
rEE APPLtcAIoNsoF sMAxrPIg[D\-Bdli\D#l33i1s]loN _ r&ulrj Zuth.$!n,, stsrEM or JoAo SutoDor ol Eunne$ and tntom /;n Teihn.t,, . yog\a|Jda Uni\+ \...
Author: Roxanne Horn
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rEE APPLtcAIoNsoF sMAxrPIg[D\-Bdli\D#l33i1s]loN

_ r&ulrj




JoAo SutoDor

ol Eunne$ and tntom /;n Teihn.t,, . yog\a|Jda Uni\+ \


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ABSTRACT 14,nntttuh unt!




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impact lrom rhe needs ed infonnarion .busine$Thc lh-$ m ord{ io

rechnotoey. the

lo the i*ds and d*ires or tnt;opte, be able to sive the inst and hign-qlatit}' senices b the custone.s or adrusr

I1copode\ctoorlci, or rnto.ndiio, k!hrotusr r.Lpponm b1,te@mmrulon '(1nohJ q,ricl h, 4.rgn' .!11r dc\ toor,elr rto r!.q,r rh; o cjopm.r o _u nm, el. \hr. r b(rcne o be' or, !J1 ote!. \ u!t,,. m d ld Rot.q. ]0,,/ v!}fl e rnoluur Fce r. 1 rh< lnm oi V J,.tu,. r,rdqre \lt- rd... oFrd. ns 'e( !.ren \t_ !,.. .. lo h. obkrrd a' d bouCh bJ rle pcopr ,, ra1\ n/e." p.Le l.ropi.rld,. je\..t. Jr. a rddr a!-6 oneJ aid e.en tcndeo .o he deperJeo on,h. .a xrl,,4 .onm rr.lrol r u\:!h rhc L !j .ar r\c onc.. 'usa,d. rliomar,.l Elo ,1!.r conmuni.ation ro otlrcr 6es The aees ofinaoftation such as neNs. social media, heaid ne\s, flnd orher inaomaron which becone trcd no\Dd*s O, lhe acces .r -eoDte

dre ;c.t.Lreo br mrnJ



conm,n.aron !e sh!r i'e rcF(ld o.r'F .dcn a, hh. .aDr.,.at, dla,tl.rt v,].t\, J.1.r.1,1 lr ,!u48e- ard orh(,'lremer dda . omunndrion *ry{ e. rh\h 1,( dJ rJ lee ro oe tpptied in a ],turtphakz qrcn mu\ inromalol needed b|tc L.er.. e"p{,at \ o. rhe lorpd r) or b,.rrt.\ . . < rl-e u,lvahoi o. ntomar'ol a.cc* abour r. bL.n(.s prod,, \.r I ; ai*.-,,F; podtrr r1-Lde rle p,oduLr rn onldr,on. oro,lu.' quat{y, ororl.r ara.tab,tt. produo(hd.e ma..trio1 xrd ure, rhhgr Errkd ro rhe b.*.. ,,-".,rc.. r . . nak a breatihroueh in seizing rhe chance in rhe dcletopmcnt or tnro"iurion ""f, i i" una da

conmunicalion technolosr. so thar the company has ro deleiop an intbmalion svsrem

sLpcr Lhihh.d rrnllor,o.rnpo||.b'.n.."Dro.eJ(. vr,1rhca,n oopj.nrle.1 r prr. p'o-e.s ard o jrpur o. r1(.onp.n\ o oroot je a p.onkbte d d d, 1db e ;me Mal) .ompl,e. oj hrrr.\.e dE ..t, Fhj s pd.pbJ.m.,'rn.r.!..cn.rc producr prohotion

rhe hedja ofi.ro;ati;n lechnoios!. so ihe cus.h.^ vl.rni p-r Le,el'n! )j\m \rh,,oil, .,_ r.ct-,oto$ , rl .orJ.arned b\ ime ,r.rar.,.. u.'r ". tp u,\en dd., .urrec,,o,, ,r r,e ;,er. rh( L' la ilr.r kr .eJ!e rhe L,taron o. '

\a\o ro


irnhod urilizins


'le,e^rces .jppod.ng br "of;c-'.on lur

r. ..

