Acceleration Training Information Sheet Keep in mind this information sheet is based on our research and advice from expert consultants. If you still don‟t agree after reading this...that‟s your choice! We are not trying to convince anyone, we are simply opening a few eyes on how beneficial vibration training can actually be for the body. may be wondering...why have HQH taken on vibration training?! To this we say...Fair call! There is a lot of misinformation out there in regards to vibration training. In fact, some of the HQH team have been the biggest “sceptics” of all! But when our trusted partner company efi Sports Medicine took on some unique vibration training equipment as part of their product line and recommended it to us...we decided to look into it further. What we have come to understand and realise, with the help of our expert vibration consultant, is that the misinformation about „Vibration Training‟ has been exacerbated by two main factors: 1. Opportunistic Businesses 'jumping on the band wagon' and making claims that vibration training is a "quick and easy one-stop solution to get toned and look beautiful and lose fat forever." 2. Negative Reports on 'Whole Body Vibration' and its effects on the body, as researched on individuals who work on diggers and tractors. Firstly we‟ll address these two issues, before getting into the benefits of vibration training. 1. Opportunistic Businesses These businesses often ruin things for the rest. They take something on board, don‟t do their research or read the facts before making their wild claims, and promote a product incorrectly – more often than not as a “quick fix”. In the case of vibration training, this is exactly what has happened. As a result, vibration training gets a bad rap. Particularly by those of us in the fitness industry who know that there are certainly no quick fixes! The fact is - vibration training is not for everyone. But those it can benefit, it can have serious improvements and very effective results. So while we at HQH don‟t agree with the wild claims some businesses make, we do see the incredibly effective results it can have with the right client and used in the right way. 2. Negative Reports Unfortunately, this is perhaps the worst factor that has swayed many people in regards to their perception of vibration training. Originally Whole Body Vibration (WBV) was mainly associated with the negative effects of Industrial Vibration, where employees operating large types of vibrating equipment were over-exposed to vibration, (“the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents – vibrations). They identified that this could trigger a variety of medical disorders, mainly in joints and spine, causing tremendous problems. As a result, many people think that WBV is bad for the body. It is important to remember however that that these individuals are working on this equipment for hours at a time, so of course this would not be good for an individual! Especially if they have poor posture in doing so! Other critics state that there‟s no proper research showing that vibration training actually works. The fact here is that there are various uses and benefits and it all completely depends on what the individual is trying to achieve. We do know that those who use it feel and see the benefits. So the decision really comes down to the individual and their personal preference. If they feel, or can measure the improved benefits by incorporating this equipment in their training regime, then why shouldn’t they use it!

The Term “Acceleration Training” We have addressed the previous two issues surrounding vibration training and WBV. Now we will explain why we refer to vibration training as Acceleration Training. We use the term Acceleration Training to create interest about this form of training. Because we don‟t call it „vibration training‟, people become more interested, learn more about it and then begin to understand the benefits and why we differentiate it. „Acceleration Training‟ is now often used by industry professionals and experts who specialise in the field of vibration training. These are the people who truly understand the positive effects it can have on the right individual. The term represents the acceleration of the muscle, as it rapidly contracts and relaxes at 30 to 50 times per second depending on the set frequency. We therefore felt that the word Acceleration better represented what this form of training is all about. Read our second information sheet on Acceleration Training – Science behind Whole Body Vibration to better understand vibration training and how it all works in regards to its effects on the body.

An Introduction to Acceleration Training Now that we have covered the why, we will move into the how and what... Acceleration Training is a highly effective and flexible training concept for exercising, physiotherapy rehabilitation, wellness and improvement of sporting performance, the effects of which can be seen if the training is consistent and implemented regularly. Independent research studies have shown that:      

Considerable time is saved when training using WBV. In a 15 minute WBV training session the entire body can be trained with a high degree of effectiveness. WBV can train all muscle groups, completing an optimal training session. Training is more pleasant and less strenuous than conventional resistance training. Excessive stress and orthopaedic medical risk is considerably less. WBV exercises are simple and not technically complicated when shown by an instructor, anyone can perform the training without risk.

Results such as strength and stamina achieved using WBV are comparable to the same achieved in conventional power or resistance training, however the time required using WBV is considerably less. So it is incredibly complementary to any program.

Conventional Training vs. WBV Training Conventional power training increases muscle strength as the body reacts to the extra resistance created by weights or resistant type elastics over and above normal gravity. Vibration training reacts to acceleration rather than extra mass. The acceleration is a force many times greater than standard training stimuli, and is repeated 30-50 times per second depending on the set frequency. The human body must adapt even more to overcome the greater acceleration delivered and this will help individuals to succeed in achieving their training targets faster. does this actually work? Mechanical vibrations from the vibration platform are transferred to the body and this generates or causes the muscles to involuntarily contract and relax continuously with power. The vibrating platform causes muscular contractions creating a stretch reflex in the muscles and tendons. This reflex stimulates contractions in many muscles including deep lying muscles such as the pelvic floor, and muscles around your spine and face.

