Applying Divide and Conquer Search Algorithm in Traveling Salesman Problem

Applying Divide and Conquer Search Algorithm in Traveling Salesman Problem ESE 499 Senior Design Project Heinz Schaettler (Supervisor) Washington Un...
Author: Amos George
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Applying Divide and Conquer Search Algorithm in Traveling Salesman Problem

ESE 499 Senior Design Project

Heinz Schaettler (Supervisor) Washington University in St. Louis Electrical &Systems Engineering Associate Professor [email protected] (314) 935-6019 Campus Box 1127 One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130

Kevin Teng Systems Science Engineering Undergraduate Student [email protected] (919)270-5435 6122 Waterman Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63112

Abstract The Traveling Salesman Problem is a classical operations research problem that deals with optimization, scheduling, and planning. The objective of this senior design project is to implement a divide and conquer algorithm to code a more efficient search algorithm than conventional exhaustive methods. Using Matlab, the Traveling Salesman Problem was perceived as an incidence matrix and divided into smaller sub-matrices. The divide and conquer method algorithm successfully processed the graph faster than exhaustive approaches. However, an important note to make is that there is a trade-off for the faster data processing. Though far slower, the exhaustive method produces all possible paths and possibilities, whereas the divide and conquer method neglects many paths. This divide and conquer method can be incorporated into larger graph problems to expedite search time and search for a relatively viable and efficient solutions. Introduction The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classical optimization problem often studied in operations research and theoretical computer science. The general idea of the problem is that a salesman is assigned to traveling through a set of n cities, but can only visit each city once and cities have specific paths connecting to another city (Schättler, 88-100). Given these restrictions, the salesman’s goal is to find the shortest, optimal path. Further complications can be added to the problem such as a path

cost or queue time at a city. For the purpose of this project, the graph is converted to a Hamiltonian graph. The paths have no weight and the paths are undirected (Hamiltonian Path). Essentially a Hamiltonian graph is a simplified version of TSP graph without cost or direction. To clarify future references, cycles and graph henceforth mentioned will be Hamiltonian. TSP and Hamiltonian cycle represents a general, broader class of combinatorial optimization problems called NP-complete. Therefore a specific algorithm applied to the TSP will also be applicable to all NP-complete problems (Hoffman and Padberg). The motivation of study the TSP is its applicability in real-world use. Scheduling, city design, genome sequecing, and computer algorithms are some of the many fields that TSP contributes to (TSP Applications). Methods In order to easily manipuate and configure parameter of TSP, we converted a TSP graph into an incidence matrix. The idea behind the conversion is to have a more numerical representation of the problem for easy management and for a way to actually code the problem in Matlab. A incidence matrix, pertaining to a unique graph, defines each row as a node (city). The sequential columns represent the possible connections to the row node by using 0 and 1. 0 are defined as having no connection between a specific nodes and 1 confirms a path between the nodes. For simplification of the project, cost and direction between nodes are omitted. Graph

Incidence matrix



A conventional exhaustive algorithm is first implemented by initializing with an arbitrary starting node. With the starting node, the algorithm begins first by a one-time initialization by searching the specified starting row, and records in a separate matrix possible_paths possible connecting paths. Another separate matrix, matrix_paths2 duplicates the single starting node to match the number of nodes found in possible_paths and concatenates the possible paths at the end of each row in matrix_paths2. The algorithm then enters an iterative loop, which begins by adding an extra zero-column at the end and then finds which new node should be considered in matrix_paths2. The column of the node being considered, along with preceding connecting nodes, will be replaced with zeros in the main incidence matrix to prevent backtracking; back-tracking can cause an infinite loop cycles if the first path of two nodes point to each other. matrix_paths2 at initiation incorporates the arbitrary starting point with possible paths

possible_path ss [ ]




Starting at the top row, and continuing sequentially, node 2 is considered





The columns of the node, and its connected nodes, being considered at the start of each iteration is zero-ed

