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ABSTRACT Purnama Sari Jesi, 2013: The Analysis of Students’ Perception on Teacher’s Technique in Teaching Reading at Second Grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 Academic Year Thesis. English Department of FKIP UMMY Solok. This study aimed to describe and know students' perceptions on teachers in using techniques in teaching reading in class XI MAN Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year . This research was conducted using descriptive methods . in collecting the data , researchers used statement in this case the researchers used 34 the number of questions in the form of statements and students tick ( √ ) in the column provided responses statements and indicators have 2 internal aspect and an external aspect and each indicator has a sub-indicators , internal aspect there are 8 sub- indicator while external aspect there are 9 sub-indicators , each subindicator 2 items . given time 60 minutes to answer the quistionnare . The population was 198 students of class XI MAN New Koto Solok the academic year 2013/2014 and selected 40 population-based sample consisting of 20 % each department selected by random sampling , the researcher got 40 samples . The findings of this study was from the 34 respondents about the percentage of students of teachers in teaching reading techniques highest percentage of internal indicators based aspect as much as 48 % strongly agree about the teacher’s technique in teaching reading , 47 % the teacher’s technique in teaching reading agree 28 % disagree the teacher’s technique in teaching reading 4 % strongly disagree the teacher’s technique in teaching reading , 0 % no selecting , it means that very good ( positive perception) , while the level percentage of the external aspect of teachers' perceptions of students about the techniques of teaching reading that was so agreed percentage of 56% the teacher’s technique in teaching reading , 55 % agreed the teacher’s technique in teaching reading , 18 % disagree the teacher’s technique in teaching reading, 10 % strongly disagree the teacher’s technique in teaching reading , 0 % no vote, based on the external aspect is very good (positive perception) . From the above findings can generally be concluded that students' perceptions of teachers to teach reading good technique , Key Word : Students’ Perception on Teacher’s Technique in Teaching Reading

A. INTRODUCTION Reading is one of the four basic language skills that should be learned. Especially in learning English, it is a means of language acquisition, communication, and sharing information and ideas. Like all languages, especially in English, reading is a complex interaction between the text and the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language community which is culturally and socially situated. The reading process requires continuous practice, development, and refinement. Reading taught not only at elementary school but also until university level. Reading also one of four basic skills taught to the students, based on Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), KTSP is operational curriculum which is arranged and done by each of education units. Teaching reading at senior high school aims to enabling the student to comprehend the text related with the situation surrounding them. It is supported by the KTSP curriculum which contains the daily life material genre of the text. In this case, teacher who teaches reading in senior high school should have an effective and interesting technique in teaching reading to achieve the successful learning based on curriculum of senior high school. In teaching reading there are many kinds of the text that can be used by the teachers. They are narrative, descriptive, recount, news item, procedure, report, analitycal, and spoof. So the teacher can use one of the text to teach reading to make the students understand about text . The second grade students’ of MAN Koto Baru Solok just learn about narrative, recount, hortatory, report, analitical, and spoof text. So the students should be able to understand and get information based on the text. In reading activity especially reading a text, the text has some component, such as: topic, main idea, and supporting detail in each paragraph, and the students should know what the

component of reading to understand the text. teachers’ technique in teaching reading very important to be implemented in the class room activity, because the students will run the technique in order to get proficiency movement. Then automatically they have analyzed and evaluated the rule. The result of this process created students perception. Perception is the process through which we become aware of our environment by organizing and interpreting the evidence of our senses. There was a fact found through an interview about teachers’ techniques in teaching reading at second grade students’ of MAN Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic years. They were students of IPA 1, IPA 2, IPA 3,IPS 1,IPS2,AGAMA 1,AGAMA 2. The total students interview are 40 students. The interview was done in MAN Koto Baru Solok on Monday,22nd October 2012. The interviewees founded some problems faced by the students when the teacher taught reading and about the technique that the teacher used in class room activity. The first problem was on the students side, the students achievement in reading was bad because if the teachers’ gave homework or assegment most of the students got low value, . The second problem was the students have lack of ability to read the text, to be especially in accessing the information, they have to read for meaning. Most of the students did not understand about the words. Then the problem was in teachers side, the first problem was on the methods or technique used by the teacher in teaching reading. The teaching and learning process were almost only from one direction teacher centered approach not students centered approach, meanwhile the curriculum stated that the learning process must be students centered. In fact,. the second problem, the teacher did not use

