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Résumé :

A new species of chigoe flea belonging to the genus Tunga Jarocki, 1 8 3 8 (Siphonaptera, Pulicidae, Tunginae), Tunga trimamillata, was recently described by Pampiglione et al. (2002). A better description and more details of the epidemiology of the flea are now presented. It is a species found in goats, pigs and cattle in Santa Isabel in Andean Ecuador. This new species differs from its most similar congener, Tunga penetrans (L. 1758), by several features, the most important of which are a) the presence on the anterior extremity of the gravid female of three rounded humps surrounding the head and thorax (which, however, are not visible if viewed in profile), b) slightly larger dimensions and c) the length of the first segment of the maxillary palpi which is longer than each of the other three. K E Y W O R D S : Siphonaptera, Tunga, chigoes, Ecuador, goats, pigs, cattle.


Une nouvelle espèce de chique appartenant au genre Tunga Jarocki, 1838 (Siphonaptera, Pulicidae, Tunginae), Tunga trimamillata, a été récemment décrite par Pampiglione et al. 12002). les auteurs donnent ici une meilleure description et plusieurs détails de l'épidémiologie de cette nouvelle espèce. La chique a été trouvée dans la localité andine de Santa Isabel, en Equateur, chez des chèvres, des porcs et des bœufs. La nouvelle espèce se différencie de la plus proche espèce de ce genre, Tunga penetrons /(L., 1758), par plusieurs caractères morphologiques, les plus importants étant constitués par : a) la présence à l'extrémité antérieure de la femelle gravide de trois protubérances encerclant la tête et le thorax qui, toutefois, ne sont pas visibles en observation de profil ; b) des dimensions légèrement plus grandes ; c) le premier segment des palpes maxillaires qui est le plus long des quatre. MOTS CLES : Siphonaptera, Tunga, chiques, Équateur, chèvre, porc, bœuf.



few years ago, w e e x a m i n e d s o m e s p e c i m e n s of chigoes removed from goats and pigs from Ecuador (Trentini et al., 2000, 2 0 0 1 ) and, o n the basis o f s o m e morphological characteristics, w e were unable to assign them to any k n o w n species o f the genus Tunga (Traub, 1950; Hopkins ¿4 Rothschild, 1953; Smit, 1962). At that time, there were too few specimens available to reach a firm conclusion regarding their identity. Since then, o n e o f us (G.O.) has collected m o r e c h i g o e s from goats and cattle in the same locality and further study has confirmed that they are a n e w species o f Tunga which was described and n a m e d Tunga trimamillata n. sp. in a short communication

* D i p a r t i m e n t o di S a n i t à P u b b l i c a V e t e r i n a r i a

e Patologia

a n d ** D i p a r t i m e n t o di B i o l o g i a E v o l u z i o n i s t i c a versità di B o l o g n a ,





*** F a c u l t a d d e B i o l o g i a , Pontificia U n i v e r s i d a d C a t ó l i c a d e l E c u a d o r , Quito,


**** D i p a r t i m e n t o di S c i e n z e M o r f o l o g i c h e e M e d i c o Legali,


sità di M o d e n a e R e g g i o Emilia, M o d e n a , Italy. C o r r e s p o n d e n c e : Prof. M. T r e n t i n i , D i p a r t i m e n t o di B i o l o g i a zionistica

B o l o g n a , Italy. Fax

: 0 0 3 9 051 2 5 1 2 0 8 - Tel. : 0 0 3 9 051 2094162.



s p e r i m e n t a l e , U n i v e r s i t à di B o l o g n a , via S e l m i 3, 4 0 1 2 6

[email protected]

Parasite, 2 0 0 3 , 10, 9 - 1 5

in the XXII Congress o f the Italian Society o f Parasitology (Pampiglione et al., 2 0 0 2 ) . Now, a better description and more details o f its epidemiology are here presented.



