprez rodzinnych. Stanowi doskonałą przystawkę . INGREDIENTS Cooked vegetables: 6 carrots, 3 parsleys (root), 1 small celery, 6 hard-boiled eggs , 6 dill pickles 1 apple 1 can of the green pea, Top of green parsley 1 jar (320 g )of mayonnaise salt and pepper

SKŁADNIKI Gotowane warzywa : marchew-6, pietruszka (korzeń)- 3, 1 mały seler, jajka na twardo-6, ogórki kiszone lub z octem-6 1 jabłko 1 puszka groszku zielonego, konserwowego, pietruszka zielona (natka) 1 słoik 320 gram majonezu sól i pieprz -do smaku

STEPS TO DO IT Wash and cook vegetables, don't overcook: the carrot, the parsley, the celery and hard-boiled eggs. When they get cool , peel and cut them up into the small dice. Then cut up dill pickles, apple, green parsley. Put everything into the big bowl. Add 1 can of the green peas , 1 jar of the mayonnaise. Mix everything thoroughly and flavour with salt and pepper. Put the salad into the decorative bowl and decorate it with parsley, tomato or radish. Take the salad to the fridge . After 1 hour you can taste it. Bon appétit!

SPOSÓB WYKONANIA Umyć i ugotować, tak by się nie rozgotowały w łupinach warzywa : marchew, pietruszkę, seler oraz jajka na twardo. Gdy przestygną obrać i pokroić na drobną kostkę. Oprócz tego pokroić ogórki, jabłko, pietruszkę zieloną. Wszystko dać do dużej miski. Dodać do tego 1 puszkę groszku zielonego konserwowegoodsączonego, 1 słoik, 320 gram majonezu. Dokładnie wymieszać i przyprawić-solą i pieprzem. Sałatkę wyłożyć do dekoracyjnej miski i ozdobić, np. pietruszką, pomidorem, rzodkiewką. Odstawić sałatkę do lodówki, by wszystkie składniki się ze sobą "przegryzły". Smacznego!




Těstovinový salát

Pasta salad


Lehký český oběd

Light Czech lunch

INGREDIENTS      

INGREDIENCE      

300g of pasta 100g of chicken flesh 2 pcs of tomato 1 pcs of capsicum 20g of pickled corn Salt, pepper, oregano dressing


300g těstovin 100g kuřecího masa 2 rajčata 1 červená paprika 20g nakládané kukuřice sůl, pepř, oregáno dresink


Boil the pasta. Cut tomatoes and pepper into small Těstoviny uvaříme, rajčata a papriku nakrájíme na drobno, pieces. Cut chicken pieces and fry them in the pan. kuřecí kousky osmahneme. Vše smícháme dohromady, Mix pasta, chicken and vegetable all together. At the ochutíme. Na závěr přidáme dressing. end add the dressing.






Single dish

INGREDIENTS  Bread  Butter  Cheese  Tomatoes  Egg CHEESE & TOMATO

     


   

 Butter thoroughly 2 pieces of bread on 1 side only.  Cut up the cucumber.  Spread the small pieces of cucumber on 1 buttered side of bread.  Put the other piece on top, the buttered side facing the cucumber.  Cut it up into small slices and serve.

Butter thoroughly 2 pieces of bread on 1 side only. Cut up the tomatoes. Grate the cheese. Sprinkle the cheese on the buttered side of 1 piece of bread.  Put the tomatoes on the same side.  Put the other piece on top, the buttered side facing the cheese and tomatoes.  Cut it up into small slices and serve. EGG & CRESS

Cress Salmon Cream Cheese Ham Cucumber


      

Butter thoroughly 2 pieces of bread on 1 side only.  Butter thoroughly 2 pieces of bread on 1 side only. Boil the egg for 10 minutes.  Put cream cheese on the buttered side of 1 piece of Peel the egg. bread and then top with smoked salmon. Mash it up with salt, pepper and salad cream.  Put the other piece of bread on, buttered side facing Put the egg on the buttered side of 1 piece of bread. the salmon and cream cheese and cut up and Sprinkle cress on top. serve. Put the other piece on top, the buttered side facing the egg and cress. HAM  Cut up into small slices and serve.  Butter thoroughly 2 pieces of bread on 1 side only.  Put your ham onto the buttered side of 1 piece of bread.  Put the other piece of bread on top with the butter facing the ham.  Cut up and serve and add sauce of your choice. PHOTOGRAPHS


Name: Fasolada(Been soup)-Φασολάδα Greek national dish. One of the most nutritious, hearty, healthy, delicious and affordable dishes of Greek cuisine. Perfect for cold winter days. Classification: Lunch - main dish INGREDIENTS:


500 gr dry beans 1 large sliced onion 3 medium carrots (sliced) 2 stalks celery, chopped 1 cup tomato juice 1 cup oil salt pepper

500 γραμ. ξερά φασόλια 1 μεγάλο, κομμένο σε φέτες κρεμμύδι 3 μέτρια καρότα (κομμένα φέτες) 2 κλωνάρια ψιλοκομμένο σέλινο 1 φλιτζάνι του τσαγιού χυμός ντομάτας 1 φλιτζάνι τσαγιού λάδι Αλάτι Πιπέρι

STEPS TO DO IT: Put the beans in water the night before. Drain, place them in a saucepan with water, let them get some boiled and drain again. Put the beans back into the pot with the remaining ingredients and enough water. Allow the soup to simmer for about 1 hour. Serve with black or green olives

ΕΚΤΈΛΕΣΗ: Βάζετε τα φασόλια στο νερό από το προηγούμενο βράδυ. Τα στραγγίζετε, τα βάζετε σε μια κατσαρόλα με νερό, τα αφήνετε να πάρουν μερικές βράσεις και τα ξαναστραγγίζετε. Βάζετε πάλι τα φασόλια στην κατσαρόλα με τα υπόλοιπα υλικά και το ανάλογο νερό. Αφήνετε την σούπα να σιγοβράσει για 1 ώρα περίπου.




‘’Menemen’’ kahvaltı için iyi bir seçenektir.Sebze içerdiği için sağlıklı bir yemektir. ‘’Scrambled Eggs with Vegetables’’ is a good alternative for breakfast. It is a healthy dish because of containing vegetables. INGREDIENTS MALZEMELER

5- 6 green peppers,chopped 2- 3 tomatoes,chopped 1 medium size onion,finely chopped 4 beaten eggs Sunflower oil 1 teaspoonful salt 1 pinch of black pepper (optional)

5-6 tane doğranmış yeşil biber 2-3 tane doğranmış domates 1 tane orta boy iyice doğranmış soğan 4 tane çırpılmış yumurta Ayçiçeği yağı 1 çay kaşığı dolusu tuz 1 tutam karabiber ( tercihen)



Place the sunflower oil in a pan and saute the onions for 5 minutes over low-medium heat. Add chopped green peppers and salt. Close the lid and cook until green peppers become soft by stirring occasionally. Add the tomatoes,stir and cook for 5 minutes while the lid closed. Finally,add the beaten eggs and stir.It’s done when the eggs are cooked.You can sprinkle some black pepper on top if you like.

Bir tavaya ayçiçeği yağını ve soğanları koyun ve 5 dakika orta ateşte kavurun. Sonra doğranmış yeşil biberleri ve tuzu ilave edin. Kapağı kapatın ve biberler yumuşayana kadar ara sıra karıştırarak pişirin. Domatesleri ilave edin ve kapağı olarak 5 dakika daha pişirin. Son olarak çırpılmış yumurtaları ilave edin ve arıştırın. Yumurtalar pişince ocaktan alın.Üzerine arzu ederseniz karabiber serpebilirsiniz.



Kapr s bramborovým salátem


Štědrovečerní večeře

INGREDIENTS A) 800g carp (without head and fins) 1 lemon salt 2 teaspoons of cumin 100g butter B) One packed carp salt flour eggs breadcrumbs STEPS TO DO IT

C)Potatoe salad: 4 carrots 1 celery 5 pickles 3 eggs 2kg potatoes 2 onions 1/2 cup of plain yogurt 4 pieces of parsley 1 cup of mayonnaise 1 can of peas

Carp with potatoe salad

Christmas dinner INGREDIENCE A) 800g kapra (bez hlavy a ploutví) 1 citrón sůl 2 lžičky kmínu 100g másla B) Jeden porcovaný kapr sůl hladká mouka vajíčko strouhanka

C)Potatoe salad: 4 mrkve 1 celer 5 kyselých okurek 3 vejce 2kg brambor 2 cibule 1/2 kelímku bílého jogurtu 4 petržele 1 kelímek majonézy 1 konzerva hrášku


A. Clean carp, rinse and dry. Peel half of lemon and A. Kapra očistíme, opláchneme a osušíme. Půlku citrónu cut slices. Cut carp's skin with a sharp knife and oloupeme a nakrájíme na plátky. Kůži kapra nařízneme insert it with lemon slices. Sprinkle the fish with salt ostrým nožem a do řezů zasuneme kousky citrónu. Rybu and cumin. Clear the pan with butter, put the fish osolíme a posypeme kmínem. Pekáč vymažeme into the pan and cover the fish wiht slices of butter. máslem, vložíme rybu a poklademe na ni plátky másla. Bake it in an oven at 220 oC for 20 minutes. Pečeme v troubě vyhřáté na 220 oC asi 20 minut. B. Clean pieces of carp, dry and salt them, wrap each B. Porcovaného kapra opláchneme, osušíme, osolíme, piece in flour, then in beaten egg and at last in obalíme každý kus v hladké mouce, následně bread crumbs. Fry the pieces in oil in the pan. v rozšlehaném vajíčku a strouhance. Smažíme na pánvi v oleji. C. Peel potatoes, passed them through the wheel with a grid. Cut cooked vegetables, pickles and onions C.Brambory oloupeme a prostrčíme přes kolečko s on small pieces. Put everything into the potatoes mřížkou. Uvařenou zeleninu, okurky a cibuli nakrájíme and add the peas. Spice the salad with nadrobno. Vše přidáme k bramborám s hráškem. Salát mayonnaise (with a little plain yogurt), mustard, oil, dochutíme majonézou (s trochou bílého jogurtu), hořčicí, salt, pepper and mix everything. Finally, add the olejem, solí, mletým pepřem a vše promícháme. chopped eggs. Leave it to cool. Nakonec přidáme nadrobno nakrájená vejce. Necháme vychladnout. PHOTOGRAPHS





Single dish

Traditional and typical Italian dish, known all over the world.. It can be prepared in many different variations. INGREDIENTS  approximately 600 ml of warm water  6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil  2 teaspoons of sugar  20 g of salt  25 g of yeast  1 kg flour 00  oregano  tomato sauce  mozzarella

INGREDIENTI  circa 600 ml di acqua tiepida  6 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva  2 cucchiaini rasi di zucchero  20 g di sale fino  25 g di lievito di birra  1 kg farina bianca 00  Origano  Passata di pomodoro  Mozzarella



DOUGH IMPASTO 1. Place the flour in a bowl with a hole in the middle 1. Disporre la farina a fontana con un buco in mezzo 2. In a container, put warm water and dissolve 2. In un contenitore mettere acqua tiepida e sciogliere yeast and sugar lievito e zucchero 3. Put the flour and mix a little ' 3. Versare sulla farina e mescolare un po' 4. Add the salt, oil and water as just 4. Aggiungere il sale, l'olio e acqua quanta basta 5. Mix vigorously until you have a smooth and 5. Impastare con forza fino ad avere un impasto liscio ed elastic dough elastico 6. Let rise in a warm place for 1 to 2 hours 6. Lasciare lievitare in un luogo caldo per 1 o 2 ore TOPPING FARCITURA 1. Roll out the dough with hands or rolling pin 1. Stendere l'impasto con mani o mattarello 2. Put the dough on a baking tray with baking paper 2. Mettere l'impasto in una teglia con carta da forno 3. Spread the tomato sauce 3. Spalmare la passata di pomodoro 4. Spread the mozzarella into small pieces, season 4. Distribuire la mozzarella a pezzettini, condire con with olive oil and oregano to taste olio e origano a piacere 5. Bake in preheated oven at 250 degrees for 15 5. Cuocere in forno preriscaldato a 250° per 15 minuti minutes. circa. YOU CAN STUFF IT TO YOUR TASTE!







INGREDIENTS        

50g/2oz flour 50g/2oz butter 250ml/9oz strong beer, warmed 250g/9oz strong cheddar, grated 2tsp English mustard 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce black pepper 4 large slices granary bread

CYNHWYSION        

50g/2oz blawd 50g/2oz menyn 250ml/9oz cwrw cryf cynnes 250g/9oz caws 2tsp mwstard 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce pupur 4 dafell o fara



In a small saucepan melt the butter and make a roux with the flour. Cook for a couple of minutes, stirring to prevent the roux from burning. Stir in the warm beer by degrees, until you have a thick but smooth sauce. Add the grated cheese and stir until melted. You should now have a thick paste. Mix in the mustard and Worcestershire sauce and season well with black pepper. Lightly toast and butter the bread, then pile up the cheesy mixture on each slice. Cook under a hot grill for a few minutes, until browned and bubbling.

Mewn sosban fechan, toddwch y menyn a creu past gyda'r blawd. Coginiwch am gwpl o funudau, ond osgoi iddo losgi. Cymysgwch y cwrw, mymryn ar y tro hyd mae'r past yn drwchus ond heb lympiau. Ychwanegwch y caws i'w dwchu, ac yna y mwstard a'r Worcestershire sauce a pupur yn ol y galw. Tostiwch y bara a gorchuddio gyda menyn. Coginiwch o dan y gril, hyd y bydd yn brownio.



Name: Kakavia(Traditional fish soup )-Κακαβιά Kakavia “Greek fisherman's soup”, is a classic Greek dish, very tasty and easy to make! Traditionally made with the catch of the day, the selection of fish and seafood can be changed with the seasons, as long as the fish are fairly small and suitable for boiling. Classification: Main dish Ingredients:  600 grams of various fresh small fishes for soup  1 small glass of olive oil  2 carrots  1-2 lemons  2 potatoes  2 sprigs. Celery  1 onion  Salt, pepper

Συστατικά:  600 γραμ διάφορα φρέσκα μικρά ψάρια για σούπα  1 μικρό ποτήρι. ελαιόλαδο  2 καρότα  1-2 λεμόνια  2 πατάτες  2 κλαδάκια. σέλινο  1 κρεμμύδι  Αλάτι, πιπέρι

Steps to do itWe place in a casserole potatoes, celery, carrot and onion in chunks. We put water enough to cover the vegetables we add salt and boil them alone for 10 minutes. We salt the fishes well on both sides and drizzle with the juice of a lemon to tighten their flesh and not be dissolved while been cooked. We place the fishes on top of the vegetables, add olive oil, juice of one lemon and pepper. We don’t stir them because the will be dissolved but we swirl the pan by gripping the handles and allow to boil for 10 minutes over high temperature. We serve the soup in bowls and the fishes separately on a platter topped with lemon juice, some olive oil, salt and freshly grounded pepper.

Εκτέλεση: Bάζουμε τις πατάτες, το σέλινο, το καρότο και το κρεμμύδι στην κατσαρόλα σε χοντρά κομμάτια. Νερό βάζουμε τόσο όσο να σκεπάζει τα λαχανικά και προσθέτουμε το αλάτι. Φέρνουμε το νερό σε βρασμό και βράζουμε τα λαχανικά μόνα τους για 10 λεπτά. Αλατίζουμε καλά τα ψάρια και από τις δύο πλευρές και τα περιχύνουμε με το χυμό ενός λεμονιού για να σφίξει η σάρκα τους και να μη διαλυθούν στην κατσαρόλα. Τοποθετούμε τα ψάρια πάνω από τα λαχανικά, ρίχνουμε το ελαιόλαδο και το χυμό ενός λεμονιού και πιπέρι. Δεν ανακατεύουμε για να μην διαλύσουμε τα ψάρια, αλλά ανακινούμε ελαφρά την κατσαρόλα πιάνοντάς την από τα χερούλια της. Αφήνουμε το φαγητό να βράσει για 10 λεπτά σε δυνατή φωτιά. Σερβίρουμε τη σούπα σε βαθιά πιάτα και τα ψάρια χωριστά σε πιατέλα περιχυμένα με χυμό λεμονιού, λίγο ελαιόλαδο, αλάτι και φρεσκοτριμμένο πιπέρι.




‘’ Mantı el ile yapılır .Pazar günleri öğle yemeğinde yenilir-sonraları uyku gerektirir. ‘’The ravioli’’is made by hand. It is served for lunch on Sundays-requiring a siesta afterwards.