other interesting technique in teaching. it made the students were not interested in learning process, because in reading activity teachers just translated all the text. In fact, there were many interesting technique in teaching that can be used by the teachers to achieve the successful teaching, for example get the gist, independent reading, pair reading and other technique in teaching reading . Because of the conditions above, the researchers’ wants to analyze what were students perception on teachers’ technique in teaching reading at the second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok in at 2013/2014 academic years. In this research, the researcher formulates the problem as follow : What were students’ perception on teachers’ technique in teaching reading at the second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year?. In order to make be able to answer the question in the The following research questions are used to find the answers of the question in the formulation of the problem above: 1. How was the students’ perception on teacher technique in teaching reading at the second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year based on internal aspect 2. How was the students’ perception on teacher technique in teaching reading at the second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year based on exsternal aspect?. Based on the research question above, the purpose of the research are : 1. To identify the students’ perception on teachers’ technique in teaching reading at the second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year based on internal aspect?.

2. To identify the students’ perception on teachers’ technique in teaching reading at the second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year based on exsternal aspect?. There are significances of this research : The researcher expects that the result of this research will give contribution to English teachers, especially when they teaching reading , the teachers’ know about the students’ perception on teachers’ technique at second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok and avoid negative perception of the students while create positive perception. This reseach will explain about students’ perception on teacher technique in teaching reading. It has good impact to the teachers to change the technique in teaching reading if most of the students’ thing negative perception or positive perception. Theoretically, this research finding will be significance for the next researchers, this research result will be as the contribution of opinion that can be as reference in the next research concerning with the same areas. In order to avoid misunderstanding about this research, the researcher defines the key terms as follows : 1. Reading is an interacion between the reader and the writer. The writer delivers messages through a written material and the reader accepts the message, and then the reader should be able to analyze and comprehend the written material and get information .This activity is done by the second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year. 2. Students’ perception is students’ mind management, evaluation, and interpretation based on their interaction with the written and the reader in reading activity, through their sensory, and it may affect students’ performance in reading a text at the second grade of MAN

Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year. 3. Teacher technique is the technique used by the teacher in teach reading and design of the material in teach reading it self at the second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year. B. RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design The design of this research is descriptive research. The researcher was done by identifying and analyzing the students perception on teacher’s technique in teaching reading. The population of the research is the second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok were 198 devided 7 classes and sample of this research by using random sampling technique and got 40 students B. Instrument of the Research 1. Questionaire The instrument of this research was non-test in the form of questionnaire (see appendix I page 59). According to Arikunto (2009) questinare is a group of written questions that are used to get the information from the respondents about their selves or other. In this research the researcher used Likert Scale, the researcher used five points in the questionares to score each item. They were Strongly Agree (SA) 5, Agree (A) 4, , Disagree (D) 3, Strong Disagree (SD) 2 and not vote (1). To made questionares the researcher used two indicators and each indicators were devided into sub indicators that consist of 8 items for internal aspect and 9 items for eksternal aspect and 2 statment each of them, so the total of the items in this questinaires are 34 items that would measure the students’ perception in teachers’ technique in teaching reading. Based on the theories that have been discussed in Chapter II, the

questionaires were constructed and arraged as in the following: Table 2: The Indicators of Perception Indicat Sub Number of ors Indicators Items The - ability 1-2 internal - skills 3-4 aspect - amount 5-6 of effort 7-8 - learning 9-10 past 11-12 experien 13-14 ce 15-16 - training - interest - motivati on, and - intelege nce

The Exstern al Aspect



rules policies supervis ion conditio n familiar large brightne ss intenses and contrast ed

17-18 19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34


The total number of questionnaire was 34 items. The questionnaire score were arranged by using Likert scale (Gay, 1997: 284). Each statement included five alternative answers. They were: strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree and not vote. The questionnaires consist of positive and negative statements. According to Herliana in Suparyanto (2011: 23) the positive statement is if the statement suitable with researchers’ expectation; the score is from 5 to 1. On the other hand, the negative statement is if the statement not suitable with researcher’s

