Anatomy & Physiology Lab Objectives

BI 232L Anatomy & Physiology Lab Objectives Exercise 17: Histology of the ervous System Define the following terms. nerve tract neuron process axon...
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BI 232L

Anatomy & Physiology Lab Objectives

Exercise 17: Histology of the ervous System Define the following terms. nerve tract neuron process axon dendrite ganglion, plural: ganglia nucleus, plural: nuclei plexus, plural: plexi

Microscope slides: identify the following elements on the slides indicated. An asterisk indicates you are responsible for the function for the structure. Slides: 40-Medullated nerve axon* myelin sheath* neurilemma endoneurium* perineurium* epineurium*

41-Medullated nerve teased axon* myelin sheath* Node of Ranvier*

Exercise 19: Brain and Cranial erves Human brain models, sheep brains, and a model of the ventricles will be studied for this exercise. The structures marked with a $ are visible on specimens. Learn the function of the structures marked with an *. Anatomy of the Brain gyrus $ (p. gyri) sulcus $ (p. sulci) longitudinal fissure $ transverse fissure $ lobes parietal lobe $ * frontal lobe $ * occipital lobe $ * temporal lobe $ * central sulcus $ primary motor area $ * (also precentral gyrus) primary sensory area $ * (also postcentral gyrus) cerebral cortex $ * corpus collosum $ * Diencephalon thalamus * intermediate mass $ hypothalamus$ * infundibulum * pituitary gland * (sits in sella turcica of sphenoid) mammillary body $ * pineal gland $ * Brainstem medulla $ * pons $*

midbrain cerebral peduncles corpora quadrigemina $ superior colliculis $ * inferior colluculis $ * Cerebellum $ * arbor vitae $ Ventricles * lateral $ (there are 2) third $ fourth $ choroid plexus* septum pellucidum cerebral aqueduct Meninges * dura mater $ superior sagital sinus transverse sinus straight sinus arachnoid mater pia mater $

olfactory bulb $ olfactory tract $ optic nerve $ optic chiasm $ (lays in sphenoid bone) optic tract $

Cranial Nerves Identify the 12 cranial nerves on models and the first 2 on the sheep brain. For each cranial nerve, learn one structure it innervates I Olfactory $ (only the tract is present) II Optic $ III Oculomotor IV Trochlear V Trigeminal VI Abducens


Facial Vestibulocochlear (auditory) Glossopharyngeal Vagus Accessory Hypoglossal

Exercise 20: Electroencephalography Be able to identify the four types of brain waves describe in the lab manual. Understand what they each indicate.

Exercise 21: Spinal Cord and Spinal erves Cross Section of Spinal Cord Identify the following features on models of the spinal cord cross section. Learn the function of the structures marked with an *. central canal $ gray matter $ anterior and lateral horns * $ posterior horn $ anterior and posterior gray commissures * $ white matter anterior funiculus $ posterior funiculus $ lateral funiculus $ spinal nerve ventral root * dorsal root * dorsal root ganglion * ventral ramus dorsal ramus Meninges * epidural space dura mater $ arachnoid mater suarachnoid space pia mater $ sympathetic ganglion ramus communicans vertebral arteries Histology: Identify from the list above the features marked with a $ on slides 39.

Spinal Nerves and Plexi On the torso, leg, arm, cervical vertebrae, and pelvic models identify the following plexi and nerves and learn 1 structure innervated by each nerve: Cervical plexus phrenic n. Brachial plexus axillary n. radial n. musculotaneous n. median n. ulnar n.

Sacral plexus sciatic n. tibial n. common fibular (peroneal) n. superficial fibular (peroneal) n.

Lumbar plexus femoral n.

Exercise 22: Human Reflex Physiology Understand the concepts of the activities performed in class.

Exercise 23: General Sensation Understand the concepts of the activities performed in class.

Exercise 24: Vision Identify the following structures on models and the sheep eyes. The structures marked with a $ are those you should be able to see on the sheep eye. Learn the functions of the structures marked with a *. Extrinsic eye muscles* Lateral rectus Superior rectus Medial rectus Inferior rectus Superior oblique Inferior oblique Lacrimal apparatus Lacrimal gland * Lacrimal ducts Lacrimal canal Lacrimal sac Nasolacrimal duct

Eyeball Sclera $* Cornea $* Choroid $* Ciliary body $* Suspensory ligaments * Lens $* Pupil $* Iris $* Retina $* Macula lutea Fovea centralis * Optic disc $ Optic nerve $* Anterior segment Aqueous humor Anterior chamber Posterior chamber Posterior segment Vitreous humor $ Microscope slides: Identify the structures listed on slide 95 Retina * Ganglion cell layer Bipolar cell layer Photoreceptors (rods & cones) Pigmented layer Sclera* Choroid* Exercise 25: Hearing and Equilibrium Identify the following structures on the ear models. Learn the functions of those with a *. Pinna* (auricle) External auditory meatus Tympanic membrane* Auditory (Eustachian) tube* Malleus* Incus* Stapes* Oval window* Vestibule Utricle Saccule Cochlea* Semicircular canals Semiciruclar ducts Ampulla*, pl: ampullae Vestibulocochlear (auditory) nerve

