A Few PI ProcessBook VBA Tips. OSIsoft vcampus White Paper

A Few PI ProcessBook VBA Tips OSIsoft vCampus White Paper How to Contact Us Worldwide Offices Email: [email protected] Web: http://vCampus.osisoft...
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A Few PI ProcessBook VBA Tips OSIsoft vCampus White Paper

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................... ii Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1 About this Document ............................................................................................................................. 1 What You Need to Start ......................................................................................................................... 1 "One-Click Value Trend" VBA Script .................................................................................................... 2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2 The General Settings .............................................................................................................................. 2 The Display_Open Event........................................................................................................................ 2 The Display_Click Event .......................................................................................................................... 3 "One-Click Value Ad Hoc Trend" VBA Script ........................................................................................ 5 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 5 The General Settings .............................................................................................................................. 5 The Display_Open Event........................................................................................................................ 5 The Display_Click Event .......................................................................................................................... 5 Creating XYPlots Programmatically ..................................................................................................... 7 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 7 The General Settings .............................................................................................................................. 7 The Command Button ............................................................................................................................ 8 The CreateButton_Click Event................................................................................................................ 8 The Display_DataUpdate Event ............................................................................................................ 10 “SetViewPort” VBA code snippet ...................................................................................................... 12 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 12 The General Settings ............................................................................................................................ 12 The Display_Open Event...................................................................................................................... 12 The Value1_DataUpdate Event ............................................................................................................ 12 “Modified” property ........................................................................................................................ 13 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 13 The General Settings ............................................................................................................................ 13 ii

The Display_BeforeClose Event ........................................................................................................... 13 Pass the Context from Parent to Child (Module Relative Display) ...................................................... 14 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 14 The General Settings ............................................................................................................................ 14 The cmdOpenChildDisplay_Click Event ............................................................................................... 14 Pass the Context from Parent to Child (Element Relative Display)...................................................... 16 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 16 The General Settings ............................................................................................................................ 16 The cmdOpenChildDisplay_Click Event ............................................................................................... 16 Revision History ............................................................................................................................... 18


OVERVIEW ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT This document is exclusive to the OSIsoft Virtual Campus (vCampus) and is available on its online Library, located at http://vCampus.osisoft.com/Library/library.aspx. As such, it is provided 'as is' and is not supported by OSIsoft's regular Technical Support. Any question or comment related to this document should be posted in the appropriate vCampus discussion forum (http://vCampus.osisoft.com/forums) or sent to the vCampus Team at [email protected].

ABOUT THIS WHITE PAPER This document contains a loose collection of various examples that can prove useful to manipulate PI ProcessBook displays and objects. Some of these examples were previously provided as standalone elements and were re-written and grouped for clarity purposes. VBA allows a user to build displays that modify themselves based on an event. This event can be a mouse click as well as the receiving of a new value in a PI Point.

WHAT YOU NEED TO START The VBA scripts have been developed with the following product: PI ProcessBook 3.2



The "One-Click Value Trend" VBA script places a displayed value into a PI ProcessBook trend when it is selected. You can access a trend of any value in your display.This VBA script references a Trend object named PointTrend on the display. In your own displays, you could either modify the VBA script to reference a trend with a different name or rename your Trend object to PointTrend:

THE GENERAL SETTINGS The Option Explicit statement forces the declaration of all variables. ' Make sure we define all our variables Option Explicit

THE DISPLAY_OPEN EVENT In the Display_Open event we set the time range of the trend when the file gets opened. Private Sub Display_Open() ' Reset the trend time range to be one day each time display is opened. Call ThisDisplay.PointTrend.SetStartAndEndTime("*-1d", "*") End Sub


THE DISPLAY_CLICK EVENT 1. We select the Display_Click event:

2. And declare some variables: ' The PI Server name Dim strPIServername As String ' The PI Point name in the selected Value Dim strPITagname As String ' The Start Time of the Trend Dim strTrendStartTime As String ' The End Time of the Trend Dim strTrendEndTime As String ' Status Dim Success As Boolean ' The Symbols collection Dim MySymbols As SelectedSymbols ' One Symbol Dim MySymbol As Symbol

3. Now we get a reference of the selected symbols collection and check if there any are selected : ' Set selected symbols object to the selected symbols collection. Set MySymbols = ThisDisplay.SelectedSymbols ' Check to see how many are selected. If MySymbols.Count = 0 Then ' If the count is zero, user clicked display background, do nothing. Exit Sub End If