Time Given

60 minutes

expectation; the score is from 1 to 5. The criteria for scoring were shown in Table 3 below: Table 3 Alternative Answer of Questionnaire Score Score Positive Negative Value Value Strongly Strongly 5 1 agree agree Agree 4 Agree 2 Disagree Strongly disagree


Not vote



Disagree Strongly disagree


Not vote



The items of questionnaire arranged into Indonesian language to avoid misunderstanding on it. 2. Interview Next instrument was interview (see appendix II page 63). Acording to Gay (1997), interview is essentially the oral, in person administration of questionare to each member of sample. in interview, the questions were gave orally to get the data. In addition, Arikunto (2009) states that interview is a tool to colect the information by the respondent and asking some questions orally. In interview, the interviewer met directly with the respondent to get the object information. So interview was oral questions that can be used to collect the information from interviewer through some questions. In this research the interviewer asked some questions to respondents (sample) to get the information. The researcher interviewed 40 student’s of MAN Koto Baru Solok in 2013/2014 academic years and also the English teacher to got the information about the technique used by the teacher, because this research was knew students’ perception on teachers’ technique in teaching reading, so the researcher should know technique used by the teacher in teaching reading at second grade students of MAN Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year.

C. Technique of Collecting Data Questionner and interview were used to collect the data about students’ perception on teachers’ technique in teaching reading at second grade students of MAN Koto Baru Solok 2013/2014 academic years. In collecting data, the researcher distributed the questionnaire as main instrument to the sample, asked them to answer it, and collect it again. After collecting the questionnaire from the sample, there were several steps to follow in order to get the data. They were: 1. Read the students’ answer for each item 2. Scoring the students’ answer of questionnaire 3. Counting the score of each item The researcher also interviewed the students, and English teacher in order to collect the data about students’ perception on teachers’ technique in teaching reading at MAN Koto Baru Solok 2013/2014 academic year. D. Technique of Analyzing Data The researcher then classifed and analyzed the questionnaire answer sheet. the researcher calculated the percentage of the students’ perception by using the formula suggested by Sudjana and Ibrahim, (1989: 129) as the following: F P= × 100% N P = Percentage of the answer F = Frequency N = Total respondents After measuring the mean score, researcher classified the mean score into two categories: High and Low. If the mean of indicator higher than the total mean, the category is high. On the other hand, if the mean of indicator same or lower that the total mean, the category is low (Arikunto, 2002: 226). If the mean score of the questionnaire high it means the students’ perception on teachers’ technique in teaching reading at second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok was positive. However if

the mean score of the questionnaire is low, it means that the students’ perception on teachers’ technique in teaching reading at second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok is negative. (Arikunto 2009: 226) To get quantitative description for each type of the students’ ability after the percentage, based on Arikunto (2009: 230) the result was classified into the folloing interval : Interval of Classification level frequency of the of the students’ students’ perception perception 81%-100 Very Good 61%-80% Good 41%-60% Average 21%-40% Poor 0%-20% Very poor Based on the researchers’ interview about students’ perception on teachers’ techniques in teaching reading based on internal aspect and exsternal aspect most of the students had positive perception about teacher techniques in teaching reading, because the students’ thing that they can motivated in class room if the teachers used variation techniques in teaching reading, and also teachers techniques interested to the students, based on researcher interview the students the researcher got the data students’ perception on teacher technique in teaching reading had good perception because teacher’s techniques in teaching reading made students interseted and enjoyed in reading activity. So based on the explanation above the resereacher analyze the data based on researcher’s interview with second grade students of Man Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year and combine the data basedon the interview and questionare the researcer concluded the data and got the information about students’ perception on teacher’s techniques in teaching reading

RESEARCH FINDINGS A. Data Description This research aimed at knowing the students’ perception on teacher’s technique in teaching reading at the second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year. In order to know the classification of the students’ perception on teacher’s technique in teaching reading, the researcher calculated the questionnaire score based on Sudjana and Ibrahim (1989:129). From the analysis, there were the descriptions of the students’ perception on teacher’s technique in teaching reading. Based on the table 4 above it can be described that from 40 students and 479 students score and (42%) students strongly agree with statments about the techniques used by the teacher’s in teaching reading, 587 (42%) students agree with the statements about teacher’s techniques in teaching reading, 250 (13%) of all student’s disagree with the statements in the quistionare, and 46 (1,6) student’s strongly disagree with the statments in this questionare. And the last ( 0 %) not vote based on all statments in point note vote all student’s did not choose. Based on explanation above the researcher conclude students perception on teacher technique had good perception because most of the students agree with the questionare in this research. A.1 Data Analysis After gathering the data the researcher analyzed the result of this research about students’ perception on teacher’s technique in teaching reading based on internal aspect as the following table. A. 1.1 Student’s Perception Based on Internal Aspect After giving the questionnaire to 40 students and 16 items about internal aspect, the finding was Based on table