Matrix_paths2 will, at the end of the entire algorithm, contain the final completed cycles. Throughout the search process matrix_paths2 will continuously update and be called upon for

search references. Once locating the next node to proceed in matrix_paths2, the algorithm refers back to the main matrix and locates the node in the row and updates the possible_paths matrix with a new set of paths pertaining to that specific node. To prevent excessive data handling in matrix_paths2, matrix_paths1 is created as a temporary matrix that records the next set of possible paths. Determined by the number of elements in possible_paths, duplicate rows are created in matrix_paths1 to allow for each possible path to be added to the possible list. After the modification to the paths-in-progress, they are concatenated at the bottom of matrix_paths2. possible_paths



These numbers signify the possible paths for node 2






Each row is considered sequentially


In this iteration row 1 of matrix_paths2 is duplicated 3 times, dependent on the number of elements in possible_paths, and concatenated with the possible paths



The same process continues until all rows in matrix_paths2 have been considered. The rows that still contain zeros in matrix_paths2 are then removed and end the iteration, which then continues the process of adding a zero-column at the end of matrix_paths2 and proceeding with the explained process. A variable acting as a switch, flips off, indicating the completion of finding all possible paths, and will therefore terminate the loop. After completing the first iterative section to find all possible paths, the next portion is to find which of the paths produce a successful loop. In other words, the program determines which of the paths’ final node connect back to the initial starting node. Referring back to the

initial main incidence matrix, without column editing, the non-zero elements of the starting node column are determined. An additional zero-column is added to the matrix_paths2 to leave space for editing and concatenation. The non-zero elements found in the starting node column of the incidence matrix refer to nodes that have connections back to the starting node. So cycling through the ending elements of each matrix_paths2 row, the paths that can complete a Hamiltonian cycle are found. If the ending element of a row in matrix_paths2 does not match one of the cycle nodes, the ending elements of that path will remain zero. Conversely, if a matching node is found during the comparison, the starting node will be added as a final element to that specific row in matrix_paths2. Completing each row comparison, the paths that contain a zero at the end are deleted. incidence matrix




Connecting nodes are found in the first column in the incidence matrix and compared to the final elements of matrix_paths2 and added if they match



Another problem still exists after the completion of finding the cycles. Given the exhaustive search algorithm properties, duplicate paths will form. So the next part of the algorithm deletes the duplicate cycles. A separate delete matrix is created to keep track of which rows should be deleted. Starting at the top of matrix_paths2, the cycle is reversed and compared with each following cycle. The reason for reversing the cycle and then comparing is because the duplicate cycles will be in reversed form of each other since the exhaustive method will find both forward and reverse cycles. If two rows compared are identical, the row is

recorded and deleted immediately and jumps to the next row to be considered. Following this process, matrix_paths2 will finally be left with all complete cycles for the specific TSP. For the divide and conquer algorithm, given a TSP incidence matrix, the algorithm will first divide the matrix into two separate sub-matrices. Splitting the matrix into four quadrants, the second and fourth quadrants are the main focuses. Treating the two quadrants as separate matrices, they are processed through the previously mentioned exhaustive search algorithm, but stopping before finding cycles within the smaller sub-matrices. incidence matrix

Given an incidence matrix, the divide and conquer algorithm splits the original matrix into four quadrants [


The second and fourth quadrant sub-matrices are the focus and are passed through the exhaustive search algorithm

After running through the sub-searches the algorithm will produce two separate matrices, matrix_paths_1 and matrix_paths_21, that contain path-pieces. For matrix_paths_2 a simple equaton of matrix_paths_2 + a/2 is applied, variable “a” being the size of the incidence matrix. Since the index of the fourth quadrant sub-matrix will be shifted, the equation is applied to recalibrate the nodes to their correct indices. The unique elements of the first and last columns of both matrix_paths_1 and matrix_paths_2 are determined and stored in four matrices: link1, link2, link3, link4. The four matrices serve as a reference to see which ends of the path-pieces connect. Starting with link1, each connective node is identified from the incidence matrix and paths are identified from quadrant one. The identified paths are then compared with link3 and link4. If there is a path between matrix link1 and link3 or link1 and


