Analysis of Specification Content. GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics 2016 Movement of Higher Tier Content

Analysis of Specification Content GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics 2016 Movement of Higher Tier Content Movement of Higher Tier content to all l...
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Analysis of Specification Content

GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics 2016 Movement of Higher Tier Content

Movement of Higher Tier content to all levels of ability This document outlines areas of content that have changed designation from the current specifications to the new specifications. For each subject (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), the table shows content designated Higher Tier only in the current specification that is for all levels of ability in the new specification.

Biology Content designated Higher Tier only in the current specification (4401) that is for all levels of ability in the new specification (8461). The exact wording on the new specification might be different but the content covered is the same. Almost all the content designated Higher Tier only in the current specification is for all levels of ability in the new specification. Higher Tier only in current Biology (4401)

Assessed at all levels in new Biology (8461) found in the following sections

B1.1.2j, How our bodies defend themselves against infectious diseases, Antibiotics and painkillers

Higher tier candidates should understand that:  

antibiotics kill individual pathogens of the non-resistant strain individual resistant pathogens survive and reproduce, so the population of the resistant strain increases now, antibiotics are not used to treat nonserious infections, such as mild throat infections, so that the rate of development of resistant strains is slowed down.

Students should be able to explain the use of antibiotics and other medicines in treating disease. Antibiotics, such as penicillin, are medicines that help to cure bacterial disease by killing infective bacteria inside the body. It is important that specific bacteria should be treated by specific antibiotics. The use of antibiotics has greatly reduced deaths from infectious bacterial diseases. However, the emergence of strains resistant to antibiotics is of great concern. Antibiotics cannot kill viral pathogens. Painkillers and other medicines are used to treat the symptoms of disease but do not kill pathogens. It is difficult to develop drugs that kill viruses without also damaging the body’s tissues., Resistant bacteria Bacteria can evolve rapidly because they reproduce at a fast rate. Mutations of bacterial pathogens produce new strains. Some strains might be resistant to


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antibiotics, and so are not killed. They survive and reproduce, so the population of the resistant strain rises. The resistant strain will then spread because people are not immune to it and there is no effective treatment. MRSA is resistant to antibiotics. To reduce the rate of development of antibiotic resistant strains: • doctors should not prescribe antibiotics inappropriately, such as treating non-serious or viral infections • patients should complete their course of antibiotics so all bacteria are killed and none survive to mutate and form resistant strains • the agricultural use of antibiotics should be restricted. The development of new antibiotics is costly and slow. It is unlikely to keep up with the emergence of new resistant strains.

B2.6.2c, Anaerobic respiration 

As the breakdown of glucose is incomplete, much less energy is released that during aerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration results in an oxygen debt that has to be repaid in order to oxidise lactic acid to carbon dioxide and water, Response to exercise During exercise the human body reacts to the increased demand for energy. The heart rate, breathing rate and breath volume increase during exercise to supply the muscles with more oxygenated blood. If insufficient oxygen is supplied anaerobic respiration takes place in muscles. The incomplete oxidation of glucose causes a build up of lactic acid and creates an oxygen debt. During long periods of vigorous activity muscles become fatigued and stop contracting efficiently. (HT only) Blood flowing through the muscles transports the lactic acid to the liver where it is converted back into glucose. Oxygen debt is the amount of extra oxygen the body needs after exercise to react with the accumulated lactic acid and remove it from the cells.

B2.7.1h, Cell division, Meiosis

When a cell divides to form gametes:

Students should be able to explain how meiosis halves the number of chromosomes in gametes and fertilisation restores the full number of chromosomes.

 

copies of the genetic information are made then the cell divides twice to form four gametes, each with a single set of chromosomes.

Cells in reproductive organs divide by meiosis to form gametes. When a cell divides to form gametes:


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• copies of the genetic information are made • the cell divides twice to form four gametes, each with a single set of chromosomes • all gametes are genetically different from each other. Gametes join at fertilisation to restore the normal number of chromosomes. The new cell divides by mitosis. The number of cells increases. As the embryo develops cells differentiate. Knowledge of the stages of meiosis is not required.

