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Assessment: The American Revolution Mastering the Content Circle the letter next to the best answer. 1. Which of these was a weakness of the Continental army at the start of the war? A. supply shortages B. weak commander C. unfamiliar territory D. long travel distances 2. At the start of the war, what was a weakness of the British troops? A. poor leadership B. understaffed army C. insufficient supplies D. poorly trained soldiers 3. Which of these was an effect of African Americans helping the cause of independence? A. Slavery was abolished throughout the colonies. B. Several colonies began to take steps to end slavery. C. African Americans who fought were given their freedom. D. African Americans were respected and their brave acts rewarded. 4. Why did African Americans join the Continental army? A. They had excellent military skills. B. They were generously paid to join the army. C. They blamed Great Britain for their enslavement. D. They hoped independence would lead to an end of slavery. 5. What caused the American defeat in Brooklyn, New York, in August 1776? A. weak leadership B. unmotivated troops C. undisciplined enemy D. inexperienced soldiers 6. Read the quotation, which General Washington read to his soldiers. "The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country." Which word describes the “summer soldier and sunshine patriot”? A. traitors B. fighters C. quitters D. optimists

7. Which statement describes Washington’s military strategy after 1776? A. to avoid battles with the British B. to defeat the British in one large battle C. to fight a defensive war and tire the British out D. to prevent food and supplies from reaching the British 8. Which of these was an effect of the American victory at Saratoga? A. British troops gained confidence. B. General Burgoyne resigned his post. C. Great Britain withdrew from Canada. D. European countries came to the aid of America. 9. Which of these nations became an American ally after the victory at Saratoga? A. France B. Canada C. Mexico D. Germany 10. Why did many of the British people not support the war? A. The king was unpopular. B. They planned to move to America. C. The cost to taxpayers was too high. D. They wanted the Americans to have their independence. 11. What was the result of the American victories at Trenton and Princeton? A. The Hessians joined the American side. B. It showed that the Americans could defeat the British. C. It proved that General Washington was wrong about his soldiers. D. The British were forced to abandon New York and New Jersey. 12. Which of these was a clear disadvantage for General Burgoyne in Albany, New York? A. unfamiliar territory B. not enough soldiers C. insufficient supplies D. poor communication 13. Which group prevented a British victory in the South? A. Loyalists B. mercenaries C. French soldiers D. guerrilla troops 14. Which of these describes the progress of the war? A. The British won every battle until the final one. B. The British soldiers lost most of the battles against the disciplined American soldiers. C. At the beginning, the Americans were outmatched, but their skills and tactics improved. D. The Americans outnumbered the British, finally defeating them at the Battle of Yorktown.

15. How did the American Revolution impact other parts of the world? A. It led to Great Britain giving up its other colonies. B. It made other nations fearful of American strength. C. It encouraged other nations to fight for their independence. D. It made citizens of other nations fearful of a fight for independence. 16. In addition to independence, what did the Treaty of Paris give to the Americans? A. British land in Canada B. the right to punish the Loyalists C. land east of the Mississippi River D. the return of taxes paid to Great Britain

Applying Social Studies Skills Use the map and your knowledge of history to answer thses questions.

17. In which colonial region did the Battle of Yorktown take place?

18. What prevented the British from being rescued by the British navy?

19. How were the British defeated at the Battle of Yorktown?

Exploring the Essential Question: How was the Continental army able to win the war for independence from Great Britain? Follow the directions to complete the item below. 20. Suppose you were an American soldier in the American Revolution. You are asked to write a short essay about the person who most inspired the Continental army to win the war. You have chosen George Washington. The title of your essay is “How General Washington Inspired the Continental Army to Win the War.” Your essay should have three paragraphs: • The first paragraph describes characteristics of General Washington that prepared him for his role as commander of the Continental army. • The second paragraph supports your choice by citing two events at which Washington provided inspiration. • The third paragraph identifies how these actions or events led to an American victory. Make sure to convey your ideas clearly, using standard English.