These matrices have different names from the code for clarification

link4, the path-piece pertaining to the identified node in link1 is called and combined with the path-piece from link3 or link4. Depending on which node link1 is connected to, the matrix_paths_1 path-piece will have to be reverse to correctly form the path. The same procedure is used with link2 to obtain all possible paths. matrix_paths_2










paths are identified in quadrant 1 using link1 and link2 to determine which nodes to refer to


] incidence matrix

After piecing together the paths-pieces into a complete path in a new matrix matrixpaths, the same procedure as described in the exhaustive method is used to find cycles and eliminate duplicate paths. Data and Analysis Several tests were applied to both exhaustive and divide and conquer methods to obtain detailed results. Beginning with the exhaustive search, a simple script was coded to observe and plot the amount of time the algorithm took, beginning with a 3 by 3 matrix. With each successive iteration, the matrix would increase by one node. A single circular path was incorporated into the graph to ensure that no errors would occur when running the script. The results of 350 iterations are shown in Figure 1. As one can see, the amount of time for each

successive iteration increases. However, most notable are the initial and ending changes. At around 3 to 50 nodes, the time increases in a linear fashion. After reaching past 100 nodes, the increase in time became more and more similar to an exponential function. Given that every computer runs differently and often fluctuates due to hardware, background processes, and external factors, fluctuations are unavoidable.

Run Time in Relation to Graph Size 0.2

The next test that was conducted was to

0.18 0.16

increase the complexity of a graph with Run Time (s)


each iteration. A 8 by 8 matrix is designed to be sparse with only a circular cycle

0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06

path running through the graph. With each

0.04 0.02

iteration a path is connected between two


nodes. The diagonal of the incidence matrix,





200 Nodes





Figure 1. Results of running the algorithm with a matrix increasing by one node each iteration

however, must remain zero at all times. If

Run Time in Relation to Graph Complication 80

any element on the diagonal should be 1, it

70 60

Run Time (s)

signifies that a node has a path connecting to itself, which is fundamentally incorrect and will create errors when running

50 40 30 20

through the algorithm. Figure 2 shows the


results of the test. As one can see, the time taken to complete the search increases much more dramatically. Initially, the









Figure 2. Results of running the algorithm with a matrix increasing complexity by one path each iteration

change in time is almost nothing, however after more than 15 extra paths have been

incorporated into the matrix, the time increase drastically. An odd relative drop at around 21 paths appears consistently each time the test script is executed. My only guess is that the extra paths generated at 20 and 21 do not generate too many extra cycles, which therefore will not consume as much time. Figure 3 to Figure 7 are data plots of the exhaustive method when a specified graph with a certain percentage of spareness is determined. -4



Computation Time 30% Fill with Graph Size 8

x 10





11 10

Time (s)

Time (s)


Computation Time 30% Fill with Graph Size 10

x 10

9 8

9 8


7 6


5 4





40 50 60 nth loop (Iteration)




5 0



Figure 3. Graph size 8 with random paths generated at 30% fill -3



40 50 60 nth loop (Iteration)





Figure 4. Graph size 10 with random paths generated at 30% fill -3

Computation Time 30% Fill with Graph Size 12

x 10



Computation Time 30% Fill with Graph Size 15

x 10


1.6 2.2 2

Time (s)

Time (s)




1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2

0.8 1






40 50 60 nth loop (Iteration)


Figure 5. Graph size 12 with random paths generated at 30% fill









40 50 60 nth loop (Iteration)