5 glassfuls of flour 10 glassfuls of water 250 grams ground meat 2 small onions 1 large tomato 250 grams butter ½ bunch parsley 750 gr yogurt 6 cloves of garlic 2 eggs Paprika,black pepper,salt to your taste

5 bardak dolusu un 10 bardak su 250 gram kıyma 2 küçük yumurta 1 büyük domates 250 gr kıyma ½ demet maydanoz 750 gr yoğurt 6 diş sarımsak 2 yumurta Ağız lezzetinize göre kırmızı biber,kara biber,tuz



1.Sift the flour into a large bowl.Add some salt and mix. Make a well in the center.Place the eggs in the well. 2.Make a firm dough,gradually adding water.Continue kneading for 10 minutes then divide the dough in half and let rest for 10 minutes,covered with a damp cloth. 3.Meanwhile,combine the finely chopped onion and parsley,meat,salt and black pepper in a bowl. 4.Sprinkle your work surface with flour.Rool out the first piece of dough to a 1 mm thickness with a rolling pin 5.Using a knife,cut the ravoli into individual squares. 6.Put one teaspoon filling on to each square. 7.Using your fingers,seal the ravioli by pressing around each mound of filling. 8.Cook the ravioli in a saucepan until they rise to surface. Sauce and serving 1.Chop the tomato;saute in the butter and paprika 2.Peel the garlic and crush in the mortar;add the yogurt and mix well. 3 Just before serving,place the ravioli in a serving platter Pour the garlic-yogurt and garnish with the tomato sauce

1.Unu büyük bir kaba eleyin.Tuz ekleyin ve karıştırın. Ortada bir kuyu oluşturun.Yumurtaları ekleyin. 2.Kademeli olarak su ekleyerek bir hamur yapın.10 dakika yoğurun,sonra hamuru ikiye bölün ve ıslak bir bez örterek 10 dakika dinlenmeye bırakın. 3.Diğer yandan,bir kasede iyice doğranmış domatesi,soğanı,eti,tuz ve kara biberi karıştırın. 4.Çalışma sahasına un serpin.Hamurun ilk parçasını,1 mm kalınlığında oklava ile açın. 5.Bıçak kullanarak,mantıyı karelere ayırın. 6.Her kareye bir çay kaşığı içten koyun. 7.Parmaklarınızı kullanarak her iç tümseğinin etrafından bastırarak kapatın. 8.Mantıları bir tencerede yüzeye çıkana kadar pişirin. Soslama ve servis 1.Domatesi doğrayın:tereyağı ve kırmızı biberle soteleyin. 2.Sarımsağı soyun ve havanda dövün;yoğurt ekleyin ve karıştırın. 3.Servis yapmadan önce,mantıyı servis tabağına yerleştirin.Sarımsaklı yoğurdu dökün ve sosla süsleyin.





Second or Main course

It´s a typical spanish dish , it´s in our balanced died INGREDIENTS


-600 gr. of rice, -half a chicken, -two artichokes,two middle-sized red peppers, two ripe tomatoes, - grinded pepper, a clove of garlic parsley, a thread of saffron, olive oil, half a lemon, brancjes of rosemary and thyme, salt.

-600 gr. de arroz -medio pollo troceado -dos alcachofas, dos pimientos rojos medianos, dos tomates maduros - pimienta molida, un diente de ajo, perejil, una hebra de azafrán, aceite de oliva (un cuarto litro), medio limón, ramitas de romero y tomillo, sal.



-Fry the chicken in the olive oil. Boil for half an hour with eight glasses of water.

-Freír el pollo con aceite. Una vez frito se pone a hervir con ocho vasos de agua.

-Fry the artichokes and the red pepperlightly and keep apart.

-Sofreír las alcachofas, el pimiento y se separan aparte.

-Fry the tomatoes and the garlic lightly in a pan or paella.

-Sofreír aparte el tomate y el ajo.

-Pour the rice and stir with the tomato and the garlic. -Añadir el arroz y darle unas vueltas con el tomate y el ajo ya sofrito. -Add the chicken with the stock. Then add the artichokes and the red pepper, the juice of half a lemon, a little pepper, a little parsley, thyme, rosemary, the thread of saffron and salt.

-El pollo debe estar ya hervido tras una media hora. Antes de que se permine de sofreír el arroz con el tomate y el ajo se añade todo. Es decir, el pollo ya hervido con su agua (el pollo debe llevar seis vasod de caldo tras hervirlo); después se añaden las alcachofas y el pimiento, el zumo de medio limón, un poco de pimienta, un poco de perejil, tomillo, romero, la hebra de azafrán picada y sal.

-All the ingredients in the pan, start with stong fire for -Se vuelca todo en la paella con fuego fuerte. A mitad de la about ten munutes, then down the fire to mid level cocción se baja a medio fuego y tras unos veinte minutos and cook for other ten minutes.Let rest for about five ya debe estar lista para servir. minutes before serving. Variants: with pork. The same recipe adding 200 gr. of pork meat.

Variantes: Con carne de cerdo. La misma receta añadiendo 200 gr. de carne de cerdo.

Lemon is important to get the rice loose.

El limón es importante para que el arroz quede suelto


Penne with olives and ouzo-Πέννες με ελιές και ούζο A delicious mediterranean recipe for penne pasta. Classification: Main dish Ingredients: 300 grams. penne pasta 1 green pepper thin sliced 2 cloves garlic, finely grated 3 tablespoons ouzo 1 tablespoon dried oregano and basil 50 grams mixed black and green olives, thin sliced 50 grams. olive oil 50 grams. sun-dried tomatoes, finely chopped

Συστατικά: 300γραμμ.. ζυμαρικά πέννες 1 πιπεριά πράσινη ψιλικομμένη 2 σκελίδες σκόρδο ψιλοτριμμένες 3 κουταλιές της σούπας ούζο 1 κουταλιά της σούπας ρίγανη και ξερό βασιλικό 50 γραμμ. ελιές ανάμεικτες ψιλοκομμένες 50 γραμμ. ελαιόλαδο 50 γραμμ. λιαστά ντοματάκια ψιλοκομμένα

Steps to do it: We boil and drain the penne and put them in a bowl. We soak the sun-dried tomatoes in hot water for 1 hour and put them in a non stick fry pan with rest ingredients. We sauté them gently for 10-15 minutes until ouzo evaporates and sauce gets thicker and tastier. Finally we pour the sauce over pasta, stir and serve.

Εκτέλεση: Βράζουμε και στραγγίζουμε τις πέννες και τις βάζουμε σε ένα μπωλ. Μουσκεύουμε τα λιαστά ντοματάκια σε ζεστό νερό για 1 ώρα και τα βάζουμε σε ένα αντικολλητικό τηγανάκι με όλα τα υπόλοιπα υλικά. Τα σοτάρουμε ελαφρά για 10-15 λεπτά μέχρι να εξατμιστεί το ούζο και να δέσουν όλα τα υλικά σε μια νόστιμη σάλτσα. Περιχύνουμε με τη σάλτσα τις πέννες, ανακατεύουμε και σερβίρουμε.






Gołąbki it’s a vegetable or half-meat dish of stuffing wrapped up in rolls from leaves of the white head cabbage.It is a nourishing and healthy traditional Polish dish. Gołąbki to potrawa z farszu warzywnego bądź z mięsa mielonego zawiniętego w rolki z liści białej kapusty głowiastej. To pożywne i zdrowe tradycyjne polskie danie. INGREDIENTS 2 big carrots 1 small celery 1 kohlrabi ½ cauliflower 2 red peppers 1 big onion 4 tomatoes ¼ of white cabbage 1leek Herbalsalt SAUCE INGREDIENTS: 0.5 kg tomatoes 0.5 kg of the pepper water

SKŁADNIKI DO FARSZU 2 duże marchewki 1 mały seler 1 kalarepa ½ kalafiora 2 papryki czerwone 1 duża cebula 4 pomidory ¼ główki kapusty białej 1 por sól ziołowa SKŁADNIKI DO SOSU 0,5 kg pomidorów 0,5 kg papryki woda

STEPS TO DO IT Burn a head of cabbage in salted water with 2 spoonfuls of oil. Next, remove the cabbage stalk and decompose leaves, cutting their hard parts. Peel vegetables and chop them up on the grater or the machine to vegetables. Chop tomatoes and onion on a tiny pieces and water lightly (we are stewing tomatoes and onion on the frying pan).Mix the rest of vegetables and stew them to the softness. Add tomatoes with onion. Spice stuffing with the pepper and the herbal salt and the soy sauce. Put the stuffing on the leaves. Wrapped up “gołabki “ and put to the oven, heated up to 180 degrees on about 40 min. Sauce: Cook tomatoes and the pepper, pour water out and mix smoothly. Season with the herbal pepper and the soy sauce.

SPOSÓB WYKONANIA Główkę kapusty sparzyć w osolonej wodzie z 2 łyżkami oliwy. Następnie usunąć głąb i rozłożyć liście, ścinając ich twarde części. Warzywa obrać ze skóry i drobno posiekać na tarce lub maszynce do jarzyn. Pomidory oraz cebulę drobno pokroić i lekko podlać wodą (pomidory i cebulę dusimy na patelni).Resztę warzyw dobrze wymieszać i dusić do miękkości. Dodać pomidory z cebulą. Doprawić farsz pieprzem i solą ziołową oraz sosem sojowym. Nakładać farsz na liście. Zawinięte gołabki włożyć do piekarnika rozgrzanego do 180 stopni na około 40 min. SOS Pomidory i paprykę ugotować, odlać wodę i zmiksować na gładko. Przyprawić pieprzem ziołowym i sosem sojowym.





‘’ İzmir Köftesi ‘’çok lezzetli ve kolay bir yemektir.Özellikle çocuklar çok severler. ‘’İzmir Meat Balls’’ is very delicious and easy recipe.Especially, children lile it.



500 grams ground meat 1 onion 1 egg About 4 slices stale white bread 3 potatoes 2 green peppers 1 can tomato puree 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 glass hot water. 2 garlic cloves mashed Salt and black pepper to taste Sunflower oil for frying

500 gram kıyma 1 soğan 1 yumurta 4 dilim bayat ekmek 3 patates 1 yeşil biber 1 teneke kutu domates püresi 1 çorba kaşığı domates salçası 1 bardak sıcak su 2 diş sarımsak Ağız tadına göre tuz ve kara biber Kızartmak için ayçiçeği yağı



1.Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C 2.Crumble bread into breadcrumbs 3.Mix the meat ground,onion,egg,breadcrumbs,salt and black pepper..Roll the mixture into round or oval- shaped bigger than walnut. 4 Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan and fry the meatballs until done.Remove the meatballs from the pan. 5. Add more oil to the pan.Cut the potatoes into slices and fry them.Slice the green peppers and add it to the potatoes as they are frying.Place the potatoes and peppers on a baking sheet. Put the meatballs on top. 6. Melt the butter in a pan,add tomato paste,tomatoes, mashed garlic and hot water.Stir it and pour it on themeatballs in oven tray.Cover everything with the tomato puree. 7. Cover it with foil paper. 8. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes

1.Fırını 200 derece C ısıtın. 2.Ekmeği küçük kırıntılar haline getirin. 3.Kıymayı,soğanı,yumurtayı,ekmek kırıntılarını,tuzu ve kara biberi karıştırın.Karışımı yuvarlak yada oval şekilde cevizden daha büyük yuvarlayın. 4..Ayçiçeği yağını kızartma tavasında ısıtın ve köfteleri Pişene kadar kızartın.Köfteleri tavadan alın. 5.Tavaya biraz daha yağ ekleyin.Patatesleri dilimleyin ve kızartın.Yeşil biberi dilimleyin ve kızaran patateslere ilave edin.Patatesleri ve biberleri fırın tepsisine koyun. En üste köfteleri koyun. 6.Bir tavada tereyağını eritin,domates alçasını,dövülmüş sarımsağı,domatesleri ve sıcak suyu ekleyin.Karıştırın ve tepsideki köftelerin üzerine dökün. 7.Folya kağıdıyla üzerini kaplayın. 8.Fırında 20-25 dakika pişirin



Houbový kuba


Zdravý oběd

Mushroom Cuba Healthy Lunch

INGREDIENTS      

INGREDIENCE  300g krupek  50g sušených hub 4 stroužky česneku  80g sádla  20g másla  sůl, pepř, kmín, majoránka

300g hulled grains (corn grits) 50g of dried mushrooms 4 pcs garlic 80g fat 20g butter Salt, pepper, caraway, marjoram

STEPS TO DO IT Wash the hulled grains and boil them in salt water until they get soft. After that we put them out of the water. Grind the garlic and mix it with some salt. Mix the garlic, boiled hulled grains, half of fat (40g) and boiled mushrooms together. Into the mixture add some marjoram, salt and pepper to make it tasty! Prepare a roasting pan and spread it with the rest of the fat (40g). Put the mixed meal into the roasting pan and cover the mixture. With butter (slim slices). Bake it in an oven until it gets nice gold colour.

POSTUP Kroupy propláchneme a v osolené vodě s kmínem uvaříme do měkka – scedíme. Česnek utřeme se solí a spolu se sádlem a houbami smíchame s uvařenými krupkami. Dochutíme majoránkou, pepřem a solí. Vložíme do pekáče vymazaného zbytkem sádla. Na povrch dáme vločky másla a pečeme do zlatova.






Only reach

Polenta is a traditional dish of our rural area. It is of often served with roasted or stewed meat in most of our homes on Sundays. INGREDIENTS


Portion for 4/5 people:

Dosi per 4/5 persone:

2 liters of water Salt 500 g Fine corn meal for polenta

2 l acqua sale grosso 500 g Farina gialla per polenta



Salt and bring to a boil 2 liters of water.

Fare bollire 2 litri di acqua e aggiungere sale quanto basta.

Slowly pour in 500 g of the contents of the pack and stir over medium heat until the mixture thicken.

Al momento dell’ebollizione versare lentamente a pioggia 500 g di farina.

Remove after 30/45 minutes and pour on a trencher.

Cuocere per 30/45 minuti avendo cura di rimestare continuamente e versare su un tagliere di legno.



Name: Stuffed kalamari- Kalamari gemisto-Καλαμάρι γεμιστό A very tasty summer dish mainly but eaten also during fasting period for 40 days before Easter. It has the flavoring and spiciness of the Aegean sea!!! Classification: main dish ΣΥΣΤΑΤΙΚΆ:  4 μεγάλα καλαμάρια  1/2 κιλό σπανάκι φρέσκο  3 μεγάλα μανιτάρια portobello  1 κρεμμύδι  150 γρ φέτα  2 ντομάτες τριμμένες  1 ποτηράκι ούζο  ελαιόλαδο  αλάτι και πιπέρι

INGREDIENTS:  4 large squid  1/2 kgr fresh spinach  3 large portobello mushrooms  1 onion  150 g feta  2 tomatoes grated  1 small glass of ouzo  olive oil  salt and pepper STEPS TO DO IT: 1. We wash and clean the squid. Remove the heads and chop them. 2. In a pan we add the fresh spinach after we wash well and cut. We don’t put either water or oil. First we let it wither absorbing its own juices. When the bottom of the pot has no longer liquid we add the sliced mushrooms the olive, the chopped squid heads and the chopped onion. We cook for about 10 minutes and finally we add the feta cheese. 3. With the prepared stuffing, we stuff the squids and close the openings with a toothpick. Whatever leftover stuffing we keep aside. 4. In a casserole we add olive oil and saute squid and until they get a nice pink colour. Add the ouzo and after it evaporates, we add the crushed tomatoes, the leftover filling, salt and pepper. We wait until the sauce thickens.


ΕΚΤΈΛΕΣΗ: 1.Πλένουμε και καθαρίζουμε τα καλαμάρια. Αφαιρούμε τα κεφάλια και τα ψιλοκόβουμε. 2. Σε ένα σκεύος βάζουμε το φρέσκο σπανάκι αφού το έχουμε πλύνει καλά και κόψει. Δεν βάζουμε ούτε νερό ούτε λάδι. Πρώτα το αφήνουμε να μαραθεί απορροφώντας τα δικά του υγρά. Όταν στον πάτο του σκεύους δεν υπάρχουν πλέον υγρά, προσθέτουμε τα μανιτάρια κομμένα σε φέτες. Προσθέτουμε ελαιόλαδο, τα ψιλοκομμένα κεφάλια των καλαμαριών που είχαμε κρατήσει και το κρεμμύδι ψιλοκομμένο. Μαγειρεύουμε για περίπου 10 λεπτά και στο τέλος προσθέτουμε την φέτα. 3.Με τη γέμιση που ετοιμάσαμε, γεμίζουμε τα καλαμάρια και κλείνουμε το άνοιγμα με οδοντογλυφίδα. Ό,τι γέμιση περισσέψει, δεν την πετάμε. Την κρατάμε στην άκρη. 4.Σε μια κατσαρόλα προσθέτουμε ελαιόλαδο και τα καλαμάρια και τα τσιγαρίζουμε γύρω γύρω μέχρι να πάρουν ένα ωραίο ροδαλό χρώμα. Σβήνουμε με το ούζο και μόλις εξατμιστεί προσθέτουμε τις τριμμένες ντομάτες, τη γέμιση που μας περίσσεψε, αλάτι και πιπέρι. Το αφήνουμε μέχρι να δέσει η σάλτσα.




Second or Main course

It´s rich nutritional value (potassium, calcium, vitamins, iron and carbohidrates INGREDIENTS


-350 gr. of noodles, -1 kg. Of clams -two medium onions, two red peppers, two ripe tomatoes - olive oil, garlic, parsley, bay leaves, safron, salt.

-350 gr. de fideos -1 kg de almejas -dos cebollas medianas, dos pimientos morrones, dos tomates maduros -aceite de oliva, ajo, perejil, laurel, azafrán, sal.



-Wash the clams very well.

-Limpiar bien las almejas.

-Chop the onion, the garlic, the red peppers, the tomatoes and the parsley. -Fry in a pot with olive oil.