B2.7.2h, Genetic variation 

Each gene codes for a particular combination of amino acid which makes a specific protein, DNA and the genome Students should be able to describe the structure of DNA and define genome. The genetic material in the nucleus of a cell is composed of a chemical called DNA. DNA is a polymer made up of two strands forming a double helix. The DNA is contained in structures called chromosomes. A gene is a small section of DNA on a chromosome. Each gene codes for a particular sequence of amino acids, to make a specific protein. The genome of an organism is the entire genetic material of that organism. The whole human genome has now been studied and this will have great importance for medicine in the future. Students should be able to discuss the importance of understanding the human genome. This is limited to the: • search for genes linked to different types of disease • understanding and treatment of inherited disorders • use in tracing human migration patterns from the past.

B2.8.1f, Old and new species  

genetic variation – each population has a wide range of alleles that control their characteristics natural selection – in each population, the alleles that control the characteristics which help the organism to survive are selected speciation – the populations become so different that successful interbreeding is no longer possible.

Non-confidential, Genetic inheritance Students should be able to explain the terms: • gamete • chromosome • gene • allele • dominant • recessive • homozygous • heterozygous • genotype • phenotype.

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Some characteristics are controlled by a single gene, such as: fur colour in mice; and red-green colour blindness in humans. Each gene may have different forms called alleles. The alleles present, or genotype, operate at a molecular level to develop characteristics that can be expressed as a phenotype. A dominant allele is always expressed, even if only one copy is present. A recessive allele is only expressed if two copies are present (therefore no dominant allele present). If the two alleles present are the same the organism is homozygous for that trait, but if the alleles are different they are heterozygous. Most characteristics are a result of multiple genes interacting, rather than a single gene.

Students should be able to understand the concept of probability in predicting the results of a single gene cross, but recall that most phenotype features are the result of multiple genes rather than single gene inheritance.

Students should be able to use direct proportion and simple ratios to express the outcome of a genetic cross.

Students should be able to complete a Punnett square diagram and extract and interpret information from genetic crosses and family trees.

(HT only) Students should be able to construct a genetic cross by Punnett square diagram and use it to make predictions using the theory of probability., Evolution Students should be able to describe evolution as a change in the inherited characteristics of a population over time through a process of natural selection which may result in the formation of a new species. The theory of evolution by natural selection states that all species of living things have evolved from simple life forms that first developed more than three billion years ago.


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Students should be able to explain how evolution occurs through natural selection of variants that give rise to phenotypes best suited to their environment. If two populations of one species become so different in phenotype that they can no longer interbreed to produce fertile offspring they have formed two new species., Theory of evolution (biology only) Charles Darwin, as a result of observations on a round the world expedition, backed by years of experimentation and discussion and linked to developing knowledge of geology and fossils, proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection. • Individual organisms within a particular species show a wide range of variation for a characteristic. • Individuals with characteristics most suited to the environment are more likely to survive to breed successfully. • The characteristics that have enabled these individuals to survive are then passed on to the next generation. Darwin published his ideas in On the Origin of Species (1859). There was much controversy surrounding these revolutionary new ideas. The theory of evolution by natural selection was only gradually accepted because: • the theory challenged the idea that God made all the animals and plants that live on Earth • there was insufficient evidence at the time the theory was published to convince many scientists • the mechanism of inheritance and variation was not known until 50 years after the theory was published. Other theories, including that of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, are based mainly on the idea that changes that occur in an organism during its lifetime can be inherited. We now know that in the vast majority of cases this type of inheritance cannot occur. A study of creationism is not required., Speciation (biology only) Students should be able to: • describe the work of Darwin and Wallace in the development of the theory of evolution by natural selection • explain the impact of these ideas on biology.


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Alfred Russel Wallace independently proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection. He published joint writings with Darwin in 1858 which prompted Darwin to publish On the Origin of Species (1859) the following year. Wallace worked worldwide gathering evidence for evolutionary theory. He is best known for his work on warning colouration in animals and his theory of speciation. Alfred Wallace did much pioneering work on speciation but more evidence over time has led to our current understanding of the theory of speciation. Students should be able to describe the steps which give rise to new species.

B3.3.2d,e, Temperature control If the core body temperature is too high: 

blood vessels supplying the skin capillaries dilate so that more blood flows through the capillaries and more heat is lost sweat glands release more sweat which cools the body as it evaporates.

