Digital Makeup from Internet Images Asad Khan, Yudong Guo, Ligang Liu Graphics and Geometric Computing Lab, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, PR China

arXiv:1610.04861v1 [cs.CV] 16 Oct 2016

Abstract We present a novel approach of color transfer between images by exploring their high-level semantic information. First, we set up a database which consists of the collection of downloaded images from the internet, which are segmented automatically by using matting techniques. We then, extract image foregrounds from both source and multiple target images. Then by using image matting algorithms, the system extracts the semantic information such as faces, lips, teeth, eyes, eyebrows, etc., from the extracted foregrounds of the source image. And, then the color is transferred between corresponding parts with the same semantic information. Next we get the color transferred result by seamlessly compositing different parts together using alpha blending. In the final step, we present an efficient method of color consistency to optimize the color of a collection of images showing the common scene. The main advantage of our method over existing techniques is that it does not need face matching, as one could use more than one target images. It is not restricted to head shot images as we can also change the color style in the wild. Moreover, our algorithm does not require to choose the same color style, same pose and image size between source and target images. Our algorithm is not restricted to one-to-one image color transfer and can make use of more than one target images to transfer the color in different parts in the source image. Comparing with other approaches,our algorithm is much better in color blending in the input data. Keywords: Semantic information, Color transfer, Image matting, Color consistency 2000 MSC: I.4.9 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]

1. Introduction Color transfer is an image processing method imparting the color characteristics of a target image to a source image. Ideally, the result by a color transfer algorithm should apply the color style of the target image to the source image. A good color transfer algorithm should provide quality both in scene details and colors. Reinhard et al. [1] presented a simple and potent color transfer algorithm which translates and scales an image pixel by pixel in Lαβ color space according to the mean and standard deviation of the color values in the source and target images. There exist numerous procedures in literature where probability distributions are used to process the image’s colors [3, 11, 15] or deliver user controllable adjustment of the colors. Out of these, the latter ones are either restricted to local editing [34] or contain global edit propagation [2]. Although modern image editing packages provide some color correction, and tone adjustment functionalities, these techniques usually require indirect user interaction [28, 32], or direct adjustment of color balance or manipulation of the tone curve. Consequently, these interactive techniques are too tedious for large image collections. On the other hand, individual color correction is likely to produce images with inconsistent colors Preprint submitted to Computers & Graphics

Figure 1: Different results produced by our technique with certain facial styles while giving their source images and a number of corresponding target images.

across the whole collection. Recently, HaCohen et al. [25] proposed a method to optimize color consistency across an image collection with respect to a reference image that relies on recovering dense pixel correspondence across multiple images [29]. This method is computationally expensive and not ideal for processing large collections involving thousands of images. Our method of color consistency is based on matrix factorization technique proposed in [31] that is robust to outliers.

October 18, 2016

Figure 2: Some results with different facial styles by considering a single source image and a number of multiple target images.

In transferring color between images, we have the following challenges. First, such a technique must maintain the correspondences between meaningful image regions in an automatic way. Secondly, for novice users, the pipeline should be intuitive and user friendly. Thirdly, an efficient technique to optimize color consistency of a collection of images depicting a common scene. The generation of automatic Trimap is another challenge as almost all of the existing techniques require a user to input a Trimap manually.

high quality color consistency results on large photo collections of internet images. 2. Related Work Now a days, color transfer is a much debated research area. We can classify these color transfer techniques in two algorithms, namely global and local algorithms. Reinhard et al. [1] and his colleagues were the first to implement a color transfer method by globally transferring colors, after translating color data of input images from the RGB color space to the decorrelated Lαβ color space. This transferred colors quickly, successfully and also efficiently generated a convincing output. This technique was further improved by Xiao et al. [14]. Pitie et al. [15] who used a refined probabilistic model. In Pitie et al. [4] they furthered their method in order to better perform non-linear adjustments of color probability distribution between images. Similarly, Chang et al. [16, 17] suggested global color transfer by introducing perceptual color categorization for both images and video. Yang et al. [18] initiated a method for color mood transfer which preserves spatial coherence based on histogram matching. This idea was developed further by Xiao et al. [19] who puzzled out the problem of local fidelity and global transfer in two steps: gradient preserving optimization and histogram matching. Wang et al. [11, 20] proposed a technique for global color-mood exchange driven by predefined and labeled color palettes and example images. Cohen et al. [21] suggested a methodology which employs color harmony rules to optimize the overall appearance after some of the colors have been altered by the user. Shapira et al. [22] suggested a solution which utilized navigating the appearance of the image to obtain desired results. Furthermore, automatic methods for colorizing grayscale images stemming from examples from internet images [23] and semantic annotations [24] were introduced. In general, color transfer methods which act globally are not competent enough for accurate re-coloring of small objects or humans.

