An overview of JML tools and applications

An overview of JML tools and applications L. Burdy, Y. Cheon, D. Cok, M. Ernst, J.R. Kiniry, G.T. Leavens, K.R.M. Leino, E. Poll Nijmegen Institute fo...
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An overview of JML tools and applications L. Burdy, Y. Cheon, D. Cok, M. Ernst, J.R. Kiniry, G.T. Leavens, K.R.M. Leino, E. Poll Nijmegen Institute for Computing and Information Sciences/

NIII-R0309 March 2003

Nijmegen Institute for Computing and Information Sciences Faculty of Science Catholic University of Nijmegen Toernooiveld 1 6525 ED Nijmegen The Netherlands

An overview of JML tools and appli ations www.jmlspe


Lilian Burdy , Mi hael Ernst


Yoonsik Cheon


Joe Kiniry ,


K. Rustan M. Leino ,


David Cok

Gary T. Leavens Erik Poll





GEMPLUS Resear h Lab, Gemenos, Fran e Eastman Kodak Company, R&D Laboratories, Ro hester, New York, USA

Dept. of Computer S ien e, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA d MIT Lab for Computer S ien e, Cambridge, Massa husetts, USA Dept. of Computer S ien e, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, the Netherlands f Mi rosoft Resear h, Redmond, WA, USA b


Abstra t

The Java Modeling Language (JML) an be used to spe ify the detailed design of Java lasses and interfa es by adding annotations to Java sour e les. The aim of JML is to provide a spe i ation language that is easy to use for Java programmers and that is supported by a wide range of tools for spe i ation type- he king, runtime debugging, stati analysis, and veri ation. This paper gives an overview of the main ideas behind JML, the di erent groups

ollaborating to provide tools for JML, and the existing appli ations of JML. Thus far, most appli ations have fo used on ode for programming smart ards written in the Java Card diale t of Java. Key words: formal methods, formal spe i ation, Java, runtime assertion he king, stati he king, program veri ation

1 Introdu tion JML [23,24℄, whi h stands for \Java Modeling Language", is useful for spe ifying detailed designs of Java lasses and interfa es. JML is a behavioral interfa e spe i ation language for Java; that is, it spe i es the behavior and the synta ti interfa e of Java ode. The synta ti interfa e of Java ode, a

lass or interfa e's method signatures, attribute types, et ., is augmented with JML annotations that more pre isely indi ate the orre t usage of the API so that programmers an use it as do umentation. In terms of behavior, JML 1 2

Supported in part by US NSF grants CCR-0097907 and CCR-0113181. Partially supported by EU-IST proje t Veri Card www.verifi

Burdy et al

an detail, for example, the pre onditions and post onditions for methods as well as lass invariants. An important design goal is that JML be easy to understand for any Java programmer. This is a hieved by staying as lose as possible to Java syntax and semanti s. Another important design goal is that JML not impose any parti ular design method on users; instead, JML should be able to do ument existing Java programs designed in any manner. The work on JML was started by Gary Leavens and his olleagues and students at Iowa State University, but has grown into a ooperative, open e ort. Several groups worldwide are now building tools that support the JML notation and are involved with the ongoing design of JML. The open, ooperative nature of the JML e ort is important both for tool developers and for potential users, and we wel ome parti ipation by others. For potential users, the fa t that there are several tools supporting the same notation is learly an advantage. For tool developers, using a ommon syntax and semanti s

an make it mu h easier to get users interested. After all, one of the biggest hurdles to using a new tool is often the la k of familiarity with the asso iated spe i ation language. The next se tion introdu es the JML notation. Se tion 3 then dis usses the tools for JML in more detail. Se tion 4 dis usses the appli ations of JML in the domain of Java Card, the Java diale t for programming smart ards. Se tion 5 dis usses some related languages and tools, su h as OCL and other runtime assertion he kers, and we on lude in Se tion 6.

2 The JML notation JML blends Ei el's design-by- ontra t approa h [31℄ with the Lar h [17℄ tradition (and others whi h spa e pre ludes mentioning). Be ause JML supports quanti ers su h as \forall and \exists, and be ause JML allows \model" (i.e., spe i ation-only) elds, spe i ations an be more pre ise and omplete than those typi ally given in Ei el. JML uses Java's expression syntax in assertions, thus JML's notation is easier for programmers to learn than one based on a language-independent spe i ation language like the Lar h Shared Language [24,25℄ or OCL [39℄. Figure 1 gives an example of a JML spe i ation that illustrates its main features. JML assertions are written as spe ial omments in the Java ode, either after // or between /* ... */, so that they are ignored by Java

ompilers but an be used by tools that support JML. JML extends the Java syntax with several keywords|in the example in Figure 1, invariant, requires, assignable, ensures, and signals. It also extends Java's expression syntax with several operators | in the example \forall, \old, and \result; these begin with a ba kslash so they do not lash with existing Java identi ers. 2