11r're.o. cN Fed b oodt. 11.l-.. Mdord I d, .r.rel ". Ir,r, 6 one oline rurtpra. ph oms usd rn man! l.\ets edri\ \\hi.h is highlr suppon;d by Google Based on ihe bajs ol applcalion de\ctopmenr (soils..r no"iaa,l., ana-t0,. deleloped Epidly. rhereibE, the Android bsed applcarion i deieloped ro f;tfi| rhe neds oI ,1.. rff or .a1,r".. r..c'1 nd, d Ard.o,d imia rE , ,m ,h^ pruts.amr,s , Lad n rne de\clopnplr ot rtu.dDpl.drc' d-Jd\1 r.rt- fe \tpelompte; '.juases and ADT a/!r,ei Besides, il cs also N Embdcadero Delphi $nh iie tansuse of;bject l,\e opem',ns..rem



pulo"e.l'\ E{"trh

rrlrolog\ ra.il'ry rh'.h r4l,

. ro brdge


d de\eton

j - .,? ra4 bJ.ed ri.o.nar or

!'V LonA,'r or o rn rh.. !d.e . 'Ixdp.evi, mentoned as CV XYZ *4ich is located in Slenan. yograk.na. ir the busine$ innsacnon proceses. especiall! lor the suppon of sales aid finan@ otrhc conpan, Cv ''XYZ'conpany operares in elecronicsa,d i,fomation &cbnotog/, rvh,.h has some selting produch, sucl asi PC compuicr, kprop, compul.. nolworl devices,.nd Dany ',ur@r,,!, accesories. CV'XYZ needs a sotwae (progran applicarion) &d hardN e suFFoning dre b6ines ptucess nr ordcr ro oprini- rhe prccess ofselling, m eri.g, and the runover tor the company based on lhe needs ofinfonnation 3ndre.hnolos in the sociel!. be






@ Figure



Alplicatio. ol InfomatioD Syslem ofsales ed Finde.


Tte problei limit li@ in thk is rhe appli.ation of etes and filrae is dewloped spehlly ir the activiiies setuicing the product o.der, sl6 iDfomrtior! a€ilabte ptudut i.Io@lion ed 6.Mi.l trtusa.lion frob rh. ial6 in CV "XrZ' It is & Androidbased srslem applicltion which suppons the aF fo. the burft or c$totrt 6 in ordaing the aBileble pmdets, ed tbe .pplieti@ is sp@iali4d only ro ttE iilenriny, .pecfiEtioq and pries oflhe ploducti ,u tlrc but€E o. custoom wn . rh. infddtioa is only lor Lte adninislmloB or lhe oMd of CV XYr.

s s.',in

10 Josi,aro (2005), system i! &fiEd ba..d or lhe proc€durc ed cohponml appro&hcs. By lbe proedre appt@t, rtE srstem @ be defred 6 a greup of preeduq whicl' hd a sp€.ific pu!e. Mtu*tril., hy the @npole [email protected] syslm cm be d!6ned E €rou! of conponenB u,hict @me&d e!.h othd fming o uit to 'ft. purpos. gErqal ehiev. a specific mo&l ofa synd &€ rhe inpst, pr@s, md ourput whicll is . very simple sysim b€@6e syst€D harc lmy inpuls &d outputs. fte system sbich is in e dvirdrndl limit is ouiside rbe limir A@ordiig Abdul (adn @003), irrodali@ is a rMss.d dara to b6 a sigiry tum for the reeiver and to te wtul tur th€ d€cisid naking in th. pEsnt or the irtw. Mtuwhile, [email protected] to Jogiyeio (2005), infmalio! is a ilata which is prooe$ed in such a My to have . mwing or addilioul Elue fd tE EeB of ile dlta for th€ir importance. The





intnmadon resource is the dala. in sh,ch the raw data or b.sed on rhe initial condnion before A(co dirr 'n'ndaror .} ien .r srolrofl-dd\a( d$m\1e trh h tr 'o laoSr de.sreo ro,rd.tom he d.l! nro rle 1., ,u. .rtorrdr,un So rhd,.r Jso rear.ta, Ie i.fomaiion systen is a system in an o€anization \iich is a conbimrion ot rnfomalion f.om lhe p.ople lacilnics. technologies. media, p.ocedures and comounicarion tines. organiat'on lEnsacton prcce$es, hamseDen$. and lhe inienal and exremat evsrs \ehich rlc baq.,n rhe ae!' ron mJtr.nr pro, os rl r\e ur&1ar.or 'e ln lhe business world. the evenls occurd oncn ae rhe choges ofvalue raBadjons. rore\dnole le rr.alonot enod, .aije. !h.re!.. ! ra.c,.".,,..,r co".r,".. r,, orcdL(6r\. idbr {r. dr d na1\ cldnee Ll,.h ha...u Nxr ( &red


is a g.oup oldara which are retated ach other saved roeeth.r

in such a $,a! Jr.' oi 4.dn .eDe'rron ro,itfi tt anJ n(d. lt o ran ran,,0t, Ddaba{,-s rr FD 1 rh.0s ar .;romdron .,,,.. r,...,,,,n r,* . rc { rhe Jab sd roo.For,e r toi ltc dah in rr .s.ren .o iha rne dda. be e\rtokJ 10 aiianse rh€ inlomaion into many toms rhe database sysren is a muldfundion soitrvaE ..nc.a n(r orcqde.. t.crl.t bdtrk,r.laot dd manortare tle dakba,c ro. man\




