Appendix: Software Source Code I.

GPIB Control Interface (C++ source code)

1) globals.h //Contains all global structures, error codes, etc. #ifndef __GLOBALS_H__ #define __GLOBALS_H__

struct LC9400Descriptor { float FVGain; float VVGain; float VOffset; int ICoupling; BOOL BWLimit; float TBase; float SInterval; UINT NDiv; division UINT PType; };

//fixed vertical gain //variable vertical gain //vertical offset //input channel coupling at time of acquisition //bandwidth limit at aquisition //timebase at acquisition //8-bit sampling interval at acquisition //number of measured data points per //data processing of this record


- 192 -

2) control.cpp // Contains routines to handle all interaction with GPIB Devices // // Author: Noah W. Cushing // // Revision History: // 9/17/97 -- File created #include "stdafx.h" #include "LC9400.h" #include "globals.h" #include "FetchProgressDlg.h" #include "math.h" UINT Control(CEdit *WaveName, CEdit *CurAngle, CEdit *Message, CProgressCtrl *WriteProgress, char *OutputFileName, UINT ChanOrMem, int Start, int Inc) { //initialize variables UINT i; int temp = 0; static int cur_angle = Start; static int num = 0; static char OrigOutputName[128]; unsigned char Desc[154]; unsigned char Data[25004]; float Voltage[25004]; float SampleInterval; //time between samples FILE *OutputFile; FILE *DescOut; UINT Sizes[2] = {153, 25001};//set sizes of our arrays {descriptor, max_data_size} //char DevName[] = {"DSO9400"}; char DevName[] = {"GPIB1"}; char MessageString[512]; char DescOutName[128]; char Temp[128]; char Temp2[128]; CLC9400 LC9400(ChanOrMem); LC9400Descriptor *WDesc; //////// END DATA DECLARATION //////// //Check for angle and name reset command// if(Start == -1) { WaveName->SetWindowText("c:\\data\\wave.dat"); Message->SetWindowText("Resetting Variables..."); strcpy(OrigOutputName, "c:\\data\\wave");

- 193 -

num = 0; return(TRUE); } for(i=0; i < Sizes[0]; i++) Desc[i] = 0; for(i=0; i < Sizes[1]; i++) Data[i] = 0; //get waveform descriptor and data LC9400.GetDD(Desc, Data, Sizes, 1); //parse waveform descriptor WDesc = LC9400.GetWDesc(); if(num > 0) { strcpy(Temp, OrigOutputName); strcat(Temp, itoa(num+1, Temp2, 10)); strcpy(OutputFileName, strcat(Temp, ".dat")); WaveName->SetWindowText(OutputFileName); } else { temp = strlen(OutputFileName) - 4; strncpy(OrigOutputName, OutputFileName, temp); } if(Inc == 0) num = 0; char AngleBuffer[20]; if(num == 0) cur_angle = Start; else cur_angle = cur_angle + Inc; CurAngle->SetWindowText(itoa(cur_angle, AngleBuffer, 10)); ////////// Open Files /////////// sprintf(DescOutName, "%s.desc", OutputFileName);

- 194 -

if((DescOut = fopen(DescOutName, "w")) TBase / (float)WDesc->NDiv; fprintf(DescOut, "%f\n%d\n%d\n", log10(SampleInterval), WDesc->NDiv, cur_angle); //// Output Wave //// for(i = 0; i < WDesc->NDiv * 10; i++) { Voltage[i] = WDesc->FVGain * ((Data[i] - 128.0)/32.0 - (WDesc->VOffset 200.0)/25.0) * 200.0/(WDesc->VVGain + 80.0); fprintf(OutputFile, "%f\n", Voltage[i]); WriteProgress->SetPos((int)(100 * ((float)i / (float)(WDesc->NDiv * 10)))); } fclose(DescOut); fclose(OutputFile); Message->SetWindowText("Data Acquisition Complete!"); int result = 1;


num++; return(TRUE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UINT SControl(CEdit *WaveName, CEdit *Message, CProgressCtrl *WriteProgress, char *OutputFileName, UINT NumSweeps, int Start) { //initialize variables

- 195 -

UINT i, count = 0; int temp = 0; unsigned char Desc[154]; unsigned char Data[32000]; float Voltage[25004]; FILE *OutputFile; FILE *DescOut; static char OrigOutputName[128]; static int num = 0; //set sizes of our arrays {descriptor, max_data_size} UINT Sizes[2] = {153, 32000}; //char DevName[] = {"DSO9400"}; char DevName[] = {"GPIB1"}; char MessageString[512]; char DescOutName[128]; char Temp[128]; char Temp2[128]; float SampleInterval; int cur_angle = 0; CLC9400 LC9400; LC9400Descriptor *WDesc; /////// END DATA DECLARATION //////// for(i=0; i < Sizes[0]; i++) Desc[i] = 0; for(i=0; i < Sizes[1]; i++) Data[i] = 0;

//if(NumSweeps == 31) // Sizes[1] = 625; //else // Sizes[1] = 500;

//we care about the number of samples in a sweep

//Check for angle and name reset command// if(Start == -1) { WaveName->SetWindowText("c:\\data\\wave.dat"); Message->SetWindowText("Resetting Variables..."); strcpy(OrigOutputName, "c:\\data\\wave");

