Among the Deep Sea Fishers OCTOBER, 1916

Conte nts . ... Fr-on'isl'iu.·




Rf v.EdgnJ ones..Ph .D . 91



Dr . Wilf red T . Grenfell 93

C H I.;~RJo~~·~._.;~.~~~. ~ ~~ . ~~. 'T',;~'i.~~~~';"~::-·· ·.i.·liil~~· iJ : 'i ~';'~~; .. P~ O " y · . ~h A' U:~

.....• II " ,.. Yo" CAJ< II n p ... ...... A DALT' '' '' .F. (; •• " ,"'.L C'LI" ...••.... T il . K , N., ", DAt' G1In • • ". Svu c" , •.

• .. Dr . Grnfell .." .. A . K. W. . .. K ..,. E. Hud lln s



. ... Dr . Ha rry L. Paddon 103




Henry Ki ngsley Blab 106

ASSf,.~~~::.I~~ml,;.E~.S; Il~· i:.:.~~;';'~ A';~I" ii:w~;T;e: ·s~;;. :-. w E ~ "hen t he t rav ele rs ha ve don e th eir busi ness at the tradin g posts th ey frequen tly bring us prod uce, o f little inter est to the traders, hut quite a cceptable for our Indu str ial Depar t ment , and man y an hour' s work , fo r my wife. in th e clot hin g sto re is th e sequ el. Th e same n ight wi ll probably find them. rei nfor ced b)' a strong local cont ingen t, spending a socia l ho ur li str n ing to the r ecord s of the bea ut ifu l gramophone presen ted by ou r Se cr etary , )'Ir . Shea rd, On specia l occ as ions, such as Christmas, th e New Year and Ea st er, su rprisi nKly large gather-ing s assemb le. At Chri stmas the gener osity of frie nd s en ab led us t o ha ve a splendi d tree her e, which was r epea ted a t th e neigh boring sett lements o i Mud Lake. Sab ascachew and P earl R iver (a t the last two pl aces the)' had never befo re had such a n eve nt) and lantern enter tainmenu were held at Ch ris tma s and Easter her e and repea ted al Easter at ),1ud Lak e. ! Ied ical wor k has bee n most happi ly sca rce, from the pat ien ts ' poi nt of view, and , wh ile no practitione r likes to get ru sty, he can not but r ejoice in th e cau se. The que stion may at once arise, " Oars the sma ll number of case s in the first winter in d icate that the need for the bui lding was


ovcr-estima tcd ?"

Anti I wou ld at on ce reply, " Ve ry far [tum it," I will comment brietly 011 some casu. One is a cons um pt ive lad whom I was fort unate eno ugh to get ear ly on in the disease. So ma ny are too fa r go ne. ' VI,' had h im at Ind ian H ar bor for pa r t of the summer, but when I mention tha t the peop le in h is neighbo rhood were bare ly rxisti ng on sI,I)" of usefu l a rticles. Dr. \\'est' s request for warm unde r dOlhinRfor men and llO)'Shas met with a hear ty u'sJ"'nse a nd the ya rn a nd need les for kni tti ng pur po ses ....-ere not forgot ten. One res uh oi th is conflict thr oug h wh ich we are passin/(. the ....·orld war. is ever ywhere evid ent in the unusual tho ughtfuine ss shown for ot hers inn et"tl.H a ving suff ered thems elves ou r people ar e prepared to enter into th e fell ow ship of s uffer ing with othe rs and hy ever y mean s in th eir po wer ligh ten th.. burde ns th at rest do wn 10 heavil y all the peo ple in out-o f-t he- way places like ou r Ca na d ia n and X ewto ondla nd Lab rador. Th .. inhabit a nlS of these lan d s fight a cont inua l ba tt le whh ignora nce. d isease a nd want, and ther efore, as good soldie rs, are enti tled to a nd receiv e ou r sym pa thy an d pr acfica l hell>. .Montrea l Br an ch ha s foll owed th e c ust om of se nding ba les in the early fa ll and consc que ntly I a111 unable to report the rcsult o f this SeilMlII 'S undertaking. but sinc e their report for 1915 t a me too lat e for publication I ha ve decided 10 embody it in this r eport . Bal es co ntrib ut ed by th is branch la st yea r were valu ed at $600.00 and no dou bt they ....,ill do equa lly ..... e-II th is yea r. :Mrs . Ref or d kindl y dona ted w 00 1 a nd kn itti ng needl es and paid the La br ad or wom en 25C. a pair for a ll &OCb kni t for th e so ldie rs. T his r esult ed in I Xl pair s of socks be ing sent to th e men at the fro nt. Beside s thi s the Labrador women colle cted $7.00 in small Slims a nd sent it as a contrihution towar d th e Red Cr oss fund s. It is path enc , but al so beautiful, to not e th e fine spir it of se l f-sa c rjfice which pr ompt s these .....omen to gi ve a ..... )· wha t the}- so much need themselves. Tor ont o Br anch has not yet repor ted full)' for this yea r bu t no doul,t will Iive up to iu pr eviou s sple nd id record in connect ion with Owi ng to th e fa ct the !\ eed lcwo rk Guild . that some br anches ahip th eir supplies later than other s it is irnpo ss jblc to do justice to at any nne time. Mr s. F. Winndt, the all Presid ent . and Mr s. O liver Macklem . .....ho for some l ime ha s had cha rge of th e x eedtew ork