Figure 6. Graph size 15 with random paths generated at 30% fill



The dotted line apparent in Figure 3 to Figure 6 is the average run time for the specific graph. As one can observe, the fluctuations are always random with each successive script run. However, a very apparent trend is that there will generally always be some run times that are greatly above and below relative to the average run time. This is due to the fact that the randomly generated paths sometimes will generate more complete cycles, which will increase the processing time for that specific


-3 x 10 Computation Time between Graphs of Different Size and 30% Fill


iteration. As expect, with the


increase of graph size the average

Something worth noting is the


Time (s)

run time will be slower.


combination plot in Figure 7. As one

1.4 1.2 1 0.8

can see, most of the run time for

0.6 0.4

the smaller graphs will be below the





40 50 60 nth loop (Iteration)





Figure 7. A compilation of the graphs of different sizes with randomly generated paths all with 30% fill

time of larger graphs. However, there are still a significant number of iterations that come close or even exceed the run time of a larger graph. The impact of a graph’s run time is more dependent on the complexity of the graph. Size does indeed play a role in how slow the graph is processed, as seen from the previous exhaustive experiments; however, the graph complexity will play a larger role in determining the run time.

Figure 8 and Figure 9 are data obtained from testing the divide and conquer algorithm. -4

Figure 8 shows the run time over 100 iterations.

Computation Time with 100 Runs

x 10



What is very noticeable is that there are almost


Run Time (s)

no iteration that have a run time close to the average run time. Though there are some, the




occurrence is very low. Most of the iterations 2.5

have a run time significantly higher or lower than


the average run time.





40 50 60 nth loop(Iteration)





Figure 8. Divide and conquer processing an 8 node graph over 100 iterations

Figure 9 shows a plot comparing the run time of several graphs of different sizes. Similar to the exhaustive method, the run times often vary



Computation Time with 100 Runs

x 10


that are larger. One very peculiar thing to note is that the blue graph, with a graph size of 20

Run Time (s)


and sometimes run longer than graph sizes





nodes, has a significantly higher run time than the preceding 18 node graph. I speculate that similar to the exhaustive search method, the






40 50 60 Run Times (Loop)





Figure 9. Divide and conquer processing different sized graphs over 100 iterations

larger the graph size becomes, exponentially longer the run time will be. However, it must be noted that the run time is still on the scale of 10-4 seconds whereas the exhaustive method would already be in the 10-3 realm. The increase in time mathematically is still considerably small, but in the graphical perspective, the average increase run time is quite distinguishable.

Given the same graph, both algorithms were applied with 100 iterations. Figure 10 shows the run time comparison between the two methods. The blue plot is the run time for the -3


plot is the run time for the exhaustive


search method. The difference between


the two is quite large. Theoretically, the divide and conquer should indeed run at a faster speed, since as we observed in the exhaustive algorithm

Run Time (s)

divide and conquer method and the red

Computation Time with 100 Runs

x 10






data, the larger the graph, the longer the time it takes to compute in an exponential behavior.




40 50 60 nth loop (Iterations)





Figure 10. Comparison of run times between exhaustive and divide and conquer methods

And since the divide and conquer method does incorporate the exhaustive method, but with smaller matrices, it should be considerably faster, and the difference should be apparent in larger graph sizes. Again, it is noted that there are sometimes very large spikes in the graph, as one can see in Figure 10, at around the 58th iteration. There is an enormous run time spike that comes close or even surpasses the exhaustive method run time. This random outlier was probably caused by a sudden hiccup in the computer’s background process. But it is also possible that at a small enough graph size, the divide and conquer method may run slower. Due to the fact that the divide and conquer will split the original graph to two sub-matrices, the extra computation in dividing and comparing pathspieces can possibly increase run time and run slower than the exhaustive method for small graphs. Figure 11 shows the comparison between the exhaustive and divide and conquer

method when computing for a graph whose size increases by one node each iteration. The red plot defines the exhaustive search algorithm and the blue line denotes the divide and conquer Split and Exhaustive Comparison

method. The run time speed for the

0.5 0.45

exhaustive search is considerably slower

0.4 0.35

method. Towards the largest graph size tested, a 350 node graph, the exhaustive

Run Time (s)

than that of the divide and conquer

0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1

search reaches almost 0.5 seconds to

0.05 0

complete whereas the divide and conquer method reaches a value close to




150 200 Graph Size (Nodes)