- 196 -

num = 0; return(TRUE); }

//append numbers to end of file name if(num > 0) { strcpy(Temp, OrigOutputName); strcat(Temp, itoa(num+1, Temp2, 10)); strcpy(OutputFileName, strcat(Temp, ".dat")); WaveName->SetWindowText(OutputFileName); } else { temp = strlen(OutputFileName) - 4; strncpy(OrigOutputName, OutputFileName, temp); //temp = strlen(OutputFileName) - 4; strcpy(OutputFileName, "c:\\data\\wave.dat"); strcpy(OrigOutputName, "c:\\data\\wave");

// // }

LC9400.GetSDD(Desc, Data, Sizes, NumSweeps, 1); //parse waveform descriptor WDesc = LC9400.GetWDesc(); //// Open Files //// sprintf(DescOutName, "%s.desc", OutputFileName); if((DescOut = fopen(DescOutName, "w")) TBase / (float)WDesc->NDiv; fprintf(DescOut, "%f\n%d\n%d\n", log10(SampleInterval), WDesc->NDiv, cur_angle); if((OutputFile = fopen(OutputFileName, "w")) FVGain * ((Data[i] - 128.0)/32.0 - (WDesc->VOffset 200.0)/25.0) * 200.0/(WDesc->VVGain + 80.0); fprintf(OutputFile, "%f\n", Voltage[i]); WriteProgress->SetPos((int)(100 * ((float)i / (float)((Sizes[1] - 5) * NumSweeps)))); } fclose(DescOut); fclose(OutputFile); num++; int result = 1; return(TRUE);


} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

3) interface.h // Contains definitions, prototypes, etc. for interface.cpp // #ifndef __INTERFACE__ #define __INTERFACE__ #define IBDEVCONN #define IBFINDCONN #define DEVOPEN #define DEVCLOSED

100 101 200 201

struct DeviceData { UINT BoardIndex; UINT PrimaryAddress;

- 198 -

UINT SecondaryAddress; UINT Timeout; UINT EOIMode; UINT EOSMode; };

class CInterface { public: CInterface(); CInterface(UINT, UINT, UINT, UINT, UINT, UINT); CInterface(char *);

//constructor //constructor, accepts device address //constructor, accpets device name



UINT OpenInterface();

//attempt to get device descriptor for

UINT CloseInterface();

//close device descriptor

interface UINT WriteData(char *); UINT ReadData(unsigned char *, UINT);

//write data to device //read data from device and place in passed value

UINT GetStatus() {return Status;} open or not

//get whether interface is

private: DeviceData *DevData;

//contains information for use with ibdev

function char DevName[128]; int DevDesc; int BoardDesc;

//device descriptor //board descriptor

UINT Status; UINT Type; during construction };

//status of connection //type of connection, set


- 199 -

4) interface.cpp // Contains routines to handle interfacing with GPIB devices // Author: Noah W. Cushing // // Revision History // 9/17/97 -- Created file // Added the following functions // -constructors // -destructor // -OpenInterface() // -CloseInterface() // -WriteData() // -ReadData() // #include "stdafx.h" #include "interface.h" #include "decl-32.h" #define IBOPENERROR 1001 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Class Constructors CInterface::CInterface() { DevDesc = -1; Status = DEVCLOSED; } CInterface::CInterface(UINT BoardIndex, UINT PrimaryAddress, UINT SecondaryAddress, UINT Timeout, UINT EOIMode, UINT EOSMode) { DevData = new(DeviceData); DevData->BoardIndex = BoardIndex; DevData->PrimaryAddress = PrimaryAddress; DevData->SecondaryAddress = SecondaryAddress; DevData->Timeout = Timeout; DevData->EOIMode = EOIMode; DevData->EOSMode = EOSMode; Type = IBDEVCONN; Status = DEVCLOSED; DevDesc = -1; } CInterface::CInterface(char _DevName[]) { strcpy(DevName, _DevName); Type = IBFINDCONN; Status = DEVCLOSED; DevDesc = -1;

- 200 -

} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class Destructor CInterface::~CInterface() { if(Type == IBDEVCONN) delete(DevData); if(Status == DEVOPEN) CloseInterface(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Open the GPIB interface UINT CInterface::OpenInterface() { if(Type == IBDEVCONN) { if((DevDesc = ibdev(DevData->BoardIndex, DevData->PrimaryAddress, DevData->SecondaryAddress, DevData->Timeout, DevData->EOIMode, DevData->EOSMode)) < 0) return(IBOPENERROR); } else { if((DevDesc = ibfind(DevName)) < 0) return(IBOPENERROR); } BoardDesc = ibfind("GPIB1"); Status = DEVOPEN; int result_s = ibsic(DevDesc); int result = ibclr(DevDesc); int error = result & ERR; return(TRUE); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Close the GPIB Interface UINT CInterface::CloseInterface() { ibloc(DevDesc); //was DevDesc if(Status == DEVOPEN) //was DevDesc ibonl(DevDesc, 0);

- 201 -

return(TRUE); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Write Data to GPIB Interface UINT CInterface::WriteData(char *Data) { int result; int error; ibcmd(BoardDesc,"?_@$",4); result = ibwrt(DevDesc, Data, strlen(Data)); error = result & ERR; return(TRUE); } UINT CInterface::ReadData(unsigned char *Data, UINT Size) { int result; int error; ibcmd(BoardDesc,"?_ D",4); result = ibrd(DevDesc, Data, Size);