lT E ~I S

Gu ild, a re bo th d eepl y inte res ted in thi s Mi s· sion and rver acti ve in d oing all they ca n for it. Hamilton Branch, th rough M iss Bell, Secretary of the Ladie s' Committee, r epo rt s their hale value d at $200. T his is a good r ecor d. Th e contents J ha ve no t in de tail bu t kn ow they incl ude a n a bund an ce of new an d second ha nd gar ments, hospital supplies . ba bies' a lit fits. books and toys. H amilt on has both a Ladies' and ~{ en's Committee and is the thi rd st ro ngest organization in Cana da in connec lion .....ith Dr . Gre nfe ll's ....-ork, con tributi ng a nnua lly a lmos t $ 10 0 0 in (as h and r e spo nd lng ge ue ro usly in othe r ways. as th e bale te stifi es. Dr . Gr enf ell ha s a host (If luyal tricnds an d suppor ter s in Ca na da hut nu ne mor e devot ed and ardent than Mr . J . F- P. -\!dous. Sec re ta ry of th e Men' s Committee, Ha m ilton. \\ 'ood stock Br an ch report s a fine rear's wo rk. through :Miss Jessie E. Parker. an in defatigable Sec retary-t reasure r. I ha ve bee n t old in secret th at no mor e comp lete a nd varisfactory ha les ever reach th e Coast than Our fri end s th ere t ho se fro m Wood stock see m able to anticipat e the need s of both families and hospital sta ff and set to work to sat is f)' them. At th e Donation T ea th is yea r $7


Mt: IR

T is no w ni ne years si nce a la d)' phy s ician , wh o h ad work ed .....ith Dr. Gre n fe ll, cam e t o Mr s. Do w's Sc hoo l a nd told us so met hing of the work th at was hei nF:" don e o n th e La brado r. One of o u r t eacher s, :\Ii ss Dwi gh t. became muc h imp ressed wit h th e n eed o f ad di tio nal wor k ers f or th e Coast. an d in the slimmer of 1908 vo lun teered fo r t he work and