4. As we have the collection of symbols, we loop through it and search for a value symbol and modify the trend object accordingly: For Each MySymbol In MySymbols ' If symbol object is type pbSymbolValue, it is a value object. If MySymbol.Type = pbSymbolValue Then ' Get the tagname and trend it. strPITagname = MySymbol.GetTagName(1) ' Pick up the current trend time range. strTrendStartTime = ThisDisplay.PointTrend.StartTime strTrendEndTime = ThisDisplay.PointTrend.EndTime ' If selected tag is not the current one in trend, put it there. If Not (PointTrend.GetTagName(1) = strPITagname) Then ' Remove old point trace from trend. PointTrend.RemoveTrace(1) ' Add trace for this tag to trend ( using format \\severname\tagname ) PointTrend.AddTrace(strPITagname) ' Refresh time range, setting Call PointTrend.SetStartAndEndTime(strTrendStartTime, strTrendEndTime) End If

5. In addition, we can use the PI SDK to add some PI Point information to the trend title. In order to do this, we have to reference the PI SDK:


6. Then we can use PI SDK objects: ' If you plan to use this script to enhance displaysviewed ' in PI ProcessBook, you can use the PI SDK. ' ' NOTE: You will need to add a reference to the PI SDK libraries ' to your PI ProcessBook VBA ' project. ' Strip out PI Server name ( used in Option 2 only). strPIServername = Mid(strPITagname, 3, InStr(3, strPITagname, "\") - 3) ' Strip out PI Tag name. strPITagname = Right(strPITagname, _ Len(strPITagname) - _ InStr(3, strPITagname, "\")) ' Set the Trend title to the Descriptor. PointTrend.TrendTitle = PISDK.Servers(strPIServername). _ PIPoints(strPITagname). _ PointAttributes. _ Item("Descriptor")

7. And finally we set the trace scale to "Autorange" and finish the loop: ' Refresh trend Y-axis scale. Success = PointTrend.SetTraceScale("Autorange", "Autorange") Exit Sub End If Next MySymbol



This VBA script automates the "ad hoc trending" functionality of PI ProcessBook. When you click any value in the display, an ad hoc trend appears.

THE GENERAL SETTINGS The Option Explicit statement forces the declaration of all variables. ' Make sure we define all our variables Option Explicit

THE DISPLAY_OPEN EVENT In the Display_Open routine we set the time range of the Display to 1 day when the file gets opened. Private Sub Display_Open() ' Reset the trend time range to be one day each time display is opened. Call ThisDisplay.PointTrend.SetStartAndEndTime("*-1d", "*") End Sub

THE DISPLAY_CLICK EVENT 1. We select the Display_Click procedure:

2. And declare some variables: Dim Dim Dim Dim

pbSymbols As SelectedSymbols pbSymbol As Symbol pbBar As PBCommandBar pbButton As PBCommandBarButton

3. Now we get the selected symbols object and check if there are selected symbols at all: 5

' Set selected symbols collection object to the ' selected symbols currently on ThisDisplay. Set pbSymbols = ThisDisplay.SelectedSymbols ' Check to see how many are selected. If pbSymbols.Count = 0 Then ' If the count is zero, user clicked display background, do nothing. Exit Sub End If

4. As we have the collection of symbols, we search for all value symbols: ' Look through selected symbols for a value object, trend first one found. For Each pbSymbol In pbSymbols ' If symbol object is type 7, by definition its a value object. If pbSymbol.Type = pbSymbolValue Then

5. Get the Standard Toolbar object: ' Grab PI ProcessBook's "Standard Toolbar" Set pbBar = Application.CommandBars.Item("Standard Toolbar")

6. Get the Trend Display button ' Set the button object to the "Trend Display" button within that toolbar. Set pbButton = pbBar.Controls.Item("Trend Display")

7. And “push” it from code: ' Programatically "push" the button. Call pbButton.Execute()

8. Time to finish the loop: Exit Sub End If Next pbSymbol



The following VBA script creates several PI ProcessBook objects and populates them with tags retrieved by a simple PI SDK call. The purpose of this example is to show you how to create display objects programmatically instead of drawing them manually. The advantage of the programmatic approach gets obvious if the number of objects increases. This VBA script was inspired by a customer in training who asked for an option to create XYPlots where ten tags compare to each other. If the number of tags to trend is n, you can simply calculate that the number of XYPlot is n(n-1)/2 so for 10 tags this will be 45 XYPlots to draw.