-Poner una olla al fuego con aceite de oliva y hacer un sofrito con la cebolla, el ajo, los pimientos, los tomates y el perejil, todo ello muy bien picado.

-Boil the clams with water, the garlic and the bay leaves. When opened, put theym off the flame.

-Poner las almejas al fuego en una olla con agua, ajo y laurel. Cuando abran sacarlas de la olla y reservarlas aparte.

-Drain the water of the clams and add it to the onion, the garlic, the peppers, the tomatoes and the parsley -Colar el agua de las almejas y añadirla al sofrito. friend lightly in olive oil. -Let boil and add the noodles. When they are done -Dejar que hierva y añadir los fideos. Cuando estén cocidos add the clams a bit of safron and a pinch of salt. añadir las almejas y un poco de azafrán y salar el conjunto.


NAME TARHANA SOUP WITH CELERY CLASSIFICATION STARTER ‘’Kerevizli Tarhana Çorbası’’geleneksel bir Türk çorbasıdır. Genellikle kışın tercih edilir. ‘’Tarhana Soup with Celery’’is a traditional Turkih soup.It is usually preferred during the winter. INGREDIENTS MALZEMELER 4 tablespoons tarhana 2 glasses hot water 4 glasses cold water Olive oil 1 medium size onion 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 tablespoon redpepper paste 3 gloves of garlic,chopped fine 1 medium size celery(grated) Salt

4 çorba kaşığı tarhana 2 bardak sıcak su 4 bardak soğuk su Zeytinyağı 1 orta boy soğan 1 yemek kaşığı domates salçası 1 yemek kaşığı kırmızıbiber salçası 3 diş iyice kıyılmış sarımsak 1 orta boy kereviz(rendelenmiş) tuz



1.Put the tarhana into a deep bowl,add 2 glassses hot water. (This is for growing the tarhana pieces) 2.Put the olive oil into a pot and make it over medium heat. Add finely diced onion in it.When the onion turns into to pink,put sliced garlic,tomato paste and red pepper paste. Stir the mixture. 3.Add thickly grated celery into the mixture and saute it for a while.Then,add 4 glasses of cold water. 4.When the celery softens,add the grown tarhana and salt in it. 5.Cook it for a while more,after it reaches to the boiling temperature.Then remove it from stove. 6.Fill the hot soup into the bowls and garnish it with parsley.

1.Tarhanayı derin bir kaba koyun,2 bardak sıcak su ekleyin.(Bu işlem tarhananın kabarması için yapılır.) 2.Tencereye zeytin yağını koyun.Orta ateşte ısınınca ince kıyılmış soğan ekleyin.Soğan pembeleşince ince kıyılmış sarımsak,domates salçası ve kırmızı biber salçası ilave edin. 3.Karışıma kalınca rendelenmiş kerevizi ilave edin ve bir süre çevirin.Sonra,4 bardak soğuk su ilave edin. 4.Kereviz yumuşadığında,şişmiş tarhanayı ve tuzu ilave edin. 5.Kaynama derecesine kadar pişirin.Sonra ocaktan alın. 6.Sıcak çorbayı kaselere alın ve maydanozla süsleyin.



CANUNSEI Main course

Primo piatto - piatto unico

INGREDIENTS For the dough: 1 kg flour 10 eggs, water and salt.

INGREDIENTI Per la sfoglia : 1 kg di farina, 10 uova, acqua e sale.

For the filling: 500g breadcrumbs, 500g grated Parmesan cheese, 100g butter, broth, parsley, spices, garlic and a spoonful of tomato paste.

Per il ripieno: 500g di pangrattato, 500 g di parmigiano grattugiato, 100g di burro, brodo di carne, prezzemolo, spezie, aglio ed un cucchiaio di concentrato di pomodoro.

For the sauce: Per il condimento: 150g butter, sage and 200 g grated Parmesan cheese. 150g di burro, salvia e 200 g di parmigiano grattugiato.



Mix the flour with the eggs and add water and salt. Roll out the dough, not too thin. For the stuffing: fry the butter with the garlic and parsley and then put bread and cheese. Add the broth and a little tomato paste for coloring the dough. With a glass press on the pastry making circles of dough in the center of each circle and put a ball of stuffing the size of a hazelnut. Fold the circle of dough to METAE with the aid of a fork, press for welding the semicircular edge, which will be decorated by the marks left by the teeth of the cutlery. Let it sit on a floured cloth the canunsei. Finally cook for about 10 minutes in salted water, drain and toss with butter flavored with sage. Put as you like, parmesan cheese. Enjoy your meal.

Impastate la farina con le uova e aggiungete acqua e sale. Stendete una sfoglia non troppo sottile. Per il ripieno: soffriggete il burro con l’aglio e il prezzemolo e mettete poi pane e formaggio. Aggiungete il brodo e poco concentrato di pomodoro per colorare l’impasto. Con un bicchiere premete sulla sfoglia realizzando cerchi di pasta e nel centro di ciascun cerchio mettete una pallina di ripieno grande quanto una nocciola. Ripiegate il cerchio di pasta a metà e con l’aiuto di una forchetta, premete per saldare il bordo semicircolare, che risulterà decorato dai segni lasciati dai denti della posata. Lasciate riposare su un canovaccio infarinato i canunsei. Infine fateli cuocere per circa 10 minuti in acqua salata, scolateli e conditeli con burro fusoaromatizzato con salvia. Mettete , a vostro piacere, formaggio parmigiano. Buon appetito.



Rotfruktssoppa / Root Vegetable (Root-crop) Soup


Husmanskost / Traditional Speciality


4 persons


1000 ml Water 2 pc Vegetable extract cubes 1 pc Swedish turnip 1 pc Celeriac ¼ Leek 2 pc Parsnips 2 pc Carrots 3-4 pc Potatoes

1 liter Vatten 2 tärningar Grönsaksbuljong 1 bit Kålrot 1 bit Rotselleri 1 bit Purjolök 2 st Palsternackor 2 st Morötter 3-4 st Potatisar



1. Peel, wash and split the root vegetables and leeks into similar sized pieces. 2. Boil water. Add the extract cubes. 3. Add the root vegetables and leeks. 4. Cook over medium heat until the vegetables are soft.

4 personer

1. Skala, skölj och dela rotfrukterna och purjolöken i lika stora bitar. 2. Koka upp vattnet. Lägg i buljongtärningarna. 3. Lägg i rotfrukterna och purjolöken. 4. Koka på medelvärme tills rotfrukterna är mjuka. Känn med provsticka.


Servera med knäckebröd eller smörgås med ost. Strö gärna lite klippt persilja över.

Serve with crispbread/hard rye bread or a cheese sandwish. Sprinkle chopped parsley over the soup.



Bryndzové halušky - potato dumplings with bryndza sheep cheese


The first course Slovak traditional dish

INGREDIENTS  4 of larger raw potatoes  Fine whole wheat medium flour, cca 500 g  salt, 1 teaspon, smoked bacon, 200 g  200 g bryndza – is special cheese made from sheep´s milk. It can be replaced by a cottage cheese made from cow´s milk,  sour cream

INGREDIENCIE  4veľké surové zemiaky  cca 500 g polohrubá celozrnná múka  1 čj soľ  200 g slanina údená  200 g bryndza  kyslá smotana

STEPS TO DO IT 1. Peel and finely grate potatoes 2. Add salt and flour in order to make a dough which is not too tough but not to watery /if you stick a spoon into thre dough, it should stand by itself/ 3. Cut little pieces of smoked bacon and fry them until it is red 4. Boil enough water with 2 tbsp of salt 5. Then form the dumplings with a knife or teasponn on with cold water washed wooden plate and thrown them into the bubling salted water – there is now special equipment with which you can form halusky more easily and which can be bought in shops 6. Boil the dumplings a little, when the dumplings are done they will float on the surface of the water 7. Pick them out with a strainer, rinse with cold water and mix with bryndza. 8. Bryndza can be mixed with sour cream to form a smoother toppin. On the top of bryndzove halusky spread the roasted bacon

POSTUP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.




Nastrúhame si 4ks zemiakov pridáme čajovú lyžičku soli a dosýpame polohrubou múkou až kým nám v ceste nezostane stáť varecha. Nakrájame si údenú slaninku a na malinkom ohni pražíme kým nieje pekne červená. Bryndzu si môžeme rozmiešať s kyslou smotanou. Cesto pretláčame pomocou sitka na halušky do vriacej posolenej vody , keď nám vyplávajú sú hotové. Na halušky dáme bryndzu a slaninku.





Potato soup Soup

INGREDIENTS           

INGREDIENCE           

Flour Marjoram 1 piece of celery Oil 3 pieces of potatoes 1 onion Mushrooms 1 garlic 2 pieces of carrots Salt 1 parsley

hladká mouka majoránka 1ks celer olej 3ks brambory 1ks cibule houby 1 česnek 2ks mrkve sůl 1ks petržel



Cut the onion,vegetables and mushrooms in small pieces. Soak mushrooms.Sauté onion in oil in the pan, add flour and fry until i tis golden brown. Then pour 1.5 liters of water into the pan and boil it. Add the chopped vegetables, potatoes and pre-soaked mushrooms. Cook until the vegetable is soft. Spice with garlic, salt, marjoram, parsley and boil it for short time.

Cibulku, zeleninu a houby nakrájíme nadrobno. Houby namočíme. Na oleji zpěníme cibulku, přidáme hladkou mouku a za míchání osmažíme dozlatova. Zalijeme 1,5 l vody a uvedeme do varu. Přidáme nakrájenou zeleninu, brambory a předem namočené houby. Dochutíme česnekem,solí, přidáme majoránku a petrželku a bramboračku už jen krátce povaříme.







INGREDIENTS           

1tbsp lard or bacon fat 2 large onions, thickly sliced 1 medium swede, peeled and cut into 1 inch/ 2.5cm cubes 4 large carrot, peeled thickly sliced 4 leeks, cleaned and sliced. 1lb/450g potatoes, peeled and quartered 1lb/ 450g brisket of beef 1lb/450g piece of smoked bacon, cut into 1 inch/ 2.5cm cubes 1 bay leaf Spring fresh thyme Salt and freshly ground pepper.

STEPS TO DO IT Melt the lard in a lard stock pan over a high heat, taking care not to burn the fat. Add all the vegetables except the potatoes, to the hot fat and brown for about 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove the vegetables with a slotted spoon and keep to one side. Raise the heat and add the beef to the pan and brown on all sides. Return the browned vegetables to the pan with the bacon pieces and herbs. Cover the meat and vegetables with cold water, bring to the boil, then lower the heat to keep the water simmering and cook for 2 hours, or until the beef is tender. Lift the beef from the pan and keep to one side. Add the potatoes and bring back to the boil and cook for another 20 mins, or until the potatoes are cooked. Meanwhile, once the beef is cool enough to handle, cut into 2"/5cm cubes. Once the potatoes are cooked, add the beef back to the pot and cook for a further 10 minutes. Season well with salt and pepper and serve while piping hot. The broth from the pot can be served first as a soup, followed by the meat and vegetables, the choice is yours.The flavours in Welsh Cawl do improve for keeping for a day or two, so don't be afraid to make it in advance or save any leftovers for reheating.

CYNHWYSION           

1 llwy ffwrdd lard neu fraster cig moch 2 winwnsyn mawr, wedi'u sleisio'n drwchus 1 erfin canolig, wedi'i blicio a'i dorri'n 1 modfedd / 2.5cm ciwbiau 4 foronen fawr, wedi'u plicio sleisio'n ddarnau trwchus 4 cenhinen, eu glanhau a'u sleisio. 1lb / 450g tatws wedi'u plicio a'u chwarteru 1lb / 450g brisged cig eidion Darn o gig moch 1lb/450g mwg, torri i mewn i 1 fodfedd / 2.5cm ciwbiau 1 ddeilen llawryf Gwanwyn teim ffres Halen a phupur wedi'i falu'n ffres.

DULL Toddwch y lard mewn sosban stoc fawr dros wres uchel, byddwch yn ofalus i beidio â llosgi braster. Ychwanegwch y llysiau i gyd heblaw am y tatws, y braster poeth a brown am tua 3 munud, gan droi'n gyson. Tynnwch y llysiau gyda llwy dyllog a'u cadw i un ochr. Codi y gwres ac ychwanegwch y cig eidion yn y badell a'i frownio ar bob ochr. Dychwelwch y llysiau wedi brownio i'r sosban gyda'r cig moch darnau a pherlysiau. Gorchuddiwch y cig a llysiau gyda dŵr oer, dewch i'r berw, yna gostwng y gwres i gadw'r dŵr mudferwi a'u coginio am 2 awr, neu nes bod y cig eidion yn feddal. Codwch y cig eidion o'r badell a'u cadw i un ochr. Ychwanegwch y tatws a dod yn ôl i'r berw a choginiwch am 20 munud arall, neu nes bod y tatws wedi'u coginio. Yn y cyfamser, unwaith y bydd y cig eidion yn ddigon oer i drin, torri i mewn i 2 "/ Giwbiau 5cm. Unwaith y bydd y tatws wedi coginio, ychwanegwch y cig eidion yn ôl i'r pot a choginiwch am 10 munud arall. Eu sesno'n dda â halen a phupur a gwasanaethu tra'n chwilboeth. Gall y cawl o'r pot yn cael ei gyflwyno gyntaf fel cawl, wedi'i ddilyn gan y cig a llysiau, chi biau'r dewis. Mae'r blasau yn y Cawl Cymru yn gwella ar gyfer cadw am ddiwrnod neu ddau, felly peidiwch â bod ofn gwneud o flaen llaw neu gadw unrhyw fwyd sydd dros ben ar gyfer ailgynhesu.






First course

It´s a dish in the Mediterranean diet,it´s rich in vitamins, minerals and low fat INGREDIENTS


-6 ripe,fleshy big tomatoes -2 green peppers -1 red pepper. -1 cucumber. -1 big onion and a garlic -2 slice of bread. -salt, olive oil, vinegar

-6 tomates maduros, grandes y carnosos -2 pimientos verdes -1 pimiento rojo -1 cebolla grande y un ajo - 1 pepino -2 rebanadas de pan -sal, aceite de oliva y vinagre



-Soak slices of very dry bread, add a pinch of salt -Poner a remojo pan reseso, añadir una pizca de sal y un and olive oil poco de aceite. -Peel and cut tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, onion -Pelar y cortar tomates , pimientos, pepino , cebolla y ajo and garlic into pieces and mix all the ingredients with en trozos y mezclar todo con la batidora. a mixer in a bowl. -Add a little of water, a stream of vinegar and the -Añadir un poco de agua , un chorro de vinagre y el pan bread with water and mix again until getting a arremojo con el agua, mezclar todo hasta conseguir una cream. crema. -Taste if the salt and vinegar is to suit the consumer.

-Comprobar el punto de sal y vinagre.

-Drain the cream with a food mill and if you need -Colar la crema con un colador y si necesitas añadir más add more water , there must be a liquid cream. agua , debe quedar una crema líquida. -Put it into the fridge.

-Poner en el frigorífico.

-Serve it with asparagus, boil eggs, toast or slice of -Servir con espárragos, huevos cocidos, cuadraditos de potatoes. pan tostado o rodajas de patata.



Bramborové placky



Potato pancakes Dinner

INGREDIENTS      

300 – 400g boiled potatoes 100g flour 1 egg salt flour on the counter oil for frying

INGREDIENCE      

300-400g vařených brambor 100g polohrubé mouky 1 vejce sůl mouka na vál tuk na smažení



Grate the cooked potatoes, add the egg, flour, salt and prepare smooth dough. Then roll the dough into pancakes, which fry until they are golden brown. We serve them as a side dish with soup or eat them with cabbage, or sprinkle them with cheese. It is also possible to grease them with jam and eat them as a sweet dinner.

Uvařené brambory nastrouháme, přidáme vejce, mouku sůl a vypracujeme hladké těsto. Z něho pak vyválíme placky, které smažíme do zlatova. Můžeme podávat jako přílohu k polévce, nebo se zelím, posypat je sýrem či je namazat marmeládou jako sladkou večeři.



NAME YOGURT SOUP – YAYLA ÇORBASI CLASSIFICATION STARTER Türkler yoğurda o kadar düşkünlerdir ki, onu pişirirler.Yaygın olarak hastalıkta içilen bir çorbadır. Turks are obsessed with yogurt, they ever cook it.It is also a very common sick soup. INGREDIENTS MALZEMELER 5 glasses water 1 cube beef bouillon 1 cup rice,washed 2 cups yogurt 1 cup milk 1 egg yolk 1 cup flour 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon dry mint Salt

5 bardak su 1 tablet et suyu 1 fincan yıkanmış pirinç 2 fincan yoğurt 1 fincan süt 1 yumurta 1 fincan un 2 çorba kaşığı tereyağı 1 çorba kaşığı kuru nane Tuz



1.In a large pot boil the water,rice,salt and beef boillon. Cook on medium heat until the rice is done. 2.Meanwhile in a bowl;mix yogurt,milk,egg yolk and flour. 3.After the rice is cooked,take a few spoons of liquid from the pot and mix into the bowl. Then slowly pour your mixture into the pot while stirring very slowly. Cook for 10 more minutes on low heat. 4.Place the butter in a frying pan.When it begins spitting, stir in the mint and pour into your soup. 5.Serve immediately.