Burdy et al publi lass Purse { final int MAX_BALANCE; int balan e; // invariant 0 5;

rather than the OCL: inv: b null and b->size() > 5

JML supports all the Java modi ers su h as stati , private, publi , et ., and these an be used to re ord detailed design de isions. Furthermore, there are legal Java expressions that an be used in JML spe i ations but that

annot be expressed in OCL. More signi ant than these limitations, or di eren es in syntax, are di eren es in semanti s. JML builds on the (well-de ned) semanti s of Java. So, for instan e, equals has the same meaning in JML and Java, as does ==, and the same rules for overriding, overloading, and hiding apply. One annot expe t this for OCL. In fa t, a semanti s for OCL was only re ently proposed [6℄. In all, we believe that a language like JML, whi h is tailored to Java, 11

Burdy et al is better suited for re ording the detailed design of a Java programs than a generi language like OCL. Even if one uses UML in the development of a Java appli ation, it may be better to use JML rather than OCL for the spe i ation of obje t onstraints, espe ially in the later stages of the development.

6 Con lusions We believe that JML presents a promising opportunity to introdu e formal spe i ation to industry. It has the following strong points: (i) JML is easy to learn for any Java programmer, sin e its syntax and semanti s are very lose to Java. We believe this a ru ial advantage, as the biggest hurdle to introdu ing formal methods in industry is often that people are not willing, or do not have the time, to learn yet another language. (ii) There is no need to invest in the onstru tion of a formal model before one an use JML. Or rather: the sour e ode is the formal model. This brings two further advantages:  It is easy to introdu e the use of JML gradually, simply by adding the odd assertion to some Java ode.  JML an be used for existing (lega y) ode and APIs. Indeed, most appli ations of JML and its tools to date (e.g., [5,8,37℄) have involved existing APIs and ode. (iii) There is a (growing) availability of a wide range of tool support for JML. Be ause JML does not impose a parti ular design method on its users, unlike B, and be ause it is tailored to spe ifying both the synta ti interfa e of Java ode and its behavior, unlike UML, VDM, or Z, JML is better suited than these alternative languages for do umenting the detailed design of existing Java programs. As a ommon notation shared by many tools, JML o ers users multiple tools supporting the same notation. This frees them from having to learn a whole new language before they an start using a new tool. The shared notation also helps the e onomi s both for users and tool builders. Any industrial use of formal methods will have to be e onomi ally justi ed, by omparing the osts (the extra time and e ort spent) against the bene ts (improvements in quality, number of bugs found). Having a range of tools, o ering di erent levels of assuran e at di erent osts, makes it mu h easier to start using JML. One an begin with a te hnique that requires the least time and e ort (perhaps runtime assertion he king) and then move to more labor-intensive te hniques if and when that seems worthwhile, until one has rea hed a ombination of tools and te hniques that is ost-e e tive for a parti ular situation. There are still many opportunities for further development of both the JML language and its tools. For instan e, we would also like to see support 12

Burdy et al for JML in IDEs and integration with other kinds of stati he kers. We believe that, as a ommon language, JML an provide an important vehi le to transfer more tools and te hniques from a ademia to industry. More generally, there are still many open issues involving the spe i ation of obje t-oriented systems. When exa tly should invariants hold? How should

on urren y properties be spe i ed? JML supports only behavioral subtyping, but subtyping in Java is used for implementation inheritan e as well; how an we spe ify non-behavioral inheritan e? There are also semanti s issues with frame axioms, pure methods, and aliasing. Su h subtleties are eviden ed by the slightly di erent ways in whi h di erent tools approa h these problems. As witnessed by the development of the JACK tool by Gemplus, Java Card smart ard programs may be one of the ni he markets where formal methods have a promising future. Here, the ost that ompanies are willing to pay to ensure the absen e of ertain kinds of bugs is quite high. It seems that, given the urrent state of the art, using stati he king te hniques to ensure relatively simple properties (e.g., that no runtime ex eption ever rea hes the top-level without being aught) seems to provide an a

eptable return-oninvestment. It should be noted that the very simpli ity of Java Card is not without its drawba ks. In parti ular, the very primitive ommuni ation with smart ards (via a byte array bu er) does not allow any abstra t modelization. It will be interesting to investigate if J2ME (Java 2 Mi ro Edition), whi h targets a wider range of ele troni onsumer produ ts, su h as mobile phones and PDAs, is also an interesting appli ation domain for JML. A knowledgments

Despite the long list of authors, still more people have been involved in developing the tools dis ussed in this paper, in luding Joa him van den Berg, CeesBart Breunesse, Nestor Cata~no, Corma Flanagan, Mark Lillibridge, Marieke Huisman, Bart Ja obs, Jean-Louis Lanet, Todd Millstein, Greg Nelson, Antoine Requet, Clyde Ruby, and James B. Saxe. Thanks to Raymie Stata for his initiative in getting the JML and ESC/Java proje ts to agree on a ommon syntax. Work on the JML tools at Iowa State builds on the MultiJava

ompiler written by Curtis Clifton as an adaptation of the Kopi Java ompiler.

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