In this paper, we propose a new color transfer technique for all types of images by taking advantage of high level facial semantic information and large-scale Internet photos by professional artists. A user can retouch his image easily to achieve a compelling visual style by using such an algorithm. we present a matrix factorization based approach to automatically optimize color consistency for multiple images using sparse correspondence obtained from multi-image sparse local feature matching. For rigid scenes, we leveraging structure from motion (SfM) although it is an optional step. We stack the aligned pixel intensities into a vector whose size equals the number of images. Such vectors are stacked into a matrix, one with many missing entries. This is the observation matrix that will be factorized. Under a simple color correction model, the logarithm of this matrix satisfies a rank two constraint under idealized conditions In short summary, this article makes the following contributions: • a new color transfer technique is presented which can transfer color between local regions of the source image and multiple target images with the same facial semantic information, • we propose a new algorithm of automatic generation of Trimap for efficient synthesis of each facial semantic information, • a semantic color transfer technique which transfers the color automatically is presented,

For transferring colors among desired regions only, manual approaches with user interventions were suggested by some researches. Maslennikova et al. [9] defined a rectangular area in each input image where color transfer was desired, then utilizing region propagation, they generated the color influence map. Pellacini et al. [10] suggested a stroke-based color-transfer technique which employs pairs of strokes to specify the cor-

• an efficient technique to optimize color consistency of a collection of images depicting a common scene. More importantly, our proposed method does not require the user to choose the same color style, face matching and image size between source and target images. We demonstrate 2

Figure 3: In step 1, we specify the source and target images, in step 2, we take semantic information after face detection, in step 3, we extract the semantic information by using matting algorithm, in step 4, we separate all parts of given sematic information, in fifth step, we get resulting image by using alpha blending and in the final step, we apply color consistency to obtain our result with optimized color.

responding regions of target and source images. An option to extend color constancy methods to mixed lighting is to let users segment images into regions lit by a single type of light. Image editors such as Adobe Photoshop offer selection tools to restrict the spatial extent of color correction filters. Lischinski et al. [38] show a scribble interface that can successfully correct localized color casts. We instead aim for an automatic process with less localized correction, since illumination may affect large disconnected portions of an image.

Although it is possible for users to change the color of a local region by using some strokes, it may call for strenuous efforts for detailed doctoring such as oil paintings and complex images. Recently, Baoyuang et al. [11] proposed color theme enhancement of an image. They effectuated a new color style image by using predefined color templates instead of source images. To perform decently, it needs quite accurate user input. The color transfer methodology is also utilized to apply colors to grayscale images. Tomihisa et al. [12] assigned chromaticity values by equating the luminance channels of target and source images. Abadpour et al. [13] yielded reliable results by employing a principal component analysis method.

A few automatic color correction methods exist for large photo collections of rigid scenes. Garg et al. [6] observe that scene appearance often has low dimensionality and exploit that fact for color correction. Laffont et al. [26] estimate coherent intrinsic images and transfer localized illumination using the decomposed layers. Díaz et al. [5] performs batch radiometric calibration using the empirical prior on camera response functions [7]. Shi et al. [37] handles the effect of nonlinear camera response using a shape prior. Kim and Pollefeys [8] introduce a decoupled scheme for radiometric calibration and the vignetting correction. In contrast to [5, 6, 8, 26, 37], our method only requires sparse correspondence. Moreover, images of nonrigid scenes can be handled. For rigid scenes, we optionally use SfM for more accurate correspondence but neither surface normals nor dense 3D models are needed. Instead of using high quality correspondences recovered by NRDC [25], our technique uses sparse correspondences and it is also less sensitive to erroneous correspondences due to the underlying robust optimization framework.