1.Büyük bir tencerede suyu,pirinci,tuzu ve et suyunu kaynatın. Orta ısılı ateşte pirinç pişene kadar pişirin. 2.Diğer yandan bir kasede yoğurdu,sütü,yumurta sarısını ve unu karıştırın. 3.Pirinç piştikten sonra birkaç kaşık sıvıdan alarak kaseye karıştırın. Sonra bu karışımı yavaşça tencereye dökün. Düşük ısılı ateşte 10 dakikadan fazla pişirin. 4.Kızartma tavasına tereyağını koyun.Köpürmeye başladığında,naneyi karıştırın ve çorbanıza dökün. 5.Derhal servis yapın.






Storicamente definito”piatto povero”, tipico e tradizionale di questa zona, preparato usando prodotti bio, a km zero e senza imballaggio. It is historically defined a "poor dish", traditional and typical of our region. It's prepared by using bio products, at zero kms and without packiging. INGREDIENTS 1 kg potatoes 2/3 eggs 100 gr grated Parmigiano cheese a pinch of salt 3 spoons of milk (at pleasure) common wheat flour type 00 (as much as is sufficient)

INGREDIENTI kg 1 di patate 2/3 uova intere g 100 circa di formaggio grana grattugiato un pizzico di sale 3 cucchiai di latte (a discrezione) farina di grano tenero tipo 00 q.b.

STEPS TO DO IT PASSI PER LA PREPARAZIONE Cook the potatoes (better the steam cooking to avoid Far cuocere le patate (meglio al vapore in modo che non the water absorption in the potatoes). assorbano acqua). Peel and pass the potatoes, still warm, in the Sbucciarle e passarle nello schiacciapatate ancora tiepide masher. In a bowl beat the eggs and add the cheese, In una terrina sbattere bene le uova, aggiungere il a pinch of salt and the mashed potatoes. Mix and formaggio, un pizzico di sale e le patate schiacciate. then add the flour. Amalgamare bene, poi unire la farina e impastare fino ad Knead until the mixture is compact, but at the same ottenere un composto compatto ma allo stesso tempo time soft (the dough shouldn't remain stuck to the soffice (la pasta non deve rimanere appiccicata alle mani). hands). Place some dough on a floured cloth and work it with Su una tovaglietta infarinata appoggiare un pò d'impasto e lavorarlo con le mani fino ad ottenere un rotolo lungo. your hands until obtaining a long roll. Cut the dumplings (gnocchi) and place them on a floured tray making sure they are not too stuck to each oyher.

Tagliate i vostri gnocchi riponendoli su un vassoio infarinato, facendo attenzione che non siano troppo attaccati fra di loro.



Lokše – Potato pancakes


dinner Slovak traditional food



Potatoes 300 g fine flour 1 teaspoon salt Butter garlic

STEPS TO DO IT  Boil ½ dozem medium peeled potatoes until cooked all the way through. Allow to cool  Mash the potatoes and mix 1 cup of flour into them along with a teaspoon of salt  After you have a consistent dough, roll the dough into balls about half the size of a tennis ball  Roll the balls out thinly with a rolling pin on a floured surface  Cook the dough on an ungreased pan on medium to high heat, turning often  brush with butter or goose fat + garlic + salt for savory taste  Enjoy with the sweet or savory topping of your choise, for example, prepare with butter  Sweet variant would be for example milled poppy and honey

Zemiaky 300 g hladkej múky, malá lyžička soli maslo cesnak

POSTUP Uvaríme zemiaky, pretlačíme, necháme vychladnúť. Zamiesime cesto, nakrájame na menšie kúsky, vaľkáme placky asi s priemerom 20 cm, pečieme na suchej rozohriatej platni z oboch strán. Mastíme kačacou alebo husacou masťou, potierame roztlačeným cesnakom a podávame. Lokše na sladko - plníme pomletým makom, sladíme medom.





Soup “Kulajda”




INGREDIENTS      

INGREDIENCE      

250g mushrooms 100g butter 3 pieces of potatoes 250g whippet cream 1 egg salt, bay leaf, pepper corns

250g hub 100g másla 3 ks brambor 1 šlehačka 1 vejce sůl, bobkový list, pepř celý



Brown mushrooms in butter, add peeled, sliced potatoes, salt, pepper and bay leaf and some water. Boil it until the potatoes and mushrooms are soft. At the end mix the whippedcream with the egg and add lemon juice (½ of lemon). Boil it.

Houby osmahneme na másle, přidáme oloupané nakrájené brambory, sůl, pepř, bobkový list a vodu. Vaříme do měkka. Na závěr vmícháme šlehačku s vajíčkem a přidáme šťávu z ½ citronu. Provaříme.






Main course

It´s a rich dish in potassium, phosphorus , proteins and low fat INGREDIENTS


-300 gr. of squids, -one onion, half a tomato, two cloves of garlic, two green peppers, -300 gr. of rice, - fish stock, olive oil, parsley, safron and salt

-300 gr. de calamares, -una cebolla, medio tomate, dos dientes de ajo, dos pimientos verdes - 300 gr. de arroz - caldo de pescado, aceite de oliva, perejil, azafrán y sal al gusto.



-Wash the squids and slice them in thick rings.

-Lavar los calamares y cortarlos en trozos o en aros gruesos. -Save the ink of the squids. -Reservar la tinta de los calamares. -Peel and cut the vegetables; the garlic, the peppers, -Preparar las verdura: Pelar y cortar la cebolla, los ajos, el the onion, the tomato. pimiento y el tomate. -Sauté the squits with a pinch of salt in a pot with the -Saltear los calamares salados previamente en una olla con olive oil. un poco de aceite de oliva. -Add the onion and fry it lightly few minutes. -Añadir la cebolla y rehogar unos minutos. -Add the green pepper and the tomato and let fry -A continuación añadir el pimiento y el tomate. Dejar over a low heat. rehogar durante unos diez minutos a fuego lento. -Pour a cup of fish stock and the crushed garlic, the -Añadir una taza de caldo de pescado y un majado con los parsley and the safron. ajos, el perejil y el azafrán. -Keep over a low heat until the stock evaporates. -Mantener a fuego lento hasta que se vaya evaporando el caldo. -Dissolve the ink with a little water and add it to the -Disolver la tinta de los calamares en un poco de agua y squids. añadir a la cazuela. -Let cook the squids till ready. -Dejar que se hagan bien los calamares y retirar del fuego. -Boil the rice with water and a pinch of salt. -Cocer el arroz con agua y sal. -Serve the rice on a plate surrounded by the squids. -Servir el arroz en el centro del plato y rodearlo con los calamares.



Köttbullar / Meatballs


Husmanskost / Traditional Speciality



100 150 50 500 100 5 2½

Breadcrumbs Water Grated onion Minced meat Beaten egg = about 1 ½ egg Salt Black pepper

1 1½ ½ 500 1 1 ½


Till stekning: ½ dl Matfett

ml ml ml g ml ml ml

For frying: 50 ml

STEPS TO DO IT 1. Mix breadcrumbs and water i a bowl and let it rest for a few minutes. 2. In the meantime peel and grate the onion. 3. Add onion, minced meat, egg, salt and pepper to the breadcrumb/water-mixture. 4. Mix everything well to a smooth mince batter. 5. Wet hands and a cutting board with water, making mince not stick so easily. Shape the mince into meatballs and place them on the cutting board. 6. Add margarine in a frying pan and let it become light brown. 7. Brown/fry the meatballs. Shake the pan so they get evenly fried. Ensure that the margarine does not get burned. 8. Reduce heat and let the meatballs afterfry a few minutes, stirring occasionally. Check that the meatballs are cooked through. The meat juices should be clear.

dl dl dl g dl tsk tsk

Ströbröd Vatten Riven lök Köttfärs Uppvispat ägg = ca 1 ½ ägg Salt Peppar

GÖR SÅ HÄR 1. Blanda ströbröd och vatten i en skål/bunke och låt det stå några minuter. 2. Skala och riv löken under tiden. 3. Tillsätt lök, köttfärs, ägg, salt och peppar i skålen/ bunken med ströbröd och vatten. 4. Blanda allt väl till en smidig färssmet. 5. Skölj en skärbräda och fukta händerna så fastnar inte färsen så lätt. Forma färsen till köttbullar och lägg dem på skärbrädan. 6. Lägg matfettet i en stekpanna och låt det bli ljusbrunt. 7. Bryn/stek köttbullarna. Skaka stekpannan så de får färg runtom. Se till att stekfettet inte blir bränt. 8. Sänk värmen och låt köttbullarna eftersteka några minuter under omrörning.Kontrollera att köttbullarna är genomstekta. Köttsaften ska vara klar /genomskinlig.


Servera med potatismos/kokt potatis, gräddsås/brun sås och lingonsylt. Serve with mashed potatoes/boiled potatoes, cream sauce/gravy and lingonberry jam.





Main Course



Ingredients for the dough:  600 gr flour 00  1 ½ cup water  starch taste  oil to taste  salt to taste

     

Ingredients for the filling:  500 g ricotta cheese  A jar of yogurt  3 eggs  50 g butter

Ingredienti per la farcitura:  ricotta 500 g  un vasetto di yogurt magro  3 uova  50 g di burro



Working hard flour with water to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Divide the dough into small cakes and lay them out until very thin sheets. Roll out the pastry on top of each other wet with a little 'of melted butter. When you get to the middle, take the ricotta, combine the eggs, add yogurt, salt. Is mixed and poured on the pastry. Cover following the same procedure. Close the edge creating a sort of fold. Bake at 240 degrees for about 40 min. The byrek can be served either hot or cold

Lavorare energicamente la farina con l'acqua fino ad ottenere un impasto omogeneo. Suddividere la pasta in panetti piccoli e stenderli fino ad ottenere sfoglie molto sottili. Stendere le sfoglie una sopra l'altra bagnando con un po' di burro sciolto. Quando si arriva a metà, si prende la ricotta, si uniscono le uova, si aggiunge lo yogurt, il sale. Si mischia e si versa sulla pasta sfoglia. Ricoprire seguendo lo stesso procedimento. Chiudere il bordo creando una specie di piega. Mettere in forno a 240° per circa 40 min. Il Byrek può essere servito sia caldo sia freddo

Ingredienti per l'impasto: farina 00 600 gr acqua 1 ½ bicchiere amido qb olio qb Sale qb






Healthy, aromatic dish, fast in preparation constitutes the excellent alternative of the meat delicacy for Poles. Zdrowe, aromatyczne danie, szybkie w przygotowaniu stanowi doskonałą alternatywę mięsnego przysmaku Polaków. INGREDIENTS 1 packet of soya cutlets (100 g) litre of water 1 stock cube and 1 vegetable 2 eggs the spice (pepper, spicy pepper) breadcrumbs oil

SKŁADNIKI 1 opakowanie kotletów sojowych (100g) litr wody 1kostka rosołowa i 1warzywna 2 jajka przyprawy ( pieprz, papryka ostra) bułka tarta olej

STEPS TO DO IT We are pouring boiling bouillon over soya cutlets and we are wetting about 10 minutes. After that we are draining cutlets on the sieve for a few minutes. We are seasoning them with a bit of the pepper, and then we are coating with breadcrumbs in the whipped egg and breadcrumbs seasoned with a bit of the hot pepper. We are frying cutlets on the heated oil of both sides to the golden colour. We can give them with potatoes, the rice and the any salad. Bon appétit

SPOSÓB WYKONANIA Kotlety sojowe zalewamy wrzącym bulionem i moczymy około 10 minut. Po upływie czasu, odsączamy kotlety na sitku przez kilka minut. Doprawiamy je odrobiną pieprzu, a następnie panierujemy w roztrzepanym jajku i przyprawionej odrobiną ostrej papryki bułce tartej. Smażymy kotlety na rozgrzanym oleju z obu stron na złoty kolor. Możemy podawać je z ziemniakami, ryżem i dowolną surówką. Smacznego






Main course

It ´s much nutritional value: carbohidrates, proteins , calories... INGREDIENTS


-Potatoes -Cabbage or turnip greens. -beans(put them to soak the day before) -spicy dry pork sausages. -beef meat or chicken -cured shoulder of pork,head of pork , ear or tail of pork .(the day before put them to soak)

-Patatas -Repollo o grelos -Habichuelas(poner a remojo el día antes) -Chorizos. -Carne de ternera o pollo -Lacón, cacheira, oreja, rabo(poner a remojo)



-Put water in a big pot , when the water boils put the pork meat and the beef meat or the chicken.When they are cooked take some stock water , put it in other pot and put the cooked meat in it.

-Pon agua en una olla grande y cuando hierba pon la carne de cerdo y la de ternera o pollo. Cuando vayan estando cocidas las retiramos y las ponemos en otra olla con agua del caldo.

-Put the beans in the big pot some minutes later -Ponemos la habichuelas , se dejan cocer un rato y se put the vegetables . añade la verdura . -When the water boils put the potatoes and when -Cuando hierba ponemos las patatas y cuando ya estén they are cooked put the spanish sausage. cocidas ponemos los chorizos. -Serve the meat in pieces in a plate and the -Servimos las carnes en trozos en una fuente y la verdura, potatoes , beans and vegetables in other plate. habichuelas y patatas en otra. You can do a soup with the water where you cooked Con el agua donde se coció todo podemos hacer una sopa. everything.



Stekt strömming / Fried Baltic Herring


Husmanskost / Traditional Speciality

INGREDIENTS 8-12 pc 4 ml 100 ml

4 persons

Herring fillets Salt Breadcrumbs


st krm dl

Strömmingfileer Salt/Persillade Ströbröd

Chopped Parsley or Dill

Klippt Persilja eller Dill

For frying:

Till stekning:






4 personer




1. Rinse the herring fillets and dry them with paper towel. 2. Pour the breadcrumbs on a plate. 3. Seasoning the inside of the fillets. 4. Rinse and cut the parsley/dill. Add little on each fillet. 5. Put the herring fillets together two and two. 6. Dip the herring fillets in breadcrumbs. 7. Melt some margarine in a fying pan. 8. Fry the herring fillets, medium heat, 2-3 minutes on each side.

1. Skölj fisken och torka den med hushållspapper. 2. Häll upp ströbrödet på en tallrik. 3. Salta/krydda med persillade på insidan av fiskfileerna. 4. Skölj och klipp persiljan/dillen och lägg lite på varje fiskfilé. 5. Lägg ihop strömmingfileerna två och två. 6. Doppa strömmingen i ströbrödet. 7. Smält matfettet i en stekpanna. 8. Stek strömmingarna på medelvärme, 2-3 minuter på varje sida.


Servera med potatismos, senapssås och/eller lingonsylt. Serve with mashed potatoes, mustard sauce and/or lingonberry jam.



Ryba v česnekové krustě Fish in garlic crust


Zdravý oběd

Healthy lunch



4 pieces of fish fillets 4 cloves of garlic salt, basil, olive oil mixed vegetables side dish - pasta, potatoes or couscous

4ks filety z ryby 4 stroužky česneku sůl, bazalka, olivový olej zeleninová směs příloha – těstoviny, brambor nebo kuskus



Fish spread with crust (olive oil, salt, basil, pressed garlic) and let it marinate overnight.After hours, put vegetable mixture in a baking dish salt the mixture, and put fish on it. Bake it one hour at 180°C.

Ryby potřeme krustou (olivový olej, sůl, bazalka, lisovaný česnek) a necháme odležet přes noc. Po odležení do zapékací misky vložíme zeleninovou směs, osolíme ji a na ni položíme rybu. Pečeme hodinu na 180°C.

Side dish: potatoes, pasta or couscous.

Příloha: brambory, těstoviny nebo kuskus.




Hrachová kaša s údeným mäsom – Peas porridge with smoked meat


The second course Traditional dish



250 g of dry peas 40 g oil /butter or fat/ 50 g fine flour 20 g onion garlic pepper salt Boiled/smoked ham

250 g suchého hrachu 40 g masti 50 g hladkej múky 20 g cibule Cesnak Čierne korenie Soľ Údené mäso



Cook the peas until tender by overcooked a bit. Fry chopped onions in fat, add the flour and pour the roux mixture in peas porridge. Flavor with pepper and garlic. You can spill fried onions on the porridge . We can eat it with some boiled smoked ham.

Uvaríme hrach do mäkka, aby sa trocha rozvaril. Pokrájanú cibuľu osmažíme na masti, pridáme múku a urobenú zásmažku vylejeme do hrachu. Ochutíme korením a cesnakom. Kašu môžeme poliať osmaženou cibuľou.







Delicious dumplings stuffed with fresh or frozen fruits, favourite delicacy both for children and adults. Pyszne pierogi nadziewane świeżymi lub mrożonymi owocami, ulubiony przysmak zarówno dla dzieci jak i dla dorosłych. INGREDIENTS Cake: 0.5 kg of wheat flour 1 egg salt (half of teaspoon) 1 glass of warm water Stuffing: different fruits - raspberries, cowberries, strawberries

SKŁADNIKI Ciasto: 0,5 kg mąki pszennej 1jajko 0,5 płaskiej łyżeczki soli ok.1szklanki letniej wody Farsz: różne owoce – maliny, borówki, truskawki

STEPS TO DO IT Sieve the flour to the pastry board, crack an egg and add salt and water. Knead well the dough, roll it up and cut out circles . Put fruits on the circles of the cake and join edges of the dumplings together. Throw the dumplings on boiling and salted water. After cooking (after flowing out to the top) pour the dumplings with butter or individually sprinkle with sugar or pour sweet creamy sauce.