ixty four gravid females in various stages o f development and two male Tunga sp. were examined; all w e r e from Santa Isabel in the province o f Azuay in the Ecuadorian Andes (3° 15' 6 1 . 0 " S and 7 9 ° 18' 6 7 . 4 " W, at 1,400 m. a. s. l.). T h e female specimens were taken from goats ( 4 9 s p e c i m e n s ) , pigs (six spec i m e n s ) and cattle (nine s p e c i m e n s ) at a slaughterhouse or from nearby breeding sites. T h e male specimens w e r e captured using humans as bait in a goat shed. Most o f the females w e r e stored in 7 0 % ethanol and e x a m i n e d with a stereoscopic dissecting micros c o p e . T o study particular morphological details s o m e specimens w e r e dissected and drawn with a camera lucida. Histological sections w e r e stained with haematoxylin and eosin, PAS and Masson Goldner Trichromic. T h e males w e r e cleared and permanently mounted in Hoyer's medium. S o m e gravid females were dehydrated in an ascending series o f ethanol from



70 % to 100 %, mounted on a stub, sprayed with gold and o b s e r v e d under a J E O L 5 2 0 0 scanning electron microscope (SEM). Another 50 gravid females o f Tunga sp. from pigs from other areas in the Andes o f Ecuador (Pelileo at 2,592 m in the province o f Tungurahua and Riobamba at 2,754 m in the province o f Chimborazo) were examined to see if the n e w species o f Tunga was also present in localities 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 km north o f Santa Isabel. Our specimens were c o m p a r e d with males and gravid females o f T. penetrans from Africa and V e n e ­ zuela from humans, pigs and dogs, and with Tunga spp. in the collection of the Natural History Museum, London.



he s p e c i m e n s o f Tunga sp. from Santa Isabel collected from goats, pigs and cattle have mor­ phological characters showing they represent a previously u n d e s c r i b e d s p e c i e s . T h e c h i g o e s from

Africa, Venezuela and other places in Ecuador were identified as Tunga penetrans. DESCRIPTION T y p e material T h e gravid female holotype from Santa Isabel, 3° 15' 6 1 . 0 " S - 7 9 ° 18' 6 7 . 4 " W, 1,400 m.a.s.l., province o f Azuay, Ecuador, from Capra hircus, 15.X. 1990, leg. N. Minerva. Paratypes o f both s e x e s from the same loca­ lity are deposited in the Biology Department of the University o f B o l o g n a , Italy. Adult gravid female (Fig. 1) Globular, slightly c o m p r e s s e d in an antero-posterior direction (Fig. 1A) with the greatest dimension reaching about 6 mm in width. Anteriorly, there are three humps on the a b d o m e n (Fig. 1A, C) easily visible to the naked e y e and surrounding the head and the thorax, rendering the latter structures invisible o n profile (Fig. 2A). T h e three humps, o n e ventral and two late-

Fig. 2. Tunga

(A) Gravid


female o f in


( B ) Maxillary palpi o f Tunga mamillata

female. (C)

f e m a l e o f Tunga


file. ( D ) Maxillary palpi o f penetrans


Gravid in p r o ­ Tunga


c 10

Parasite, 2 0 0 3 , 10, 9 - 1 5


rodorsal, are similar to e a c h other having a semis¬ pherical form, e a c h with a diameter which can b e as much as 1.2 m m (Fig. 1A, C); they are semi-transpa­ rent and s o m e ova are m o r e or less plainly visible within them. T h e eye is large, pigmented and measures 42 x 65 m m (Fig. 1 B ) . T h e maxillary palpi are covered by numerous, thick, short spines and long bristles and have the first proximal segment clearly longer than the other three; the third is the shortest (Fig. 1D, Fig. 2 B ) . T h e last tarsal segment o f the legs is long and narrow, about eight times longer than its width (Fig. 1 B ) . Pos­ teriorly, the last abdominal segments form a large visible c o n e that is sometimes hollowed in the penul­ timate segments; the respiratory spiracles o f abdo­ minal segments V to VIII are cleary visible (Fig. 1E, F ) . W e don't describe u n e x p a n d e d females, n o n e being captured.