I rd. olappl..aro


Tl e da ahd.e s ..cm, d \rrer, coa.... or. gulp ot . (. \tao.ev retle,t cnct orp, I r d dd.base o' p.ompurer .J.rem' at x g-o'r o. p,orrd.ns DBMI t,ch er"bt.., ..'\ or orte' Fogmnvo d\ce.: at rldarpd JE rhe trr". vlse',) J oft\\dc or darrban.e

ors(,1 .DBVs,

uh, tr,.+tl,trf ,t,rn".t.L-e.

Eclipse r a ,,/!rrrx!r!. ]]ta{ of b*. (c".Mce r1d e\h,. ot. pt'


r.t D(td.p .nt /:,rrr,,rtr, dDEr }hr.h :r1.\ jen, \drt-E. e. J .,0r, . 1e.

i{ cLD5e\1,-r'rlLa.{trh,1 lJrheV-.o.o:q noo{.,.i\ sot.r \\ ip.",..\.. and MmOs x 6 the krger oloperaiins srn.ms, rhrte.trrtr ar,,!r,A. r rhd Ectlpse rs d*€lopld by the progrmn'ne lanslaee ol J,!a Ou.n\ne. EcLFr suppons rhe

orher programffins lang@ge based application de\etopmenr. such as C . Cobol, p\1hon. perl, PHI, elc and,1/zlr-,4ol. is thal besides the tDE tor rh. devetopme oa appticarion, Eclpse is also able ro be used lor the activnies in rhe de\.topfreni cicles ot d; soft$are_ such a deumotation, $ttrde tesrs. $€bnerelopoent, and mary o$er ieeds. Nowadlys, Eclipsc b.comes one of the lavorites IDE sincc tr ts rier a.d a,,o mmm tlat people isable to s( the proganming code otrhis eR*aE Besides, rhe exce$ otEctip; {hich frakes n popular r thar nsabiliry o be deEioped b! rhe u nu,i.a


fhlg-i . (\r!.!L It])n,!E).


-r+, 6c."rl



Andmind is a lemel linm b6ed olearmg sr-$en, and il is designed ospecia y for tuhtte to chll tr.n .lellces snch Ls fizr?ro,e and lablet conprrer (Adipu@, e:r al. 2at2)

B edorrhebJ.ed.a..r,di ap r.olondp\e'opTed

A.d.od ^ drp,op,rts.aprdir.


lvhich fie Aldroid based appticarion is broadl! u$d ro fulfrll rhe reeds offie ;*i m rhe nnu phone $+\icn hale an Androind Operating Sy$em Aidrcrd SD( (.!d*a," Derclapn.nl Kit) ptorides \aoh and API needed to develop th. lpplication on tbe Androjd

platlom ueng Jau pmgmrng taneuSe (Hem,w. 20ll I Bsd.s ushg Java proer@hing ltugurge. u$ E lipse compitn Md ADI ar'd,,( ro dektop rhD appt_icaLion. oereesoderedonsof Andrcrd ued N qinn in Tabte I Tsble



Ardroid Ve^ions


Rd@k d.r.




l.l 1,5


Ap.il 30. 2009


16 2009 2.0






2.2 - 2.2.3



9 2.3.3 - 2.3.7









July 15,2011

li t4

20ll 4_1

Jdy 9,2012



t7 2012




JSON a ji€h sta.ddd terr which is opa so,ze dlsigned to be easily read by . JSON ,s rhe mosr usd romar ro excbanae rhe dala oi rhc noorl cinnecri"i beMts lhe smerad lhe applm'ion JSON r dEnlEd &on the /,a,vrrpt tsnguge, M h ine ikdi@tot ata! tne ,st nd,r/.rJ 6 lhe ,a/@. JSON is m;de tom two sr.."i i,=.,

_ hm





eroup ol ndne pairs dd lalu€ pais. In frany tansuges. tl is stated as the objed. rccord, nrud. dicrionary. hash iable, l(eyed lisr, or dsociate amy (B$* r son ore)

