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AND REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING Submitted to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) June 30, 2016

Disclaimer: The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this document submitted by REDD Country Participant and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence of its use. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map do not imply on the part of the World Bank any judgment on the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. The Facility Management Team and the REDD Country Participant shall make this document publicly available, in accordance with the World Bank Access to Information Policy and the Guidance on Disclosure of Information for the FCPF Readiness Fund (Annex 3 of the Common Approach, revised August 9, 2012). Note: FMT Note 2012-7 relays out the process for REDD Country Participants to submit, and the Participants Committee (PC) to review, mid-term progress reports and requests for additional funding of up to US$5 million.

Table of contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 5 2. Review of R-PP implementation progress .............................................................................. 6 2.1 Component 1: Organization and consultation ..................................................................10 Subcomponent 1a: Institutional arrangements for REDD+ management ...........................10 Subcomponent 1b: Consultation, participation and awareness-raising ..............................12 2.2 Component 2: Preparation of a national REDD+ strategy................................................16 Sub-component 2a: Assessment of land use, forest policy, and governance.....................16 Sub-component 2b: Strategic options ................................................................................17 Sub-component 2c: Implementation framework for the national REDD+ strategy ..............18 Sub-component 2d: Social and environmental impacts .....................................................19 2.3 Component 3: Establishing the National Reference Emission Levels (REL) ....................19 2.4 Component 4: Design of a national forest monitoring system (NFMS) and information on safeguards ............................................................................................................................21 Sub-component 4a: National Forest Monitoring System ....................................................21 Subcomponent 4b: Information system for co-benefits, governance and safeguards ........21 3. Analysis of the progress made on activities funded by the FCPF grant .................................22 3.1 Annual work plan.............................................................................................................22 3.2. Review of key issues ......................................................................................................23 4. Compliance with the principles of common approach ............................................................28 5. Updating the funding plan for REDD+ readiness Activities ....................................................29 6. Summary of the request for additional grant submitted to the FCPF .....................................30 6.1 Objective of the preparation phase covered by the request .............................................30 6.2 Duration of the preparation phase covered by the request ..............................................31 6.3 Summary of activities to be supported by the FCPF additional funding ...........................31 Component 1: Organization and consultation ............................................................................31 Component 2: Development of the REDD+ strategy .............................................................33 Component 3: Development of a national REL ......................................................................34 Component 4: Designing a monitoring system - MRV ...........................................................34

List of annexes Annex 1: Current REDD+ pilot projects in Madagascar .............................................................36 Annex 2: Ministerial Order for the creation of REDD+ platform..................................................37 Annex 3: Consultations as part of setting up the national REDD+ platform ...............................42 Annex 4: UN-REDD+ needs assessment ..................................................................................42 Annex 5: Eco-Regional REDD+ project for rainforests (PERR-FH) ...........................................43 Annex 6 : Definitions of deforestation and degradation from the methodology workshop in Moramanga...............................................................................................................................43 Annex 7: Consultation and participation during the methodology workshop in Moramaga .........44 Annex 8: Capacity building on forest inventory methodology.....................................................44 Annex 9 : Progress status of REDD project activities (October 2015 – June 2016) in US dollar (USD) ........................................................................................................................................45 Annex 10 : Details of activities for additional funding .................................................................54

List of figures Figure 1: Evolution of the REDD+ readiness process in Madagascar......................................... 6 Figure 2 : Institutional arrangements for the management of the REDD+..................................10

List of tables Table 1 : Funds allocated to Madagascar’s readiness to REDD+ ............................................... 7 Table 2: Progress observed on R-PP and strategic options ....................................................... 7 Table 3 : Financial progress status of the activities of the REDD+ readiness activities (Oct. 2015- June 2016) in dollars (FCPF grant) .................................................................................22 Table 4 : Analysis of key issues and challenges per component (challenges and lessons learnt) .................................................................................................................................................24 Table 5 : Update of the funding plan for REDD+ readiness activities ........................................29 Table 6 : Summary of the funds allocated to each component under the additional funding ......31

Acronyms AFD:

French Development Agency


National REDD+ Coordination Office


Conservation International


Interministerial Committee for the Environment


Decentralized Territorial Collectivities (local authorities)


Regional Directorate of Environment, Ecology and Forestry


Directorate of Forest Resource Development


Emission Reduction Program Document


Emission Reduction Program


Emission Reduction Program Idea Note


Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment


Food and Agriculture Organization


Forest Carbon Partnership Facility


German Technical Cooperation


Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forestry


Madagascar National Parks


National Environment Office


Non-Governmental Organization


United Nations REDD+ Program


Sustainable agriculture program using a landscape approach


REDD+ eco-regional project – Eastern Humid Forests


United Nations Development Program


Forest Policy


Readiness Preparation Proposal


Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation with inclusion of Sustainable Forest Management, Sustainable Forest Conservation and Increase in carbon stocks.


Reference Emission Level


Safeguards Information System


National Forest Monitoring System


Decentralized Technical Services


Commune and forest resource management groups (Malagasy acronym)


World Conservation Society


World Wildlife Fund

1. INTRODUCTION Madagascar has a great diversity of ecosystems that is home to significant biological wealth. However, this biological wealth suffers from significant anthropogenic pressures. In continuation of the efforts that have been carried out since the implementation of the environmental program in 1992, the country is currently developing a framework for sustainability and for strengthening the conservation of its natural resources as part of a broader strategy to promote food security and livelihoods in rural areas through increased agricultural and agro-forestry production. To prepare Madagascar for the process of reducing GHG emissions from deforestation and forest degradation as well as increasing forest carbon stocks (REDD+), a REDD+ technical committee bringing together all stakeholders was set up in 2009 to lead the development of a Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) that would serve as a roadmap for Madagascar in developing a national REDD+ strategy. Public consultations involving stakeholders from the public and private sectors and the civil society at the regional as well as the national level were conducted as part of developing the document. It should be noted that the REDD+ committee was upgraded to a REDD+ platform in June 2016 to reflect the new mandate of supporting REDD+ implementation in addition to conducting preparation work. The R-PP was submitted for approval and funding at the 17th meeting of the FCPF Participants Committee in July 2014 though it had already been approved nationally as early as in 2010. This led to the signing of a grant agreement for the amount of USD 3.8 million between the World Bank and the Government of Madagascar on May 15, 2015. Nevertheless, while the approval of the R-PP by the FCPF was pending, activities for the implementation of the R-PP have been initiated with funding from other technical and financial partners, such as the French Development Agency (AFD) the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ) and the World Bank. The experience gained from REDD pilot projects (Cf. Annex 1) over the last ten years in Madagascar has been essential for the preparation of the REDD+ process at the national level. The dynamics and willingness of the country to prepare for REDD+ were materialized with the inclusion of Madagascar in the UN-REDD program in September 2013 and the setting up of the National REDD+ Coordination Office (BNC-REDD+) at the Ministry in charge of Environment and Forests1 in February 2014. BNC-REDD+ is tasked mainly with ensuring alignment of national level activities with sustainable management of forest resources and linking the REDD+ process with political and strategic decision-making in key sectors. It stands as the steering and coordinating body for all REDD+ activities at the national level, as formalized by a joint commitment statement signed by the Ministry in charge of Environment and Forests, the Ministry in charge of Agriculture and the Ministry in charge of Energy and Hydrocarbons on September 11, 2015, along with the submission to the FCPF of Emissions Reduction Program Idea Note (ER-PIN) regarding the humid forests of eastern Madagascar. Through this declaration, the country confirmed its support for the REDD+ process and its commitment to move the process forward. Learning from the experiences of REDD+ projects, Madagascar seeks to implement a national program to reduce emissions using a landscape approach2that targets intact forests, secondary formations (forests resulting from degradation and/or


of Environment, Ecology and Forests (2016); Ministry of Environment, Ecology, Sea and Forests (2015); Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests (2014); Ministry of Environment, and Forests (20092013); Ministry of Environment, Forests and Tourism (2007-2008) 2

Approach that uses primary watershed as its basic territorial unit for the analysis of drivers of deforestation and forest degradation drivers and for the implementation of REDD+ activities


vegetation from natural regeneration), as well as agricultural areas that can provide incentives for forest protection and upstream protected areas and can further contribute to poverty reduction.

Figure 1: Evolution of the REDD+ readiness process in Madagascar To finalize the REDD+ preparation phase in Madagascar, four (04) components were defined in the R-PP, namely: (1) organization and consultation; (2) preparation of the REDD+ strategy; (3) development of national reference levels; and (4) development of a national forest monitoring system (NFMS) and a national safeguard information system (SIS). This mid-term report provides an update on the progress of activities under each R-PP component for Madagascar’s national REDD+ Readiness process that is funded by the FCPF. At the same time, it gives an overview of the R-PP implementation progress overall. It identifies obstacles and defines corrective actions to be taken to ensure that the program is on track to achieve optimum results by completion, scheduled for 2018. A detailed request for additional funds is also presented in this document, within the overall objective of enabling Madagascar to be ready for the implementation of the REDD+ program at the national level. The evaluation is based on the preparation phase’s outcome and output indicators and relies on those elements to be included in the Readiness Package (R-Package), whose submission is planned for mid2018. 2. REVIEW OF R-PP IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS Table 1 below summarizes the funds allocated to the four key components of REDD+ readiness. The funding from the FCPF currently accounts for 67 percent of the REDD+ readiness funding identified in Madagascar. In addition, a potential for technical support and


collaboration with World Resource Institute (WRI) on the National Forest Monitoring System(SNSF) (Component 4) is being negotiated with the MEEF. Table 1 :Funds allocated to Madagascar’s readiness to REDD+ Funding sources

Implementing Agency



Amount in USD




FAO, Madagascar










PERR_FH Consortium (ETCterra, WCS)



UNDP 1,2,3,4



In progress






Despite some challenges to access funds due to the 2008 political crisis, the readiness process has progressed well. The table below summarizes the progress made in the implementation of the R-PP and the overall readiness process. Table2:Progress observed on R-PP and strategic options Number 1. Organization consultations

Goal of

1a. National REDD+ 1. management arrangements 1) Accountability and transparency 2) Operating mandate and budget 3) Multi-sectoral coordination and intersectoral collaboration mechanisms 4) Technical supervision capacity 5) Fund management capacity




6) Complaints assessment and management mechanism 1b. Consultation, 7) Participation participation and stakeholders awareness-raising





8) Consultation process 9) Information sharing and accessibility 10) Implementation and public disclosure of consultation outcomes 2. Preparation REDD+ strategy



11) Assessment and analysis 2a. Evaluation of land use, changes in the allocation of 12) Prioritization of direct and indirect drivers/ pilots, forest law, policy and obstacles to the development of forests governance 13) Links between pilot projects/ obstacles and REDD+ activities 14) Action plans to address rights over natural resources, land tenure, governance 15) Implications for the forest law and policy 2b. REDD+ options

strategic 16) Selection and prioritization of strategic options for REDD+ 17) Feasibility study 18) Implications of strategic options on existing sectoral policies