& Dreyfus, 1927, T. bondari Wagner, 1932 and T. caecata Enderlein, 1901 and the head and thorax are either visible in profile (T. penetrans, T. travassosi) (Fig. 2C and Fig. 3A, C) or, w h e n c o n c e a l e d within the abdomen, are invisible (T. bondari, T. caecata). In T. terasma Jordan, 1937, T. caecigena Jordan & Roth­ schild, 1 9 2 1 , T. callida Li & Chin, 1957 and T. monositus Barnes & Radovsky, 1969, four or eight lobes and humps are present and the head and thorax are either visible in profile (T. terasma) or, w h e n covered by the humps, invisible (T. caecigena, T. callida, T. monositus) (Table I). T h e e x p a n d e d female o f T. libis Smit, 1962 is at present unknown. Tunga trimamillata is similar to T. penetrans in having the pronotum completely fused dorsally with the meso¬ notum and in having pigmented eyes. In addition to the three humps, there are three other features that dis­ tinguish the n e w species from T. penetrans, namely:

Male (Fig. 1G)

a) size: the bodies o f both male and female T. trima­ millata are much larger than those o f T. penetrans; b ) the maxillary palpi o f T. trimamillata are covered with thick, short spines and long bristles compared to only long and short bristles in T. penetrans (Fig. 1D, 3B, 2B, 2D); c ) the first proximal segment o f the maxillary palpi o f T. trimamillata is longer than the others (Fig. 1D, Fig. 2 B ) whereas, in T. penetrans, the s e c o n d is the longest (Fig. 2 D ) ( W e s t w o o d , 1840; Hopkins & Roth­ schild, 1953; Jordan, 1962).

T h e length o f the b o d y is about 1 mm. T h e respira­ tory spiracles, all o f similar size, are visible on the abdomen. Apparently, the genitalia are similar to those of T. penetrans. T h e few male s p e c i m e n s presently available are insufficient for a m o r e detailed descrip­ tion. W e are studying other s p e c i m e n s recently col­ lected on the field by o n e o f us (M.L.F.) and they will b e referred to another study. Diagnosis T h e most striking morphological feature o f T. trima¬ millata which immediately differentiates this species from the other nine described species o f the same genus is the p r e s e n c e o f the three h u m p s o f the a b d o m e n and the impossibility o f seeing the head and thorax o f the gravid female in profile (Fig. 2A). T h e humps are absent in T. penetrans. T. travassosi Pinto

Abdomen Species T. trimamillata T penetrans

n. sp. (L.

T. Travassosi


Pinto & Dreyfus, 1927


Pathology Macroscopically, the lesions due to Tunga trimamil­ lata are more evident than those due to T. penetrans and, w h e n the parasite is extracted from the skin, w e can see with the naked e y e the hump-prints at the bottom o f the "hole" (Fig. 4A).

H e a d a n d thorax in profile

Geographical Host



not visible, a m o n g 3 humps


goat, pig, c o w



Latin America and Africa

human, pig, dog, c o w , horse, donkey, etc.


South o f the Sahara Brazil


amardillo (Dasypus

not visible, c o n c e a l e d within



T. bondari

Wagner. 1932



T. terasma

Jordan, 1937




amardillo ( C a b a s s o u s

T. caecata

Enderlein, 1901


not visible, c o n c e a l e d within


Rattus rattus. R.




unicinctus) abdomen T. caecigena


not visible, a m o n g 4 humps

China, J a p a n

Rattus rattus. R.

not visible, a m o n g 4 humps



T. libis Smit, 1962 (*)

not described

not described

Ecuador. Chile


T. monositus


not visible, a m o n g 8 humps

Mexico, USA


Li & Chin. 1957 B a r n e s & Radovsky, 1969




T. callida

J o r d a n & Rothschild, 1921




(*) Smit ( 1 9 6 2 , 1 9 6 8 ) described only oonnee male from Ecuador Ecuad 3r and two u n e x p a n d e d females from Chile. T a b l e I. - S p e c i e s o f t h e g e n u s T u n g a : gravid f e m a l e s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s .