THE GENERAL SETTINGS 1. The script uses the PI SDK to retrieve the PointList. In order to do this, we have to reference the PI SDK:

2. The Option Explicit statement forces the declaration of all variables. ' Make sure we define all our variables Option Explicit


3. We define some constants. These constants define the size of the XYPlot symbol, the time range of the trend, the tag mask and the PI Server. ' Heigth of symbol Const cHeigth = 600 ' Width of symbol Const cWidth = 600 ' The timerangefor our symbols Const strStartTime = "Y" Const strEndTime = "T" ' The taglist we use to build our symbols Const strWhereClause = "Tag='sin*'" ' The PI Server. make sureit is already in the known server list! Const strServer = "ANDREASPC"

THE COMMAND BUTTON 1. To run our VBA script we will use a Command Button:

2. And we give it a friendly name of CreateButton (right-click on it when it Build mode, click Properties and change its name):

THE CREATEBUTTON_CLICK EVENT 1. In the VBA environment, select the CreateButton_Click procedure:


2. First we disable the redrawing to reduce the load: ' Improve the performance by turning off ' redrawing until we have drawn all our symbols Application.Redraw = False

3. And declare some variables: ' We are going to create XYplots! Dim MyXYPlot As XYPlot ' Some loop variables Dim a, b, i As Long ' We want to arrange the plots nicely in a square Dim iConnections As Long ' The number of tags weare going to use Dim TagMaxNumber1, TagMaxNumber2 As Long ' The PI Server Dim MyPIServer As PISDK.Server

4. Initialize the PI Server object and connect to it: ' Initialize the PI Server object Set MyPIServer = pisdk.Servers.Item(strServer) ' Open the connection Call MyPIServer.Open()

5. Create the PointList and initialize it with the tags based on the tag mask: ' The point list Dim MyPointList As pisdk.PointList ' Initialize the point list with all our tags ' that correspond to the mask defined above Set MyPointList = MyPIServer.GetPoints(strWhereClause)

6. Get the count, limit it to 15 (to reduce the number of symbols) and calculate how to get them best arranged as a square of symbols: ' Get the count TagMaxNumber1 = MyPointList.Count ' With 15 tags we already get > 100 XY plots, ' if we don't limit the amount, we will have performance issues If TagMaxNumber1 > 15 Then MsgBox("Too many tags! Using only first 15 tags.") TagMaxNumber1 = 15 End If ' Calculate the connections: n x (n-1)/2 iConnections = TagMaxNumber1 * (TagMaxNumber1 - 1) / 2 ' As mentioned, we want to have a nice square of trends, ' so we calculate the square root


TagMaxNumber2 = Sqr(iConnections) ' Initialize our counter i = 0

7. Now we iterate through all the tags and create an XYPlot symbol: ' Get an XY plot for each tag with each tag;-) ' from the first to the last tag For a = 1 To TagMaxNumber1 ' With each other tag For b = (a + 1) To TagMaxNumber1 ' Add an XY plot Set MyXYPlot = ThisDisplay.Symbols.Add(pbSymbolXYPlot)

8. We cannot simply add a trace to a XYPlot object directly. You have to add tags to the collection that is part of the XYDefinition object: ' The XY definition Dim MyDefinition As XYDefinition ' Initialize the XY definition Set MyDefinition = MyXYPlot.GetDefinition ' Add the two tags MyDefinition.Tags.Add("\\" & MyPIServer.Name & "\" & yPointList.Item(a)) MyDefinition.Tags.Add("\\" & MyPIServer.Name & "\" & MyPointList.Item(b)) ' Apply to our XY plot Call MyXYPlot.SetDefinition(MyDefinition)

9. So let us move the XYPlot to the appropriate position and adjust its size: ' Move it to the right place and the right size MyXYPlot.Left = -14950 + (((i Mod TagMaxNumber2) + 1) * (cWidth + 5)) MyXYPlot.Top = 14950 - (((i \ TagMaxNumber2)) * (cHeigth + 5)) MyXYPlot.Height = cHeigth MyXYPlot.Width = cWidth

10. Adjust the time range and don’t forget to count the XYPlot (in favor of some complex mathematics I simply count the XYPlot to arrange them in a square ;-)): ' Set the time Call MyXYPlot.SetTimeRange(strStartTime, strEndTime) ' Count! i = i + 1

11. Close the loop and switch on drawing: Next b Next a ' Now we turn drawing back on Application.Redraw = True ThisDisplay.Zoom = “FitAll”

THE DISPLAY_DATAUPDATE EVENT 100 XYPlots might be not too easy to check – how about some logic to simplify the task?