2c. Implementation 19) Adoption and implementation of legislation / framework regulations 20) Guidelines for implementation 21) Performance of benefit sharing mechanism 22) National REDD+ monitoring system





2d. Social and 23) Review environmental Impacts safeguards





24) Design of the REDD+ strategy in relationship to environmental impacts and the social management framework 3. Reference emissions 25) Demonstration of methodology level/ Reference Level 26) Use of historical data adjusted to national circumstances 27) Technical feasibility of the methodological approach and consistency with UNFCCC / IPCC directives and guidelines 4. Design of forest 28) Documentation of the monitoring approach monitoring system and safeguard information 29) Demonstration of implementation at the system beginning of system 30) Institutional arrangements and capacities 4b. Design of an 31) Identification of relevant non-carbon aspects information system on and social and environmental issues multiple benefits, other impacts, governance and 32) Monitoring, reporting and information exchange safeguards 33) Provisions and institutional capacities of multiple benefits and safeguards



Significant progress


Satisfactory progress, improvements needed


Improvements needed


Lack of progress to date

2.1 Component 1: Organization and consultation Subcomponent 1a: Institutional arrangements for REDD+ management Efforts have been made to develop and put in place institutional structures for the implementation of REDD+ and ensure intersectoral coordination, engagement of all stakeholders, monitoring of technical and methodological tools in relationship with the development of the REDD+ process at national, regional and local levels, and capacity-building for all actors and stakeholders. To meet its objectives, the national REDD+ readiness management arrangement, which will to be officially established through an interministerial decree, will have three main responsibilities: (i)to ensure the integration of REDD+ strategies into sectoral policies and strategies, (ii)to implement REDD+ strategies in general, and (iii) to manage the process and coordinate REDD+–related activities in Madagascar. To accomplish its multidimensional objectives, the readiness management arrangement will be divided into three distinct levels: (i) a decision-making level, headed by the Office of the Prime Minister through the Interministerial Committee on the Environment (Comité Interministériel de l'Environnement CIME); (ii) an advisory level, by the REDD+ Readiness Platform (REDD+ Platform) at national and regional level; and (iii) an operational level, with a REDD+ National Coordination Office (Bureau de Coordination National REDD+ BNC-REDD+).DREEF at regional level. Figure 2 :Institutional arrangements for the management of the REDD+


The National REDD+ Coordination Office (BNC-REDD+) was established at the Ministry of Ecology, Environment, Sea and Forests by Ministerial Order No. 21718/15-MEEMF from February 2014 to ensure coordination of the REDD+ process. Though the R-PP provides that BNC-REDD+ should ensure only the operational aspects of the process, the Government decided that it will also pilot the process. Indeed, the needs assessments in relationship to the REDD+ vision and intersectoral dialogue conducted with the support of UN-REDD showed that there is significant diversity in REDD+ stakeholders’ interests, ideas, and initiatives, which can even be conflicting at times. Ownership at the national level, stakeholders involvement, and coordination, as required by the process’ multisectoral nature, can be achieved only if the Ministry has the necessary capacity to play its natural strategic and policy-making functions, via BNC-REDD+. Five (5) units staffed with 16 professionals have been created to ensure effective and transparent implementation of activities. The activities have progressed well thanks to the strengthening of BNC-REDD+ team with the recruitment of seasoned technical assistants in Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment(SESA), strategy, financial management, procurement, communication and support on coordination. Furthermore, BNC-REDD+ improved its performance in the area of procurement thanks to the capacity-building provided by the World Bank to its senior staff. New offices are under construction to accommodate BNCREDD+’s needs as well as to provide space for collaboration between the ministries for various activities that will be strengthened through the REDD+ process. Most of the rolling stock, office and communications equipment have also been acquired with the FCPF funding. In addition, the World Bank conducted a positive assessment of the financial management capacity of BNC-REDD+, resulting in the BNC-REDD+ becoming the fiduciary agency for the FCPF Readiness grant at the same time. A permanent mechanism for REDD+ revenue management is currently being assessed. The National REDD+ Platform, a multi-sector structure is made up of 12 sectoral ministries concerned with deforestation and forest degradation; technical partners and NGOs working in the field of environment and forest conservation; academics and researchers as well as civil society. While the setting up of the REDD+ national platform has generated a lot of impassioned discussion, it was agreed, following a series of workshops and exchanges between members (under the FCPF) that the platform will act as an advisory body (cf. Annex 4).The platform will be comprised of 31 members. The enthusiasm and commitment to establishing a robust structure serves as evidence of stakeholders’ ownership and commitment to advance the process. The platform was formally set up through a ministerial order (cf. Annex 1). As a next step, a retreat with all platform members is being organized to define the operating arrangements and budget, division of roles, and expectations of and between BNC-REDD+ and the Platform. To promote national ownership of the process, regional REDD+ platforms are being set up. Special consideration will be given to these platforms in the various public consultations underway. For the sake of efficiency and continuity, these platforms will build upon the respective, already existing Forestry Commissions (cfannexe11). The regional platforms will be responsible for coordination and regular consultations at local level (which will become an integral part of their duties), with the support of, and in cooperation with, BNC-REDD+.As most of the Forestry Commissions that will make up the regional platforms are dormant, they are currently being revitalized. However, the powers and duties of the regional platforms will be updated to enable them to fully play their roles in relation to the implementation of REDD+ in the field, which will also require capacity-building for their members. The involvement of the private sector as one of the key players in the deforestation process remains a challenge. Using FCPF


funds, two (02) regional platforms have already been revitalized, namely in Antsinanana and Alaotra Mangoro. With respect to the Interministerial Committee for the Environment (CIME), which is a decisionmaking body on strategic multi-sector aspects3, it has been inactive for some time and it is necessary to revamp its functions to allow effective integration of sectoral policies and programs in order to achieve REDD+ objectives in Madagascar. Going forward, the REDD+ readiness work will look at options to make this happen, including the strengthening of collaboration opportunities between Secretary Generals of key Ministries. The Regional Directorate of Environment, Ecology and Forestry (DREEF)acts as the representative of the MEEF at the local level as well as of BNC-REDD+ as regards collecting data required for updating all REDD+ systems databases. It will concurrently ensure the flow of information up to the central level. However, DREEFs have weak institutional capacity, which will be addressed through capacity building in the coming weeks to enable it to fulfill this new responsibility. Finally at the local level, the local entities that will provide data to feed into the process will include regional and local decentralized authorities (CTD), deconcentrated government technical services (STD), NGOs, civil society, academia, the private sector, local communities, and traditional authorities working in the field of environment and forestry or other natural resource management. However, it should be noted that the local institutions to which responsibilities are being given, such as the communes and forest resource management groups (or VOI as per the acronym in Malagasy), have poor institutional and technical capacities, a situation that needs to be rapidly improved and will require deliberate actions to support. Although significant progress has been made to date, there remain a number of challenges to address that require additional funding: - Institutional strengthening and capacity-building for some members of the national platform (namely some ministries that do not yet have adequate knowledge of REDD+ though they have an important role to play); - Institutional strengthening and capacity-building of regional platforms through the Forestry Commissions to enable them with greater ownership of the REDD+ process; - Institutional strengthening and capacity-building of deconcentrated technical services involved, institutional strengthening is needed especially for DREEFs; - Strengthening inclusion of, and partnership with the private sector; -Finalizing a national REDD+ revenue management mechanism that is effective, fair and transparent. Subcomponent 1b: Consultation, participation and awareness-raising The main challenges of the consultation is to make known the REDD+ mechanism to all stakeholders, also to collect their opinions on various keys issues related to the implementation of REDD+ on the ground in order to develop the national REDD+ strategy.

As a body tasked with managing inter-sectoral conflicts, CIME is also a forum for addressing issues that call for high-level decisions. 3


Consultation and participation are integral part of the national REDD+ process in Madagascar. Throughout the preparation process, public consultations were carried out at the national as well as the regional levels. To make consultations as productive and participatory as possible, the proposed consultation approach includes: (1) information and awareness-raising; (2) consultation of stakeholders; and (3) provision and dissemination of information and results of REDD+. This was practiced in the ER-PIN development and adopted for consultation activities throughout the readiness process. Awareness-raising at the grassroots level: -

2,000 flyers were distributed in schools in three (03) regions (Boeny, Alaotra Mangoro and Atsinanana) with the support of GIZ.


500 brochures on the consequences of climate change, 44 reproductions of forest cover maps and 44 aerial biomass maps were distributed to 22 DREEF under a GIZ local grant entitled “Support to the REDD+ preparation phase”.


Organization of two regional information and awareness-raising workshops in the Alaotra Mangoro Region was organized by the BNC-REDD+ to inform the public about the REDD+ process and especially the benefits of the process. One hundred flyers were distributed to CTDs4, STDs5, local communities, local officials and future members of the regional REDD+ platform. The materials distributed complemented the information and awareness-raising sessions conducted by BNC-REDD+ during climate change information days. Similar regional workshops are planned in the following regions: Atsinanana, Analanjorofo, Sofia, Sava, Menabe, Atsimo Andrefana, Diana, Boeny, and Melaky. The Forestry Commissions that will become REDD+ regional platforms will also be revitalized and informed about their future duties. A total of 50 people took part in the regional workshop in Alaotra Mangoro.


Concurrently, BNC-REDD+ recruited a Communications Assistant to improve and effectively implement the communication plan and help the team produce various communication tools. Regarding activities remaining to be done, awareness-raising is to be conducted at the district level, in other regions of the ER-program, and in the western dry forests ecoregion, not to mention the other two ecoregions before the process reaches a national scale.

Focus on the views of stakeholders on REDD+ and the causes and drivers of deforestation During the development of the R-PP, public consultations were held in eight regions with high deforestation rates that were deemed representative of forest ecosystems existing in Madagascar. The consultations reached a wide audience with diverse interests, including the local communities managing natural resources, forest user communities, civil society, the private sector, academics and researchers, and technical and financial partners. To get an indepth understanding of each actor’s (or group of stakeholders) strategic vision, the various groups were then consulted separately: -

Local communities: they were consulted during the development of the ER-PIN, and this was recently followed by awareness-raising campaigns in communes, among local


territorial structure at regional and local level;


technical service at regional level




communities (VOI) of fokontany6and STDs in three regions and five districts with funding from Biocarbon Fund. These localities belong to the Emission Reduction Program area which target eastern rainforest with important deforestation rate.(Analajirofo, Sofia, Diana) Local authorities: public consultations on the ER-PIN were held with the involvement of prefects of districts, heads of regions, mayors and VOI in the regions of Diana, Analanjirofo and Sofia. In December 2015, 12 more consultations were held in Moramanga, Morondava, Anosy, Alaotra, Atsimo Andrefana, Atsinanana, and Vakinankaratra to define the causes and drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and the solutions. These were followed by a national-level public consultation in Antananarivo. The consultations carried out as part of the analysis of the political economy and the drivers of deforestation and degradation currently conducted in the Eastern humid ecoregion and the Western dry ecoregion target also these two groups of actors, reaching four zones in the Eastern humid ecoregion and two zones in the Western dry ecoregion.

