
Number 3 22 25 40 65 83 84 87 90 91 94 97 102 106 108 109 111 121 126 138 146 151 161 168 169 171 173 182 188 189 207 209 211 213 215

Blagdon BKA sub Library list Title The Hive & the Honeybee Bees at the bottom of the garden Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey Encyclopaedia of beekeeping A Case of Hives Skeps History, Making & Use Honeybee Ecology Pheromones of Social Bees The life of the Honeybee The bee book Making mead Practical Queen rearing The Beekeepers Garden Breeding the Honeybee Guide to Bees & Honey Guide to Bees & Honey Queen Rearing Honey Marketing Complete guide to Beekeeping Honey Days Principles of Practical Beekeeping Bees & Beekeeping Beekeeping and the Law A book of Honey Bees & Beekeeping Beekeeping Great Masters of Beekeeping The Bee Book - History and Natural History Complete Guide to Beekeeping Queen Breeding for Amateurs Bee Venom: Exploring the healing Power Sixty years with Bees Mead Making, Exhibiting and Judging Teach yourself Beekeeping Plants & Beekeeping

Author Dadant A Campion Bro Adam Hooper & Morse L A F Heath F Alston T Seeley J Free W Sinclair D More R Morse C & B Dublon Hooper & Taylor Bro Adam T Hooper T Hooper L E Snelgrove H Riches R Morse Oliver Field R Coulston I Diemer Frimston & Smith Eva Crane I Diemer F Vernon R Brown D More J Evans C P Abbott M Simics D Sims H R C Riches A N Schofield F N Howes

Published 1984 1980 1985 1986 1985 1969 1980 1987 1988 1988 1983 1983 1946 1989 1988 1990 1990 1988 1993 1980 1988 1984 1994 1976 1989 1947 1995 1997 1997 1947 1945


218 219 225 235 239 272 279 281 283 284 287 290 294 295 296 298 299 305 307 309 311 312 318 BCD1 BCD2 BCD3 BCD4 BCD5 BCD6 BCD7 BCD8 BCD9 BCD10 BCD11 BCD12 BCD13

Blagdon BKA sub Library list Beekeeping for Beginners Practical Beekeeping The Beekeepers Handbook Encyclopaedia of beekeeping Medical aspects of Beekeeping Atlas of the Honeybee The New Varroa Handbook A Case of Hives Keeping Bees Swarming - its control & Prevention ABC to XYZ of Beekeeping Honey Farming The Little Honey Book Honey, A Comprehensive Survey Honey for health One Thousand Years of Devon Beekeeping The Bee Craftsman A Complete Handbook of Beekeeping Practical Beekeeping Pollen Identification for Beekeepers Bees in the Curriculum The Honeybee Inside Out An Introduction to Keeping bees Teach yourself beekeeping Practical Beekeeping The Humble Bee Bees: Vision Sense & Lkanguage Swarming: Its control & Prevention Plants & Beekeeping Hive Management Practical Beekeeping in NewZealand Bumblebees Bee Boles & Bee Houses Bee Boles & Bee Houses Discovering Beekeeping Practical Beekeeping

A Richards C de Bruyn O Meyer Morse & Hooper H R C Riches Erickson et al Mobus & De Bruyn L Heath J B Free L E Snelgrove A I Root R O B Manley M Budd Eva Crane C Tonsley R H Brown HJ Wadey H Mace C de Bruyn R Sawyer BBKA C F Davis Second site Adrian & Claire Waring Clive DeBruyn F Sladen Karl von Frisch L E Snelgrove F N Howes R Bonney Andrew Matheson O Prys-Jones & S Corbet A M Foster A M Foster Daphne More Herbert Mace

1991 1997 1981 1985 2002 1986 1993 1985 1939 1978 1946 1986 1979 1973 1978 1978 1997 1981 1999 2004 2006 2006 2008 1989 1984 1981 1979 1990 1984 1991 1988 1988 1988 1977



Blagdon BKA sub Library list Garden Plants Valuable to Bees The World of a Beehive All about Mead Breeding Better bees Granulated or Crystallized Honey The Red Mason Bee Brewing Mead The Life of he Bee Bumblebees Guide to Bees & Honey The Hive and the Honey Bee The Hive & the Honey Bee Honey by the ton History of Beekeeping in Britain Honey Bee Pathology L'Elevage des Reines Honey Bee Biology The Social life of Aminals Die Biene Plants & Beekeeping Honey Hunting The Honey Bee : Sense Physiology and Behaviour The Lore of the Honey Bee Practical Bee Anatomy Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey Practical Beekeeping The complete Handbook of Beekeeping Bee Boles & Bee Houses The World of Bees The complete Handbook of Beekeeping Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey Social life in the insect World The Life of he Bee ABC to XYZ of Bee Culture Practical Beekeeping Beekeeping

