A. True or False Where the statement is true, mark T. Where it is false, mark F, and correct it in the space immediately below

AP European History Mr. Mercado (rev. 12) Name________________________ Chapter 14B (pp. 470-484) Reform and Renewal in the Christian Church A. True ...
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AP European History Mr. Mercado (rev. 12)


Chapter 14B (pp. 470-484) Reform and Renewal in the Christian Church A. True or False Where the statement is true, mark T. Where it is false, mark F, and correct it in the space immediately below. ___ 1.

The Council of Trent reaffirmed the seven sacraments, the validity of tradition, and transubstantiation.

___ 2.

The English Supremacy Act of 1534 declared the king to be the Supreme Head of the Church of England.

___ 3.

For the most part, the English Reformation under Henry VIII dealt with theological issues.

___ 4.

Mary Tudor, the English queen and daughter of Henry VIII, was interested in the restoration of Catholicism in England.

___ 5.

In general, Protestantism tended to strengthen Germany as a political unit.

___ 6.

During the reign of Elizabeth, the English church moved in a moderately Catholic direction.

___ 7.

In Geneva, Michael Servetus became Calvin’s chief collaborator, co-authoring several important works.

___ 8.

Most Irish people remained Roman Catholic despite English laws to bring Ireland under control of the Church of England.

___ 9.

The Ursuline Order of Nuns, founded by Angela Merici, made impressive gains in the education of women.

___ 10.

The Peace of Augsburg (1555) represented dramatic gains for the Catholic Reformation in turning back the tide of Protestantism in Germany.

B. Multiple Choice Select the best answer and write the proper letter in the space provided. ___

1. Under the Presbyterian form of church government, the church is governed by a. bishops b. the king of Scotland c. ministers d. the people


2. Which of the following did NOT come from the Anabaptist tradition? a. Congregationalists b. Puritans c. Quakers d. Jesuits

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3. The cornerstone of Calvin’s theology was his belief in a. predestination b. indulgences c. the basic goodness of man d. religious tolerance and freedom.


4. John Knox and the Reformation movement in Scotland were most influenced by a. Catholicism b. Calvinism c. Lutheranism d. the Church of England


5. Which of the following is NOT identified with corrupt practices in the early-sixteenth-century church? a. pluralism b. William Tyndale c. Pope Alexander VI d. absenteeism


6. Which of the following clearly did NOT support Luther? a. The German peasants b. The German nobility c. Charles V

d. Ulrich Zwignli


7. Overall, Henry VIII’s religious reformation in England occurred a. strictly for economic reasons. b. for religious reasons. c. mostly for political reasons. d. mostly for diplomatic reasons.


8. The Reformation in Germany resulted in a. a politically weaker Germany. b. a politically stronger Germany. c. no political changes of importance. d. a victory for imperial centralization.


9. The Holy Roman Emperor who tried to suppress the Lutheran revolt was a. Christian III b. Charles V c. Adrian VI d. Henry VII


10. By 1555 the Protestant Reformation had spread to all but a. England b. Scandinavia c. Spain d. Scotland


11. The chief center of the Protestant reformers in the sixteenth century was a. Paris b. Geneva c. Zurich d. Cologne




The Anabaptists appealed to a. the nobility b. the poor, uneducated, and unemployed d. the merchant classes.

13. Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries largely because a. he wanted to distribute the land more equitably. b. they were symbolic of papal authority. c. he needed the wealth they would bring. d. they were a burden on the state.

c. intellectuals

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14. The Scandinavian countries were most influenced by the religious beliefs of a. Martin Luther b. John Knox c. Olaus Petri d. the Jesuits


15. The marriage of Maximilian of Hapsburg and Mary of Burgundy in 1477 was a decisive event in early modern history in that a. Austria became an international power. b. France emerged as the leading continental power. c. England became tied to Spain. d. German principalities became tied to Austria.