RfSEARCEMETHOD Thc esearch Nas conducred in Cv ThEepreneu or senlio.ed as Cv "XyZ in Jongkang, Sariharjo. Ngaelik, slcman The reseerch sasconducted inScptemberot2ol.land ctuled rn Oklober of20l4. The dlta and inlomation Nere collected rhroulh the ohRnRri.n .1 !r M. rerr.Jr.o de,sn a.d ara'\/e I'e.)1. n,n.tuo.o,,, rc^,;,.,,h,,. o., and technicians. and a retev&t lnerarure revie$ The materiah and devrces ne.ded in rhf rcse,rch inciuded ihe soirqrc such.si Eclipse. Java. PHP, MISQI Fhorosho! \hjte rhe hanlwle n*ded c modem, /z,/r"rore and lNrtphoh. T[e syslen analysis and desi6 ofthe sales and finance rn Cv .xYZ ]n \*ich ihc analysn rvas conduoled lo the ohsoNation results lo obtain the conctusion about hos the srstem processes and to nate a delelopment plan rvhich is larer used ro sohc rhe probtenj orbuslncsssonrrionARcrdcsleningthcsys&n,thercwatheinplcmentarionofrhcsrstem on $e t r-out snnulalio. und implenentation which rus follo*€d btr the evatuarron tor inprolenent and rclamprng ofthe syslem to be more perfecl.

RESTILTA]ID DISCUSSION Tno design wls set belore lhe p.Gess of creati.g sysrem or applicarion in order ro nakerhccreaingprocesseasierThccomFanyofcv XYZ ' in Sleman yog,"kana n one ot lh. company Nhichdeah wilh rheelcctronic and lnlomatonal tccnnology when the sysrem analysis rvs conductcd in Cv r{Yz", 1he unde.sranding ol all buine$ rransacrion proces on thal compmy is necded The docmems used In thc Cv "xYZ *eE srven the ancnrion aDd recorded for the purpose of transcrion desisn The next step in rhis phase is ro design a s)stem thar aims to povide an oleNier ot the system created lo lhe user and provde a clear prcluE to rhe progomfreE lvho s l make rhe solesandnnmcial systen desisn. Blsed on the doh Ecoived. the Cv ,XYZ ' was appt,ed inanual sysrcm for ils inlomalion synem olcncuhtion d!r! prsessing olgoods, so $ar dala processins is less efeclrle ud eiicienr. the repon did nor be rpdated flery time and rhere nno sles infomation slstem *hich suppons the,.fomation lechnolo$r To a$i$ lhe prcces olbusin.$ lransactions in Cv XYZ" in $is study develoF€d anlppl'catron olssles and financial inlomaton systen rvith lhe Snlrlphone based using Android operatng srstem ln ordei to asut the busine$ tansacrion process in Cv 'xYZ". the sales ed financial ,nformalionsyslem wilh the Snanphone based using lne Andiotd sysrem sas dovcloF€d Andrcid application ha sone advmtages such 6 n E pon.bility (Smanphoie), so thtroush the dau communicalion. the use6 can gel the fa$ inlomalion, lhe easine$ in upLoading or dosnlold'ng lfie dala or file, lhe applicarion which cm be inregraled $irh Coogl! and the usets can insrall it from the Googlc Play The syslem is also lale because jr apFlied Linux srslcm opceiion $hich is wclllnown *nh its safei], &c prlomance and opemiional in doing s.ne rransacrion rs easy and iasr, and n is aho supponed vih somc fealurcs cspccially ltrbuluDedia fearures (inages, msic, lideo, tex0. Atur derrnins the sysrem, tlE next srep is dcvelopng the syslem with rhc prolrdDing b6ic which can be uscd to inplemmt ns lpplicarion Aner thc dcveLop'nc salcs and financial systcm applicadon is comphled and has bee. rri€d our, lhe nexl sep r\ publish it in the Coogle Play soallCV XYZ cusloncre can installllre apphcdhon lreel\

@+ SrJ


aL xvz



Tte.ncl. oi rhe





'fie STarphon+bass


and rqdrLt

Intomalion In order io nake oustomers or lhe burei.ble to l*ss the sysrem.lhey should insrall do\uload ihc applierion on $e C@ele Play. Aier instalting tne appliqdo;, rhe can use it to do the buying rnnsaction, seeing ihe pbduct d its stock such as the cncb h rhe



ApD'ro iol otrales md jnan.Ll rtonalol iJ rehs.n ( v't(vl' \as a meru,hil .r PROD| { ( oquf rDs ri.ond ion ol produ< l nme. p ce or'he prodLcN aid no( \ ot rhe producE), ACCOITNT (mntaiiiig finmcial statements and the price ot rhe pioduds purchased and slock availability), ABOIIT consisl ofthe us. of infonnation srstem; s rven as HELP conr.ins any supponins facilities ifrh€re ae various prcbtems Elated lo rhe us ot r\e,.nern. lhe na'n tuenL rhe motr inpoMnl p6r oflne pmglm rhaL serye.4 a jse.