If the core body temperature is too loo: 

blood vessels supplying the skin capillaries constrict to reduce the flow of blood through the capillaries muscles may ‘shiver’ – their contraction needs respiration, which releases some energy to warm the body., Control of body temperature (biology only) Body temperature is monitored and controlled by the thermoregulatory centre in the brain. The thermoregulatory centre contains receptors sensitive to the temperature of the blood. The skin contains temperature receptors and sends nervous impulses to the thermoregulatory centre. If the body temperature is too high, blood vessels dilate (vasodilation) and sweat is produced from the sweat glands. Both these mechanisms cause a transfer of energy from the skin to the environment. If the body temperature is too low, blood vessels constrict (vasoconstriction), sweating stops and skeletal muscles contract (shiver). (HT only) Students should be able to explain how these mechanisms lower or raise body temperature in a given context.


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Chemistry Content designated Higher Tier only in the current specification (4402) that is for all levels of ability in the new specification (8462). The exact wording on the new specification might be different but the content covered is the same.

Higher Tier only in current Chemistry (4402)

Assessed at all levels in new Chemistry (8462) found in the following section

C1.1.3b, Chemical reactions, Atoms, elements and compounds

Higher tier candidates should be able to balance symbol equations.

All substances are made of atoms. An atom is the smallest part of an element that can exist. Atoms of each element are represented by a chemical symbol, eg O represents an atom of oxygen, Na represents an atom of sodium. There are about 100 different elements. Elements are shown in the periodic table. Compounds are formed from elements by chemical reactions. Chemical reactions always involve the formation of one or more new substances, and often involve a detectable energy change. Compounds contain two or more elements chemically combined in fixed proportions and can be represented by formulae using the symbols of the atoms from which they were formed. Compounds can only be separated into elements by chemical reactions. Chemical reactions can be represented by word equations or equations using symbols and formulae. Students will be supplied with a periodic table for the exam and should be able to: • use the names and symbols of the first 20 elements in the periodic table, the elements in Groups 1 and 7, and other elements in this specification • name compounds of these elements from given formulae or symbol equations • write word equations for the reactions in this specification • write formulae and balanced chemical equations for the reactions in this specification. (HT only) write balanced half equations and ionic equations where appropriate.

C2.1, Structures and bonding 

Write formulae for ionic compounds from given symbols and ionic charges

Non-confidential, Metallic bonding Metals consist of giant structures of atoms arranged in a regular pattern.

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The electrons in the outer shell of metal atoms are delocalised and so are free to move through the whole structure. The sharing of delocalised electrons gives rise to strong metallic bonds. The bonding in metals may be represented in the following form:

C2.1.1i, Structures and bonding 

The electrons in the highest occupied energy levels (outer shell) of metal atoms are delocalised and so free to move through the whole structure. This corresponds to a structure of positive ions with electrons between the ions holding them together by strong electrostatic attractions.

C2.2.1b, Molecules 

Substances that consist of simple molecules have only weak forces between the molecules (intermolecular forces). It is these intermolecular forces that are overcome, not the covalent bonds, when the substance melts or boils., Metallic bonding Metals consist of giant structures of atoms arranged in a regular pattern. The electrons in the outer shell of metal atoms are delocalised and so are free to move through the whole structure. The sharing of delocalised electrons gives rise to strong metallic bonds. The bonding in metals may be represented in the following form:, Properties of small molecules Substances that consist of small molecules are usually gases or liquids that have relatively low melting points and boiling points. These substances have only weak forces between the molecules (intermolecular forces). It is these intermolecular forces that are overcome, not the covalent bonds, when the substance melts or boils. The intermolecular forces increase with the size of the molecules, so larger molecules have higher melting and boiling points. These substances do not conduct electricity because


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the molecules do not have an overall electric charge. Students should be able to use the idea that intermolecular forces are weak compared with covalent bonds to explain the bulk properties of molecular substances.

C2.2.3c,d, Covalent structures 

In graphite, each carbon atom bonds to three others, forming layers. HT candidates should be able to explain the properties of graphite in terms of weak intermolecular forces between the layers. One electron from each carbon atom is delocalised. These delocalised electrons allow graphite to conduct heat and electricity, Graphite In graphite, each carbon atom forms three covalent bonds with three other carbon atoms, forming layers of hexagonal rings which have no covalent bonds between the layers. In graphite, one electron from each carbon atom is delocalised. Students should be able to explain the properties of graphite in terms of its structure and bonding. Students should know that graphite is similar to metals in that it has delocalised electrons.