It is worth noting that the ongoing consultations in the start-up phase of Readiness activities implementation target primarily the two ecoregions mentioned above (Eastern humid ecoregion and Western dry ecoregion), which allows for more data to inform the development of the ERProgram document while progressing systematically toward the finalization of the national strategy. The extension to other ecoregions (mangrove and spiny forests) is planned in order to obtain comprehensive information and data that will feed into the national strategy. Optimizing stakeholders involvement 

Launching workshops for the needs assessment in relation to REDD+ implementation in Madagascar were held on February 25 and 26, 2015 with the support of UN-REDD+ (cf. Annex 2) and the attendance of several high-level officials and representatives of technical and financial partners as part of facilitating readiness for REDD+. The workshops were completed with individuals interviewed from March 3 to April 10, 2015 followed by a restitution workshop on April 16 and a validation workshop on May 6, 2015, attended by various stakeholders. The regular three-tier consultations (communes, districts, four regions of the ERprogram and four regions of the western ecoregion) that are underway aim to collect data on strategic options, implementation arrangements, and carbon governance; to prepare a basic mapping at the national level; to review co-benefits; and to establish the REDD+ baseline data monitoring and management system. There were at least 30 participants per workshop who were consulted and were distributed as follows: 10 STD, 10 CTD, 5 independent actors (private sector and NGO), 5 civil society and local communities for a total of 1,680 peoples. As for the consultations to collect socioeconomic, political, and cultural information on each intervention as well as baseline information in 04 regions and 19 districts in the Eastern humid ecoregion, in the 03 regions and 08 districts in the Western dry ecoregion, they contribute to the effectiveness of the proposed interventions and feed into the base of information in the ER-program zone.


subdivision of the territory of the commune. This is a basic administrative entity comprising several hamlets or villages.


The development of the complaints management mechanism currently underway is also being done through a consultative process at all levels to develop a robust understanding of the issues and local dynamics and thus has a mechanism that is effective. Exchanges with various technical partners working in the field of conservation and natural resource management who expressed interest in being involved in the process have also resulted in the expansion of the ER-Program area to the CAPAM area (Protected Areas Complex of AmbohimiravavyMarivorahona) and the surrounding watersheds. This will strengthen the commitment and responsibility of stakeholders and further confirms their willingness to participate in and support the process. The same applies to the desire expressed by the WCS Makira pilot project, in spite of methodological differences, to be included in the ER-Program area. It will be incumbent upon the BNC-REDD+ and partners to ensure consistency of approaches.

Emphasis on the final beneficiaries’ concerns The ongoing consultations related to the current SESA regarding the views and assessments of communities, including vulnerable groups that may be the most affected by impacts of the elements being defined in the in the national strategy including safeguards. Concurrently, consultations are underway to develop the Environmental and Social Safeguards Information System (SIS) under the REDD+ program. Multisectoral approach and commitment: -



As part of the development of the ER-PIN, a meeting between the ministers in charge of environment and forests, agriculture, energy and decentralization was organized to inform them of the landscape/watershed approach proposed in the ER-Program. The meeting resulted in a joint declaration of their commitment to the implementation of the national emissions reduction program (ER-Program) in the future. It should be noted that a Technical Assistant was recruited to support BNC-REDD+ in coordinating activities for the development of the ER-PD document and to help in ensuring consistency with the national REDD+ strategy. To identify the different points where linkages and synergies can be built between the future implementation of the ER-Program and projects already underway in other sectors, informal meetings between technicians from the relevant sectoral ministries have been regularly organized since July 2015. Technicians of the Ministries of Environment, Agriculture and Water have met and traveled together on site visits to identify synergies between the PADAP7 project and ER-Program where they occur in the same area. It should be emphasized that due to its critical importance for the effective implementation of the ER-program, a Technical Assistant seconded to the Secretariat General of MEEF was recruited to ensure success of this collaboration.

Wide dissemination of information: Under the eco-regional REDD+ Project for Eastern Rainforests (PERR-FH) (cf. Annex 3), a web-portal to inform the public on the progress of


is a Sustainable Agriculture Landscape Project, consisting in boosting agricultural production in adopting a landscape approach (involving different sectors - environment, water and agriculture – to tackle the issues in the landscape in an integrated way). PADAP is an investment that will help support the upfront cost for achieving actual emissions reduction under the ER-Program, and in turn, after the ERPD delivers, the carbon fund will help ensure the sustainability of the effort and work initiated under PADAP.


REDD+ in Madagascar was created. With support from the FCPF, a National REDD+ webportal will be set up at BNC-REDD+, profiting from the experience with PERR-FH. A forest atlas will be developed in collaboration with WRI. Despite the significant achievements, there are activities that remain to be completed and that have not been take into account in the initial planning. Naturally, the consultations were conducted mainly in the eastern rainforest ecoregions and the western dry forests. It will be necessary to expand consultations to other ecoregions, namely the mangrove and the spiny forest ecoregions and to improve BNC-REDD+’s communication to develop the national REDD+ strategy. 2.2 Component 2: Preparation ofa national REDD+ strategy This component is one of the most important elements of the readiness process. It aims to establish measures and adequate mechanisms to fight against deforestation and degradation by identifying strategic options. Sub-component 2a: Assessment of land use, forest policy, and governance To flesh out existing knowledge on the drivers of deforestation and degradation needed for developing a REDD+ strategy, complementary studies were conducted with funding from UNREDD+ and the World Bank. Studies funded by the FCPF resources are underway. They mainly aim at identifying more localized strategic options for each region. The first attempt to spatialize changes in forest cover (historic deforestation) at national scale was made in 2007 and covered the 1990 - 2000 - 2005 period. A second study, conducted in 2013, covers the 2005-2010 period. As part of PERR-FH, the baseline situation of the Eastern humid forests ecoregion was established, analyses of historic deforestation were conducted, the causes and drivers of deforestation and degradation were identified, and a modeling of future deforestation was developed. Although the analysis of historic deforestation in the dense dry spiny forests and mangroves of the West over the 2005-2010-2013 period has been conducted, the studies still need to be deepened. There are preconditions to the spatial analysis of the causes of deforestation and degradation. In order to ensure readiness for REDD+, it is crucial to identify the areas that are most representative of the local patterns of deforestation and analyze the drivers and political economy of deforestation and degradation to maximize intervention efficiency and effectiveness. Studies aimed at assessing Madagascar's needs in terms of land tenure and intersectoral vision and dialogue, and setting up of a National Forest Monitoring System were conducted with funding from UN-REDD+; targeted support to the assessment of the REDD+ legal framework in Madagascar was additionally provided. The land tenure assessment allowed for understanding the impacts of the current land situation related to REDD+ objectives and led to the formulation of 17 feasible actions that can be pursued to remedy the negative impacts of land insecurity in and around Malagasy forest areas. The study on intersectoral vision and dialogue allowed for analyzing influences and power relations between the sectors and identifying areas where actor interests overlap and can be mobilized around the REDD+ vision. The study on the setting up of a National Forest Surveillance System resulted in the proposition of an option that includes a mechanism and the institutional arrangements allowing for its establishment. As for the assessment of the REDD+ legal framework, it highlighted the current situation of the legal frameworks of all sectors linked with REDD+, as well as the actions to be taken to implement the REDD+ legal framework in Madagascar.


These studies were furthered with an FCPF-funded analysis of the political economy of deforestation and forest degradation. The analysis allowed for identification of the reasons for the persistence of deforestation and forest degradation activities per category of relevant actor and; for analyzing key issues and interests, as well as the strategies adopted by the different categories of actors. It also looked into the actors' perceptions of deforestation and forest degradation; relating economic, social, and political issues; the intervention procedures used by the different institutions to control deforestation and degradation; as well as the modalities of collaboration between sectors/actors. Strategic options were proposed to reduce deforestation and degradation and are discussed in the following section. Furthermore, as part of the R-PP development and with GIZ's support, public consultations were conducted in the 12 regions of Madagascar to identify the causes and drivers of deforestation. To achieve more general degree of representativeness, the study covered areas located outside of the ER-Program Regarding complaints management, a mechanism is being developed with funding from FCPF, namely through a consultation process of the local level at the central level. The mechanism is intended to ensure proper handling of potential REDD+-related conflicts. A capacity building plan will be drawn up at the end of the study to ensure sustainability of and access to the mechanism for local communities and all actors involved in the REDD+ process. The current funding from FCPF does not yet incorporate the institutional strengthening and capacity building of the institutions and sectors on complaints management, although these are crucial to ensuring mechanism efficiency. The studies conducted to date focusing on the eastern rainforest ecoregions seem to be incomplete as a foundation for a sound and extensive national strategy. Therefore, it would be necessary to expand the studies to the eastern dry and spiny forests, and the mangrove ecoregions. The same goes for the strengthening of the institutions ensuring complaints management. Sub-component 2b: Strategic options Four strategic options for implementing REDD+ were identified in the R-PP, namely (1) Improve the overall policy framework of the forest sector; (2) Create incentives for sustainable management and efficient use of forest resources; (3) Reinforce forest monitoring and law enforcement; and (4) Develop alternatives to deforestation and forest resource degradation. These options stem from an analysis of the orientations of the sectoral policies of the last decade, the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, and consultations with the stakeholders introduced in the previous components. An analysis of the REDD+ sectoral strategies and their potential conflicts and synergies in relation to the REDD+ interventions was conducted with the support of UN-REDD. This analysis allowed for the prioritization of strategic options in order to define the actions to be integrated into sectoral policies. The options were also analyzed as part of public consultations, the already completed studies on the political economy of deforestation and degradation, the studies on drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, and regular local and regional consultations currently undertaken with funding from FCPF. In addition, an assessment of the benefits and impacts, feasibility of implementation, advantages and economic costs of the focuses, and sustainability of the proposed strategic options is now partially completed. It should be noted that the strategic options are still in the process of evaluation and formulation as their definition requires an exhaustive and holistic review of deforestation and forest degradation in the Malagasy context. This review will be fully optimal only when all the findings of works and studies planned under the current FPCF funding are obtained, the finalization of 17

studies being scheduled for November 2016. It is possible to say, however, that a reduction in the pressures on forests will have to come through a systematic effort to intensify agriculture (particularly in irrigated rice areas) and through the promotion of agro-forestry approaches (in savanna and degraded forest land) including through private sector involvement. These are issues being addressed by the Government’s new Sustainable Landscape Management Program which is being designed in close coordination with REDD+ efforts. The national strategy, and the landscape approach just mentioned, will be translated into inter-regional space-based strategies to ensure their operationalization in the short and medium terms. To further the REDD+ strategy development and implementation process, it is proposed to use the additional fund to: -