.nlerl(e u\c?rheprosnm rrunrhoLrhLhe

login romand,Fer togrn lhe


the Dain nenu. the main Denu h6 selenl oFions menu and sub me.u needed in rhe p'o.*. rC ul naNaclioru,n.v'Y\ Anpr .elecring a menu and,ub meru \it,ppea, orer apoopldre wr,r.hoice nlme0u and sdb qenu ln rre mdn nenr ordJk pr@esing sysLms, thde are seleral oder menus in &e fom ofpRODUCT. ACcotrNT ABOUT HEIP and 6 shoM in Fism 3






venu onAN[calion Svsrcm

Thc r.{rlt oI rhe tnrn! rs JixllT.a r. t.J.r ro d.remin' ho\r sell th' lolmm can docs t reJrh rhc e\$ctationl The *.alne$.r \hi.h xre dere'r'd itr th' po"s c'n be ca.!n h' Iill' m'nu r\ !s'n ro acd mt.analron tur lh; am\st so the\ caD itprtr th. Ihe lnnr NlNh ,s fm;ided h nE rl0lL.anon rrsnu .l,i.od srles 0nrre$L r! sl{'D1 1[e lr:1olffoduclia clickcd on i6 co]ui 1h. lehrl th' 0'dtr'r \rll b' sho\n 'u'h



ri*s "h.n


l:l:jur.4 Lrl oltruduclson$c.pplicailoD


-' The rcsull of ihe nnpLemcnration ofnr salcs and lnancirl lfll'at on s\!'nr !i::' r desllncd ro be q;ltc rohmarive hi.h mc.ns n s nnde(randibi' lor rh'

ittrc i. nor odd'lpu,. rhc.yslen s, Er.,eedbd.r ro rt e r ". .F rhc tom ot nc.\dre bn. he nnrem{E'rcr(rqhep, \ \v/ n pronor.nr rnpo\ r-rh,p.odL-r { :; iaoroL'lg rle ac!e.. ol p.odd. .rtondo, j ng ih. ea.rr,; rlr.\rrg n- orodl. ntr( ard no\ o I r rhe ,t p;du.r. nch t..e ' !ei.u o SorT neal' " I uL o Le eJe. ot I rr k.romr-e ano LT rh-, Frone\ \(,t!a on coninouslydeveloped

so thc sysren can bc sa\e and

comtonlo bc


a'dtrtul! aDl.alol . corhno' rtr deLe ope. r-.eJmreoh onrhetreb ce lur rtr fi n"rt.Jl prodir i.... rno ro.ai ruj.r.,epor o rre o" r, oi r, rV 'c1 lhe iJ.e

can see rhe


ness rranscarion process elery


Frcm the rcsearch resulr, analys6, and systen inDlc'nenralron and ats $e dr.n(i.n oa lhe seliing and 6mn.ial applicstion sysLeh in th; CV -XyZ" cohpmy, n can be concluded that sls1m a ppl ication which isdeveiopedmn bc an ahernative i;prcdudselling lmnsaclion in CV.XYZ", the praess,ne sysrem otrhe seIinE dara wnici is ihplemente; p'.due lhe !onp r re. e |rcrcfl .r.r Jn.l oE.Fe lond .ett,rg Au.ntomanr ne jpd .o 'r'on dhon'. L ed b. .le L.er to, ul oiere rhe drra o lo etre ome -one.j,or ro he tqor!

Due to some sea(nes* in this resarch, ft n suegcsred to d.letop lhe producr ,n . ord"_'o rcr rhe bencr njodJ.. ,\rn h,3n ru'. p.opert\ I r: alo.,S".ned.o rn.,cd,. he c ol u1pdtr rnh \,. rhf upd"4d pr.rr,n I r{errlr hp dnu e.p".r,,r q Bood ' selling dala in Cv XYz Tne autohalic dala backup mlnnnize the loss ofdata

sl,st". tn e"".y p.iioa otr,m.



Adipura. Andreas dan


(2014). PembDaran Aplile\i Pojual.n untuk Toko Fumrture Prceram Studi Tetnik Inaomatika lakuhas Teknologi Industri

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7. 2014 at 15:00