5TH MARINE REGIMENT - 2ND BATTALION - HISTORICAL DIARY - NOVEMBER Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

5TH MARINE REGIMENT - 2ND BATTALION - HISTORICAL DIARY NOVEMBER 1951 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2153 CD: 22 United States Marine Corps...
Author: Juliet Johnson
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5TH MARINE REGIMENT - 2ND BATTALION - HISTORICAL DIARY NOVEMBER 1951 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2153 CD: 22 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org

Korean War Project USMC-07901011


J/lwp Al2 8er: 006239 8 Dec 1951



ltr ser ?42 of 2 Dec 1951

From: To; Via:

Commanding Officer, 5th Marines Commandant of the Marine Corps (J.) Commanding Genercl, 1st M




Korean War Project USMC-07901012


....' - .


41-1/fmh A12 Ser: 0 0 5 R 9(~- F 1 .

SECR.ET Security InforPJ at ion

13 DEC 1951 SECO~~ ENDORS~~ENT on 2nd Batt~lion, 5th Marines Historical Diery for Nove~ber 1951, ltr ser 742 dtd 2 Dece~ber 1951


Cowmanding General, 1st Marine Division, ~~F Co:nm Hnd!i>.nt of the Marine C:Jrp e Cc!ll»:'allding General, Fleet Harine Force, Pc.oific


Historical Diary for Nove~ber 1951





2. The security classifice.tion cf this enocrse:;:~ent ·1e re::~oved when detached fro~ the basic docQ~ent. 3. Trs.nssission is aut:r..orized by lTnitec1 States Regj_stered Hail in accoro.~.nce with article 0705, Uniteo. States :rav:r Security Manual for Classified Hatter 1951,




Korean War Project USMC-07901013


~---' '





Al2 Ser



0 4 64 - IS 1

lOEC 2 1 1951

THIRD ENOORSE:reET on ,2:1d Battalion, 5th ::arinoe Fistoricsl Diary for !love:nbc-r 1951, ltr !SeT' 742_of 2 .Jecernber 1961 From: To:

Corwnaniing General, Fleet ::2.r1c-.e Fore, Pacj f'ic Co'llJnandan t o:r the :brine GorpE


HiEtorical DiRry for Novc:nbur 1851



2. This enJ.orse:uent is G.o,··ngr•tcd:od tu unclasdfied upon detech11ent of the enclosure.

3, Trgnsmission by Uni te·i States registered ;aqil or registered f:'Uari ;nail is authorized in otcc::>rdancs i·'i th Uni t=.!'ic '. lr~ l··~,;:;cr7c ea(:_ mQ-:.reti b.flck on thr front lines, cesuJin;; ·-_-r::-~i ti::n.e fol"'merl~t occupied. by "'cl".:.e 2nd. Battc~licn~ Fir£t i~lr:.ri~t:~ ::.::· ::-c::-.£ in t;J:~ere for o..n unk.nov-!11 nunber-_ of 't:"ceke.. On 1 ~Jo"(/Er:J.ber, 1~1 .c.ccorCLs_nce with ,jO 5th l..farhJes 014U.2"t1o.n Cr_tle_r 51-51, tLe 'l B: --~t~ll0n b1vou.~ced in an ~~sPmb1y ::;rsc ut KG;,rc!•YT 1-C/t!-:_;. in ".:;~... ;: vlclnity of c.-~cr:-S:: 1 Gi~G--l~I. The BB..tto.lion liES subjocte~, to tl"'· ii.lir.g ~-nC. re~~~blli tr:tion &.z outlined ir~ GO 2nL Br.tt.~_lior:. t::,-.i~lin"'· ord~?rs 6 tnrl ? (B~e enclosures, to:~-; ei-;C'.t':-~ II). T:r~··,in­ ii."'::~ ::·le--~ st;.rec: incluCLe::~ ¥f_,_troll1:nf-,: ::.ctlvi ties, inC..i ..:idu.s_l in~t::-ut~­ ~l...:rl ii'l ~··~·--:_--,r:,ns .·--n;~ ~~lt~_et:: a:.nO sehc-olin:~- in epeciel ~u'hjecte sueh !'~ cole:, :'iceti::'er :.:lathing and the usc of tent stoves, T:b.rEe (~...) stend?:rG~ '!).?trcl ;-cutes t:Ere fl~t:::1Snc~. to tt.ir: Bt:_tt_....llor:. z.na. e·c~ ~ry (1) )~trol ~lternrted on ~ route. The officers &~{ :,:er; c;f the l:::St£" Replr.clOment Dr,,:t which bed Jcineci ir. Octobc::~.:•·-· ~. ' f 1~1 t:!.·~ P~e:)l£_Ce;nent Drz_ft t·:hich joinc:~ on 6 No7E:.~be!' 't·rerc trr ineC_ intensely in thci~ G.utlez ~nd con=.i titJ:ncC'~ ~·~i th bike!:: .cr~~~. :_;otrcl!S.. PrE·::crrt10r!f:l 't·re--r~ :n~d.-e--·fo!."' 1:Qntf'"'""" o:;yet>ct~.c-r:s, p_e ;(_r_~j_tlonPl eo~:ti:~ment, eolriL wer:_tl~er alcthing s__nC r-_C..C'i tion~l teG.t. E:~ ~~ere receiv~:~ by th~_; B.eo.ttnl1on.. All r:·e-,rsonnel t.-.:re~~~ fE::lili-::-~t·izB:tr>iy Cj_" J:ii... t7;-l·~~l c.t DT 303~. At 0638 '!:he ru.rlift cl")srne-r:oce0. to front lina ·]criti~n;;, Dee•oj.te minor' d.1ff1~lt1eg the f'_irlift -;,res S'J.Ccsa·r·llll,.r co~:.r-c-letei pt 1358 renr-Gsenti n£ the f'irst ti;nA in h1e:tory t~~-- ·t :;: t!-ont iins bPtte.lion I'."HC relie_v;:.d in c.n exclu-::ne;e of t:rc:;p£ ''entirsly by helieo~ter ri~ht on the ~rant line ~o~ition~. On ";,;;.i:.c": :t -llot·,:inf -ir;y p€rnonnei beg·r. n ~-rork imy;ro".:-ing-~ position$. Co;::;:l;:.;.-c,:1c.~ i15 lf: l~o1re-wber f'nd cont1nu1n2~ to· the en~. or the mcnti:;., sec:._t:· it:· . ::;-,·~ trolP t·1 er~ d.±s_p."" tcbef:l bJ.~ co:r:!J"I?niee .s.rca;:d their• ir;~::e~-~-~te :,:od tio;.s en tr:E"ir s:helter.-lu :!.ves. 'fhe Ptf'hCPtGJ.\T Rive::->r-llr~r· 1-~P~ very :'!letn~eer:".le ~--tith t0-r·re~_:tY}c, st;ee:~ slc:;-c:.s overlo2-kir ,s 7:-.£ C? froffi ths e~=F-~; tt:t::-:·h ~;tee~ hill~- bor0.erinr: th€ bivo,_'!.~c nrerc-n thf' morth CHill c,45; DT 3492'61) that descenc_f:g_ so~J.thwr.; tt·-e:!'t in : -:·F::-~d-ci:.--.cul~-r. chain of knobs ~n·"':'. sr-.d.C.les to DT 309~20 ,Hill 4Sf.) . 1