16. The man who wrote The Institutes of the Christian Religion and did the most to internationalize Protestantism was a. John Knox b. Martin Luther c. Ulrich Zwingli d. John Calvin


17. Henry VIII of England’s divorce from his wife Catherine was complicated by the fact that Catherine’s nephew was a. the pope b. Charles V c. the king of France d. the leader of the English Parliament


18. The Index of Prohibited Books was published by a. the Calvinist government of Geneva. b. the princes who supported Luther. c. the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office of the pope. d. the Anabaptists.

C. Identification Supply the correct identification for each numbered description. ___________


Term applied to English parliamentary laws passed early in Elizabeth’s reign that required conformity to the Church of England and uniformity of church worship.



Founder of the Society of Jesus whose goal was the spread of the Roman Catholic faith through humanistic schools and missionary activity.



General name given to several Protestant groups who believed that only adults could make an informed decision about baptism and who therefore refused to have their children baptized.



Officially (parliament approved) prayer book of the Church of England, containing the prayers for all services, the forms for administration of the sacraments, and a manual for the ordination of deacons, priests, and bishops.



Series of imperial meetings in 1521 at a bishop’s palace in the Rhineland where Luther defended his doctrines before the emperor Charles V.

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Largest multi-class rebellion in English history that protested the English Reformation policies of Henry VIII.



Henry VIII’s second wife and mother of Elizabeth who was executed for allegedly committing adulterous incest.



Organization created by Pope Paul III in 1542 to oversee the Roman Inquisition and enforce the Index of Prohibited Books.

D. Matching People, Places, and Events Match the person, place, or event in the left column with the proper description in the right column by inserting the correct letter on the blank line. ___ 1. Zurich ___ 2. Michael Servetus

___ 3. Charles V ___ 4. Geneva ___ 5. Pope Paul III ___ 6. Catherine of Aragon

___ 7. Münster

___ 8. Thomas More ___ 9. Thomas Cromwell

___ 10. Edward VI ___ 11. Peace of Augsburg ___ 12. Council of Trent ___ 13. Thirty-nine Articles

A. Short-lived young king of England who saw the country move in a decidedly Protestant direction during his reign B. City in Germany where one group of Anabaptists practiced polygamy and the death penalty for insubordinate wives. C. Most important pope of the Catholic Reformation who oversaw the creation of the Holy Office. D. Chief minister for Henry VIII in England who oversaw the dissolution of Catholic monasteries. E. Official doctrine of the Church of England during the reign of Elizabeth that codified the Elizabethan Settlement. F. Series of meetings during the Catholic Reformation of the mid-16th century that established Catholic doctrine for the next four centuries. G. Political agreement that allowed German princes to choose either Catholicism or Lutheranism as the official faith of their realms. H. City where Ulrich Zwingli established a theocracy to enforce his Protestant views. I. Hapsburg ruler who inherited the Spanish Empire from his maternal grandparents and the Austrian Hapsburg lands from his paternal grandparents. J. First wife of Henry VIII who had her marriage annulled when she was unable to provide him with a male heir. K. Humanist who rejected the Trinity and was burned at the stake by Calvinists L. Swiss city where Calvinists, led by John Calvin, established their strict religious community. M. Humanist and former chief minister for Henry VIII who was beheaded for not taking an oath of loyalty to the Church of England.

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E. Map Mastery On Outline Map 14.1 provided, and using Map 14.1 and 14.2 in the textbook as a reference: 1) mark the boundary of the Holy Roman Empire (2 points) 2) mark the territory under the control of Charles V (2 points)

Using Map 14.2 in the textbook, answer the following questions: 3. In which three countries did Calvinism dominate? ____________________



4. In which five states/political entities did Lutheranism exist significantly? _______________ ______________ _________________ ________________ ______________ 5. Identify three western or southern European countries in which the Protestant Reformation seems to have had no impact. __________________________ _________________________ ___________________________

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