above, table 5 sub indicator number 1 items 1 and 2 was described that the percentage of students strongly agree was 30% students with this statements because the teacher’s techniques in teaching reading can got influence student’s ability in reading activity. Percentage of students agree 47% technique used by the teacher in teaching reading can influence students ability in reading activity. And then percentage students disagree 21% with techniques used by the teacher’s in teaching reading have influence student’s ability in read the text. And 2% students strongly disagree with this statments, and the last 0% respondents not vote in the questionare based on sub indicator items 1 and 2 . Based on table table 5sub indicators 2 items number 3 and 4 describe that the percentage of students strongly agree 43% teacher technique in teaching reading can improve students skill in read the text. 43% students agree with the technique used by the teacher’s in reading activity can improve students skill in reading activity. 13% students disagree about teacher techniques in reading activity. Then 0,6% students strongly disagree with the statment no 3 and 4. And 0% students note vote in items no 3 and 4. Based on the table 5 sub indicators 3 item number 6 and 7 percentage students perception on teachers techniques strongly agree 40% based on this statements teachers technique in teaching reading can improve students amount of effort in reading clas. 42% students agree with statements techniques used by the teachers can improve students amount of effort in reading activity. 15% students disagree about techniques used by the teacher’s can improve students amount of effort in reading. And then 2% students strongly disagree this statements, and the last point 0% students not vote . Based on the table 5 sub indicators number 4 and items no 7 and 8 percentage students perception on teacher’s

techniques student’s strongly agree 36% teacher’s techniques in teaching reading made students easy to memorize the text after their read. 46% students agree techniques used by the teachers can make students easy to understand the text in the learning past experiences. 17% student’s disagree teacher’s techniques can improve students understanding in learning past experiences. And then 2% students strongly disagree in this statement about techniques used by the teacher in learning process. And the last 0% students not vote item no 7 and 8 in this statatments. Based on the table 5 sub indicators 5 items 9 and 10 percentage of students perception 44% strongly agree, teacher’s gave training in reading activity, students perception. 39% in teachers techniques improve students understanding the text. 17% disagree teachers gave training in reading activity, and the last 0% students strongly disagree about teachewr technique in teaching reading and 0% students not vote. Based on the table 5 sub indicators 6 item 11 and 12 percentage of students perception strongly agree 45% students can interested if the teacher used variation techniques in teaching reading. 37% students agree teacher’s techniques in teaching reading by using variation techniques can made students interested in reading. 14% students disagree if the students active in reading activity made students interested. 4% students strongly disagree this statments and 0% students not vote in item no 11 and 12. Based on the table 5 sub indicators 7 item number 13 and 14 percentage of students perception in this statements strongly agree 48% teachers techniques in teaching reading can motivated the students in reading activity. And students agree 39% this statments, and 11% students disagree if teacher’s use variation techniques can motivated student’s in reading. 2% students strongly disagree this statements and then 0% students not vote.

Based on the table 5 sub indicators 8 item number 15 and 16 percentage of students strongly agree 24% teachers techniques improve students intelegence in reading activity. 45% students agree students intelegence if the teachers used techniques translated the text. And 28% students disagree students intelegence can improve based on teachers techniques, and then 3% students strongly disagree and the last 0% students not vote. Based on the explanation above the researcher was conclude students perception on teacher’s techniques have influences to the student’s in reading activity. Because if the teachers used variation techniques in teaching reading students was interested in reading class, and based on the teachers techniques students active in the class and the students can made negatvie or positive perception by the students about teacher technique in teaching reading. It was seen that the mean score for this indicator is 87% it is mean that Very good perception. It means that the students have a positive perception on teacher technique in teaching reading in the questionnaire. A.1.2 Data Description of Students’ Perception based on Eksternal Aspect To measure the students’ perception based on eksternal aspect The result of the percentage was seen Based on table 6 above in eksternal aspect sub indicator 1 items number 17 and 18 percentage students perception strongly agree 51% rules teacher’s techniques in teaching reading can improved students intelegence because the teachers used techniques related with the topic. 41% students agree rules teachers in teaching reading. 7% students disagree rules teachers in teaching reading and 10% students strongly disagree this statements and 0% students not vote. Based on table 6 above sub indicators 2 items numbers 19 and 20 percentage of students strongly agree in this statements 51% about teachers policies in teaching reading. 35% students