Reinforce regional and communal planning tools, to take into account spatial considerations


Build the capacities of the forest unit and local management structures


Materialize intersectoral dialogue


Reinforce the coordination of resource management between the different key sectors and the integration of REDD+ to sectoral policies, strategies, and public policy instruments

Sub-component 2c: Implementation framework for the national REDD+ strategy The results expected from this component are the inclusion of REDD+ related consideration in the development of various legislation relating to REDD+, namely the reform of the forest policy and legislation. Institutional and legislative reform needs assessments have reached an advanced stage. As part of developing the R-PP, a study was conducted to analyze the legal and regulatory framework relating to REDD+. Targeted support has been obtained from the UNREDD Program to conduct an assessment of the REDD+ legal framework in Madagascar, including outlooks how to bridge gaps. Two studies were thenceforth launched in July 2014, one focusing on analyzing the legal and regulatory aspects of REDD+ and the other on defining the roadmap for implementing the recommendations for improving the legal framework of the REDD+ process. Reform propositions were then expressed through interactions. The results were validated during two workshops held in February 2015 and May 2015. In addition, BNCREDD+ has especially focused on the integration of REDD+ into the new Forest Policy (PolFor) under preparation and will contribute to the implementation of the new forest code through awareness and sensitization campaign. With regards to carbon governance-related activities, a national carbon registry is being created within MEEF. Draft legal texts on carbon income sharing mechanisms for two pilot projects (Makira and CAZ REDD+ projects) are in the process of development. The draft is based on the assessment conducted by CIRAD in 2013 and the FCPF-funded study analyzing the regulatory frameworks and exploring the financial sustainability of REDD+ implementation, including the carbon income flow mechanism, institutional conflict management, carbon ownership, and land tenure analysis. The texts will form the basis for establishing a carbon income sharing system for all forest carbon projects in Madagascar. Institutional and regulatory propositions are expected. In addition, the regular consultations made at the local and regional levels with funding from FCPF also aim to improve implementation and the carbon governance mechanism. The study on the development of new institutional arrangements and draft regulatory texts for the REDD+ strategy implementation (analysis of regulatory frameworks and study of the financial sustainability of REDD+ implementation, including the carbon income flow mechanism, institutional conflict management, carbon ownership, and land tenure analysis) will be initiated later on, as it is pending the results of some studies.


Given the achievements and results, the key additional activity identified to ensure adequate readiness for REDD+ that may be supported by the FCPF additional funding is to build the institutional and financial management capacities of institutions benefitting from or managing carbon incomes, especially at the regional and local levels, i.e. DREEF and the commune. Sub-component 2d: Social and environmental impacts During the PERR-FH activities, an analysis of socioeconomic aspects and biodiversity was initiated as part of developing monitoring systems. To further this effort, it is planned to use FCPF funding to support studies for the development and implementation of SESA and SIS in 02 ecoregions (Eastern rainforest and Western dry forest ecoregions). In this vein, SESArelated consultations are underway. The objective is to determine environmental and social concerns and issues relating to REDD+ and mitigation measures that could offset any effects and impacts. Opinions and assessments of the effects and impacts of the implementation framework of the strategy, focuses, and safeguard measures will be obtained at the end of the consultations. Although PERR-FH has already performed an assessment of socioeconomic and environmental impacts in relation with the strategy, this assessment pertains exclusively to the Eastern humid ecoregion. As such, an ecological integrity assessment is currently conducted in the 02 above mentioned ecoregions to monitor biodiversity-related impacts as part of the safeguards evaluation under REDD+. As for SIS, ongoing consultations will allow for improving forest governance through the REDD+ mechanism, with the goal, on one hand, to gather information on REDD+ safeguards, and, on the other, to securing buy-into the process by local communities. Current activities however do not go beyond the design stage and capacity building of system managers. Actors, including the local communities who are final beneficiaries of the program, still need some capacity building to be able to achieve ownership of the safeguard measures. While a plan for the implementation of SESA and SIS has been drawn up, institutional strengthening and capacity building of implementation actors and actors targeted by SESA and safeguard measures, at the central, as well as regional levels, are necessary to maximize the implementation results of the strategic options. 2.3 Component 3: Establishing the National Reference Emission Levels (REL) The activities conducted under the PERR-FH project significantly paved the way for the development of the national REL/RL. The project allowed for delineating the 04 ecoregions, namely the Eastern rainforests which are currently the ER-program's area, the dry forests, the spiny forests, and the mangroves of Western Madagascar. This delineation was established on the basis of ecological mappings by merging the phytogeographic domains of IEFN0 1994. PERR-FH also conducted studies that analyzed historic deforestation, defined the REDD+ non carbon methodology (methods for assessing impacts on biodiversity and socioeconomy), defined the notion of forest under REDD+, delineated the four ecoregions, established the baseline situation, and inventoried the above-ground biomass and soil carbon in the ecoregion of the Eastern humid forests through the setting up of 189 clusters of 3 plots each. On the other hand, forest degradation and stock increases were not considered in this ecoregion. The data situation is the same in the three other ecoregions. It was to remedy to this situation that FCPF's funding was used to conduct complementary studies: -


So as to improve the REL of the Eastern humid ecoregion, additional forest inventories are being conducted in degraded forests and growing forests (secondary formation) with the setting up of 250 permanent plots. Five (05) strata were made out in consideration of ecological diversity and the significant differences in biomass of secondary formations,

namely old savoka8, the Ravenala forest, the mixed Ravenala forest, and agroforestry. They will also be subject to biomass inventory. To allow for monitoring biodiversityrelated safeguards under REDD+, biological integrity assessments are currently underway in PERR-FH areas, as well as in degraded and growing forests. -

A methodology workshop was organized in Moramanga on April 2016 to clarify some technical and methodological aspects required for the development of REL in the ERProgram intervention zones, namely: (1) the definition of the terms "forest degradation and deforestation" and "forest" (cf. Annex 6), (2) the methodology used for performing the forest inventory and ecological integrity assessment, and developing the REL in the two intervention areas. The workshop was attended by staff from the Directorate of Forest Resource Development (DVRF) of MEEF and various international and national specialists involved in REDD+ pilot projects (GIZ, Conservation International, World Bank, ONE, WWF, WCS, ECT TERRA, Blue Venture, and the Manondroala Project) (cf. Annex 5)


Following this workshop, 85 staff from the Directorate of Forest Resource Development, the Directorate General of Ecology, and regional directorates involved in the inventory works received theoretical and practical training on inventory methods in Moramanga, Beforona, and Andasibe in May 2016. The international firm in charge of analyzing and processing inventory data then developing the REL and MRV system has been hired and is currently working on its first deliverable.


Furthermore, following the meeting for REL-related methodological definition held in Moramanga in April 2016, decision was made to accurately map forest degradation, as well as forest restoration (secondary formations), as defined by BNC-REDD+, on the basis of SPOT images analysis and processing across the ER-Program area as a whole; and test the potential of use of Landsat imagery to conduct similar analysis while reducing the costs of the emission reduction program during future monitoring-evaluation phases (MRV). In addition to this, SPOT imagery covering the ER-Program area will be acquired for use in the analysis of the mapping of different forest strata of the Eastern Humid Forests of Madagascar considered under REDD+.


The MRV unit team within BNC-REDD+ also received capacity building as part of an exchange mission on REL/NFMS in Congo Brazzaville, supported by UN-REDD+.


In addition, since there are no allometric equations for secondary formations as of yet, a study was launched to: (1) Develop allometric equations for secondary forest formations called "old savoka" and secondary forest strata where the Ravenala Madagascariensis species in Eastern Madagascar is dominant; and (2) Determine a biomass/ha coefficient for plant and shrub populations at a younger stage, i.e. "young savoka", in Eastern Madagascar.

The development of the baseline situation has progressed significantly. However, considering the ecological diversity, a precise national REL, which is crucial to carbon accounting, cannot be developed unless the RELs for mangrove and spiny forest ecoregions are first developed and existing RELs are improved.



forest formations

2.4 Component 4: Design of a national forest monitoring system (NFMS) and information on safeguards Clear progress has been made on two sub-components of this component. Sub-component 4a: National Forest Monitoring System A needs assessment relating to the SNSF and a related action plan and budget were developed with the support of the UN-REDD+. Consultations have allowed for identifying key issues and the results expected from the SNSF as well as what needs to be implemented to meet expectations. Gaps in data due to the lack of consistent methodologies of national coverage and regular updating, institutional synergy and broad coordination have been identified. Moreover, the means and (material and financial) resources available to the administration are inadequate. Overall, the technical capabilities exist but are scattered across different institutions (NGOs, university, etc.)..The lack of material and financial resources makes it difficult to scale-up action at the national level. To enable the implementation of the system, 189 permanent clusters (with 3 plots each)were installed from November 2014 to October 2015 with PERR-FH. As part of the implementation of readiness to REDD+ funded by the FCPF, the278permanent plots set up by the DVRF teams have allowed for subsequent carbon stocks monitoring as well as that the monitoring of forests ecological integrity .The forest and ecological inventory in the ecoregion of western forests will be conducted in October, 2016.All these data will be incorporated into the SNSF. It should be noted that these methodologies will be replicated in other ecoregions. Data processing and analysis at the end of the inventory work, the acquisition of SPOT satellite images as well as the development of a SNSF/MRV system are underway and should be finalized by January 2017. To allow BNC-REDD+ to ensure the storage and processing of information necessary for the future SNSF, a geomatics laboratory is being set up within the BNC-REDD+. It is already equipped with high-performance computers and two servers. Furthermore, four Directorates at MEEF along with BNC-REDD+ teams (22agents in total) received training on the processing and analysis of databases resulting from forest inventory works on May 09 and 10, 2015. The design of the SIS and a database management system as well as data collection for the baseline situation are underway and will be established within BNC-REDD+ by the end of October 2016.A forest atlas for an interactive biomass / carbon map will also be developed and managed by BNC-REDD+ in the coming months and will be fed by the data from the monitoring of permanent plots. Despite the significant progress, the hardware for the geomatics laboratory and for the management of databases, satellite images, software image processing and database management as well as staff capacity to ensure the implementation effective operation of these systems at central and regional levels remain insufficient. The same goes for the same for the fire warning system. Subcomponent 4b: Information system for co-benefits, governance and safeguards Systems for monitoring carbon stocks, deforestation drivers and socio-economic and environmental impacts have also been developed with the support of UN-REDD+ to monitor deforestation-related emissions. In addition, a proposal for safeguards monitoring system and a system for monitoring the causes of deforestation was made under the PERR-FH on the Eastern humid forest ecoregion. The FCPF resources are being used to fund the development and implementation of a safeguard information system (SIS) as well as the data collection for the baseline of the Eastern 21

