Additional Definitions for: Productivity - Labour productivity growth

Additional Definitions for: Productivity - Labour productivity growth Country Australia GDP series come from the OECD Annual National Accounts and ref...
Author: Ashlyn Mason
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Additional Definitions for: Productivity - Labour productivity growth Country Australia GDP series come from the OECD Annual National Accounts and refers to fiscal years, beginning 1st July. Employment and hours worked refer to fiscal years; they are OECD Secretariat estimates based on aggregate monthly hours worked and labour force status data provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in catalogue 6202.0. Chile Hours worked estimates for Chile are based on the data derived from the survey Encuesta Nacional de Empleo from the National Statistical Institute (INE). France Includes overseas departments. Israel Break in series in 1995. The time-periods presented for Israel go up to 2011 (and not to 2012), owing to break in employment and hours worked series in 2012. The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. For technical reasons, this database uses Israel's official statistics, which include data relating to the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Mexico Break in hours worked series from 1995. New hours worked are supplied by STPS (Secretariat of Labour and Social Welfare) and INEGI (Statistical Office) based on the continous quarterly labour force survey (Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo –ENOE - conducted since January 2005 and Encuesta Nacional de Empleo – ENE - prior to 2005). Annual actual hours worked per worker are obtained as the product of average weekly actual hours worked multiplied by 52 weeks. This new series replaces the old series supplied by STPS-INEGI from the bi-annual National Survey of Employment. Weekly hours worked are annualised based on the assumption of 44 working weeks per year. It is worth noting that the new series reports considerable number of hours in excess of the old series of 400 hours on average over time. New Zealand GDP series are from the OECD, Annual National Accounts. Average hours worked series are from the OECD Employment Outlook. Data supplied by Statistics New Zealand and derived from the quarterly Labour Force Survey, whose continuous sample design avoids the need for adjustments of weekly actual hours worked for public holidays and other days lost.

Turkey Prior to 2005, average hours worked for Turkey are based on Gröningen Growth Development Center (GGDC), Total Economy Database. From 2005 onwards, estimates are OECD calculations obtained by applying annual growth rates observed in the series of average weekly actual hours worked per dependent employee, derived from the Household Labour Force Survey, to the original GGDC series. United States Hours worked series from OECD Employment Outlook. Series supplied by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Office of Productivity and Technology (OPT) and based primarily on Current Employment Statistics (CES). Concepts and Classifications: Key statistical concept The annual working hours series are unpublished data expressed on a per job basis. The annual hours series are derived from the Current Employment Statistics (CES) for production and non-supervisory workers in private sector jobs and from the Current Population Survey (CPS) for other workers. The OECD Secretariat converts hours per job series to hours per worker series by multiplying the job-based annual hours of work by (1 + CPS based share of multiple jobholders in total employment). Brazil GDP estimates are derived from OECD Quarterly National Accounts, April 2013. Population estimates are from OECD Population Projections database. Employment estimates are derived from GGDC, Total Economy Database, January 2013. China GDP and population estimates are derived from OECD Annual National Accounts, April 2013. 2012 GDP is derived from Gröningen Growth Development Center (GGDC) Total Economy Database, January 2013. 2012 Population estimates is derived from OECD Population Projections. Employment estimates are derived from GGDC, Total Economy Database, January 2013. India GDP estimates are from OECD Annual National Accounts; series was extended prior to 2004 and after 2009 using OECD Quarterly National Accounts. Population estimates are from OECD Annual National Accounts; series was extended prior to 2004 and after 2009 using OECD Population Projections. Employment estimates are derived from GGDC, Total Economy Database, January 2013. Indonesia GDP estimates are derived from OECD Quarterly National Accounts, April 2013. Population data are from OECD, Annual National Accounts; series was extended for 2011 and 2012 using OECD Population Projections estimates. Employment estimates are derived from GGDC, Total Economy Database, January 2013.

Russian Federation Russian Federation is an accession country presented along with OECD countries. Employment estimates for Russia are based on the national concept (and not the domestic

concept which is preferable for measuring productivity). Employment estimate for 2010 refers to data point in 2009. South Africa GDP estimates are derived from OECD Quarterly National Accounts, April 2013. Population estimates are from OECD Annual National Accounts. 2012 Population estimates is derived from OECD Population Projections. Underlying employment data come from OECD Annual National Accounts; series was extended prior to 2001 and after 2010 using GGDC, Total Economy Database, January 2013. OECD-Total Data for 2012 are estimates. The time-periods presented for this agregate go up to 2011 (and not to 2012), owing to break in employment and hours worked series for Israel in 2012.

Euro area Here calculated based on the data for the following countries: Austria Belgium Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Slovakia Slovenia Spain Note: From 2011, euro zone includes Cyprus and Malta (in addition to the 15 countries above listed). G7 Here calculated based on the data for the following countries: Austria Belgium Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Slovakia

Slovenia Spain Note: From 2011, euro zone includes Cyprus and Malta (in addition to the 15 countries above listed).

Variable Gross Domestic Product, constant prices

Data for countries are expressed in millions of national currencies, at constant prices. Data for zones are in expressed in millions of US dollars, at constant prices.

Total employment (number of persons engaged) Data sources used for estimating employment in the current version of the OECD Productivity Database: 

Underlying sources

Data Characteristics: Other data characteristics For Austria, employment data refer to number of jobs (and not to number of persons engaged). Unit of measure used In thousands of persons engaged.

Average hours worked per person engaged Data sources used for estimating average annual hours worked in the current version of the OECD Productivity Database: 

Underlying sources

Data Characteristics: Other data characteristics Data refer to hours worked per job (and not to hours worked per person engaged) for Austria.

Hours worked for total employment

Data Characteristics: Unit of measure used Total annual hours worked in million.

GDP per hour worked, US dollar, constant prices, 2005 PPPs Labour productivity is measured as GDP per hour worked. For countries and zones, labour productivity estimates are based on GDP volumes converted to USD, using constant Purchasing Power Parities for 2005.

GDP per hour worked, national currency, constant prices For countries, labour productivity is expressed in national currencies, at constant prices.

For zones labour productivity data are based on GDP volumes converted to USD, using constant Purchasing Power Parities. 

See PPPs internet page

Labour productivity is measured as Gross Domestic Product per hour worked. Real GDP per hour worked, annual growth rate, in percent Annual rates of change are computed as (GDP per hour worked t+1 / GDP per hour worked t) - 1, where t refers to one given year. Real GDP per hour worked, annual compounded growth rate Rates of change over periods are calculated using the compound rate method, i.e. ? = [ (GDP per hour worked t+k / GDP per hour worked t)] ^ (1/k) -1, where ? is the growth rate per period, t and t+k are two points in time and k is the number of years.

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