Parasite, 2003, 10, 9-15




Fig. 1. -



from g o a t s , E c u a d o r . ( A ) Anterior e x t r e m i t y of gravid f e m a l e . ( B ) H e a d a n d t h o r a x of gravid f e m a l e s e p a ­

rated from a b d o m e n ( H o y e r ' s m e d i u m ) . ( C ) A n t e r i o r e x t r e m i t y o f gravid f e m a l e , S E M . ( D ) D e t a i l s of h e a d a n d t h o r a x of gravid f e m a l e in frontal v i e w , S E M . ( E ) Respiratory s p i r a c l e s of last a b d o m i n a l s e g m e n t s of gravid f e m a l e ( H o y e r ' s m e d i u m ) . ( F ) Respiratory s p i r a c l e s ( a r r o w s ) t h

of 5 , 6


, h

and 7

l h

abdominal segments, SEM. ( G ) Male (Hoyer's m e d i u m ) .


Parasite, 2 0 0 3 , 10, 9 - 1 5





Fig. 3. - Tunga penetrans from h u m a n , M a d a g a s c a r . ( A ) Gravid f e m a l e . ( B ) Frontal v i e w of h e a d a n d t h o r a x of gravid f e m a l e , SEM. ( C ) A n t e ­ rior e x t r e m i t y of a gravid f e m a l e , S E M . Fig. 4. - ( A ) L e s i o n d u e to Tunga


from pig. ( B ) Histological s e c t i o n of gravid f e m a l e of Tunga




s k i n of a b o v i n e ( T r i c h r o m i c M a s s o n G o l d n e r Stain). N o t e t h e h u m p s ( h ) .

Parasite, 2 0 0 3 , 10, 9 - 1 5



There are n o apparent differences in the histopatho¬ logical c h a n g e s in the host skin caused by T. t r i m a ¬ millata and T. penetrans (Pampiglione et ai, 1998). The parasite is situated in the epithelial tissue c o v e r e d almost completely by the considerably thinned horny layer, so that it is deeply inserted in the basal layers o f the skin o f the host. Communication with the out­ side is through a small foramen that allows the para­ site to respire, excrete and oviposit. A moderate inflam­ matory infiltration, principally consisting o f eosinophilic granulocytes, neutrophils, l y m p h o c y t e s , and rarely plasmacells and histiocytes, is usually present near the cephalic extremity o f the parasite. T h e epithelial layer frequently shows acanthosis and hyperkeratosis with a marked irregular surface (Fig. 4 B ) . Seasonality Tunga trimamillata was collected exclusively during the dry season, i.e. from J u n e to O c t o b e r .

It is interesting to note that, with the exception o f T. penetrans, Tunga spp. almost always parasitise a single species o f vertebrate host, or a few closely related species. T. trimamillata has already b e e n col­ lected from three different species (goats, pigs and cattle) and it is probable that, like T. penetrans, it can also parasitise other species o f animals, both domestic and wild, as well as humans. Pending research is veri­ fying the hosts and the geographic distribution. W e c h e c k e d the literature o f the 1800s and early 1900s, w h e n the multiplicity o f Tunga species was not known, to see if any early illustrations o f Tunga could be referred to T. trimamillata, but all depicted T. pene­ trans. However, in a recent publication (Georgi & Georgi, 1 9 9 1 ) , w e found photographs (Fig. 1.21 and Tables 1-6) o f a gravid female classified as Tunga sp. from a pig in Ecuador (locality not specified) in which the p r e s e n c e o f three clearly visible anterior h u m p s suggests the s p e c i m e n was T. trimamillata.