A MOXG T H E DEEP S EA F IS HERS was sent by Dr. Grenfell to teach at west S t. Mod isle, on t he Strait of Be lle h ie. Upon xttss Dw ight 's r etu r n, she p rese nted so stro ng ly th e claim s of th e wor k th at I vo lu nteer ed fo r th e su mmer of 1909 and wa s sent to teach a t Red Ba y, where I fo und the work so fa scinating that in 1911 I offe red t o r et ur n to the Coast" T hi s t ime D r. Gr en fell sen t me to St. Ca ro l' s, a stario n very nea r S t. A nt oon y, hut one in whi ch t he re had never bee n a teacher. In this settlement I fou nd the need for help so great and the desi re of t he peop le fo r ed ucat ion so keen t hat I hoped to spe nd mo re than o ne sum me r a mong the earnest, k ind ly peop le of this hamlet. Bef o re my first su mmer 's work was over, howe ver , I r ecei ved a wi rele ss tell ing me o f th e sud den death o f my fa th e r. Th is fa ct and so me business ma tt er s co nsequ en t upon it preven ted m y returning t o 51. Carol's in 1912. I rea lized , however, that it was of the first impor ta nce that the work a t this station shou ld be carried 011 fo r at least a second su mm er. I found that I cou ld secure a subst itute, bur did not know that I cou ld affo rd t o pay t he boa rd of a teac her, wh ile I wa s unwilling to ask a work er to pa y her own" I conc lude d to st ate t he case t o some of ou r school-g irls. Th e)" ma de very light of t he matt er , assuring me that they cou ld g ive a circus at the schoo l that wou ld unfai lingl y b r ing in th e required am ount. T he circu s and a coup le of leas we re found sufficient for the sum de sired, and the gi rl s who h.",1 raised the mone y, having bec om e interested in the ed ucat ion of the chi ld ren of the Labr ado r, forme d themselves into The Labrador O ub o f Mr s. Do w's Sc hoo l. In th e su mmcr of 19' :.1, th en, 1[i ss Elde r to ok my place a t St. Caro l's and d id exc ellen t work . In 1913 D r. Gr en fell wrote me of a mo st im por ta n t station, Eddi e's Cove, a hamlet th at had no schoo l-hou se and had never had a teacher. So th at summer I began work at th is settlement and found that thi s place and it s peop le sur pass ed in int eres t eith er of my previous st at ion s. Fo r the summer of 1914, ou r Club secu red another tea cher for t h is place and I we nt to Br iR" Bay, where al so I was a pioneer wor ker, That yea r o u r Club wa s ve r-y suc cessf u l as. count ing the t wo t eacher s j us t men tione d, we managed to place on th e Coas t six wor ker s. This g rowth of the wo rk in 1914 was most encouraltinR" : but last summer, 191$, proved


t o be o ur ba n ne r year . " Iy doctor objected 10 my goi ng No rt h ; but our O ub secu red t .....cjve exce ttenr w o rke ra for a n eq ua l nu mbe r o f needy sta t ions. F or o ne o f t he statio ns, Cremailliere, we on ly ass u me d ha lf t he respouaihility, as ~li s s Ml'E lder ry sec u res the wo rkers fo r this sett leme nt and our Club ha s only ente re d that field as her ass ista nt " Fo r th e last year o r t wo, also, we h av e been fo rtu nat e in secur-ing some wor ke rs who have met all of their own expen ses ; so the financia l bu rden ha s been kept ....-ithiu a limit that ou r Club cou ld meet . For the com ing su mmer, .....e have t he promise o f th ree wo rk ers, wh ile the ma tter is unde r consi derat ion by on e or t .....o ot he rs" Thi s number is not sufficient, and we a r e dail y hoping to hear fro m ot hers who a re ab le an d willi ng to tak e pa rt in t hi s mo st impo r tan t wo rk. F or mo re and mor e, I am coming to believ e that the Ed ucanonal Department o f U r. Grenfell 's work for the peopl e o f the Labrador is one o f the mo st important branches of the great wo rk of thi s ~I i ssion, and each year I am urging t he Club to incr ea se the scope of it... wo rk. To me there is no doubt of the t r uth of the statement that " no rea l progress a nd no la stinf{ impro vetncnt in any line of life is po ssihle except t h ro ugh t he bette r ed ucat ion o f the people," o r that "E ducat ion beyon d all other devic es of human or-igin is the gr eat equa lizer of the cond it ions o f men." Jl'ST F OURTEEX