·-~- ...





















Korean War Project USMC-07901016



INFC!U-~~.. :"IC,:~

A6-5 2 Deccml :Jer l915l

thE'~ gEntle T?'f vr1"'iO'J.8 e"'r.:l:::O_'='nieoc were post tone~ --in t}:e- 0.rev-.·c f:,n~=- on as CereVleE-_r;o "S; follo't·. ns CP, the of -rest ncl""~th¥ .... ~_ ~- .._· -~ .::~.--~~-.:::_ to t~~~:

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lion Dio-ry for Cctobe r, 1951 j. .

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t:!:lei:· f.l::oe, f:S ~CD(: rc-u.=--. "'s V-'e~e clcrX>in~--- ~:~.e Tht-: of-flee :- return e3. to :ill n=~ l.r-n(i::t~- o:~t s-r the trD_in.t~1g:-P_rET.~ Ti-_,_p. B:.·ttt- l1on Co-:rnt.:1.J-Br vlsl te--1_ t.~~-:? ls~ 1-in~:t---.,e ·J? c t ::..:_·~~~.0 I. ~fl:.-1::-.:. _ .- :!:"rc•-"1 t:~.e 1x-tt.--.lio~: CJ? r: 104R I 1;~' _;_-----."'-:-~--- ~~,~ -:. . ... ~~, ··~-,~· ~-~"lC Div:.. c.lic::·~-::::e'.; , 21.-:-:. :--pt:.J.r fl1n;; to the- CP ~t 2130 I .. Tl:..:.r. ls't .H,..._ . . . to t:Jt':'" ,:::""'· I:_--;:-:"~~-. 124.5 :1_,:~--~i:· E t"1~- r-_·----:ri-"'?·=- i~\ thz- B£",tt[ licn C'P s_t • T!'i£~1 -~n .:.~·· t:l€ :; t:.~.~'!:"'tt":.; -r,::.o~ :·~eSE .... - · --:.., ~ .. ~~,{' · · 1 ·,:··,_~- (U\'"'.-~_~; -n(~.J.,..;~-)-• -.. ~-,p --~~;..•dT 4 · : ._.(::\- ~'-' 1_..,·-~--~ .LO" ... ent,.l- .. or •..