Figure 11. Comparison between exhaustive and divide and conquer method with increasing graph size per iteration

0.1 seconds. The difference in run time is quite large with larger graph sizes. At the small graph sizes, the two algorithms run quite well until about 50 nodes, when the speed differentiation becomes more apparent. At the earlier stages, the divide and conquer can still possibly run slower, as one can see at around 10 nodes the divide and conquer method had a considerably slower run time. The outlying point can also be a product of the computer’s error; however, I think it is a high possibility that in some certain graphs the divide and conquer can be slower than the exhaustive method. Overall, only a small percentage of graphs will run more efficiently by utilizing the exhaustive method. To further investigate the behavior of the exhaustive and divide and conquer method, I processed the logarithmic run time of the two systems. The graph would plot a linear behavior if the algorithm is exponential. But shown in Figure 12, the behavior of the exhaustive search is

Exhaustive Logarithmic Analysis

a quadratic polynomial. As the script

0 y = - 3.7e-005*x 2 + 0.028*x - 6.3


runs, one can see the slow plateau


Logarithmic Run Time

behavior of the graph. Converting the logarithmic back to the original run time, the curve would be escalating

-3 data 2 quadratic

-4 -5 -6

upwards faster. Figure 12 also shows a


basic fitting of the logarithmic plot. -8



Using the built-in Matlab fitting tools, the basic

150 200 Graph Size (Nodes)




Figure 12. A quadratic plot fitting to the exhaustive search algorithm Exhaustive Logarithmic Analysis

behavioral equation is in the form of



. Testing out higher

y = - 3.7e-005*x 2 + 0.028*x - 6.3


y = 1.9e-007*x 3 - 0.00014*x 2 + 0.043*x - 6.8

order plot fittings, though do

significantly. It can probably be concluded that the behavior

Logarithmic Run Time

increase the accuracy, but not

y = - 1.3e-009*x 4 + 1.1e-006*x 3 - 0.00035*x 2 + 0.06*x - 7.1

-2 -3

data 2 quadratic cubic 4th degree

-4 -5 -6

closely resembles a quadratic function. Figure 13 shows other

-7 -8


basic fittings to the exhaustive method. The divide and conquer has a similar behavior to



150 200 Graph Size (Nodes)



Figure 13. Extra cubic and 4th degree fitting plots to the exhaustive algorithm

the exhaustive search, since both apply the same basic foundation. The divide and conquer method just performs the task to a much more efficient degree.


Conclusion The divide and conquer method indeed does have a much more efficient search pattern compared to that of the exhaustive search. However, it must be noted that the divide and conquer method does not find every single possible cycle. Contrary to the divide and conquer, the exhaustive method can successfully list out all the paths, but at a high time consuming cost. Though reliable in the sense that given a smaller problem, the solution can be quickly searched and optimized. However, in many worldly problems, the graph size is often of large magnitude, and requires a faster algorithm. Given the massive size of some optimization problems, it is sometimes ideal to forgo optimal solutions and settle for a reasonable option calculated in a faster method. In this respect, the divide and conquer method is a viable approach in solving NPcomplete optimization problems, as it performs computational task faster than brute force exhaustive methods. In a larger graph scenario, the divide and conquer will be able to calculate a reasonable solution within a shorter period time and is more pragmatic compared to the exhaustive method. Future Motivations and Studies TSP is a highly studied topic and its applications are very widespread. One major topic that can utilize this TSP divide and conquer method is genome sequencing. The purpose of genome sequencing is to determine the DNA sequence of an organism’s genome. The applications of understanding the complete details and structure of a genome can lead to many scientific development and studies involved in medicinal and evolutionary fields. However, the

