AP Biology Summer Assignment 2016

AP Biology Summer Assignment 2016 Welcome to the world of AP Biology! This summer assignment has been designed for five purposes:  To get you to thi...
Author: Coral Brooks
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AP Biology Summer Assignment 2016 Welcome to the world of AP Biology! This summer assignment has been designed for five purposes: 

To get you to think during the summer months to keep your mind sharp, because I will expect a lot of it in August! To expand your vocabulary by familiarizing you with terms that we will be using in class. To introduce you to major concepts from AP Biology through non-classroom methods of learning. To earn two strong grades to help you begin the first quarter with confidence. To decrease the amount of new material that you will have to learn during the school year.

   

# 1


Due date August 31 (A-day) September 1 (B-day)

September 2 (A-day) September 6 (B-day)

Assigned Task Submit Assignment: Adopt a Molecule Don’t forget to turn in the Adoption Certificate (pages 2 – 3 of this packet) & your model! Submit Assignment: Experimental Design / Animal Behavior Laboratory This includes a typed Laboratory Report that fulfills the expectations of the attached rubric. Additionally, don’t forget to complete the attached podcast questions (p.5), Animal Behavior Research worksheet (p.7-9), and flashcards (p.10) **All Laboratory Reports will be turned in to turnitin.com. I will provide you with the information you need to turn in your lab to turnitin.com on the first day of your class.**


Complete the Adoption Certificate for your assigned Baby Molecule!

Parent Name: Baby Molecule Name: Characteristics of the Molecule:

Made up of the Elements: Family/Classification of Molecule: Is it a Carbohydrate, Lipid, Nucleic Acid or Protein?

Functions of Other Members of the Family:


Subunits: Functional Group(s) in Molecule (Include Name & Picture of Functional Group(s):

Specific Functions of Baby Molecule (Include Minimum of 2 Functions): Function 1:

Function 2:

How Does This Baby Molecule Support Your Life?

List the sources you used to discover information about your assigned Baby Molecule (Use APA Format):

***You must build a 3-D atomic model of your biomolecule that does not use a model kit!!! Your model should be no larger than 8 x 11 x 11”, but cannot be so small that it cannot be easily seen when displaced in the classroom!!***


                                 

Glucose Sucrose Glycogen Maltose Fructose Phospholipid Stearic Acid Omega-3 Fatty Acid RNA DNA ATP Testosterone Estrogen Adrenaline Insulin Acetylcholine Alanine Aldosterone Amylase Antidiuretic Hormone Auxin Chlorophyll Chitin Cortisol Cytochrome C Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) Deoxyribose Dopamine Epinephrine Fibrin Follicle Stimulating Hormone GABA Glucagon Glycerin

                                  

GTP Helicase Hemoglobin Hydrogen peroxide Lactase Lactose Ligase Lysozyme Lycopene Melatonin Mitosis-promoting factor Norepinephrine Oxytocin Penicillin Pepsin Platelet-derived growth factor Polymerase Prolactin Pyruvic acid Retinol Riboflavin Ribose Salicylic Acid Serotonin Tryptophan Urea Ascorbic acid Calciferol Folic acid Creatine Ephedrine Glucosamine Gluten Interferon Myosin 4

Directions: Answer the questions below using the following resources. Go to http://dpapbio.wikispaces.com/Presentations-+Ecology & click on the first Prezi Presentation, which is titled “Behavior.” You may also choose to use the following supplementary resources to help you answer the questions: Crashcourse Biology Videos: (On YouTube)  Animal Behavior - CrashCourse Biology #25  Ecology - Rules for Living on Earth: Crash Course Biology #40 Videos by Paul Anderson: (On YouTube)   

“Animal Behavior” “Behavior & Natural Selection” “Information Exchange”

Questions: (Please complete & turn in.) 1. How does organismal behavior demonstrate an emergent property of an organism’s physiology? 2. Explain the difference between proximate and ultimate explanations for a particular behavior. 3. Why does behavior require communication? 4. Explain the difference between innate and learned behaviors? 5. Are there any limitations on the complexity of innate behaviors? If so, what are they? 6. Are there any limitations on the complexity of learned behaviors? If so, what are they? 7. How can natural selection act on innate and learned behaviors? 8. Why would an organism behave in a way that reduces its individual fitness? Things you should make sure you understand: 1. Proximate and ultimate explanations for all behaviors discussed in this presentation. 2. The processes and mechanics of communication among all lineages discussed in this presentation. 3. The evolutionary explanation for the emergence of agonistic and altruistic behaviors.


Animal Behavior AP Inquiry Lab Introduction Ethology is the study of animal behavior. This involves observing an organism’s behaviors, interpreting what is observed, and researching different organisms. Ethologists study and observe an organism’s reaction to the environment around them. Biotic and abiotic factors are limiting factors that control the maximum size (carrying capacity) of a given population. Favorable conditions are desired by an organism of its home environment. Because of this, an animal must search for the environment to fits its structure and needs. This is called habitat selection. Orientation behaviors place the animal in its most favorable environment. In taxis, the animal moves towards or away from a stimulus. Taxis are often exhibited when the stimulus is light, heat, moisture, sound, or chemicals. Kinesis is a movement that is random and does not result in orientation with respect to a stimulus. If an animal responds to bright light by moving away, that is taxis. If an animal responds to bright light by random movements in all directions that is kinesis. Agnostic behaviors are exhibited when animals respond to each other by aggressive or submissive responses. Often the agnostic behavior is simply a display that makes the organism look big or threatening, such as in Betta fish and Paradise fish. Mating behaviors may involve complex series of activities that facilitate finding, courting, and mating with a member of the same species. In this lab, you will observe the behavior of an insect and design an experiment to investigate its response to environmental variables and/or observe and investigate mating behaviors. Purpose: In this laboratory, you will investigate orienting behaviors (kinesis/taxis), agnostic behaviors or mating behaviors of your choice insect.