//not sure about this

error = result & ERR; return(TRUE); }

5) LC9400.h -- handles data received from LC9400 // -- includes formatting of data, etc. #ifndef __LC9400__ #define __LC9400__ #define START_STRING1 #define START_STRING2


#define END_STRING1 #define END_STRING2





"RD,C1.DE" "RD,C2.DE"

- 202 -



#define READ_DATA1 #define READ_DATA2 #define READ_DATAC #define READ_DATAE #include "interface.h" #include "globals.h"


class CLC9400 { public: CLC9400(); CLC9400(UINT); or channel ~CLC9400();

//class constructor //class constructor specify memory //class destructor

UINT GetDD(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, UINT *, UINT); //desc array data array sizes channel

//get both sets of data,

UINT GetSDD( unsigned char *, unsigned char *, UINT *, UINT, UINT); //get sequence data //desc array data array sizes sweeps channel LC9400Descriptor *GetWDesc() {return &WDesc;} //return waveform descriptor private: void AlignSData(unsigned char *, UINT *, UINT); UINT GetDescriptor(unsigned char *, UINT, UINT); //get waveform descriptor for specified channel UINT GetData(unsigned char *, UINT, UINT); specified channel UINT GetSData(unsigned char *, UINT, UINT, UINT); data for specified channel CInterface Interface; LC9400Descriptor WDesc;

//get waveform data for //get waveform

//interface pointing to LC9400 //parsed waveform descriptor

UINT SendStart();

//initialize (send Start Strings 1 and 2 and

format) UINT SendEnd(); //send ending strings void AlignStrings(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, UINT *); //aligns waveform desc. and data strings to start at 0byte void AlignSStrings(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, UINT *, UINT); UINT ParseDescriptor(unsigned char *); //parse values in waveform descriptor void AlignDescriptor(unsigned char *, UINT *); UINT Memory;

//whether we're reading memory or a


- 203 -



6) LC9400.c -- handles routines for interfacing with the LC9400 // digital oscilloscope // // Author: Noah W. Cushing, Yurong Sun // // Revision History // 11/24/97 -- created file and added initial functions // 10/01/99 – modified the function of reading and writing Function E of LC9400

#include "stdafx.h" #include "LC9400.h" #include "decl-32.h" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class Constructors CLC9400::CLC9400() { int error = 0; int result = 0; UINT BoardIndex = 1; UINT PrimaryAddress = 4; UINT SecondaryAddress = 0; UINT Timeout = 10; UINT EOIMode = 1; UINT EOSMode = 1; //CInterface _Interface("DSO9400"); CInterface _Interface("GPIB1"); Interface = _Interface; result = Interface.OpenInterface(); error = result & ERR;

- 204 -

Memory = FALSE; } CLC9400::CLC9400(UINT ChanOrMem) { int error = 0; int result = 0; if(ChanOrMem == 0) Memory = FALSE; else Memory = TRUE; //

CInterface _Interface("DSO9400"); CInterface _Interface("GPIB1"); Interface = _Interface; result = Interface.OpenInterface(); error = result & ERR;

} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class Destructor CLC9400::~CLC9400() { int error = 0; int result = 0; result = Interface.CloseInterface(); error = result & ERR; }

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Communications with LC9400 UINT CLC9400::SendStart() { Interface.WriteData(START_STRING1); Interface.WriteData(START_STRING2); Interface.WriteData(FORMAT_STRING); return(TRUE); } UINT CLC9400::SendEnd() { Interface.WriteData(END_STRING1); Interface.WriteData(END_STRING2);

- 205 -

return(TRUE); } UINT CLC9400::GetDD(unsigned char *Desc, unsigned char *Data, UINT *Size, UINT Channel) { if(Channel 2) return(FALSE); SendStart(); GetDescriptor(Desc, Size[0], Channel); GetData(Data, Size[1], Channel); SendEnd(); AlignStrings(Desc, Data, Size); ParseDescriptor(Desc); return(TRUE); } UINT CLC9400::GetSDD(unsigned char *Desc, unsigned char *Data, UINT *Size, UINT NumSweeps, UINT Channel) { if(Channel 2) return(FALSE); SendStart(); GetDescriptor(Desc, Size[0], Channel); AlignDescriptor(Desc, Size); ParseDescriptor(Desc); Size[1] = WDesc.NDiv * 10; GetSData(Data, Size[1], NumSweeps, Channel); AlignSData(Data, Size, NumSweeps); SendEnd(); return(TRUE); } UINT CLC9400::GetDescriptor(unsigned char *Desc, UINT Size, UINT Channel) { int result = 0; /*if(Memory) result = Interface.WriteData(READ_DESCRIPTORC); else { if(Channel == 1) result = Interface.WriteData(READ_DESCRIPTOR1); else result = Interface.WriteData(READ_DESCRIPTOR2);