Moreover, some researchers have exhibited a keen interest in transformation of colors among distinct color spaces. Color transfer technique warrants the use of a color space where major elements of a color are mutually independent. Since, in the RGB color space, the colors are correlated , the decorrelated CIELab color space is usually employed. This requires a method to effectuate color transfer transformation of the color space, RGB to CIELab and vice versa. Xiao et al. [14] proposed an improved solution that circumvents the transformation process between the correlated color spaces and uses translation, rotation, and scaling to transfer colors of a target image in the RGB color space. Recently yang et al. [30] proposed a semantic color transfer system that leverages the image content on the Internet. 3

Figure 5: Trimap in the leftmost image while transparent image and synthetic image are the medal and right respectively. Figure 4: we connect the 83 key points on the face based on face detection, then the facial semantic information outline can be obtained.

time-consuming. Sometimes, the inaccuracy in TriMap will lead to a poor matting result. In order to solve the problem mentioned above, we expand the contour of facial semantic information using an expansion algorithm. After distinguishing the foreground, background and unknown region by different colors (we set foreground to white, background to black, and the unknown region to gray), we can obtain a corresponding TriMap for an image. The mathematical expression for the expansion algorithm is:

3. Face Semantic Analysis 3.1. Face Database There are lots of attractive and artistic images on the Internet. These images are produced by professional photographers and professional cameras. It would be interesting if ordinary people could reproduce the styles of these photos using some simple image processing operations. Therefore, we use a database to store target images and their semantic information. All the images in the database are segmented using matting techniques. we detect the key points of a human face and obtain the facial characteristics. In this article, we utilize the API provided by the [33] for face detection. The landmark API can detect the key points of a human face robustly. The API is used to detect the position of the facial contours, facial features and other key points. Our approach detects 83 key points in the face are depicted in Fig. 4.

It(x, y) =


(x0 ,y0 ):element((x0 ,y0 )),0

I s x + x 0 , y + y0


Consequently, the matting image is computed with our automatically generated TriMap Chen et al.[35]. The transparent image and the synthetic image are shown in Fig. 5. The automatic matting approach is also applied in source images to obtain the basic semantic segmentation. 4. Semantics Color Transfer

3.2. Contours of Face Semantics We can focus on the human face semantic analysis. In a certain order, we connect the 83 key points on the face based on face detection, then the facial semantic information outline can be obtained. The landmark entry stores the key points of the various parts of the human face, including eyebrows, eyes, mouth, chin, face and so on. Each part has some points, and the points are represented by the coordinates using x and y. Using these key points, we connect them in a certain order and then we get the contour of the face. The face semantic information outline is given in Fig. 4.

The first step in our color transfer approach is to run whitebalancing on both the source and the target images. The next step is to match the overall brightness between the two images. We use the transformed luminance values for this step and adopt Nguyen et al.Šs Illuminant Aware Gamut-Based Color Transfer [36]. This technique was unique in its consideration of the scene illumination and the constraint that the mapped image must be within the color gamut of the target image. The mathematical equation is L f = Ct−1 (C s (L s )),

3.3. Matting of Face Semantics A commonly used approach to extract semantic information is the Mean-Shift image segmentation technique [27]. However, it will produce unwanted hard boundaries between semantic regions. We employ the image matting technique to obtain semitransparent soft boundaries. Here we implement our automatic matting based on their matting technique by taking advantage of our generated TriMap. Existing natural matting algorithms often require a user to identify background, foreground, and unknown regions using a manual segmentation. However, constructing a suitable TriMap is very tedious and


where L s , L f and Lt are the source luminance ,intermediate luminance and target luminance respectively. C s and Ct are the cumulative histogram of L s and Lt respectively. Next, the output luminance Lo is obtained by solving the following linear equation. [I +σ(G x T G x +Gy T Gy )]L0 = L f +σ(G x T G x +Gy T Gy )L s , (3) where I is the identity matrix; G x , Gy are two gradient matrices along x, and y direction; σ is a regularization parameter. 4

Figure 6: Some results of side pose where the target images are not needed to be of same pose or of same style. The target images are not specific to different results. The texture in the background of the result in first row is preserved, also the background of the result in second row is preserved where it comprises a combination of colors.