SPOSÓB WYKONANIA Mąkę przesiać na stolnicę, wbić jajko, dodać sól i wodę. Zagnieść ciasto, dobrze wyrobić, rozwałkować I wyciąć krążki. Na krążkach ciasta ułożyć owoce i zlepić brzegi pierogów. Pierogi wrzucać na wrząca I osoloną wodę. Po ugotowaniu (po wypłynięciu na wierzch) pierogi polać masłem, a osobno podać cukier do posypania lub słodki sos śmietanowy.




Frittata Maddalena


Main course



        

        

8 fresh eggs 5 sprigs of mint 10 leaves of herbs keep little chives 3 leaves of borage 1 medium yellow onion 30gr. of grated Parmesan cheese 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper

8 uova freschissime 5 rametti di mentuccia 10 foglie di erbette tenere poca erba cipollina 3 foglie di borragine 1 cipolla bionda media 30gr. di formaggio grana grattugiato 5 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva sale e pepe



Wilt in virgin olive oil all herbs reduced into thin strips and onion sliced very thin, Meanwhile, in a bowl mix the eggs with the Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper, and pour the mixture into the pan with the herbs. Thicken over medium heat and brown the omelet first one side and then turning it over, on the other. Serve the frittata warm or cold, cut into strips trimmed with sprigs of parsley.

Fate appassire nell'olio extravergine di oliva tutte le erbe ridotte a striscioline sottili e la cipolla affettata molto sottile, Nel frattempo mescolate in una ciotola le uova con il formaggio grana, il sale e il pepe, e versate il composto nella padella con le erbe. Fate addensare a fuoco moderato e rosolate la frittata prima da una lato e poi, rivoltandola, dall'altro. Servite la frittata tiepida o fredda, tagliata a strisce guarnite da ciuffetti di prezzemolo.



Ugnsstekt Falukorv/Ovenbaked Swedish Sausage


Husmanskost/Traditional Speciality


4 persons


4 personer

400 g Swedish Sausage ½ Leek 2 Apples 10 ml Mustard or Ketchup Gratinating: 8 Cheese slices To use in the gratin dish: 10 ml Shortening/Margarine

400 g Falukorv ½ Purjolök 2 Äpplen 2 tsk Senap eller Ketchup Gratinering: 8 Skivor Ost Till gratängformen: 2 tsk Matfett



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Preheat oven to 225°C. Grease the gratin dish. Tend, rinse and cut the leek into thin slices. Rinse, share and core the apples. Split them into wedges. Put the leek in the bottom of the gratin dish. Pull off the skin from the sausage and put it in the gratin dish. Cut 8 deep cuts, equally spaced and not the whole way trough, in the sausage. Spread mustard/ketchup in the cuts and put a slice of cheese in each cut. Add apple wedges alongside the sausage and set the gratin dish in the middle of the oven, about 20 minutes.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Sätt ugnen på 225°C. Smörj en ugnssäker form med matfett. Ansa, skölj och skär purjolöken i tunna skivor. Skölj, dela och kärna ur äpplena. Skär dem i klyftor. Lägg purjolöken i botten på formen. Dra skinnet av korven och lägg den i formen. Skär 8 djupa skåror, med jämna avstånd, i korven. Bred senap/ketchup i skårorna och sätt en ostskiva i varje skåra. 9. Lägg äppelklyftorna vid sidan om korven och ställ formen mitt i ugnen, ca 20 minuter.


Served with mashed potatoes, chopped parsley, mustard & ketchup.





Second courseIt´s rich in vitamins,proteins,potassium,

It´s a typical galician dish. It´s rich in vitamins,proteins,potassium,,iron, low fat. INGREDIENTS


-1 big octopus (2 or 3 Kg) - 1 small onion -Olive oil. -Mild smoked paprika or Hot smoked papikra -sea salt

-1 pulpo grande (2 ó 3 Kg) -1 cebolla pequeña - Aceite de oliva. -pimentón dulce o picante. -sal gruesa.



-Wash the octopus and beat it if it wasn´t in the -Lavar el pulpo y mazarlo si no estuvo en el congelador (es freezer(it´s better freezer octopus, it isn´t so hard). mejor congelarlo , no está tan duro). -Put water with the onion in a pot, when it starts to -Pon agua con la cebolla en una olla (mejor de cobre), boil put the octopus and take it out and put it into cuando empieza a hervir metemos y sacamos el pulpo again (do this twice or three times). varias veces. -Cook the octopus until it is soft, cooked

-Cocer hasta que el pulpo esté blando.

Take it and cut with scissors the legs in slives in a -Sacarlo y cortar las patas con tijeras en rodajas finas y wood plate, season it with sea salt add olive oil and se coloca en un plato preferentemente de madera, se mild or hot smoked paprika to taste. sazona y se le añade aceite de oliva y pimentón dulce o picante al gusto. -You can serve it with potatoes cooked in the same -Se puede servir con patatas cocidas en la misma agua water that you cooked the octopus. que se coció el pulpo.




İsminden anlaşıldğı gibi bu yemek ilk olarak Osmanlı Sarayında yapılmıştır. As the name suggests,this dish was first made in the Ottoman Palace.



1 kg lamb meat cut into small pieces 2 kg eggplants ½ litre milk 100 gr butter 100 gr cheese (kashar or gruyere) 100 gr flour 5 large eggplants 2 medium size onions Salt,blackpepper

Küçük parçalara kesilmiş 1 kg kuzu eti 2 kilo patlıcan ½ litre süt 100 gr tereyağı 100 gr peynir (kaşar yada gravyer) 100 gr un 5 adet patlıcan 2 orta boy soğan Tuz,kara biber



1.To prepare the Meat: Cook the lamb meat with finely chopped onions,peeled and chopped tomatoes,salt,black pepper 2.To prepare the Eggplant puree Cook the eggplants by holding them by the steam and turning them over an open flame(gas or wood) When they have cooled off,remove the skin with a knife.Mash the eggplants with a fork. 3.Melt 100 grams of butter in a saucepan.Add the flour. and make a paste. Add the milk slowly and let come to boil. Add the eggplant puree to this sauce and stir for 6 to 7 minuteson a low heat. Finally, add the grated cheese and stir. Put the meat in the center of a serving platter and surround with the eggplant puree.

1.Eti hazırlama: Kuzu etini doğranmış soğan,soyulmuş ve doğranmış domates,tuz ve karabiber ile birlikte pişirin. 2.Patlıcan püresini hazırlama: Patlıcanları odun ateşine yada ocağın üzerine tutarak, çevirerek pişirin. Soğudukları zaman kabuklarını bıçakla soyun. Soyulmuş patlıcanları çatal ile ezin. 3.Bir tavada 100 gram tereyağını eritin.Un ekleyin ve salça haline getirin.Sütü yavaşça ilave edin ve kaynatın. Patlıcan püresini bu sosa ekleyin ve düşük ısıda 6-7 dakika kadar karıştırın.E n sonunda rendelenmiş peyniri ilave edin ve karıştırın. Eti servis tabağının ortasına koyun ve patlıca püresiyle üstünü kapatın.



Ugnspannpaka / Batter Pudding / Ovenbaked Pancake


Husmanskost / Traditional Speciality

INGREDIENTS 150 600 2 4 30

g ml ml ml

4 persons

Plain white flour Milk Salt Eggs Margarine

STEPS TO DO IT 1. Preheat/Set oven to 225°C. 2. Grease a baking pan/dish, about 12”x18”, with margarine. 3. Beat the flour with salt and half the milk (300 ml) in a bowl. 4. Add the eggs and stir in the remaining milk. 5. Beat until the batter is smooth and without lumps. 6. Pour the batter into the baking pan/dish. 7. Place it in the middle of the oven and bake until the pancake is completely firm and golden brown, about 15 minutes. 8. Allow the pancake to set a few minutes before slicing.

INGREDIENSER 2 ½ dl 6 dl 2 krm 4 st 2 msk

4 personer

Vetemjöl Mjölk Salt Ägg Matfett

GÖR SÅ HÄR 1. Sätt ugnen på 225°C. 2. Smörj en långpanna/braspanna, ca.30x40 cm, med matfettet. 3. Vispa samman vetemjölet med hälften av mjölken (3 dl) och saltet i en skål/bunke. 4. Tillsätt äggen och resten av mjölken. 5. Vispa tills smeten är klimpfri. 6. Häll smeten i långpannan/braspannan. 7. Grädda mitt i ugnen tills smeten stelnat och fått en ljusbrun yta, ca. 15 minuter. 8. Låt pannkakan svalna lite. Skär i bitar och servera.


Serveras varm med stekt fläsk/bacon och lingonsylt. / Serve warm with fried pork/bacon and lingonberry jam.






The simple, delicious dish tastes the best in hot days. Specially recommended for children. Potrawa prosta, smaczna najlepiej smakuje w upalne dni. Szczególnie polecana dla dzieci. INGREDIENTS 1 glass of rice 1 glass of milk 1 glass of water pinch of salt vanilla sugar Strawberry sauce: strawberries (any amount) natural yogurt cream sugar

SKŁADNIKI 1 szklanka ryżu 1 szklanka mleka 1 szklanka wody szczypta soli cukier waniliowy Sos truskawkowy: truskawki (ilość dowolna) jogurt naturalny śmietana cukier

STEPS TO DO IT Put the rice into the pot, pour the milk and put the vanilla sugar. After boiling , cook the ingredients on the low temperature about 20 min. Mix up from time to time so that the rice doesn't stick and doesn’t burn. Mix strawberries with the sugar using a blender Add natural yogurt and the cream. Put the rice to the plate, pour with strawberries mousse and decorate with strawberries. Enjoy your meal 

SPOSÓB WYKONANIA Do garnka wsypać ryż, wlać mleko i wsypać cukier waniliowy. Po zagotowaniu gotować na małym ogniu ok. 20 min. co jakiś czas mieszając żeby ryż się nie przykleił i nie przypalił. Truskawki razem z cukrem (do smaku) należy zmiksować blenderem dodać jogurt naturalny i śmietanę. Na talerz wyłożyć ryż, polać musem i ozdobić truskawkami. Smacznego 







Piatto tradizionale italiano, spesso cucinato per utilizzare gli avanzi del giorno prima. Semplice, veloce e preparato in vari modi: nell'impasto possono andarci verdure, carni e formaggi diversi, ma soprattutto tanta fantasia. Traditional Italian dish, often cooked to use the leftovers from the day before. Easy and fast, it can be cooked in very different ways: in the mixture you can add different vegetables, meat and cheese, but above all much imagination! INGREDIENTS For 4 people 500 g of minced beef 4/5 slice of bread for toasts ½ glass of milk 1 egg 100 g parmigiano cheese salt and pepper breadcrumbs

INGREDIENTI PER 4 PERSONE 500 g di carne macinata 4/5 fette di pancarrè ½ bicchiere di latte 1 uovo 100 g di parmigiano sale e pepe pan grattato

STEPS TO DO IT Soften the slices of toasts in the milk.

PASSI PER LA PREPARAZIONE Ammorbidire le fette di pancarrè nel latte.

After you have wrung the toasts and divided them into small crumbs, put them in a bowl together with the minced beef, the parmigiano cheese, the egg, the bread crumbs, the salt and the pepper. Mix all the ingredients together until the mixture is well blended and then with your hands shape small and a bit flattened balls. Put the meatballs in the breadcrumbs and then settle them on a baking pan covered with oven paper. Cook in the oven at 180° for about 30 min. or alternatively (more tasty but less healthy) you can cook the meatballs in a frying pan with some extra vergin olive oil, turning them halfway through cooking. Enjoy your meal!

Mettere in una terrina la carne macinata, il parmigiano gratuggiato, l'uovo, le fette di pancarrè strizzate dal latte e ridotte a mollichine, il pan grattato, sale e pepe. Con le mani formare delle palline un po' schiacciate con il composto ben amalgamato ottenuto dopo aver mescolato gli ingredienti. Passare le polpette nel pan grattato e adagiarle su una teglia ricoperta con carta da forno. Infornare il tutto a 180° per trenta minuti circa oppure (più gustose ma meno salutari) mettere le polpette in un tegame con dell'olio extravergine di oliva, girandole a metà cottura. BUON APPETITO!





Second course

It has a rich nutritional value ( carbohidrates and proteins and vitamins) INGREDIENTS


-4 big potatoes - 6 eggs - 1 onion (optional) - oil -a pinch of salt

-4 patatas grandes -6 huevos -1 cebolla(opcional) -Aceite -Una pizca de sal



-Peel, wash and cut the potatoes in slices

-Pelar, lavar y cortar las patatas en láminas.

-Fry the potatoes , when they start to be cooked add -Freir las patatas, cuando empiezan a estar cocidas añade the onion cut in slices (if you want). la cebolla en láminas(opcional). -Drain the oil

-When esté cocida escurrir el aceite .

-Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt and mix them -Batir los huevos con una pizca de sal y mezclarlos con las with the potatoes. patatas. -Put 2 spoonful of oil in the frypan and pour the potatoes with the eggs when the egg curdles underneath turn the omelette over with a plate, repeat it twice .

-Pon dos cucharadas de aceite en la sartén y verter la mezcla de huevo y patatas en la sartén . Cuando el huevo esté cuajado se le da la vuelta a la tortilla con un plato para que cuaje por los dos lados( se repite varias veces).

-When the two sides are brown take it off the fire and -Cuando los dos lados están dorados se retira del fuego y serve it. se sirve. you can eat it with a salad Se puede acompañar con una ensalada.



Makové rezance s perkami – Poppy noodles with perky


Dessert or the second course It is delicious

INGREDIENTS • 600 g flour • 1 egg, salt • Some water • crushed poppy seed • a little of butter • powdered sugar or honey, plum jam

STEPS TO DO IT 1. 2. 3. 4.


knead the dough, divide into 3 parts and let rest 15 minutes roll the dough thinly and leave a little to dry then cut it into 5 cm strips, sprinkle with flour, lay out on each other, and cut for noodles from th thin-rolled dough we prepare also some „perky“ so that we form some wheels, fill with plum jam and connect the edges that they stick together then cook the noodles and perks in salted water, drain,little butter and sprinkle with poppy seeds and sweeten with sugar or honey

INGREDIENCIE      

600 g hrubej múky 1 vajce, soľ trocha vody pomletý mak trocha masla práškový cukor alebo med, slivkový lekvár

POSTUP 1. 2. 3. 4.




zamiesime cesto, rozdelíme na 3 časti a necháme odpočívať 15 minút cesto vyvaľkáme na tenko a necháme trocha obschnúť potom nakrájame na 5 cm pásiky, posypeme múkou, poukladáme na seba a krájame rezance z vyvaľkaného cesta pripravujeme aj perky tak, že vykrajujeme kolieska, plníme slivkovým lekvárom a spojíme okraje cesta, aby sa zlepili potom rezance a perky uvaríme v osolenej vode, scedené trocha omastíme maslom a posypeme makom a osladíme cukrom alebo medom

Name: Greek traditional salad-Χωριάτικη σαλάτα This is a wonderful summer salad for either lunch or a light dinner. Classification: Side dish - salad ΣΥΣΤΑΤΙΚΆ: 2 ντομάτες 1 μεγάλο αγγούρι 1 μεγάλη πιπεριά πράσινη 1 μέτριο κρεμμύδι λίγες ελιές λίγη ρίγανη κομμάτι φέτα αλάτι και πιπέρι λάδι και ξίδι

INGREDIENTS: 2 tomatoes 1 large cucumber 1 large green pepper 1 medium onion few olives some feta cheese oregano salt and pepper olive oil and vinegar

ΕΚΤΈΛΕΣΗ: Πλένετε όλα τα λαχανικά πολύ καλά Κόβετε σε μικρά κομμάτια τις ντομάτες και σε ροδέλες το αγγούρι Τα τοποθετείτε σε μία σαλατιέρα ή ένα μπολ και προσθέτετε το κρεμμύδι ψιλοκομμένο, την πιπεριά ψιλοκομμένη σε λωρίδες, τις ελιές Αλατοπιπερώνετε, προσθέτετε τη ρίγανη, το ξίδι και ανακατεύετε προσεκτικά Τοποθετείτε την φέτα από πάνω Ρίχνετε λίγη ρίγανη ακόμα πάνω στη φέτα και προσθέτετε το λάδι

STEPS TO DO IT: Wash all vegetables thoroughly Cut tomatoes into small pieces and cucumber in to slices Place them in a bowl and add the chopped onion, chopped pepper strips and olives Salt and pepper to taste, add the oregano, vinegar and mix thoroughly Place the feta cheese on top Sprinkle some oregano on cheese and add the olive oil


NAME ARTICHOKES WITH OLIVE OIL- ZEYTİNYAĞLI ENGİNAR CLASSIFICATION SIDE COURSE Enginar en sağlıklı sebzelerden biridir ve karaciğere çok faydalıdıi Artichoke is one of the healthiest vegetables and it is very useful for liver. INGREDIENTS MALZEMELER 6 fresh artichokes 1 medium potato 1 medium carrot 1 medium onion ½ cup peas 4 tablespoons olive oil Salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 lemon Fresh dill sprigs for garnish

6 taze enginar 1 orta boy patates 1 orta boy havuç 1 orta boy soğan ½ fincan bezelye 4 çorba kaşığı zeytin yağı Tuz 1 çay kaşığı şeker 1 limon Süslemek için dere otu



1.Let the artichokes sit in water with lemon juice before cooking to prevent browning. 2.Heat the olive oil over medium-high heat 3.Add diced onion and saute for 5 minutes. 4.Add diced potato and diced carrot.Saute a few minutes more.Stir peas in.Add some salt and sugar. 5.Place the artichokes side by side in a pot large enough to hold the artichokes in one layer. 6.Share the vegetables into the artichoke bowls. 7.Pour some water over the artichokes. 8.Reduce heat to medium –low and simmer for about 25 minutes until the artichokes are tender. 9.Garnish with fresh dill. Serve cold.

