Ancient Studies History -- Unit 2 -- Study Guide Sparta/Athens Student Name: _________________________ Unit 2: SPARTA & ATHENS Due Date





ASG 48-54

Hughes: The Spartans



WW 1-4 WW 5-8

Plutarch: Sparta’s Peculiar Society Plutarch: Growing Up Spartan






ASG 56-62 ASG 73-75

Hughes: The Spartans Hughes: Athens



ASG 78-80 WW 9-11

Pfingsten: Athenian Democracy: Solon & Cleisthenes Herodotus: Croesus & Solon



ASG 28-30 ASG 1-4

Harrison: Biography of Cleisthenes Harrison: The Birth of Democracy



ASG 4-9 ASG 10-11

Harrison: The Birth of Democracy Harrison: The Golden Age



HISTORY PAPER #2 – Sparta/Athens – In Class Essay

Essay Options for In-Class Writing on Wednesday, September 30 Option1: Comparison of Spartan and Athenian Women In the introduction to her documentary on “The Spartans,” historian Bettany Hughes declares, “I need to confess that I’m particularly attracted to the Spartans because of their women.” She adds, “I would just love to spend one day as a Spartan girl” (Hughes, ASG 48). As you consider all that you know about Greek women, do you share in Hughes’ attraction to the women of Sparta? Would you too prefer to live the life of a Spartan woman over the lives of any other Greek women? In order to develop your response, you should compare and contrast the lives of Spartan women with the lives of women from Athens and other Greek cities. In particular, you should address the following three criteria for comparison: Education and Upbringing Marriage Rituals and Family Life Role in Public Life & Contributions to the City Option 2: Comparison of Spartan and Athenian Lawgivers Compare and contrast the societies of Sparta and Athens. What needs did the lawgiver Lycurgus attempt to address with his reforms in Sparta in the 600s BC? And what type of society did he

Ancient Studies History -- Unit 2 -- Study Guide Sparta/Athens create? What needs did the lawgivers Solon and Cleisthenes attempt to address with their reforms in Athens in the 500s BC? And what type of society did they create?

Ancient Studies History -- Unit 2 -- Study Guide Sparta/Athens Due: Monday, 9/21 ASG 48-54

ASG 48-54

Hughes – “The Spartans” – Lycurgus & the Pursuit of Perfection

Political and social revolution Inscription at Thermopylae Perfect state, perfect warriors Rights & duties of citizens Sparta as savior of the Western World 1100 BCE followed by ‘Dark Ages’ Eurotas River & Taygetus Mountains Dual Kingship Messenians Helots Tyrtaeus Hoplite warfare as a ‘team effort’ Enslavement of Messenians by 650 Principles of the ‘perfect society’ and of hoplite warfare Lycurgus Sparta as a military training camp Apothetai Agoge Encouragement of stealing Krypteia Rites of passage Election to a ‘common mess’ Homioi Attitude toward wealth Spartan diet Social contract for citizens

Ancient Studies History -- Unit 2 -- Study Guide Sparta/Athens Due: Tuesday, 9/22 WW 1-4

WW 1-8

Plutarch - Sparta’s Peculiar Society

Features of Spartan society as described by a biographer of the lawgiver Lycurgus. The equality of property and the absence of usable currency. The emphasis on simplicity and practicality. The importance of communal meals. The education of boys at these common meals. How would Spartan customs shape attitudes toward individuals and toward the state?

Which was more important?

Do any aspects of Spartan society remind you of boarding school?

Do any aspects of Spartan society differ greatly from your own experience?

WW 508

Plutarch - Growing Up Spartan

The birth and upbringing of Spartan boys in an effort to make them effective soldiers for the state. The original determination whether a child was fit to live. The education of boys beginning at age seven. Military training and the importance of discipline. The role of older men in the education of boys. The roe of theft and punishment. The importance of physical toughness. How did Spartan child rearing and education reflect the military values of the city-state?

Do any aspects of Spartan education remind you of boarding school?

Do any aspects of Spartan education differ greatly from your own experience?