- 206 -

} */ // Here we specify we read and write data to Function E result = Interface.WriteData(READ_DESCRIPTORE); result = Interface.ReadData(Desc, Size); result = result & ERR; return(TRUE); } UINT CLC9400::GetData(unsigned char *Data, UINT Size, UINT Channel) { int result = 0; /*if(Memory) result = Interface.WriteData(READ_DATAC); else { if(Channel == 1) result = Interface.WriteData(READ_DATA1); else result = Interface.WriteData(READ_DATA2); }*/ result = Interface.WriteData(READ_DATAE); result = Interface.ReadData(Data, Size); result = result & ERR; return(TRUE); } UINT CLC9400::GetSData(unsigned char *Data, UINT Size, UINT NumSweeps, UINT Channel) { int result = 0; UINT i = 0, j = 0; char XmitString[32]; unsigned char TempData[1000]; for(i = 0; i < NumSweeps; i++) { sprintf(XmitString, "RD, C1.DA,,,,%d", i+1); if(Channel == 1) result = Interface.WriteData(XmitString); else result = Interface.WriteData(XmitString); //for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) //{

- 207 -

result = Interface.ReadData(TempData, Size); result = result & ERR; for(j = 0; j < Size; j ++) { Data[Size*i + j] = TempData[j]; } } return(TRUE); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Align and Parse Data void CLC9400::AlignStrings(unsigned char *Desc, unsigned char *Data, UINT *Size) { UINT i; for(i = 0; i < Size[0]; i++) Desc[i] = Desc[i + 4]; for(i = 0; i < Size[1]; i++) Data[i] = Data[i + 5]; } void CLC9400::AlignSStrings(unsigned char *Desc, unsigned char *Data, UINT *Size, UINT NumSweeps) { AlignDescriptor(Desc, Size); AlignSData(Data, Size, NumSweeps); }

void CLC9400::AlignDescriptor(unsigned char *Desc, UINT *Size) { UINT i; for(i = 0; i < Size[0]; i++) Desc[i] = Desc[i + 4]; }

void CLC9400::AlignSData(unsigned char *Data, UINT *Size, UINT NumSweeps) { UINT i, j; for(j = 0; j < NumSweeps; j++)

- 208 -

for(i = 0; i < Size[1] - 5; i++) Data[(Size[1] - 5) * j + i] = Data[Size[1] * j + i + 5]; } UINT CLC9400::ParseDescriptor(unsigned char *Desc) { //get the fixed vertical gain switch((int)Desc[0]) { case 22: WDesc.FVGain = (float)0.005; break; case 23: WDesc.FVGain = (float)0.01; break; case 24: WDesc.FVGain = (float)0.02; break; case 25: WDesc.FVGain = (float)0.05; break; case 26: WDesc.FVGain = (float)0.1; break; case 27: WDesc.FVGain = (float)0.2; break; case 28: WDesc.FVGain = (float)0.5; break; case 29: WDesc.FVGain = (float)1; break; case 30: WDesc.FVGain = (float)2.0; break; case 31: WDesc.FVGain = (float)5.0; break; default: break;

//add some error checking later


//get the variable vertical gain //WDesc.VVGain = 0.4 + (0.005 * (float)Desc[1]); WDesc.VVGain = Desc[1]; //get the vertical offset int value = (int)(Desc[5] | (Desc[4]
- 214 -

File contains no data.

2) function out = analysis2() %====================================================================== === % Create Graphical User Interface Screen Functions %====================================================================== === figNumber=figure( ... 'Name','Ultrasound Analysis System', ... 'NumberTitle','off', ... 'Tag', 'Fig', ... 'Visible','off', ... 'Position',[100 300 800 400]); axes( ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',[0.07 0.12 0.7 0.65]); %==================================== %Console and Button Information labelColor=[0.8 0.8 0.8]; top=0.95; bottom=0.05; yInitLabelPos=0.90; labelWid=0.20; labelHt=0.05; btnWid=0.10; btnHt=0.05; left = 1 - (btnWid+0.05); % Spacing between the label and the button for the same command btnOffset=0.003; % Spacing between the button and the next command's label spacing=0.05; %==================================== % The CONSOLE frame frmBorder=0.02; yPos=0.05-frmBorder; frmPos=[left-frmBorder yPos btnWid+2*frmBorder 0.9+2*frmBorder]; h=uicontrol( ... 'Style','frame', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',frmPos, ... 'BackgroundColor',[0.50 0.50 0.50]);

value = 0; cwave_popup = uicontrol( ... 'Style', 'pushbutton', ... 'String', 'wave', ... 'Value', 1, ... 'Tag', 'Wave', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ...

- 215 -

'Position', [0.05 0.92 0.06 0.05], ... 'CallBack' , [... 'UD = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Wave''), ''UserData'');', ... 'val = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');',... 'aplot(UD, val(1), ''Measured Wave'');']);

cbase_popup = uicontrol( ... 'Style', 'pushbutton', ... 'String', 'base', ... 'Value', 1, ... 'Tag', 'Base', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position', [0.13 0.92 0.06 0.05], ... 'CallBack' , [... 'UD = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Base''), ''UserData'');', ... 'val = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');',... 'aplot(UD, val(1), '''');']); cwwave_popup = uicontrol( ... 'Style', 'pushbutton', ... 'String', 'wwave', ... 'Value', 1, ... 'Tag', 'Wwave', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position', [0.21 0.92 0.06 0.05], ... 'CallBack' , [... 'UD = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Wwave''), ''UserData'');', ... 'val = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');',... 'aplot(UD, val(1), ''Windowed Wave'');']); cwbase_popup = uicontrol( ... 'Style', 'pushbutton', ... 'String', 'wbase', ... 'Value', 1, ... 'Tag', 'Wbase', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position', [0.29 0.92 0.06 0.05], ... 'CallBack' , [... 'UD = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Wbase''), ''UserData'');', ... 'val = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');',... 'aplot(UD, val(1), ''Windowed Base'');']); ccwwave_popup = uicontrol( ... 'Style', 'pushbutton', ... 'String', 'cwwave', ... 'Value', 1, ... 'Tag', 'Cwwave', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position', [0.37 0.92 0.06 0.05], ... 'CallBack' , [... 'UD = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Cwwave''), ''UserData'');', ... 'val = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');',... 'aplot(UD, val(1), ''Downsampled, Windowed Wave'');']);

ccwbase_popup = uicontrol( ...