1.Pişirmeden önce enginarları kararmasını önlemek için limon suyuna yatırın. 2.Orta ateşte zeytin yağını ısıtın. 3.Doğranmış soğanı 5 dakika kavurun. 4.Küp şeklinde doğranmış patatesi ve havucu ekleyin.Bir kaç dakika daha kavurun.İçine bezelyeyi ilave edin. Biraz tuz ve şeker ilave edin. 5.Enginarları yan,yana bir tabaka halinde yeteli ölçüde büyük bir kaba yerleştirin. 6.Enginar çanaklarına sebzeden oluşan içi paylaştırın. 7.Enginarların üzerine biraz su dökün. 8.Isıyı ortanın altına getirin,enginarlar yumuşayıncaya kadar pişirin. 9.Taze dere otuyla süsleyin. Soğuk servis yapın.




Name: Cretan Dakos: Κρητικός Ντάκος One of the healthiest salad snacks. It has been cooked all over Greece and is famous for its Hania origins. It is extremely easy to make. Classification: Breakfast and side dish Ingredients: For two people • 2 large barley rusks • 1 large tomato • 100g. feta cheese • 50 gr sliced black olives • Dried oregano • Οlive oil

Συστατικά: Για δύο άτομα  2 παξιμάδια μεγάλα  1 μεγάλη τομάτα  100γρ. Τυρί φέτα  50γρ. κομμένες μαύρες ελιές  Ρίγανη  Ελαιόλαδο

Steps to do it:


1. Soak the rusks with very little water 2. Grate the tomato and feta cheese in coarse grater 3. Put the rusks in a bowl and add olive oil as much as we like and add the tomato and feta cheese 4. Then we put the olives on the top and we sprinkle with dry oregano


Βρέχουμε τα παξιμάδια πολύ λίγο με νερό


Τρίβουμε την τομάτα και την φέτα στο χοντρό του τρίφτη


Βάζουμε τα παξιμάδια σε ένα πιάτο και ρίχνουμε όσο λάδι 8ελουμε και προσθέτουμε την τομάτα κ από πάνω την φέτα


Έπειτα βάζουμε τις ελιές και πασπαλίζουμε με ρίγανη






Contorno leggero, sano e colorato. Può essere preparato con vari tipi di verdure, meglio se di stagione e a Km zero. Healthy and colorful light side dish. It can be prepared with different types of vegetables, better if in season and at zero Km. INGREDIENTS  lettuce  red radicchio  fennels  celery  nuts  oranges  salt, extravergin olive oil, black pepper, vinegar or lemon

INGREDIENTI  lattuga, radicchio rosso  carote  finocchi  sedano  noci  arance  sale, olio extravergine d’oliva, pepe nero, aceto o limone



Wash the lettuce and the red radicchio then cut them to obtain smaller pieces. Clean the carrots and with a grater slice them obtaining long strips (cut julienne). Wash the celery and the fennels; cut them into pieces. Shell the walnuts, peel the oranges and cut in half the slices. In a glass prepare a blend with lemon juice (or vinegar), oil, salt and pepper. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and pour over the contents of the glass. Mix and serve.

Lavare le foglie di lattuga e di radicchio rosso, poi tagliarle per ottenere dei pezzi piu’ piccoli. Pulire le carote e con una grattugia, inclinando le carote, sminuzzare ottenendo delle striscioline lunghe ( taglio alla julienne). Lavare i gambi di sedano e i finocchi; tagliarli a tocchetti. Sgusciare le noci, sbucciare le arance e tagliare a meta’ gli spicchi. In un bicchiere preparare un' amalgama con succo di limone ( o aceto), olio, sale e pepe. Mettere tutti gli ingredienti in una ciotola e versarvi sopra il contenuto del bicchiere. Girare il tutto e servire.







Delicious salad about a unique taste. An excellent addition to dinner or barbecues dishes . Pyszna surówka o niepowtarzalnym smaku. Stanowi doskonały dodatek do dań obiadowych oraz potraw z grila. INGREDIENTS 1 of Chinese cabbage (small) 1 green cucumber 1 tomato (big) 3 dill pickles bunch of radishes bunch of chives natural yogurt salad dressing (Greek) salt, pepper to the taste

SKŁADNIKI 1 kapust pekińska ( mała) 1 ogórek zielony 1 pomidor ( duży) 3 ogórki kiszone pęczek rzodkiewek pęczek szczypiorku jogurt naturalny sos do sałatek ( grecki) sól , pieprz do smaku

STEPS TO DO IT We are chopping the Chinese cabbage. We are cutting the green cucumber into halves of slices, but the tomato and dill pickles into the big dice. Grate the radish on fa big holes. Then add the cutted chives Mix all ingredients, salt it and season with the pepper. Next we are adding the Greek sauce to the carton of yogurt, we are mixing up and we are leaving for a few minutes. We are pouring the salad with the prepared sauce. The salad taste well when it’s cooled. Bon appétit

SPOSÓB PRZYRZĄDZENIA Kapustę pekińską szatkujemy. Ogórek zielony kroimy w połówki plasterków, a pomidor i ogórki kiszone w dużą kostkę. Rzodkiewkę zetrzeć na tarce na grubych otworach. Dodajemy pokrojony szczypiorek. Wszystkie składniki łączymy, lekko solimy i doprawiamy pieprzem. Następnie do jogurtu dodajemy sos grecki, mieszamy i zostawiamy kilka minut. Tak przygotowanym sosem polewamy surówkę. Dobrze smakuje mocno schłodzona. Smacznego 



Name: Tzatziki-Τζατζίκι An appetizer, made of strained yogurt (usually from sheep or goat milk) mixed with cucumbers, garlic, salt, olive oil and dill or parsley. Tzatziki is always served cold. While in Greece and Turkey the dish is usually served as an accompaniment, in other places tzatziki is often served with bread (loaf or pita) as part of the first course of a meal. Classification: Side dish INGREDIENTS: 250 gr. drained yoghurt 2 small cucumbers 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 teaspoon salt Some fresh dill 2 cloves of crushed garlic

STEPS TO DO IT: In a bowl, we mix yogurt with cucumbers, cut into small cubes with their skins and drain their fluid by squeezing them with our hand. We add the remaining ingredients, stir and place the bowl in the refrigerator for 1 hour before serving. We serve in a small dish and garnish with some dill or an olive.

ΣΥΣΤΑΤΙΚΆ: 250 γραμ. στραγγιστό γιαούρτι 2 μικρά αγγουράκια 2 κουταλάκια σούπας ελαιόλαδο 2 κουταλάκια σούπας ξίδι 1 κουταλάκι κοφτό αλάτι Λίγο άνηθο 2 σκελίδες λιωμένο σκόρδο ΕΚΤΈΛΕΣΗ: Σε ένα μπολ ανακατεύουμε το γιαούρτι με τα αγγουράκια κομμένα σε μικρούς κύβους με τη φλούδα τους, αφού πριν τα έχουμε στραγγίσει πιέζοντας με την παλάμη μας. Προσθέτουμε τα υπόλοιπα υλικά και ανακατεύουμε . Το τοποθετούμε στο ψυγείο για 1 ώρα πριν το σερβίρουμε . Σερβίρετε σε μικρό πιάτο και γαρνίρετε με ένα μικρό κλωνί άνηθο ή μια ελιά.




‘’Kısır’’ genellikle çay ile biirlikte ikram edilir.Sebze içerdiği için sağlıklı bir yiyecektir. ‘’Tabule’’is usually served with tea.It isa healthy dish because of containing a lot of vegetables.



2 glasses bulghur wheat 2 glasses hot water Freshly squeezed lemon juice from 2 lemons 1 cup of olive oil 2 tablespoons tomatoes paste. 1 teaspoon salt,blackpepper and redpepper 1 bunch minced scallions,white and green parts 1 bunch chopped fresh mint leaves 1 bunch chopped parsley 2 cucumber,unpeeled and medium-diced 1 lettuce 2 green pepper 5 cherry tomatoes,cut in half

2 bardak ince bulgur 2 bardak sıcak su 2 limondan taze sıkılmış limon suyu 1 fincan zeytinyağı 2 çorba kaşığı domates salçası 1 çay kaşığı tuz,karabiber ve kırmızıbiber 1 demet yeşil ve beyaz kısımları doğranmış soğan 1 demet yaprakları kıyılmış taze nane 1 demet kıyılmış maydanoz 2 tane soyulmamış ve orta kalınlıkta doğranmış salatalık 1 tane marul 2 tane yeşil biber 5 tane ortadan kesilmiş çeri domates



1.Place the bulghur in a large bowl.Pour the hot water on İt.This is for growing the bulghur pieces. Put a lid over it. Wait for 10 minutes. 2.Add 2 soupspoons tomatoes paste and mix. 3.Add lemon juice,olive oil,salt,red pepper and black pepper to the mixture. 4.Add the scallions,fresh mint,parsley,cucumber and cherry tomatoes and mix. 5.Serve it with lettuce leaves.

1.Bulguru büyük bir kaba yerleştirin.Üzerine sıcak su dökün.Bu işlem bulgur tanelerinin şişmesi içindir. Üzerini kapak ile kapatıp,10 dakika bekleyin. 2.2 çorba kaşığı domates salçası ekleyip,karıştırın. 3.Karışıma limon suyunu,zeytin yağını,tuzu,kırmızı iberi ve kara biberi ekleyin. 4.Soğanı,taze naneyi,maydanozu,salatalığı ve çeri domatesi ekleyin ve karıştırın. 5.Marul yapraklarıyla birlikte servis yapın.





Fruit Jelly



INGREDIENTS Mixture of chosen fruits: oranges, strawberries, grapes jelly

STEPS TO DO IT 1. 2. 3. 4.

Chop fruit into small pieces and place into a bowl Mixed the jelly using boiling water Pour jelly over fruit and place in fridge to set When set, serve with cream or ice cream to enjoy









We used fruit: apples, pears, bananas and other fruit as you like... oranges, lemons sugar equipment juicer, bowl, knives, spoons, glasses, plates.

Abbiamo utilizzato: frutta: mele, pere, banane e altra frutta a piacere... arance, limoni zucchero attrezzatura spremiagrumi, ciotola, coltelli, cucchiai, bicchieri, piatti.



Take the fruit, whash and remove the skin... wash your hands first!! Cut into small pieces and place in a bowl... add lemon juice or orange juice and sugar if you want... Mix everything witht a large spoon, put it in your glass...and eat at will!!!

Prendete la frutta, lavarla e togliere la buccia ... lavarsi le mani prima! Tagliare a piccoli pezzi e mettere la frutta in una ciotola ... aggiungere il succo di limone o succo d'arancia e zucchero se si vuole ... Mescolare il tutto con un grosso cucchiaio, mettere nel bicchiere ... e mangiare a volontà!






INGREDIENTS Makes 6-8 Kebabs    

1 kiwi ½ yellow melon 1 medium banana ½ pineapple

Alternatively    

Pear Pineapple Peach Grape

STEPS TO DO IT    

Peal all of the fruit. Cut the melon, banana and pineapple into 2cm chunks. Slice the kiwi into 1cm slices. Slide 1 piece of each fruit onto a kebab stick. Enjoy your healthy snack.







INGREDIENTS Makes 1 litre of smoothie  250g of frozen strawberries  250g of natural Greek yoghurt  1 large banana  1 tbsp. of runny honey

Alternatively    

Natural yoghurt mandarins, peach or pineapple honey ice

   

Pear Peach Spring water Ice

STEPS TO DO IT Put the strawberries, yogurt, honey and peeled banana into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy straight away. Put the fruits, yogurt, honey and ice into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy straight away. PHOTOGRAPHS



Bratislavské rožky – Bratislava rolls


Dessert It is typical cake for city Bratislava

INGREDIENTS Dough 1000 g flour /mix medium and fine flour/ 350 g butter 150 g powdered sugar a little of milk 1 cube yeast (42 g) Glaze 3 egg yolks for the glaze a bit of cold water Filling 1/ nuts, sugar, milk, lemon peel, vanilla sugar or 2/ poppy, sugar, milk, lemon peel, vanilla sugar

INGREDIENCIE Cesto 1000 g miešanej polohrubej a hladkej múky 350 g smetol 150 g mletý cukor 1 kocka kvasníc (42 g) trocha mlieka Na potretie rožkov 3 žltka Trocha chladnej vody Plnka 1. orechy, cukor, mlieko, citrónová kôra, vanilkový cukor 2. mak, cukor, mlieko, citrónová kôra, vanilkový cukor

STEPS TO DO IT Crush the cube of yeast and put it into the milk /0,1 l/ at room temperature and leave for 20 minutes and then mix it with the flour. Add gradualy the butter. Prepare the dough and leave it a bit at room teperature. Then rolling small wheels that fill the filling and shape the rolls so that the dough connection of the roll stays on the bottom side. Let on the plate and brush with egg /3 eggs yolks mixed with a bit of cold water/. Then decorate them. Leave them a bit at room temperature again. Bake at 180 ° C approx. 15 min/or 200°C 12 min

POSTUP Do trocha mlieka pridáme droždie a necháme pri izbovej teplote asi 20 min. Potom to zmiešame s múkou a postupne pridávame maslo. Vypracujeme cesto a necháme ho trochu vykysnúť pri izbovej teplote.Vyvaľkáme malé koliečka, ktoré plníme plnkou a stáčame rožky tak, že spojenie cesta je na dolnej strane rožkov. Na plechu ich potrieme vajíčkom a nastriháme pichliače. Necháme ich pri izbovej teplote trocha vykysnúť. Upečieme pri teplote 180°C približne 15 min alebo pri teplote 200°C 12 min.







INGREDIENTS  120ml Sunflower Oil  90g of wholemeal flour  150g plain flour  2tsp baking powder  1tsp bicarbonate of soda  1tsp grand cinnamon  1/2 tsp allspice  250g brown sugar  3 peeled and grated carrots  115g of walnuts  3 large eggs  Juice of 1 orange and rind to decorate Icing  50g of butter  200g of cream cheese  Grated rind of 1 orange  200g icing sugar  5ml vanilla extract STEPS TO DO IT  Firstly, pre-heat the oven to 180ᵒC.  Next, grease and line around the tin.  Mix the flours baking powder and bicarbonate soda.  Add brown sugar, carrots, walnuts then, make a well.  Beat the eggs and the orange juice together in a different container.  Mix eggs and orange juice with the other of the mixture.  Next, add in the oil with the rest of the mixture.  After that pour the batter into the tin.  Bake for approximately 1 hour the cake should have risen and be springy to touch.  Leave the cake to cool in the tin and then in a wine rack.  Slide the knife around the tin to loosen it.  Turn the cake out onto a wine rack and remove the paper.  Leave it to go cold To make the icing  Beat the butter, cream, cheese and orange rind into a bowl.  Sift the icing sugar, and add to the mixture with the vanilla essence. Beat until creamy.  Spread icing on top of the cake. Sprinkle pieces of orange rind to decorate PHOTOGRAPHS


Cookies sweet smelling orange-cinnamon Very fragrant cookies with an incredible combination of orange and cinnamon. It's also very healthy since they contain olive oil, contain no eggs and have all the beneficial elements of orange, sesame and cinnamon Classification: Dessert - Επιδόρπιο INGREDIENTS: 1 cup olive oil 1 cup orange juice 1 cup sugar 1-1.5 tablespoon cinnamon half a glass of wine brandy zest of one orange 1 teaspoon baking soda (powder) about 900 gr.flour sesame seeds (optional)

ΣΥΣΤΑΤΙΚΆ:  1 ποτήρι ελαιόλαδο  1 ποτήρι φυσικό χυμό πορτοκάλι  1 ποτήρι ζάχαρη  1-1,5 κουταλιά της σούπας κανέλα  μισό ποτηράκι κρασιού κονιάκ  ξύσμα ενός πορτοκαλιού  1 κουταλάκι γλυκού σόδα  περίπου 900 γρ. αλεύρι  σουσάμι(προαιρετικά)



Mix oil, juice, brandy and allowed to dissolve the sugar, cinnamon, lemon zest and baking soda. Slowly pour in the flour and knead until you have a dough neither too soft nor too hard. Shape into buns and place on lightly greased baking sheet. Bake at 190 degrees until golden brown ...