agree policies of the teachers in teaching reading because the teacher’s can control the class. 12% disagree because teacher’s rules in class make the students enjoy in reading activity because the teachers’s gave opportunity to the students. 2,4% strongly disagree and 0% of students not vote. Based on table 6 above sub indicators 3 items number 21 and 22 percentage of students perception on teacher’s techniques strongly agree 43% teachniques used by the teachers in teaching reading made students active and if the teacher’s used intersting techniques in teaching reading. 44% students agree teacher’s techniques in teaching reading made students active and if the teacher’s used intersting techniques in teaching reading. 12% students disagree if teachers technique in teaching reading made students active and if the teacher’s used intersting techniques in teaching reading. 0,6% strongly disagree made students active and if the teacher’s used intersting techniques in teaching reading, and 0% of the students not vote. Based on table 6 sub indicators 4 items number 23 and 24 percentage of students perception students strongly agree 27% teacher’s techniques in teaching reading can made students enjoy in the reading activity because students concentrated in reading. 55% student’s agree teacher’s techniques in teaching reading,2% students disagree this statements and 2% students strongly disagree and 0% students not vote. Based on table 6 sub indicators 5 items number 25 and 26 percentage students perception 34% students strongly agree on teacher’s techniques translated the text and gave feedback in teaching reading. 47% students perception agree techniques used by the teachers in teaching reading and teacher explanation in reading activity. 18% students disagree teachers techniques in reading class, 0,6 students strongly disagree, and then 0% students note vote.

Based on table table 6 sub indicator 6 items number 27 and 28 percentage of students perception on teacher techniques strongly agree 47% teacher’s techniques in teaching reading and teachers explanation clearly and sistematis about the material in reading. Students agree 43% with this statments, 10% students disagree the teacher’s techniques in reading, 0% strongly disagree and not vote. Based on table 6 sub indicator 7 items number 29 and 30 percentage of students perception students strongly agree 52% teacher’s techniques in teaching reading clearly,students agree 35% they agree with the techniques used by the teachers in reading activity. students disagree 10% in this statments because teacher’s techniques and teachers explanation clearly and students can got the point in reading activity, students strongly disagree 3%, and 0% students not vote this statments. Based on table 6 sub indicator 8 items number 31 and 32 percentage of students perception students strongly agree 56% with teacher’s techniques in teaching reading because the teacher’s can gave students spirit in reading activity. 38% students agree students spirit in reading because techniques used by the teachers, 7% disagree with this statments teacher’s techniques gave motivation to the students in reading, 0% students strong disagree and not vote. Based on table 6 it was described the sub indicator 9 items 33 and 34 students strongly agree this statments 43% teacher’s techniques to made students more understand to differents generic structure in reading activity the teacher’s gave stress to the students before closed the reading activity. 40% students agree with this statments teacher’s techniques in teaching reading in different topic and main idea in the text. And different generic structure in reading activity to made student’s understand, students disagree 14% techniques used by the

teacher’s in teaching reading. and 3% students strongly disagree, and 0% students note vote. From the table above, it can be seen that the mean score for this indicator got 93% the reseracher classified of the mean is very good. It means that most of the students had positive perception on teacher’s technique in teaching reading related to what has been asked in the questionnaire. A.1.3 Data Description of Students’ Perception based on Interview Based on the researher interview 40 students at second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok, the researcher got the data about students’ perception on teachers’ technique in teaching reading, they were 1. Data 1 Question : Apakah menurut anda teknik yang digunakan guru dengan melibatkan siswa dalam belajar dapat menambah kemampuan membaca anda dalam bahasa inggris? Answer : (Ya, karena jika guru mengajar dengan melibatkan siswa, siswa akan lebih aktif dan tentu akan mempengaruhi kemampuan siswa dalam membaca teks)( Yes because if the teachers made students active it could the influence students ability in read the text). 2. Data 2 Question : menurut anda teknik yang bagaimana dalam mengajar reading dapat meningkatkan keahlian anda dalam membaca teks dalam bahasa inggris ? Answer : (Dengan teknik guru melibatkan siswa dalam kegiatan membaca) ( by using teknik the students active in reading activity) 3. Data 3 Question : Bagaimana teknik yang digunakan guru dalam kegiatan reading