M 1\~'ei1' i~' d:~:"I::~'m

OF SC HOO L J an 15 19 15

as tho ugh I had qu it e Io rgouen yo u an d have jus t awa ken to r ememb cr anc e of yo ur man y kin dnesses. But such is not t he case I ass ure you. Ho wever J hOIIl' you may o ver took my Sl'l'Tlli nK ne/i:liKl.'nCe S it was not that which hindered me inde ed I ha ve to go back to th e same o ld ple a. work . Wcll de ar Lady I h a ve spent a ve ry Ha ppy Xm a s Xew ye a r th at J wa s happy at Xma s your S ist er will t ef l F lU I am su re. J am su ch a n awful chart er box tha t I have too mu ch to te ll you to mention how glad yo ur lovely presents mad e me. H oweve r yO I1 will excep th e will for th.. deed I am su re. I am rroul-e led wit h rbum atis m in my sh ou ld er hut I do bcticve th a t it is wo rk wh ich helps kl't·p it down. I do not kno w h ow to begin writing as J fed a s though how I wou ld love to see yo u and ta lk with yo u fac e to face, & e x press my grarit ud e to yo u. & your s is t ~r, for your kindn ess . bo th for mys elf & f riend s.



I fed j ust - as our g reat Rivers look in Sp r ink time, afte r a long Wi nte r, pi nned bac k by t he frost and sno w of ou r cl imate; when the thaw sets in, an d releases its wa n-es fro m its icy bed, an d on it comes in it s ma d wh irl ing torrent : rega rd less of the len der roots of young trees, & willows pla nted around its sides, and on its banks, it cannot check its wild career, for is it not free? Cannot it show in its wild glee? how even the water-s reioices at i15 freedom. W ell it is just so with me; afte r a long faw l, not ha vi ng the opportunity of writing, I h a ve a cha nce to w ri te. I am quite reg a rd less of how crude my lett ers must see m to you. You wh o a re so r efined. so we ll use d to a ll thin g s beauti fu l. Dea r if I seem 100 audacio us, & if eve r you set t ir ed of my lett er s, you have o nly to speak, I am yours t o obey : "You don't know what it is only to have natures scenery for your sole amuse ment. Nothing but the song of birds. & the drone of ll('e~, and the perfume of flo wer s, & the smi le of the sea, when in repose: or the mad r ush of its waves when in tum ult; or the sc rea m of gu lls: as th ey ski m lig'hfl y o'e r its cr est, seeming t o m e to he la ug hing in th eir froli csom e alee. at th e loud thunder , of its waters, as th ey d a sh a rou nd our wi ld rocky coast. And yet I doubt if "conn you" can Ieet more happy than you r- humble servant. as I sit with my little boy on the Shore after a 10nK tedious day; cooking, and cleaning chasing the microbs out of my domain: I fed a very Queen indeed: after dri vi nK away my enemys, th e ge rms of d ir th an d felt h. I thi nk yo u will think me ra th er gus hing. bu t when I sit to wr it e, I mu st wr ite "Jltst a s , Ieel" or no t at all. it would be lIsl ess for

lilt' 10 try to sit and te ll yo l.l the news, for I have none to te ll; I cannot ta lk of things whic h neve r happe ned. I do hope that I rna}' not t ire you, dea r Mis s Al ice, I ha ve no t ha d a lett er fro m you in a lon g wh ile, a nd I u sed to be so muc h disappo inted les t summer when the mai l would corne in to get ItO lett er. I received the lovely calendars you sent, I only kept one, as I love to share my good things with others, you made it so easy for me this year, to g ive chee r 10 a few oi my friends, and neighbours. ~ l)' health is gra nd this year, I don' t know when I spent so long a per-iod in such pe rfec t hea lt h, I hope it is perm an en t, ~[ y hu sba nd ha s been gone fishin g these three d ay s. I see h is team of dogs rou nd in.'; the poi nt now, & I sha ll soo n have to hid you adiew ; please dea r ~f i s s F owl er when you find time, w ill you drop a l ine to one a ltho ugh the lea st amongst you r friends is none the less sincere. I w ish you .11.11 the good this wide wo r ld can affo rd. please tell me if you have adopted the litt le girl who sent my boy h is boo k. no w I mu st end up. o r I sha ll ha ve no dinner read y for my "gnde man. " I ha ve th ree h ens, bo u gh t th em fro m a Newfou nd la nd m all la st {awl, "p retty things," Mv littl e boy goes 10 day school no w I fea r h e does not lik e it yet , it seems to disappo int me as I loved it and never had the opportunity to KO much. I only had q months tution in my life. But the re we can't have all our own way Good Bye, Beli ev e me to be re spe ctfully yo u rs

~finn i e n --.