humid forest and the Western dry forests; a consultant has been hired and the process is ongoing. A protocol for environmental and social safeguard monitoring under the REDD+ program and a manual on the management of database on environmental and social safeguards measures for REDD+ will be made available to stakeholders once developed. Validation workshops will be conducted at the end of the consultations. Database managers will also benefit from capacity-building on environmental and social safeguards. As in any system, improvements and adjustments will still be necessary to enable reliable and optimal use. These will be made after a few months of use. Obviously, the activities must be supported with capacity-building from the local to the central levels. 3. ANALYSIS OF THE PROGRESS MADE ON ACTIVITIES FUNDED BY THE FCPF GRANT An overview of the achievements, key activities, and gaps relating to the different components of framework development assessment is provided in the previous Section 2 hereunder. There is close alignment between Madagascar’s REDD+ readiness activities and what was funded by the FCPF grant. As such, and to avoid repetition with the previous section, this section will highlight the key issues, challenges, and activities described in the annual work plan, including expenditure reports for the REDD+ readiness implementation processes. 3.1 Annual work plan Madagascar's readiness process for REDD+ from 2015 to 2016 is guided by annual works plans that are backed with financial monitoring reports. In order to operationalize the program, readjustments of the AWP are made. Some activities were merged while other activities were added. Needless to say, this resulted in cost adjustments and effects on activity planning, which accounts for several activities being run concurrently. From an operational point of view, this enables BNC-REDD+ to ensure better coordination of activities and deliverables received and better consistency between these. The table below summarizes the use of FCPF fund allocations as of June 30, 2016. The detailed activities per component are shown in Annex 9. Table 3 : Financial progress status of the activities of the REDD+ readiness activities(Oct. 2015-June2016) in dollars (FCPF grant)


Amount committed amount Initial Forecasts disbursed (BIRD/FCPF) USD

+ in Amount disbursed in USD

Component 1: Organization et consultation




Sub-component 1a: Institutional arrangements for REDD+




Sub-component 1b: Consultation, participation, and sensitization







Component 2: Development of 22

the national REDD+ strategy Sub-component 2a: Assessment of land use, forest policy, and governance




Sub-component options




Sub-component 2c: Implementation framework, including complaints management




Sub-component 2d: Social environmental impacts




Component 3: Establishing the National Baseline Situation




Component 4: National monitoring system












Percentage In terms of financial management, the commitment and the disbursement rates stand respectively at 59 percent and 15 percent. The low disbursement rate is due to delays resulting from the many adjustments to the Annual Work Plan (AWP) and to the fact that a number of studies are still underway to be completed by October/November 2016. As such, there will be a “leap” in disbursement at that time, reaching up to 60 percent. In addition, accessing the FCPF resources took more time than anticipated following the signing of the grant agreement as well as capacity-building activities targeting the team also account for delays in activity start-up. All of these delays underpin the budget implementation (disbursement plus commitments) rate of 59 percent as of June 30, 2016. 3.2. Review of key issues A number of issues have emerged form BNC-REDD+’s experience since it was set up and started piloting the national REDD+ process, allowing for the development of solutions and/or recommendations for improvement moving forward. Some adjustments have been already been partly or fully implemented, others will be in the coming weeks. This adaptive management is a reflection of BNC-REDD+’s growth and learning and focus on anticipating and properly managing risks. The information is summarized in the table below.


Table 4 :Analysis of key issues and challenges per component (challenges and lessons learnt) Component

Key issues and solutions / recommendations identified

Subcomponent 1a

Issue 1 -The lack of adequate financial resources to guide the REDD+ process within the government of Madagascar over the last 10 years has resulted in the role of steering the REDD+ process being transferred to external partners (NGOs mostly) that had the skills and significant financial resources. This situation, compounded by five years of political crisis, gives BNC-REDD+ the heavy responsibility to reclaim the leadership of the REDD+ process and ensure overall coordination, which is a considerable effort. It is also imperative to manage and include partners that are committed to the same goals but are not used to the government playing a leadership role and can be complex at times (the steering of the process is now in the hands of Government through the BNC-REDD+).  Increasing and improving internal skills, capacity and organization of BNC-REDD+, particularly through the recruitment of additional staff and the various training courses attended allow for positioning BNC-REDD+ in a credible way as the lead agency for REDD+ in Madagascar. BNC-REDD+ is promoting a national vision for REDD+ where project managers focus increasingly on common interests needed for the establishment of such a national process. BNC-REDD+ should continue to improve in organizational planning and technical skills to properly lead the REDD+ process and better earn all stakeholders’ trust. Issue 2 -The establishment of institutional arrangements, including national and regional platforms, is central to the work of implementing REDD+, but to some extent is also a difficult and complex issue if the, often divergent, interests of different stakeholders with regards to REDD+ are factored in (although this trend appears to be easing, see Issue 1). Moreover, local interests and perspectives are insufficiently known and mastered, both by civil society and decentralized technical services. Yet, these will be important links in the institutional arrangement of REDD+ in Madagascar.  BNC-REDD+ has organized many workshops in which it has consistently stressed the national issues of the REDD+ process and the need to focus on common objectives and interests for the program design as a whole, rather than specific visions. This has enabled the coalescing of numerous players and the setting up of working groups around different thematic areas. BNC-REDD+ will continue to stress this concept and ensure that the implementation of activities will allow for greater flexibility for actors to meet their goals. In addition, substantial efforts need to be made to ensure capacity building of local actors, including through regional and


local workshops, and institutional strenghening. The lack of a financial management mechanism specifically for the use of carbon income results in inter-ministerial conflicts, (e.g. CAZ project9)  The CIME as the entity in charge of handling inter-ministerial conflicts must play its role when the time will come to address funds management and revenue sharing mechanisms with all stakeholders. BNC-REDD+ has only very limited authority on resolving inter-ministerial conflicts and must hand over this responsibility to the CIME. Subcomponent 1b

Issue: Civil society actors and local communities consider the REDD+ process as an appropriate source of funding to support their activities or projects to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, but they do not know how to take advantage of the opportunity. For effectiveness in the implementation of REDD+ projects, support must be provided at the local level. Awareness raising and consultation of local communities and different REDD+ stakeholder has occurred on multiple occasions, but these efforts are still inadequate to date.  Consultations will have to be prioritized in areas of intervention in order to allow for engaging local authorities and decentralized technical services on REDD+ activities and thus ensure real and meaningful participation and support from all stakeholders for emission reductions activities;  Scale up communication tools to reach the general public so that REDD+ is a process owned by the entire population. There is a real need to know more and in depth, and participate more actively in the process but it is necessary to be objective and clear as to what is feasible and achievable and to emphasize that the main actors are local people, in order to avoid creating high expectations that are only from outside. BNC-REDD+ will continue to emphasize that this is a national initiative;  Emphasize and encourage all REDD+ activities or initiatives among the populations to help them benefit from the potential impact of the efforts made. In parallel, to ensure that people really benefit from REDD+,BNC-REDD+ currently develops a benefitsharing mechanism in a consultative and participatory way.

Sub-component 2a & 2b



Issue: The development of a national strategy is a complex task that must ensure that the choice and determination of strategic options are based on a deep basis of information on land use, forest policy, the drivers of deforestation and degradation, local and national governance, land tenure, etc. The challenge is to enable the contribution and the effective and transparent management of information related to the REDD+ process, in order to (1) develop the national strategy based on a holistic and exhaustive analysis, and (2) encourage involvement of all stakeholders.

Corridor REDD+ pilot project

 The results of the public consultations underway at the local and regional level will be used as inputs for drafting the strategy and allowing all people to own the process;  The consideration of the skills and interests of stakeholders and particularly of local communities;  The results of studies under REDD+ that are in progress and will be finalized in October 2016 will feed into the reflections on the development of the national strategy;  The analysis of the direct and indirect causes of deforestation and forest degradation should be deepened in order to improve elements of the strategy;  BNC-REDD+_ must succeed in strengthening intersectoral policy dialogue with the support of the CIME REDD+ is considered a sustainable development tool and therefore the integration of strategic options and activities intosectoral policies (forestry, agriculture, mining, energy, etc.) is required to achieve national and global commitment.  BNC-REDD+ must also ensure a better analysis of policy and measures related to REDD+. The study on the development of national institutional and financial arrangements will be part of this crucial step.  BNC-REDD+ must strengthen its management and storage tools and practices as regards the flow of information from various studies and future consultations, in order to have clarity in initiating the strategy development process and to fully take into account the information collected in decision-making. Sub-component 2c

Issue: There is no clear institutional and financial mechanism defined for REDD+ in Madagascar, which is a major constraint to the implementation of REDD+, including regarding carbon revenue management. This leads to inter-ministerial conflicts but also results in distrust of some key players towards the REDD+ process.  The recruitment of the firm in charge of the REDD+ implementation framework and the development of the institutional and financial mechanisms must be accelerated in parallel with the setting up of CIME and the National REDD+ Platform.  Identify in a participatory and consultative manner the carbon revenue management mechanism (benefit sharing mechanism);  Include some rare competencies that are lacking in discussions today, including resource persons at national level that have expertise in the field of mining and oil.

Subcomponent 2d

Issue: Lack of/poor knowledge of REDD+ safeguards in Madagascar.


Issue: Determining the national emission reference level is a major


 Ensure ownership of social and environmental safeguards actions among local communities, including through harmonization of SESA and the SIS, institutional strengthening and implementation capacity-building for target actors that may be in charge of REDD+ (women, children, youth, etc.).


challenge and adjusting the historical level of emissions is necessary because the rate of deforestation is likely to increase in view of the socioeconomic situation in Madagascar. Despite the significant progress on this component, there is no specific methodology for forest degradation, and prior to that, no final decision whether to include it. Data and information are also lacking on some forest ecosystems (including secondary formations) that yet have significant potential for carbon stocks enhancement.  BNC-REDD+ has led the establishment of the Methodological Thematic Group which is made up of national experts, in particular to identify (1) if forest degradation in Madagascar is significant enough to consider its potential in terms of emission reductions, and (2) if appropriate, develop a methodology to estimate historical emissions from degradation, with the support of international institutions that have had similar experiences in other countries or regions;  Forest inventories underway on secondary formations in the Eastern humid forests will allow for better understanding these ecosystems. Concurrently, it is important that BNC-REDD+ enhance the value of the achievements of previous projects on the study of forest cover dynamism and plant and forest restoration in the context of Madagascar’s Eastern humid forests.