- 216 -

'Style', 'pushbutton', ... 'String', 'cwbase', ... 'Value', 1, ... 'Tag', 'Cwbase', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position', [0.45 0.92 0.06 0.05], ... 'CallBack' , [... 'UD = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Cwbase''), ''UserData'');', ... 'val = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');',... 'aplot(UD, val(1), ''Downsampled, Windowed Reference'');']);

cwmag_popup = uicontrol( ... 'Style', 'pushbutton', ... 'String', 'wmag', ... 'Value', 1, ... 'Tag', 'Wmag', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position', [0.53 0.92 0.06 0.05], ... 'CallBack' , [... 'UD = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Wmag''), ''UserData'');', ... 'val = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');',... 'aplot(UD, val(4), ''Wave Magnitude Spectrum'');']);

cbmag_popup = uicontrol( ... 'Style', 'pushbutton', ... 'String', 'bmag', ... 'Value', 1, ... 'Tag', 'Bmag', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position', [0.61 0.92 0.06 0.05], ... 'CallBack' , [... 'UD = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Bmag''), ''UserData'');', ... 'val = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');',... 'aplot(UD, val(4), ''Reference Magnitude Spectrum'');']); cmag_popup = uicontrol(... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position', [0.69 0.92 0.06 0.05], ... 'Value', 1, ... 'String','Rmag', ... 'Tag', 'Mag', ... 'Callback', [... 'UD = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Mag''), ''UserData'');',... 'val = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');',... 'aplot(UD, val(4), ''Magnitude Difference: Rmag - Wmag'');', ... 'axis([0 10^6 val(7) val(8)]);']);

cplot_popup = uicontrol(... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position', [0.09 0.85 0.06 0.05], ... 'Value', 1, ...

- 217 -

'String','PlotFile', ... 'Tag', 'Plot', ... 'Callback', 'plotfile');

cviewseq_popup = uicontrol(... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position', [0.17 0.85 0.06 0.05], ... 'Value', 1, ... 'String','ViewSeq', ... 'Tag', 'ViewS', ... 'Callback', [... 'UD = viewseq(0);'... 'set(findobj(''Tag'', ''LastS''), ''UserData'', UD)']);

clastseq_popup = uicontrol(... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position', [0.25 0.85 0.06 0.05], ... 'Value', 1, ... 'String','LastSeq', ... 'Tag', 'LastS', ... 'Callback', [... 'UD = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''LastS''), ''UserData'');'... 'viewseq(UD)']); uicontrol( ... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position',[0.33 0.85 0.06 0.05], ... 'String','IAS', ... 'Callback', 'threeias(1, 1, 1)'); uicontrol( ... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position',[0.41 0.85 0.06 0.05], ... 'String','ACORR', ... 'Tag', 'Acorr', ... 'Callback', 'acorr(1, 1, 1)'); uicontrol( ... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units', 'Normalized', ... 'Position',[0.49 0.85 0.06 0.05], ... 'String','CCorr', ... 'Callback', [... 'UD1 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Base''), ''UserData'');', ... 'UD2 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Wave''), ''UserData'');', ... 'UD3 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');', ... 'attcorrcorr(UD1, UD2, UD3)']);

- 218 -

%==================================== %Close button uicontrol( ... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',[left bottom btnWid 2*btnHt], ... 'String','Close', ... 'Callback', 'close(gcf)'); buttonb = bottom + 2*btnHt + 0.02; uicontrol( ... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',[left buttonb btnWid 2*btnHt], ... 'String','Select Files', ... 'Callback', 'analysis(10);'); buttonb = top - 2*btnHt - 0.02 - frmBorder; xcorr_button = uicontrol( ... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',[left buttonb btnWid 2*btnHt], ... 'String','XCORR', ... 'Tag', 'Xcorr', ... 'Callback', [... 'UD1 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Wbase''), ''UserData'');', ... 'UD2 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Wwave''), ''UserData'');', ... 'UD3 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');', ... 'correlation(UD1, UD2, UD3)']);

buttonb = buttonb - 2*btnHt - 0.02; bua_button = uicontrol( ... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',[left buttonb btnWid 2*btnHt], ... 'String','BUA', ... 'Tag', 'Bua',... 'Callback', [... 'UD = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Mag''), ''UserData'');',... 'val = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');',... 'aplot(UD, val(4), ''Select BUA region...'');', ... 'text(600000, max(UD)/2, ''Select BUA region'', ''color'', ''red'');', ... 'axis([0 10^6 val(7) val(8)]);',... 'UD1 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Bua''), ''UserData'');',... 'UD2 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');',... 'bua(UD1, UD2);']); buttonb = buttonb - 2*btnHt - 0.02;