D s~ ~17~f f~ig~~~eh~e;hl~ft~ 1~1~·:t~f::~:it;I::

I re ad e rs the int en se inte r est a nd joy in such a summer as the one th a t I have just spent as a teac her in Gran fer's Cove, Xew found land. I had ill my school six steady p upils who came to school every day and all day for eight weeks. Each one of them. no matter of what age, and they ra nged from six to sixteen. had a "ery passion "to Ket lear nin '," and when fo u r o'clock came each afte rnoon, they would bee. "0, Teacher, ~ Iam, don 't let 's go home yet, let's hide a littl e longe r:' A nd eve n a ve ry weary t eache r cou ld not resist such a plea . Th ey were ex fraor-dinar-ily cleve r children, and at the end of the eight wee ks, all except my six-year-old cherub had finished their primers, and two had galloped through their primer and half of the first reader as well. The" were writing and doing "fiIl:Rers" with ease, and one super-latively clever "maid" had taken on the accomplishment of spelling and knew very nearly a hundred words. Could

yo u match that in any of our uhrascientific schoo ls o f civilization? I ha d a lso t wo pup ils who cou ld come only

~I~~~t t ~::ek

z: ;~)t~~~hh~~~kh~~, hz:::rsc~::t:~

hing, and sewing; an d clean ing o f fish to be done, that those two were very littl e at schoo l; and it was so heartrending 10 have one of them who "did for" her father and two most unappreciative brothers. look up at vou with tragic eyes and say, " Oh, T eacher , I it'l111tS to lea rn." In my Cove we ha ve ha d a teacher on ly once, for th ree month s, t h irty-five yea rs aRO, T h at of course me ans u tte r ill iteracy. No t one man is ab le to r ea d o r writ e eve n hi s name, an d t wo wome n who have married into the Cove a nd who have the barest rud iments of reading and wr iti ng. constitute the educated portion of the community. Two out of thirty-one does not seem a very large proportion. does it? And·h : dcs.ire 10 have even enough reading and writing to be ahle 10 protect themselves is very strong in all the

..U IOXG THE DEEP SEA FISHERS men. Th e fishe rman ill whose hou se I lived wa s so deter mined to mak e the ve ry most o f their firs t (a11l1 perhaps thei r last) reacher that night after night he would com e in wo rn-o ut with a work -d ay th at had start ed at daybreak a nd end ed a t sun set, and would ge t his pencil an d paper and sl fUjl:gk a nd st ruggle wit h his lette rs , unti l, when I left , he was ab le to write his own name , th e nam es o f all hi s famih', and the nam es o f all the me n in o ur harbo r. And I am sur e the prou dest moment of both ou r lives was the on e when, for the first tim e in a life of th irtyfive years, he was able to put hi s name with hi s own hand at the end of a lett er. And that same perseve ring fisherman re al ized the inexpres sible need o f jl:ettinl{" for hi s children what he' so sorely fell th e lack o f himself, and th e prid e a nd jo y o f that man when he, with anoth er father, on th e la st day of sch ool came to hear what their childre n had lea rned, was most touching. Th ose two men to who m all k nowledge had been a sealed book, sat through the entire morning, jl:lowing with pride, and listened to their chil-

dr en read ; watch ed th em write on t he' blackboard; heard th em count and make the ir num her s, and when they st ood up to I{O the) ' tUT!1('d to me and said. "\\' H E W HO COXQUEl': llal{e Schoo l st ude nts at Xan king. so we we re div ide d up between th e va r ious m issio na r ies'

::~~~'~·r y~~~~I~~~~l i~~~i' i::II;

some wnys.

Wi t h all t he good IlUints in SallkiuK'S favor, Ku lin g is a plea ..ant cha nge. \\"0' are some ove r .11..) feet above sea -level . It is ri ght in th e midst of t he mount ain s awav f rom e veryt hing Chine se, a r egular Ior eigu \'illage of o ver 1$00 inh abit ants . It ra ins very frequen tly ami is much coo ler than down hdow.