Sub-component 4a

Issue: Before setting up a national forest monitoring system, different and accurate pieces of information need to be collected. Next, a suitable tool needs to be developed to achieve the ultimate goal of an SNSF, i.e. provide abundant information on deforestation, forest resources, landscape approach, etc. in efficient, accurate, and public manner. This requires a broad vision that goes beyond REDD+, which poses a major challenge to BNC-REDD+ as it has, so far, focused on preparing the implementation of REDD+ in Madagascar;  Harmonize the inventory methodological approach;  Develop and implement the inventory data processing method to account for carbon;  Build the data processing and remote sensing capacities of inventory agents and technicians of General Direction of Forest and the General Direction of Ecology;  Contribute to the development of Regional Land Use Planning Schemes (SRATs);  Make the satellite monitoring system operational;  Make GIS and remote sensing operational in institutions involved in deforestation and degradation;  Expedite the launching of the development of a web portal and database management system so that they may consistently contribute to SNSF;  Organize frequent assessments of NFMS as it is developed with Methodological Thematic Group ;  Develop suitable communication tools to prevent SNSF from being


the exclusivity of experts and the REDD+ community. Sub-component 4b

Challenge: Successful implementation of REDD+ depends, among others, on the transparency of the safeguard information system and non-carbon benefit sharing system (monetary and non-monetary). BNC-REDD+ shall therefore ensure: -


Analysis of REDD+ benefit sharing mechanisms (or other relevant mechanisms) existing in the world and especially in Madagascar; Identification and categorization of stakeholders participating in the REDD+ program and their interests/ motivations/ conditions of participation; Identification of actors who are/could contribute to REDD+ objectives and their potential means of action; Interview with targeted stakeholders; Identification of an incentive mechanism capable of attracting actors and institutions to participate in the REDD+ process; Identification of factors/ principles necessary to the development of a benefit sharing mechanism; Analysis of the sharing options of benefits from a REDD+ program to achieve program objectives; Proposition of recommendations based on the analysis of benefit sharing options.

4. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PRINCIPLES OF COMMON APPROACH Madagascar has been following the common approach guidelines to provide a common platform for risk management and quality assurance, consultations, environmental and social safeguards, and a complaint mechanism that would be acceptable to the variety of entities concerned. The World Bank is the delivery partner for REDD+ readiness activities funded by FCPF in Madagascar. Risk management and safeguards processes and instruments are designed in accordance with the World Bank’s standards to the extent they are compatible with the UNFCCC guidelines. UN-REDD is considered as an important REDD+ partner among the many in Madagascar, and special attention is paid to ensure that activities are conducted in a way that is consistent with generally accepted practices. The national REDD+ process has been very participatory, consultative, transparent, and inclusive to date. In close collaboration with all stakeholders, the BNC-REDD+ works to establish robust platforms that foster engagement between key stakeholders in REDD+. At the national level, the REDD+ Platform was set up following an inclusive process to define the group’s objectives so it can serve as an advisory group that is inclusive and participatory for the larger committee and for the various technical working groups. Members include the various line ministries, national and international NGOs, research institutions, members of the civil society, among others. There has been little participation of the private sector to date despite the invitations extended to its members. To address the lack of engagement with the private sector, individual meetings were organized and efforts will continue to be pursued to partner with the private sector. Technical committees, such as the reference level/MRV group met several times to agree on the most appropriate methods to build upon the existing work, including new data on degraded 28

lands and enhancement of carbon stocks. At the regional level, BNC-REDD+ worked with the authorities and decentralized technical services to begin setting up regional platforms for the management of local REDD+ activities, including the revitalization of Forestry Commissions and the identification of ways to provide resources to the civil society for organizing themselves and thus to strengthen their participation in the REDD+ process. In addition, a grievance management mechanism is being developed in alignment with existing mechanisms to facilitate access and treatment broadly in line with the processes already in place and to fill existing gaps. 5. UPDATING THE FUNDING PLAN FOR REDD+ READINESS ACTIVITIES Table 5 : Update of the funding plan for REDD+ readiness activities Uses of Funds (in USD thousands) Total Total need in need R-PP updated

Funds used [3] Funds raised (B) [2]

(A) [1]

Funds Funds Commit Disbursed ted (C)

Funds Financing availabl gap (= A e (= B B) [5] C) [4]

Request to FCPF [6]

R-PP Component


1a Mechanism









1b Consultations









2a Diagnosis of deforestation









2b Strategy







2c Implementation framework


















3 Baseline scenario
















(If any)



6 Monitoring and Evaluation TOTAL









Sources of Funds (in US $ thousands)

FCPF [Specify activities Being supported by the FCPF]





Operationaliization of the institutional 1556 arrangements, development of REL, development of management strategy

and complaints management mechanism, NFMS, M&4

Government [Specify activities Being supported by the Government]

UN-REDD Program (if applicable) [Specify activities being supported by the UN-REDD]





Support for the establishment of the institutional 0 mechanism, development of REL as part of PERRFH


This fund was used to finance the national needs assessment related to land tenure in national forest 0 monitoring system (SNSF)/MRV and crosssector dialogue and vision focused legal support Use for public consultation at regional and the 0 level development of a communication plan


Other Development Partner 1 (GIZ) [Specify activities being supported by the Development Partner]




Other Development Partner 2 () [Specify activities being supported by the Development Partner]










The fund served to finance Component 1.

6. SUMMARY OF THE REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL GRANT SUBMITTED TO THE FCPF 6.1 Objective of the preparation phase covered by the request Madagascar is using the USD 3.8 million to launch the REDD+ readiness process, focusing on the key elements, i.e. the development of the strategy through a technical analysis of the drivers of deforestation, an environmental and social assessment of policy options, the development of reference levels (REL) to monitor the deforestation and forest degradation activities and noncarbon indicators such as biodiversity and socio-economic aspects, institutional arrangements for REDD+ management and any complaints. Madagascar is seeking additional funding (AF) from FCPF to enhance the impact of REDD+ on national poverty reduction efforts while filling critical gaps in the REDD+ readiness process. The AF will be used to support the Sustainable Landscape Management Program aiming at boosting livelihoods through natural resources management through a spatially oriented approach. This will be done in particular by strengthening the institutional framework for planning, implementation and monitoring in close cooperation with regional actors (e.g. communes, 30

regions, deconcentrated technical services, civil society, crop and livestock farmers) and for seeking partnership opportunities with the private sector, donors and other partners in the ERProgram zone. The AF will also be used to expand the analysis to other ecoregions of Madagascar (i.e. mangroves and southern spiny forests) to allow other investors to benefit from the REDD+ approach throughout the country and thus to better contribute to national sustainable development goals. Finally, the activities proposed for the additional funding will be used to ensure the implementation of the ER-program and to develop a sound basis for other potential investments. In this context Madagascar is submitting a request for additional funding amounting to USD 5 million to ensure the delivery of the R-Package that should be submitted in October 2018 (cf. Annex 8 for details). Table 6 : Summary of the funds allocated to each component under the additional funding Components Component 1a): Institutional arrangement for the implementation of the REDD+ readiness program

Cost (USD) 1,396,000

Component 1b): Consultation, participation and awareness-raising


Component 2a): Studies


Component 2b): Strategic options


Component 2c): Implementation framework


Component 2d): Environmental and social impacts


Component 3): Development of a national reference emission level (REL)


Component 4a) National forest monitoring system


Component 4b) Designing an information system on multiple benefits, other impacts, governance and safeguards




6.2 Duration of the preparation phase covered by the request The additional funding will cover the preparation phase period (2017-2018). 6.3 Summary of activities to be supported by the FCPF additional funding Component 1: Organization and consultation Component 1a: Institutional arrangement for the implementation of the REDD+ readiness program Key institutions and structures have been set up, including effective coordination within the BNCR. At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Forests, and the Ministry of Water, are developing a national program for Sustainable 31

Landscape Management which will address core drivers of deforestation by improving spatial planning, promoting increased agricultural productivity and promoting agro-forestry approaches. REDD+ is increasingly acting as leverage for investments on development and conservation10. However, the institutions and human resources, both at the national and more prominently at regional level, need to be strengthened to ensure efficient management and operation and to secure the commitment and participation of major stakeholders. The activities proposed for additional funding include: -


Building capacity and ensuring the functioning of the REDD+ platform Building capacity and ensuring the functioning of regional coordination platforms (regional Forestry Commissions) Strengthening the capacity of decentralized services (including DREEF, DRDA, DRPH) to collect and analyze data, contribute to planning processes and to ensure monitoring Building the capacity of MRV units in two additional ecoregions (data collection and processing) Building the capacity of decentralized local authorities (communes and regions) Strengthening ways to engage with the private sector (e.g. business plan) Establishing a national civil society platform (structure) to promote engagement in the REDD+ process Establishing and strengthening organizational capacity Strengthening the REDD+ funding management mechanism and fiduciary management for REDD+ funds flow Building capacity in planning and development of pilot projects

The implementation of these activities requires an amount of USD 1.396 million. Component 1b: Consultation, participation and awareness-raising The national REDD+ strategy is planned to be developed in February 2017 based on the indepth analysis of the eastern ecoregion and information available from other ecoregions. The strategy will have to be updated with additional in-depth information from the western ecoregion and the mangroves and spiny forest ecoregions that will be gathered using the additional funds. The updating will consist, for example, in including a review of strategic options to address the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, other strategic tools such as the baseline level, data on forest monitoring, safeguards, complaints management mechanism, and the findings of additional survey work, among others. It will require a communication, information and consultation campaign to ensure that the public is informed and can engage in the implementation of the REDD+ program. The activities proposed for the additional funding include: -


Publication and consultation focusing on mangrove, spiny forest, and dry forest ecoregions

The Sustainable Landscape Management Program will invest around US$100 million (coming from the International Development Association, the Global Environmental Facility and the French Development Agency) during its initial 5 year phase. A big proportion of these funds will provide crucial investments in agriculture, agro-forestry, watershed management and conservation in REDD+ high potential areas.



Development of relevant communication materials Publication and dissemination of the national strategy Specialized workshops and meetings on REDD+

An amount of USD 460,000 is required to complete the activities. Component 2: Development of the REDD+ strategy As Madagascar progresses towards the objective of practical implementation of REDD+ through investments, there are important steps that need to be taken to ensure a robust framework for project implementation. There is also a significant need to prepare the ground for future investments such as engaging private sector players, for example in the promotion of financially viable agro-forestry opportunity in vanilla, cocoa and timber (among other commodities), and working with potential investments in mangroves. Further activities related to land use have been identified as key to the integration of the REDD+ agenda in local development visions on the long term. Subcomponent 2a: Studies on the drivers of deforestation The activities proposed for the additional funding include: -

Review of the drivers of deforestation in mangroves and spiny forests.