To align the source color gamuts to the target resulting from the previous step, the centers of the source and the target image gamuts are estimated based on the mean values µ s and µt of the source and target images.

where k j is the constant albedo of the j − th 3D point and ai and γi are the unknown global parameters for the i − th image. The per-pixel error term denoted as vi j captures un modeled color variation due to factors such as lighting and shading change.

I s = I s − µ s , I t = I t − µt .

Given a source and target image, we can propagate color by minimizing the following energy

Taking logarithms on both side of Eq. 7, and Rewriting in matrix form, by grouping image intensities by scene point into sparse column vectors of length m and stacking the n columns side by side, we get:

E = 2η((E × D s ) ⊕ Dt ) − ηDt − η(E × D s ),

I = A + K + V.



where D s , and Dt are the full 3D convex hulls of the source and target image respectively. The operator ⊕ is the point concatenation operation between two convex hulls and the operator η is the volume of the convex hull. A volume of a combination of two convex hulls is always larger or equal to that of individual convex hull.

Here, n denotes the number of 3D points or equivalently the number of correspondence sets. I ∈ Rm×n is the observation matrix, where each entry Ii j = log(Ii (xi j )). A ∈ Rm×n is the color coefficient matrix where Ai j = γi j logai j . K ∈ Rm×n is the albedo matrix where Ki j = γi j logki j . Finally, V ∈ Rm×n Ais ˛ the residual matrix where Vi j = γi j logvi j . Here, the row index i denotes the i − th image, and the column index j denotes the j − th 3D point.

4.1. Appearance Consistency Optimization We adopt a global color correction model for reasons discussed in [25, 31], namely robustness to alignment errors, ease of regularization and higher efficiency due to fewer unknown parameters. Our simple model is as follows: I = (aI) 0


5. Results and Discussion In our method, one can use more than one target images which makes it significant enough. As sometimes the user likes some parts of the face of one image and other parts of some other image, our technique allows the user to use different target images. This gives the more natural results with better visual effects. The semantic analysis of the source image by using our interactive tool takes about 2 seconds, and the color transfer step takes about 1 second. In Fig. 3, the pipeline to our technique is exhibited while explaining the different steps in


where I 0 is the input image, I is the desired image, a is a scale factor equivalent to the white balance function [32] and (.)γ is the non-linear gamma mapping. Ii (xi j ) = (ai k j vi j )γ i


(7) 5

Figure 7: Comparison with the results of [Yang et al. 2015] and [An et al. 2010].

to-use processing. With the obtained TriMap, image matting is performed automatically. Our method propagates the color efficiently while preserving the other color details. Our method produces comparatively the quality result and visual effects as better as by An and Pellacini [10]. In Fig. 7, it is clearly seen in result that while transferring the color from lips to lips, they were not able to do this efficiently. Moreover, their transferred color on hair is much sharp than its original color in source image and also details of hairs is missing.

a sequence. Our method comprises simple and user-friendly steps to get completed and produces the eye-catching results with better visual effects. Once we specify the source image with a number of target images in first step, we take semantic information after face detection which is automatically done by our algorithm. In next step, it makes use of the matting algorithm after extracting the semantic information. In second last step, we get resulting image while using the alpha blending and in the final step, we obtain our final result with optimized color after applying color consistency. In Fig. 7, the first column shows the source images, the second one depicts the target images, the third one contains the color transfer methods of Yang et al. [30] and An and Pellacini [10] and the last one shows our results. We do not perform any additional processing for the shadows made by the selfocclusion. We view the overall color statistical information as the color style. Our proposed approach can deal with examples of images whose some parts are in grayscale. In our method, the focus is being put to preserve the boundaries in the resulting image and to control the color expansion to the regions where it is not required to be transferred. In the result of Yang et al. [30], the local color is also transferred from some parts of grayscale image to the color image, as they were not able to control it. Here they could not preserve the color in the teeth part of the face. Whereas, we were able to transfer the color while preserving the color in the teeth part of the face, which results a more natural result with better visual effects.

Figure 8: Comparison with the results of [Reinhard et al. 2001] and [Nguyen et al. 2014].