major obstruction is the sheer length of genomes. The time to sequence a genome, is vastly unreasonable and long. To confront this issue, geneticists often break up and split long genome sequences into smaller pieces. Translating each smaller portion, the geneticists mark each piece with a marker, which denotes the likelihood of the specific piece following another. One can conceptualize this as a TSP, where each genome piece represents a node and the likelihood that a piece follows another acts as a path with a cost (TSP Applications). The divide and conquer search algorithm can possible play a part in expediting genome sequencing with its efficient search properties, especially since the divide and conquer method far exceeds the exhaustive search method in larger exhaustive problems.

References "Hamiltonian Path." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 05 May 2005. Web. 05 Dec. 2011. .

Hoffman, Karla, and Manfred Padberg. "The Traveling Salesman Problem." Web. 05 Dec. 2011. .

Schättler, Heinz. “Operations Research.” Powerpoint presentation for Introduction to Systems Science and Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis. Fall 2010

"TSP Applications." Traveling Salesman Problem. Jan. 2007. Web. 05 Dec. 2011. .

Appendices A 1. Matlab script for exhaustive search algorithm %Given problem %A = [0 1 0 1; 1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 0 1 0] %A = [0 1 1 1; 1 0 1 1; 1 1 0 1; 1 1 1 0] % A = [0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0; 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0; 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1; 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 ; 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 ; 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 ; 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]; function [matrix_paths2 run_time] = matrix_paths(A) tic %starts the timing of the process %Initializing variables C = A; % matrix for modification button = 0; %condition to stop looping starting = 1; matrix_paths1 = []; matrix_paths2 = []; %initializing phase to start off the operation possible_paths = find(C(starting(1),:)); %find the possible continuing pathes a = size(possible_paths,2); %checks to see initially how many paths are possible matrix_paths2 = zeros(a,1); %creates a column of zeros to start adding matrix_paths2(:,1) = starting; %sets the first column to be the starting point matrix_paths2(:,2) = possible_paths'; %transposes possible paths and add it onto the first point %Actual cycling and looking for paths while (button == 0) k = size(matrix_paths2,2); %used to search the correct column matrix_paths2(:,end+1) = 0; %creates a column of zeros to fix concatenation issue for i = 1:size(matrix_paths2,1) starting = matrix_paths2(i,k); %changes which row we starting searching for paths C(:,matrix_paths2(i,1:k)) = 0; %modifies C for that specific path possible_paths = find(C(starting,:)); %finds all possible connections for that specific path if(isempty(possible_paths)==0) %this confirms that there is a available path. if not a zero is added at the end %let that line be eliminated after the inner for loop p = size(possible_paths,2); %sets the number path duplication needed else %if no available path is given, set the next path to be zero so it can be deleted later on p = 1; possible_paths = 0; end for j = 1:p matrix_paths1 = [matrix_paths1;matrix_paths2(i,:)]; %creates additional paths, manual concatentation end