Αναμιγνύουμε το λάδι, το χυμό, το κονιάκ και διαλύουμε μέσα στο μίγμα τη ζάχαρη, την κανέλα, το ξύσμα και τη σόδα. Προσθέτουμε λίγο λίγο το αλεύρι και ζυμώνουμε μέχρι να έχουμε μια ζύμη ούτε πολύ μαλακή ούτε πολύ σκληρή. Πλάθουμε σε κουλουράκια και τοποθετούμε σε ελαφρά λαδωμένο ταψί. Ψήνουμε στους 190 βαθμούς μέχρι να ροδίσουν






Odpolední svačina Aftenoon snack

INGREDIENTS        

200g flour 1 egg 1 baking powder A bit of salt 0,25l milk 0,25l oil 200g sugar 200g chopped chocolate

INGREDIENCE        

200g polohrubé mouky 1 vajíčko 1 prášek do pečiva špetka soli 0,25l mléka 0,25l oleje 100g krupicového cukru 200g nasekané čokolády



Mix all bulk ingredients. Then add the egg, milk and oil. Mix all ingredients together and add the chopped chocolate. Heat an oven at 180 °C and bake it for 2025 minutes.

Smícháme všechny sypké ingredience. Poté přidáme vajíčko, mléko a olej. Vše smícháme a přidáme nasekanou čokoládu. Troubu rozpálíme na 180°C a pečeme 20-25 minut.







Hot bananas is a the delicious dessert, but the addition of honey and the lemon cause , that this is not only good, but also healthy dish. Banany na gorąco to przepyszny deser, a dodatek miodu i cytryny sprawia, że jest to danie nie tylko dobre, ale i zdrowe. INGREDIENTS bananas honey lemon whipped cream

SKŁADNIKI Banany Miód Cytryna Bita śmietana

STEPS TO DO IT Heat the oven up to temp. 200 C. Put the bananas in the skin on the metal sheet, bake them for 5 minutes from every side. For baked bananas open the skin, pour with a few drops of the lemon juice, add a teaspoon of honey, and trencherman can try bananas with the whipped cream. Bon appétit!!!

SPOSÓB WYKONANIA 0 Piekarnik rozgrzać do temp. 200 C. Banany w skórce układamy na blasze, pieczemy po 5 minut z każdej strony. Upieczonym bananom otwieramy skórkę, polewamy kilkoma kroplami soku z cytryny, dodajemy łyżeczkę miodu, a łasuchy mogą kosztować banany z bitą śmietaną. Smacznego!!!







INGREDIENTS        

225g self raising flour 1 tbsp. baking powder 110g soft butter 55g granulated sugar 110g mixed dried fruit 55g currants 1 medium egg 3 tbsp milk

STEPS TO DO IT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Heat the oven to 205 C Sieve the flour and baking powder into a large baking bowl Carefully, add the softened butter and lightly rub together with fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs Add the sugar and the dried fruit and mix 5Add the egg and 1 tbsp of the milk and mix to create a stiff dough. If the mixture is still dry add milk a tbsp at a time until required consistency Lightly grease two baking sheets with butter Using a tablespoon divide the mixture into 12 mounds Bake near the top of the hot oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown and well risen Cool on a wire rack before eating. Now you have made your rock cake, serve with butter, or lashings of jam and cream. Enjoy!






Dessert - postre

It´s much nutritional value (rice, milk and sugar) INGREDIENTS


-1l of milk - peel of lemon . -1 cinnamon stick. -150gr. Of rice. -150 gr. of sugar. -ground cinnamon. - a pinch of salt

-1 l de leche - corteza de limón -1 ramita de canela en rama. -150gr. De arroz. -150 gr. de arroz. -canela molida -una pizca de sal



1.- Cook the rice with a little of water and a pinch of salt for some minutes.

1.-Cocer el arroz durante unos minutos con un poco de agua y una pizca de sal.

2.- In a casserole heat up the milk with the peel of lemon and the cinnamon stick.

2.-Calentar la leche en una cacerola con una corteza de limon y una ramita de canela en rama.

3.-When the milk starts to boil add the rice and sugar 3.-Cuando la leche empieza a hervir añade el arroz y and cook it over a low heat and stir it well until the azúcar se cuece a fuego lento removiendo y lo dejamos milk boils down. cocer hasta que la leche quede reducida. 4.-Pour it into a plate and sprinkle ground cinnamon. 4.-Se vierte en una fuente y espolvoreamos con canela molida. You can eat it cold , lukewarm or hot

Se puede tomar frío , templada o incluso caliente.





‘’Güllaç’’ Türkiye’de özellikle Ramazan süresince çok popüler bir tatlıdır. Gullac is a very popular dessert in Turkey,especially during Ramadan.



1 kg Gullac leaves,use 12 300 gr crushed walnuts 1.5 kg milk 750 gr sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon cinnamon.

1 kg Güllaç yaprakları,12 tanesini kullan 300 gr dövülmüş ceviz 1.5 kg süt 750 gr toz şeker 1 çorba vanilya 1 çorba kaşığı tarçın



1.Boil the milk with the sugar and vanilla extract. 2.In a round tray the same size as gullac leaf,place one leaf on in the tray and pour more milk on top,until the leaf is completely soaked.Continue this process until you finish the 6th leaf. 3.Spread 200 gr of the walnuts on top of the leaf evenly. Place the 7th leaf on top and continue the same process above until you use all 12 leaves.All the Gullac leaves must be soaked by the milk. 4.Wait half an hour and use remaining walnuts to decorate the top. Sprinkle some cinnamon over the Gullac.

1.Sütü süt ve vanilya ile birlikte kaynatın. 2.Güllaç yaprağı ile aynı biçimde olan tepsiye,bir güllaç yaprağını yerleştirin ve yaprak tamamen ıslanana kadar sütü dökün.Bu işlemi 6cı yaprağı bitirene kadar yapın. 3.yaprağın üzerine 200 gram dövülmüş cevizi serpiştirin. 7ci yaprağı yerleştirin ve 12 yaprağı kullanana kadar bu işleme devam edin.Bütün Güllaç yapraklarının süt ile ıslanması gerekiyor. 4.Yarım saat bekleyin ve kalan cevizi en üst katı süslemek için kullanın. Güllacın üzerine tarçın serpin.



Tvarohový desert s ovocem Cheese dessert with fruit


Letní desert

INGREDIENTS      

Summer dessert INGREDIENCE      

250g sour cream 250g curd cheese 1 icing sugar Food decoration Stewed fruit (pineapple, tangerines, strawberies ..)

1 zakysaná smetana 1 měkký tvaroh 1 moučkový cukr Zdobení Kompotované ovoce (ananas, mandarinky, jahody)



Sour cream, cheese and sugar mix in a bowl. Add the fruit and decorate the dessert.

Smetanu, tvaroh a cukr smícháme v misce. Přidáme ovoce a ozdobíme.







INGREDIENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

3 eggs 150 gr. granulated sugar 150 gr. butter 200 gr. white flour type 00 150 gr. potato starch a grated lemon rind 30 grams yeast vanilla pod


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Heat the milk without letting it boil with the vanilla pod. Whip the butter with the sugar, add the egg yolks, flour, starch, grated lemon peel. When the pod has left the seeds in milk add the yeast and let it melt in the milk Add the milk to the mixture and lastly add the egg whites whipped. Put the mixture in a mold with a hole, greased and floured. Place it in the oven at 170 degrees for 35 minutes. Once cooled, sprinkle with icing sugar.

INGREDIENTI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

3 uova 150 gr. Zucchero semolato 150 gr. burro 200 gr. farina bianca tipo 00 150 gr fecola di patate una scorza di limone grattugiato 30 grammi lievito di birra vaniglia in baccello


1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Scaldate il latte senza farlo bollire con il baccello di vaniglia. Montate il burro con lo zucchero, aggiungete i tuorli d'uovo, la farina, la fecola, la buccia di limone grattugiata. Quando il baccello avrà lasciato i semi nel latte unitevi il lievito e fatelo sciogliere nel latte Unite il latte all'impasto e per ultimi aggiungete gli albumi montati a neve . Mettete il composto in uno stampo con il buco, imburrato e infarinato. Ponetelo nel forno a 170° per 35 minuti circa. Una volta raffreddato spolverizzarlo con zucchero a velo vanigliato.





INGREDIENTS       

125g butter 150g caster sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 egg, beaten 2 very ripe bananas, mashed 190g self raising flour 60ml milk

STEPS TO DO IT Prep: 10 mins | Cook: 35 mins 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Grease and line a 2lb loaf tin. Melt butter, sugar and vanilla in a saucepan over a medium heat. Remove from heat and add the mashed bananas, mix well. Add the egg, mix well. Stir in the flour and the milk. Pour into the prepared tin, sprinkle with a tablespoon of demerara sugar to give a crunch topping if liked. Bake at 150 C fan oven.




Fastlagsbullar (Semlor) / Shrove bun


Tradionell bakelse eller efterrätt / Traditional pastry or dessert

INGREDIENTS 75 100 300 2½ 100 1 5 2½ 600

g g ml ml ml ml ml g

20 pc

Yeast Margarine/Butter Milk Salt Caster sugar Egg + Egg for brushing Cardamum (can be excluded) Ammonium Carbonate Plain white flour

INGREDIENSER 75 g 100 g 3 dl ½ tsk 1 dl 1 st 1 tsk ½ tsk 10 dl

Jäst Margarine/Smör Mjölk Salt Socker Ägg + Ägg till pensling Kardemumma (kan uteslutas) Hjorthornssalt Vetemjöl

For Garnish: Whipped cream Marzipan Icing sugar

Till Garnering: Vispgrädde Mandelmassa Florsocker



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Melt the butter in a sauce pan and pour in the milk. Let it become lukewarm (37°C). Crumble the yeast in a bowl and pour over the milkbuttermixture.Stir to melt the yeast. Add salt, sugar, one egg and cardamum. Dilute the ammonium carbonate in a little water before adding to the dough. Pour in the flour a little at a time, until the dough releases from bowl. Sprinkle a little flour on dough, add on a tea towel and let the dough rise in the bowl for 10 minutes. Place dough on floured surface, knead the dough until it isn’t sticky and split it into two parts. Roll the dough into lengths and cut each length in 10 parts.Roll them into round buns and place them on a baking sheet with baking paper. Let the buns rise once more under a towel, for at least 10 minutes. Brush the buns with beaten egg. Bake the buns in the middle of the oven, 250°C, for 5-10 minutes, until they are golden brown on the surface. Put the buns to cool on a rack under a towel. Whip the cream. Stir the marzipan with a little water to make a cream. Cut of a lid on the buns, spread the marzipan cream on the bottom and add or pipe plenty of whipped cream. Put on the lid and powder icing sugar on it.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

20 st

Smält smöret och häll i mjölken. Låt det bli fingervarmt (37°). Smula jästen i en bunke och häll över mjölkblandningen. Rör om så jästen smälter. Tillsätt salt, socker, ägget och kardemumma. Blanda ut hjorthornssaltet i lite vatten innan det tillsätts i degen. Blanda i mjölet lite i taget, tills degen släpper från bunken. Strö lite mjöl på degen, lägg på en bakduk och låt degen jäsa i bunken i 10 minuter. Ta upp degen på mjölat bakbord, knåda degen tills den inte kladdar mer och dela den i två delar. Rulla degen i längder och dela varje längd i 10 delar. Rulla dem till runda bullar och lägg dem på en plåt med bakplåtspapper. Låt bullarna jäsa på plåten med bakduk över, minst 10 minuter. Pensla bullarna med uppvispat ägg. Grädda bullarna i mitten av ugnen, i 250°C, ca 5-10 minuter, tills de är gyllenbruna på ytan. Lägg bullarna att svalna på galler under bakduk. Vispa grädden. Rör ut mandelmassan med lite vatten till en kräm. Skär av ett lock på bullarna, bred på mandelmassakräm på underdelen och lägg eller spritsa rikligt med vispgrädde ovanpå. Lägg på locket och sikta florsocker över.


Fastlagsbullen äter man gärna med varm mjölk över, serverat i en djup tallrik, i Skåne. Mjölken skall vara smaksatt med lite vaniljsocker. Prova gärna som efterrätt. Semla kommer från "simila" (latin) = "det finaste mjölet"/ Semla comes from “similia” (latin) = “the finest flour”.


In southern Sweden you like to have your Shrove bun served with hot milk in a soup-plate. Season the milk with a little vanilla sugar. Try them as dessert.

Žemľovka – Roll dessert


Dessert – special apple pie


It is delicious INGREDIENTS       

2. 3.



      

8 rolls 5 apples ½ l milk 15 dkg butter 3 eggs 20 dkg powdered sugar salt, cinnamon, almonds, cranberries, raisins



cut rolls to rings and put them into the milk where there are already egg-yolks, sugar,a pinch of salt and let it work together put one half of the mixture put on a baking pan grate apples and put them on the mixture, then sprinkle it with sugar, cinnamon, raisins, cranberries and sliced almonds add the second half of the mixture and cover it with slices of butter and put in the heating oven In the end whip the egg-whites to a thick snow with sugar and put it on the top of „žemľovka“ – pie and bake for a few minutes

8 Rožky 5 Jablká ½ l Mlieka 15 dkg maslo 3 vajíčka 20 dkg práškový cukor Soľ, škorica, mandle, brusnice, hrozienka


2. 3.





Rožky pokrájame na kolieska a vložíme do mlieka, v ktorom sú žĺtky, cukor, štipka soli a necháme pôsobiť Polovicu zmesi uložíme na pekáč Jablká postrúhame a uložíme na rožkovú zmes, posypeme cukrom, škoricou, hrozienkami, brusnicami a posekanými mandľami Uložíme druhú polovicu rožkovej zmesi a navrstvíme plátky masla a pekáč vložíme do vyhriatej rúry a zapečieme Vyšľaháme bielka s cukrom na hustý sneh a navrstvíme ho na upečenú žemľovku a dáme na chvíľu do rúry zapiecť





INGREDIENTS          

CYNHWYSION          

450G/1lb self-raising flour 1tsp mixed spice 175g/6oz Muscavado sugar 1 medium size free-range egg 1tbsp orange zest 2tbsp orange juice 1tbsp honey 300ml/½pt cold tea 450g/1lb mixed, dried fruit Extra honey for glazing

450G/1lb blawd codi 1 llwy de sbeis cymysg 175g/6oz Muscavado siwgr 1 faint canolig wyau buarth 1 llwy fwrdd croen oren 2 lwy fwrdd sudd oren 1 llwy fwrdd mêl 300ml / ½ pt oer te 450g/1lb cymysg, ffrwythau sych Mêl ychwanegol ar gyfer gwydr



Put the mixed dried fruit into a mixing bowl; pour over the tea, cover and leave to soak overnight. The next day mix together the sugar, egg, orange juice, zest and honey, add to the fruit. Sift in the flour and spice, and mix well. Pour the mixture into a buttered loaf tin, 1.2L/2pt. Bake in a preheated oven at gas3/160c/325f for about 1¾ hours. The loaf should be golden in colour and firm to the touch in the middle. Baste with honey whilst still warm. Allow to cool thoroughly before storing in a cake tin.

Rhowch y ffrwythau sych cymysg mewn powlen gymysgu, arllwyswch y te, ei orchuddio a'i adael i socian dros nos. Y diwrnod wedyn cymysgwch y siwgr, wyau, sudd oren, croen a mêl, yna ychwanegu at y ffrwythau. Hidlwch y blawd a'r sbeis, a chymysgwch yn dda. Arllwyswch y gymysgedd i dun torth menyn, 1.2L/2pt. Pobwch mewn popty wedi'i gynhesu ymlaen llaw ar gas3/160c/325f am tua 1 ¾ awr. Dylai'r dorth fod yn euraidd mewn lliw ac yn feddal yn y canol. Pastiwch gyda mêl tra'n dal yn gynnes. Gadewch i oeri yn drylwyr cyn ei storio mewn tun cacen.

The flavor of the Bara Brith can be chaneged slightly by adding a few flavors. When soaking the fruit, substitute ¼ of the fluid with a whisky liqueur. Replace the honey and fruit juice with 2 tablespoons of marmalade. Alternatively, replace two tablespoons of fruit with chopped stem ginger, and replace the juice and honey with lemon marmalade, and the orange zest with lemon.

Gall y blas y Bara Brith yn cael ei newid ychydig drwy ychwanegu blasau ychwanegol. Wrth mwydo y ffrwythau, rhodder ¼ o'r hylif gyda gwirod wisgi. Newidiwch y mêl a'r sudd ffrwythau am 2 lwy fwrdd o farmalêd. Fel arall, yn cymryd lle dau lond llwy fwrdd o ffrwythau gyda sinsir coesyn wedi'i dorri, ac yn disodli rhowch sudd a mêl gyda lemon marmaled, a chroen oren gyda lemon



Traditional semolina halva- Χαλβάς σιμιγδαλένιος Classic homemade, quick and easy dessert for all times and especially loved during fasting periods. Classification: Dessert - Επιδόρπιο



1 cup of olive oil 2 cups fine semolina 2.5 cups of sugar 4 cups water 1 stick of cinnamon peel of one orange 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder

1 ποτήρι νερού ελαιόλαδο 2 ποτήρια σιμιγδάλι ψιλό 2,5 ποτήρια νερού ζάχαρη 4 ποτήρια νερού νερό 1 ξυλάκι κανέλλα φλούδα ενός πορτοκαλιού 1 κουταλιά της σούπας κανέλλα σκόνη



Boil first five minutes the water with the sugar and cinnamon stick. In a non-sticky saucepan, add the olive oil and orange peel until hot. Remove peel, add the semolina and stir with a wooden spoon patiently until roasted and become light brown. We add the almonds and the hot water in the mixture with caution because the syrup splashes. We stir constantly until the halva becomes thicker. Serve in cake tins and sprinkled with lots of cinnamon.