IBRA John Powell S W Andrews John Dews & Eric Milner Cecil Tonsley ?? Chris O'Toole Robert Gayre Maurice Maeterlinck Ted Benton Ted Hooper Dadant Dadant Oliver Field Malcolm Fraser Leslie Bailey Robert Delperee John Free W C Allee Gertrud Hess ??? F N Howes ROB Manley C G Butler Tinckner Edwards Annie Betts Bro Adam Herbert Mace Herbert Mace A M Foster Gilbert Nixon Herbert Mace Bro Adam JH Fabre Maurice Maeterlinck Root RJ & WE Howe MAFF

1981 1979 1971 1991 2000 1986 1954 2006 1985 1978 1993 1989 2002 1981 1947 1980 1941 1945 1948 1949 1919 1923 1980 1977 1976 1988 1959 1976 1981 1920 1902 1923 1980 1976


BCD50 BCD51 BCD52 BCD53 BCD54 BCD55 BCD56 BCD57 BCD58 BCD59 BCD60 BCD 61 BCD62 BCD63 BCD64 BCD65 BCD66 BCD67 BCD68 BCD69 BCD70 BCD 71 BCD72 BCD73 BCD74 BCD75 BCD76 BCD77 BCD78 BCD79 BCD80 BCD81 BCD82 BCD83 BCD84 BCD85

Blagdon BKA sub Library list Honey from Hive to Market Honey Production in the British Isles Beeswax Manual of Beekeeping Bees shown to children The observation hive Guide to Bees & Honey Background to beekeeping Plants & Beekeeping Keeping Honey bees Practical Beekeeping Practical Beekeeping Life of the bee Ants Bees and wasps Ways of the six fotted Honey Bees and their management World of the Honey bee Honey bee a Guide to Management The Honey Bee Teach yourself Microscopy Microscope Design and Construction Making Mounts Microscopy Booklet 2 Dissecting Microscopy Booklet 7 Social Organisation of the honey bee Beekeeping Notes Study Notes Microscopy Honey & Healing Anatomy & Dissection of the Honeybee Hive & the Honey bee Bees & Mankind Crystal Optics Hypersensitivity to bee venom The antibacterial activity of honey New Beekeeping in a Long Deep Hive Microscopy -First steps into a secret world A key to British Dixidae

MAFF 1953 ROB Manley 1936 Ron Brown 1981 Wedmore 1943 Ellison Hawks 1912 K Showler 1985 Ted Hooper 1976 Allan Waine 1955 F N Howes 1979 Judy Urquhart 1978 Herbert Mace 1977 DT Macfie ~1950 Maurice Maeterlinck 1901 Sir John Lubbock 1898 Anna Botsford Comstock 1903 Stanley Whitehead 1945 Colin Butler 1974 Ron Brown 1988 James & Carol Gould 1988 W G Hartley 1962 B O Payne 1954 NBS 1984 NBS 1986 John Free 1993 Ann Middleditch ~1980 JD & BD Yates 1995 Pamela Munn & Richard 2001 H A Dade 1985 Dadant 1992 John Free 1982 1967 Cooke Troughton &Simm Harry Riches 1982 Peter molan 1992 Robin Dartington 1985 1991 Manchester Microscopy S R H Disney 1975


BCD86 BCD87 BCD88 BCD89 BCD90 BCD91 BCD92 BCD93 BCD94 BCD95 BCD96 BCD97 BCD98 BCD99 BCD100 BCD101

Blagdon BKA sub Library list An SEM Altas of the Honey Bee The wisdom of the hive Biology of the honey Bee 60 Years with Bees Encyclopaedia of Beekeeping The Femine Monarchie/ history of Bees A Book Of Honey Anatomy of the honey bee The Behaviour and Social life of Honey bees The Dancing Bees Guide to Bees & Honey The World of the Honey Bee Queen Rearing Swarming: Its control & Prevention Bee Keeping for All Alphabetical Guide for Beekeepers

Erickson, Carlson & Garm T Seeley Winston Donald Simms Morse & Hooper Charles Butler Eva Crane Snodgrass Ribbands Karl von Frisch Ted Hooper Colin Butler Snelgrove Snelgrove Tinkner Edwards Ken Stevens

1986 1995 1987 1997 1985 1985 1980 1978 1953 1954 1985 1954 1946 1934 1929 1977