ketika anda menemukan kata-kata sulit? Answer : ( Biasanya guru memberikan petunjuk kepada siswa, bukan memberikan langsung arti kata sulit) ( Actually the teacher gave instruction to the students, not translate difficult word) Data 4 Question : Setelah guru menggunakan bermacam-macam teknik dalam mengajar reading,apakah ada pengaruh terhadap kemampuan anda dalam memahami teks? Answer : (Ya, karena teknik yang digunakan guru memudahkan siswa dalam memahami bagianbagian teks) ( Because technique used by the teachers made students easy to understand the text) Data 5 Question : Apakah guru sering memberikan latihan kepada anda ketika belajar reading? Answer : (Ya, setiap kegiatan belajar) ( Yes, every learning activity) Data 6 Question : Teknik yang bagaimana yang digunakan guru untuk membuat anda tertarik belajar reading? Answer : (Teknik Diskusi kelompok, karena dengan diskusi siswa dapat dengan mudah menemukan arti kata sulit) (group discussion technique because discussion can made students easy to found the difficul word) Data 7 Question : Bagaimana teknik yang digunakan guru untuk meningkatkan motivasi anda dalam reading? Answer : (Guru sering menggunakan teknik diskusi dan tanya

jawab berdasarkan teks yang dipelajari) (teachers used technique discussion and question answer related with the ext) 8. Data 8 Question : apakah dengan teknik menebak ide pokok dalam paragraf dapat menambah kecerdasan anda dalam memahami teks? Answer : (Ya karena dengan menggunakan teknik menebak ide pokok dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan siswa karena siswa dapat mengetahui kata baru dari teks )( Yes, Because technique get the gist could improve students intelegence because students could knew new vocebulary in the text) 9. Data 9 Question : Apakah dalam mengajar reading guru hanya menggunakan satu teknik saja? Answer : (Tidak) (No) 10. Data 10 Question : Apakah guru mau menjelasakan kembali jika anda belum mengerti tentang materi yang baru di ajarkan? Answer : (Kadang-kadang, jika waktu masih ada) (sometime if had a time) 11. Data 11 Question : Ketika guru menggunakan teknik yang berfariasi, semua siswa ikut aktif? Answer : (Ya) (Yes) 12. Data 11 Question : Bagaimana menurut anda teknik guru dalam mengontrol kelas ketika guru menggunakan teknik siswa lebih aktif dalam belajar? Answer : (Guru dapat menyelesaikan masalah jika siswa kurang konsentrasi)

(Teacher caould solve the problem if the students did not concentration) 13. Data 13 Question : Bagaimana teknik guru dalam mengontrol kelas ketika mengajar reading? Answer : (Guru dapat mengontrol kelas jika siswa mulai ribut (teachers could control cllass, if the students noisy) 14. Data 14 Question : Apakah dalam mengajar reading dengan teknik yang bermacammacam guru selesai menjelaskan materi tepat waktu? Answer : (Kadang ya,) ( Sometime) 15. Data 15 Question : Apakah ketika mengajar reading teknik yang digunakan guru sangat jelas dan mudah anda pahami? Answer : (Jelas, dan sangat mudah untuk dipahami) (clearly and easy to understand) 16. Data 16 Question : Bagaimana pengaruh teknik yang digunakan guru terhadap semangat belajar anda dalam reading? Answer : ( jika guru menggunakan siswa terlibat aktif akan menambah semangat siswa dalam proses belajar,) ( If teacher used technique students active made students spirit in learing process) 17. Data 17 Question : Setelah guru menggunakan teknik mengartikan teks secara keseluruhan, apakah anda bisa membedakan generic structure dalam teks? Answer : (tentu, karena ketika guru mengajar reading, penjelasan guru tentang generic structure dalam teks sangat jelas) ( of course, because if teachers teaching reading, teachers explanation

about verey clearly).