matrix_paths1(:,end) = possible_paths'; %adds those paths to matrix_paths1 matrix_paths2 = [matrix_paths2;matrix_paths1]; %concatenates those new paths at the BOTTOM of matrix_paths2 matrix_paths1 = []; %resets matrix_paths1 for the next cycle if(size(matrix_paths2,2) == size(A,2)) %checks to see the termination condition button = 1; %sets the button to 1 to temrinated the while loop end C = A; %resets matrix C for other paths end [x,y] = find(matrix_paths2 == 0); %finds all rows that have zeros matrix_paths2(x',:) = []; %deletes those rows, as they are not needed end %Section checks for complete loops [q,w] = find(A(:,matrix_paths2(1,1))); %figures out which pathes will have a complete loop [e,r] = size(matrix_paths2); matrix_paths2(:,end+1) = 0; %adds an extra column of zeros so additional paths can be added for t = 1:e if(find(q' == matrix_paths2(t,end-1)) > 0) %if the end element of a paths exists in q, then it is %a complete cycle matrix_paths2(t,end) = matrix_paths2(t,1); %completes the loop if it exists else matrix_paths2(t,end) = 0; %tags a zero if it isn't a complete loop end end [x,y] = find(matrix_paths2 == 0); %finds all rows that have zeros matrix_paths2(x',:) = []; %deletes those rows, as they are not needed %This section deletes the repeats delete = []; %keeps track on the row number to be deleted counter = 1; %counter to increment the row while(size(delete,2) 2) %if any sub-matrix has more than three nodes with more one path, we can conclude that %the sub matrix we arbitrated is in more than one piece error('Sub-matrix has broken subsections') elseif (isempty(num_starting) == 1) %if no node has a single path, choose first node arbitrarily starting = 1; else starting = num_starting(1); %randomly choose one of the two (if two exist) as a starting point end C = A; % matrix for modification button = 0; %condition to stop looping beginning = starting; matrix_paths1 = []; matrix_paths2 = []; %initializing phase to start off the operation possible_paths = find(C(starting(1),:)); %find the possible continuing pathes a = size(possible_paths,2); %checks to see initially how many paths are possible matrix_paths2 = zeros(a,1); %creates a column of zeros to start adding matrix_paths2(:,1) = starting; %sets the first column to be the starting point matrix_paths2(:,2) = possible_paths'; %transposes possible paths and add it onto the first point

%Actual cycling and looking for paths while (button == 0) k = size(matrix_paths2,2); %used to search the correct column matrix_paths2(:,end+1) = 0; %creates a column of zeros to fix concatenation issue for i = 1:size(matrix_paths2,1) starting = matrix_paths2(i,k); %changes which row we starting searching for paths C(:,matrix_paths2(i,1:k)) = 0; %modifies C for that specific path possible_paths = find(C(starting,:)); %finds all possible connections for that specific path if(isempty(possible_paths)==0) %this confirms that there is a available path. if not a zero is added at the end %let that line be eliminated after the inner for loop p = size(possible_paths,2); %sets the number path duplication needed else %if no available path is given, set the next path to be zero so it can be deleted later on

p = 1; possible_paths = 0; end for j = 1:p matrix_paths1 = [matrix_paths1;matrix_paths2(i,:)]; %creates additional paths, manual concatentation end matrix_paths1(:,end) = possible_paths'; %adds those paths to matrix_paths1 matrix_paths2 = [matrix_paths2;matrix_paths1]; %concatenates those new paths at the BOTTOM of matrix_paths2 matrix_paths1 = []; %resets matrix_paths1 for the next cycle if(size(matrix_paths2,2) == size(A,2)) %checks to see the termination condition button = 1; %sets the button to 1 to temrinated the while loop end C = A; %resets matrix C for other paths end [x,y] = find(matrix_paths2 == 0); %finds all rows that have zeros matrix_paths2(x',:) = []; %deletes those rows, as they are not needed end

%This section deletes the repeats matrix_paths2(:,1) = [] % deletes the first column delete = []; %keeps track on the row number to be deleted counter = 1; %counter to increment the row button2 = 0; %to keep track when to terminate the loop while(button2 == 0) %termination factor is decided by when the delete matrix size %is less than equal to half the number of rows of matrix paths o = size(matrix_paths2,1); %resets the for loop, since we are editing the paths directly for u = 1:o if(fliplr(matrix_paths2(counter,:)) == matrix_paths2(u,:))%checks to see if two rows are the same delete(end+1) = u; %adds to the delete matrix matrix_paths2(u,:) = [] %deletes the row if condition is met break %once condition is met, jump out of the for loop end end o = size(matrix_paths2,1); counter = counter + 1; %increases the counter if(counter >= o) %if the counter is the same size or greater than o we have reached the bottom of the matrix button2 = 1; %flips the switch to break out of the loop end end matrix_paths2 = fliplr(matrix_paths2); %flips the matrix left-right matrix_paths2(:,end+1) = beginning %adds the column back to the end matrix_paths2 = fliplr(matrix_paths2) %flips the matrix left-right again

