Advice. Condoms. Contraceptive pill

and beyond Contraception Advice Speak to your GP , family planning clinic, school, parents o r Diabetes Speci alist Nurse for advice before having...
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and beyond


Advice Speak to your GP , family planning clinic, school, parents o r Diabetes Speci alist Nurse for advice before having se x. All forms of contrace ption may be suit able for people with d iabetes, but abst inence is the only form o f contraception th at is 100% effective in preventing pregn ancy.


Condoms are the only form of contr aception that can help to p rotect you from b oth sexually transmit ted infections (ST Is) and pregnancy. T hey are available from pharmacies and family planning cl inics. Talk to your diab etes nurse speci alist if you need help in accessing condo ms.

Contraceptive pil


The contraceptive pill may be suita ble for some young p eople with diabe tes. Discuss your opti ons with your Dia betes Nurse Specialist or GP. The contra ceptive pill is available o n prescription fro m your GP or family plan ning clinic.

Morning after pill

If you have had unprotected sex and are worried that you may become pregnant and do not want to be, immediately talk to your GP or Family Planning Clinic about the morning after pill and its availability. The morning after pill must be taken no more than 72 hours after having sex.


Sex: the facts It is legal in NZ for both women and men to have sex once they are both 16. This is called age of consent. The same law applies to sexual relations between people of the same sex. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are rapidly becoming more common and can cause unpleasant and harmful effects Thrush is not necessarily an STI but can be transmitted through sex and is common in diabetes (glucose in the urine encourages the fungus). You can buy medicated cream and pessaries from your chemist to treat it. Your GP may also prescribe these for you or a tablet treatment Most people with diabetes can use the same forms of contraception as their non-diabetic friends

Sex is an activity like exercise, so be prepared: you may require extra carbohydrates before to prevent a hypo

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Preparing for a pregnancy

It is really importan t until you decide yo to use some form u want to o become p f contraception regnant In order t o have a suc that you p lan ahead cessful pregnanc y it is ess ential As soon a s it is vital you decide you wa tha nt to beco me pregn as soon a t you talk to your ant, diabetes s possibl e s . p importan ce of goo They will discuss ecialist team d blood g with you to a midw the lucose co ife. ntrol and referral It is really importan t before ge tting preg to have good bloo d nant. Eve during ea n a slight glucose control rly pregn ly a n r carries a n increas cy in women with aised HbA1c ed risk fo r birth de type I diabetes fects or a Women w stillbirth. ith diabet es who a pregnant re plannin should aim gt 43 mmol t o m a in /mol (6.1 tain their o become %) HbA1c be low Once you rH pregnanc bA1c is within re co y, with folic your diabetes team mmended target f or ac 12 weeks id 5mg which you will prescribe you of pregna should ta ke daily u ncy ntil Working wit and plann h the diabetes tea m and m in id the likelih g ahead can sign ificantly im wife ood of a s uccessfu l pregnan prove cy

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What is meant by good control for pregnancy? If your diabetes is well controlled you should feel well, grow well, and be able to take part in all the same things as other people your age. What we mean by good control is that the level of glucose in your blood and urine will be similar to people without diabetes.

Do you think you are pregnant? How to find out You can buy a pregnancy test to use at home from a supermarket or pharmacy or you can ask for a pregnancy test at: • Your GP practice • Family planning clinics • Sexual health clinics • Pharmacies • Some specialist diabetes clinics will be able to offer pregnancy testing If you think you are pregnant you should contact your diabetes team immediately. There is a need for more frequent monitoring of your diabetes during pregnancy to ensure both you and your growing baby remain healthy.

If you are… Confide e.g., yo in someone y ou can u tr You sh r best friend ould co and pa ust, re nt clinic o r GP as act your diab nts. e becaus s e poor oon as possi tes b c you an d your ontrol could le, harm baby. Test yo u regula r blood gluco rl se them s y and try to ke levels table. ep See yo ur growin dietitian. As g y calcium , you may nee ou are still d , calorie protein, folic more s durin g pregn acid and ancy.

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Contact Numbers

A series of leaflets is available that may be helpful for you:

School Nurse:

• Annual Review


• Body Piercing & Tattooing

Diabetes Specialist or Local Team:

• Emotional Well-being

______________________________ Kidshealth Starship Transition patients-parents-and-visitors/ youth-transition/diabetes-service Youth Law Aotearoa Family Planning

• Exercise • Insulin Pumps • Looking After Type 1 Diabetes • Sensible Drinking • Sex and Beyond • Top Tips for School • Travelling Ask your diabetes team for the ones you want.

Provided by Lilly as a support to medicine and patients with diabetes. This leaflet has been written by the RCN Children and Young People Diabetes Community (CYPDC). Lilly’s involvement is limited to production costs and a review of the content for medical accuracy only.

Eli Lilly and Company (NZ) Limited would like to thank the nursing work stream of the National Clinical Network for Children and Young People with Diabetes, for their help in adapting these booklets for use in New Zealand. Eli Lilly & Company (NZ) Limited, PO Box 109 197, Newmarket, Auckland 1149. TAPS CH4643. NZDBT00169e. LNZ0259. Prepared January 2016. Models used for illustrative purposes only.

This leaflet was written by the Royal College of Nursing, Children and Young People Diabetes Community in the United Kingdom.

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