Where does it help? Christiane Nord, UFS Bloemfontein, South Africa Mashhad, 21/10/2014 A systematic approach to translation teaching  “To learn” m...
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Where does it help? Christiane Nord, UFS Bloemfontein, South Africa Mashhad, 21/10/2014

A systematic approach to translation teaching  “To learn” means to recognize and establish analogies.  Both is easier if a problem can be named and

classified.  Repetition of similar problems helps remember

solutions.  Similar (= analogous) problems can be solved using

similar (= analogous) solutions.  This is made easier if we make a distinction between

translation difficulties and translation problems. 21/10/2014

C. Nord: Translation Problems


Translation problems – translation difficulties  Translation problems are person-independent and intersubjective tasks that have to be solved in the translation process. They will always remain problems even though a translator may have learned to deal with them rapidly and effectively.  Translation difficulties are subjective stumbling blocks an individual translator or trainee encounters in the translation process. They can be overcome by using the appropriate tools for documentation and research.  The classification of translation problems is a tool for teaching and learning.  The classification of translation difficulties is a tool for grading translation tasks. 21/10/2014

C. Nord: Translation Problems


Translation problems as a tool for teachers and students Translation problems are recurring phenomena that can be used  to prepare a translation task (“didactization”) (teachers)  to guide the students’ translation process (teachers)  to design specific exercises for the translation class (teachers)  to determine the pedagogical goal of a translation task

(teachers)  to determine what a translation error is (teachers)  to assess and evaluate a student‘s translation (teachers)  to remember procedures and solutions (students)  to prepare an exam (students + teachers) 21/10/2014

C. Nord: Translation Problems


Top-down classification of translation problems Pragmatic translation problems (PTP) caused by differences between ST and TT situations, e.g. deixis

Cultural translation problems (CTP) caused by differences in conventions between SC and TC, e.g. measuring

Linguistic translation problems (LTP) caused by structural differences between SL and TL, e.g. false friends

Specific translation problems (STP) appear in one particular ST, solution cannot be generalized, e.g. puns 21/10/2014

C. Nord: Translation Problems


Translation problems 1 Translation problems may be derived from the contrast between source and target SITUATION: • FACTORS: time, place, medium, previous knowledge and culturespecific value systems of addressees, change of function/s, etc. • Example 1: temporal, local, personal deixis in instrumental translations • Example 2: culture-bound realities (“culture references”)

Pragmatic translation problems 21/10/2014

C. Nord: Translation Problems


PTP: Danish chocolates  Anthon Berg has always

been anxious to deliver products of finest quality.

(literal translation from the Danish)


 Anthon Berg of Copen-

hagen, Denmark, famous chocolate makers since 1884, has built its reputation on the exclusive use of the finest raw materials available, combined with the strictest quality control and most careful packaging. 7

Translation problems 2 Translation problems may be derived from the contrast between source and target CULTURES: • Example 1:Measurement conventions: US officer seeks 4-bedroom apartment >> (German) US officer seeks 5-room apartment. • Example 2: Phatic conventions (e.g., forms of address) • Example 3: Genre conventions (e.g. recipe)

Cultural translation problems 21/10/2014

C. Nord: Translation Problems


CTP: Danish chocolates  Anthon Berg has always

been anxious to deliver products of finest quality. (literal translation from the Danish)


 Anthon Berg of Copen-

hagen, Denmark, famous chocolate makers since 1884, has built its reputation on the exclusive use of the finest raw materials available, combined with the strictest quality control and most careful packaging. 9

Translation problems 3 Translation problems may be derived from the contrast between source and target LANGUAGES • Example 1, Syntax: gerund in English vs no gerund in German • Example 2, Lexis: variety of diminutives in Spanish vs fewer diminutives in English • Example 3, prosody: flexible intonation in German vs end focus in English

Linguistic translation problems 21/10/2014

C. Nord: Translation Problems


a table


Nord: Sinn - Bedeutung - Funktion


Translation problems 4 Translation problems may be derived from the contrast between ST and TT CONTEXT: • Example 1: puns or word-play • Example 2: creative language use of a particular author • Example 3: intentional deviations from language norms

Specific translation problems • Often, a solution is easier if the problem is dealt with on a higher level, e.g. looking at the function of a particular word-play (PTP)


C. Nord: Translation Problems


STP: Wordplay  "And how many hours a day did you do lessons? said Alice in a hurry to

   

change the subject. "Ten hours the first day", said the Mockturtle, "nine the next, and so on." "What a curious plan!" exclaimed Alice. “That's the reason they're called lessons", the Gryphon remarked, "because they lesson from day to day!“ …On appelle ça des cours parce qu’ils sont de jour en jour un peu plus courts. Ein Lehrplan heißt eben Lehrplan, weil er immer leerer wird. "Qué horario más extraño!" exclamó Alicia. "Por eso se llaman 'cursos'", explico el Grifo, "porque se 'acortan' de día en día". Que horário engraçado! exclamou Alice. - Pois disminuíam dia a dia, observou o Grifo, e acho isto muitíssimo natural!

Alicante, März 2009

C. Nord: Funktionen


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C. Nord: Functionalism in Translator Training