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i;o e:;~nse n'c mpti_e th1fl d"te in the yos1tior:a of ·the brttrl1nn Cf o: tl'.;.c i!t.riot,_c eo?iT.JR.ni -~,s ~ s thos c inO.i c.-:· tE",i. nreviounly ( s e ~ At os:-r) I, p BE'C1P.. 1t:r ~,:=-t:rr,l crY'1?j_:"!t•J'·.'f:Y'l'~'.t e_--, E"E05Y III). in o~·- one t1) ri:'1e srw'' rc1nfo1:'eo:". ~~1 t:1 one (1) li:;l1t 'r::u:c::-"ili.e (·-~_,_!1 squpCl. iif'·-.·· ~tee. fro;n Do~ c-om~Jt:-;,n:-~ to cover patr:.:.l route # 7 { ste.rtin_g p01n t; D~ 349ZlS 1 SQuthi.·-'eE t;;;T~.r-~5_ tl'.X01.lf:)l DT 3.;?-:-:-· 1 . .!.. r_..) D"' .---7~,-c· "~9"''0' ~"'-"'"]"' ~,., v~t..:~"r-c-\ .t .L..-J. o, -~-. '• I ' _:, \ D•"' ~Uo_ -· ' Hill A.~" l r._. 1\. H1ll '--·-.:!I ...i.




1 "'"' ' f' ~r £,.:-, ·---- _.:::0, ~,,--,~r ~co"~l' ("'"' -·H"l ,J.J.J. :.i~ .... .....-~·;_:~..);:) 1 0~--L~~










The ~•-c-trol rt?turn~t~ tOI the GP ~,!,e?_ -~t 1400 I 1:.,~_1 t:r.. The B.:, t tf'lli0n Con:-,1~n:~£~ r.!lC. 8-3 en:;:~.,,ntsrin,c- t nv enemy..


·nf. ~a~~-.l~~t•-~ ~--•~antr·l I t"'~c1t at-0"00 ·-·.1.0.:: ;o..!. •• ..1.'.' --'-4 .:;J brttallon'e t~ie for mede te~t&ti~ely been hod Tt.ose officers r£:·:.:::~:~ --: l t:JE· lines on t!'l·--:· fOllo1·:ihg 't·rer:~::.A meetln2 of al~-- stoi'f nne.. c0~:~·~ny t:.:.~.,~1fC;_ to '!:he CP :c7; lll5 I~ COiili'T!c-ndl?re 1,;r,:: c.::-lle'5. at 1530 I ln ~.~ •. " 'i:l~:.ttAlion CP. .At this t'me, it v::: s _c_1sclosed tlwt tent.,.,_tive pl?ns J:>_pd bEen nsc_ef'cr t: . iE iy ·::tF,1ion to fly by hel1co:;;:ter in its movement to the front T;:,1"' ··---uliz~tir:>nc. e.::com~ 1'~2 g Trainin 1600I. at CP on Ee returne d to the bette.li --:lisheu tl1is i~>te z;s seheaule Cl. 1n CO 2nd l'lr-tteli c!l Tr~cining ( 44) s.tt--Ore.EC" 7-51 (: ;e enclnc lre, A='='~'n;_ thftl Re,::,·i;~pntr-1 E_:: ~-c~Jtive- officer. ~:,_e>~:::;~tf:".": et ~lSOo' I to 2ttend. [', t;~nerrl org.:..niz~t~~Et:ol BoJc.:---·S ~1.Lis officer ret1.~rnE:::'~ to t~-.'= .~.:~"'- "::!.:-.c-: 2.t .-5.1"'v-isi'-;~~ hc:~C.c;u8~t-:re... I- -v,~' 1 ~cl-r-. I ~",- ~~~-~...,c" ."~ -e,.,--":. :-.-~~:~-"~-~'- . . c~-: their fire, ex::'llelded, -Six (6) men ~'eT'e -o'\T~cu,te-" by t"l";'lbUl[=·ncG, 1::h1eh ~.rna im::nedintely on the. spot. In ell, n1:1et:.r ei;;)1t ( ;)8) teams plt;s extra corr£S:OO!E'rmt ~n't photot:;rc.:?hY pcrs-:;m-.el we:-'e flo,,n froo ec.ch c.irstri:;)l t·:i thout serio•~s difficultis.s~ h.t s.~~-'roximr-tely noon, two (~-) helico::?te:--r -;-~ere- grounf_e~. . to be checked for me,lfuhctioning, but des::ite this, the lift ~·::_:.;_s co!·;:(:::·leted in g'J0cl time at 1358I. The verioue co!Zl~:c.nies ~.esw.JEcd their respective zones of re-s:;onsibllity cs fol:.o1:::;: Fox Co~n:._-·cny ?t 12l9I; E~~_ey Cow.~:~.n~.r at l809I an-5.. DeL Corn~":::'.ny ~-t l:;:C9Ii' \1e~.:_--H)n8 r~nd H&S Cc~:.;c_n1cs en"e:ctca. relie-f o:r 1st Mr.r1nca . u:;i ts H t 1359I rnd l408I, reted on the bo.ttclion f'rcnt during this ~:>:::."ioC.... The n.F~' 1-::--,s e~1ent in consol-1c1t>_ting the ne-t·: ,:;osi ti::nE" ··n.·~~~ ii11J}roving the forw2rC~ end rec.r arc::e.s.. Many n~1-: bun!\:crs ~-.~ere rt:uction on 12 l~ovembc:rw weethP-r w~- e: al_ig1_,tly hs.zy Pnf. ocol thie ·~.:: . t

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