FOR ,',I O F BE UEST The Int ernational ( ;r en fell As sociatiou is the gene ral l{u\-erninl': body u f the va r-ious Grenfell )'Iission s. It is. however, a representative body gove rned by delegates fr om in co rpo r ate d associa t ions whic h have been formed in different parts of the world to support the Gre nfe ll wo rk. All money s fo r the Gr enfe ll work sho uld be g iven to th ese latter ins t it ut ion s. and beq ues ts o f mo ney or prop ert y sho uld a lso be ma de to the m. T hese inco rpor ated ins ti t ut ions are a s foll ows, t he terr it or}' co ver ed by them being indi cated: I. Th e Royal Xauonal )'li sSioll to Deep Sea F ishe rm en , inco rpo r a ted under the laws of Gre a t Br ita in- cover s Br it ish dom in ions other th an Ca nada a nt! Xewf o un dland.s 2. T h e G ren fell As soci auon o f Ame ri ca , incor po r at ed und er the law s of th e St a te of XC'w Yo r k-ccovers the United S ta tes other than X e w En gl a nd. ,l. Th e New E ngland Gre nfe ll Association, incorporat ed under the la ws o f the S tate o f Ma ssa chu sen s-c-cove rs x ew En g land. 4. Th e Gre nf ell Ass ocia tio n of New foundland. inco rpur a ted under th e law s of Ne wfound la nd--covers the co lony o f N ewf oun dland. S. Th e La br ad or Medic a l Miss io n, incorpo rated under th e laws of the P rov ince of On t a r iO--CO\"I'rs Ca na da . The form o f bequest sho u ld be as fo llows: I giv e, devise an d bequeath to . .


(ill..,n lIa m.. of Oil.. ,,( th .. A..oc;a t ;o " . ..num ..rat ..,1 "bo ..... th .. don.,.- ",,,)" prd..r. II i . sua-I nt.. d lll at til .. ..,I~t; on .honl d I"" mad .. in a....ord an « . ith , h.. rounlr)" or t"fritof )" w ;th; n ... hi ..h t h.. don or . ... l

to he us ed fo r it s co rpo r a te pn rpo ses.s


For Reference 010481

Not to be taken from this room uvvn.~

V l~

L J-\.DftftUvn

WIl.FRED T . GREN FE LL, )'l. D ., C. M. G.:TH ! HARVI ST OF TU i: S EA. IlJ" Sl ratt d. $ UlO. 0" TH E ROCKS. /ll lU t l'rJtfd. $ 1,00. I>QW N TO TH E SEA . /ll wst raU d. $1.00. DoW N KURT H ON lU!: W 8RADOL 111, u trolr d. $1.00. AllaI fT OS AN ICE- P AN. Ill ,utrat, d. 7 St:. LAIlaAOOI.- T II E CoU NTlY AN D un: P ro M.£.. 11I"sl,0 I, 4.

G. CA RT WRIG H T;-CAPTAIN C.... ,.WI.IG HT AND Ill,ut,.al,d. $2.00. JO N ATH AN P. CI LLE Y;-BowOOIN




$.l .SO.





IllMstrdlr d


~O RMA l\

DUX CA N :_ OJ. GJ.ENnu.'s P" I ' SR. lf l" st"all'd. $1.00.

Da, LU k E 0' TU !

Evuy ~"'N




Hunnr. II IJul"alrd. $1.50-

M I N A BE NSOX H UBBARD ELLIS :- A K SO W N L " ......oo l. /lll u trati'd. $1.50.




U N·

WO lolAN'S \\'AY T lllOUG H

L"'....ooa.. lll "st "alt d. $3-50.



Il/ l4st ral, d, SOC.

IN LANADOI. Ilh." ratt d.

$I. SO.

H. V. H ESK ETH PRICHARD;-THIOUGH T U CKl.u . s LUIA DOI. mus/ral,d. $4.00.



75c.. $1.00.