- 219 -

ibs_button = uicontrol(... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',[left buttonb btnWid 2*btnHt], ... 'String','IBS', ... 'Tag', 'Ibs', ... 'Callback', [... 'UD1 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Ibs''), ''UserData'');',... 'UD2 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Acorr''), ''UserData'');', ... 'ibs(UD2, UD1)']); buttonb = buttonb - 2*btnHt - 0.02; uicontrol(... 'Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',[left buttonb btnWid 2*btnHt], ... 'String','Group Velocity', ... 'Callback', [... 'UD1 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Cwwave''), ''UserData'');',... 'UD2 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Cwbase''), ''UserData'');',... 'UD3 = get(findobj(''Tag'', ''Xcorr''), ''UserData'');',... 'groupvel(UD1, UD2, UD3);']);

% Now uncover the figure set(figNumber,'Visible','on');

%====================================================================== === % End Screen Functions %====================================================================== ===

- 220 -

3) function out = analysis(mode, base, data) %-----------------------========================----------------------% ANALYSIS(MODE, BASE, DATA) % % Values for MODE: 10 --> Use file selection dialog boxes. % BASE and DATA not required % % 1 --> Perform analysis on files in c:\data % % BASE refers to a measurement of the water filled tank WITHOUT a % sample in place. % % DATA refers to a measurement of the water filled tank WITH a % sample in place. % % % ** Note: BASE and DATA measurments must be taken with the same sampling rate. ** % % Examples: analysis(10); % analysis(1, 'base', 'wave'); % %-----------------------========================----------------------if mode == 10 [dfname, dpname] = uigetfile('*.dat', 'Select Data File'); if dfname == 0 %the user pressed cancel disp(''); return; %abort and return to window end DescFile = [dpname dfname '.desc']; elseif mode dfname = dpname = DescFile

== 1 [data '.dat']; ['c:\data\']; = [dpname dfname '.desc'];

elseif mode == 100 | mode == 200 dfname = data; DescFile = [dfname '.desc']; end

%read in and parse descriptor file Param = parse_descriptor(DescFile); if(Param(1) == -1) %unable to read file DispString = sprintf('', DescFile); disp(DispString); out = [-1 0]; return;

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TimePerSample = Param(1); NumSamples = Param(2) SampRate = Param(3); HzPerSample = Param(4);

if mode == 10 [bfname, bpname] = uigetfile('*.dat', 'Select Base (water only) File'); if bfname == 0 disp(''); return; %abort and return to window end elseif mode == 1 bfname = [base '.dat']; bpname = ['c:\data\']; elseif mode == 100 | mode == 200 bfname = base; bpname = ['c:\data\']; end

%load the data sets if mode == 100 | mode == 200 DataFile = data; BaseFile = base; else DataFile = [dpname dfname] BaseFile = [bpname bfname] end wave = agetdata(DataFile); base = agetdata(BaseFile); fbase = 1:NumSamples; for i = 1:NumSamples fbase(i) = i * TimePerSample; end plot (fbase, wave); y = max(wave); text(fbase(NumSamples)/3, y, 'Select Window Region', 'color', 'red'); xlabel('Time (s)') ylabel('Voltage (v)') points = getclicks_t (gca, TimePerSample, NumSamples); %Points returned window start, end time value wstart = points(1) wend = points(2) % Adjust to points index according to TimeBase w2start = round (wstart/TimePerSample) w2end = round (wend/TimePerSample)

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% Some error checking if w2start > NumSamples w2start = NumSamples; elseif w2start NumSamples w2end = NumSamples; elseif w2end NumPoints bua2start = NumPoints; elseif bua2start NumPoints bua2end = NumPoints; end

bua_region2 = 1:(bua2end - bua2start); fbase2 = bua_region2; temp = size(fbase); for i = 1:temp(2) fbase(i) = (i - 1) * HzPerSample; end

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sum=0; for i = bua2start:bua2end fbase2(i - bua2start + 1) = fbase(i); bua_region2(i - bua2start + 1) = result_mag(i); %calculate the average value of the bua sum=sum+result_mag(i); %avg=sum/i_size; end

sum=0; for i = bua2start:bua2end % n=length(i) result_mag(i) sum = sum+(result_mag(i)) % avg=sum(result_mag(i))/n; %result=result_mag(i) end i = bua2start:bua2end ssize=size(i) s=length(i) sum sum2=sum/s avg=sum2;

slope2 = bestfit(fbase2, bua_region2); line2 = fbase2;

%ensure line and fbase have same length

for i = bua2start:bua2end line2(i - bua2start + 1) = (slope2(1) * fbase2(i - bua2start + 1)) + slope2(2); end; %calculate the average value of the bua %sum = 0; %for i = bua2start:bua2end

%wavesize = size(wave); %for i = 1:wavesize(2) % sum = sum + wave(i); %end %avg = sum / wavesize(2);

plot(fbase2, bua_region2, 'r-', fbase2, line2, 'b:'); %plot(fbase2,sum, 'r-');

- 231 -

%plot(fbase2, bua_region2, 'r-', fbase2, line2, 'b:', fbase2, sum, 'g.'); d = date; bua = slope2(1) * 10^6 %open a new window for graphing %set labels xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Magnitude (dB)'); %title([d,' c:\\data\\', 'SPAM', '.dat dB/MHz']); title([d,' average : 'num2str(avg),' ', num2str(bua), ' dB/MHz']);