1. Let's use the Display_DataUpdate event to analyze all of our XYPlots when they update (You may wonder why we don’t do that when we create them – well, the statistics are not updated after you set the definition, so you have to wait for the data update) and declare some variables: ' We want to access the XY statistic ' this should be done after the DataUpdate ' The symbols Dim MySymbol As Symbol Dim MyXYPlot As XYPlot

2. Again we iterate through all the symbols on the display: ' Search for all symbols on the display For Each MySymbol In ThisDisplay.Symbols ' Is it an XY plot? If MySymbol.Type = pbSymbolXYPlot Then ' Initialize our XY plot Set MyXYPlot = MySymbol

3. And access the XY statistics: ' The statistics Dim MyXYStat As XYStat ' Initialize the statistics ' we have only one so don't be too smart ;-) Set MyXYStat = MyXYPlot.Stats.Item(1)

4. As a simple example we modify the BackgroundColor of the XYPlots to identify the ones that have a CorrelationCoefficient > 0.5: ' Set each XY Plot with CorrelationCoefficient > 0.5 to white ' Others go green If Abs(MyXYStat.CorrelationCoefficient) > 0.5 Then MyXYPlot.BackgroundColor = vbWhite Else MyXYPlot.BackgroundColor = vbGreen End If End If Next MySymbol


“SETVIEWPORT” VBA CODE SNIPPET INTRODUCTION PI ProcessBook displays can be huge and the amount of information overwhelming. With the help of VBA we can zoom the view to a certain area to catch the eye of the observer. In this example we will use a digital tag (CDM158) to drive the visible area.

THE GENERAL SETTINGS The Option Explicit statement forces the declaration of all variables. ' Make sure we define all our variables Option Explicit

THE DISPLAY_OPEN EVENT In the Display_Open routine we set the size of the Display and the ViewPort. Private Sub Display_Open() ' Preset ThisDisplay.Width = 600 ThisDisplay.Height = 450 ThisDisplay.Zoom = 50 ' Reset the trend time range to be one day each time display is opened. Call ThisDisplay.SetViewPort(15000, -15000, 2000, 3000) End Sub

THE VALUE1_DATAUPDATE EVENT After we add a Value object to a display we can use the Value1_DataUpdate event for our example: Private Sub Value1_DataUpdate() ' If you have a big screen, and you want ' to Zoom in based on an event. Select Case ThisDisplay.Value1.GetValue(vrDate, vrStatus) Case "Cascade" Call ThisDisplay.SetViewPort(14000, -15000, 1000, Case "Program" Call ThisDisplay.SetViewPort(14000, -13500, 1000, Case "Prog-Auto" Call ThisDisplay.SetViewPort(15000, -13500, 1000, Case "Manual" Call ThisDisplay.SetViewPort(15000, -15000, 1000, Case "Prog-Auto" Call ThisDisplay.SetViewPort(15000, -15000, 1000, Case Else Call ThisDisplay.SetViewPort(15000, -15000, 2000, End Select End Sub

1500) 1500) 1500) 1500) 1500) 3000)


“MODIFIED” PROPERTY INTRODUCTION The PI ProcessBook Display class exposes a property called Modified. Simply catch the BeforeClose event of the Display and set the Modified property to False. PI ProcessBook will not ask you to save the changes. This can be handy if your users are allowed to change the display but you neither want them to safe the changes nor bother them with the question.

THE GENERAL SETTINGS The Option Explicit statement forces the declaration of all variables. ' Make sure we define all our variables Option Explicit

THE DISPLAY_BEFORECLOSE EVENT In the Display_BeforeClose routine we set the modified property of the Display to false: Private Sub Display_BeforeClose(bCancelDefault As Boolean) ' Do not save changes ThisDisplay.Modified = False End Sub



In this example we will play with the concept of a Module-Relative Display (MRD), which consists of a unique display that can represent data from a list of similar Modules (as opposed to creating one display per Module). Looking at assets in a "top-down" approach is not uncommon and therefore one might be interested in opening a child display from another display (i.e. the parent). In this scenario, passing the "module context" (i.e. the Module you were looking at) from the parent display to the child display might prove useful, such that the user does not have to re-select the desired Module from the list. To illustrate the functionality we have built two displays: ParentDisplay.PDI with a Microsoft Forms 2.0 CommandButton and a Module Relative Trend showing an Alias and ChildDisplay.PDI with a Module Relative Trend showing an Alias. Both displays use the same modules and we will use the Microsoft Forms 2.0 CommandButton named cmdOpenChildDisplay to open the child display.