Histology and Organ of Corti Model: On slide 28-cochlea, identify all of the following structures. On the cochlea model, identify those structures marked with an $. Scala vestibuli $ Scala tympani $ Scala media (cochlear duct) $ Vestibular membrane $ Basilar membrane $ Tectorial membrane $ Organ of Corti $* (spiral organ) Hair cells $* Spiral ganglion $ Cochlear nerve

Exercise 26: Taste and Olfaction Learn the function of the structures marked with an *. Taste: On slide 67-vallate papilla, identify taste buds*. Also note the thick stratified squamous epithelium* coating the tongue and the striated muscle*. Olfaction: In lab manual-olfactory epithelium Observe the epithelium and its receptor cells*. Identify the nasal glands. Using diagrams from your lab manual and text, be familiar with the following structures and their order in the “pathway” of olfaction. Olfactory foramina Olfactory nerve Cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone Olfactory bulb Olfactory tract

Exercise 27: Endocrine System Models: On models, identify the following endocrine organs and name a hormone secreted by each. Pituitary gland (hypophysis) Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Pancreas Adrenal glands Ovary Testis Histology: On slides, identify the following features and list a hormone secreted by those indicated (*). 51-pituitary anterior pituitary* (adenohypophysis) posterior pituitary* (neurohypophysis) 55, 56-thyroid follicle follicular cell* parafollicular cell* 55-parathyroid chief cells* (you do not need to identify the different cell types) oxyphil cells

53-pancreas pancreatic islets of Langerhans do not identify alpha cells*, but know the hormone they produce do not identify beta cells*, but know the hormone they produce 54-adrenal glands cortex zona glomerulosa* zona fasciculata* zona reticularis* medulla* 89-ovary follicle* corpus luteum* 82-testis interstitial cells*

Exercise 29: Blood On slides 44, 45, and 46 (blood), identify the following cells. Also learn the function of each cell type. Erythrocyte Neutrophil Eosinophil Basophil Monocyte Lymphocyte Thrombocyte (platelet)

Exercise 30: Anatomy of the Heart On heart models and pig hearts identify the following structures and their functions (*). Endocardium Myocardium Epicardium Chambers (atria-left & right; ventricles-left & right) Interventricular septum Interatrial septum Fossa ovale* (in fetus-foramen ovale) Papillary muscles* Chordae tendinae Valves*:

L atrioventricular (bicuspid or mitral) R atrioventricular (tricuspid) Aortic semilunar Pulmonary semilunar

Aorta Brachiocephalic artery Pulmonary trunk Pulmonary arteries* Pulmonary veins* Ligamentum arteriosus (in fetus-ductus arteriosus) Vena cavae-superior & inferior portions Coronary arteries* Cardiac veins*

Histology: Use figures in the lab manual to identify cardiac muscle. Recall and observe the distinguishing features of cardiac muscle: striations, intercalated discs, branched fibers, and centrally located nuclei.

Exercise 31: Heart-Conduction System and Electrocardiogram Conduction System: Learn the components of the conduction system and the order in which impulses travel through them. SA node AV node Purkinje fibers AV bundle (bundle of his) Bundle branches Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG): Identify the P wave, the QRS complex, and the T wave on a ECG tracing. Also describe the event that each of these waves corresponds to.

Exercise 32: Blood Vessels Histology: Use slides 47 & 48-artery and vein. Identify an artery* and vein* and the following components Tunica interna (endothelium) Tunica media* (smooth muscle & elastic tissue) Tunica externa (loose or fibrous connective tissue)

Models & Diagrams: use the torso, brain, arm, leg, etc. Identify the following vessels and describe the body structures/areas served. Arteries aorta arcuate brachiocephalic metatarsal common carotid facial external carotid superficial temporal internal carotid vertebral subclavian basilar brachial ulnar celiac trunk radial common hepatic superficial palmar arch left gastric digital splenic common iliac superior mesenteric external iliac inferior mesenteric internal iliac renal femoral gonadal pulmonary trunk anterior tibial pulmonary posterior tibial coronary dorsalis pedis intercostal

Veins superior vena cava brachiocephalic subclavian internal jugular external jugular dural sinuses popliteal intercostal axillary cephalic brachial radial ulnar basilic median cubital

common iliac internal iliac external iliac great saphenous femoral azygous hemiazygous posterior tibial fibular (peroneal) dorsal venous arch superior mesenteric splenic inferior mesenteric hepatic portal hepatic

digital inferior vena cava gonadal pulmonary cardiac palmar venous arch renal

Know the fetal circulation: umbilical artery & vein, foramen ovale, ductus arteriosus & venosus

Exercise 33: Heart-Blood Pressure Define the following terms. Cardiac cycle Murmur Blood pressure Systolic pressure Diastolic pressure Pulse pressure

Learn the superficial pulse points The mean arterial pressure is computed as:

Exercise 35: Lymphatic System Learn the flow of lymph from the tissues back to the circulatory system and the structures it passes through. Lymphatic capillaries Lymphatic vessels Lymph nodes Thoracic duct or right lymphatic duct Histology:slide 57-lymphatic vessel Models: Know the function of the structures marked with an *. Lymphatic vessels* Lymph nodes* Thoracic duct* Tonsils* Pharyngeal Palatine Lingual Thymus* Spleen*

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