Fig. 8, a comparison of our method with the techniques by Reinhard et al. [1] and Nguyen et al. [36] is made while giving their source and target images. In the result by Reinhard et al. [1] it is clearly seen that the color is not transferred properly resulting in a blur and imbalanced image. They were not able to control the color and boundary is not preserved as

The interactive method of An and Pellacini [10] utilizes user-specified color strokes. However, it can be difficult for a user to specify those strokes in a compatible and perceptually coherent manner. In contrast, our method gets corresponding TriMap easily through facial semantic analysis and some easy6

Figure 9: A result with the source image in the leftmost column and resulting images in second, third and fourth columns with respective target images.


Figure 10: Multi-pronged application of our method, in which (a), (b) and (c) are the source images whereas (e), (g) and (I) are the multiple target images and (d), (f) and (h) are corresponding result produced by our method.


well. In the result by Nguyen et al. [36], the color is transferred but color balancing is not properly performed, which results a darkness in right side of the cheek in the image. Whereas in our result the color is transferred properly with efficient boundary preservation while the background color and shirt color is also transferred efficiently.

Limitation: The limitations of our technique are exhibited in Fig. 11. In image from first column, the face skin color matches with the background color, therefore our algorithm does not detect the face and thus unable to extract the semantic information. In image from second column, the face information is not clear and therefore leads to a failure where the algorithm is not able to detect the face and hence lacks extracting the facial semantic information.

Fig. 6, we apply our algorithm to some images with side pose depiction. We see that our technique is also suitable for side pose images and it produces the results of same quality as for other images. Moreover, the texture from the background of the result in first row is preserved well and the background of the result in second row where it is a combination of different colors is also preserved efficiently. The main purpose of this experiment is to extend the limitation of our method from normal images to side pose images. We show that our method works for these images types as well and produce the results of same quality. Fig. 1, an application of our method, on a source image while considering a number of target images, is presented. In first row, we consider four target images to transfer the color in a source image and the resulting image shows the result after application of our technique. In second row, we apply our algorithm to a source image with three target images, whereas the resulting image depicts the corresponding result. It is not customary to use multiple target images in earlier work on this topic. Nevertheless, we make use of the multiple target images which enhances the efficiency of this work. In Fig. 2, a number of results of efficient color transfer with different facial styles are presented. A single source image is considered and a variety of results, while considering four target images, are presented which shows the diversity of our technique.

Figure 11: A drawback to our method: The image in first column shows a failure due to lack of semantic constraints and the image in second column shows problem caused by lack of clarity of face information.

6. Conclusion We have presented a system for stylizing possible appearances of a person from a single or more photographs. we have proposed a new semantic color transfer technique between image to efficiently change the color style of images. In just few steps, our proposed framework can transform a common image of low characteristics to an exquisite and artistic photo. The user is not required to select source and target images with face matching, as our method can make use of the multiple target images. The broad area of applications of our technique includes high level facial semantic information and scene content analysis to transfer the color between images efficiently. While minimizing manual labor and avoiding the time-consuming operation of semantic segmentation for the target image, the framework of our proposed method can be broadly used in film postproduction, video-editing, art and design and image processing. Our algorithm is not restricted to one-to-one image color transfer and can make use of more than one target images to transfer the color in different parts in the source image. Moreover, our technique is not restricted to head shot images as we can also change the color style in the wild. The advantage of using multiple target images is to choose your favorite colors from different images and you are not restricted to choose the target colors from a single image. A number of results are presented in different styles and conditions which shows the ubiquitousness and diversity of our method to industrial scale.

Fig. 9, some results of our technique are presented. As our method is not restricted to one target image only, the results are given with multiple target images. Our technique transfers the color of different parts of the face like hairs, lips and eyes etc. in the source image by taking semantic information of similar nature from multiple target images. Our technique transforms an image of low characteristics to an artistic and exquisite image in just a few steps. The results in Fig. 9 shows the efficiency of our method as the results are relatively better than of existing techniques. Fig. 10, shows some more results of our proposed method using multiple target images. They all show the color-transferred results that reflect the target colors to the source images effectively. Moreover, the color preservation in the resulting image is focused and tackled successfully. We consider images with different poses and show the effective applicability of our method on these image types. Fig. 10, shows that our method can successfully transfer the color in source images with different styles and types e.g. side pose, back pose and other poses which are normally tough to tackle. One can choose a suitable combination of colors which seem more attractive with respect to different poses and styles. 9

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