Name: Animal Behavior Research Worksheet (Please complete & turn in.) Organism Research: (What organism are you choosing? ________________________) Over the summer you will perform an AP Biology prescribed Animal Behavioral Lab. You will then be expected to design and run an animal behavior lab of your own using an insect such as pill bugs (rolly pollies), worms, mealworms, ants, crickets, etc. Many of these species are available in your own backyard or you can buy them from a pet store! You may also choose to use either betta fish or paradise fish. If you choose a species (such as a fish) choose responsibly – do not get a “pet” and then decide you don’t want it anymore and treat the organisms with care and respect. **I expect that the organism you work with will not be harmed during the experiment!** Complete the information below on your organism…this sheet will be turned in with your lab report!! 1. Classification Kingdom







2. Information/Characteristics about this animal and a visual drawing or sketch. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Detailed Sketch


3. Other organisms in its ‘Family.’ a. ___________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________

4. Determine its requirements: a. Space – habitat __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ b. Trophic level in the food web i. Is it an herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, or detrivore? _____________________________________________________ ii. Nutritional needs? ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ iii. What adaptations does it have to protect it from predators? What are its predators? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________________ iv. What is its niche? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________________ 5. Identify its mode of reproduction and any development stages the animal might go through: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 8

6. What limiting factor will you test? How does this relate to an environmental factor found in the animal’s natural environment? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 7. Identify and describe the different orientating behaviors your animal normally demonstrates in nature: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 8. What types of orientating behaviors do you expect your animal to demonstrate in your experiment? (kinesis/taxis, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 9. What types of social behaviors do you expect to see in your experiment? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 10. Complete an Experimental Design Diagram Title: The effect of the

on the (Independent Variable)

Hypothesis: If the (Independent Variable) then the (Dependant Variable)

. (Dependant Variable)

(Describe how it will be changed) will

. (describe the effect)

Independent Variable (IV): Levels of the IV  Number of Trials Experimental Control (CV):

Constant Variables: 9

Requirements:   

You resource must be clearly quantifiable…did you choose a quantifiable measure? A minimum of 10 trials of the same experiment must be run! To obtain accurate data, you may need more! Each trial will be at least 10 minutes long….for some experiments you may need more time!!

Be sure to create data tables, graph, and complete a statistical analysis!! Your data tables and graphs must be created on the computer! You will also complete a written conclusion in your final lab report too!! See the grading rubric for the specific details of the final lab report you will submit. Vocabulary Cards Please submit the following terms as flash cards. Please remember your definitions should reflect science or ecology:                    

Behavior Ethology Proximate causation Ultimate causation Fixed action pattern Stimulus Associative learning Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Agonistic behavior Kinesis Taxis Pheromones Innate behavior Imprinting Sensitive period Altruism/Kin Selection Promiscuous Monogamous Polygyny/Polyandry


AP Biology Lab Report Rubric


A formal lab report provides an effective method for you to organize your work, and mimics papers in scientific journals. Include the following in your lab report. -Concisely explains the purpose of the 3 pts investigation



Materials & Procedures

-Includes the Scientific Name of organism of study (Genus species) -A summary of this laboratory investigation -1 paragraph; fewer than 100 words -Background information (Includes your cited research from a minimum of 3 reliable resources!). This must be a minimum of 2-3 pages!

3 pts

5 pts

-Purpose of this investigation; how the investigation answers a specific question; curricular context (How does the investigation relate to the essential questions for the lab?)

5 pts

-Hypothesis(es) (If…then) -Materials/supplies listed

5 pts 3 pts

-Procedures clearly stated -Procedures include only 1 independent variable -Procedures include a description of how quantitative data will be obtained -Data recorded in tables (tables titled, Results/Data Collection/Analysis calculations completed)

5 pts

10 pts

-Graphs (graphs titled, axes labeled correctly)

10 pts

-Statistical analysis **At a minimum, you must calculate the mean, median, and mode. To earn full credit, you must include a T-test, ANOVA, or Chi-Squared Analysis (whichever test is the best fit for your experiment)!**

10 pts

-Results summarized

4 pts


-Conclusions stated / Results interpreted – Be detailed in your explanations! **In order to earn full credit, you must tie your conclusions to related concepts from one or more of the Big Ideas!**

10 pts

-Results compared to hypothesis and primary question

2 pts

-Errors identified and specific suggestions for improvement are made

10 pts

6 pts

Literature Cited

-Based on your data, what are the questions (minimum of 3) that you have for further investigation? Be detailed! Explain why you are believe that these topics are worthy of further investigation and propose possible procedures/techniques for investigating your questions. -Cited within write-up

Correct Use of Language

-Accuracy of citation information (APA style) -Grammar (NO 1st or 2nd person; NO contractions in formal scientific writing)

2 pts 2 pts

-Punctuation (Separate paragraphs based on topic/idea)

2 pts


1 pt

Conclusions & Discussion


2 pts

Graphing Tips A graph is a visual representation of your data, and you want your graph to be as clear as possible so that you and other scientists can interpret your results. A graph must have a title that informs the reader about the experiment. Check to make sure that your graph(s) include the following:    

Axes must be clearly labeled with units. The x-axis shows the independent variable. The y-axis denotes the dependent variable. Intervals must be uniform and have a pattern (every 1, 5, or 10 intervals, or whatever is appropriate)  Label the x and y-axis