Based on the researcher interview 40 students at second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok the students perception on teachers technique in teaching reading had positive perception, because the teachers in teaching reading used variation technique, so the students intersted in learning process and easy to understand about the topic based on teacher explanation.

A. Discussions From the findings above, it could be said that the students had still positive perception to the teacher’s technique in teaching reading, the students understand the text because technique used by the teacher can make students interested. Moreover, in perception, the teacher’s should comprehend the components. They can be: internal aspect and exsternal aspect. This components are important to know whether the students have good perception or not. However, after the researcher distribute the questionnaire, it was found that the students’ perception on teacher technique in teacing reading was good. It was caused by a good willing that the students created in teacher technique in teaching reading and the student’s opinion about English. The students enjoyed reading class because the teacher used variation of technique. The students’ perception in external aspect was positive. The mean score was 93% students perception on teacher technique in teaching reading. It was because the students had known a good definition on teacher technique in teaching reading. In this case, the students can identify the beneficial. So that, it influenced the students’ understanding toward the text in reading. based on the researcher conclude, it is related according, Linse (2005;690 reading is a set of skills that involves

making sense and deriving meaning from printed word.we must be able to understand the text that we read in reading activity. In other case, the students’ perception in eksternal aspect was positive. It was because the students can got the point based on the topic in reading activity. The teacher can motivate the students with the variation technique used by the teacher in teaching reading. and then students were not difficult to implement their skill in understanding the text and it gave a good contribution in order to fulfill the need of reading subject lesson. It made good perception on teacher technique in teaching reading. this related Walgito (1999:45) Say that perception is a process started from sensory. perception comes from the process of organizing and interpreting the stimuli accepted by some one, perception might be influence by the stimulus that come from internal and external of individual. From the quistionnare above students perception on teacher techniques is very good. The fact so show that there was by the students answer the quistionnare in this research most of the students agree with the teacher’s techniques in teaching reading caused the teachers used variation techniques and teacher’s can made student’s motivation in reading activity and techniques used by the teachers students active in reading class. According to Jansen (2008:3) stated that, the teaching teachnique is one of the primarily importat factors which determine the success of teaching. Therefore, the teacher should improve her or his knowledge in theory and principles of reading on which she or he may create a best way to present her or his instructional material. It means, can be concluede that teacher technique in teaching reading had positive perception. Based on the data analysis that can bee seen, the teacher’s techniques in teaching reading had positive perception based on internal aspect and external

aspect. And based on the researcher interview 40 students at second grade MAN Koto Baru Solok most of the students had positive perception about teacher technique in teaching reading because in teaching reading teacher used variation technique in teaching reading it made the students interest in learning process. CONCLUSION A. Conclusions The purpose of the research was to know the students’ perception on Teacher technique in teaching reading at second grade of MAN Koto Baru Solok at 2013/2014 academic year. Based on the finding of the research in Chapter four, it could be concluded that the students had positive perception on internal aspect and eksternal aspect. It can be concluded as follows: 1. The percentage of the students’ perception based on internal aspect had (Very good/positive), the percentage of students perception base on the eksternal aspect had (Very good/positive). It means that student’s had good perception on teacher’s techniques. 2. Based on the percentage of the students’ perception above, the level of the students’ perception on teacher technique in teaching reading was Very good, based on percentage in chapter IV, and students answer on questionare and interview before . B. Suggestions Based on the finding of the research, the researcher offers some suggestions. The suggestions are expected as valuable inputs in improving the students’ proficiency in reading in the future. The suggestions are as follows: 1. For the teachers, they should know the students’ perception on teacher technique in teaching readingn. Hopefully that the English teacher should know the students’ difficulties

in reading activity, and find solution for the students. because if the students had positive perception on teacher’s techniques in teaching reading the student’s ability in reading had good because techniques used by the teacher’s in teach reading can motivate students, and made students motivated in reading, and the result the students had good ability in read the text. in fact the student’s ability in reading had low. So the teacher’s sholud understand the students problem and students difficulties. 2. For the students, it is also hoped that they have more efforts to improve their ability in reading activity. They can also be creative to motivate themselves to do understand the text. 3. For the next researcher can continue this research in the future, suggested to other researcher to carry out to further studies about student’s perception on teacher’s technique’s. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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