THE GENERAL SETTINGS The Option Explicit statement forces the declaration of all variables. ' Make sure we define all our variables Option Explicit



The cmdOpenChildDisplay_Click gets fired when the user hits the Command button In the Display. Private Sub cmdOpenChildDisplay_Click() End Sub

1. First we get the path to the current display and remove the filename: ' This will hold the absolute path to the display, ' exluding fileame Dim myPath As String


' Get the path from this display, excluding filename myPath = ThisDisplay.Path myPath = Left(myPath, InStrRev(myPath, "\", -1, vbTextCompare))

2. Next we get our own object for ThisDisplay: ' Get the current display Dim myParentDisplay As Display Set myParentDisplay = ThisDisplay

3. And the context handlers: ' The context handlers Dim MrdContextHandler As ContextHandler Set MrdContextHandler = Application.ContextHandlers("ModuleContext") Dim AliasContextHandler As ContextHandler Set AliasContextHandler = Application.ContextHandlers("Alias") Dim PropContextHandler As ContextHandler Set PropContextHandler = Application.ContextHandlers("Property")

4. And open the child display: ' This will be the Child Display Dim myChildDisplay As Display ' Open the child display Set myChildDisplay = Application.Displays.Open(myPath & "ChildDisplay.PDI", True)

5. Now we get the context handlers in sync: ' Set all three context handlers to have thesame context in Child and Parent MrdContextHandler.CurrentContext(myChildDisplay) = _ MrdContextHandler.CurrentContext(myParentDisplay) AliasContextHandler.CurrentContext(myChildDisplay) = _ AliasContextHandler.CurrentContext(myParentDisplay) PropContextHandler.CurrentContext(myChildDisplay) = _ PropContextHandler.CurrentContext(myParentDisplay)



In this example we will play with the concept of an Element-Relative Display (ERD), which consists of a unique display that can represent data from a list of similar AF Elements (as opposed to creating one display per AF Element). Looking at assets in a "top-down" approach is not uncommon and therefore one might be interested in opening a child display from another display (i.e. the parent). In this scenario, passing the "element context" (i.e. the AF Element you were looking at) from the parent display to the child display might prove useful, such that the user does not have to re-select the desired element from the list. To illustrate the functionality we have built two displays: ParentDisplayERD.PDI with a Microsoft Forms 2.0 CommandButton and an Element Relative Trend showing an Attribut and ChildDisplayERD.PDI with an Element Relative Trend showing an Attribute. Both displays use the same AF Elements and we will use the Microsoft Forms 2.0 CommandButton named cmdOpenChildDisplay to open the child display.

THE GENERAL SETTINGS The Option Explicit statement forces the declaration of all variables. ' Make sure we define all our variables Option Explicit



The cmdOpenChildDisplay_Click gets fired when the user hits the Command button In the Display. Private Sub cmdOpenChildDisplay_Click() End Sub

6. First we get the path to the current display and remove the filename:


' This will hold the absolute path to the display, ' exluding fileame Dim myPath As String ' Get the path from this display, excluding filename myPath = ThisDisplay.Path myPath = Left(myPath, InStrRev(myPath, "\", -1, vbTextCompare))

7. Next we get our own object for ThisDisplay: ' Get the current display Dim myParentDisplay As Display Set myParentDisplay = ThisDisplay

8. And the context handler: ' The context handlers Dim ErdContextHandler As ContextHandler Set ErdContextHandler = Application.ContextHandlers("E")

9. And open the child display: ' This will be the Child Display Dim myChildDisplay As Display ' Open the Childdisplay Set myChildDisplay = Application.Displays.Open(myPath & "ChildDisplayERD.PDI", True)

10. Now we get the context handler in sync: ' Set all three context handlers to have thesame context in Child and Parent ErdContextHandler.CurrentContext(myChildDisplay) = _ ErdContextHandler.CurrentContext(myParentDisplay)

Note: The code is almost identical to the module context, except that you have only one context (not the one for alias and property), and its name is “E”.



Initial DevNet version by Curt Hertler (Click Value AdHocTrend) and Tom Hosea (Click Value Trend)


AS> Conversion to vCampus format


AS> Minor changes


AS> added XYPlot


SP> Minor changes


AS> Minor fixes in the code examples, some updates: - SetViewPort - Modified property - Module Context - Element Context


AS> Minor changes