Bua: ', num2str(bua), '

c:\\data\\', 'SPAM', '.dat

8) function out = compress(data, factor) temp = size(data); for i = 1:fix(temp(2) / factor) temp2(i) = data(factor * i); end out = temp2;

9)function out = energy(data, TimePerSample) temp = size(data); if temp(1) > temp(2) sztemp = temp(1) else sztemp = temp(2) end

temp2 = 0; %calculate energy (using rectangle approximation) for i = 1:sztemp temp2 = temp2 + ((data(i) * data(i)) * TimePerSample);

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end out = temp2;

10) function out=formattext(string) % formattext(string) takes a text input (such as a filename) and formats it with % additional /'s for proper printing sz = size(string); index = 1; for i = 1:sz(2) if string(i) == '\' out(index) = '\'; index = index+1; out(index) = '\'; else out(index) = string(i); end index = index+1; end

11) function out = getclicks_t(gca, TimePerSample, NumSamples) click = 0; done = 0; fstart = -1; %set fstart to one left of origin fend = (TimePerSample * NumSamples) + 1; %set fend one to one right of end of graph while ~done waitforbuttonpress; currPt=get(gca,'CurrentPoint'); axes

% value depends on settings of

if((currPt(1) > 0) & (currPt(1) < (NumSamples * TimePerSample))) text(currPt(1), currPt(3), 'X', 'color', 'red'); drawnow

- 233 -

if fstart < 0, fstart = currPt(1); elseif fend > (NumSamples * TimePerSample) fend = currPt(1); end; if fstart > fend %make sure fstart < fend temp = fstart; fstart = fend; fend = temp; end; click = click + 1; end; if click > 1 done = 1; end; end; out = ([fstart fend]);

12) function out=parse_descriptor(filename) %-----------------------========================----------------------% PARSE_DESCRIPTOR(FILENAME) % % Parses descriptor files written by ultra.exe % % Internal function for analysis.m % % Returns [-1 0] on failure %-----------------------========================----------------------Desc = agetdata(filename); DescSize = size(Desc); if Desc(1) == -1 disp(''); out(1) = -1; elseif DescSize(1) < 2 disp(''); out(1) = -1; else out(1) = 10^Desc(1); %Calculate time per sample out(2) = 10 * Desc(2); %Calculate number of samples out(3) = 1 / out(1); %Calculate sampling rate out(4) = out(3)/out(2); %Number of Hz per sample out(5) = 0; %NOT USED out(4) = round(out(4)); %round to the nearest integer if DescSize(1) > 2 out(9) = Desc(3); %current angle else

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disp(''); end end

No angle data in

13) function out = plotfile() [dfname, dpname] = uigetfile('*.dat', 'Select Data File'); if dfname == 0 return end

newname = [strtok(dfname, '.') '.angles.dat'];

abase = agetdata([dpname newname]); temp = agetdata([dpname dfname]); asize = size(abase); tsize = size(temp);

if asize(1) == -1 | asize(1) == tsize(1) temp = agetdata([dpname dfname]); plot(abase, temp); asize = size(abase); y2 = max(temp); y1 = min(temp); x2 = abase(1); x1 = abase(asize(1)); axis([x1 x2 y1 y2]); s = date; string = formattext([dpname dfname]); title([string ' ' s]);

- 235 -

grid on; zoom on; else temp = agetdata([dpname dfname]); plot(temp); s = date; string = formattext([dpname dfname]); title([string ' ' s]); grid on; zoom on; end

14) function out = removeDC(wave)

disp(''); %remove DC component from windowed waveform sum = 0; wavesize = size(wave); for i = 1:wavesize(2) sum = sum + wave(i); end avg = sum / wavesize(2); for i = 1:wavesize(2) out(i) = wave(i) - avg; end

15) velocity: calculate wave velocity. clear all; close all;

%% input wave waveform wave = zeros(10000, 19); for c=1:19 [dfname, dpname] = uigetfile('*.dat', 'Select Data File'); if dfname == 0 %the user pressed cancel disp(''); return; %abort and return to window end

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DescFile = [dpname dfname '.desc']; %read in and parse descriptor file Param = parse_descriptor(DescFile); if(Param(1) == -1) %unable to read file DispString = sprintf('', DescFile); disp(DispString); out = [-1 0]; return; end DataFile = [dpname dfname] wave(:,c) = agetdata(DataFile); end TimePerSample = Param(1); NumSamples = Param(2); SampRate = Param(3); HzPerSample = Param(4); twave = 1:NumSamples; for i = 1:NumSamples twave(i) = i*TimePerSample; end Cwater = 1481; Ds = 0.03765; for c = 1:19 figure; plot(twave, wave(:,c)); y = max(wave(:,c)); text(twave(NumSamples)/3, y, 'Select Window Region', 'color', 'red'); xlabel('Time(s)') ylabel('Voltage(v)') points = getclicks_t (gca, TimePerSample, NumSamples); wstart = points(1); wend = points(2); delta_t = wend - wstart Velocity (c) = Cwater*Ds/(Ds - Cwater*delta_t);

end figure; theta = 0:10:180; plot(theta, Velocity) xlabel('Angle (Degree)'), ylabel('Fast Wave Velocity Peak Value') Velocity