CHARLES \\' E~mELL TOWNSEND :AWNGTHE LAIlIADOIl CoAST. lll •.,tral,d. $1.50. LUIADOI St'l ING. m us/raltd. $1.50. DlLI.O!\' WALLACE :THt LONG LAIIIlAOOIl TIAIL. mu.draltd . $1.50. T HE LUlE or THE LAIIRAOOR \VILD. 1l1uslral,d. $1.50. OTHER nOOKS BY DR. GRENFELL AOVUoI TURE or Lrse. $1.10. \V IIAT\VU.L You Do \VITH J ESUS (HRIST? 35C. W HAT CAN J ESUS CURIST Do \VITH ME? 35C. A }'fAs 's FAITH. SOC. A MAN'S HELrr.RS. SOC. O N IMlol OIlTALITY. Soc. \ VIIAT THE ( H VitC I! 1-fF.ANS TO!-h. SOC. WII AT LIFE ~ I EA NS TO ~l r.. 1II.u /rat,d. SOC. T HE AnuCTIU. \ \'AY. lllusl rat, d. Soc. TlfE

T hese books w ill be fo r warde-d. postpaid. on receipt of price, by addr essing Miss S. E. Demarest, T he Gren fell Association of Arne-rica. 156 Fi ft h Aven ue. New York, or Miss E. E. Wh ile-, New England Grenfell Assoc iation 20 Beacon St reet, Boston. Mass.


Riclu Prns. S ....


TH E IN T ERNATIONAL GREN FE LL ASSOCIATION Superin l~.. d~n l . Dr . Wi lfred T. G ren fell , • St . A ntho n" . N e wfou ndl and Se c rc t. ry .nd Bus ineu ~h n .«er A . Sh nrd , Seamen ', I.. stitut e , 51. J o hn ' , Ne wfo un dla nd

PR INC IPAL OFFICES UN ITED S TATES Ne w York.-T he Grenfell Association of Americ a. incorporated under the law s of the Stale o f New York -President, Hamilton W. ~I a bi e, LL.D .; Tr ea surer, Eugene Delano. ca re Messr s. Bro wn Bros, & Co., 59 \\'0111 Sn eer .Secre tary, Ed mund Oti s Hevey, Ph.D . ; Office Secret ary , Miss S. Emm a Demarest. 156 Fifth Avenue. Boston. Ma ss,-Xew En gland Grenfell Association. incorporated under the law s of t he State of Mass achu sett s-President. Rev . \\'m. DeWitt H yde, D.O., LL .D.; Treasurer, Frederic k R. Galloupe, t S State Street : Secretary, Miss E. E. Whi te, 20 Beacon St reet . I.O ND O N Ror al Na tio nal Mission to Deep Sea Fi sh ermen. Queen Victoria Street, E. C.