Involuntary means automatically and this response or reaction in relation to WBV cannot be stopped unless you stop the machine, or remove oneself from the machine. The involuntary reaction is strong due to the high frequency of the vibration, and this is much more rapid than normal voluntary movements. Voluntary movements are activated by our brains and humans are unable to replicate the same action or speed as involuntary movements. Thus the increase of muscular contractions using WBV will have a positive and benefiting influence on muscle power, strength, stamina and tone. How does the machine cause muscles to contract automatically? Due to the mechanical vibrations produced by the vibration platform, the body responds immediately. Natural balance in the human body is disrupted. Many muscles will be activated to recover the lost balance. By changing the angles of the joints and the position on the platform the muscles around the joint will stretch. The stretching is registered by the muscle spindles, which will send a signal through the afferent nerves to the cortex, which in turn will react with signals through the spinal cord and cause a reflex contraction of the muscles involved.

Benefits of Acceleration Training Strong muscle pumping action is responsible for moving and delivering a great deal of fresh oxygenated blood to the working muscles, this helps and improves the flushing out of lactic acid and metabolic waste products. The frequency range of vibrations stimulates the neuromuscular system via the central nervous system (CNS).This helps to deepen and redevelop neuromuscular or neural pathways by firing close to 100% of the muscles fibres within the body of the muscle. 

Acceleration Training helps develop explosive power, an essential requirement for many different sports.

Acceleration Training improves muscle power, muscle strength, muscle tone, meaning overall greater muscle performance. Both fast and slow twitch fibres are positively affected.

Acceleration Training increases and improves blood flow pumping blood throughout the body, even to the smallest of blood vessels, ensuring the provision of fuel and allowing the body to carry off waste more efficiently advancing improved regeneration.

Acceleration Training increases blood flow/circulation, warming the muscles and tendons enhancing flexibility, loosening adhesions within the body tissue, increasing range of motion essential in sports and everyday life.

Acceleration Training speeds up the metabolism which can result in greater fat burning and a higher basal metabolism, thereby reducing the subcutaneous fat layers. The massage component of the vibration platform can also target specific areas.

Acceleration Training increases testosterone levels and this allows muscle fibres to recover at faster rate.

Acceleration Training increases growth hormones substantially essential to the repairing and regenerating of muscle tissue.

Acceleration Training lowers cortisol levels which helps minimise the effects of stress.

Acceleration Training reduces the effects of stress on the joints, ligaments, tendons compared to conventional power training.

Acceleration Training improves balance and coordination due to the proprioceptors reacting to the stimulation, this results in enhanced sporting performance and reducing possible falls in the elderly community.

Acceleration Training increases bone density, usually stronger muscles means stronger bones, thus WBV training helps to fight Osteoporosis.

Acceleration Training exercises deep pelvic floor muscles which can help patients who suffer from Incontinence, most commonly for women who have experienced childbirth.

Acceleration Training reduces pain and can help disability associated with osteoarthritis.

Contraindications of Acceleration Training There are several medical conditions below which may affect a client or patient‟s ability to train on a vibration machine. This is an overview. For a complete list of contraindications please contact HQH. If someone presents with one or more of the conditions below, it is advised that you get them to see a doctor and provide a doctor‟s certificate in order to proceed with training on a vibration machine.            

Pregnancy Recent or possible Thrombosis Cardiovascular complaints e.g. Valve Disorder Advanced Arthrosis / Arthropathy Recent sutures / scar and fresh wounds Foot / knee / hip and shoulder replacements Any metal / synthetic implants e.g. pacemakers Lumbar Disc problems Acute inflammation or infection Epilepsy Retinal detachment Diabetes – note: diabetes is a contra-indication for training on vibration machines because of the rapid decline of the blood glucose levels, which may cause the patient to feel faint. However, some units may improve the physical condition of diabetics. Ensure physician consent prior to training.

How to Prepare Clients for Training Clients/patients should drink water prior, during and after training on a vibration machine to ensure they are sufficiently hydrated. Users should in fact drink a lot more water. Many people do not drink enough water, which may cause (temporary) headaches in certain individuals when training intensively. However, it is acknowledged these same complaints may occur under these circumstances while undertaking any kind of intensive training. This is not a problem specifically related to vibration training. However it is important to note that training on a vibration machine causes an enormous activation of the lymphatic system, and will result in a loss of body fluids. Therefore we advise for all to remain hydrated at all times. Clients/patients should have eaten a small snack at least 1 – 1 ½ hours prior to using a vibration machine to ensure blood glucose levels are at a high. This is very important, because vibration training causes the blood glucose levels to drop very quickly. Many people, particularly women, have bad eating habits and by missing meals they often already have a low blood glucose level. This may lead to hypoglycaemia (an abnormal diminished concentration of blood glucose). To ensure that the vibrations can be correctly transferred to the body effectively, wearing shoes with flexible rubber soles is recommended. The shoes need not be training shoes. If contact is established between two hard surfaces this will cause friction. Compared to soft tissue, hard tissue cannot absorb vibrations as well. If you would rather train barefoot, or when you are performing exercises where another part of the body is in direct contact with the machine, ensure that you make use of a rubber mat with the machine. Clients or patients should never train on a vibration machine if feeling unwell.

We hope you found this information sheet helpful. If you have any questions or would like to discuss our vibration machines further, feel free to contact HQH on [email protected]; 0800 552 8789 (NZ); 1800 552 8789 (AU); +649 477 2111 (International).