- 237 -

16)function out = viewseq(file) if file == 0 [dfname, dpname] = uigetfile('*.dat', 'Select Start File'); out = [dpname dfname]; DescFile = [dpname dfname '.desc']; else out = file; DescFile = [file '.desc']; end

if dfname == 0 return end

szname = size(dfname); sfname = size(file); numcount = 1; if file ~= 0 for i =1:sfname(2) - 4 newname(i) = file(i); end else for i = 1:szname(2) - 4 newname(i) = dfname(i); end end

done = 0;

while ~done numcount = numcount+1; if file == 0 data = agetdata([dpname dfname]); Desc = parse_descriptor(DescFile); dfname = [newname num2str(numcount) '.dat']; DescFile = [dpname dfname '.desc']; else data = agetdata(file); Desc = parse_descriptor(DescFile); file = [newname num2str(numcount) '.dat']; DescFile = [file '.desc']; end

- 238 -

if data(1) == -1 & data(2) == 0 done = 1; else plot(data); y = round(max(data)); angle = sprintf('%d', Desc(9)); string = ['Angle: ' angle]; text(100, y, string); drawnow; pause(1); end end


17) waterfallA.m: calculate the impulse response as a function of rotation angle of the coral sample clear all; close all; %% input base waveform [bfname, bpname] = uigetfile('*.dat', 'Select Base (water only) File'); if bfname == 0 disp(''); return; %abort and return to window end BaseFile = [bpname bfname] base = agetdata(BaseFile); %% input wave waveform wave = zeros(10000, 10); for c=1:10 [dfname, dpname] = uigetfile('*.dat', 'Select Data File'); if dfname == 0 %the user pressed cancel disp(''); return; %abort and return to window end DescFile = [dpname dfname '.desc']; %read in and parse descriptor file Param = parse_descriptor(DescFile); if(Param(1) == -1) %unable to read file

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DispString = sprintf('', DescFile); disp(DispString); out = [-1 0]; return; end DataFile = [dpname dfname] wave(:,c) = agetdata(DataFile); end TimePerSample = Param(1); NumSamples = Param(2); SampRate = Param(3); HzPerSample = Param(4); twave = 1:NumSamples; for i = 1:NumSamples twave(i) = i*TimePerSample; end %set some parameters for windowing, downsampling, and zero padding WindowTime = 20*10^-6; %window length WindowRes = 10^4; %frequency resolution of final, zero padded signal in Hz/point DesSampRate = 10*10^6; %desired sampling rate after downsampling PaddedTime = 100^-6; %time length of zero padded signal %We want a time range of 100us to provide 10kHz frequency resolution Param(6) = WindowTime / Param(1); %number of points included in window %disp(Param); OrigTimePerSample = Param(1); %windowing, downsampling, zeropadding factor = round(Param(3)/ DesSampRate); 'factor'

%downsample by a factor of

wbase = window_wave (base, Param(6)); %wbase = removeDC(wbase); if DesSampRate < Param(3) needed cwbase = compress(wbase, factor); TimePerSample = Param(1) * factor; else cwbase = wbase; TimePerSample = Param(1); end cwbase = 0.4467*cwbase; tcwbase = (1:1000)*10^(-7); %TimePerSample;

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%only downsample if

%zeropadding cbase = [zeros(1, 1800) cwbase zeros(1, 2800)]; SampRate = 1/TimePerSample; cwbase_size = size(cbase); fbase = fft(cbase); for i = 400:cwbase_size(2)-400 fbase(i) = 0; end delta = .007*max(abs(fbase)); hbase = (1:1000)*10^(-7); z = zeros(10, 500); zz = zeros(10, 1000); for c = 1:10 %wwave = Window_wave (wave(:,c), Param(6)); h = figure; plot(twave, wave(:,c)); y = max(wave(:,c)); text(twave(NumSamples)/3, y, 'Select Window Region', 'color', 'red'); xlabel('Time(s)') ylabel('Voltage(v)') points = getclicks_t (gca, TimePerSample, NumSamples); wstart = points(1); wend = points(2); w2start = round (wstart/OrigTimePerSample); w2end = round(wend/OrigTimePerSample); %some error checking if w2start > NumSamples w2start = NumSamples; elseif w2start NumSamples w2end = NumSamples; elseif w2end NumSamples w2start = NumSamples; elseif w2start NumSamples w2end = NumSamples; elseif w2end WaveSize(1) disp(''); WaveEndPoint = WaveSize(1) - 1; end

%Window waveforms for i = WaveStartPoint:WaveEndPoint out((i - WaveStartPoint) + 1) = wave(i); end

%wwave = windowed wave

20)function out = window_waves (wave, WaveStartPoint, WaveEndPoint) % window waveforms for i = WaveStartPoint:WaveEndPoint out((i-WaveStartPoint) + 1) = wave(i); end

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21) function out = zero_pad(wave, DesSampRate) wavesize = size(wave); disp(''); TimeWave = wavesize(2) * (1/DesSampRate); TimeToAdd = 100*10^-6 - TimeWave; pad

%amount of time to zero

for i=1:wavesize(2) out(i) = wave(i); end for i=wavesize(2):(TimeToAdd*DesSampRate + wavesize(2)) out(i) = 0; end

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