l'EWFOUNDLAND St. J ohn's.- T he Grenfell Assoc iatio n o f Newfoundland, incorporated under the law s of Newfoundland -c-Chairrnan, Hi s Excellenc y Si r Walter E. David son, K.C. M.G.• Go ver nor of Xewfoundland ; Vice-Chai rm an H en . \\ ' illia m C. J ob ; Secret ary and Trca . · urer, Hon. R. \\ 'au on . CA:\'ADA Ottawa.-The Labrador Medica l ~Ii ssion. incorpo rated und er the law s of the P rovince of Ontario-Chai rman, D. M. F inne, Esq.: H on. Secr etary, J ose A. Machado, Esq.• 21 4 W ellingto n Srreer : H an. Treasurer, A. C

~~~~rdi::~~~a;;~~a~~s~fA~~i~t~I~~~a~~~' 18i Ctemew A ..enue .

B RANCH ASSOCIATIONS UNITED STAT ES Alba ny, KY.-P resident . W. G. Rice : Secretary, Mn. Char les G. Sewall, 73 Willelt Street; Treasurer, Dr. Charl es K. Winne, j r., I I I Lar k Street. Andover, Mass.-Rev. C. C. Carpe nte r. Bal timore, Md .- P res ident Blanchard Ran-

Ha mill" n. Onl.- Hon. T reas.. ~ln . Sewall . z l6 Ba y St ree t, South ; Hon . See'y, Miu M. Bell , 52 Charlton St .: Secr etary o f the Men', Bran ch.) . E. P. Ald ous, 13 Augu sta St . King~t on, Onl. -Hon. Sec'y, Dr. \V. L Goodwin; Hon. Treas.. B. \V. Robert son. Le thbr-idge, Alta.-Miss Jane C. Mackay

Cha rle s St. Buffalo, N. Y.-President , Hugh Kenne dy ; Secretary-Treasurer , Qiffor d Hu bbell , Cen tra l Nati onal Ban k. Chicago , lIt .-Preside nt. George W . Webste r, M.D. ; Tr easurer, \\'m. A. Dougla ss,

Ont .-Hon. See'y, Mrs . Robert Ross, ca re Dom inion Bank . Lon don, Ont .-~Ir~ . W. J . Reid. Caresbroo ke. ~Iont real, P. Q.-Hon. P resident , Mi s ~ Rod . dick; Vice- P residents, Mrs. Ste wart, Miss Finley. Mrs. Bon erell: Hon . See'y , ~Ii ss I. G. Reekie, 108 Dur och er Sir t ; Hon. Tr eas..

Kansas City, Mo.c-Presidenr, J oh n H Th atcher ; Secr etar y, H en ry D, Faxon ; Trea sure r, T horn ton Cooke. Fidelity Trust Compan" ~{ inneapol i s, Minn-e- Pre side nt. Rev. H . P Dewey. D.O. ; Vice- President, L K. Thomp .

A. M. Carmic ha..l ; li on. Tr eas.. Miss Isabel Graham. Oakville, Onr.c-H on. Sec·y. M iss E. Lynn Caver s : Hon . Treas., ~frs. Chu. Ch isholm. Orillia. Om. c-Preeldem, Mrs. D. P. Thom -

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~,~~~~e~a~;;::::C~~' R. P. Woodw orth Philadelphia, Pa.c-Ueder th e manage men t o f J. Fr ederick T ho mas, 40 \\'~t Walnu l Lane , Germ antow n. Rochest er, N. Y.- P re~ident j oseph T . All ing ; Vice-President, Rev. Edwin A. Rum hall Sec reta ry -T re as u re r, Edg ar Lon g, SOl I n su r ance BUIlding. Washington . D. C.- Pre si,fent. Ad mira l T< ~1. Watt, U. S. N . : Vice-Presidents , Ho rr J ohn W. FOSler a nd Hon . Henry B. F. ~I a r . farla nd; Secretary. Willey O. bon, 1106 Th ir tee n th 51.. X, \V , ; Tr easur er , Geor ge \\ '. \\ 'h itl" Esq., Presid e nt Na tio na l ~f elropol itan Bank. CANADA Brand on, ~lan.- Hon . Sec'y, W illia m Crouc h; Han . Tr eat .. A. R. R H earn Brookville, Ont.c-Miss Eleanor- M. Reynold s, 24 East Avenue. Calg ary. Alta .-Mrs. Walter Gedde s Canso. N. S .-Mrs. O. C. Whitman . Coldwate r. Ont .-Miss Susie Belsh . Fort Willi am, Ont .-Presi dent, J. J. w-u-: Hon. Sec'y-Treas.. R C. Gord on, Guelph , Ont .-Hon. Sec'y., Mrs. Kenn eth ~fadea. n .

H ali fa x. X. S.-P resi den t, ~Irs . " -. L POI,., zant. " Knock Eyon ": Sec'y- Tr ta •.. ;\fi ~ ~ ~Ia r ­ jo r-ic neu. 40 Brenton St ,

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Ottawa. Ont .-I'ro:-sidelll, ~I n \\ ' illia m Ri. hor>. 1&,1 CariinlC ..h l'.; Yice- Pr esidem •. ~I r s . J . A. \I achad.., ~l rs . A. G. Pa rker; Hun Scc'y. ~I i " Alma Smillie. Th e ~facken l it· . ('or. Elg in a n d ~IcI.{'u