C2.2.3e, Covalent structures 

Carbon can also form fullerenes with different numbers of carbon atoms. Fullerenes can be used for drug delivery into the body, in lubricants, as catalysts, and in nanotubes for reinforcing materials, eg in tennis rackets. Student’s knowledge is limited to the fact that the structure of fullerenes is based on hexagonal rings of carbon atoms., Graphene and fullerenes Graphene is a single layer of graphite and has properties that make it useful in electronics and composites. Students should be able to explain the properties of graphene in terms of its structure and bonding. Fullerenes are molecules of carbon atoms with hollow shapes. The structure of fullerenes is based on hexagonal rings of carbon atoms but they may also contain rings with five or seven carbon atoms. The first fullerene to be discovered was Buckminsterfullerene (C60) which has a spherical shape. Carbon nanotubes are cylindrical fullerenes with very high length to diameter ratios. Their properties make them useful for nanotechnology, electronics and materials. Students should be able to: • recognise graphene and fullerenes from diagrams and descriptions of their bonding and structure • give examples of the uses of fullerenes, including carbon nanotubes.

C2.2.4a, Metals 

Candidates should know that conduction depends on the ability of electrons to move

Non-confidential, Properties of metals and alloys Metals have giant structures of atoms with strong metallic bonding. This means that most metals have high melting and boiling points. 10 of 17

throughout the metal. In pure metals, atoms are arranged in layers, which allows metals to be bent and shaped. Pure metals are too soft for many uses and so are mixed with other metals to make alloys which are harder. Students should be able to explain why alloys are harder than pure metals in terms of distortion of the layers of atoms in the structure of a pure metal.

C2.3.3e, Quantitative chemistry 

Candidates will be expected to calculate percentage yields of reactions., Percentage yield (chemistry only) Even though no atoms are gained or lost in a chemical reaction, it is not always possible to obtain the calculated amount of a product because: • the reaction may not go to completion because it is reversible • some of the product may be lost when it is separated from the reaction mixture • some of the reactants may react in ways different to the expected reaction. The amount of a product obtained is known as the yield. When compared with the maximum theoretical amount as a percentage, it is called the percentage yield.

Students should be able to: • calculate the percentage yield of a product from the actual yield of a reaction • (HT only) calculate the theoretical mass of a product from a given mass of reactant and the balanced equation for the reaction.

C3.1.3h, Trends within the periodic table 

The trend in reactivity within group in the periodic table can be explained because the higher the energy level of the outer electrons: o The more easily electrons are lost o The less easily electrons are gained., Group 7 The elements in Group 7 of the periodic table are known as the halogens and have similar reactions because they all have seven electrons in their outer shell. The halogens are non-metals and consist of molecules made of pairs of atoms. Students should be able to describe the nature of the compounds formed when chlorine, bromine and iodine react with metals and non-metals. In Group 7, the further down the group an element is the higher its relative molecular mass, melting point and boiling point. In Group 7, the reactivity of the elements decreases


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going down the group. A more reactive halogen can displace a less reactive halogen from an aqueous solution of its salt. Students should be able to: • explain how properties of the elements in Group 7 depend on the outer shell of electrons of the atoms • predict properties from given trends down the group.

C3.5.1c, Making ammonia 

When a reversible reaction occurs in a closed system, equilibrium is reached when the reaction occur at exactly the same rate in each direction.

C3.6.2b, Carboxylic acids 

Do not ionise completely when dissolved in water and so are weak acids Aqueous solutions of weak acids have a higher pH value than aqueous solutions of strong acids with the same concentration., Equilibrium When a reversible reaction occurs in apparatus which prevents the escape of reactants and products, equilibrium is reached when the forward and reverse reactions occur at exactly the same rate., Carboxylic acids (chemistry only, limited to the ionisation in water) Carboxylic acids have the functional group –COOH. The first four members of a homologous series of carboxylic acids are methanoic acid, ethanoic acid, propanoic acid and butanoic acid. The structures of carboxylic acids can be represented in the following forms: CH3COOH or

Students should be able to: • describe what happens when any of the first four carboxylic acids react with carbonates, dissolve in water, react with alcohols • (HT only) explain why carboxylic acids are weak acids in terms of ionisation and pH (see Strong and weak acids (HT only) (page 48)). Students should be able to recognise carboxylic acids from their names or from given formulae. Students do not need to know the names of individual carboxylic acids other than methanoic acid, ethanoic acid, propanoic acid and butanoic acid.


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Students are not expected to write balanced chemical equations for the reactions of carboxylic acids. Students do not need to know the names of esters other than ethyl ethanoate.