Ancient Studies History -- Unit 2 -- Study Guide Sparta/Athens Due: Th 9/24 ASG 58-62

ASG 58-62 & ASG 73-75 Hughes – “The Spartans “ – Spartan & Athenian Women

The ‘problem’ with Athenian politics Eunomia Spartan emphasis on common good, duty, and cohesion Roles for Athenian women Visibility of Spartan women ‘Wise restraint’ for Athenian women ‘Marriage by Capture’ Production of warriors Gynocratia & Kyniska Enforcement of the ‘warrior ethic’ ‘With your shield, or on it’ ASG 73-75

Hughes – “Athens: The Truth About Democracy” – Underside of Athens

Athens as a ‘radical place’ Athenian militarism, slavery, and subordination of women Perfect white columns as a ‘metaphor’ Silver at Laurion Slavery in Athens Athens’ ‘dark underside’ Population barred from voting Women and ‘demones’

Ancient Studies History -- Unit 2 -- Study Guide Sparta/Athens Due: Friday, 9/25 ASG 78-80

ASG 78-80 & WW 9-11

Pfingsten - Athenian Democracy: Solon and Cleisthenes

Monarchy Oligarchy Constitutional governments Coups overthrowing Greek monarchies Tyrants ‘Horos’ Debt slavery Archons Areopagus Solon Abolition of debt slavery Solon’s political solutions Qualifications for political power Voting rights for all citizens Solon’s relinquishment of power Pisistratus Hippias Cleisthenes Program of reform and justice Isagoras Popular revolt in Athens World’s first democracy Ostracism Athenian General Assembly Spartan General Assembly Spartan social programming and militarism (continue to next page)

Ancient Studies History -- Unit 2 -- Study Guide Sparta/Athens Due: Friday, 9/25 continued WW 9-11

Herodotus - East Meets West: Croesus and Solon

The meeting between the Athenian statesman Solon and the wealthy Lydian king Croesus, who wants validation as the happiest man alive. Solon cites very different definitions of happiness than Croesus expects, emphasizing the importance of a happy end to one’s life. Solon’s warning that God is envious of human prosperity and often brings the mighty down low. What definition of happiness does the non-Greek Croesus hope to hear?

What lesson does Solon draw from his story about Tellus? What made him happy?

What lesson does Solon draw from his story about Cleobis and Biton: What made them happy?

And what definition of happiness does Solon offer to Croesus?

How does Solon’s advice to Croesus compare with Achilles’ comments to Priam (Iliad Book 24.557-595)?

Ancient Studies History -- Unit 2 -- Study Guide Sparta/Athens Due: Monday, 9/28 ASG 28-30

ASG 28-30 & ASG 1-4

Harrison - Biography of Cleisthenes

Solon Eunomia Council of Four Hundred Pisistratus Hippias Hipparchos Overthrow of Hippias Isagoras Cleisthenes’ sweeping reforms Spartan intervention Oligarchy Cleomenes Full-scale revolt Cleisthenes’ recall from exile General Assembly Direct Democracy ASG 1-4

Harrison – “The Birth of Democracy” – Development of Athens

most extraordinary two centuries in history Croesus Aristocrat injustice Physical world of Greece city-states Sparta Homer & heroic ideal Achilles

Ancient Studies History -- Unit 2 -- Study Guide Sparta/Athens Due: Tuesday, 9/29 ASG 4-9

ASG 4-9 & ASG 10-11

Harrison – “The Birth of Democracy” – Revolution in Athens

olives & Athenian economy vase painting & Athenian potters Hippias tyranny conspiracy Olympics meritocracy Isagoras. Popular Uprising in 508 Cleisthenes’ recall from exile Institution of the simple vote Democracy Athenian Assembly Persians ASG 10-11

Harrison – “The Golden Age” – First Persian War

Pheidippides Darius Cultural differences – Greeks vs. Persians Marathon Themistocles Democratic Assembly Themistocles’ bold new strategy Triremes Silver from Laurion Themistocles’ complex bluff