A 3. Second part of divide and conquer method that calls upon A 2 script. clean runtime = [];

A = [0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0; 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0; 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1; 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 ; 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 ; 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 ; 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]; a = size(A,1); %keeps a size to calibrate index [matrix_paths] = matrix_split_graph(A(1:4,1:4)); %runs first submatrix [matrix_paths2] = matrix_split_graph(A(5:8,5:8)); %runs second submatrix matrix_paths2 = matrix_paths2 + a/2; %modifies the index of second submatrix to be consistent clc [x,y] = size(matrix_paths); %finds the unique elements in the first and last column of each submatrix link1 = transpose(unique(matrix_paths(:,1))); link2 = transpose(unique(matrix_paths(:,end))); link3 = transpose(unique(matrix_paths2(:,1))); link4 = transpose(unique(matrix_paths2(:,end))); matrixpaths = []; counter = 1; %to index matrixpaths correctly %checks to see which nodes connect to the front of the first submatrix %using the front of the second submatrix for u = 1:101 tic for i = 1:size(link1,2) connection = find(A(link1(i),a/2+1:a)) + a/2; %finds all possible connections for specific node link1_3 = ismember(link3, connection); %checks to find if such element links to the front of the second submatrix link1_4 = ismember(link4, connection); %checks to find if such element links to the end of the second submatrix if(nnz(link1_3 == 1)) %if there are nonzero elements in link1_3 [q,w] = find(matrix_paths(:,1) == link1(i)); %find the positions of the rows [e,r] = find(matrix_paths2(:,1) == link3(find(link1_3))); %find the positions of the rows for p = 1:size(e) for o = 1:size(q) matrixpaths(counter,:) = [fliplr(matrix_paths(q(o),:)),matrix_paths2(e(p),:)]; %combines the two matrices counter = counter + 1; %increment counter end end end %checks to see which nodes connect to the front of the first submatrix %using the end of the second submatrix if(nnz(link1_4 == 1)) [q,w] = find(matrix_paths(:,1) == link1(i)); [e,r] = find(matrix_paths2(end,:) == link4(find(link1_4)));

for p = 1:size(e) for o = 1:size(q) matrixpaths(counter,:) = [matrix_paths2(e(p),:),matrix_paths(q(o),:)]; counter = counter + 1; end end end end %same procedure but connects to the end of the first submatrix for i = 1:size(link2,2) connection = find(A(link2(i),a/2+1:a)) + a/2; link2_3 = ismember(link3, connection); link2_4 = ismember(link4, connection); if(nnz(link2_3 == 1)) [q,w] = find(matrix_paths(:,end) == link2(i)); [e,r] = find(matrix_paths2(:,1) == link3(find(link2_3))); for p = 1:size(e) for o = 1:size(q) matrixpaths(counter,:) = [matrix_paths(q(o),:),matrix_paths2(e(p),:)]; counter = counter + 1; end end end if(nnz(link2_4 == 1)) [q,w] = find(matrix_paths(:,end) == link2(i)); [e,r] = find(matrix_paths2(:,end) == link4(find(link2_4))); for p = 1:size(e) for o = 1:size(q) matrixpaths(counter,:) = [matrix_paths2(e(p),:),fliplr(matrix_paths(q(o),:))]; counter = counter + 1; end end end end runtime(end+1) = toc; end runtime(1) = []; num_runs = linspace(1,100,100); plot(num_runs,runtime,num_runs,mean(runtime)) title('Computation Time with 100 Runs') xlabel('nth loop(Iteration)') ylabel('Run Time (s)')

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