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Physics Content designated Higher Tier only in the current specification (4403) that is for all levels of ability in the new specification (8463). The exact wording on the new specification might be different but the content covered is the same. Almost all the content designated Higher Tier only in the current specification is for all levels of ability in the new specification.

Higher Tier only in current Physics (4403)

Assessed at all levels in new Physics (8463) found in the following section

P2.1.2c,g,h, Forces and Motion   

calculation of the speed of an object from the gradient of a distance-time graph calculation of the acceleration of an object from the gradient of a velocity-time graph calculation of the distance travelled by an object from a velocity-time graph. The distance-time relationship If an object moves along a straight line, the distance travelled can be represented by a distance–time graph. The speed of an object can be calculated from the gradient of its distance–time graph. (HT only) If an object is accelerating, its speed at any particular time can be determined by drawing a tangent and measuring the gradient of the distance– time graph at that time. Students should be able to draw distance–time graphs from measurements and extract and interpret lines and slopes of distance–time graphs, translating information between graphical and numerical form. Students should be able to determine speed from a distance–time graph. Acceleration The average acceleration of an object can be calculated using the equation:

acceleration, a, in metres per second squared, m/s² change in velocity, ∆v, in metres per second, m/s time, t, in seconds, s An object that slows down is decelerating. Students should be able to estimate the magnitude of everyday accelerations.


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P2.4.2,d, Current, charge and power  

energy transferred, potential difference and charge are related by the equation: E = VxQ

where: o o


E is energy in joules, J V is potential difference in volts, V Q is charge in coulombs, C. Energy transfers in everyday appliances Everyday electrical appliances are designed to bring about energy transfers. The amount of energy an appliance transfers depends on how long the appliance is switched on for and the power of the appliance. Students should be able to describe how different domestic appliances transfer energy from batteries or ac mains to the kinetic energy of electric motors or the energy of heating devices. Work is done when charge flows in a circuit. The amount of energy transferred by electrical work can be calculated using the equation: energy transferred = power × time [E=Pt] energy transferred = charge flow × potential difference [E=QV] energy transferred, E, in joules, J power, P, in watts, W time, t, in seconds, s charge flow, Q, in coulombs, C potential difference, V, in volts, V Students should be able to explain how the power of a circuit device is related to: • the potential difference across it and the current through it • the energy transferred over a given time. Students should be able to describe, with examples, the relationship between the power ratings for domestic electrical appliances and the changes in stored energy when they are in use.

P2.5.2,d, Atoms and Radiation 

Nuclear equations to show single alpha and beta decay – candidates will be required to balance such equations, limited to the completion of atomic number and mass number. The identification of daughter elements from such decays is not required.

Non-confidential Nuclear equations Nuclear equations are used to represent radioactive decay. In a nuclear equation an alpha particle may be represented by the symbol:

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and a beta particle by the symbol:

The emission of the different types of nuclear radiation may cause a change in the mass and /or the charge of the nucleus. For example:

So alpha decay causes both the mass and charge of the nucleus to decrease.

So beta decay does not cause the mass of the nucleus to change but does cause the charge of the nucleus to increase. Students are not required to recall these two examples. Students should be able to use the names and symbols of common nuclei and particles to write balanced equations that show single alpha (α) and beta (β) decay. This is limited to balancing the atomic numbers and mass numbers. The identification of daughter elements from such decays is not required. The emission of a gamma ray does not cause the mass or the charge of the nucleus to change.

P3.2.2,d,f, Moments 

The calculation of the size of a force or its distance from the pivot, acting on an object that is balanced If the line of action of the weight of an object lies outside the base of the object there will be a resultant moment and the body will tend to topple.

4.5.4 Moments, levers and gears (physics only) A force or a system of forces may cause an object to rotate. Students should be able to describe examples in which forces cause rotation. The turning effect of a force is called the moment of the force. The size of the moment is defined by the equation: moment o f a force = force × distance [M=Fd] moment of a force, M, in newton-metres, Nm force, F, in newtons, N


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distance, d, is the perpendicular distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force, in metres, m. If an object is balanced, the total clockwise moment about a pivot equals the total anticlockwise moment about that pivot. Students should be able to calculate the size of a force, or its distance from a pivot, acting on an object that is balanced. A simple lever and a simple gear system can both be used to transmit the rotational effects of forces. Students should be able to explain how levers and gears transmit the rotational effects of forces.


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