Local n a m e Locally, the Santa Isabel chigoe is called "Nigua"; this is the s a m e n a m e u s e d for T. penetrans in other regions o f Ecuador and Latin America too.


nine described species o f chigoes o f the genus Tunga are subdivided into two groups – penetrans group and caecata group – accor­ ding to the p r e s e n c e or a b s e n c e o f eyes, or eye pig­ ment, and whether or not the pronotum is fused with the m e s o n o t u m (Smit, 1962). T h e species o f the first group are parasites o f edentates, armadillos, humans and various domestic and wild mammals; those o f the s e c o n d group afflict, mainly, murine and sigmodontine rodents. Tunga trimamillata b e l o n g s to the penetrans group. T h e geographical distribution, hosts and impor­ tant morphological characteristics o f e a c h species are s h o w n in Table I. A male o f Tunga libis, found on the sigmodontine rodent, Akodon mollis ( T h o m a s , 1894), in Riobamba, Ecuador, was described by Smit (1962). T h e male o f T. trimamillata differs from that o f T. libis by a ) its larger size, b ) the claspers, c ) the 5 tarsal segment and d ) the maxillary palpi. In the original description, T. libis was placed, and it's unquestionably so, in the caecata group even though the e y e was not des­ cribed. T h e e y e was, however, s h o w n in a figure where it is close to the dorsal margin o f the head than that o f T. trimamillata (Fig. 1 G ) . It was not possible to c o m p a r e the u n e x p a n d e d female o f T. libis, des­ cribed by Smit (1968), b e c a u s e w e didn't capture this stage o f T. trimamillata.



e thank Nicola Minerva and Giuseppe Diegoli for kindly providing s o m e speci­ m e n s o f the c h i g o e s from E c u a d o r and Mario Marini and Salvatore G i a n n e t t o for help with scanning electron microscopy. Finally, w e thank T h e ­ resa Howard for assistance in e x a m i n i n g the c o l l e c ­ tion o f c h i g o e s in the E n t o m o l o g y D e p a r t m e n t , Natural History Museum, London, J o a n n a Kapusta o f the s a m e department for help with relevant literature, Robert Killick-Kendrick for revision o f our manuscript and Ayodhya P. Gupta for his valuable advices and s u g g e s t i o n s . This investigation w a s s u p p o r t e d by grant from the MIUR and from the F o u d a z i o n e Cassa di Risparmio in B o l o g n a .

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G.H.E. & ROTHSCHILD M. An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the Bri­ tish Musem (Natural History) Vol. I. Tungidae and Pulicidae. The Trustees of the British Musem, London, 1953, 38-50.




Notes on Tunga caecigena (Siphonaptera: Tun­ gidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology (London), 1962, 12, 353- 364.


S., TRENTINI M., MATTEI GENTILI F., MENDES J.L.X., C. & RIVASI F. Tunga penetrans (Inserta: Sipho­ naptera) in pigs in Sào Tomé (Equatorial Africa): epide­ miological, clinical, morphological and histopathological aspects. Revue d'élévage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux, 1998, 51, 201-205.




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A new species of Tunga (Inserta, Siphonaptera) in Ecuador. Parassitologia, 2 0 0 2 , 44 (Suppl. 1 ) , 1 2 7 . RIVASI


F.G.A.M. A new sand-flea from Ecuador. The Entomo­ logist, 1 9 6 2 , 95, 8 9 - 9 3 .


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probabile nuova specie di pulce penetrante nell'Ecuador (Siphonaptera, Tungidae). 6 2 ° Congresso Nazionale Unione Zoologica Italiana. Sanremo, 2 3 - 2 7 settembre 2 0 0 1 , 65-66. WESTWOOD

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Reçu le 6 novembre 2 0 0 2 Accepté le 2 Janvier 2 0 0 3

Parasite, 2003, 10, 9-15



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