Βράζουμε πρώτα πέντε λεπτά το νερό με τη ζάχαρη και το ξυλάκι κανέλλας. Σε κατσαρόλα που δεν κολλάει βάζουμε το λάδι και τη φλούδα πορτοκαλιού μέχρι να κάψει. Αφαιρούμε τη φλούδα, ρίχνουμε το σιμιγδάλι και ανακατεύουμε υπομονετικά με ξύλινη κουτάλα μέχρι να καβουρντιστεί και να γίνει πιο σκούρο. Προσθέτουμε τα αμύγδαλα και, με προσοχή γιατί πιτσιλάει, το σιρόπι. Ανακατεύουμε συνεχώς μέχρι ο χαλβάς να ξεκολλάει από την κατσαρόλα και λίγη ώρα παραπάνω. Σερβίρουμε σε φόρμα.






INGREDIENTS        

50g butter 225g plain flour 3 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 30g caster sugar 50g sultanas 150 ml milk 1 egg beaten with a little milk

STEPS TO DO IT             


Heat the oven to 205 C Generously, grease a baking sheet with butter Sieve the flour into a baking bowl Add the cubed butter, the baking powder and salt Quickly, rub the butter into the flour using your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs Add the sugar and the dried fruits, mix well Make a well in the centre and using a knife, stir in enough milk to make a soft, pliable dough. (If the dough is too sticky sprinkle with a little flour) Turn the mixture on to a floured board and knead very lightly until just smooth, then lightly roll out to 2cm thick Use the scone cutter to cut out scones Place on the baking tray and brush with the beaten egg and milk mixture Bake near the top of the hot oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown and well risen Cool on a wire rack before eating. Now you have made your scone, serve with butter, or lashings of jam and cream. Enjoy!







It´s rich in proteins and carbohidrates INGREDIENTS


-6 eggs -300 grammes of flour -½ litre of milk -6 spoonfuls of sugar -The juice of a lemon -A pinch of salt. -Oil and butter

-6 huevos -300 gramos de harina -1/2 litro de leche -6 cucharas de azúcar -Zumo de un limón -sal -aceite y mantequilla



-Mix all the ingredients with a mixer in a bowl.

-Mezclar todos los ingredientes en la batidora .

-Pour a coffe spoonfuls of olive oil or butter in a frying pan .

-Untar la sartén con aceite o matequilla.

-Take a ladle of the mixture pour it in the frying pan . -Coger una cucharada de la mezcla y ponerla en la sartén extendiéndola. -When brown, turn it over.

-Deben quedar finas y doradas.

Suggestions: Sugerencias: sprinkle with cinnamon or fill them with custard, jam Se pueden espolvorear con canela, o rellenarlas con crema or honey pastelera, mermelada o miel.






Fruit salad delicious and rich in vitamins. No child will resist her taste. Pyszna i bogata w witaminy sałatka owocowa. Żadne dziecko nie oprze się jej smakowi. INGREDIENTS 2 bananas 2 apples 2 kiwi fruit 1 lemon canned peaches chocolate 5 dag nuts

SKŁADNIKI 2 banany 2 jabłka 2 kiwi 1 cytryna brzoskwinie w puszce czekolada 5 dag orzechów


SPOSóB PRZYGOTOWANIA Najpierw pokroić wszystkie owoce i wrzucic do miski. Następnie wycisnac sok z cytryny. Na samym końcu wszystko razem wymieszać i posypac czekoladą Enjoy your meal!!! i orzechami. Smacznego!!!

Peel fruit and cut them into cube. Pour lemon juice. Wait a minute and sprinkle grated chocolate or nuts.




Jablkový zákusok - Apple pie


dessert It is delicious

INGREDIENTS  500 g flour  500 g grated apples  200 g sugar  2 spoons cocoa powder, 3 eggs  20 g vanilla sugar, 0,2 l oil  2 tea spoons bicarbonate of soda  150 g baking chocolate  Currant jam




     

Mix eggs with granulated sugar with a mixer Add oil and mix again. In the end add the flour, bicarbonate of soda, cocoa powder, vanilla sugar, grated apples and pour into a greased, flour- sprinkled plate Let bake in the oven at a temperature of about 180 ° C for 15 minutes Let the baked cake cool slightly and then spread jam and chocolate on the top decorate the pieces of cake with whipped cream

      

500 g hrubej múky 500 g strúhaných jabĺk 200 g kryštálového cukru 2 pol. lyžice kakao, 3 celé vajíčka 20 g vanilkový cukor, 2 dcl olej 2 malé kávové lyžičky sóda bikarbóna 150 g čok. na varenie, ríbezľový lekvár

Vajíčka spolu s kryštálovým cukrom dobre vymiešame šľahačom

Pridáme olej a znova šľaháme.

Na koniec primiešame múku, sódu bikarbónu, kakao, vanilku, postrúhané jablká a zľahka zamiešame a vylejeme na vymastený, múkou posypaný plech

  



Dáme piecť do rúry s teplotou 180°C približne na 15 minút Upečený koláč necháme trocha vychladnúť a potrieme lekvárom a čokoládou Nakrájaný zdobíme šľahačkou

Traditional cheese pie(pita)-Παραδοσιακή τυρόπιτα In Greece the stuffing usually has as basis feta cheese and egg and is a very popular snack Classification: Dessert - Επιδόρπιο INGREDIENTS: for the dough sheets • 1 kilo of all-purpose flour • 2 teaspoons salt • 4 tablespoons of olive oil • 500 ml water for the filling • 1 kilo feta cheese • 6 eggs • 230 gr. sheep yogurt • 4 tablespoons milk • 1 pinch of salt

ΣΥΣΤΑΤΙΚΆ: για τα φύλλα  1 κιλό αλεύρι για όλες τις χρήσεις  2 κουταλάκια του γλυκού αλάτι  4 κουταλιές της σούπας ελαιόλαδο  500 ml νερό για τη γέμιση  1 κιλό φέτα τριμμένη  6 αυγά  230 γρ. γιαούρτι πρόβειο  4 κουταλιές της σούπας γάλα  1 πρέζα αλάτι

STEPS TO DO IT: The dough : We place in a large bowl all the ingredients for the dough, mix well until the dough becomes elastic. We let it rest for 10 minutes. Then we separate the dough into 10 pieces and let them rest for another 20 minutes. On floured surface, we roll the pieces of dough into sheets in the desired size. The filling: Mix well all the ingredients ( beat eggs separately) until they become like cream and place the mixture for 15 minutes in the refrigerator. Then we oil well a pan, we put five oiled sheets, which protrude slightly from the pan and add the filling. Place the rest five sheets also oiled and cover them with the filling leaving again to protrude slightly. We grease the surface of the last sheet and wrap all the sheets, which protrude inwardly forming thick edges. We then put the pie in the refrigerator for 1 hour, then the scribe and bake at 180 C for 45 minutes.

ΕΚΤΈΛΕΣΗ: Εκτέλεση ζύμης: Βάζουμε σε ένα μεγάλο μπολ όλα τα υλικά για τη ζύμη, τα ανακατεύουμε πολύ καλά, μέχρι η ζύμη να γίνει ελαστική. Την αφήνουμε να ξεκουρασθεί για 10 λεπτά. Κατόπιν κόβουμε τη ζύμη σε 10 κομμάτια και τα αφήνουμε για άλλα 20 λεπτά. Σε αλευρωμένη επιφάνεια ανοίγουμε τα κομμάτια της ζύμης σε φύλλα, σε όποιο μέγεθος θέλουμε. Εκτέλεση γέμισης: Ανακατεύουμε πολύ καλά όλα τα υλικά (τα αυγά τα χτυπάμε ξεχωριστά) μέχρι να γίνουν κρέμα και τοποθετούμε το μείγμα για 15 λεπτά στο ψυγείο. Στη συνέχεια λαδώνουμε καλά ένα ταψί, τοποθετούμε 5 φύλλα λαδωμένα, που να εξέχουν λίγο από το ταψί και βάζουμε τη γέμιση. Τοποθετούμε τα άλλα 5 φύλλα επίσης λαδωμένα και καλύπτουμε με αυτά τη γέμιση αφήνοντας πάλι να εξέχουν λίγο. Λαδώνουμε τη επιφάνεια του τελευταίου φύλλου και τυλίγουμε όλα τα φύλλα, που εξέχουν, προς τα μέσα σχηματίζοντας κόθρο. Βάζουμε την πίτα στο ψυγείο για 1 ώρα, κατόπιν την χαράσσουμε και την ψήνουμε στους 180 C για 45 λεπτά.






INGREDIENTS        

2 cups of water 2 cups of sugar 2 cups of sultanas/dried fruit 3 cups of flour 1 teaspoon of mixed spice 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 1 teaspoon of baking soda 2 ounces of butter

STEPS TO DO IT 1. Heat gently in a pot on top of the stove, the water, sugar, dried fruit and butter, until the butter melts and the sugar dissolves. 2. Allow to cool for a few minutes then stir in the flour, spices and baking soda. 3. Pour into a large loaf pan, which has been greased and floured or bottomed lined with baking paper and bake at 350f for 45 minutes until the cake tester comes out. 4. Remove from oven and leave to cool. 5. Cut into slices and butter.







INGREDIENTS       

225g/8oz self-raising flour, sieved 110g/4oz (preferably Welsh) salted butter 1 egg handful of sultanas milk, if needed 85g/3oz caster sugar extra butter, for greasing

STEPS TO DO IT 1. Rub the fat into the sieved flour to make breadcrumbs. Add the sugar, dried fruit and then the egg. Mix to combine, then form a ball of dough, using a splash of milk if needed. 2. Roll out the pastry until it is a 5mm/¼in thick and cut into rounds with a 7.5-10cm/3-4in fluted cutter. 3. You now need a bakestone or a heavy iron griddle. Rub it with butter and wipe the excess away. Put it on to a direct heat and wait until it heats up, place the Welsh cakes on the griddle, turning once. They need about 2-3 minutes each side. Each side needs to be caramel brown before turning although some people I know like them almost burnt. 4. Remove from the pan and dust with caster sugar while still warm. Some people leave out the dried fruit, and split them when cool and sandwich them together with jam.

CYNHWYSION       

225g/8oz blawd codi, wedi ei ridyllu 110g/4oz menyn hallt 1 wy llond llaw o sultanas llefrith, os oes angen 85g/3oz siwgr saim ermwyn iro

DULL 1. Rhwbio'r menyn mewn i'r blawd er mwyn creu briwsion. Ychwanegu'r siwgr, ffrwyth ac yna'r wy. Cymysgu'r cynhwysion ac yna creu pel i greu pelen does, gyda chymorth llefrith os oes angen. 2. Rowlio'r toes hyd y bydd tua 1/4 modfedd o drwch ac yna ei dorri i gylchoedd. 3. Bydd angen padell drom a'i iro efo saim. Ei thwymo ac yna coginio gan eu troi unwaith. Byddant angen 2-3 munud yr un, hyd y byddant mymryn yn frown. 4. Ar ol eu coginio, eu gorchuddio gyda siwgr. Posib eu bwyta heb y ffrwyth a rhoi menyn a jam arnynt.




Ris á la Malta med saftsås / Rice á la Malta with Special Dessertsauce


Dessert Julen / Christmas Traditional Dessert

INGREDIENTS 500 150 15 10

ml ml ml ml

4 persons Cold rice pudding Whipped cream Caster sugar Vanilla sugar


dl dl msk tsk

Kall risgrynsgröt Vispgrädde Socker Vaniljsocker

For Garnish:

Till garnering:

Mandarine/Tangerine Grated chocolate

Mandarinklyftor Riven choklad

For the dessertsauce:

Till dessertsåsen:

400 600 30 100

4 6 2 1

ml ml ml ml

Juice (from e.g. Raspberry/Strawberry) Water Potato flour Berrys (can be excluded)

dl dl msk dl



Rice á la Malta

Ris á la Malta

1. Use boiled cold rice pudding. 2. Whip the cream in a bowl with caster sugar and vanilla sugar. 3. Mix the cream into the pudding, little by little. 4. Garnish with tangerine and chocolate. Special Dessertsauce 1. Mix juice, water and potato flour in a sauce pan. 2. Stir and allow the mixture to boil. 3. When the first bubble appears, it is ready. 4. Let it cool with the lid on, otherwise it will be a film on the sauce. 5. Rinse the berries and add to the sauce (can be excluded).

4 personer

Saft eller juice (tex Hallon/Jordgubb) Vatten Potatismjöl Bär (kan uteslutas)

1. Använd kokt kall risgrynsgröt. 2. Vispa grädden i en skål/bunke tillsammans med socker och vaniljsocker. 3. Blanda ner grädden, lite i taget, i risgrynsgröten. 4. Garnera med mandarinklyftor och riven choklad. Saftsås 1. Blanda saft/juice, vatten och potatismjöl i en kastrull. 2. Låt blandningen koka upp under omrörning. 3. När första bubblan syns är den färdig. 4. Låt kallna under lock, annars bildas det lätt skinn på såsen. 5. Skölj bären och lägg i såsen (kan uteslutas).







Il sorbetto di frutta ha un adeguato valore nutritivo; è rinfrescante e non contiene latte, quindi puo' essere bevuto anche dagli intolleranti. Può essere fatto con tantissimi tipi di frutta, meglio se di stagione. The fruit sherbet has a proper nutritional value; it's refreshing and doesn't contain any milk, so it can be drunk by the lactose intolerants as well. It can be prepared with many different fruits, better if in season. INGREDIENTS 650 gr. of fresh tangerine juice 1 lemon 2 oranges 250 gr of sugar 1 packet of vanillin 1 spoon of egg white

INGREDIENTI 650 g di succo fresco di mandarini 1 limone 2 arance 250 g di zucchero 1 bustina vaniglina 1 cucchiaio di albume d'uovo

STEPS TO DO IT Squeeze the lemon and the oranges, then whip the egg white. Mix the lemon and orange juice with the tangerine juice, the vanillin, the sugar and the whipped egg white.

PASSI PER LA PREPARAZIONE Spremere il limone e le arance; quindi unire al succo di limone e arance quello dei mandarini, la vaniglina, lo zucchero e l'albume leggermente sbattuto.

Mix the ingredients until the mixture is uniform. Then follow the instructions of the ice cream machine.

Mescolare e preparare il sorbetto secondo le istruzioni previste per ciascuna macchina per gelati.



Ovocný koláč

Fruit cake


dessert It is healthy and delicious

INGREDIENTS 6 eggs 6 tablespoons water 6 tablespoons sugar 1 dl oil 6 tablespoons medium flour ½ baking powder Butter fort the greased of the baking tray

INGREDIENCIE 6 vajec 6 lyžíc vody 6 lyžíc cukru 1 dcl oleja 6 lyžíc polohrubej múky ½ prášku do pečiva Maslo na vymastenie plechu

½ l milk 1 pudding powder 1 tablespoon sugar

½ l mlieka 1 puding 1 lyžica cukru

Stewed fruit or fresh fruit

Ovocie z kompótu alebo čerstvé ovocie

Glaçage: 1 l of fruit juice 2 puddings /powdered/

Poleva: 1 l ovocnej šťavy z kompótu 2 pudingy

STEPS TO DO IT Mix the egg yolks with sugar and slowly add water and oil. Beat the snow. Into the dough slowly add the flour mixed with baking powder. Grease a baking plate and sprinkle it with flour and pour in the dough. Bake at 175 C for 40 minutes. Cook the pudding with ½ liter of milk. When it cooled, spread it on the cool cake. Then lay fruit of compote or fresh fruit on it. Finally, pour the glaze. Glaze: To 1 liter fruit juice add two powdered puddings and heat to boiling. When still warm pour it on a cake.

POSTUP Vymiešame žĺtky s cukrom a pomaly pridávame vodu a olej. Vyšľaháme sneh. Do cesta pomaly pridávame múku, v ktorej sme rozmiešali prášok do pečiva. Vymastíme a pomúčime plech a prilejeme cesto. Pečieme v trúbe 40 minút pri teplote 175 C. Uvaríme puding z ½ litra mlieka. Keď puding vychladne, natrieme ho na vychladnutý korpus. Potom poukladáme odkvapkané ovocie z kompótu. Na záver prilejeme polevu. Príprava polevy: Do 1 l ovocnej šťavy pridáme dva pudingy a uvedieme do varu. Ešte teplý vylejeme na koláč.







INGREDIENTS           

110g/4oz butter 110g/4oz caster sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract 110g/4oz self raising flour 1-2 tbsp milk For the icing 300g/10½oz icing sugar 2-3 tbsp water 2-3 drops food colouring hundreds and thousands

STEPS TO DO IT            

Weigh the butter. Add the flour. Mix them together. Beat the eggs. Add it to the mixture. Stir it all together Add the vanilla flavouring fold in the flour. Give it another stir. Put the cake cases in the baking tray. Carefully, spoon the mixture into the cases. Ready for the Oven Cook for 8 to 10 minutes on gas mark 4. Add water to the icing sugar and mix to a paste. Carefully spoon the icing on to your cake. Add the chocolate sprinkles Enjoy your delicious Cake!!




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