An amount of USD 140,000 is required to complete the activities. Subcomponent 2b: Strategic options The activities proposed for the additional funding include: -

Strengthening the communes’ planning tools (commune-level land development plans or SAC) Strengthening intersectoral policy dialogue at the national and regional levels Strengthening the capacity of decentralized authorities (communes, institutions in charge of carbon revenue management such as communes and DREEF) Strengthening coordination of mangroves management between MPH agencies, the State Secretariat of Sea, and MEEF at the national level and at the regional levels and among the relevant regional directorates

An amount of USD 820,000 is required to complete the activities. Subcomponent 2c: Implementation framework The activities proposed for the additional funding include: -

Strengthening the implementation of the complaints management mechanism, focusing particularly on the zone of the ER-Program Establishing partnerships and identifying potential activities with the private sector (DDP, business plan, etc.) Building the capacity of communities in the target zones through development investments, with implications for REDD+.

An amount of USD 294,000 is required to complete the activities.


Subcomponent 2d: Environmental and social impacts The activities proposed for the additional funding include: -

Strengthening the capacities of implementation actors and actors targeted by SESA and safeguard measures.

An amount of USD 100,000 is required to complete the activities. Component 3: Development of a national REL The reference level for the Eastern humid forest was established with a focus on integrating degradation elements, carbon stock enhancement in the ER-program intervention zone, as well as a REL developed for dry forests through a forest inventory and spatial analysis in targeted areas. The development of a national REL will require a forest inventory for the remaining ecoregions (mangroves and spiny forests), and the consolidation of information on degraded areas/secondary forests for the entire rainforests ecoregion. The activities proposed for the additional funding include: -

Conducting an inventory and REL for the mangroves and spiny forests ecoregions Develop REL for mangroves and spiny forest ecoregions and complete the REL for the entire Southern east ecoregion (out of PERR-FH) Establishing a national REL

An amount of USD 500,000 is required to complete the activities. Component 4: Designing a monitoring system - MRV Subcomponent 4a: National Forest Monitoring System A solid base to inform the SNSFand the MRV system was put in place, but additional activities are needed to build national capacity and to ensure long-term monitoring of REDD+. -

Monitoring the national permanent plots to feed into the NFMS Updating the NFMS with the new data Strengthening the geomatics laboratory at BNCR Building capacity to analyze data on the emission factors and activity data (carbon maps) Strengthen capacity to process and analyze satellite images Procuring equipment and software for regional offices of REDD+ coordination, General Direction of Forest, BNC-REDD+ Procuring bandwidth dedicated to the online publication of MRV data to improve the transparency of the system Developing a website dedicated to the online publication of MRV data to improve the system’s transparency

An amount of USD 990,000 is required to complete the activities.


Subcomponent 4b: Information system for co-benefits, governance and safeguards Activities to inform the monitoring and evaluation system as well as safeguards information system have been initiated, but additional activities are needed to develop robust systems that integrate vast amounts of relevant data for various sites in Madagascar. The activities proposed for the additional funding include: -

Consolidating the database system Strengthening the management system

An amount of USD 300,000 is required to complete the activities.


ANNEXES Annex 1: Current REDD+pilot projects in Madagascar Project title


Feature project


Makira REDD

Carbon credit sale


Protected Makira


Carbon credit sale


AnkenihenyZahamena Corridor


Carbon credit sale


Fandriana-Vondrozo Corridor


Carbon credit sale


Phase I:Andapa/Bealanana, Fandriana/Marolamb oIvohibe, Vondrozo





Methodologic al research


Year started

Total surface area

January 2005

360,060 ha

In progress

670,000 ha

In progress

300,000 ha

In progress

234,000 ha



Phase I:October 2008 December 2012


Phase II:COMATSA and Beampingaratsy (Region Anosy)

Phase II:December 2012 to October 2017

3. Tsinjoarivo,

Phase I:2007 to 2010

Tsimanampetsot sa,

Observatio ns


Ramena, Itasy,

Phase II:2010 to 2011

Analanjirofo Amoron'i Mania REDD AFD-ONE

Ecoregional REDD initiative on additional funding


Capacity building for national institutions

ONE in partnershi p with Helvetas and CIRAD

At the national level

Analytical work on carbon stocks in biomass and soil

Consortiu m WCS, ONE, MNP, ETC Terra

Eastern rainforest

Phase I:2012 to December 2013


Phase II:2013

December 2013 to February 2014


Annex 2: Ministerial Order for the creation of REDD+ platform






Annex 3: Consultations as part of setting up the national REDD+ platform The table below shows all the entities that participated in the exchange workshops that were held to finalize the Order that set up the REDD+ platform. Date

March 2016




-Proposal and feedback on the draft order for the setting up of the REDD+ platform

BNC-REDD+, SGBDF/DGF, GNEFM, MEAH, MinAgri, MEP, PAGE, MNP, World Bank, CI, MID, University of Antananarivo/FLSH, ETC Terra, ONE, WCS

Total: 18

Waiting for comments and suggestions from members

BNC-REDD+, MEAH, Min Agri, MEP, PAGE, MNP, World Bank, SGBDF/DGF, CI, MID, GNEFM, University of Antananarivo/FLSH, ETC Terra, ONE, WCS, LRI, FAPBM

Total: 20

Finalization of the ministerial Order creating the national platform


Total: 24

- Roles, duties functioning of platform March 2016


June 8, 2016

and the

Number of participants

Number of women: 6

Number of women: 7

Number of women: 4

Annex 4: UN-REDD+ needs assessment Date



February 25 and 26

Workshop to make a restitution on UNREDD activities in Madagascar

MEEMF, FAO Madagascar, DGF, Prime Minister, DGE, BNC-REDD+, DVRF, DCF, DSI, DPPSE, PF/UNCCD, Ministry of Finance and Budget, SCB Mesupres, Ministry of Justice, DGRH/MRHP Craft, Min Agri , DAGFD MINDAT, MIN MINE, Directorate Genera lof Meteorology, Directorate General of Energy, CCRF, DGSF, DGAT, MNP, Planning, DREEF Analamanga, DREEF Boeny, PLAE, Mayor of MarosakoaBoeny, VOI of Boeny, Reforestation Group of Boeny, District of Anjozorobe, DAPT, ONE, WWF, ETC Terra, CI, GIZ, WCS, UCPE, TanyMeva Foundation, FAPBM Alliance VoaharyGasy, ONESF, Partage, NGO Fanamby, OSF, ASA Program (UCP) SIF, INSTAT, Ministry of Economy and Planning, MBG, SGBDF, GNEFM, SNGF, SAGE, SERC, World Bank, European Union, AFD, USAID, Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, FAO Madagascar, POLFOR, ESSAForêt/LRA , CIRAD, UN-REDD/FAO Rome, UNREDD/UNDP Kenya, Madagascar UNDP

May and 2015


7 8

Number of participants Total: 86 Number women: 28


Annex 5: Eco-Regional REDD+ project for rainforests (PERR-FH)

Title of the project PERR-FH

Feature project

Consortium WCS, ONE, MNP, ETC Terra

Objectives      

Contribute to the development of reference emissions levels forthe rainforests ecoregion : Analysis of activity data (deforestation) Establish carbon stocks in aboveground biomass in the ecoregion Per stratum (average) and per pixel (model) Integrate inventory findings in existing databases at the forestry administration

Date of completion

From February December 2014 March 2015

Annex 6 :Definitions of deforestation and degradation from the methodology workshop in Moramanga Definitions for the Eastern rainforests:  Deforestation: Man-made direct conversion from forest to non-forest land of a continuous surface area of at least 0.36 ha whether on a temporary or permanent basis. The conversion of primary forestinto tavywould be considered deforestation, although the conversion is temporary. The conversion of secondary forest into non-forest land would also constitute a case of deforestation.  Degradation: Reduction of forest carbon stocks due to anthropogenic disturbances materializing in the loss of canopy that cannot classifiable as deforestation. Example: Forest degradation corresponds to the gross loss of forest carbon in mature forest.  Stock enhancement: Enhancement of forest carbon stocks, either through a shift from non-forest land to forest land or through the growth and/or restoration of existing forests.


to +

Annex 7: Consultation and participation during the methodology workshop in Moramaga Date



Number of participants

April 20 to 22, 2016

Workshop to define deforestation and forest degradation and presentation of the baseline

Central management MEEF:BNC-REDD+, DVRF, DCF, DGEco, DCF, DAPT

Total: 42 Number women: 08



Decentralized services:DREEFAntsianana, DREEF Sofia, DREEF Menabe CIREEF AlaotraMangoro, DREEF Boeny

4. NGOs:


Manondroala, WCS, ONE, CI, GIZ,



ETC Terra, WWF University:ESSA Forest, University of Antananarivo Financial partners:FCPF

Annex 8: Capacity building on forest inventory methodology To prepare for the forest inventory work in the field, a capacity building on forest inventory methodology and evaluation of ecological integrity was organized in Moramanga. The training attended byofficers from MEEF aimed to strengthen their mastery of the methodology for the inventory work. Participants in this workshop are listed in the table below Date



Number of Funding participants

May 2 to 6, 2016

Forest inventory methodology and ecological assessment in Moramanga

BNC-REDD+, DVRF, DCF, DGEco, DGF, DAPT, DSI, DREEF Analamanga, DREEF Atsinanana, DREEF Vakinankaratra, DREEF AlaotraMangoro, CIREEF Moramanga DREEF Boeny, NGO Manondroala, Mitsinjo Association, Botanical Garden

Total: 92


Number women: 18


Annex 9 : Progress status of REDD project activities (October 2015 – June 2016) in US dollar (USD)


Type of activity

Output indicators

Component 1: Institutional arrangements for REDD+ and equip BNCR offices


Updated forecasts

Total costs (USD)

Total costs (USD)

Amount committed

As of 30.6.2016

1001 700.00

1229 250.00

631 084.39


Number of offices built

75 000.00

123 000.00



Furniture purchased (office furniture, kitchen utensils ...)

14 600.00

19 600.00


5 000.00

5 000.00


120 000.00

120 000.00

78750 43838

services rolling stock, IT and communication equipment

Project Initial forecasts (IBRD/FCPF)

Plan established progress of works



Materials purchased (rolling stock, communication, IT)


Number of off-road cars


Number of service car

50 000.00

50 000.00


Number of motorcycles

5 000.00

5 000.00


Number of servers

16 000.00


Number of office PC

22 000.00



IT hardware lots (07 laptop computers, 12 B&W printers, 3 color printers, 03 photocopiers)

39 900.00



Number of cameras

32 500.00

2 000,00

Financial committed rate



Lots of mobile phones and other electrical equipment


Number of video projector with screen


Sound equipment

2 900,00 the software TOMPRO


TOMPRO software

15 000.00 an intranet




3 500,00


1 300,00


2 500,00

2636 11224

3 200.00

3 200.00

6 250.00

11 000.00

Person/days of consultants TA for one-off procurement TA for ongoing procurement BCNR

consultants to support

individual consultant



6 250.00

11 000.00


TA for national SESA

37 500.00

37 500.00


64 850.00


37 500.00


TA to support MEEF in the coordination of REDD and PADAP projects

20 000.00


Number of officers and members of the PCPR and CIME trained on management tools

16 000.00 16 000.00

TA on strategy

service contract

7 500,00

One-off TA on finance

TA for international SESA the capacity of members of the on existing management tools


37 500.00 Train and retrain officers BNCR (project management, English procurement and financial management, Technical REDD) the BNCR


Number of staff trained in English

10 000.00

10 000.00


Number of staff trained in project management

6 000.00

6 000.00


Number of procurement and management

6 000.00

6 000.00


BNCR operation

agents financial

267 000.00

285 000.00

2700 34068

service contract

Number of field trips on the development of the national REDD strategy

40 000.00

service contract

Number of field trips on MRV activities and baseline scenario

73 000.00

service contract

Number of regional committees (TARS, PRPSE, Forestry Commissions) supported

45 000.00

42 000.00 and validate the final management arrangements (regulationsand institutional contracts)

service contract

Number of arrangements designed and validated

10 000.00

16 000.00 Strengthen the participation of sectoral services in the REDD process

service contract

Number of sectors involved in the REDD process at regional and local levels

38 000.00

37 000.00 for the management cost of PCPR and CIME

service contract

Number of meetings of the different working committees

45 000.00

40 000.00

163.16 Recruit an external auditor

Service provider

Number of audit reports

30 000.00

30 000.00

16843 the management cost of BNCR


63 900.00

73 500.00



148.91 and implement a website

service provider

Web site created implemented


Component 2: Development of the national REDD+ strategy incorporating consultations and strategic environmental and social assessment the economics deforestation and forest degradation


1 500,00


1 500,00



service provider

Number of studies on the economics of D&D

59 000.00

59 000.00

36928 studies on the drivers of D&D: spatial analysis (key players, issues and areas); analysis of agriculture and its link with deforestation and forest degradation

service provider

Number of papers presenting research on the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation

141 000.00

293 000.00

242467 the REDD strategy from the analysis of strategic implementation options benefits and impacts, implementation feasibility, sustainability, benefits and economic costs, leak potential; analysis of scenarios; SESA, strategic implementation tools work and reform)

service provider

Number of criteria analysis documents based on strategic options

200 000.00

50 000.00



service contract

Number of participants in information workshops on the REDD process, R-PP and strategic options at the regional and local levels

service provider

Number of communication tools and products developed

service contract


service provider

Number of communes/regions consulted

294 500.00

255 600.00 consultations to collect analysis items (socio-economic, political, cultural, regulatory reforms) relating to each intervention focus in order to prioritize them

service provider

Number of technical services at the regional level that provided the data required (socio-economic, ...) for the analysis of intervention focuses

85 000.00

85 000.00 key elements of the national strategy

service contract

Number of documents on the contents of the national strategy disseminated

75 000.00

60 000.00 Conduct the SESA and develop the related instruments

service provider

SESA guide developed

100 000.00

150 000.00 information on the REDD+ to the public (REDD+, R-PP readiness arrangement, etc.) Conduct regular consultations at the local and regional levels to collect data on strategic options, the implementation arrangements and carbon governance; to establish basic mapping, national theme, co-benefits analysis, the monitoring system for the management of REDD reference data


130 000.00

35 000.00

6 000.00


105 000.00

6 000.00


frame 156357 stakeholder consultations for the validation of the SESA instruments

service provider

Number of validation consultations conducted

50 000.00

50 000.00 new institutional arrangements and draft regulations for the implementation of the REDD+ strategy (review of the regulatory frameworks and study for the financial sustainability of the REDD+ implementation, including carbon income flow mechanism, management of institutional conflicts, carbon ownership and analysis of land tenure)

service provider

Number of management arrangements developed draft regulations formalized

268 000.00

128 000.00 a complaints management mechanism and strengthen the capacities of existing national, regional, and local structures (management committee

service provider

Complaint handling mechanism developed and structures strengthened in complaint handling

90 000.00

170 900.00 Enhance communication among sectors and other entities involved in complaints management

service contract

Number of sectors/entities engaged in complaints management

50 000.00

35 000.00 and evaluate complaints filed

service contract

Number of filed complaints monitored

60 000.00

54 000.00

Component 3: et 4 Development of national baseline scenario and of the REDD monitoring system






76% satellite images and GIS software up internet connection Conduct forest inventories: set up the network of plots and provide practical training to DREEF and local communities


Number of acquired




Number of GIS software


Connection installed

20 000.00

30 000.00

20 000.00

20 000.00

5 000.00

5 000.00



in agreement with DGF

Number of plots inventoried and installed


350 100.00

347 061.99

Number of lots of inventory materials and equipment

146 500.00

123 684.34


Number of inventory supplies batches

16 000.00

14 395.00 Process and analyze inventory data, reconcile and analyze data with satellite images; develop a model of biomass carbon stock; produce a national biomass map and make a projection of future emissions (REL development taking into account socioeconomic variables such as changes in population, the presence of mining projects, ...)

service provider

Model of biomass carbon stock and national map of biomass

321 100.00

172352 Produce the mapping of forest strata identified in the Emissions Reduction Program (ER Program) for Madagascar’s eastern rainforests based on the interpretation of SPOT and Landsat images

service provider

map of forest strata


250 000.00

150 000.00

100 000.00 Develop an allometric equation for the Ravenalamadagascariensis population and determine a biomass factor for shrub populations in young savoka in order to assess the stocks of these plant strata.

service provider

Allometric equation for ravenala populations and biomass factors for savoka and implement a forest monitoring system and develop a guide for the implementation of MRV

service provider

Number systems and set up databases (BDD) and develop a geoportal

service provider

Database designed geoportal established Ensure feeding of the database (national and regional) and coordinate the network of contributors

service contract and communicate with the UNFCCC


30 000.00

monitoring 95 000.00

and 30 000.00

30 000.00

Number of institutions networked for the database established

60 000.00

60 000.00

service contract

Number of communication sessions with UNFCCC

23 000.00

23 000.00 hard copies of maps/documents to local communities without connection

service contract

Number of maps and documents disseminated to local communities

20 000.00

23 000.00 the development of a geo-portal and a website for exchange and sharing on REDD+ in Madagascar.

service provider

Geoportal functional the knowledge acquired at the internal level

service contract

Number of knowledge dissemination workshops

20 000.00

10 000.00


Number of national and regional technicians trained

56 500.00

56 500.00


Package of camping equipment for BNCR the capacity of national technicians and DREEMF on the topic of REL/MRV/MSIS (including the acquisition of equipment for DGF and DREEMF)


8 500,00



Package of technical equipment acquired (video projector, GPS, inventory poles)

strategic output

Number of participants in international meetings and implement environmental and socioeconomic monitoring and collect data on the baseline situation the Evaluation System in international training/ workshops/meetings and exchanges


and activities in the REDD process project evaluation Unallocated Total project amount


48 900.00


48 500.00

67 300.00


service provider

Sheets of indicators on REDD environmental and socioeconomic impacts established and baseline situation described

50 000.00

85 000.00


service provider

Monitoring and evaluation system operational

21 000.00

15 000.00



Number of activity technical and financial monitoring missions

145 800.00

145 800.00


95 000.00

95 000.00

service provider

Project evaluation reports

40 000.00

40 000.00 3800 000.00

4452 450.00

2244 041.64


Annex 10 :Details of activities for additional funding Component 1A: Management arrangement for REDD+ readiness Activities

Amount in 2017

Amount in 2018


1- Build capacity and ensure the functioning of REDD+ platform




2. Strengthen the capacity and ensure the functioning of regional platforms




3- Strengthen the decentralized services’ institutional and technical capacity




4. Strengthen central services’ capacity to collect and analyze data and to ensure monitoring


5. Strengthen the capacity of MNV units in the two additional ecoregions (data collection and processing)


6. Strengthen the means for engagement with the private sector (e.g. Business plan)



7- Strengthen the capacity of the national civil society platform (structure) to engage in REDD+



8. Strengthen BNC-REDD+’s capacity







9. Strengthen the REDD+ funding management mechanism and fiduciary management of REDD+ funds flow




10- Build the capacity in planning and pilot project development





46,000 533,000


Component 1B: Consultation Activities 1- Conduct communications and public consultations in mangroves and spiny forest ecoregions 2- Produce communication tools

Amount in 2017

















3. Publish and disseminate the national strategy 4- Plan specialized workshops and meetings on REDD+

Amount in 2018

Component 2a: Assessment of land use, forest policy and governance

Activities 1- Analyze the drivers of deforestation in mangroves and spiny forests

Amount in 2017

Amount in 2018






Component 2b: Strategic Options for REDD+ Activities 1- Strengthen intersectoral policy dialogues at the national and international levels


Amount in 2017


Amount in 2018




2- Strengthen communes’ planning tools (communelevel land development plans or SAC)




3. Strengthen the capacity of decentralized authorities (communes/agencies in charge of managing carbon revenues such as communes and DREEF)




4- Strengthen coordination in the management of mangroves between MPH agencies, the State Secretariat of Sea, and MEEF at the national level and at the regional level between the relevant regional offices








Component 2c: Implementation framework Activities

Amount in 2017

Amount in 2018


5. Strengthen the implementation of the complaints management mechanism, focusing on the emissions program zone




6. Strengthen the capacity of communities in target zones by development investments with implications for REDD+.




7- Support the setting up of partnership and activity briefs with the private sector (DDP, business plan, ...) * (The approach and the amount needs to be discussed) *









Component 2d: Social and environmental impacts Activities 5. Strengthen the capacities of implementing actors and actors targeted by SESA and safeguards measures

Amount in 2017


Amount in 2018






Component 3: Development of a national level reference emission (REL) Activities

Amount in 2017 Amount in 2018


1- Conduct inventories in the mangroves and spiny forests regions in theSouth-east (excluding PERRFH)



2- Develop REL for the mangroves and spiny forests ecoregions, and complete the REL for the entire Southeastern ecoregion (excluding PERRFH)



3- Develop the REL at the national level SUBTOTAL







Component 4a: National forest monitoring system Activities

Amount in 2017 Amount in 2018


1- Conduct monitoring of national permanent plots to feed into the SNSF




2- Strengthen BNCR’s geomatics laboratory




3- Build the capacity to analyze data on emission factors and activity data (carbon mapping)




4. Build the capacity to process and analyze satellite images




5- Acquire hardware and software for URCREDD+, DGF, BNC-REDD+ as a whole


6-Acquire bandwidth dedicated to online publishing of MRV data to improve the transparency of the system





7 – Improve MEEF’s fire warning system 7- Develop a website to host an interactive biomass/carbon map SUBTOTAL


60,000 630,000

60,000 36,0000


Component 4B: Information system on multiple benefits, other impacts, governance and safeguards Activities Consolidate the databases

Amount in 2017 Amount in 2018 70,000

Strengthen the management system (SIS)







TOTAL 140,000 160,000




Annex 11 :Ministerial Order for the creation of Forest Commission










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